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When The Ends AND The Means Are Unjustifiable
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Way back in 1976 C. Peter Wagner had already expressed a foundation of sand upon which his entire "apostolic" kingdom is built.  To back up his notions, he and his friends such as John Wimber, Paul Cain and many others began to get the cart before the horse.  They tried to create revival where there was none with unbiblical and even heretical ideas.  They imported occult ideas from false religions into the churches, such as "slain in the spirit" and called the results "revival".  The means they used were the counterfeit  revivals of the Word Of Faith Movement, the Vineyard movement, the Toronto "Blessing", the Brownsville "Outpouring" and on down the line to latest Todd Bentley "Lakeland Revival".  The proof that the means have all been unjustifiable is in the unjustifiable ends.  Lakeland has now come to an apparent abrupt end due to false healing and dead raising claims, many false teachings, a false "transferable" anointing, and sexual misconduct.  You can read about these things in our Todd Bentley section. Yet the leadership of the New Apostolic Reformation has not even been slowed by yet another bad end brought about by the self-destruction of the means.  In the latest ElijahList the false prophets are prophesying even greater revivals to come.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

The Handkerchief Phenomenon
Addendum to “A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days

by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There is a new phenomenon especially among some island churches where handkerchiefs are being handed around a congregation claiming that they have an anointing that can cause people to be healed and other miraculous things happen to them. The problem with this idea is especially evident in two things: (1) that this can and is being considered by many to be Christian magic and (2) that it is being taught as being something that should be a normal part of the Christian experience.  It is taught that if you have faith you will believe in touching the handkerchief that you will be healed, freed from demons, or get a special anointing.  But faith is not proven by signs and wonders.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

Baha’i & YWAM's "Indigenous People's Movement" (IPM)
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

This chart should be of grave interest to those in YWAM and those supporting YWAM and its agenda with the IPM or "First Nations" movement led by people like Daniel Kikawa (Perpetuated In Righteousness), Don Richardson (Eternity in Their Hearts:Startling Evidence of Belief in the One True God in Hundreds of Cultures Throughout the World), John Dawson (Taking Our Cities for God: How to Break Spiritual Strongholds), Richard Twiss (One Church, Many Tribes : Following Jesus the Way God Made You), Terry LeBlanc (Creating Christian Indians: Native Clergy in the Presbyterian Church) and many others.  You will notice a very close comparison in this chart between false religion and so-called "Christian" leaders.  Please read what YWAM, The Emerging Chuch, the WCGP and others are teaching that are almost exactly what the Baha'i teach.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

Three Fallacies Of Third Wave Spiritual Warfare Teachings 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

When so-called Christians employ Biblical pagan methods to rid themselves of demons, they end up giving the enemy an opportunity to deceive them and a foothold in their lives.  When Israel disobeyed the Lord's command to come down to Jerusalem and worship Him in the temple under the Law, and instead chose to set up altars in the high places, the result was that they ended up worshiping demons.  They thought they were worshiping God, but ended up worshiping Baal and Ashtoreth.  You cannot live a life glorifying to the Lord unless you obey Him.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

The Duties of Christian Leadership 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Christians, and especially Christian leadership, are called to be salt and light in a dark world.

Matt. 5:13-16  "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

When the Lord tells us to be salt and light, He states both the positive and the negative.  That is the way with all Scripture.  We can’t just take the positive and be done with the subject.  We have to consider all the ramifications of being salt and light.  Salt is used to season food and make it taste good.  It was and still is used as a preservative.  In the same way Christians are to be salt in the world.  Without the witness of Christ, without standing for the truth, life is ultimately tasteless and rotten.  Anyone here who was a sinner for any length of time without the Savior knows what I am talking about.  But the flip side is that salt can lose its saltiness.  Christians can lose their saltiness by diluting the Gospel message to the point where it is useless.  Let me give you an example of a washed out Gospel often preached in churches today. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

Smack Dab in the Middle of the Apostasy 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Christianity Today ran the following article:

'Antichrist' No More: Evangelicals Praise Pope
Most are unreserved in their praise on political, social,
and even theological matters, but critique of papacy remains.
Compiled by Ted Olsen, 04/05/2005 04:30 p.m.

Among the names mentioned, who praise the Pope in this article, were "Evangelical" leaders such as: Evangelical Episcopalian Fred Barnes; Wheaton College's Mark Noll; Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod President Gerald B. Kieschnick; National Association of Evangelicals President Ted Haggard; Focus on the Family President James Dobson; Charles Colson who organized the evangelical side of the Evangelicals and Catholics Together; Paige Patterson, President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Presbyterian Church in America Pastor-brothers David and Tim Bayly; Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler; Dallas Theological Seminary President Mark Bailey; Credenda Agenda Editor Douglas Wilson; and Evangelical Alliance, the United Kingdom's version of the stateside National Association of Evangelicals.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

 A Biblical Illustration Of Our Faith Commitment To Jesus Christ For Salvation 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Marriage as a metaphor for our relationship to Jesus Christ.

Marriage is used as a metaphor for our relationship to God many times in the Bible.  Let's look at the picture God wants His people to see about their relationship to Him, and His relationship to them.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

The New Powerless Gospel
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

TI have been challenged lately to think again about what the Gospel message is all about.  This has come as a result of hearing what I considerto be, at the very least, "gospel lite" and at the most no gospel at all being presented by a number of neo-evangelicals, Third Wavers and outrightheretics.  The interesting thing is that many seem to be preaching the same message.  What is most intriguing is that false teachers like Benny Hinn, ecumenicals, and even some preachers I would considerto be orthodox in their theology are preaching a "gospel" that is very similar.The question is: Is this new gospel message really the Gospel at all?

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.


by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

This creature that existed, and may yet exist, is used as a description of the might and power of the enemy.


Isaiah 27:1 In that day the LORD will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, With His fierce and great and mighty sword, Even Leviathan the twisted serpent; And He will kill the dragon who lives in the sea. (NASB)


Speaking of the “day of the Lord”, when the Lord comes back again to rule and judge the earth, Isaiah says that the Lord will punish Leviathan the dragon.  Satan is likened to leviathan, a serpent, and he is said to live in the sea.


Revelation 13:1 And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore. Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names. (NASB)


Again the dragon comes out of the sea, which is symbolic of the nations of the world, but perhaps is also tied to a literal meaning.  He has multiple heads which are symbolic of the heads of the nations of the end times, but he is also said to have multiple heads before the symbolism of the nations of the revived Babylon come into being, as recorded in Ps. 74:14 and Job.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

Pre Millennial and Post Millennial Doctrines Do Not Mix 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Many Christians today (having allowed themselves to be diapraxed by false teachers on TV, in books, in seminars and on tape) have begun to accept a mixture of Pre Mil and Post Mil doctrines.  Many claim they still hold to a Pre Trib Rapture (or another Pre Mil scenario) and at the same time would claim that Christians are in a great end times revival, that "Transformation" is taking place all over the world, and that our mandate is to retake dominion over the whole world including its businesses, social agendas and political arenas (a Post Mil scenario).  But what many "Christians" today do not realize is: the mixture they have accepted is oxymoronic.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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New Age & Eastern Mysticism in the Churches
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There are two kingdoms being taught in many churches today. Teaching about one of the kingdoms is on the decline while the other is being promoted all over the place.  I am warning Christians that they need to check out who is using the word "kingdom", the books they have been reading and recommend on building "the kingdom", the people they have been hanging out with at conferences, and what they mean by "the kingdom".

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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"He Was A Murderer From The Beginning" 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

John 8:44  You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning,

not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Revelation 21:8  But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters

 and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

Revelation 22:15  Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers,

the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Exposing the "I Am God" Blasphemers 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There are so many people who claim to be Christians today, claiming that they are God.  Not just a “little god” but God Almighty.  I hate to tell them but there is only one God/man who could ever claim that and His name is Jesus Christ.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Why False Teachers Have So Many Followers 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

1 John 4:4-6  You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit {Or spirit} of truth and the spirit of falsehood.
The reason why false teachers, who deny one or more of the core doctrines of the Faith, gain so many followers is that they are saying what the world wants to hear.  They organize their churches so that they cater to unbelievers, and once non Christians come in they are fed a diet devoid of the essential nutrition of the Gospel and sound doctrine.  False teachers conduct surveys to see what non-believers are looking for in a "church" and then provide those things.  False teachers claim they are bringing people into the Kingdom when in fact they are bringing them out of the world and back into the world, the only difference now being that they are spending their money in support of some apostate leader and/or group.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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False Apostles
  of the New Apostolic Reformation
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The NAR proponents claim to be foundational Apostles to the modern church.  This claim is exactly what Paul warned the Church about regarding false apostles.  The term "false apostles" is used only once in the Bible in 2 Cor. 11:13.  False apostles are identified as those who claim they are equal with the the foundational Apostles.  The NAR proponents go even further! They claim to be GREATER than the original Apostles.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here to more information.

  Jude Study
6 DVD Series
(DVD 1) Jude Lesson 1 - Verses 1-4
 (DVD 2) Jude Lesson 2 - Verses 5-10
(DVD 3) Jude Lesson 3 - Verse 11
(DVD 4) Jude Lesson 4 - Verses 12-15
(DVD 5) Jude Lesson 5 - Verses 16-19
(DVD 6) Jude Lesson 6 - Verses 20-25

 by Sandy Simpson

This DVD set is a message based on this article.

Jude 1:1-2 Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. Jude was the brother of Jesus Christ. But it is significant that he calls himself the brother of James. Jude wants everyone to know that, though he is a half-brother of Jesus Christ through his mother Mary, he considers himself to be a servant of Jesus. I’m sure there were those who tried to idolize him for being the brother of Jesus Christ. If he had the character of some of the current large crop of false teachers, he would have written “Jude, the brother of Jesus Christ.” I’m sure if some of these modern heretics could trace their roots back to Christ, they would use that information to get support for themselves and power over people. But Jude does just the opposite. He calls himself the servant of Jesus Christ. He is addressing this letter to those who have been called, and who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ. So he is addressing this letter to Christians. God has called every true believer.

You can get more information here.

A Word of Encouragement from Paul
Run the Race, Win the Prize

by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.  Jesus Christ is coming again.  We are citizens of heaven, not this earth, and Jesus will come to take us to our homeland.  So true believers eagerly await His coming, unlike those who oppose the cross of Christ who think they must take dominion over the earth or laugh at the idea of the Rapture.  There are many of them today.  We know that when Jesus comes, by His power, He will bring everything under His control.  We are not called to do that as the Church.  Jesus will do that when He comes, and when He comes we will be changed and receive our everlasting bodies that will never wear out.

1 Cor. 15:51-57 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory." "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.


Entertainment-style Christianity
vs. Interactive-style Christianity
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Today, in a majority of churches, we see the result of the seeker-friendly,"purpose-driven", church  growth, Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation methods and teachings and their product I am calling"Entertainment-style Christianity" (ESC).  But ESC churches are not only missing out on the cutting edge of true Christianity, but areheading down the road to apostasy.

True biblical Christianity is "interactive".  Those in ESC are taughtto be spectators at mega-church entertainment events.  They are not taught the Bible but rather to be enamored with the oratoricalskills of the preacher, and to not dare question anything that is shoved down the throats of the "laity" by the ruling "anointed"elite.  They are treated to a circus atmosphere including wild CCM music with people flailing around and acting like they are on drugs, topreachers who tell endless stories about themselves and joke about everything while actually making profundity mundane, to hula dancing,to banners and marching in the church and around it, to the blowing of shofars, to slain in the spirit and wild manifestations.  Theirsears are tickled by guest speakers who make up sermons out of their own imaginations instead of the written Word.  They are entertainedwith gold dust, gold fillings, "angel" feathers, "angel" footprints, drunk in the spirit antics, and during these displays they can go outand get a latte and a snack at the church snack bar.  They come into these mega churches and leave without being personally challengedother than with tired worldly psychology, and without anyone being able to find out what they are doing in their private lives.  A smallpercentage attend "cell groups" where they are diapraxed into consensus instead of challenged to be Bereans and think and act forthemselves.  They live like the world during the week, then come to church where the world is not only welcomed but accommodated.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.

Saturate 2020 adherants are those who are drunk and think they can save the planet
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Commentators seem to think that this section of Habakkuk was addressing the Ceasars and their drunken desire for power.  Seems these two things often go together.


Those who love drunk in the spirit are no exception.  They are trying to get others to share in their debauchery and the false hope of an end-times worldwide revival, currently through the Saturate 2020 events.  Though these were two of the heretical distinctives of the New Order of the Latter Rain, these ideas are nothing new.  The righteous continue to live by faith, while the proud boast in their drunken state.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.

A Warning about Saturate 2020
by Sandy Simpson & Marco Quintana

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Saturate 2020 is another in a long line of Latter Rain revivals which do not meet the criteria of a Biblical revival at all (Acts 3:19).  The Toronto “Blessing” and Brownsville “Revival” both came into towns all over the world with the promise that people were getting saved and nothing weird was going on at their meetings.  This was always a lie as the true Gospel was not preached but instead people were invited forward to have hands laid on them in order to transfer an impartation.  Meanwhile false doctrines were laid down in order to get people involved in churches like Bethel Church in Redding, CA.  We are warned in Scripture about this.
Galatians 2:4 But it was because of the false brethren secretly brought in, who had sneaked in to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, in order to bring us into bondage.

2 Peter 2:1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves.
The fact that some formerly Biblical churches have joined this circus is a testament to their lack of teaching discernment.  Some of these denominations were warned repeatedly about the Latter Rain, Word of Faith and the New Apostolic Reformation yet they apparently wanted to remain “willfully ignorant”.  The people advertised as being involved with this latest “revival” are almost all associated with Bethel in some way and promoters of what they teach.  This is not a true Biblical revival but rather a revival of the occult and New Age among Christians.  This meeting is actually hurting the cause of Christ and will not have any real beneficial effect on the culture of California, which has turned decidedly evil for decades.  These Dominionists
will not be saving the planet, but are rather setting people up for the coming antichrist.  Nor will they rid the world of coronavirus, but rather likely add to it.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.
Should Biblical Churches Be Christocentric?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Should biblical Christian churches be Christ-centered (Christocentric)?  Should the doctrines of the Father (Patriology) and the Holy Spirit (Pnematology) also be equally emphasized?  Can a church be Patriocentric or Pnemacentric and be biblical?

The answer to these questions are quite simple from a biblical perspective.  There have been charges leveled at some movements such as the Pietist Movement in Germany and other movements that they place too much emphasis on Christ to the exclusion of the Father and the Holy Spirit.  This may be true to a certain degree.  The doctrines of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit must be taught with equal emphasis so that Christians will know what they believe.

But should a church be Patriocentric or Pnemacentric?  No.  For instance, there are far too many churches today, having been influenced by hyper-Pentecostalism and the Latter Rain, that are Pnemacentric.  They spend most of their time focusing on the Holy Spirit to the exclusion of preaching the Gospel while, in fact, they don't even have a biblical doctrine of the Holy Spirit.  I believe that because classic Evangelicals, to a certain degree, dropped the ball in defining the Person and role of the Holy Spirit it gave an opening to Third Wavers to step in with their erroneous ideas of Pnematology.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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The Letter to Laodicea
Is a Warning to the TRUE Church Today
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

Rev. 3:14-22  And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Much has been made of this passage, using it to point out what is happening today in the apostate churches around the world.  It is true that they believe they are rich in spiritual things when they are very poor.  It can be applied in one sense to the 
Word of Faith movement.  It is true that the "River" movement of Latter Rain teachings do think they are hot when actually they are cold.

But this letter to the end times church of Laodicea is actually talking to biblical Christians who are born again.  The apostate movements of the Latter Rain, Third Wave, Toronto "Blessing", Vineyard, Brownsville "Outpouring", Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation, World Gathering on Indigenous People, Manifest Sons of God, Seeker Friendly, Church Growth, Emerging Church and many others have already had their lampstands removed (Rev. 2:5) because of their apostasy and have already been spit out of the Lord's mouth (Rev. 3:16).  We can know this because of what the Bible says about those who teach false doctrines (1 Tim. 6:3-5, 2 Tim. 4:3) and make false prophecies (1 John 4:1). These false churches, false movements and false brethren (Gal. 2:4) are already under the judgment of the warnings of the seven letters, as all but two of the original first century churches are today (only the two who Jesus did not warn still survive today).  Therefore the letters to the churches apply to those churches who have not had their lampstands removed and been spit out of the mouth of God because of heresy and false prophesy.  So the warning to the true biblical churches today remains.  Why is this warning significant to us?

It is significant because, by in large, it is the true Church today that has allowed the movements mentioned above to infiltrate and take over the agenda for what is called "Christianity" today.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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The Overseer
A Study Of Titus 1:6-11

by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

In Titus 1:6-11 Paul tells Titus to appoint "overseers" in the churches.  The word "overseer" is episkopos in Greek and means bishop, curator, superintendent, guardian, watchman. Overseers are to be shepherds to the sheep, watchmen, guardians.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.

Jesus Cares
Jesus Cares for You
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based o
n this article.

Read Passage: John 6:1-15

The story of the feeding of the 5000 is found in all the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. When something is repeated in the Bible it means that it is important and is something we must try to understand. There is often a deeper meaning in sentences or stories that are repeated.

In this same story repeated in Mark 6:34 it says:

"When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things."

One of the main things that Jesus is... is compassionate. He cares for His people. He was compassionate then and He is still compassionate today. Jesus came and saw the needs of the people. So He did two things. He met their physical need of hunger for bread, and He also met their spiritual hunger for the bread of life. As Jesus told us in John ... He is the bread of life. The Bible, the Word of God, being the word of the Father and the Son, is also the bread of life.  Jesus is the living example of the Word as it also says in John "The Word was made flesh and lived among us".

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.
Boykin DVD

General Jerry Boykin and his ties to The Knights of Malta and Rick Joyner

compiled by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on tis article.

This paper exposes what General Boykin has been doing in Calvary Chapels and his associations.

He is Grand Chancellor of the Vatican's Jesuitical "Knights of Malta", an ecumenical society under the leadership of Rome where Catholics, Protestants and a plethora of others unite in what cannot be a unity of the Faith.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Two Lessons from Jonah
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

We just finished as study in the book of Jonah in our Bible study groups.  As we studied through that true story I became aware of an application for Church leaders today.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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What Does The Bible Teach About "Synergy"?

by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Synergy is also a concept being adapted and taught today as a major tenet of the Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement.  Dutch Sheets was one of the first to introduce this concept to that movement back in the National School of the Prophets - Mobilizing the Prophetic Office Conference at Ted Haggard's New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO on May 12, 2002. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Uprade your Old
Upgrade Your Old Hymns For The New Paradigm!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

HUMOR: Time for a rewrite of the old hymns.  In this day and age of Third Wave revival movements and Word-Faith dominion, the old hymns just aren't cutting it anymore.  Not only are they old fashioned musically, but the lyrics are, for the most part, particularly depressing. They talk of sin, death, repentance, the cross, the blood of Jesus and a whole host of other disgusting subjects.  There are also too many lyrics in them, frankly, which takes away from the "worship" atmosphere. Repetitiveness is what we need, not dead doctrinal concepts. The old hymns are just too biblical. Give us a beat to move our feet, not concepts to move our hearts and minds!

Here is a list of some hymns that could be "upgraded" to meet the criteria of the Third Wave, Word-Faith, Latter Rain, Manifest Sons Of God, New Apostolic Reformation.  This list is by no means complete.  If you don't recognize the hymns mentioned perhaps it would be worth your time to go back and read them, then compare what they say to the new doctrines.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here for further information. 

Almost Saved
Almost Saved
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

“To be almost saved is to be totally lost.” – Adrian Rogers

There are many so-called “Christians” today who are clearly “almost saved” by their testimonies and/or actions.But to be “almost saved” is to be completely lost.A person who is drowning and almost saved drowns.A woman who is almost pregnant is not pregnant.King Agrippa said, “You are almost persuading me to be a Christian (Acts 26:28)” but being almost persuaded is not enough to be saved.

The word “almost” means “very nearly”, “not quite.” In light of this we may conclude that to come close to the target, or “almost” hit it, means to completely miss the mark. (Shalem Evangelical Church Bush Hall Yard Gap, St. Michael)

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"Silence the noise of your songs"
by Sandy Simpson, 5/26/19

Amos 5:21-27 “I hate, I reject your festivals, nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies.  “Even though you offer up to Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them; and I will not even look at the peace offerings of your fatlings. “Take away from Me the noise of your songs; I will not even listen to the sound of your harps. “But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Did you present Me with sacrifices and grain offerings in the wilderness for forty years, O house of Israel? You also carried along Sikkuth your king and Kiyyun, your images, the star of your gods which you made for yourselves. Therefore, I will make you go into exile beyond Damascus,” says the Lord, whose name is the God of hosts. When I first reread this passage in Amos, a few things struck me.  First of all the Lord is bringing judgment on Israel for carrying on religious ceremony without true dedication to the Lord.  They sing songs and present their offerings while harboring idols.  I was reminded of how the Lord must view the heretical apostate mega church celebrations of today.  There is a lot of pomp and circumstance, yet little or no obedience to the Word of God.  The Lord does not look favorably upon worship of that type, no matter the hype, no matter the noise, no matter the show.  He actually “hates” it.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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How To Find A Good Church
by Sandy Simpson, 2003


Here’s how to find a good church.  What you need to find is a church that not only has orthodox doctrinal statements but teaches, both explicitly and implicitly, in line with the core doctrines of the Faith.  These are Bible-believing Christ-centered churches that are balanced in their theology.  Be sure to test all churches before you become involved.  It is acceptable to get involved with a house church or Bible study as long as there is someone who has the gift of teaching there to lead the study of God’s Word. 

Hebrews 10:25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

The Christian life is not one to be lived alone.  Trust me; I have sympathy for those who have been spiritually injured by false churches, false prophets, false teachers and false apostles.  It is often a long road back from the diaprax of heresy.  But to undo the brainwashing you will need help, especially from those who are already ahead of you on your journey back.  The first century church was known for the following:

Acts 2:42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

This is a good gauge to tell if you are involved in an effective assembly of believers, no matter how small.  Remember that the first century churches were in homes.  In my experience smaller churches are much better at doing the above and more.  Avoid mega churches.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Walking the Waves

This book was written by my mother and is about my family's experience as missionaries in Micronesia.  Juanita went to be with the Lord in August of 2018.  This book has been a blessing to many people around the world and I want to share it with you. - Sandy Simpson 

This is the story of a young woman who goes to the ends of the Earth with her pastor husband and two small children. While describing the hardships of living in a remote village on a remote Pacific Island in the 60's, it also gives us a vision of the joy the family experienced as well. The heart of the book is the story of how the author survives the death of her husband and goes on to serve God and the Micronesian people in her own right.This book reveals a woman of great faith and courage. In addition, the book is well written and a pleasure to read.Having met the author, I will add that there are thousands of people throughout Micronesia who love her and who have benefited by her faithfulness and commitment over the years. Read the book and get to know this wonderful woman. Review by Richard D. Shewman on Amazon.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US.

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A Biblical Guide To Freedom from "Another Spirit" 
The Possible Consequence of the Unbiblical Practice of "Slain In the Spirit" 
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

The cases are legion.  Let's look at John (a pseudonym) as one case in thousands that I read through the years in the emails sent to my site.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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A Short History of Dominionism
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

In order to understand where the modern fusion called “Dominioism” comes from, I want to first give you definitions of Kingdom Now, Dominionism and Reconstructionism.

Dominionism is sparsely defined as follows: 

“Dominion Theology (also known as Dominionism) is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians based on their personal understandings of biblical law. Extents of rule and ways of achieving governing authority are varied. For example, Dominion Theology can include theonomy, but does not necessarily involve advocating Mosaic law as the basis of government. The label is applied primarily toward groups of Protestants in the United States.” [1]

It is more closely defined this way: 

Dominionism, or Christian Dominionism is a term coined by social scientists and popularized by journalists to refer to a subset of American Christianity that is conservative, politically active, and believes that Christians should, and eventually will, take control of the government. The term is sometimes used as a “catch-all” by bloggers to describe any politically active Christian, but not every conservative, politically minded Christian is a Dominionist. Christian Dominionists believe that God desires Christians to rise to power through civil systems so that His Word might then govern the nation. The belief that “America is a Christian nation” is sometimes called “soft dominionism”; the idea that God wants only Christians to hold government office and run the country according to biblical law is called “hard dominionism.” [2]

“Hard Dominioism” as it is called in the above definition, is what C. Peter Wagner (deceased) of the New Apostolic Reformation (a term he coined) have been advocating, following the teachings of the New Order of the Latter Rain and Reformed Theology “Reconstructionism”.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Maturity Training
Maturity Training
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Heb. 5:14 But solid food is for the MATURE, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.

At the core of maturity in Christ is the issue of training to be able to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong. But in today’s churches this issue has not only been downplayed, but actually swept aside.

I run a website and get hundreds of emails every week. Since the website deals with apologetics against false teachers and false prophets, about half the email I receive is blasting me for even bringing up the issue. These emails are from “Christians” who claim I am not “anointed”, don’t understand the work of the Holy Spirit, etc. I am forced to remind them of Hebrews 5 and Ephesians 4 and the biblical definition of maturity in Christ. Maturity is not defined as following dynamic speakers, running after people who claim the ability to perform signs and wonders, those with wealth, charismatic teachers with large numbers of followers, those with name recognition, and prophets who make wild prophecies. It is defined simply as training ourselves to know the difference between good and evil.

Where do Christians get solid food? From voices in their heads, intuition, imaginations, flights of fancy, signs, wonders? No. Solid food is consumed by feeding on the meat of the written Word of God.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Bill Johnson Quotes
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

In this article, I will detail some false ideas, especially from Johnson’s books.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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The Use of Invective
The Use of Invective
in Apologetics
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

This article is about the use of invective while attempting to do apologetics or teaching discernment.  Invective is defined as a noun: insulting, abusive, or highly critical language ie. "he let out a stream of invective".  I admit to using invective at times in the past.  My goal is to stop that practice and focus on the facts, not attack an individual’s ability to comprehend. 

In the case of Christians, the first thing to consider when doing apologetics is our mandate to reconcile people to Christ, no matter who they are.

2 Cor. 5:18-21 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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10 Questions
Ten Questions
For those who Claim the "Supreme Beings" of the Nations are the True God
by Sandy Simpson

This booklet is taken from this article

I have some questions for those of the World Christian Gathering of Indigenous People (WCGIP) adherents such as Don Richardson, Daniel Kikawa, Richard Twiss (deceased), Terry LeBlanc, Danny Lehman, Aloha KeAkua, YWAM as well as many in the Emergent Church (EC) ... the questions arise from their claim that the "supreme beings" of the nations are all the True God, YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  You can read more on this subject in our book "Idolatry In Their Hearts" or in the WCGIP section of my site. 

My main question for them is this: When did ANY of the Patriarchs and Prophets in the Old Testament and the Apostles or Jesus Christ in the New Testament EVER claim that the "supreme beings" of the nations were Elohim/YHWH, the one True God?  Let's look at some examples in the form of questions and you can check out the source links as well.

10 Questions  is available is now available in booklet format.  You can order here or at Lighthouse Trails here.  $1.95 per copy, bulk orders get a discount.

Go here for further information. 

Real Revival DVD
Real Revival
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;

There has been so much hype of "revival" in our modern day that it is easy to forget the true biblical criteria and definition of revival. Revival cannot be brought about by signs and wonders or "laying" on of hands to transfer apostolic or prophetic "anointings". In fact there is no such thing in the Bible.The Biblical criterion for revival has, as a precondition, repentance. The word "refreshing" is also defined as "revive".

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Peter Popoff
Peter Popoff
Back to his old tricks!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I received a letter from Peter Popoff. This infamous televangelist, in the past, was found to be guilty of wearing an earpiece so that his accomplices in his sound booth could feed him personal information on people in his audience while he was claiming to get personal messages directly from God.  This letter proves that, not only is he back as a regular on TV, he is also back to his old tricks.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Occulte DVD
Occult Practices in the Churches
How the occult has been fully integrated into many Christian lives and fellowships
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The Bible is quite clear about occult practices.Neither Israel nor the Church is to have anything to do with the way the world tries to gain secret knowledge.The Gnostics were and are known for promoting new revelation that is either loosely tied to Scripture taken out ofcontext or not at all.The Israelites seeking information from the dead or in omens were judged harshly by the Lord who had warned them numerous times to stay away from that stuff.

Yet due to the influences of heretical teachers in the New Apostolic Reformation, Word of Faith, Emergent Church, and the New Age many have been successful in getting lots of churches and denominations into occult practices that have been thinly disguised as “Christian�?.Many of those who follow these people, I’m sure, have no idea how far they have strayed into the occult.

First I want to give the dictionary definitions and then Biblical warnings against these practices.Then I will give examples in the churches taken mainly from the ElijahList e-newsletter.

List of Practices Detestable To God

Deuteronomy 18:9-12 “When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord; and because of these detestable things the Lord your God will drive them out before you.

Isaiah 8:19When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter,�? should not a peopleconsult their God?Should theyconsultthe dead on behalf of the living?

Using the above list from Deuteronomy and Isaiah, let’s take a look at each individual practice.

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New Important Book!
Dominion Book
How Unbiblical Action Can Change The Churches
by Dr. Orrel Steinkamp & Sandy Simpson

By Sandy Simpson

The title and cover art of this work are a play off of the book by C. Peter Wagner entitled “"Dominion! How Kingdom Action Can Change The World".  In contrast to this specious claim we have titled this book “Dominionism! How Unbiblical Action Can Change The Churches�?.  We think that is far more in keeping with what we will present in this series of articles and essays on the subject of Kingdom Now/Dominionism.

Indeed, many churches have already been changed by accepting the false teachings that constitute Dominionism.  This started decades ago under Reformed Reconstrucionism and Latter Rain theology, but even before that in the Roman Catholic Church (RCC).  The attempt of Constantine to protect Christians from being persecuted, since he claimed he had become one of them, turned out to begin a journey in syncretism and Dominion.  It wasn’t long before corrupt church officials began to try to seize power all over Europe and beyond as the “Holy Roman Empire�?.  The Reformation itself was a reaction to the lengths to which the RCC had gone to take control over the Scriptures, the nations, the kingdoms, and the people for financial gain.  They sold indulgences, promising those who came up with enough money a much shorter time in Purgatory.  Those same ploys are being used today on what has been loosely called “Christian television�? by the sale of trinkets and promises of healing, financial gain and even salvation.

These ideas all coalesce in Dominionism.  If it were true that the Church needs to take over the planet, then we would be seeing the unstoppable plans of God’s physical Kingdom unfolding.  But we do not.  All we see are failed prophecies, empty edicts and declarations coming from false apostles and false prophets.  They love to fool Christians with talk of the “kingdom�? when it is clear they are talking about a different “kingdom�?; a Kingdom Now not a Kingdom come.  Jesus taught us to pray: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven�?.  The implication is that we are to be about building His spiritual Kingdom while praying for and expecting His physical Kingdom to come.  The only way we can do that is to continue in the Great Commission till He comes, not attempt to rule where God has not given the Church the authority to rule.  Jesus will do that when He returns. If we go off on the tangent the Dominionists want us to go, we will not only miss out on the blessings of His Kingdom to come, but may well be deserving of judgment.

This book is online and available as a download at this time for $15.  The printed books are now here!  They are $20. each plus s/h

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Seeds, Soil & Fruit
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Bad seeds from a bad tree yield bad fruit.

Matt. 13:38-39  The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
Matthew 7:17  Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

Original sin is the bad seed in everyone.  We all start with a bad seed.

Jer. 17:9  The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Rom. 3:23  for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Rom. 5:12  Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned

We need to have the bad seed destroyed and replaced with good seed.

Gal. 5:24  Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.
Rom. 6:6  For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin
1 Pet. 1:23  For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.

The good seed is the Word, the Gospel.

Luke 8:11  "This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God.
1 John 3:9  No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God.

Bad seeds are from the enemy and are full of false doctrine and a false gospel.

Matt. 13:38-39  The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Will the Real Blasphemers Please Stand Up?
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

This subject is one so serious that I do it with great fear and trepidation. Nonetheless, because I get so many e-mails accusing me and other Bereans of blasphemy, among other serious charges, I felt it was necessary to clear up some issues on this topic. Because of my stand for the truth of God's Word juxtaposed against all the false teaching that is going on today, I think it is important to do a quick study on what blasphemy is actually all about from a biblical standpoint.  There are many references to blasphemy in the Bible and from them we can find out how and why that term was used.

You will see that the word "blasphemy" in the Scriptures is the very definition of what the false teachers and false prophets are doing today!

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

"Glitter Christians"
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Glitter Christians. 

This is a name I came up with for people attending and teaching at Oral Roberts University in the 70s.  Even back then I had come to realize that their way of representing Christianity was not in line with the Scriptures.  At that time I didn’t know that Oral Roberts was carrying on the Word of Faith traditions of New Thought practitioners such as Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Essex Kenyan, Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuler, and many other false teachers of the time.  Though I didn’t know anything about Word of Faith or New Thought then I knew that the way they were representing Christianity was just not right somehow.  Their desire to portray Christians as rich, beautiful, healthy, perfect, and virtually sinless (holiness) went directly against the example of Jesus, the Apostles and the early church. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here for further information. 

The articles below are now also available on MP3 CD or MP3 DVD!
Perfect travel listening material!

"Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind" (Rom. 12:2)
Studies in worldview.
By Sandy Simpson

(1) "They Will Believe The Lie"
(2) Satan, The First Postmodernist
(3) A Tale Of Two Kingdoms
(4) One Of Satan's Final Masquerades
(5) Nightmarchers And UFOs On The Big Island
(6) The Missionaries Brought A Foreign God
(7) Monotheism In Ancient Cultures
(8) The History Of The Knowledge And Worship Of God
(9) Replacement Theology On Steroids
(10) Catholic Syncretism
(11) The Gospel Entrusted To The Saints
(12) The Responsibilities Of A Good Shepherd
(13) "... and all liars"
(14) Four Books That The Enemy Has Used To Corrupt Christianity
(15) Glitter Christians
(16) Is It Possible To Believe In Jesus ... And NOT Be Saved?
(17) Testing The Spirits

Studies in Worldview MP3 CD
click below to order for $25. plus s/h

Studies in Worldview MP3 DVD
click below to order for $25. plus s/h

Screwtape Legacy
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

The book by C.S. Lewis called "Screwtape Letters" was a clever idea in exposing a number of tactics of the enemy.  Those principles are still at work today in many churches.  Following is a list of some of the things the enemy wants to see in churches and Christians in order to bring them down.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Bradford Pear Christianity
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

I was driving along and noticing that spring has sprung here in North Carolina. One of the first trees to bloom is the Bradford Pear. I began to notice how that tree has proliferated almost everywhere and then my wife looked up the information on this tree on the web. As she began to read the facts about this tree and its proliferation I began to see an allegorical parallel to what is going on in much of Christendom. But before I get into what the Bradford Pear can show us about the churches, I need to present the facts about the tree.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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The Lord's Prayer, Our Prayer
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

Matt. 6:9-13  This, then, is how you should pray: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

This model prayer that Jesus taught the disciples to pray contains many important precepts.  It should probably be called "The Disciple's Prayer".  It starts with a very important concept in the first verse.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US.

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The Fallacious Arguments of Neo-Universalists
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

The new Universalists are not as vocal about their Universalism ideas but are far more deadly to the Church as they are not rejected like classic Universalists were decades ago.  The new Universalists would include Emerging Church leaders like Brian McLaren, Leonard Sweet, Spencer Burke, Alan Jones and others like Wycliffe, Society of  Biblical Literature, World Christian Gathering of Indigenous Peoples, Richard Twiss, Daniel Kikawa, Terry LeBlanc, Rick Warren, Henry Nowen, YWAM, Tony Campolo, Robert Schuller, George Otis Jr., and even Billy Graham.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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The future of apologetics and discernment ministries
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

I admit that I am very skeptical about the future of discernment and apologetics ministries. I don't see the next generation coming up to replace those who have stood for the truth for so long. Fortunately many apologists have gone to be with the Lord but who will replace them? I don't see replacements coming up who will take the place of those who have been fighting the fight the years. I run a web site where I collect articles and materials from all over the world and present them in a sort of Reader's Digest format so that people can come to one place to get the latest information on heresies in the churches as well as research past ones. What I've seen in the last couple of years is that the production of regular materials is declining to the point where it's becoming difficult to find one article for my site to post every day. Of course I write my own articles but don't have enough time to write an article on a daily basis. I am very concerned because of the tsunami of false ideas from the enemy in the churches. At the same time, unfortunately, I see a lot of younger people who don't even recognize anymore that something is wrong. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can also view this DVD online here.
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Church History & The Core Doctrines
by Sandy Simpson
This 4-DVD set is a combination of a condensed study on Church History and the Discernment Toolkit series which deals with the core doctrines of the Church and how to use them to discern error.  The Church History DVD takes a different approach to Church History in that it does not celebrate the Catholic Church but rather exposes it as false Christianity.  It covers World religions, false Christianity and finally a study of the true remnant Church through history following the story of the many martyrs who stood up for true Biblical faith. 

Go here for further information.

Weight of Glory

The "Weight of Glory"
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; (KJV)

This is both an incredible source of hope for Christians who are downtrodden, and a source of escalating heresy in many churches.It is critical that we understand what Paul was talking about when he wrote the phrase “weight of glory�?.Jacob Prasch has repeated this phrase in his teachings over the years … “A text, out of context, in isolation from co-text is always a pre-text."A huge problem today is that individuals and movements tend to yank verses out of their context and build a cult of heresy around them.This is called eisegesis or plugging your own ideas into the Scriptures instead of exegesis, gaining understanding and interpretation of the Bible by studying it in context and in the scope of the whole written Word.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Did God Put "Eternity In Their Hearts"
or "The World In Their Hearts"?
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

In the introduction to Mike Oppenheimer's and my book "Idolatry In Thier Hearts" I exposed the fact that Don Richardson pulled the phrase "Eternity In Thier Hearts" to use as his book title from it's context in Ecc. 3:11.  He did this to support his thesis, which actually contradicts the second part of that verse, where it states that man cannot fathom what God has done. Richardson, rather, sets forth what has become the foundation for the false teachings of the WCGIP, YWAM, a number of Bible translation societies and the Emerging Church ... the propostion that men from Gentile cultures have always been seeking God and that Gentile cultures were already worshipping the true God before missionaries came with the Gospel.

But as I further investigated this verse I found that Richardson even ignored the true meaning of the FIRST half of the verse in favor of a few translations that use the phrase "eternity in their hearts".

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Christians who “turn away�? 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

  Jeremiah 3:10-11 And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith the LORD. And the LORD said unto me, “The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah.�? (KJV) Israel had turned away from the Lord and had gone after the gods of Canaan, namely Baal   and Asherah.  Because Israel had prostituted herself with false gods in worshipping the polytheistic gods that started at Babel, God had declared He was divorcing Israel and would send them into exile until they again returned to the true God. But Judah prided itself in doing what God had commended as they had Jerusalem and the Temple.  They disdained Israel for setting up altars to Baal and Asherah poles on high hills.  Yet God was not fooled by Judah’s pretence.  In the KJV it says they were not worshipping God with their whole heart but “feignedly�?. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Prophets for profit
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

2 Cor. 2:17 Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.

There are many false teachers on TV these days who peddle the word of God for profit.  They make promises of healing that do not come true by claiming if they are given a financial gift the person will receive healing and riches.  When what they promised does not happen the person is blamed that they did not have enough faith. This often destroys the faith of people who fall into the traps of these snake oil salesmen.  I have no problem with people charging for their materials if they cost to be produced, even though it is hoped that when a person cannot afford to pay for books and DVDs they will receive them free of charge.  But the charges levied on people for conferences and speaking engagements is often excessive.  A minister of God can ask for support and deserves it if they are being diligent in their study and proclamation of the Word.  But experiences and feelings often come with a price today and that is not right. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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"Mistake" or "Sin"?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Today we often hear the word "mistake" coming from pulpits, and especially in defense of false teaching and false prophesy.  "Cut him some slack!  He just made some mistakes".  "We all make mistakes, so don't judge lest you be judged."  We even hear the word "mistakes" being substituted for the word "sin" in many presentations of what I have termed "Gospel Lite" today. So is it proper to substitute the word "mistake" for the word "sin"?  We'll look at the problem of one word "mistakenly" being used for the other. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Holy Ghost IGNORED!
by Sandy Simpson

This 3-DVD set is a message based on this movie review.

"Holy Ghost Reborn" is the second film in the "Holy Ghost" series released by Bethel Church in Redding, CA.  Tim Wirth and I reviewed the first "Holy Ghost" film and that review is freely available on YouTube here:

Holy Ghost Movie Expos"
Reviewed by Tim Wirth & Sandy Simpson
A Simply Agape Project Production

I am sorry to say this but Bethel is clearly a cult of Christianity holding to most of the teachings of the Latter Rain and Word of Faith.  They have demonstrated repeatedly a manipulative atmosphere targeting young people in particular while preaching rank heresy.  This new film is a continuation of those false teachings and practices.  I pray for the young people in that church that they will come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and thus come to know the true Holy Spirit. 

This 3-DVD set is only $30. plus s/h. for US. 

Holy Ghost IGNORED! Part 4 - Addendum with Tim Wirth & Sandy Simpson
This "Holy Ghost IGNORED! Part 4 - Addendum is part of a 3-DVD series by Sandy Simpson reviewing the film "Holy Ghost Reborn". This addendum features a number of false teachings of Bethel Church in Redding, CA that I was not able to include in the 3-Part series. Get the whole thing! It is very important to see what has become the "new" Christianity.

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Servant Authority
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The world system has always been a "top down" structure, starting at the apex of the pyramid and going down to the bottom. In kingdoms we have the king at the top, then the princes, common people, slaves. In a democracy we have the President at the top, the VP, the Sec. of State on down to the citizens. In business we have the CEO at the top, upper management, lower management, office workers and the janitors.  Unfortunately, sometime in the third century, the church started to have a top down structure. This is also when the church began to be in error. The church of Rome began to have a "top down" structure that started with the pope, then cardinals, then bishops, then priests, then the people. Well, what about that?  Eph 4:11  It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,  This all sounds like a "top down" structure. But the problem is that people have not seen an important fact about these gifts of the Spirit -- man looks at function and title, God looks at aim and goal! Read on.  Eph. 4:12  to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. These are not gifts given for title or to give people job descriptions. They are given because there are people out there who need our help! The church needed the Apostles. They were the ones who were the foundation of the church. They were the ones who saw Jesus in the flesh and were taught by Him personally. They wrote the New Testament Scriptures. Though the gifts of apostle and prophet are different today than in biblical times, the gift of evangelism, pastoring, teaching and others are still the same. A person who is an evangelist does not just have a title so he can rule over people. The reason that he has the gift to be an evangelist is so that he can tell others the good news. Why do we have pastors? Are they supposed to rule the church and get everyone to support them and bow to their demands? No. They are to serve the church by helping people to come to a fuller knowledge of Jesus Christ, to equip the saints to become more like Jesus every day.

The true structure of Christianity is symbolized as an inverted pyramid! 

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�Overtake you like a thief�
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

1 Thessalonians 5:4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; How serious will it be for a person to be overtaken in �that day� like a thief overtakes a household when he slips in and steals?  Will it just be a surprise for those who claim to be Christians who will get a slap on the wrist by the Lord but still proceed to heaven?  Will they simply lose rewards but still gain the ultimate reward?  What is this darkness that the brethren are not in?  1 Thessalonians 5:3-5 While they are saying, �Peace and safety!� then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night or of darkness; 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Generic and Specific
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

In my article �Blasphemizing the Bible� I give a number of examples of how a lot of modern Bible translation societies are putting the names of �supreme beings� in the Bible in the place of God or YHWH. In this article I'm going to examine two of the excuses they make for making those substitutions in the Bible in many hundreds of different languages today. 

(1) They claim that God has many different names and therefore they think they are justified in putting the names of various gods of various cultures in Bibles, as long as they are considered �supreme beings�.

(2) The second excuse they give is that the names of the �gods� they are placing in the Bible are generic terms for God, like the words �God�, �Theos�, �Dios� and �Elohim�. By generic I mean a word that can be used for any deity whether of the one true God or other false gods who claim to be God. 

I will go through both of these excuses and show that they are both unbiblical, therefore the Bibles they have translated with names of other gods in them, or names they claim are generic, prove that they have �blasphemized� those Bibles.

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The Ugly Side of Diaprax
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There has been a concerted effort by the false teachers from many movements inside the church such as Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)/Latter Rain, World Gathering on Indigenous People and Emerging Church among others to diaprax people into thinking that the church has been ineffective until they came along with their new and improved ideas on how to take over the world.  This is always a feature of the Hegelian Dialectical process put into action by praxis, thus diaprax.  In order to form a new paradigm or worldview the leadership of these movements must vilify orthodox Biblical Christianity.

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by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There are so many "Christian" leaders out there that teach delusional teachings.  These teaching are dangerous and can lead a person to shipwreck their faith.

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Heal Thyself!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

A good subtitle for this article might be "Practice What You Preach!"  There is no doubt that God can and does heal people today.  But the false doctrines of the Word-Faith Movement about "declaring" healing, "name-it-and-claim-it", etc. have been proven to be lies by the very people who sell this deceit.  If you don't know about where these famous "faith healers" go when they need healing, you may be surprised.  Why couldn't they heal themselves when they purported to be able to heal others by virtue of their superior faith?  What happened to the extraordinary faith they claimed to have, enough faith to heal and be healed?  Since they are the ones who taught that all you have to do is claim the healing that is in the Atonement (Is. 53:5) why did they not do so?  Don't their deaths prove that what they were preaching was a lie and pragmatic witchcraft rather than biblical relality?

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God�s Attitude toward the �Supreme Beings� of the Nations
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

It is quite clear from Scripture that YHWH does NOT consider the �supreme beings� of the nations to be Himself, the One True God.  This is in opposition to the teachings of Don Richardson, Daniel Kikawa, Richard Twiss and many others promoting the World Christian Gathering of Indigenous People movement, Emergent Church and Liberal theologies.  I have proven this time and time again in my articles on the subject but I am going to consolidate the information from the Bible in this article by studying the false gods named in the Bible.  I am sure I will not be able to cover every instance of supreme beings mentioned in the Bible but I (1) want to deal with some of the major ones (2) show you where they are found in the Word, and (3) prove that they were the �supreme beings� of those nations named by the patriarchs, prophets and Apostles and that they were not monotheistic gods but polytheistic in the tradition of Babel where the false religion of polytheism first took root through the worship of Nimrod and Semiramis.

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You need to "nip it in the bud"!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I am writing this article to address a subject that I have often observed.  It is the fact that if you do not get the leaven out of your church the leaven will become the leadership.The Bible teaches quite clearly that if you let the leaven in you will leaven the whole lump.

 Galatians 5:9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.

 We see this often in the case of many �Christian� movements that have allowed a small error to exist in their churches and have not dealt with those issues.  It then ends up metastasizing into worse and worse problems as time goes by. 

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The New Panentheistic "God" Of Christendom
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Now, I bet you read the title of this article and thought I had misspelled the word "pantheism".  Just so that those of you who write to me advising me of words I have misspelled in articles (and I do often) I want to tell you that I am using the term "panentheism" as coined by Karl C. F. Krause.  You can read more about this word and concept in an excellent book called "A Time Of Departing" by Ray Yungen.

There is a new "God" being promoted in the Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and Word of Faith movements whose teachers are regularly seen on TBN, Daystar, SkyAngel, CBN and other "Christian" TV networks.  Some of those teachers even have, what would be considered, a fairly typical statement of faith or doctrinal statement they endorse.  But by what they teach they end up promoting a false unbiblical view of God, especially through their actions and experiences.  The whole phenomenon of "slain in the spirit" and all the antics that go with it are brainwashing an entire generation of Christians to put their faith in another Jesus, another Spirit, another Gospel.  This new "Jesus" and "Holy Spirit" is clearly pantheistic or panentheistic in nature.  Though some of these teachers would claim to be believing in the God who is One God in Three Persons, by what they teach they deny the very revealed character of God from Scripture.

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What Should I Say?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this booklet.

How do you answer an invitation to attend a meeting where you know nothing about the speaker or what will be done there? What happens if they want to announce the meeting at your church and invite everyone? What do you say to a person who tells you that you don�t have the Holy Spirit even though you are a Christian? What should you do if you think something is wrong, or your conscience is bothering you about something that was said or done?  The answer?

 Go to the Scriptures! 

The Bible has all the answers to your questions. This little booklet is an attempt to deal with a few of the typical statements you will hear from people who have become involved in the Third Wave revival movement. By �Third Wave� I am referring to teachers, �prophets� and any meeting associated with the Toronto �Blessing�, Brownsville Assemblies of God, Rodney Howard-Browne, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Rod Parsley, Marilyn Hickey, Joyce Meyers, Bethel Church, Lakeland and many others who appear on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and the 700 Club on TV. 

Hopefully the statements and answers in this booklet will set you off on an investigation of your own in the Word. If you need help, and you have access to the Internet, you can visit my web site called �Deception In The Church� that deals with these issues and has the articles mentioned in this booklet.

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Luring People To Destruction
By The Unscrupulous Use Of The "Gospel" Message
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

    Phil. 1:14-18   Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.  It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill.  The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,

If you see what I see in this passage, this argument cannot be used for people like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland and the hundreds, even thousands of Third Wave ministers today who are not merely envious and self ambitious, but are also teaching outright false doctrine. Paul was not talking about heretics in this statement, but "brothers in the Lord" who preach the Gospel with wrong motives. Third Wave teachers not only have wrong motives, they also have the wrong message.  This argument cannot be used for people like Hinn, even if they manage to preach enough of the "Gospel" for people to come to a saving knowledge of the Lord, because they are also teaching and practicing heresy.

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One of Satan�s Final Masquerades
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

   2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

 Satan often disguises himself with the purpose of deceiving people.  One way in which I believe he is putting on a masquerade is by appearing as �Mary� to millions of people worldwide.

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Attack Of The Enemy
On The Churches
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

So much heresy is entering the churches these days.  As you would suspect, sometimes it is due to a pastor attending a conference or reading a book and becoming diapraxed with unbiblical ideas.  He then starts to weave those ideas into his messages and begins to invite speakers to the church who expound on those ideas.  Then when confronted by someone in the church who has reservations about the new stuff being taught, they are told to not talk about it and just go along with the program.  If that person does not they are ostracized, slander behind their back, and often told to leave (which is what they should do in any case). 

But my observation is that it is not only the pastor who causes unbiblical changes to influence a church.  Often the pastor is blissfully unaware of influences coming into his church.  They often come in through (1) the worship team (2) women�s groups (3) bookstore (4) children�s programs (5) interdenominational prayer efforts and (6) relief and mission organizations.  If unchecked this type of infiltration is much more subtle and can become deeply rooted.

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Marks Of False Religion
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

In context Paul is especially addressing, though perhaps not to the exclusion of other false religion, what had become the false religion of the Pharisees and Jewish leadership.  There were many Jewish so-called �Christians� making the rounds among the fledgling early churches who were trying to get the Gentiles to come under the Law from which Christ had purchased their freedom.  John Gill states this case well in his commentary.

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Universalism in the World 
has Permeated the Church
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The current fad of interfaith solidarity and unity is simply a thin guise of inclusivism, Universalism and pluralism. 

Universalism is defined by as: The doctrine that emphasizes the universal fatherhood of God and the final salvation of all souls. (Source) Universalism is a religion and theology that generally holds all persons and creatures are related to God or the divine and will be reconciled to God. (Source)

Pluralism is defined as: The doctrine that reality is composed of many ultimate substances.  � The belief that no single explanatory system or view of reality can account for all the phenomena of life. (American Heritage Dictionary, (Source)

Inclusivism is: "Inclusivism posits that even though the work of Christ is the only means of salvation, it does not follow that explicit knowledge of Christ is necessary in order for one to be saved. In contrast to pluralism, inclusivism agrees with exclusivism in affirming the particularity of salvation in Jesus Christ. But unlike exclusivism, inclusivism holds that an implicit faith response to general revelation can be salvific. God expects from man a response proportional to the light given. Saving faith is not characterized so much by its cognitive content as it is by its reverent quality." (Ken Keathley, None Dare Call It Treason:  Is an Inclusivist a Paul Revere or a Benedict Arnold? (Ken Keathley, Assistant Professor of Theology and Philosophy New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, (Source)

We deal with these old heresies brought forward to modernity, these ideas that all men have have a relationship with God that will cause them to be able to avoid judgement in our book on the teachings of the World Gathering on Indigenous People movement called �Idolatry In Their Hearts�.  The idea that all men who worship a �god� are worshipping the true God, YHWH, has bubbled up to the very top of our societies and religions, and even Christendoom, and should sound a warning alarm to true Biblical Christianity.  Instead, as usual in our day, most Christians are asleep at the wheel while Universalists claim that you can pray to a �god� like Allah and be praying to the true Trinue God, YHWH. I also dealt with the fact that Allah is not YHWH, both in our book and in the article �Is Allah The Same As YHWH?�. 

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What We Need Is A Reverse Paradigm Shift!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I'm going to warn you now.  I am going to let you in on some information tonight that is going to radically change your world view.  You are likely going to experience the beginnings of a reverse paradigm shift and after tonight there will be no way to go back the way you came.  You will be faced with choices that you may never have known you had.  You will be faced with a new way of looking at things that is going to cause you to rethink everything that is being taught in the Emerging Latter Rain churches.  It is going to be radical because the basis for this message doesn't come from Jesus Christ visiting my room last night bodily, but from His holy written Word.  So buckle down your seat belts, you're likely in for a bumpy ride!

    Matt. 7:15-23 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep�s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. "Not everyone who says to me, �Lord, Lord,� will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, �Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?� Then I will tell them plainly, �I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!�

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False Teachers Revisited
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I often receive requests to present updated false teachings and false prophecies by the myriad of heretics out there.  We do try to keep up with all the latest.  But I have to remind people that those we have exposed as false on our site have not repented of what they have already done in the past, which is why they are still on our site.  So what they are doing now has no relevance as to whether or not they are now to be considered a true Biblical teacher.  If and when they repent, that is renounce their false teachings and false prophecies, make restitution to those they have deceived, and begin to teach sound Biblical doctrine we will give you that information.  As of now NONE of the people we have exposed have repented of their Latter Rain, Word of Faith teachings, heretical practices or their false prophecies.  But in the interest of helping you to respond to a person who inquires by saying: "Those articles are old and you need newer materials" well, here is some newer stuff you can add to the pile.  For you and me this really makes no difference, but for those who are living in deception perhaps it might demolish one of their arguments against the truth. 

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Testing The Spirits 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Sometimes I really wonder why someone who claims to be a Bible believing pastor, for instance, refuses to listen to the truth.  It frankly boggles my mind.  I don't know if it is as a result of the postmodern paradigm or just that they have no love of the truth left.  I don't know how that can happen in a truly regenerate person.  You would think that the Holy Spirit would confirm the truth to them, first in their conscience, and finally through the written Word.  But these days it is a miracle if it gets that far.  I don't know if their conscience has been so seared that they don't hear the Spirit or if they just don't want to know the truth because then they would be responsible for it.  I know that I cannot know their motives or the reasons why they reject truth and refuse to talk about false teaching, but I do know one thing: we are called as true believers to test the spirits.  We must do this even if the result is not to our liking or befuddles us as to the reasons.

    1 John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

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Questions for Those Who Claim the "Supreme Beings"
Of the Nations Are the True God
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I have some questions for those of the World Christian Gathering of Indigenous People (WCGIP) adherents such as Don Richardson, Daniel Kikawa, Richard Twiss (deceased), Terry LeBlanc, Danny Lehman, Aloha Ke Akua, YWAM as well as many in the Emergent Church (EC) ... the questions arise from their claim that the "supreme beings" of the nations are all the True God, YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  You can read more on this subject in our book "Idolatry In Their Hearts" or in the WCGIP section of my site. My main question for them is this: When did ANY of the Patriarchs and Prophets in the Old Testament and the Apostles or Jesus Christ in the New Testament EVER claim that the "supreme beings" of the nations were Elohim/YHWH, the one True God?  Let's look at some examples in the form of questions and you can check out the source links as well.

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How To Discern, Test & Judge Rightly
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

In running a web site with thousands of articles, 1-2 million hits per month from all over the world, and hundreds of e-mails per week, I have come to realize, with time, that there is a terrible problem in Christendom today. The problem stems from an existential subjective view of the world that has filtered into the church from secular society, but also from the teachings of heretical wolves who have taught an entire generation of churchgoers completely unbiblical methods of discernment or to get rid of any discernment altogether.

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We need a firm foundation to weather the storm of false ideas
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Matthew 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. (KJV)
Matthew 7:24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent word!
� 1787 Joseph Funk & Robert Keene

A house built on the rock will stand.  The Rock is God and in particular, Jesus Christ.  Therefore His written Word is the teachings of the His Holy Spirit and a Rock we can depend on.  Anyone who wants to prove anything theologically, historically, scientifically or anything else needs to start with correct information.  If you start with a faulty foundation, as you build your arguments, they begin to fall apart because they are not supported in God"s truth.  If you want to build on a firm foundation, you need to start the process by a careful study of God"s Word in context of the verse and according to the whole counsel of God"s Word.  The Bible is the best commentary on the Bible.

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Karma (by any other name)
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

According to Wikipedia: 

"Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the principle of causality where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual.  Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering.  Karma is closely associated with the idea of rebirth in some schools of Asian religions.  In these schools, karma in the present affects one's future in the current life, as well as the nature and quality of future lives - or, one's samsara. With origins in ancient India, it is a key concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Ching Hai and others."(emphasis mine)

Mirram-Webster defines it this way:

the force created by a person's actions that is believed in Hinduism and Buddhism to determine what that person's next life will be like: the force created by a person's actions that some people believe causes good or bad things to happen to that person

Given the definitions of "karma" above, this same idea, usually without the reincarnation aspect in Christian circles, has been taught for decades in New Thought movements such as the Positive Thinking/Positive Confession teachings of Norman Vincent Peale & Robert Schuller, the Word of Faith ideas of Essex Kenyan, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn, the mixture of Eastern Mysticism and Christianity by Korean false teachers such as the "force of faith" Paul Yongii Cho, and newer renditions and fusions by people like Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, T.D. Jakes (recently agreeing with Oprah Winfrey who teaches karma on her WHO network), and others such as Ernest Angley, John Bevere, Markus Bishop, Juanita Bynum, Morris Cerullo, Kim Clement, Paul Crouch, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Marilyn Hickey, Brian Houston, Rodney Howard-Browne, Larry Huch, Bishop Eddie L. Long, Clarence McClendon, Joyce Meyer, Myles Munroe, Steve Munsey, Mike Murdock, Rod Parsley, Peter Popoff, Fred Price, Oral Roberts, R.W. Shambach, Robert Schuller, Karl Strader, Robert Tilton, Paula White, Ed Young and many others.

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His Name, The Only Name
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Zechariah 14:9 NIV The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.

 The reason I wrote this article based on Zech 14:9 is that I was reminded of how many so-called Christians, who are influential in the churches, are promoting the worship of God in the names of other gods.

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Replacement Theology On Steroids
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

So, as you can see, the root of this teaching is that Israel no longer holds the distinction of being the tree from which the Root of David (Jesus-Rev. 5:5, 22:16) came.  They are no longer the "natural branches" (Israel-Rom. 11:21) on to which Gentile Christianity (the wild shoots-Rom. 11:17 or wild branches-Rom. 11:24) are grafted in (Rom. 11:17-24).  According to Replacement Theology, Christianity has now become its own branch apart from Israel (the natural branch) that produced the Root and all the promises of the Bible to Israel have been taken away from them and given to the Gentile Church.  This is why you hear so many false teachers taking verses out of context from the Old Testament and willy-nilly applying them to the Gentile Church.  This methodology has been going on for decades in liberal churches and has been popularized by many false teachers on TV. But the fact is that Replacement Theology is utter false doctrine.  It denies promises made to Israel, some of which have already been fulfilled and some which are yet to come to fruition. But when you add the fact that the Inclusivist WCGIP proponents are now saying that God planted hundreds of different trees, cultures all over the world, that are not connected to the natural branch, tree and Root, you have what can only be termed Replacement Theology on steroids!

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Those Who Do Not Lead Christians to Maturity
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The Scriptural definition of maturity is to learn to discern truth from error so that the Christian will no longer be double minded, blown about by every wind of teaching and by the schemes of crafty people.  But the problem today is that so few Christian teachers are feeding their flock's solid food.  They are serving up milk and, because of that, people are starving. Yet they often don't even know they have been on a starvation diet.  Amos 8:11 "The days are coming," declares the Sovereign Lord, "when I will send a famine through the land -  not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord."

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"... and all liars"
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Lying is a problem for all people (Ps. 116:11).  We are all sinners (Rom. 3:23).  Those of us who are Christians are "sinners saved by grace" (Eph. 2:8) indwelt by the Holy Spirit in our "new self" (Col. 3:10). But we still live in our "old self" which we must "put off" (Eph. 4:20-25) by taking up our cross daily and following Christ (Luke 9:23).  The difference between unbelievers and those who are truly born again is that believers no longer "practice sin" (1 John 3:9, see my Bible study on 1 John!)  They have the indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:11) who convicts them when they lie (John 16:8). True believers then repent (1 John 1:9) and go on to "practice righteousness" (1 John 2:29) with the Lord's help.  The unregenerate, the false brothers, or those who have fallen away (Gal. 5:4, Mark 4:17), practice lying.  They practice a lifestyle of lying because their consciences are seared (1 Tim. 4:2) and the Holy Spirit, when convicting them, cannot break through the hardness of their unrepentant hearts (Eph. 4:17-19, Heb. 3:13). 

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Four Books That the Enemy Has Used To Corrupt Christianity
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The four books that have changed the church by giving an introduction to the false teachings of the New Apostolic/Latter Rain (NAR), the Emerging Church/Contemplative/Catholic Mysticism (EC), pragmatic Church Growth (CG) methodologies of C. Peter Wagner, Robert Schuller and Peter Drucker, and the teachings of the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People (WCGIP) are as follows:

Surprised by the Power of the Spirit by Jack Deer, Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren & Etnerity In Their Hearts by Don Richardson.

 These four books were widely read by Christians from virtually every denominational background before their ramifications and the movements they would spawn were known.  They lay error alongside truth so were considered not to be a threat to churches.  Therefore these books then became part of the consciousness of many Christians and churches, thereby laying the basis for the introduction of the modern day false teachings of the NAR, EC, CG and WCGIP that have become part of the landscape of Christendom today. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here for product information.

Night Marchers and UFOs on the Big Island 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

With the resurgence of the old religion of Hawaii and the continual invocation of Pel� and other "deities" for years in the secular culture and even in churches with regards to worshipping 'Io, is it any wonder that those beings are beginning to manifest again?  In a story called "Night Marchers" on the Kawaihae site and in a YouTube video on the same subject, eyewitnesses claim all kinds of sightings that they think are the warriors, ancestors and demi-gods of Hawaii coming back.  Interestingly the first book the Hawaiian Heritage site recommends in its "Suggested Reading" list is "Perpetuated in Righteousness" by Daniel Kikawa that we reviewed in our book "Idolatry In Their Hearts" by Sandy Simpson and Mike Oppenheimer. Since Kikawa claims that 'Io is the True God and one that the Hawaiians worshipped in secret, we have to wonder if Kikawa also thinks 'Io is showing up in these night marches? Since YWAM, Aloha Ke Akua and Hilo New Hope participated in worshipping 'Io at the "edge of Hale-ma'uma'u Crater" it sounds like they have all been inviting the old "gods" to return to Hawaii. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here for product information.

"They Will Believe 
The Lie"
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I am doing a Bible study right now on what I would call "renewing our minds".  It is based on this verse:

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.

The only way to renew our minds is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, confess our sins, and be saved, then to study the written Word and allow the indwelling Holy Spirit to teach us.  Our minds are corrupted by virtue of the sin nature and what we have learned in life because our filters are off. I gave an illustration of straining coconut to make coconut milk.  If you use a 1 inch screen everything will pass through.  Even if you use a quarter inch screen you will get mostly coconut meat in your milk.  You have to use a fine screen in order to separate the milk from the leftover.  Our filters are off and the first thing God begins to do is correct our worldview, because if your worldview is off you will not understand God's reality.  We need to learn to see things from His perspective.  This is why I started this study by going back to an original problem.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

This has always been an interesting passage to me for a few different reasons.  What is "the lie" that is talked about here in verse 9 and 11?  What are the ways that "wickedness deceives those who are perishing" and how long has this been going on or does this only begin to happen at the coming of the lawless one?  In what way does "the lie" cause those who do not believe the truth to "delight in wickedness"?

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here for product information.

The First Nations Movement
Deceiving The Nations!
4-DVD Series

Critical Missiological Issue!

The "Indigenous People's" (IPM) or "First Nations" movement is an unbiblical movement teaching heresies and doctrines of demons. It is being spread worldwide by YWAM, Don Richardson, John Dawson, Richard Twiss, Terry LeBlanc, Daniel Kikawa and many other adherents.  The IPM or World Christian Gathering On Indigenous People is full of the false teachings of the Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Word-Faith, Dominionism, Latter Rain and many other false theological systems.  But it does have it's own distinctives that are driven by the works of Daniel Kikawa, Richard Twiss, and Don Richardson in particular.  They are teaching Christians to "redeem" their cultures by worshipping their former gods, pretending they are YHWH.

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. per DVD or $35. for the 4-DVD set, plus s/h. for US. 
The First Nations Movement 4-DVD Set

The First Nations Movement DVD 1
(1) Perpetuating Nations' Myths - Mike Oppenheimer
(2) 11 Reasons To Reject This Movement, Part 1 - Sandy Simpson
The First Nations Movement DVD 2
(1) The Fingerprints Of God? - Mike Oppenheimer
(2) 11 Reasons To Reject This Movement, Part 2 - Sandy Simpson
The First Nations Movement DVD 3
(1) The New Indigenous "Christian" Religion - Sandy Simpson
(2) Did God Put Eternity In Their Hearts? - Sandy Simpson
(3) The Missionaries Brought A Foreign God - Sandy Simpson
(4) Catholic Syncretism - Sandy Simpson
The First Nations Movement DVD 4
(1) "Monotheism" In Ancient Cultures - Sandy Simpson
(2) The History Of The Knowledge Of God - Sandy Simpson

"Christians" Who Try To Poke Holes In Sola Scriptura
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article: "Christians" Who Try To Poke Holes In Sola Scriptura

There are a number of the leadership of the Emerging Church (EC) who do not believe that the Bible is the highest authority for the Christian faith.  Most do not believe that the Bible is inerrant in the original manuscripts and many do not acknowledge that the Bible is our highest revelation.  Yet this is a core doctrine over which true believers and false brethren must separate. Those who try to poke holes in Sola Scriptura make excuses like (1) we need to reinterpret the Bible through the lens of postmodern culture and religion (2) the Bible never uses the words "Sola Scriptura" therefore it is not a Biblical concept (3) there is new revelation for the church through the Holy Spirit apart from what is written and the precepts of the Bible and (4) the Bible just doesn't address our postmodern situation therefore we cannot rely on it for the truth and answers for our problems today.  I will prove that all the above arguments, and more, from EC leaders and others is exactly what they are teaching.  I will give you quotes from their teachings, videos and books. The postmodern church and its "movements" are abandoning Sola Scriptura in their rush to be like the Roman Catholic Church, which takes its authority from a mix of Scripture and tradition.

"As a result the Church, to whom the transmission and interpretation of Revelation is entrusted, "does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the holy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with EQUAL sentiments of devotion and reverence." (Roman Catholic Catechism, Given October 11, 1992, the thirtieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, in the fourteenth year of my Pontificate. Page 31).

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. per DVD plus s/h. for US. 

Updated DVD!
The Question Of Dominion
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article: The Question Of Dominion.

I am writing this article as an apologetic against the Third Wave, Latter Rain, Word of Faith and Reformed Theology teachings that the Church is to rise up and take over the systems of government, businesses and every other aspect of life. "See, the problem is, is that Satan has had too much of his way in our society because he has a government!  And the only way to overthrow a government is with a government.  It won't happen otherwise.  So therefore the government of the church has to get into place in the extended church just like we do have it very well in place, we haven't reached our goal yet ..."  (Transcript of C. Peter Wagner, Arise Prophetic Conference, Gateway Church, San Jose, CA, 10-10-2004) Wagner has substituted the "government of the church" for the coming government of Jesus Christ in the Millennial Kingdom.  Wagner is "Kingdom Now" while the Bible teaches "Kingdom Come". What I wanted to do with this article is put the issue of dominion to rest by studying the definition the Bible gives to dominion and ruling authority.  When we look at the subject we can easily ascertain what is going on today and what God requires of the Church. 

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. per DVD plus s/h. for US.

Shepherd Or Hireling?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on the article: "Shepherd Or Hireling?"

The Bible lays out the definitions of both an overseer (under shepherd) and a hireling.  John 10:11-13  I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. (KJV)  1 Tim. 3:1-3   Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. (NIV)  Titus 1:7-13  Since an overseer is entrusted with God's work, he must be blameless, not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. For there are many rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision group. They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach - and that for the sake of dishonest gain. Even one of their own prophets has said, "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons." This testimony is true. Therefore, rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith. (NIV) A hireling does not really care about being a watchman, but is more concerned with protecting his reputation, position and income.  A true watchman will guard the flock against wolves from within (Acts 20:30) and without (Acts 20:29) no matter the cost to his reputation, position or income. Following is a little quiz you can take to see if you are a true Biblical under shepherd as a leader in your church, are becoming a hireling, or are one now. 

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. plus s/h. for US.

Testing Music In The Church
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on these articles: Testing Music In The Church, Testing Music In The Church-Part 2, and Worship Song Ratings.

Too many churches today are allowing music to be used in their services that is not glorifying to the Lord and can actually be a hindrance to the teaching of sound doctrine. Pastors and leaders should be using their leadership role to test what is being played and sung in their churches. Though some are quick to test preaching and teaching from their pulpits, many ignore the music being used in the same services. This is a tragic mistake. Music is a powerful medium. It is something that effects deeply the body, mind and emotions. It is a proven fact that music often stays with a person far longer than what is taught or preached. Songs roam around in our heads, especially if the melody appeals to us. What is often overlooked is the serious impression music makes on people, and the teaching they are getting over and over again as they allow the song to repeat in their minds and on their lips. Music teaches things much more subtly yet sometimes far more effectively. That's why the lyrical content of music in the church, as well as its effect on the spiritual lives of those who perform and listen, should be vigorously examined by the leaders of the church.  This is a 2-DVD set.

Go here for ordering information. Only $20. per 2-DVD set plus s/h. for US. 

Examine Yourselves & Hold On!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on the articles "Examine Yourself To See If You Are In The Faith" and "Hold On!"

2 Cor. 13:5  Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.
Do you not realise that Christ Jesus is in you - unless, of course, you fail the test?

People who call themselves followers of Christ or "Christians" and claim they are born again must believe certain things.  If they do not then they fail the test of faith.  They can claim they are born again all they want and "once saved, always saved" but if they fail the test of faith there is no eternal security.  Only God knows who will be saved, from beginning to end, because of His foreknowledge and omniscience (Rom. 8:29, 1 Pet. 1:2).  God did not make an arbitrary judgment about who would be saved and who would not.  His Spirit is given to those He foreknew, when convicted of sin by His Holy Spirit, would choose to believe and commit themselves to Jesus Christ.  We are not God and we do not have His omniscience.  Therefore, according to Paul, we must be sure our belief system is in the right place once our eyes have been opened to the Truth.  I am not saying we do not have assurance of salvation, but our assurance comes not only because of His Atonement and promises of salvation but from our continuing in the Faith, which is always the Biblical criteria. Those who would be Bible teachers must teach according to the whole counsel of God's Word.  Let me be clear. There is only one way to salvation.  That is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.  I will deal with a few of those issues following, but it is important to recognize that being saved is not just a matter of believing that Jesus lived, or that He was a man, or simply giving mental ascent to His existence in whatever form.

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

"Blasphemizing" The Bible
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I am going to go over an article I wrote back in 2006 in preparation for the book I wrote with Mike Oppenheimer called 'Idolatry in Their Hearts'.  This book is an apologetic against the false teachings of the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People movement, the Emerging Church and the New Apostolic Reformation which got their ideas from the book "Eternity in Their Hearts" by Don Richardson.  At the time that book came out no one really saw the dangerous ideas Richardson was promoting.  All they would have had to do was look at the two subtitles of that book to understand the implications.  The first subtitle in the 1981 edition read: The Untold Story of Christianity among Folk Religions of Ancient People.  Those who read this book found some interesting cross-cultural ideas but apparently missed the false premise of the book starting with the subtitle. How could Christianity be "among folk religions" where the Gospel had not been preached (Rom. 10:14-15)? At that time Christians who read the book were apparently satisfied that, though there was some questionable material present, it made for an interesting discussion on how to do cross-cultural ministry. The subtitle it has today, which was first published in 1984, is as follows: Startling Evidence of Belief in the One True God in Hundreds of Cultures Throughout the World.  This should have been a red flag for many Christians but then, who reads subtitles?  But how could the "One True God" be known to Gentiles who did "not know God".

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Resources For Pastors
"Good English Bible Translations"
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I was talking with a pastor after a Wednesday night service and he mentioned that I said I had done an article comparing English Bible translations.  He called me up later and asked me to come back and present the contents of that article I sent out in about 2002 to my mailing list for the Pacific Waves Newsletter which, unfortunately, I can no longer afford to publish and mail.  However an archive of past issues of that newsletter can be found here. In that article I detailed a number of good and bad resources for pastors including Bible translations, concordances, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, etc.  I present an edited version of part of that article on this DVD, particularly dealing with English Translations of the Bible.  Translation is a very detailed endeavor and should only be undertaken by those with a proper education in that subject and a sound doctrinal background.  I read a few books on that subject and it helped me understand the complexities involved.  Hebrew is a rich language so it is hard to distill one Hebrew word down to one English word.  Greek is a very technical language and it is also not easy to translate.  This is why it is imperative to use the good English translations out there for comparison along with a good concordance and Bible dictionary. 

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Kingdom Now or Kingdom Come?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There are two kingdoms being taught in many churches today. Teaching about one of the kingdoms is on the decline while the other is being promoted all over the place.  I am warning Christians that they need to check out who is using the word "kingdom", the books they have been reading and recommend on building "the kingdom", the people they have been hanging out with at conferences, and what they mean by "the kingdom".

Go here for more information or click on the "Add To Cart" below.  Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

by Sandy Simpson

Bible studies in Galatians, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Jude with a focus on applying timeless discernment priciples to our modern times.

Go here for more information or click on the "Add To Cart" below.  The price is $18. per book plus s/h.

Companion CD!
by Sandy Simpson
Contains the PDF text to the book BIBLE STUDIES IN DISCERNMENT plus extra studies by Sandy & Juanita Simpson covering many issues of apologetics and discernment.

Go here for more information or click on the "Add To Cart" below.  The price is $10. per cd plus s/h.

A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD series is a teaching based on this article.

In this DVD series I want to detail a number of beliefs people have these days that have no basis in Scripture.  I am going to roam all over the map, so to speak, and try to give fairly short answers on a number of topics and also give you useful links to articles that will help you deal with any particular issue.  It is truly amazing how many false ideas people cling to without giving a thought to what the Bible has to say on the subject.

Only $20. plus s/h. for US.  Go here for ordering details. 

Signs Of Apostasy In The Churches In The End Times
by Sandy Simpson

This 2-DVD series is a teaching based on this article.

There are many signs of the great Apostasy, or falling away (2 Thes. 2:3) indicating we are living in the end times (Mt. 24: 3-14)  I am going to go through some indications of the Apostasy in the churches as a follow up to the signs of the times in the world.

Only $20. plus s/h. for US.  Go here for ordering details. 

The Responsibilities of a
Good Shepherd
by Sandy Simpson
This CD is a message based on this article.

Gohere for ordering details! 

What's Up With Christian Bookstores?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Go here for ordering details! 

The ElijahList
The biggest promoter of false prophecies in cyberspace!
by Sandy Simpson

This 2-DVD set is a message based on this article.

Go here for ordering details! 

The ElijahList
The biggest promoter of false prophecies in cyberspace!
by Sandy Simpson

This 2-DVD set is a message based on this article.

Go here for ordering details! 

The Extreme Prophetic
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Go here for ordering details! 

Emerging Church CD & Free DVD
All the links to resources and articles we have on the Emerging Church on one CD.
by Sandy Simpson

(The Emerging Church only is downloadable!)
When you purchase the "Resource Tools - Emerging Church" CD for $10. plus s/h you will also receive a brand new free DVD called "The Emerging Church" that features Gary Gilley, Ray Yungen, Joanna Michaelson, Mike Oppenheimer and Sandy Simpson.

Go here for ordering details!

From Church To Emerging Church DVD Series
by Sandy Simpson
The issue of the Emerging Church and it's introduction into many churches and mission organizations has reached a critical point.  Many do not undersand what is being leavened into churches by the EC leadership.  Many would be shocked to know their belief systems involve Universalism, New Age, defense of postmodernism, Interfaithism, and many other false doctrines.  In order to reach out to this generation the EC leadership is proposing a whole new "map" to deal with what they perceive is a lack of understanding on the part of the churches on how to communicate.  EC proponants believe the "scripture" for today is evolving and must change in order to reach postmoderns.

Go here for ordering details on this 2-part DVD series!

Idolatry In Their Hearts
Landmark Book!
by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer
Does having eternity in your heart mean that you know God and are His child? Could Gentile cultures understand the Gospel from the stars? Did God create man's cultures? Has God always been in the process of redeeming cultures from the time of Babel by placing in them a true revelation of Himself? Is there the worship of YHWH in all cultures and religions through the names of supreme beings?  Have all cultures always had a way to make things right between them and God? These questions and many more are answered in this book that addresses the false teachings of The New Apostolic Reformation regarding missiological methods as being carried out by many agencies including the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People, YWAM, and many Bible societies.

Go here for ordering details. 

The New Apostolic Reformation - What is it and where is it going?
Every Pastor Needs This!
by Bill Randles, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Jacob Prasch, Mike Oppenheimer, Orrel Steinkamp, Gary Gilley, Dave Hunt, Sandy Simpson and others.
This is a 6-DVD expose of  the NAR and it's leadership of C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Peirce, Dutch Sheets, Bill Hamon, Jack Deere and others.

Go here for ordering details!

Lessons In Forgiveness
Great Study!
by Sandy Simpson

Through the years I have been presented with many opportunities to forgive. Sometimes the situation was so severe that it took me some time to forgive and start the process of healing for myself, and eventually for others. I learned that a Christian needs to forgive other people even if they have not repented of their sins. That can be really hard if we let it be hard. But if we give our burdens over to the Lord, He will carry them and that frees us up to treat other people with love, compassion, and be in the right frame of mind and heart to set them up for reconciliation with Jesus Christ. That does not mean we tolerate their sin. We simply forgive them for what they have done to us, whether perceived or real, and move on to looking for ways to redeem them. We can then present to them the "truth in love" even when we have to rebuke them.

Go here for ordering information.

Finish The Race!
Go On To Maturity!
by Sandy Simpson

was written to help believers to realize the absolute necessity of growing to maturity in Christ. Many churches are urging Christians to push aside discernment in favor of experience. It is our hope that this book will inspire many believers to fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith (2 Tim. 4:7).

Go here for ordering details.

The New Apostolic Reformation - What is it and where is it going?
Companion Book!
by Sandy Simpson

is now available in book form. This is the DVD script plus commentary by Sandy Simpson. The commentary of the DVD series is not in the book, but there are many more quotes available than in the video series.  Good reference material.  Also available on CD-ROM.

Go here for ordering details.

Letters To The Church
by Sandy Simpson

is a fitting manual for the Revelation Christian. All the precepts are in the seven letters in Revelation 1:9 - 3:22 to help us keep the faith, stay in sound doctrine, and reach out to those who are perishing. I hope and pray that this book will help the reader to be an "overcomer".

Go here for more details and how to order!

Demolish Arguments!
by Sandy Simpson

Want to be able to see your way through to clear biblical discernment? Want a set of tools that will allow you to disciple your loved ones so they will stand firm in the Faith? Want to sort out many of the false arguments and teachings that have invaded the churches? Then DISCERNMENT TOOLKIT book is for you!

Go here for more details and how to order!

DVD Study Series!
by Sandy Simpson
is taken from the book but includes a lot of footage of false teachers and false prophets. It covers the core doctrines, how we can use them to test, and examples on the DVD that can be paused for discussion.  Also includes a teacher guide and links to resources on the web.  This 3-DVD series is available now!

Go here for ordering details!

Important Video Information
On Benny Hinn!

by Sandy Simpson, Mike Oppenheimer & Jacob Prasch
features tons of video showing the teachings and prophecies of Benny Hinn.  This is a proven tool to keep people away from heresy.

Go here for more details and how to order!

Discernment Conference
Featuring Bill Randles, Gary Gilley
& Ray Yungen
3-DVD Set

Go here for information!

Featuring Dave Hunt, Duane Magnani, Mike Oppenheimer, Jacob Prasch, Jewel Grewe & Bill Randles
6-DVD Set & 2-VHS Sets

Go here for information!

Highly Recommended!
by Mike Oppenheimer
What is Christianity? What significance does the cross have? Are there teachings that can wreck our faith? We live in an age unlike any other in the history of man. To follow the Lord among the unique challenges we must understand Scripture and live by it. Available for $20- includes shipping.  Apologetics Coordination Team HIGHLY recommends this book.  It deals with many crucial issues for the Church today.

Go here to order the book by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, P.O. Box 860683, Wahiawa, HI 96786.

These are our recommended BOOKS and PUBLICATIONS.  Also check out our BOOK REVIEWS page.  For a list of recommended books on topics other than strictly deception in the Church, go here.  For a list of recommended resources for pastors, go here.

Check it out!
You can also access ACT TV on Remnant Television Network (RTN TV) here.

(1) Counterfeit Revival by Hank Hanegraaff, 1997 
This excellent book on the subject of the Toronto/Brownsville movement is available from Christian Research Institute, Evangel.Com, or at Christian Book Distributors, Price: Hardcover, $14.95, US ISBN 0849911826, CBD11826. Here's a review from A Closer Look magazine. Click on this link to order "Counterfeit Revival" from Amazon.Com today!

(2) New Wine Or Old Deception by Roger Oakland, 1997
How extrabiblical experiences such as the "Toronto Blessing" are seducing Christians with great delusions couched in biblical language. Available from The Berean Call, P.O. Box 7019, Bend, OR 97708. Price: $6.00 Catalog #BK28629, or from Understanding The Times. Click on this link to order "New Wine, Old Deception" from Amazon.Com today!

(3) Twisted Scriptures - A Path To Freedom From Abusive Churches by Mary Alice Chrnalogar, 1997 
"Leaders of many religious groups, including several mainstream churches, are twisting the Scriptures to subtly coerce cooperation from their members. In the process, personalities are changed and lives are ruined." Price: Softcover, $15.95, US ISBN 0-9649588-0-5 Click on this link to order "Twisted Scriptures" from Amazon.Com today!
(5) The Confusing World of Benny Hinn by G. Richard Fisher and M. Kurt Goedelman, 1996 
"The Confusing World of Benny Hinn is a collection of several popular articles investigating the best-selling author and healing evangelist, first published by Personal Freedom Outreach in its newsletter publication. The reader is furnished with solid research and irrefutable documentation to unmask the bizarre teachings and contradictory spiritual experiences of the faith healer some have dubbed, "The Miracle Man." To order this book for $14. + $4.00 S/H, click on the PayPal logo below. 

(6) Christianity In Crisis by Hank Hanegraaff, 1993 
A comprehensive book on the Word-Faith movement. It is available from Christian Research Institute or at Christian Book Distributors, Price: Softcover, $9.95, US ISBN 1565076966, CBD 76966. Click on this link to order "Christianity In Crisis" from Amazon.Com today!

(7) The Laughing Revival From Azusa To Pensacola by David Cloud, 1993
"The "laughing revival" is sweeping through many segments of the Charismatic world. This booklet deals with this phenomenon and its key leaders. Covers the "Toronto Blessing" and the "Pensacola Outpouring." The Second edition contains a report on the author's visit to the Holy Trinity Brompton in London, England. Included is a chapter entitled "Slaying in the Spirit: Is It Biblical?" This booklet is available from Way of Life Literature, 1701 Harns Rd., Oak Harbor, WA 98277 (360) 675-8311 (voice), (360) 240-8347 (fax), Catalog Number: WOL333B, $3.00 Click on this link to order "The Laughing Revival From Azusa To Pensacola" from Amazon.Com today!

(8) The Toronto Blessing And Slaying In The Spirit - The Telling Wonder by Nader Mikhaiel, 1995 
"Since the beginning of the Pentecostal Movement, many groups have claimed a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. These "outpourings" have been accompanied by extraordinary manifestations: shaking, jerking, jumping, and speaking in tongues. The most common of these manifestations is what is called Slaying in the Spirit, and recently, uncontrollable laughter which has become known as the Toronto Blessing. This book examines the Pentecostal, Charismatic and subsequent movements in the light of these manifestations." Order from: Nader Mikhaiel, P.O. Box 170, Earlwood 2206 NSW Australia. Fax 0011-61-2-6462620, email:; $20.00, bulk purchase rates available. 

(9) When New Wine Makes A Man Divine by Roger Oakland, 1997
"Today there are many different voices proclaiming contradicting messages in the name of Christ. Some say the whole world is in the the progress of experiencing a great Christian revival. Others say that the church is in the final stages of apostasy and the counterfeit bride is being prepared for a counterfeit Christ." Available from Understanding The Times for $6.00. Click on this link to order "When New Wine Makes A Man Divine" from Amazon.Com today!

(10) The Serpent And The Cross - Religious Corruption in an Evil Age by Alan Morrison, 1994 
"The Serpent and the Cross" is a large-format (9"x6"), high-quality, sewn paperback book. Containing 640 pages with almost 300,000 words, it includes a comprehensive index and an expanded table of contents, coupled with extensive footnotes and a 20-page bibliography. Features: Catalogues the historical background to worldwide religious corruption from the time of the Fall to the present day; Offers an informative analysis of anti-Christian developments in science and society, health and healing, psychology, business and global politics throughout the past 400 years; Discloses the true meaning of the word 'occult' and the extent of occult practices in the world and among the churches today; Documents the infiltration of Christianity with Eastern mysticism from the Early Church era to the present day; Provides an encyclopedic expos� of the hallmarks and strategies of the 'New Gnosticism', with detailed refutations; Reveals the religious and political aims of the Feminist Movement; Uncovers the 'New Age', syncretist, interfaith agenda of the modern international Ecumenical Movement." Available from all bookshops or by direct mail from K & M Books at �12 (inc. post & packing). Direct mail overseas customers, please send �13 or purchase from Great Christian Books in the U.S. Discounts for multiple purchases. Trade terms also available. All inquiries and orders to: K & M Books: Plas Gwyn, High St., Trelawnyd, Rhyl, Clwyd, LL18 6DT.Tel./Fax: +[44] (0)1745 571707. 

(11) The Two Roots Of Revival by Rev. Robert Liichow, 1998
"The book is over 250 pages of FULLY documented proof of: (1) the occult origins of the current manifestations deceiving hundreds of thousands of charismatic Christians (2) a detailed Biblical refutation of each of these manifestations. This book is an excellent companion volume to Hank's Counterfeit Revival. The Two Roots of Revival goes into detail about several areas that no other author has included in their books  (to date) on this latest form of charismatic excess." 
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(13) Beware The New Prophets by Bill Randles, 1999
Influential 'prophets' in the US are claiming to be an end-time super-army for the Lord. But their 'prophesies' are often wrong. Pentecostal pastor Bill Randles investigates . . . "One consistent characteristic of the new prophets is their insistence that the New Testament prophets do not have to be subjected to the tests of Deuteronomy (13.1-3 and 18.22)." You can see an excerpt from this book here. See a review of this book here. To order this book, go here.

(14) Spirit Wars: Pagan Revival In Christian America by Peter Jones, 1998
"I firmly believe, though I pray I am wrong, that we are witnessing the first signs of an assault against the truth of Christ, the likes of which the church has never seen before.' So concludes Dr. Peter Jones, Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary in Escondido, California." Click on this link to order "Spirit Wars: Pagan Revival In Christian America"from Amazon.Com today!
(15) What Should I Say? by Sandy Simpson, 1999
Learn how to answer people who invite you to revival meetings where there are different teachings.  Learn to discern!  This booklet was written for use by Pacific island churches to provide a quick little resource in answering common statements made by Third Wave adherants.  Though there are a few references to the islands, it may also be a useful resource for other churches and individuals.  It is set up as a 4.25x5.5 sixteen page booklet printed front and back laid out on  8.5x11 paper and folded. It can be easily reproduced from this version on the web.  It is free to distribute as long as the content is not altered in any way. Use the little arrow links at the bottom each page to navigate the booklet! For those of you who need help, do not have the equipment to reproduce copies, or are not very computer saavy, you can order copies of this booklet for $1. + $.50 S/H by clicking on the PayPal logo below. 

(16) Strange Fire - The Rise Of Gnosticism In The Church by Travers and Jewel van der Merwe, 1995
"Gnosticism has a chameleon-like ability to appear like the genuine article, true Christianity, and thus has managed to transform itself to fit the times in countless new wrappings over the centuries. It particularly adapts itself to that place where the ideas of the east and west meet. Whenever eastern mysticism and western rationalism collide, one can find there the seedbed for a pseudo-Gospel that mimics the real thing."

You can also read the whole book online by clicking on the logo below:

(17) A Different Gospel: Biblical and Historical Insights into the Word of Faith Movement by D. R. McConnell, 1988
"Every Christian should read this book in order to be aware of the dangerous implications of the widespread and cultic Word of Faith movement preaching what is popularly known as "Name It and Claim It" theology. A Different Gospel is a bold and revealing examination of the biblical and historical basis of this movement. This new and revised edition is complete with a foreword by Hank Hanegraaff, author of Christianity in Crisis, and a new afterword by D. R. McConnell. The author knows the movement first hand and has a heart for those snared by it. He is also an academically trained observer who has based this work on careful historical and biblical analysis. McConnell warns of the movement's cultic nature in its doctrine of healing and its understanding of the atonement and demonstrates how far the movement's doctrine of prosperity is from Scripture's true teaching." Click on this link to order "A Different Gospel: Biblical and Historical Insights into the Word of Faith  Movement"from Amazon.Com today!

(18) When God Weeps : Why Our  Sufferings Matter to the Almighty by Joni Eareckson, 1999
Forever puts to rest the nonsense of the Word-Faith movement.  Click on this link to order "When God Weeps : Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty" from Amazon.Com today!

(19) Occult Invasion by Dave Hunt, 1999
Read Chapter One of this book online. Click on this link to order "Occult Invasion" from Amazon.Com today!

(20) The Signs and Wonders Movement - Exposed by Various Authors, Day One Publication, 1997 
"Four contributors warn against the state of spiritual gullibility and urge a return the the objective truth of God's word by which we test all things."  Paperback $7.75  It can also be ordered by e-mail from The Door Magazine, or online at The Berean Call here.
(21) The Midnight Ride To Awaken The Church by The Midnight Herald, 1999 
An excellent resource of great articles! "A compilation of articles from the Midnight Herald Magazine from 1996-2000, including some never before published papers.  288 pages. 

(22) America, The Sorcerer's New Apprentice : The Rise Of New Age Shamanism by Dave Hunt & T. A. McMahon
This book is out of print but you can order it online from Click on this link to order "America, the Sorcerer's New Apprentice : The Rise of New Age Shamanism " from Amazon.Com today!

(23) Seduction Of Christianity : Spiritual Discernment In The Last Days by Dave Hunt & T. A. McMahon
"Dave Hunt addresses the phenomenon sweeping the church which is encompassed by New Age thought and the seduction of motivation/success teachers such as Napoleon Hill. Using well-grounded biblical principles he reduces the health/wealth/prosperity gospel to what it is - a sham, and a shamanistic conspiracy to seduce believers into accepting the AntiChrist system." Click on this link to order "Seduction Of Christianity : Spiritual Discernment In The Last Days" from Amazon.Com today!

(24) Beyond Seduction : A Return To Biblical Christianity by Dave Hunt
"Hunt is a Jude-3 champion, "...earnestly contending for the faith...." He identifies pseudo-"Christian" heresies that are infiltrating the church and proposes a simple solution: a return to *Biblical* Christianity. By regular study of and submission to the Bible, Christians will be able to withstand the incessant onslaught of heretical teachings window-dressed in "Christian" terminology." This book is out of print but you can order it online from Click on this link to order "America, the Sorcerer's New Apprentice : The Rise of New Age Shamanism " from Amazon.Com today!

(25) THE PAPACY: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects by Rev. J.A. Wylie, LL.D., Author of "The History of Protestantism", 1888
This online book is an excellent expose' of the history of the Roman Catholic Church and its doctrines.

(26) Getting To Know God by Juanita Simpson, 2000
This excellent little tract was written by my mother and we still use it today in witnessing.  It explains the Gospel message from the beginning in short form.  You can download or print this online tract and use it for yourself.  It is sure to be a blessing to many people. 

(27) SUBSCRIBE! To The Best Discernment Newsletters
Sign up for all the best discernment newsletters all from one convenient page! 

(28) Christian Witness Ministries (CWM) "Unmasked Series" edited by Philip Powell, 8/00
This .pdf file is an advertisment for the CWM "Unmasked Series".  Two booklets in this series feature expose's on Benny Hinn and Nicky Gumbel of Alpha Course fame.  Ordering informaiton is included. 
(30) The Final Words Of Jesus And Satan's Lies Today by James Jacob Prasch, 1999
"The Churches today are in very deep trouble.  That is the reason for this book.  All around us are problems and errors, disillusionment and pain among Christians who had sought to follow the Lord by following their leaders.  This book attempts to address these matters head on. (Philip Foster)" 

(31) Alpha, The Unofficial Guide - A Whole New Study on the Alpha Course - Overview by Elizabeth McDonald
A series of books examining the Alpha Course out of Holy Trinity Brompton Church by Nicky Gumbel.  The Overview volume is available now and the two main volumes will be available soon. The Overview volume can be ordered directly from Discernment Ministries and also here.

(32)"Anointing Or Apostasy" - The Latter Rain Legacyby Charles S. Graves
"This well-researched online book on revival, latter-rain and other linked deceptions, is offered in PDF format (readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader which is present on most hard drives already). It covers much of the same ground as other articles on the Banner site, but presents it in a coherent and readable whole. Very useful reference material!"
(33) "I Just Wanted More Land" - Jabez by Gary E. Gilley, Pastor-teacher of Southern View Chapel, 9/01
"The meteoric rise in popularity of Bruce Wilkindson's compact book, The Prayer Of Jabez, had taken the church, and the country, by storm. Having already sold millions of copies, it may become the best-selling Christian book of the last one hundred years.  In this book, pastor and author Gary Gilley takes issue with Wilkinson's message. He believes the message, although will meaning, is unbiblical and threatens to do incalculable damage to the church." 

(34) The Midnight Herald by Awake Ministries
The Midnight Herald is an excellent apologetics magazine.  Subscribe here
(35) Mending The Nets - Themes From 1st John by Bill Randles, 2001
"Do you know God?  How do you know Him?  Have you every seen Him?  Have you ever hear His audible voice?  Have you gotten beyond the Scriptures into a deeper intimacy with God, or are you still on the level of "mere head knowledge"?  You say you love Jesus, but have you ever seen him?  Are you still waiting for Him to come and rescue you in some kind of an "escape plan"?  These and many others were the kinds of questions which the Gnostics would raise (and still do), thus unsettling the faith of the "ordinary Christians".  After all, who wants to be just an "ordindary" Christian when you can be among the elite, in the "inner court" or on the cutting edge of the "great move of God"?  In this book pastor Bill shows how the apostle John deals with these and other vital matters of our day." Available for $10.00 plust $4.00 s/h US or $9.00 s/h Non-US.  Order with PayPal below. 

(36) The Cult Of Jabez by Steve Hopkins
"My heart is broken for the people of God in America.  For eight months I have labored in tears before God writing a book that I wish had never needed to be written.  But the Words of Christ are true.  It was Jesus who first told us that in the last days many would be led astray.  Should we be amazed to discover that the hypnotic and mesmerizing teachings of a man named Bruce Wilkinson concerning an Old Testament prayer prayed once by a man named Jabez have captivated millions in our time?  Are these not the last days?  Have these teachings not seduced great numbers of professing believers?  If you are one who has seen nothing dangerous or cultic about Bruce Wilkinson's "Jabez Revolution", as he calls it, I ask you to consider the possibility that you may have overlooked some very important verses of Scripture concerning his fantastic claims.  My book, "The Cult of Jabez" uses dozens of Bible passages to shed light on what many believers have come to realize are very clever, yet dark and deceptive teachings concerning the Jabez prayer. If you are one who has been uncomfortable with the teachings found in the Jabez books, yet surrounded by family and friends seemingly under its spell, "The Cult of Jabez" may prove the best means available to free your loved ones from it's destructive grip." - Author and Pastor Steve Hopkins (BBC)

(37) New Wine And The Babylonian Vine by Roger Oakland
"My objective in writing this book is to further document the direction experience-based Catholicism, other religions and a spiritualized environmentalism to form a global spiriuality or ecumenical delusion that the Bible predicts will unfold in the last days."
(38) Reinventing Jesus Christ - The New Gospel by Warren Smith
"Warren Smith has taken the events that followed September 11, 2001 and has deftly shown how "Jesus Christ is being reinvented in front of our own eyes and hardly anyone seems to notice or care. Over the last twenty-five years, while traditional Christian believers were sleeping, a vastly underrated adversary has made significant gains in the spiritual marketplace. In the book Warren explains how this "Christ" has been able to stay in the background where he continues to oversee his "plan" to "birth" a "new humanity". 

(40) The Mantra Of Jabez: A Christian Parody by Douglas M. Jones
This book is hillarious. It sheds truth upon what the Prayer of Jabez is, a selfish prayer. Highly recomended, and for those who believe the prayer of Jabez as good, go pray the LORD'S PRAYER. How then we are to pray? selfless.

(41) A Time Of Departing (First Edition) by Ray Yungen
Ray Yungen reveals how Christianity has opened its door to a blending of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the mystical pantheistic thoughts that all is God and God is in all. Available for $8.00 plust $4.00 s/h US or $9.00 s/h Non-US.  Order with PayPal below. 

(42) Reinventing Jesus Christ - The New Gospel by Warren Smith
This is the NEW ONLINE VERSION of the book.  You can also order it in printed form here.

(43) The Spirit of Roman Catholicism - What Lies Behind the Modern Public Image?by Mary Ann Collins (A Former Catholic Nun), Catholic Concerns, February 2002
How has the Roman Catholic Church behaved when it was in a position of power and therefore was able to do what it really wanted to do? The answers may surprise you. They surprised me. 

(44) Penfold Books by Michael J. Penfold
Excellent sources of books, vidoes, tracts, software and many more items.  Good solid biblical stuff here!

New Online Book! (45) 50 Ways To FAIL As A Cross-Cultural Missionary! by Sandy Simpson, 11/03
This excellent new book is now available online.  It is a great resource for missions and churches helping to bring new missionaries through orientation.  I'm still looking for someone to illustrate the book for me.  I have great cartoons in mind.

(46) Repossessing The Land by Richard J. Hewitt
The body of Christ has strayed drastically from the orthodox and apostolic path of both personal development and advancement of the kingdom of God on Earth.
(47) Sabotaging Christianity by James Jefferies 
An Assessment of Free Grace Theology - Other than the Bible, this book may be the most important book you will ever read. This book is not about Liberal Theology and Modernists who consider the Bible to be merely a human book that contains religious myths or fables; say that the words, miracles and accounts of Jesus Christ in the gospels are not factual; believe that Jesus was a mere man who was good and helpful; teach that Jesus was not virgin born, dispute that Jesus is the Son of God who actually rose from the dead; and so forth. This book concerns a very influential Christian theology that promotes a deceptive salvation message, corrupts the gospel, and is a perversion of God's grace, that is rampant in the USA and is sweeping throughout the entire Christian world. It has been accepted by many Christian leaders and is being preached and taught in numerous churches and seminaries that call themselves Bible-believing, conservative, and evangelical, whose statements of faith proclaim the Bible to be the inspired word of God; Jesus is the virgin-born Son of God who died for our sins and was raised from the dead; physically ascended into heaven; and other correct doctrines. But, despite what their statement of faith says, they subtly declare an unbiblical message. 

(48) Deceived On Purpose by Warren Smith
Warren Smith is a former New Ager who became converted to Christianity 20 years ago. Since then he has been warning Christians, through writing and speaking, that dangerous New Age doctrines are subtly creeping into the churches. In his most recent book, which is being offered by Discernment Ministries, Smith recounts the considerable influence that the Rev. Robert H. Schuller has had on the ministry style and teachings of Rick Warren. The mystical leaven of New Age teachings, which Robert Schuller controversially introduced the church several decades ago, is now being reintroduced and assimilated into mainstream evangelicalism through the writings and activities of Rick Warren. Deceived on Purpose is a book with an easy reading style that should be given to pastors and parishioners everywhere. The following is an important excerpt from the book, Chapter 3. It chronicles a noteworthy example of how Rick Warren's "seeker sensitive" emphasis can lead straight into dangerous metaphysical New Age doctrines. 

(49) Who's Driving the Purpose Driven Church?
A Documentary on the Teachings of Rich Warren
by James Sundquist, 10/04
The "Church Growth Movement" which has become known as the Purpose Driven Church, is primarily the world outreach of Willow Creek Church in Chicago and Saddleback Church in California. The touted religious leader of this paradigm religious earthquake is Rick Warren of Saddleback. Over 20 million copies of his book The Purpose Driven Life have been sold, and as reported, over 21,000 churches worldwide have gone through his "40 Days of Purpose" program. The actual number is probably over 50,000. This movement seems to be the most drastic change in Christendom since the 1550 Protestant Reformation. But where is it going? Do we not have a right to "try the spirits" (I John 4:1-2)? Do we not have an obligation to God to "try the spirits"? The object of the PDC movement is in eight steps to change your church from a "traditional church" to a "Purpose Driven Church". The author brings out the similarities of the PDC gospel to that of Dr. Charles Schuller and the New Age gurus. Features: 272 pages.

(50) Lighthouse Trails Publishing Newsletter
You can sign up for the newsletter and receive it by email then just near the end of the month we post it on the above page just before the new month's newsletter is sent.

(51) Spirit Led Or Purpose Driven? by Berit Kjos, 11/03
When church leaders use energizing music, emotional stimuli and short, light messages to satisfy the flesh with its "felt needs," they tend to obscure our deeper spiritual needs. Fed a diet of simplified sermons designed to please everyone, both seekers and believers may lose their appetite for the solid Biblical teaching which -- by His Spirit -- produces conviction of sin, genuine repentance, actual regeneration, true spiritual renewal and the continual joy of walking with Jesus.

Very Important Book!

What is Christianity? What significance does the cross have? Are there teachings that can wreck our faith? We live in an age unlike any other in the history of man. To follow the Lord among the unique challenges we must understand Scripture and live by it. Available for $20- includes shipping.  Apologetics Coordination Team HIGHLY recommends this book.  It deals with many crucial issues for the Church today. Go here to order the book by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, P.O. Box 860683, Wahiawa, HI 96786. 

(52) The Other Side Of The River by Kevin M. Reeves, 7/05
There is a major doctrinal movement sweeping through the Church. Billing itself as the "River", it promises an incoming tide of blessing but leaves in its wake tsunami-like devastation. Marked by false prophecies, unbiblical manifestations and cult-like teachings and authority structure, this latest Christian fad has wooed a generation of unwary believers and led them into a substitute spirituality. While the Word of God has been placed on the back burner, personal experience reigns supreme amid a host of unscriptural visions and ecstatic utterances that have paved the way for a radical departure from the apostolic Christianity of the early Church. In this deeply personal account, Kevin Reeves explores the inner workings of this worldwide phenomenon. As a leading member of a hyper-Charismatic group for twelve years, Reeves promoted and participated in "every wind of doctrine" that blew through his congregation. Enjoying the "cutting-edge" elitism and the party atmosphere engendered by false signs and wonders, Reeves drifted with the River's powerful current until an encounter with the truth shook his belief system to its very foundations. About the Author: Kevin Reeves had for many years been a local newspaper reporter and columnist, and a regular contributor to the regional magazine, Alaskan Southeaster. He has written several online articles critiquing the Third Wave. He lives in Alaska with his wife, Kris, and their two daughters, four cats, and a horse. Read this review.
(53) Making War In The Heavenlies by Bill Randles
Excellent book on true biblical warfare. 

(54) Weighed And Found Wanting by Bill Randles
Excellent book on the Third Wave. 

(53) Redefining Christianity - Understanding the Purpose Driven Movement by Bob DeWaay
I have received many emails over the last two years from people who are concerned about what has happened to their church since it became Purpose Driven. This book will explain what has happened, why, and how a Purpose Driven church is different from a Bible-centered, Gospel church. Excerpt from Redefining Christianity:"Jesus said, "If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you" (John 15:19). Not even the greatest marketing genius can change this without redefining the church. Seeking the approval of the world is precisely what the Purpose Driven movement is all about."

(54) Breaking the Da Vinci Code by Darrell Bock Ph.D.
For readers who want to get to the bottom of the Da Vinci Code deception this book is all you need. This serious book presents the definitive Christian response. Darrell Bock Ph.D., responds to Dan Brown's claims using his vast knowledge of ancient pre-Nicean texts.

(55) True To His Ways - Purity & Safety in Christian Spiritual Practiceby R. Davis
Do we fully understand about spiritual adultery? The Bible contains vitally important commands on how to seek God and how to commune with Him and also how not to do these things. Following these commands keeps God�s children spiritually pure and true to His ways. This book is also available from Baruch House Publishing Company.
(56) A Time Of Departing (Second Edition) by Ray Yungen
Ray Yungen reveals how Christianity has opened its door to a blending of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the mystical pantheistic thoughts that all is God and God is in all.  The Second Edition is vastly expanded!

(57) The Final Apostasy Unveiled! - Mystery Babylon Exposed by Kevin M. Hall, 7/06 
The biblical explanation of how we entered into a "Post Modern World".

(58) Yoga And The Body Of Christ by Dave Hunt, The Berean Call, July 2006 
This entire discussion always brings us back to the most fundamental fact about yoga. No matter what physical beneit might be derived from the exercises themselves, yoga inevitably involves Eastern meditation. And Eastern meditation, unlike Western contemplation or reflection,
accompanies an intentional dissociation from our conscious minds. This shutting down of the mind is, in fact, a total abdication of our God-given responsibility that Jesus declared is the first and great commandment: to love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind (Deuteronomy 6:5�6, Matthew 22:37). Thus, we are violating one of the true God�s most basic commandments every time we give our minds over to the intentional �nothingness� of yoga and associated �relaxation techniques.�

Excellent eBook! (59) In the Name Of Purpose - Sacrificing Truth On The Altar Of Unity by Tamara Hartzell, 8/06 
This is an online book.  It is about Rick Warren and his message of purpose which is "neutralizing Christinity".  You can also download the entier book in PDF format here

(60) More Than A Purpose by Dr. Marshall Davis 
If you feel like something is missing from Rick Warren's best-selling books, The Purpose Driven Life and The Purpose Driven Church, you are not alone. In More Than a Purpose, Dr. Marshall Davis documents what evangelical leaders are saying about the megachurch movement. The author explores the origins of Rick Warren's approach in the Church Growth Movement and Robert Schuller's gospel of self-esteem. He examines the theology of Warren's Saddleback Church and finds that it falls short of historic Christianity. The author also exposes the market-driven methodology and philosophical pragmatism of The Purpose Driven Church. Readers will learn how the entertainment model of worship has taken over evangelical churches and how New Age spirituality has influenced the beliefs and the practices promoted in The Purpose Driven Life. This book will challenge Christians to recover the essentials of evangelical Christianity that will restore integrity to twenty-first century churches. Fully documented with 300 endnotes from over 75 different sources. Dr. Marshall Davis is an ordained Baptist minister with thirty years of experience as a pastor. He holds advanced degrees from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. He presently serves as a pastor in western Pennsylvania.  223 pages, paperback.

(61) Because They Hate by Bridget Gabriel 
Check out excerpts from Brigitte Gabriel's speech delivered at the Intelligence Summit in Washington DC, Saturday February 18, 2006.  From Publishers Weekly: With strident confidence, American Congress for Truth founder Gabriel rebukes the American public for being "weak, asleep or careless" in the face of Muslim terrorism. A Christian survivor of the vicious civil war between Lebanese Christians and Muslims in the 1970s, Gabriel leans on her own terrifying experiences to condemn Muslims, without apparent regard for their ethnicity, ideology or historical role. Consistently using the words "Muslim" and "Arab" as if they were interchangeable, she concludes that the U.S. is "facing total destruction" at the hands of people who are uncultured and cruel, and prescribes such solutions as "profile, profile and profile," and banning "hate education" in Islamic institutions. Though her writing is eloquent and her passion tremendous, Gabriel's strict dichotomy between "evil versus goodness" is too extreme to be informative. Readers will be forced to decide whether or not to accept her heart-felt bias. (Oct.)  (Copyright � Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)   Check out this exerpt also. 

(62) Which Jesus Will You Trust? by Mike Gendron, Proclaiming The Gospel Ministries, 12/06 
Share this thought provoking contrast between the Eucharistic Jesus of Catholicism and the Jesus of Scripture. Those who embrace a counterfeit Christ must be lovingly warned.
(63) For Many Shall Come In My Name by Ray Yungen, 5/07 
An Ancient Wisdom is drawing millions of people into mystical experiences and preparing the world for the end of the age ... find out how. Most people believe the New Age has been long gone from our society, and if practiced at all now it is only by unconventional fringe types. For Many Shall Come in My Name reveals this is not the case. In fact, quite the opposite has occurred. The New Age movement (a term not normally used by its proponents) has permeated virtually all aspects of our society. This "Ancient Wisdom" spirituality can be quite readily encountered in the following fields: Business, Education, Health, Self- Help, Religion, and Arts & Entertainment. This book examines them all. 

(64) The Deception Of "Love Evangelism" by Miguel Hayworth, 6/07 
Over the past 2 years I have been in deep conversation with many Christians from different denominations both at home and abroad. I have observed that many have succumbed to modernising trends in teaching and practice that reject centuries of sound Biblical thought. Believing that as �times have changed,� so Christianity must also �change with the times.� Many seek to �repaint Christianity,� or �Make Jesus Famous,� because people have lost faith in the fundamental teachings of the Gospel message itself. Just as in society at large the general population is being fed with a diet of processed and pre-packaged food so modern Christians are being fed a diet of spiritual junk food. Though couched in biblical language the basic substance of much of what passes for �Christian� today is nothing more than sensuality and
carnality. Such sensuality and carnality is the basis of pagan religion and not what Christ described as the �worship in spirit and in truth� that God desires. Christians yearn for �revival,� and interpret this to mean mass conversions. Fearful of upsetting the masses the �reproach of Christ� is rejected in favour of the �treasures of Egypt� (as evidenced in the
Word of Faith/Prosperity movement), �Finding meaning in Life� has replaced �Finding life in Christ� (as seen in Alpha Course,) �A Purpose Driven Life� has now replaced �a Christ Centred Life,� Jabez's prayer has become the mantra for success rather than Jabez's humility. This spiritual leaven has entered the Christian churches too easily and has quickly spread. The Emperor's new clothes are a sham and he stands naked before the world.
(65) Faith Undone by Roger Oakland, Understanding The Times, 8/07 
Is the emerging church movement just another passing fad, a more contemporary approach to church, or a bunch of disillusioned young people looking for answers? In fact, it is actually much broader and is influencing Christianity to a significant degree. Grounded in a centuries-old mystical approach, this movement is powerful, yet highly deceptive, and it draws its energy from practices and experiences that are foreign to traditional evangelical Christianity. The path that the emerging church is taking is leading right into the arms of Roman Catholicism and ultimately to an interfaith perspective that has prophetically profound ramifications.

(66) Living Above the Average by William MacDonald, Gospel Folio Press, 10/08 
Must we live ho-hum, humdrum lives, talking and singing Christianity on Sunday but living the rest of the week in a spiritual desert? Is it possible to live above the average? This collection of true-life stories will not only thrill you as you read but can provoke you�in a good way��to love and good works� (Hebrews 10:24). These are the accounts of ordinary people who want God to do extraordinary things through them. And He will! Paul knew the secret when he wrote about such a God who �is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think� (Ephesians 3:20). Gospel Folio Press, 152 pp.

(67) Catholic Concerns - Where Does the Road to Rome Lead? by Mary Ann Collins, a former Catholic nun, 12/20/08 

(68) Identifying and Opposing False Teachers & Why Evangelize If God Has Already Chosen? by Mike Gendron, 1/09 
The Lord Jesus warned that these last days would be marked by great deception because many false teachers will be on the scene deceiving many people. The Apostle Peter also warned there will be false teachers among you who will secretly introduce destructive heresies (2 Pet. 2:1). The burning question for the church is this? Why are we allowing these wolves in sheep's clothing to come in and attack the sheep? Why are pastors and church leaders refusing to protect their congregations by identifying and opposing these false teachers (2 Cor. 11:4)? Clearly our intimacy with Jesus Christ is directly related to how we deal with false teachers. The second message takes a Biblical look at the doctrine of election and how it relates to the responsibility of every believer to sow the seeds of God's imperishable word. See how divine sovereignty and human responsibility work together in God's perfect plan of redemption.

(69) The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism edited by Calvin L. Smith with contributions from Andy Cheung, Jacob Prasch, Stephen M. Vantassel, Howard Taylor, Paul Wilkinson and Tony Pearce, 4/09 
A large portion of the word of God in the Old Testament is being misinterpreted or deliberately avoided by those who have adopted the teaching that the Christian Church has replaced Israel and that the ancient promises made by God to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David are now pass�. However, Calvin L. Smith has edited a set of chapters in a new book that makes a vital contribution towards rectifying this imbalance in interpretation. May it spark a long-overdue discussion among Evangelical interpreters of all persuasions as well as one between Jewish people of the book and believers in the Christian Church.

(70) Navigating The Storms Of Life by Gary Inrig, Discovery Series booklet, 2006 
Good booklet on the importance of God's written Word in today's seas of uncertainty. 

(71) Castles In The Sand by Carolyn A. Greene, Lighthouse Trails Publishing, 5/29/09 
Castles in the Sand, Lighthouse Trails' first novel, is back from press. This book addresses the contemplative prayer (spiritual formation) movement in a fiction setting. The story focuses around an intelligent, searching college girl who comes under the influence of contemplative mysticism through her professor and the college's spiritual formation program. This important and timely book provides college-age readers the information they need to understand the new spirituality they are being introduced to at many of today's Christian colleges and seminaries. The book will be very helpful to parents and other loved ones who are trying to understand what this pervasive spirituality is all about.

(72) Catholicism: East of Eden by Richard Bennett, 6/19/09 
Catholicism: East of Eden subtitled Insights into Catholicism for the 21st Century is getting some good acknowledgments across the world. Richard's latest book is a unique intertwining of sound doctrine and experience with a soft cover, 337 pages and with photographs Evangelical Press is the sole distributor of this book in the UK and Europe. If you are located in that region, you can contact them and buy that book at: Click on the book icon for more information. The latest Review of the book is by Dr. Peter Masters of Spurgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacle London UK 

(73) Hope08 - A Hidden Agenda by Miguel Hayworth, 7/17/09 
This Book will reveal the Interfaith/Ecumenical agenda behind HOPE 2008. The Bible tells us to hold to the purity of Gods word and not to 'join hands' with those who do not bring the one and only true gospel of salvation. Joining hands with Hope 08 in any way whatsoever effectively promotes their ecumenical and interfaith agenda. More info:

(74) ICRS 2009 - The Church in the Marketplace by Jackie Alnor, 7/17/09 
The Internet, the Economy and the Apostasy = three elements that spell out the decline in the Christian publishing market. The recent bookseller�s conference reflects today�s atmosphere in publishing at a time when the publishing industry is taking a hit. Christianity Today has had to stop some of its sister publications and there�s no saying how long both CT and Charisma can keep going while the amount of pages and ads in those magazines diminish. And as more and more people are leaving traditional churches, they are also reading more Oprah and less C.S. Lewis. An anonymous source reported that back in the 1980s, the Christian Booksellers Association�s (CBA) annual national conferences used to attract an average of 7,000 visitors. The recent conference, now renamed ICRS, International Christian Retail Show, had an average of 700 attending, according to the same source. (Perhaps, but only if you exclude the people manning the booths and just count bookstore owners who are declining.)

(75) Castles in the Sand by Caryolyn A. Greene, 7/22/09 
Description: When the horse-loving, day-dreaming Tessa Dawson enters a Christian college, she is introduced to the writings of 16th century Teresa of Avila by her spiritual formation professor. Soon Tessa's life is dramatically affected as she delves into "Christian mysticism." As she ventures deeper into this form of spirituality, God prepares her concerned grandfather and a mysterious young man as they set out to reach her. This "fiction with a message" takes a compelling and thought-provoking look at the true nature behind contemplative spirituality, which has impacted Christian churches, colleges, seminaries, and universities across the globe. Two lives are changed forever through spiritual practices they each encounter�lectio divina . . . contemplative prayer . . . visualization . . . centering . . . sacred space . . . desert fathers . . . kundalini . . . labyrinths . . . spiritual formation . . . the silence. Author Bio: Castles in the Sand is Carolyn Greene's debut book. She has studied the New Age movement and the contemplative prayer movement for several years. She lives in Canada with her husband and two children. Carolyn A. Greene is the author's pen name. 

(76) A "Wonderful" Deception - The Further New Age Implications of the Emerging Purpose Driven Movement by Warren Smith, 7/09 
"A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?" Jeremiah 5:30-31 Five years after writing Deceived on Purpose: the New Age Implications of the Purpose Driven Church, former New Age follower Warren Smith continues to reveal how Christian leaders�wittingly or unwittingly�are leading the church into a spiritual trap. A �Wonderful� Deception examines church metaphors, concepts, and beliefs that are essentially the same as those being used in today�s New Age teachings. And while biblical prophecy is being minimized and explained away, the �new science� is being used to prepare the world�and the church�to accept a New Spirituality and a false New Age Christ. This book explains how all the puzzle pieces are in place for the �strong delusion� described in 2 Thessalonians. A �Wonderful� Deception pierces right into the heart of this deception while preparing believers in Jesus Christ to effectively stand against it. 

(77) Dominionism and the Rise of Christian Imperialism by Sarah Leslie, 2008 
This is an e-book in PDF format. 

(78) Unshackled by Larry DeBruyn, 9/09 
Pastor DeBruyn's latest book reviews The Shack, Wm. Paul Young's bestselling spiritual allegory. But is much more than that! UNSHACKLED is a solid biblical refutation of the emerging heresies of the "quantum spirituality" movement. This movement is showing up both within the New Age/New Spirituality and also the Emerging/Emergent church (popularized by Leonard Sweet's book titled Quantum Spirituality).

(79) The Plumbline Newsletter Archive by Orrel Steinkamp 
An archive of past The Plumbline newsletters. 

(80) The Gospel - What is the Way of the Gospel? - A refutation of the Law, works and baptism being necessary for salvation by Mike Oppenherimer, 3/21/10 
A through look at the gospel, its activities and various facets. It is important that every Christian understands the Biblical meaning of the Gospel and historicity of Christian Baptism. This book covers the fall of man the introduction of the sacrificial system, how it was used throughout history. What the Gospel is and what it is not. The way of salvation. refuting those that add works to the gospel, such as the law, and the ceremony of baptism. The Biblical view of grace, faith and the message that saves.  This book is about the gospel and God�s way of salvation. How a person is saved from their sin is the subject of this book. Is the gospel something we hear and respond to by faith or something we also need to do by works? What is the difference of religion and relationship. Numerous churches teach that you must be water baptized to receive salvation or to complete your salvation. There are a number of different opinions, all seem to have biblical arguments for their position. However, there can only be one correct way.  This book is meant to clarify scriptural misconceptions and point to the saving knowledge of the truth. What is mostly focused on are works and the addition of baptism �baptismal regeneration� as part of the gospel message. It is a strong and thorough refutation on baptism being part of the gospel. 233 pages.

(81) Discernment CATALOG by Herescope, 3/23/10 
We are pleased to announce that the Discernment Ministries CATALOG is now completely updated and posted online. This is the compilation of all of the informative resources available from Discernment Ministries.

(82) The Emerging Church - Undefining Christianity by Bob Dewaay, 5/10 
The Emergent Church. Its very name implies innovative understandings of Orthodox Christianity. But what exactly does it stand for? What exactly does it teach? In The Emergent Church - Undefining Christianity Bob DeWaay exposes the core belief that unifies the Emergent Church - its eschatology. He demonstrates that in their system every other Christian concept is open to discussion and contradiction, yet their definition of eschatology remains constant and fixed; it is their sole unifying foundation. Without their eschatology there is no Emergent Church. Many have attempted to understand the movement, but have met with frustration when they encounter undefined language and contradictory beliefs that are inconsistent-within the text and between authors. Indeed, the Emergent Church and its leaders intentionally avoid definitions or defined statements of faith that can be understood and discerned and welcome definitions that are felt or experienced. It is no wonder that frustration results. Once these facts are understood it becomes obvious that "Emergent" is not new at all; it is age-old heresy repackaged in postmodern subjectivity whose purpose is the further seduction of the na�ve and of those who refuse to love and obey the truth. 

(83) Burning Down The Shack: How the 'Christian' Bestseller is Deceiving Millions by James B. De Young, 6/8/10 
Millions have bought into the theology of Paul Young, whose book, "The Shack," which portrays God as a loving, black woman. Similar changes in appearance were given to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The story of pain and redemption then resonated with the public. But is Young's worldview important? Is his theology that big a deal? James De Young thinks so. In fact, it's so important that he's written a compelling book challenge to "The Shack." In "Burning Down the Shack," De Young manages to shed important light on the implications of Young's pluralistic faith, and provides readers with a gripping counter-balance to the popular little volume that's spent many weeks on the best-seller lists. Exploring the nature and character of God, from Scripture, De Young concludes that it is necessary to proceed carefully with "The Shack," lest important truths be skewed and even jettisoned. Without being confrontational, De Young makes the case that dangers can lurk under the foundation.

(84) Catholicism Versus the Bible: A Former Nun Looks at the Evidence by Mary Ann Collins, 8/27/10 
I recently published a book titled "Catholicism Versus the Bible:  A Former Nun Looks at the Evidence." The book is now available at

(85) False Christ Coming - Does Anybody Care? by Warren Smith, 9/27/10 
False Christ Coming - Does Anybody Care? is the original Reinventing Jesus Christ by Warren B. Smith, published in 2002. There is an amazing thing happening in the land. Jesus Christ is being "reinvented" right in front of our eyes and hardly anyone seems to notice or care. "Reinventing" is a term that is popularly used to describe the transformation of something from one form into a thing uniquely different. Over the last several decades, while traditional Christian believers were sleeping, a vastly underrated adversary has made significant gains in the spiritual marketplace. In a gradual series of well-conceived and perfectly timed moves, this ingenious spiritual being has already introduced himself to the world as "Christ." And his New Age/New Gospel/New Spirituality is now accepted by millions of well-intentioned people around the world. Through his extraordinary use of the mass media, this "Christ" has presented his "New Spirituality" through a small but powerful network of key people who enthusiastically proclaim his teachings. Convinced their "Christ" is the true Christ, most of those in the network seem to be unaware of his real identity. While the network front line is eagerly mainstreaming his New Age/New Gospel, this "Christ" has been able to remain in the background, overseeing his Peace Plan to birth a new humanity-a new humanity that will be empowered by his spirit, committed to his teachings, and from which he will one day emerge. 

(86) Gospel Cards by Michael Gendron, Proclaiming The Gospel, 10/21/10 
Our exciting new resource for evangelism is a set of 12 four color Gospel Cards. They were designed and developed to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ clear, complete and biblically accurate. Each card explains the most important words of a Gospel presentation using four bullet points and their corresponding Scripture references. The cards can be used to clarify common misunderstandings about life�s most critical issue: �What must I do to be saved?� 

(87) Scripture Workbook, Vol. 2 by Gary F. Zeolla, Darkness To Light Ministries, 12/13/10 
This book contains twenty individual �Scripture Studies.� Each study focuses on one general area of study. These studies enable individuals or groups to do in-depth, topical studies of the Bible. They are also invaluable to the Bible study teacher in preparing lessons. For this Second Edition of this Workbook, all of the studies have been reviewed and expanded, with much new material and new studies added. This book is Volume II of a two volume set. The first volume covered the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. This second volume covers controversial theologies, cultic and aberrant doctrines, and ethics and the Christian life. Controversial theologies are areas of theology in which conservative (a.k.a. evangelical) Christians disagree. Cultic doctrines are teachings of groups like Jehovah�s Witnesses and Mormons that are outside of the norm for evangelical Christianity. Aberrant doctrines are false teaching that are taught not by one specific group but are widely circulated on places like the Internet. Ethics are moral issues in which there is a specific conservative Christian stance. The Christian life refers to lifestyle issues and decisions that many Christians struggle over.  This book is available in paperback and e-book versions. 

(88) A Book Every Christian College Student Should Read - Castles In The Sand by Carolyn A. Greene, 12/2/11
If you know someone who is considering entering a Christian college or seminary or someone who is already enrolled in one, we encourage you to get that person a copy of Castles in the Sand. It is Lighthouse Trails novel on the contemplative prayer/spiritual formation movement in the Christians schools. The story alternates back and forth between the life of mystic Teresa of Avila and a young woman, Tessa, in present day who has enrolled in a Christian college. Below is a chapter by chapter synopsis. We have been told by many parents and students that this book has been a huge eye opener.
(89) Sandy Simpson Articles with PowerPoints 
This page contains links to PayLoadz where you can purchase and download Sandy Simpson articles and the PowerPoint presentations that go with them.  The files are zipped to make them easier to download.  Simply double click on the .zip file and if you have WinZip or some other .zip compatible archiver it will open the .zip file where you will find the article(s) and the PowerPoint that goes with them.  These are very useful in teaching Bible studies or to use as messages.  To order just click on the PayLoadz button below the files you wish to order and after you pay via PayPal you will receive a link where you can download the file(s).
(90) Wandering Stars: Contending for the Faith with the New Apostles and Prophets by Keith Gibson, 2/10/12
Wandering Stars is an examination of the aberrant doctrines and practices of the modern apostolic and prophetic movement.  It is the result of seven years of research interviewing current and former members, listening to hours of sermons, reading the books of the prominent leaders and reading over 7,000 personal prophecies.  I have tried to make the book even-handed though I do take strong issue with some of the things happening within this movement.  It is 310 pages and is heavily documented with approximately 350 end-notes.  I pray that it will be valuable as a resource for those doing further research and for those seeking to understand the movement. I also greatly hope that it will be helpful to pastors, youth pastors and parents seeking to protect their young people from recruitment into this movement.

(91) Legend of the Fall by Peter M. Duyzer, 2/21/12 

Book on the life of William Branham.
(92) Spiritual Abuse Recovery:  Dynamic Research on Finding a Place of Wholeness by Barb Orlowski, Spiritual Abuse Recovery, 4/5/12

I believe that many people have been wounded by church leaders and could benefit by the information gleaned in this doctoral study with a fresh look at church leadership from a NT perspective.

(93) IN THE NAME OF JESUS: The Rise of �Jesus Only� Baptism & Oneness Pentecostalism, A New Online Booklet by Pastor Larry DeBruyn, 8/15/12 
Below is an excerpt from an exciting new booklet that has just been posted at the Discernment Ministries main website book page. The topic of this booklet is especially relevant to the rapidly rising popularity and mainstreaming of T.D. Jakes* in the evangelical world. 
(94) The Dilemma of Laodicea by James Jacob Prasch 

Dilemma of Laodicea There are "things which you have seen", "things which are", and "things which will take place". 

The seven churches of the book of Revelation, which actually existed in the 1st Century ("things which you have seen"), also represent seven broad types of churches that can exist at any time in history ("things which are"), and seven generally overlapping periods of church history ("things which will take place"). These letters to the seven churches of Asia can be applied in four main ways: 

    � They existed literally and historically at the end of the 1st Century A.D. 
    � They are seven types of churches which exist at any time throughout history. 
    � They represent seven types of churches that will exist at the end of the age. 
    � They correspond quite well to seven periods of church history. 

This book examines the history of the church in light of the letters of Jesus Christ to the seven churches in Asia, as recorded by John in his Revelations. Unless learning can be achieved from the errors of the past it is a sure thing that those errors will be repeated. 

Place your order here

(95) Shadows Of The Beast by Jacob Prasch, 10/18/12 
"How the identity of the coming Antichrist will be revealed to the faithful Church". Jacob has produced a completely unique book on the Antichrist whose twenty or so chapters are organized into six major parts: 

��� Part One: The Spirit of the Antichrist 
��� Part Two: The Many Antichrists�Biblical 
��� Part Three: The Many Antichrists�Historical 
��� Part Four: The Milieu of the Antichrist 
��� Part Five: The False Prophet 
��� Part Six: The Final Antichrist 

This is not like so many books which attempt to name a specific person to be named as the Antichrist or to make a case that the ultimate Antichrist can only come from a particular place or background. Scripture teaches us that he will be revealed to the faithful church by Christ, and this work provides the tools and background to accomplish this at the appointed time. 

It is highly recommended that this work be read in tandem with The Dilemma of Laodicea, Jacob's book on the seven churches in Revelation which provides a platform of understanding how the spirit of antichrist has been at work during every age of the Church and particularly in this final age characterized by the church at Laodicea. 

Please click here to place your order. 

(96) Is That You, Lord?: Hearing The Voice Of The Lord, A Biblical Perspective by Dr. Gary Gilley, 10/21/12 
The quest to �discover the will of God�, discern the mysterious promptings of the Spirit and open the floodgates of divine communication are all hot topics in popular Christian culture, and cause much unnecessary anguish and confusion. But what does the Bible say? Dr. Gary E. Gilley shows us, in clear and precise language, what God�s Word teaches on this important subject.

(97) "Reimagining" God: Turning the Light off to Look for "Truth" in the Corner of a Dark Round Room by Tamara Hartzell, 12/22/12 
Despite the absurd belief that dispensing with the truth of God's inspired Word is a move toward God, this way of thinking simply could not be any more backward. This way of thinking has already moved today's Christianity "forward" in its faith to the doctrines of devils found in the channeled teachings of occultists and New Agers. And these same doctrines of devils that are already embraced as "God's truth" in today's Christianity comprise the emerging faith that will bow down to the devil's Antichrist and take his mark. Will you be one of them? I pray not. This day is rapidly emerging on the horizon and will be here much sooner than you think.  Read this online book here.

(98) TheoPhostic Counseling by Martin and Deidre Bobgan, 2/7/13 
Divine Revelation? or PsychoHeresy? - "TheoPhostic counseling is the result of many existent therapies, including psychoanalytic, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and cognitive-behavioral therapies. In addition, TheoPhostic includes elements from the inner healing movement, which includes guided imagery, visualization, and hypnosis. As a result of our analysis we conclude that TheoPhostic counseling came out of the evil cauldron of the perverted wisdom of men rather than from the mind of God. We present our reasons for this, our comparisons with what appear to be Dr. Ed M. Smith's sources, and a concern about how he misuses Scripture to support TheoPhostic counseling."�Martin and Deidre Bobgan

(99) My Journey Out of Catholicism by David Dombrowski, Lighthouse Trails, 2/8/13 
As I am writing these things, I am amazed to think how quickly the years have gone by. These events that seem like yesterday began over twenty-five years ago. And through all these years, I have never publically shared the story about the community. But there is a reason why I felt compelled to share it now. When the community was deciding to become Catholic, they were very excited because they felt that they were pioneers in going back to the mother church. They felt confident that many others would eventually follow their example. Today, I see that this is beginning to happen in large numbers. The community shared with some of their friends that they had grown spiritually as far as the Protestant church could take them, and if they were going to grow anymore, they would have to become Catholic. It is the same thing that is happening today. Many Protestant leaders are now standing up and proclaiming that we need to glean from the teachings and practices of the Catholic church. Particularly appealing to them is contemplative prayer or mysticism and the spiritual disciplines. There is no doubt in my mind that contemplative spirituality is a bridge, bringing Protestants �back� to the Catholic church. The emerging church movement is equally a bridge toward Catholicism, and the Purpose Driven movement has had a role in this as well.

(100) �I Just Had a Vision� booklet by Kevin Reeves, 2/25/13 
This booklet is specifically geared toward passing out to those who are involved in movements such as the River movement, Latter Rain, Word Faith, IHOP, Kansas City Prophets, Toronto Blessing, or Brownsville Revival, etc.).

(101) Wandering Stars by Keith Gibson, 2/27/13 
Contending for the Faith with the New Apostles and Prophets - Finally, here is an up-to-date volume written not just for Bereans but one that reaches across denominational fences to speak the truth in love to those curious about or drawn away by the false doctrines and heretical teachings and practices of the Latter Rain, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), or "Five-Fold Restoration" movements. From the author: "There is always the temptation when dealing with a subject of this nature, to pull out the most oulandish quotes in an attempt to make one's point more forcefully.... While an extreme example has occasionally been used in order to demonstrate how heretical the movement is at its fringes, for the most part, I have attempted to use quotes from those considered more 'mainstream' within the apostolic and prophetic momement. It is my desire to demonstrate that the issues addressed in this book are rampant within the community and not isolated in one or two marginal teachers. It is my sincere prayer that this book will be used in some small measure to awaken the church to the seriousness of the errors being propagated within the apostolic/prophetic movement and to call the church back to the truth." TBC is pleased to present this book as a contemporary answer to those with friends, family, and church members who are prone to be "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians:4:14That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;).

(102) Native Spirituality �Renewal� & the Emerging Church (Booklet) by Nanci Des Gerlaise, 3/23/13 
While those practicing Native Spirituality may believe they are practicing a completely unique form of spirituality, originating with them, they couldn�t be further from the truth. Native Spirituality is just one part of a vast movement that is creating a paradigm shift in our present-day culture away from biblical Christianity and replacing it with an all-inclusive interspiritual global religion that relies heavily upon mystical practices. The results will create a �Christianity� that has no resemblance to biblical Christianity whatsoever.

(103) Showtime for the Sheep? (Book) by T.A. McMahon, The Berean Call, 3/31/13 
After screening Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, T. A. McMahon set about writing a book evaluating the enthusiasm generated for the film among evangelicals. The movie was touted as the greatest opportunity for witnessing since the death of Christ. Could that be true? Or could the church be enthralled with something that might have a host of problems beyond just a popular motion picture about Jesus Christ. Tom observed a connection between The Passion and trends taking place among professing Bible believers such as the increasing use of entertainment in presenting the gospel, the ecumenical relationship between Catholics and Evangelicals, the use of imagery verging on idolatry, and the major drift away from the objective Word of God in favor of the subjective, "feelings" oriented treatment of the Scriptures.

(104) How to Know When the Emerging Church Shows Signs of Emerging Into Your Church (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 4/7/13 
I am convinced we are seeing apostasy underway, exactly as the Scriptures have forewarned. This means that this current trend is not likely to disappear. We must continue to proclaim the truth in the midst of deception with love.

(105) NEW PRINT BOOKLET TRACT: The New Missiology � Doing Missions Without the Gospel by Roger Oakland, 4/27/13 
Emerging �progressive Christianity� is changing the way evangelical/Protestant missions is being conducted. The idea is that you can go for Jesus, but you don�t have to identify yourself as a Christian or part of the Christian church. This concept spills over into some missionary societies too, where they teach people from other religions they can keep their religion, just add Jesus to the equation. They don�t have to embrace the term Christian.

(106) The 10 Things You Need to Know About Islam by Ron Rhodes, 2013
One out of every five persons on the earth is a Muslim. In the past 16 years, the number of Muslim mosques in the United States has mushroomed from 30 to over 3,000. An Islamic leader recently inaugurated a session of the United States Senate, praying in the name of Allah. Chances are that if you don't currently have Muslim friends, you soon will. To understand and communicate with them, you need to know... Are all Muslims the same? Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? Was Muhammad really a prophet of God? Do the Quran and the Christian Bible agree? What are the major doctrines of Islam? What are the five major obligations of Muslims? How is the basis of salvation in Muslim theology? Has the Bible been corrupted, as Muslims claim? Was Jesus a mere prophet, as Muslims claim? What do Muslims say about Judgment, heaven, and hell? What are the best strategies for dialoguing with Muslims? This concise, easy-to-understand guide answers these questions and others, and also provides a powerful Christian apologetic response. This book is engineered to guide Christians through the most important information with clear explanations and solid biblical reasoning. This is a must�have resource for individuals and churches trying to discern today�s news stories.

(107) How To Protect Your Child From the New Age and  Spiritual Deception (Book) by Berit Kjos, 5/17/13
Unbeknownst to most parents, America�s public schools are teaching their children to use mindfulness meditation (Eastern-style meditation or TM). In a New York Times article titled �In the Classroom, a New Focus on Quieting the Mind,� elementary children in an Oakland, California school are promised peace and loving-kindness if they will learn to meditate.

(108) The New Missiology: Doing Missions Without the Gospel (Tract) by Roger Oakland, 6/4/13 
Emerging "progressive Christianity" is changing the way evangelical/Protestant missions is being conducted. The idea is that you can go for Jesus, but you don't have to identify yourself as a Christian or part of the Christian church. This concept spills over into some missionary societies too, where they teach people from other religions they can keep their religion, just add Jesus to the equation. They don?t have to embrace the term Christian.

(109) NEW BOOKLET TRACT: An Epidemic of Apostasy � How Christian Seminaries Must Incorporate �Spiritual Formation� to Become Accredited by Lighthouse Trails, 6/16/13 
What do the two accreditation organizations�Association of Theological Seminaries and Association for Biblical Higher Education�have in common? Both associations require schools that wish to be accredited to include Spiritual Formation within the school�s infrastructure. Just what exactly does that mean for these 350 some seminaries and Bible colleges? Well, it means that if they want to receive and maintain their accreditation, they are going to have to incorporate Spiritual Formation (i.e., contemplative spirituality) into the lives of their students.

(110) The Truth About Energy Healing (Booklet) by Ray Yungen, Lighthouse Trails, 6/25/13 
New Agers and occultists believe that man has more than one body, that there are other invisible bodies superimposed on the physical body. They refer to one of these as the etheric body and believe there lies within it energy centers called chakras (pronounced shock-ras). The term chakra means whirling wheel in Sanskrit, the ancient Hindu language. They were seen by those with clairvoyant powers as spinning balls of psychic energy. It is taught that there are seven chakras, which start at the base of the spine and end at the crown chakra at the top of the head.

(111) The Labyrinth Journey: Walking the Path to Fulfillment? (Booklet) by Carl Teichrib, Lighthouse Trails, 7/2/13 
Beyond all of this, just as walking the labyrinth is used for initiation in cults, it serves as a catalyst to draw people into more serious forms of New Age or eastern-style meditation cloaked under terms like �the silence,� �centering prayer,� or �contemplative prayer.� Yes, the majority of Christians would affirm that their labyrinth prayer walk is completely focused on Jesus Christ. That may be true, but it doesn�t excuse the fact that the labyrinth is, by its theological nature, an inter-religious and deeply mystical device. If God is going to bless the labyrinth experience, how is He going to deal with 2 Corinthians 6:14-16?

(112) YOGA and Christianity � Are They Compatible? (Booklet) by Chris Lawson, Lighthouse Trails, 7/7/13 
Western Culture Embraces Yoga: It is no secret that Yoga is taking Western civilization by storm. In just a little over a hundred years, a mystical revolution has occurred that millions of Westerners have wholeheartedly embraced. Amazingly, the Western Judeo-Christian view is in the process of a paradigm shift toward the same perspective as yogic India.

(113) The Beginning of Roman Catholicism: What is Roman Catholicism and where did it originate? (Booklet) by Jacob Prasch, 7/19/13 
Table of Contents: Babylon and Rome�Historical Backtround: Pagan Rome�The New Covenant vs. Replacement Theology�State Religions: Old and New�Augustinian Theology�The Errors of Ignatius of Antioch�Pagan Emperors/Catholic Popes�Recontextualization vs. Redefinition�Influences of Gnosticism�Sempre Aidin: Always the Same�The Effects of Greek Dualism�Undermining the Humanity of Christ: The Root of Mary Worship�The Middle Ages�The Rock: Peter or Christ?�The Origin of the Papacy�The Dark Ages: Catholicism's Gift to Europe�Aristotelianism & Humanism Are Born From the Renaissance�The Counter-Reformation and Further Corruption�The Council of Trent: The Final Insult�The Goals of Modern-Day Roman Catholicism

(114) The Shack and Its New Age Leaven (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 7/22/13 
The introduction of fractals in the story line of The Shack is a deceptive device to unsuspecting readers. It is an entry point into the pseudo-scientific notion of �fractal Oneness���as above, so below�/God �in� everything.

(115) An Epidemic of Apostasy � How Christian Seminaries Must Incorporate �Spiritual Formation� to Become Accredited (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 8/1/13 
Spiritual Formation: A movement that has provided a platform and a channel through which contemplative prayer is entering the church. Find spiritual formation being used, and in nearly every case, you will find contemplative spirituality and its �pioneers� such as Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, and Henri Nouwen. Spiritual Formation is based on �spiritual disciplines� that can be practiced by people of any faith to make them more �Christ-like.� Rebirth through Jesus Christ and regeneration through the Holy Spirit are not essential. Rather it is a works-based �theology� that has strong roots in Roman Catholicism and ancient paganism.

(116) Brennan Manning�s �New Monks� & Their Dangerous Contemplative Spirituality (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 8/26/13
Little did I know when I began to read The Signature of Jesus, the time and effort that would be involved in understanding it. I am not a theologian by training. My background is in technical management in electronic component manufacturing. However, I stumbled onto something that I became convinced was very dangerous and little understood.

(117) Chrislam � The Blending Together of Islam & Christianity (Booklet) by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/15/13
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all part of the Abrahamic tree of faith. We all believe in the same God, and in many aspects we are all trying to accomplish the same goals. (�UCC Pastor to read Quran in Response to Dove Quran Burnings�, The Creative Seminole, Source)

(118) Setting Aside the Power of the Gospel for a Powerless Substitute (Booklet) by David Dombrowski, 11/3/13
This booklet is specifically geared toward passing out to those who are involved with some kind of spiritual deception.

(119) A �Common Core� For a Global Community: What�s In Store For the Education of Today�s Children? (Booklet) by Berit Kjos, 11/16/13
While preparing this booklet, I came across a headline that illustrates the corrupt values and shameless propaganda behind UNESCO�s Common Core indoctrination. Ponder this assignment: �Students Asked to �Argue That Jews Are Evil� and Prove Nazi Loyalty in Assignment Linked to Common Core.�1 In other words, traditional values are out! Shocking propaganda is in! I hope this booklet will help parents, concerned educators, and our children prepare together for the spiritual battlefields ahead.

(120) Another Jesus Calling (Book) by Warren B. Smith, 11/25/13
For those who have read Jesus Calling and been troubled by it but didn�t know why, �Another Jesus� Calling will give substance to your concerns and will equip you to help your friends who may be reading Young�s book also. And if you have read Jesus Calling and see nothing wrong with it, consider the claims of �Another Jesus� Calling. Beyond all this, �Another Jesus� Calling serves as a discernment tool in rightly handling the Word of God. You will lay down this book with renewed understanding of the essential role of the Bible and the Gospel message in keeping on (or returning to) the right path.

(121) NEW BOOKLET TRACT: A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists) by Chris Lawson, 12/9/13
Each of the (not recommended) authors professes to be Christian and/or uses biblical terminology in his or her writing, yet promotes at least one of the following serious false teachings: contemplative spirituality (i.e., Spiritual Formation), the emergent, progressive �new� spirituality, the seeker-friendly, church-growth movement (e.g., Willow Creek, Purpose Driven) and/or Yoga.

(122) The Christian and Psychology (Booklet) by Gary Gilley, 2/16/14
It is important that we analyze psychology in light of the Word. In The Christian and Psychology, Pastor Gary Gilley compares Scripture next to psychology to help Christians form a biblical worldview of psychology.

(123) Redemption by Harry A. Ironside (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 6/26/14
The word �redemption� is one that runs all through the Bible; in fact, we can say without any suggestion of hyperbole that it is the great outstanding theme of Holy Scripture. This important truth runs through the Book like the proverbial red strand that, we are told, runs through the cordage of the British navy. Everywhere, from Genesis right on to Revelation, you find God in one way or another presenting to us the truth of redemption�redemption in promise and in type in the Old Testament; redemption in glorious fulfillment in the New Testament.

(124) New Apostolic Reformation: An Update on Two New Books by Dr. R. Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec 7/10/14
Many of you have asked me about the progress of my two forthcoming books on the New Apostolic Reformation. I�m pleased to share that the books are in production and are scheduled to be released this fall. They will be published by Weaver Book Company. If you�re looking for an overview of the NAR movement and you want a concise biblical evaluation of its teachings, you might begin with "God�s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement." If you want a fuller exposition of NAR teachings and a more complete examination of the movement, then you�ll want to read "A New Apostolic Reformation? A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement." I�ve had the privilege of partnering with a co-author on these books. His name is R. Douglas Geivett, and he�s a professor at Talbot School of Theology. Dr. Geivett is a brilliant Christian philosopher and has debated the leading atheists, including Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, and Matt Ridley. He has degrees from multiple schools, including Multnomah School of the Bible, Gonzaga University, Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. Other books he has written or edited include In Defense of Miracles (InterVarsity Press) and Evil and the Evidence for God (Temple University Press). He�s also a contributor to the Apologetics Study Bible. I�m thrilled that Dr. Geivett has applied his high-level skills and brilliant mind to an evaluation of NAR teachings. You can read his announcement about the books at Doug Geivett�s Blog. For additional details about the books or to pre-order copies, see the publisher�s website.

(125) Is Your Church Doing Spiritual Formation? - Important Reasons Why They Shouldn�t (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 10/2/14
Is your church involved in a Spiritual Formation program? If so, you might want to ask the question, what exactly is Spiritual Formation? It�s a fair question, and one that, if not asked, could end up surprising you when your church changes in ways you never imagined.

(126) Harpazo: The Intra-Seal Rapture of the Church (Book) by James Jacob Prasch, 11/9/14 
When it comes to books devoted to eschatology in general and the Rapture specifically, they often either read like a formal academic argument written solely for the benefit of scholars or employ the use of fiction to avoid directly handling the underlying biblical text. As with Jacob's previous books and exhaustive list of sermons covering nearly every area of theology, Harpazo presents the doctrine of the Rapture and Resurrection in the strictest biblical sense possible, leveraging the handling of Scripture in the same manner as passed along to us by Christ through the Apostles and Early Church of the 1st century. Often the typical format of such books is to spend more time explaining and refuting all the positions the author does not subscribe to rather than focus exclusively on what they believe and have derived from Scripture. Harpazo may be unique in the complete absence of charts and seemingly endless trips to sidebars to constantly compare alternate interpretations the author does not subscribe to in the first place. Jacob was asked to continue to employ in an expanded book format the same exegesis of Scripture which is present in all of his teachings regardless of whether or not they are eschatological. After all, "The Apocalypse" means "unveiling", and that "lifting of the curtain", so to speak, as we approach the ever nearer Return of Christ is the Holy Spirit's revelation of Scripture as already given, not a new opinion by man. The Gospels are clear that immediately in the wake of His Resurrection, Christ not only imparted the Holy Spirit to His disciples, but directly instructed them in how He was the fulfillment of the whole of Scripture. (Lk. 24:27, 44-45) In other words, the interpretation of all of God's Word, every Book of the Old Testament included, was re-cast as Christological, having not just a literal, primary meaning for the times any Scripture was originally given, but an added meaning for either Christ's First Coming, Second Coming, or both. Like every doctrine and theology, the Rapture and Resurrection are illustrated through many scriptural people, places and events throughout the whole of God�s Word and not simply limited to a single biblical reference. Using the Early Church hermeneutics of typology to illustrate and illuminate doctrine, Jacob shows how there are many raptures and rescues in Scripture which combine to teach what is going to ultimately take place in the Parousia�the Second Coming of Christ. Likewise, there is a wealth of similar events and patterns throughout Scripture which teach us what to expect from related issues such as the Two Witnesses, the role of the 144,000 and Israel yet to come, the pattern of judgments in Revelation and how they actually replay Old Testament and historical parallels, and a wealth of other such End Times teachings already established in the canon of Scripture. Jesus Himself established this hermeneutic by categorically teaching that the Last Days would be realized in the character of the days of Noah as well as Lot. The Apostles in their writings not only confirmed these specific examples but built upon them. The question for believers in the Last Days is not whether or not some kind of "new" revelation or word from God has been revealed, but how what has already been given is, in these final hours, being unveiled to believers by the Holy Spirit. What Daniel was told to seal until the end, John was told would be ultimately unsealed. Some of the chapter titles in Harpazo will sound familiar to those already acquainted with Jacob's teachings, but he has never tied everything together overall to this degree before. This book is not about creating another End Times chart, but making a good faith effort to draw together in one place what the whole counsel of God's Word is teaching not just for a single event or prophetic fulfillment, but the overall doctrinal basis by which believers are supposed to act and behave according to His Word.

(127) God�s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement (Book) by Dr. Doug Geivett & Holly Pivec, 11/26/14 
God�s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement provides a beginner�s introduction to the New Apostolic Reformation. In addition to being brief and non-technical, it also contains stories of individuals� personal experiences with this movement and practical advice for responding to its teachings.

(128) A New Apostolic Reformation? A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement (Book) by Dr. Doug Geivett & Holly Pivec, 11/26/14 
Goes into much greater depth in evaluating NAR teachings and describing the influence of the movement.

(129) Oprah Winfrey�s New Age �Christianity� and the Emperor�s New Clothes (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 3/5/15 
Oprah has done her job well. For nearly thirty years, she has enthusiastically and consistently communicated her New Age beliefs through countless New Age authors. All those in the �Aquarian Conspiracy� must be very proud of her. Thanks to Oprah�s high visibility and continued popularity, �the great heretical idea� that �God� and �Christ� are within everyone has been �widely communicated� and is fast becoming our �new consensus� and �what everyone knows.� This ten-week class that she was teaching with Eckhart Tolle was the culmination of all that Oprah has sought to teach her viewers over the years about the New Age and how to see the world anew. But like the Emperor and his �new� suit of clothes, Oprah has been greatly deceived by her New Spirituality. Sadly, if Oprah and her colleagues continue down the path of the New Age/New Spirituality, they will experience an �awakening� some day, but it will not be the �Great Awakening� they anticipated. Instead, it will be a rude awakening come Judgment Day. On that day, they will suddenly realize that God is God and they are not, and they never were. They will realize that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He is the one and only Christ, and there is no universal �Christ within.� They will see that they were deceived and that the Lord Jesus Christ really meant it when he said, �Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many� (Matthew 24:4-5).

(130) Popular Books That Introduce Children to the Occult and 5 Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Kids (Booklet) by Berit Kjos, 3/9/15 
When I arrived home and began to skim through these contemporary �treasures,� I could hardly believe what I saw. Young children read this? Pornography, cruelty, sadism, violence, and occultism leaped out at me from the pages. In less than five minutes, I had skimmed through all I could take. In this booklet tract, I want to give you a brief overview of what young people are being handed today in the form of books and literature. While much of this reading material is being touted as having value and virtue, the underlying sediment is anything but that.

(131) Exposed: The False Faith Healing-Prosperity Gospel (Book) by Danny J. Frigulti, 3/10/15 
Author Danny Frigulti has spent more than 30 years reviewing "faith teachings." This book exposes more than 100 false teachings found in worldwide faith healing and prosperity gospel ministries. False teachings about sickness, healing, faith, positive confession, quantum faith, money, inner healing, Isaiah 53:4-5, 1 Peter 2:24, creative visualization and what the blood of Christ's atonement represents are refuted with Bible Scriptures. Also, some of these false teachings are shown to have an occult connection.

(132) Six video promos for Jacob Prasch books

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(133) 10 Questions For Those Who Claim The "Supreme Beings" Of The Nations Are The True God (Booklet) at Lighthouse Trails, 3/30/15 
Ten Questions for Those Who Claim the �Supreme Beings� of the Nations are the True God by  Sandy Simpson is our newest Lighthouse Trails Print Booklet Tract. The Booklet Tract is 16 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off retail. Our Booklet Tracts are designed to give away to others or for your own personal use.  Below is the content of the booklet. To order copies of Ten Questions for Those Who Claim the �Supreme Beings� of the Nations are the True God, click here. This booklet deals with the �new� missiology that presents itself as legitimate biblical missions when it is not that.

(134) A New Apostolic Reformation?: A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement (Book) by R.Douglas Geivett (Author), Holly Pivec (Author), 4/12/15 
This critique provides a framework for understanding and interpreting the widespread but little-known New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. As the authors state in the preface: "We write this book with two major goals in mind. First, to give people an idea of the sheer size and reach of the NAR movement. And second, to systematize its key teachings and practices and evaluate them on the basis of Scripture and careful reasoning � . In our judgment, the NAR perspective crosses these boundaries [that is, certain broad parameters, revealed in Scripture and practiced in the historical orthodox church], and it does so in part because of flawed theology rooted in a flawed understanding of Scripture. We wish to warn readers about a possible confusion: Some critics have linked the NAR movement with mainstream Pentecostalism and charismatics. We do not do this. In fact, it is our contention that the NAR movement deviates from classical Pentecostal and charismatic teachings. This movement has emerged out of independent charismatic churches and, thus, has gained a foothold in many of those churches in varying degrees." 

(135) Truth or Consequences (Booklet) by Warren B. Smith, 5/17/15 
Truth or consequences. The stakes are high, but one thing is for sure: Truth prevails in the end because Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) and His truth endures forever (Psalm 117:1-2). May we pray that His truth will shine forth in our lives and that many will be turned to righteousness (Matthew 5:16; Daniel 12:3). And when it is all said and done, let us be able to say that we have �chosen the way of truth� (Psalm 119:30), that we have �walked� in God�s truth (Psalm 26:3), and that we have always �rejoiced� in God�s truth (1Corinthians 13:6).

(136) How to Prepare for Hard Times and Persecution (Book) by Maria Kneas, 6/5/15 
Official government documents say that evangelical Christians are potential terrorists, and some Christian groups are even called hate groups. Christian doctors and nurses are being forced to perform abortions, and a Christian baker has been threatened with prison for not baking a wedding cake for a homosexual couple. Christians in Colorado, New York, and Kentucky are being forced to go through �sensitivity training� in order to �rehabilitate� from their religious beliefs and resulting moral convictions. When Communists did such things to American soldiers, we called it brainwashing. American Christians are in the early stages of persecution, and it is increasing. Unfortunately, many will be blindsided by it because few pastors and church leaders are warning about it or preparing believers for it.

(137) Be Still and Know That You are Not God!�God is Not �in� Everyone and Everything (Booklet) by Warren B. Smith, 6/22/15 
Our Spiritual Adversary would have everyone believe that we are all �one� because God is �in� everyone and everything. Using every promotional means possible�including a creative and ingenious perversion of quantum physics�he is attempting to convince the world and the church that while Jesus was Christ, so is everyone. And while Jesus was God, so is everyone else. To underscore this heretical New Age doctrine of God and Christ �in� everyone, he would have us further believe that nothing of any significance happened on the Cross of Calvary. However, the Bible makes it very clear that something extremely wonderful and overwhelmingly significant did happen on the Cross of Calvary. For it was on that Cross that Jesus Christ died to save the world as He defeated sin (1 John 2:2), death (2 Timothy 1:10), and the Devil himself (Hebrews 2:14). As the one and only Christ, He is our Rock (1 Corinthians 10:1-4), He is our Foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11), and in every sense of the word He is the Saviour of the world (1 John 4:14).

(138) Biblical Guide to the Shemitah and the Blood Moons by David James, 7/30/15 

(139) A Trip to India�to Learn the Truth About Hinduism and Yoga (Booklet) by Caryl Matrisciana, 8/25/15 
Thirteen years had passed since my family had left India. Now I found myself on an airplane returning there. I was filled with excitement and nostalgic memories. Would I bump into old friends with whom I had lost contact over the years? Would anything have changed? I was travelling with a small group of international cult experts. We had received a grant enabling our research group to travel around India, visiting gurus and their ashrams.

(140) Beth Moore & Priscilla Shirer�s History of Contemplative Prayer and Why War Room Should Not Have Used Them (Booklet) by John Lanagan and the Editors at Lighthouse Trails, 9/22/15 
Contemplative prayer, which Priscilla Shirer refers to as her �brand new way� and Beth Moore says is essential in really knowing God, is in reality an ancient prayer practice that is essentially the same as New Age or Eastern meditation though disguised with Christian terminology. Those who participate and enter the contemplative silence, as it is called, open themselves to great deception.

(141) YOGA: Exercise or Religion�Does it Matter? (Booklet) by Ray Yungen, 10/9/15 
The Yoga boom, which began in the 1990s, is changing the very social fabric of our society in a way that will last well into the future. People need to be aware that Yoga serves spiritual ends and also need to realize just what the nature of that spirituality entails. Yoga is the religion of namast� (i.e., man is God). The fact is, there is no need for the Cross of Jesus Christ in Yoga. To the contrary, Scripture tells us: . . . that in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.(Ephesians 2:7)

(142) The Mystical Revolution: How Millions of People Have Been Introduced to the Aquarian Age (Booklet) by Ray Yungen, 10/15/15 
Most people understand there�s been a number of revolutions over the past forty years or so, beginning in the �60s. For instance, there�s been the sexual revolution, the feminist revolution, and what you might call the drug revolution. These were social movements that changed and altered society to a significant degree . Before this time period, people more or less stayed with convention. They more or less conformed to society�s expectations and codes of behavior. There were technical revolutions and philosophical revolutions in the past, but the revolutions we have had since the 1960s have turned society in a totally new direction.

(143) How to Stand Fast in the Last Days (Booklet) by Warren B. Smith,. 11/10/15 
If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. (Proverbs 24:10) Hostility towards those who hold fast to the Lord Jesus Christ and the literal teachings of the Bible has increased greatly. Biblical Christians endeavoring to stand in their faith have been shocked and saddened at the growing antagonism coming at them not only from the world but from within the professing church itself. This booklet will attempt to convey what Scripture tells us about remaining faithful in the midst of this spiritual opposition�what to expect and how to respond.

(144) A Sword on the Land the Muslim World in Bible Prophecy (Book) by Bill Randles, 12/8/15 
"The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth." Isaiah 24:19-21 What are we to make of the current, explosive changes in the Middle East? What is the meaning of the events such as the "Arab Spring" and the unraveling of the WWII order? Pastor Bill Randles takes us to the scriptures to show us that these events have a prophetic significance and point to the long prophesied "Day of the Lord" for all nations. Pastor Bill Randles Believers in Grace Fellowship Marion Iowa 52302. In this end times Bible prophecy book, Pastor Bill Randles (Believers in Grace Fellowship - Marion, Iowa) examines current world events, especially things occurring in the Middle East and the Muslim world. The word 'Islam' is not mentioned by name in the scriptures since the religion did not come into existence until the 7th century ad. However, as Pastor Bill Randles points out, virtually all of the modern nations that are neighbors to Israel, are united in their hatred for the the Jewish nation that was reborn in May 1948. In addition to their hatred of Israel, they also have something else in common: Islam. This Bible prophecy book updates the names of the ancient nations in old testament prophecies. These nations are described as being at war with Israel and their God. In 'A Sword on the Land', Randles shows how these bible prophecies are relevant to today and shockingly obvious to the reader of this book. Additionally, he examines the Bible prophecies concerning the future of the Middle Eastern region, the fate of Egypt, Syria, Arabia. This bible prophecy book is simple and easy to read. Pastor Bill Randles brings the reader more understanding to biblical prophecies taking place in the Middle East and revealing that the end times are here and the return of Jesus Christ is ever nearing.

(145) Being Thankful Through It All (Booklet) by Warren B. Smith, 12/26/15 
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Thankfulness is our attempt as believers to express the inexpressible�the amazing gratitude we feel for the amazing grace bestowed upon us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He not only saved us from our sins (1 John 2:2), He promised to never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). We are also assured that He who began �a good work� in us will be faithful to �perform it until the day of Jesus Christ� (Philippians 1:6).

(146) A Former Nun Speaks Candidly About Pope Francis, Deception, and Mind Control in the Catholic Church (Booklet) by Ann Marie, 1/12/16 
Pope Francis is trying to pull Protestants into the Catholic Church. As you will see, several things are helping him accomplish this. Ecumenism seems plausible because Catholics use words in a way that outsiders don�t understand. Because Protestants don�t understand what Catholics really mean, they think they have a lot of things in common, when in reality, they don�t.

(147) Meditation! Pathway to Wellness or Doorway to the Occult? (Booklet) by Ray Yungen, 1/20/16 
In the West, mysticism always used to be restricted to a tiny fraction of the population (i.e., shamans, esoteric brotherhoods, and small spiritually elite groups). Never before has there been a widespread teaching of these methods to the general population. Now, mysticism pervades the Western world. How did this happen?

(148) Goddess Worship in America and How It�s Affecting the Church (Booklet) by Maria Kneas, 2/17/16 
The worship of pagan goddesses is most obvious with Wiccans. However, it is also common in universities and nursing schools. It is promoted by the media and is a component of New Age feminism. What�s more, it has infiltrated mainline denominational churches and its influence can be felt throughout our society.

(149) Let There Be Light (Book) by Roger Oakland, 2/19/16 
Topics This Book Addresses: How God Can Change A Life. Biblical creation versus Darwinian evolution. Russia's openness to the Gospel after the fall of the USSR. A plan by the Catholic church to absorb Protestantism. The connection between evolution and the New Age. How the Christian church is being lured into a one-world religion that is prophesied in the Bible. Contrasting the Light of the World to the darkness of this age. The role mysticism is playing in end times deception. How Christian leaders are ignoring the study of Bible prophecy. Questions this book answers: What is real science? Is Darwinian theory scientific? Is spiritual deception talked about in the Bible? What is the Catholic Eucharistic Evangelization plan? What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? What is the essential ingredient for true revival? Are signs-and-wonders revivals like the Toronto Blessing biblical? Why do many Christian pastors and leaders avoid talking about spiritual deception? Does the Bible mandate Christians to warn against spiritual deception?

(150) Did Jesus Identify Himself as God? (Booklet) by Mike Oppenheimer, 4/1/16 
No prophet, other than Jesus, could have said with authority, �he that believeth on me shall never thirst� or �he that believeth on me hath everlasting life� (John 6:35 & 47). No one but Jesus could have said with that same authority, �follow me� (Luke 18:22). Nor could any other prophet state, with signs and wonders proving his authority, that there are eternal consequences for not believing He is just who He claimed to be. When Jesus said, �for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins� (John 8:24), it was the definitive statement of His very being. In fact, this declaration of His is the crux of the entire Christian faith. It is recorded in the Gospels 23 times that Jesus said, �I am,� seven of which are specifically stated to identify His deity.

(151) Dear Pastor and Christian Leader: Have You Grown Careless About the Gospel? (Booklet) by David Dombrowski, 4/8/16 
From the onset of Lighthouse Trails in 2002, we have always endeavored to be connected with the body of believers scattered throughout the world who are very concerned, as we are, with the state of the church today. Many of our readers have told us they feel very alone and even ostracized in witnessing the apostasy in the churches today prior to their finding our website and realizing there were other Christians who saw what they did.

(152) Blessings Through It All (Booklet) by Warren B. Smith, 4/11/16 
While God promises that blessings accompany our faith in Him, we are also promised hatred and persecution from the world. However, the blessed assurance of our faith in Jesus Christ enables us to endure and persevere through it all.

(153) Earth Day and a Total Transformation for a Post-Christian World (Booklet) by Carl Teichrib , 4/17/16 
In our contemporary era, Earth Day has become the modern celebration of Gaia. Partakers of this event, whether aware of it or not, play off the ancient pagan beliefs of a Universal Mother. Like the sacred oaths taken in her name, today�s Earth Day celebrants sign environmental petitions, make pledges, and announce resolutions in support of Mother Earth. And like the old sacrifices to the deity, today�s Earth Day practitioners offer sacrifices of �good works� to the planet. Not only is the earth a deity to be venerated, but the earth itself�as the representative and embodiment of the goddess�has become a modern-day idol.

(154) The Alpha Course� An Evangelical Contradiction (Booklet) by Mary Danielsen and Chris Lawson, 5/24/16 
Let us first open this overview of the Alpha Course with several passages in Scripture that warn us of the wolves that will enter the church looking to pervert the Gospel and introduce falsehood. We must always measure everything by the plumbline of God�s Word because without that, deception awaits.

(155) Castles in the Sand (Book) by Carolyn A. Greene, 6/3/16 
If you know someone who is considering entering a Christian college or seminary or someone who is already enrolled in one, we encourage you to get that person a copy of Castles in the Sand. It is Lighthouse Trails novel on the contemplative prayer/spiritual formation movement in the Christians schools. The story alternates back and forth between the life of mystic Teresa of Avila and a young woman, Tessa, in present day who has enrolled in a Christian college. Below is a chapter by chapter synopsis. We have been told by many parents and students that this book has been a huge eye opener.

(156) Setting Aside the Power of the Gospel for a Powerless Substitute (Booklet) by David Dombrowski, 6/5/16 
We are living in a time of mass deception and delusion. If you were to fall off a cliff and only had a rope to hold you, would you not hold onto that rope more tightly? That is what we must do with the Gospel. Jesus� death on the Cross purchased our salvation; we have also been bought by His blood, sealed in a new covenant, and His indwelling presence empowers us to live the Christian life. There is no other power to save!

(157) Be Still and Know That You are Not God! (Book) by Warren B. Smith, 7/11/16 
As long as I've known Warren B. Smith he has been keeping a list. Back in the early 1990s when I first became acquainted with him he began to tell me about his unique New Age testimony. His fascinating story is recounted in his book The Light That Was Dark: From the New Age to Amazing Grace. I was particularly interested in Smith's assertion that he had been taught a New Age interpretation of the well known Psalm 46:10 verse Be still that claims that we are god, not that God is God. This was news to me! I had never heard this teaching, not even in my own experience of dabbling in Transcendental Meditation and Hinduism during the Hippie movement of the 1970s. But had I gone deeper into eastern mysticism I surely would have been taught it eventually. I cannot imagine a more obvious heresy than teaching that we are God. After Warren experienced the salvation of Jesus Christ in his life, he began documenting the many times that this teaching reared its ugly head. I still recall the day that he phoned me with the agonizing discovery that this 'we are god' teaching was showing up in evangelical writings, specifically M. Scott Peck (cited below). By 2002 and 2003, I helped publish two books for Smith about his continuing findings. In Reinventing Jesus Christ: The New Gospel (Conscience Press, 2002), he wrote about the involvement of New Age leaders in American politics shortly after the events of 9/11 and their teachings about how 'we are god' (republished as False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care?). Then he discovered that prominent evangelical pastor Rick Warren was teaching this same New Age concept. So Smith wrote a book titled Deceived On Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church (Conscience Press, 2003, also republished). See a current listing of Smith books HERE. Over the years Smith kept adding to his list. Recently he reminded me that his updated research collection on New Age we are god teachings had been published into a booklet. Below we have permission from the author and publisher to reproduce this booklet in its entirety on the Herescope blog. This booklet is also available for purchase HERE along with a collection of his other handy tract-like booklets HERE. ~Sarah H. Leslie

(158) The Unseen Foe Behind Rising Evil And Putting on the Armor of God (Booklet)by Berit Kjos, 7/12/16 
This life in Christ begins with knowing and trusting each part of the armor. The first part is TRUTH�God�s revelation of all He is to us, all He has done for us, and all He promises to do for us in the days ahead. This wonderful, everlasting TRUTH is written in the Bible, revealed by the Holy Spirit, and realized through Jesus Christ. It cuts through all the world�s distortions, deceptions, and compromises. When you study, memorize, live, and follow TRUTH, He enables you to see the world from God�s high vantage point. For He is the Truth! Putting on the first piece of the armor means feeding on truth through daily Bible reading and making it part of yourself. To put on the �whole armour��and enjoy a daily and eternal love-relationship with Jesus Christ, thank Him for what He has shown you in His Word. Know the Scriptures behind your prayer so that your words and faith are grounded in the authority of the Bible. Then pray through each piece.

(159) Signs & Wonders! Five Things You Should Consider (Booklet) by David Dombrowski, 7/26/16 
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. (1 Timothy 4:1) If we look at what is happening in the world today, the only logical conclusion is that we have already entered into that period of history. The world is going through a mystical paradigm shift where an increasingly high number of people are engaging in occultic mystical practices which are leading them into a New Age all-paths-lead-to-God kind of mentality.

(160) Spiritual Discernment Store - Newest Recommendations by Spiritual Research Network, 8/5/16 
Recommended Books, Tracts, Audio, DVD's

(161) Gary Gilley Bookstore (Books) at Think On These Things, 8/17/16 
A variety of books by Pastor Gary Giley. 

(162) How to Know if You Are Being Spiritually Abused or Deceived - A Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire (Booklet) by Chris Lawson, 8/23/16
Do you know a loved one, a neighbor, or a co-worker who is in a cult or an abusive church or group? Or perhaps you yourself are in such a situation. The Spiritual-Abuse Questionnaire in this booklet will help shed light on this issue. Spiritual abuse occurs when a leader, a church, or a belief system, whether well intentioned or not, dominates, manipulates, or castigates individuals and even entire families through fear tactics, mind control, or some other psychological or emotional abuse. Sadly, the mask of spiritual abuse deception can be worn by anyone...
(163) Mainstreaming The Mystic 'Force' E-Book at Herescope, 9/28/16 
Gaylene Goodroad, author of the 5-part Herescope series describing the Mystic Force, has turned her article series into an E-booklet, available online as a free download at her blog: Goodroad's article series broke new ground in researching the mystical roots of the martial arts, documenting conclusively the connection to Yoga and the eastern religions. Goodroad exhibits such expertise because she knows her subject firsthand from intensive life experiences. 

(164) A Christian Parent�s Guide to POK�MON (Booklet) by Lois Putnam, 10/8/16 
While this new booklet by Lois Putnam might not be of interest to everyone of our readers, we believe it is a vitally important tool for parents, grandparents, and teens who are trying to figure out whether Pok�mon or Pok�mon GO is OK or not from a spiritual standpoint. 

(165) The Rise of End-Time Occultism (E-Book) by Gaylene Goodroad, 10/18/16 
We have turned another popular Herescope article series, The Rise of End-Time Occultism, into an E-Booklet, available online as a free download at Gaylene Goodroad's blog:  This book focuses on the rise of a new prophecy eschatology in the evangelical church world that looks NOT for "that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." Many endtime prophecy teachers are switching their focus to an anticipated cosmic invasion of monstrous space alien creatures which some teach Christians must battle using spiritual warfare technologies. Many evangelicals are now believing in these dramatic endtime invasion conspiracy scenarios which are accompanied by salacious imagery and sensational hype. But is all of this biblical?

(166) Standing Fast Through It All (Booklet) by Warren B. Smith, 11/9/16 
If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. (Proverbs 24:10)  Hostility towards those who hold fast to the Lord Jesus Christ and the literal teachings of the Bible has increased greatly. Biblical Christians endeavoring to stand in their faith have been shocked and saddened at the growing antagonism coming at them not only from the world but from within the professing church itself. This booklet will attempt to convey what Scripture tells us about remaining faithful in the midst of this spiritual opposition�what to expect and how to respond.

(167) Remembering the Persecuted Church and Why We Need to Pray (Booklet) by Susan Moore, 11/24/16 
Christians in the Western world should realize that persecution and martyrdom have been the norm for countless believers in the past centuries of Christianity and now in much of today’s non-Western world. The question we have hanging over our heads is, will Western Christians have what it takes to stand for their faith and even die for their faith? With all the comforts and freedom Western believers have enjoyed, will this ease of being a Christian believer help or hinder our ability to live (or die) for our faith. Suppose a government threatens to take away our homes, our jobs, and our comforts if we refuse to stop standing for the truth of the Gospel and sharing it with others—would we be willing to lose all for the sake of Christ? It’s a question every Christian needs to ask himself. In the meantime, let us remember the persecuted church, and let us continually pray for those believers who make up this important and suffering segment of the body of Christ.

(168) Substitution—He Took Our Place! (Booklet) by Harry Ironside, 12/12/16 
Although the word substitution is not in the Bible, it stands for a great truth that runs through the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. That is the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ, in infinite grace, took the place of poor, lost, guilty sinners, and made it possible for a holy God to reach out in mercy and save all who would come to Him in the name of His beloved Son.

(169) FAITH UNDER FIRE—Are You Growing in It or Fleeing From It? (Booklet) by Cedric H. Fisher, 12/28/16 
Remember, the destiny of Christ was a cross. Our destiny is also a cross. Only when we accept that destiny, will we understand. Newness of life has its birth and growing pains. But the heart of a believer in Jesus Christ holds this proverb by its roots: For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18; emphasis added) In the meantime, let us not grow weary of the trials and tribulations of this life, knowing that God is doing His work within us for His glory: But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. (Job 23:10)

(170) Books & DVDs by Ray Yungen, 1/10/17 
Ray Yungen (1952-2016), author, speaker and research analyst studied religious movements for the over twenty-five years. His exuberance for life and his love for Jesus Christ and for people are evident in his writing and speaking. AUTHOR WEBSITE

(171) Entertaining Deception: The New Apostolic Reformation Coming To A Calvary Chapel Near You (Book) by Dr. David Newton, 6/1/17 
Major spiritual deception is underway and showing up at churches with: Unbiblical lyrics in worship songs, Strange personal experiences, Controversial prayer techniques, False doctrines influencing elders, Questionable "signs and wonders", Biblical misinterpretations, Rejecting Calvary Chapel Distinctives, and Lack of pastoral leadership. Dr. Newton explains the teachings and practices of the New Apostolic Reformation infiltrating the church, and offers sound Biblical responses to address this deception. This book will be officially available at Amazon on June 6, 2017. 

(172) Are Word of Faith Televangelists Misleading Millions? (Book) by Danny Frigulti, 6/9/17 
This book exposes numerous televangelists and authors (false teachers) by name who emphasize Word of Faith belief. Scripture is given to refute dozens of false doctrines on topics such as healing (Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24), prosperity, faith, sickness, quantum faith, positive confession, creative visualization, the fourth dimension, the dual death of Jesus, and what Christ's death and resurrection provide. Also, false teachings on Dominion Theology, Communion, and "slain in the spirit" are exposed.

(173) A Trip to India—to Learn the Truth About Hinduism and Yoga (Booklet) by Caryl Matriciana, 6/24/17 
The aim of all Hinduism is to escape the hopeless cycle of reincarnation, wherein the soul passes on from body to soul, to body to soul, over and over again. The purpose of Yoga is to prepare a person to cut off the relationship between himself and the physical world, in preparation for death. He is trained to stop his life processes, to stop thinking, to stop the senses, to stop breathing. Hindus believe the escape from all this living and dying is through Yoga.

(174) God Remembers: The Vision and Words of the Prophet Zechariah (Book) by Bill Randles, 6/27/17 
The Prophet Zechariah lived and ministered in the time of the return of the Jewish people from the 70 year exile in Babylon. The City of Jerusalem was in ruin, the walls were destroyed and heaps of rubble, the Holy temple, which had been the only place on earth of true worship, was a burnt and empty shell. But God remembered his people and raised up Zechariah, Joshua the High Priest, and Zerubabbel a direct descendent of King David to be the Governor. Their task was to rebuild. It is in this context that Zechariah recede his prophetic words and Visions of the restoration of Jerusalem to world prominence, the restoration of the temple and of Israel as God's witness. Zechariah's visions raced further ahead also, giving specific details of the first and second coming of the Lord Jesus Himself. The current world situation is a scene straight out of Zechariah 12. Christians, Sinners ,Jews and Muslims all need to be exposed to this prophecy and draw near to God by it.

(175) Pressing On Through It All (Book) by Warren B. Smith, 8/19/17 
Dangers of Inner Healing, Visualization, Guided Imagery and Occultism - From a teaching given the 2016 Sanctuary Conference titled, The Christianising of Occult Techniques

(176) Reinventing Jesus Christ - The New Gospel (Book on PDF) by Warren B. Smith, 2002 
In 1992 I wrote a book about my experiences in the metaphysical “new age�? movement. The book was entitled The Light That Was Dark. I wrote the book because I wanted to warn people about the incredibly deceptive teachings of the “new age.�? From my own experience I knew just how powerfully seductive the spirit world is and how appealing its false teachings can be. At the end of my book I warned that Christian  believers  were  becoming  involved in some of these same teachings and deceptions. Spiritual deception is not just something that happens to unbelievers. 

(177) The Fleecing Of Christianity (Book) by Jackie Alnor, 10/2/17 
THE FLEECING OF CHRISTIANITY takes a fresh and fascinating look at the tactics some have used in the past to misuse the Gospel for personal power and gain. Jackie Alnor is known worldwide for her tireless research and well-documented facts, which shed light on the sometimes murky depths of cult religions. Jill Martin Rische of Walter Martin Ministries calls FLEECING "A reader-friendly style, sharp analysis and a strong Scriptural foundation [which] combine to make this book an intriguing and enlightening read."

(178) A Sword On The Land: The Muslim World in Prophecy by Bill Randles, 11/12/17 
What are we to make of the current, explosive changes in the Middle East?  What is the meaning of events such as the "Arab Spring" and the unraveling of the post WWII order? Pastor Bill Randles takes us to the scriptures to show us that these events have a prophetic significance and point to the long prophesied "Day of the Lord" for all nations. The e-book digital version of this book will be available soon at: (Make sure the cover is updated to blue cover if you are wanting the updated version) or KOBO Books or you can also buy the book the from the IBook App if you have an ipad, ipod or iphone.

(179) The Concise Guide to Today's Religions and Spirituality by James K. Walker & Watchman Fellowship Staff, 1/5/18 
Here are the fast facts on over 1,700 religions, doctrines and spiritual leaders in America from a biblical, evangelical, and orthodox perspective. This book equips readers with a comprehensive yet succinct A-to-Z resource covering everything from Aaronic Order to Zen Buddhism. Supported by the trustworthy research of Watchman Fellowship and its president, James Walker, its alphabetical entries and thorough cross referencing give the basics needed to evaluate spiritual belief systems, movements, and metaphysical phenomena.  These include cults, occult organizations, Christian denominations, world religions, controversial doctrines, practices and spiritual leaders. This is a great resource for pastors, parents, counselors, and friends who want to give sound advice.  It is an essential reference work for every pastor's study and every church library.

(180) BOOKLET HIGHLIGHT: Three Vital Questions on Navigating Discernment at Lighthouse Trails, 3/6/18 
The following is a booklet we published in 2016. For those who have not read this yet, we hope you will find it helpful. The booklet is divided into three parts. The first part is written by Harry Ironside (Should Christians Expose Error?); the second part is written by former journalist Paul Proctor (What Does Matthew 18 Mean?); and the third part is written by the editors at Lighthouse Trails (How Should the Christian Contender of the Faith Speak and Behave?)

(181) Forgiving—A Story of Forgiveness and How and Why We Should Forgive (Booklet) by Maria Kneas with Egerton Ryerson Young, 3/25/18 
To forgive can be difficult. However, when something is clearly necessary, then we do it, no matter how difficult it is. People who have cancer endure painful and difficult treatments in order to get rid of it. Well, bitterness is a kind of emotional and spiritual cancer. No matter how difficult it is, we have to do whatever it takes to get rid of bitterness.

(182) Mandala Color Books (in the Church): Relaxing Fun or a Tool for New Age Meditation? (Booklet) by Lois Putnam, 9/2/18 
Adult coloring has recently become a national passion. In fact, of the top twenty best-selling books on, ten of these were adult color books. Proof of this can be found in any bookstore where the first thing you’ll see upon entering is shelves brimming with every kind of color book imaginable. And congregated around these shelves you’ll find enthusiastic colorists who’ll be eager to share how enjoyable this current fad can be. Like many others, it may not be long until you’ll be picking up a book or two just to try it out. Now, from your first examination of these color books, you’ll note they aren’t like the color books of your youth, for at least half of them are distinctly New Age in look and content. And second, you’ll note that they almost all purport to help calm, soothe, de-stress, and relax you into a meditative state. Finally, you’ll soon discover some of these intriguing books have tantalizing patterns called “mandalas�? that will entice you to look at them over and over. These mesmerizing “sacred circles�? are designed to visually take you to their centers to discover “Your Higher Self.�? And yes, they are deceptive, and no, they aren’t Christian!

(183) Booklets by Mike Oppenherimer at Lighthouse Trails, 11/13/18 
You can find booklets written by Mike Oppenheimer at Lighthouse Trails Publishing on various subjects. 

(184) PRE ORDER: PDF book on William Branham - A Man and His angel by Mike Oppenheimer, 11/23/18 
In the history of modern healing ministries one person stands out more than any other, William Branham. Over fifty years after his death there are few men that continue to influence the Church and today’s modern healing ministries. Branham’s influence is more extensive today than in his day when he was alive. William Branham is the main influence for the Latter Rain movement in the late 1940’s that infected so many Pentecostals. He left us the legacy of the healing revivals and signs and wonders, he is also one of the primary sources of the “river�? that is flowing today that is the resurgence of the Latter Rain movement. Many are satisfied with his exhibition of words of knowledge and miraculous power without knowing what he really believed. Branham vehemently denied the Trinity and adopted his own unique modalistic view from the Oneness Pentecostals. Revived heresies in the early church (modalism, adoptionism) that were dealt with at the beginning were introduced. He claimed Jesus never said He was the Son of God, nor Jewish, nor that Jesus was truly human. He believed the prophets were all gods. He taught that God in all ages had skin on him - even before the incarnation. That it was the Angel of the Lord whom he assumed was Jesus teaching and leading Branham to have visions and  do miracles. He believed from his experience[s] that he was the forerunner, Elijah the prophet, the prophet as the 7th angel to the church Branham taught that Eve's sin in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3) was a sexual sin,with the serpent, who is Satan. That Cain was the offspring of their illicit affair (known as the serpent seed doctrine). He believed in three Bibles; the Scripture, the Zodiac and the pyramids, built by Enoch with atomic power were all revelations of God, Branham was deep into mysticism, and used metaphysical resources, Gnosticism to explain the Bible This book addresses the preexistence of man, word faith theology, dominionism of the Garden, manifest sons of God teaching, man is god. Errors on the nature of God, The logos was made, and man was made by the logos in heaven before coming to earth. What you will find in this book is that so many of the errors Branham taught and practiced are adopted and have become the errors in the church today.

(185) Holiness: The False and the True (Booklet) by Harry Ironside, 12/24/18 
For the first six years of Harry Ironside’s Christian life, he was involved with a group that taught that sinless perfection could be obtained by the believer with an experience called the “second blessing.�? Ironside believed that if he strove hard enough, zealously resisted temptations, and used a variety of methods taught him by the group, he could reach this state of perfection. During this time period, Ironside became aware that many who were on the same path to perfect holiness fell into despair and even mental breakdown, and he himself finally became tormented that he had perhaps lost his salvation and was doomed to be eternally lost because he failed to reach this level of perfect holiness.  Finally, young Ironside came to the realization that he had become wholly dependent upon himself rather than on Christ. He saw that he “had been looking within for holiness instead of without.�?

(186) Striking Similarities: Between God Calling and the Jesus Calling Series (Booklet) at SRN, 1/23/19 
Sarah Young’s best-selling 2004 book Jesus Calling and its sequels appear to be sound, biblical devotionals because of their familiar Christian language, occasional orthodox statements, and abundant scripture references. However, a detailed study reveals remarkable parallels with the best-selling 1935 devotional God Calling, a book “replete with denials of biblical teaching.�?  A few similarities are apparent at first glance:  the text is written as if “Jesus�? is speaking directly to the reader, the narrative voice is soothing and reassuring, and the messages are sprinkled with scripture fragments. But beyond the structural parallels, there are considerable overlaps in content—¬ the books share distinctive word choice, phrasing, and ideas throughout. To establish how closely God Calling and the Jesus Calling series are linked, a detailed comparison is presented here. This booklet is a collection of 270 quotations from eight of Young’s devotionals compared with quotations from God Calling. The quantity and detail of the similarities suggest that God Calling substantially influenced the writing of the Jesus Calling series. In fact, the original introduction to Jesus Calling explicitly acknowledged an inspirational influence from God Calling. While this acknowledgement was redacted in later editions, the influence remains. The original introduction is presented along with the revised version in Appendix A.

(187) Training Manual For Mediums? - Quotations from the God Calling Books and the Jesus Calling Series (Booklet) at SRN, 1/23/19 
Readers of A. J. Russell’s God Calling books and Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling series may reject the idea of becoming a medium, channel, or psychic if it is put plainly before them. However, if it is introduced indirectly through Christian-sounding devotions, and if the spirit being channeled is called “Jesus,�? they might be more receptive. The God Calling books and the Jesus Calling series teach the principles of mediumship with gentle, repetitive commands that are woven into the text and scattered throughout the books. Readers are progressively presented with meditation techniques that sound vaguely scriptural but are not actually found in the Bible. Devoted readers, consciously or not, may find themselves gradually embracing an Eastern model of religious devotion, characterized by a consistent list of imperatives:

(188) How to Know if You Are Being Spiritually Abused or Deceived—A Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire (Booklet) by Chris Lawson, 1/30/19 
Do you know a loved one, a neighbor, or a co-worker who is in a cult or an abusive church or group? Or perhaps you yourself are in such a situation. The Spiritual-Abuse Questionnaire in this booklet will help shed light on this issue. Spiritual abuse occurs when a leader, a church, or a belief system, whether well intentioned or not, dominates, manipulates, or castigates individuals and even entire families through fear tactics, mind control, or some other psychological or emotional abuse. Sadly, the mask of spiritual abuse deception can be worn by anyone. The following two Scriptures are reflective of what happens when the position of authority is abused within a spiritual/church setting (e.g., self-exaltation, heavy-handed leadership, etc). The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means [by their own authority]; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof? (Jeremiah 5:31)

(189) Eugene Peterson’s Mixed MESSAGE: A Subversive Bible for a New Age (Booklet) by Warren B. Smith, 3/2/19 
Eugene Peterson placed great emphasis on being—in his own words—“subversive.” In a 1987 interview with Christianity Today, Peterson stated: So what I have tried to develop first of all, in myself, is the mentality of the subversive.2 “The Subversive Pastor” is the title of a chapter in his book The Contemplative Pastor (1989). Subversive Spirituality is the title of a book he released in 1994 while he was writing The Message. And if anyone doubts Peterson being a bit subversive, one need only look at his enthusiastic endorsements of three books with serious New Age implications—William Paul Young’s The Shack, Rob Bell’s universalistic Love Wins, and Sue Monk Kidd’s When the Heart Waits. But many people would say—“So what? His Message translation has won the praise of everyone from Bono to Beth Moore to Billy Graham.” But while Peterson delights many believers with what has been described as his “exegetical deftness,” he has also introduced a lot of leaven—some of it decidedly New Age. And it is Peterson himself who warns—“And please don’t toss this off as insignificant. It only takes a minute amount of yeast, you know, to permeate an entire loaf of bread” (Galatians 5:9 MSG). It is because of leaven—particularly New Age leaven—that Peterson’s Message is a spiritually dangerous mixed Message.

(190) How to Know if You Are Being Spiritually Abused or Deceived—A Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire (Booklet) by Chris Lawson, 3/15/19 
Do you know a loved one, a neighbor, or a co-worker who is in a cult or an abusive church or group? Or perhaps you yourself are in such a situation. The Spiritual-Abuse Questionnaire in this booklet will help shed light on this issue. Spiritual abuse occurs when a leader, a church, or a belief system, whether well intentioned or not, dominates, manipulates, or castigates individuals and even entire families through fear tactics, mind control, or some other psychological or emotional abuse. Sadly, the mask of spiritual abuse deception can be worn by anyone. The following two Scriptures are reflective of what happens when the position of authority is abused within a spiritual/church setting (e.g., self-exaltation, heavy-handed leadership, etc). The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means [by their own authority]; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof? (Jeremiah 5:31) I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. (3 John 9-10) It is my hope that this booklet will help people who have been through or are experiencing things similar (or worse) to what my family and I personally experienced years ago. If you have been spiritually abused, take heart; the true Jesus desires to help and heal you as He has helped countless others.

(191) Dominionism, Kingdom Now, and What Does the Bible Say? (Booklet) by Mike Oppenheimer, 5/30/19 
In the mid-1980s, a British band called Tears for Fears came out with a song titled, “Everybody Wants to Rule the World.” While we can see this take place throughout man’s history, it is not a desire that should be found among believers in Christ. But in what is called Dominionism or Kingdom Now, that is exactly what followers are taught. Dominionism came into Pentecostalism through certain teachings from the Latter Rain movement of the late 1940s. In a nutshell, Dominionism downplays and in most cases rejects the idea of an apocalyptic end-time tribulation but rather teaches that Christ will return after the church has established God’s kingdom on the earth by Christianizing the world. Dominionists believe this will be accomplished through signs, wonders, and miracles from “the manifest sons of God” who will take control and rule the world.

(192) A Directory of Authors: Three NOT Recommended Lists (Booklet) by Chris Lawson, 8/9/19

(193) A Man and His angel - A Biblical examination of William Branham's Practices and Teachings by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/13/19
In the history of modern healing ministries one person stands out more than any other, William Branham. Over fifty years after his death there are few men that continue to influence the Church and today’s modern healing ministries. Branham’s influence is more extensive today than in his day when he was alive. William Branham is the main influence for the Latter Rain movement in the late 1940’s that infected so many Pentecostals. He left us the legacy of the healing revivals and signs and wonders, he is also one of the primary sources of the “river” that is flowing today that is the resurgence of the Latter Rain movement. Many are satisfied with his exhibition of words of knowledge and miraculous power without knowing what he really believed. Branham vehemently denied the Trinity and adopted his own unique modalistic view from the Oneness Pentecostals. He revived heresies in the early church (modalism, adoptionism) that were dealt with at the beginning  when they were introduced. He claimed Jesus never said He was the Son of God, nor was Jewish, nor that Jesus was truly human. He believed the prophets were all gods, that Jesus was different, he was a God prophet. He taught that God in all ages had skin on him - even before the incarnation. That it was the Angel of the Lord whom he assumed was Jesus teaching and leading him to have visions and do miracles. He believed from his experience[s] that he was the forerunner, Elijah the prophet, and latter the prophet - the 7th angel to the last age church. Branham taught that Eve's sin in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3) was a sexual sin with the serpent, who is Satan. That Cain was the offspring of their illicit affair (known as the serpent seed doctrine). He believed in three Bibles; the Scripture, the Zodiac (the first) and the pyramids, which were built by Enoch with atomic power. These were were all revelations of God, Branham was deep into mysticism, and used metaphysical resources, Gnosticism, Kabbalah  to explain the Bible. This book addresses the preexistence of man, word faith theology, dominionism of the Garden, manifest sons of God teaching, man is god. Errors on the nature of God, The logos was made, and man was made by the logos in heaven before coming to earth. What you will find in this book is that so many of the errors Branham taught and practiced have been adopted and have become the errors in the church today. Many have no idea that the word faith, Latter Rain 3rd wave teachers are following in the footsteps of William Branham. This book makes it clear where their teachings and practices come from.

(194) Moriel Quarterly by Moriel Ministries

Moriel Quarterly(195) Moriel Quarterly, 2020, 1st Quarter by Moriel Ministries

(196) Israel: Replacing What God Has Not (Booklet) by Mike Oppenheimer, 4/8/20
At a time when a clear and biblically sound understanding of  Bible prophecy is most important, we find the church, paradoxically, having less knowledge of it, especially as it relates directly to Israel.  Most evangelical Christians throughout history have supported the Jews and the modern state of Israel, but things are changing. The church, from its infancy, believed God had a future plan for Israel based on Scripture (Acts 3:19). This plan included the national  restoration of Israel to the same land from which they were eventually  dispersed. As time went on and the church drifted further and further away from her Jewish beginnings, many began to erroneously believe the church had replaced Israel. But in this day and age when we see biblical prophecy being fulfilled on such an unprecedented and unparalleled scale—with God’s continual protection and restoration of the Jews to their land, there should not be those who walk in disbelief with regard to God’s promises. But there are!

(197) A Master Carpenter Builds His Church (Booklet) by David Dombrowski, 5/16/20
I would like to take you on a historical journey into the past through the record of Scripture. History books inadvertently have a certain level of bias, but the Bible is not so for it is inspired of God and consequently totally accurate. We will also take a glimpse into the future through the prophetic eye of Scripture. Again, the Bible has and will continue to always be one hundred percent accurate. With this kind of accuracy, we have a decisive means with which to steer our course and to get a sense of where we are. We begin our search into the past by looking for a carpenter. If we can get a hold of a certain carpenter, he can tell us what’s wrong with the church. You see, much of the church of today is rickety and on the brink of collapse. Some of the churches may seem just fine. Their attendance may number a thousand or more, and their income makes elaborate expansion possible. Don’t get me wrong; in and of itself, there is nothing wrong with a church having good attendance and a self-sustaining income, but that is not what forms a good church. We must look beneath the outer surface and see what is being used for the foundation of the church. Then, too, we will want to see what kinds of materials are being used to build upon the foundation. If the foundation is good and the materials are good, we can expect to have a strong church.

(198) Public School or Homeschool?—How Public Schools Are Corrupting Children’s Values (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 6/1/20
Children spend about six hours every weekday—which is about half of their waking hours—in school. Some of those remaining waking hours are spent doing homework. Thus, it is safe to say that children’s school experience is one of the most, if not the most, major influences in their lives. So, it stands to reason that parents should be aware of what their children’s school is teaching them. This booklet you are about to read capsulates how America’s public schools are using deceptive and dangerous tactics to change the values and behaviors of children in their care. And thus, the question every parent should ask—public school or homeschool?

Updated! (199) A Man and His angel - A Biblical examination of William Branham's Practices and Teachings by Mike Oppemheimer, 7/16/20
In the history of modern healing ministries one person stands out more than any other, William Branham. Over fifty years after his death there are few men that continue to influence the Church and today’s modern healing ministries. Branham’s influence is more extensive today than in his day when he was alive. William Branham is the main influence for the Latter Rain movement in the late 1940’s that infected so many Pentecostals. He left us the legacy of the healing revivals and signs and wonders, he is also one of the primary sources of the “river” that is flowing today that is the resurgence of the Latter Rain movement. Many are satisfied with his exhibition of words of knowledge and miraculous power without knowing what he really believed. Branham vehemently denied the Trinity and adopted his own unique modalistic view from the Oneness Pentecostals. He revived heresies in the early church (modalism, adoptionism) that were dealt with at the beginning  when they were introduced. He claimed Jesus never said He was the Son of God, nor was Jewish, nor that Jesus was truly human. He believed the prophets were all gods, that Jesus was different, he was a God prophet. He taught that God in all ages had skin on him - even before the incarnation. That it was the Angel of the Lord whom he assumed was Jesus teaching and leading him to have visions and do miracles. He believed from his experience[s] that he was the forerunner, Elijah the prophet, and latter the prophet - the 7th angel to the last age church. Branham taught that Eve's sin in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3) was a sexual sin with the serpent, who is Satan. That Cain was the offspring of their illicit affair (known as the serpent seed doctrine). He believed in three Bibles; the Scripture, the Zodiac (the first) and the pyramids, which were built by Enoch with atomic power. These were were all revelations of God, Branham was deep into mysticism, and used metaphysical resources, Gnosticism, Kabbalah  to explain the Bible. This book addresses the preexistence of man, word faith theology, dominionism of the Garden, manifest sons of God teaching, man is god. Errors on the nature of God, The logos was made, and man was made by the logos in heaven before coming to earth. What you will find in this book is that so many of the errors Branham taught and practiced have been adopted and have become the errors in the church today. You cannot fully understand what is taking place today unless you understand Branham's influence. Many have no idea that the word faith, Latter Rain, 3rd wave teachers are following in the footsteps of William Branham. This book makes it clear where their teachings and practices come from.

(200) Critical Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist “Solution” That Will Not Work (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 7/26/20
If we genuinely believe the Bible, we know that all people have a common ancestry in Adam and Eve. DNA tests prove that we all have this common origin, thus proving the biblical record. Evolution may suggest “spontaneous generation” and “inferior and superior species,” but the Bible has proven itself to be consistent with the facts. What’s more, to view any individual as less valuable and more deserving of hate or disdain because of the color of his or her skin is going completely against the God of the Bible who created men and women (of all races) in His image and who loved each person so much He gave His Son to die on the Cross that any person who believes on Him will have eternal life. Thus, if the SBC does have a racist problem (as some of its leaders are saying), then they have a salvation problem with too many of its members, and that is what should be focused on because when that problem is solved, the other will begin to be solved also. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also. (1 John 4:20-21) We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. (1 John 3:14)

(201) Moriel Quarterly, First Quarter 2020, Is. No. 79, 8/10/20

(202) Is Your Church Doing “Spiritual Formation”? (Important Reasons Why They Shouldn’t) (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 8/12/20
Is your church involved in a Spiritual Formation program? If so, you might want to ask the question, what exactly is Spiritual Formation? It’s a fair question, and one that, if not asked, could end up surprising you when your church changes in ways you never imagined. A Christianity Today article states: “Spiritual Formation is in.” The article defines Spiritual Formation in this way: Formation, like the forming of a pot from clay, brings to mind shaping and molding, helping something potential become something actual. Spiritual formation speaks of a shaping process with reference to the spiritual dimension of a person’s life. Christian spiritual formation thus refers to the process by which believers become more fully conformed and united to Christ.1 Such a definition would hardly send up red flags. But what this definition excludes is how this “process” of conforming and uniting to Christ takes place and who is eligible to participate in such a process.

(203) S is for Social Justice The Language of Today’s Cultural “Revolution” (Booklet) by Mary Danielsen, 9/3/20
In Revelation 3:14-22, we are introduced to the last days church of Laodicea, a lukewarm self-serving congregation that seems to have the most to lose by ignoring God’s instruction. But it’s what that name reveals that is so profound—a deep level of apostasy and a coming marriage of religion and politics that will blend in seamlessly with the agenda of Antichrist. “Laodicea” means “justice of the people.” As the “social-justice gospel” threatens to overtake the professing church today, the church of “wokeness” is more and more asleep in the light and ignoring the Lord’s admonitions to stay awake lest she be overtaken with the world in a flood of lawlessness and judgment.

(204) Announcing Warren B. Smith’s New Book—The Titanic and Today’s Church: A Tale of Two Shipwrecks at Lighthouse Trails, 9/28/20
Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce Warren B. Smith’s new book, The Titanic and Today’s Church: A Tale of Two Shipwrecks. The book, published by Mountain Stream Press, has gone to press and is now available for pre-order through Lighthouse Trails. It will also be available to order through most major online book outlets and bookstores by October 10th. Description From Back Cover: At 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic—the biggest, grandest ship of its time—collided with an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City. Less than three hours later the seemingly unsinkable ship did the unthinkable—it sank to the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. It has been well-documented how pride, false confidence, complacency, disregarded warnings, and general unpreparedness all played a part in the Titanic shipwreck. Those in charge had underestimated the physical danger in their midst. Sadly, today’s professing church shares many of these same characteristics as it similarly underestimates the spiritual danger in its midst. The Titanic and Today’s Church is the story of two shipwrecks. One took place over a century ago; the other is in progress and is happening today. The similarities are astounding as they compel us to become more aware of our Spiritual Adversary’s schemes and devices (2 Corinthians 2:11), effectively “stand against” them (Ephesians 6:11), and “come out from among them” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

(205) Circle Making and “Prayer Circles” Versus the Straight Line of Truth (Book) by Cedric Fisher and Nanci Des Gerlaise, 10/17/20
LTRP Note: In 2017, Lighthouse Trails released a booklet titled Circle Making and “Prayer Circles” Versus the Straight Line of Truth because many Christian leaders have been promoting and endorsing a book (and its practice) called The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. Earlier this month, one of our readers called and was concerned that Christian leader Michael Youssef’s September-released book, Treasure That Lasts includes a back cover endorsement by Batterson as well as a promotion of a new Batterson book inside Youssef’s book. We believe it’s important for the church to be aware of deceptions and false teachings that enter in. We pray that Michael Youssef and other teachers will examine such matters before giving a thumbs up to them. Below is the content of our booklet on The Circle Maker.

(206) The Titanic and Today’s Church—A Tale of Two Shipwrecks (Book) by Warren B. Smith, 11/12/20
The Titanic—despite all those “last day” warnings—did not escape its deadly encounter with the iceberg. In similar fashion, the world and a deceived professing church—despite all the Bible’s “last days” warnings—will not escape its deadly encounter with Antichrist and his Antichrist system (Revelation 13).

(207) “Continuing Saga: SBC’s Leaders, Seminary Heads at Odds on CRT” at Lighthouse Trails, 12/23/20
LTRJ Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes. One year ago, on December 2, 2019, Lighthouse Trails released an article titled Southern Baptist Convention Adopts “Critical Race Theory”—A Dangerous Marxist ‘Solution’ That Will Not Work.” In the summer of 2020, we released a booklet of the same title. This is an issue affecting the entire church, not just SBC. Please read our 2019 article if you are not familiar with the term Critical Race Theory. Also read Mary Danielsen’s S Is for Social Justice. Debate continues between Southern Baptist seminary presidents and the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention – and once again, the debate is over the use of Critical Race Theory. At the end of November, the Council of Seminary Presidents of the SBC put out a statement that (1) affirms the Baptist Faith and Message as the north star of the denomination, and (2) criticizes Critical Race Theory – which says systemic racism pervades society and colors every transaction, human, cultural and theological – as being incompatible with scripture. In response, a cross-ethnic group of SBC leaders chastised the presidents in their own statement last week, saying Critical Race Theory shouldn’t replace the Bible but can be used to provide cultural context. Leading that group was SBC president J.D. Greear. Christian apologist Dr. Alex McFarland contends the SBC’s leadership has led the denomination astray.

(208) Branham pdf booklet on William Branham's life, teachings and practices 24pages by Mike Oppenheimer, 3/11/21
This small booklet (24 pages) condenses many topics from the near 1,000 page book I have written on Branham’s life. With over 100 documented references you will learn how his religious career began, who his angel was, how he operated and what his revelations were. This will give you an overview of his teachings and practices and why those who endorse him should be avoided at all costs.

(209) Moriel Quarterly, 2021, 1st Quarter by Moriel Ministries

(210)  Forgiving—A Story of Forgiveness and How and Why We Should Forgive (Booklet) by Egerton Ryerson Young, 4/10/21
LTRP Note: The following is a Lighthouse Trails topical booklet. Lighthouse Trails now publishes 145 booklets, written by over 30 authors. These inexpensive ($1.95 each) booklets are designed to give away, and based on comments and feedback from our readers, they are very effective in helping explain difficult and misunderstoo topics.

(211) The Qur’an or the Bible—Which One Has the Authentic Account? (Booklet)  by Tony Pearce, 7/3/21
Muslims tell us that: Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet. The Qur’an is Allah’s final revelation sent down to Muhammad. It has never been changed from the time it was given by revelation to Muhammad. Islam is the final religion, based on Muhammad’s life and teaching and sayings. Because Islam is the final religion, it replaces all that has gone before it, especially Judaism and Christianity, and the account written in the Bible. The Qur’an contains stories about Bible characters, including Abraham (the patriarch of the Jewish people) and Jesus (the Messiah of the New Testament). But these stories are changed in the Qur’an. The Muslim interpretation of the stories of Abraham makes Ishmael the promised son, not Isaac. This means that the line of promise goes through Ishmael to Muhammad and the Arab people, not through Isaac and Jacob to the children of Israel. The Muslim “Jesus” is not the Son of God but the last prophet before Muhammad, and that Jesus did not die on the cross and rise from the dead to save man from his sins. According to the Muslim belief, someone like Jesus was crucified while he was taken to Heaven from where he will return in the company of another figure called the Mahdi to make the world Islamic (and in the process abolish Christianity and Judaism).

(212) Dead Men Talking—Necromancy in Today’s Church (Booklet) by Warren B. Smith, 8/9/21
In The Light That Was Dark, I describe how I was seduced into the New Age by a ball of light that suddenly manifested over my head in a psychic reading. I was told by the psychic that the ball of light had appeared to let me know I had a lot of help on the “other side.” When I asked what she meant by “the other side,” the first thing she told me was: “Family and loved ones who have passed away.”35 She added that “angels and other spirits” were also interested in helping me with my life. All I had to do was ask for their assistance. So I did. And the spirit world was more than willing as they seduced me further and further into spiritual deception—just as they had with William T. Stead, Helen Schucman, the Bergers, and countless others of us over the years. The amazing thing is that the Bible has thoroughly warned us about all this spiritual deception and how it will play out in these latter days. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. (1 Timothy 4:1)

(213) Rick Warren’s Dangerous Ecumenical Pathway to Rome And How One Interview Revealed So Much (Booklet) by Roger Oakland, 8/26/21
In 2014, Rick Warren (called “America’s Pastor) was interviewed by Catholic T.V. network host Raymond Arroyo. The interview took place at the Saddleback Church campus and was posted on YouTube by EWTN in April of 2014. Because I had written previously in 2013 about Rick Warren’s connections to Rome and to the Catholic convert Tony Blair (former prime minister of Britain), I was very aware that Rick Warren was heading down the path toward Rome. But not until I saw this interview did I realize just how far he has gone in that direction. When I wrote the 2013 commentary titled “What is Next for Rick Warren?,” I provided evidence to show that Warren and Britain’s prime minister Tony Blair were partnering together with the Roman Catholic Church to form a P.E.A.C.E. Plan that would lead toward the creation of a global religion in the name of Christ. While many who read that commentary were skeptical that such a Warren-Rome connection existed, the 2014 interview clearly reveals it does.

(214) Calvinism, Catholicism, or Blessed Assurance—Which One Will It Be? (Booklet) by David Dombrowski, 10/24/21
Calvinism is perhaps the most powerful force sweeping through the church today as it has been revived as never before—now promoted in most Bible colleges and seminaries. We often hear from proponents of Calvinism that the reason they embrace Calvinism is because it is the one thing that offers a full assurance of salvation, but the only true assurance of salvation is in knowing that God is faithful to His Word.

(215) Global Warming or Cooling or an End-Time Sign? (Booklet) by Tony Pearce, 11/22/21
A number of weather-related disasters have happened in recent months: floods in Germany, China, India, and Japan; heat waves causing fires in the USA and the Mediterranean region; drought in North America and Africa; and Hurricane Ida which devastated parts of America. These have been blamed on climate change, the issue the world is coming together to address at the COP Climate Conference in Glasgow in November. The UN’s IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) released a document calling for drastic action to save the world from catastrophic global warming. John Kerry, US special envoy for the Climate, said that “the world must get to grips with the climate crisis and rapidly slash emissions in the 2020s to have a chance of a safe future.”1 Pope Francis, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew issued a statement calling on people of all faiths to take action to halt the devastating impacts of climate change. The Bible does teach us that humans have a responsibility for the natural world. In Genesis 1:28, God gave mankind the command: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over . . . every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Having “dominion” or subduing the creation under God’s authority implies that humans should look after God’s creation, not plunder and destroy it. Genesis 3 shows how humanity lost its position to rule over the Earth under God’s authority through the Fall. However, we should have a concern for ecology and the welfare of the planet. We should not be burning down forests, dumping plastic waste in the oceans, and wiping out animal species and habitats. We should be concerned about damage done to the Earth with our development of technology. However, there are reasons to question the “climate change / global warming” agenda, as it is now being pushed by the UN, the government, and the media. This says that burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) has created a heat blanket that traps hot air on the Earth and causes the temperatures to rise, the so-called “greenhouse effect.” Computer models predict rises of up to four degrees Celsius (seven degrees F.) by the end of the century at the present rate, endangering life on Earth. The booklet Climate: What We Know and What We Don’t by Mike Haseler analyses the issue with a number of illustrations and references to reliable data. He concludes that it is not possible that increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, caused by human activity, changes global temperature. An article in the journal Natural Science debunks the greenhouse effect equation, which it says is “based on physically irrelevant assumptions and its results considerably disagree with observations.”2

(216) THE CHOSEN Series—10 Critical Concerns (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 1/24/22
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14) The Chosen series was initiated and inspired from a partnership between Dallas Jenkins, an evangelical filmmaker, and three Mormon businessmen, Jeffrey and Neal Harmon and Derral Eves after the three men viewed a film written and directed by Jenkins called The Shepherd. The Mormon influence on The Chosen is considerable: the executive producer is Mormon, the distributor is Mormon, certain episodes were shot on a special Mormon set in Utah, and the crowdfunding and media expertise is provided by Mormons.

(217) Mormonism and Other Aberrant Groups Reject the Eternal Deity of Christ, but the Biblical Jesus Identifies Himself as God (Booklet) by Mike Oppenheimer, 2/19/22
LTRJ Note: Many cults and aberrant “Christian” groups reject the biblical view that Jesus Christ is the eternal God come in the flesh (that is, they reject the eternal and continuous deity of Christ). There are various slants on this, such as many Word/Faith teachers believing that Jesus was not God while He lived on the Earth but laid His deity aside to become a man. Mormon doctrine teaches that Jesus was not an eternal God but attained that position as did His Father in Heaven. The bottom line is that the eternal deity of Christ is rejected by these groups, but the Bible clearly identifies Him as God come in the flesh (i.e., the Son) and that He is eternal. With the growing popularity within evangelical circles for the Mormon-influenced production, The Chosen, we are re-posting Mike Oppenheimer’s booklet/article on the deity of Jesus Christ. If you belong to a group that rejects the total and entire eternal deity of Jesus Christ, we urge you to search the Scriptures where you will find truth.

(218) Creation to Babel: A Commentary for Families (Book) by Ken Ham, 3/5/22
There has never been a commentary like this one! It's unique in the world! Ken Ham has been asked many questions about Genesis—and he answers them in this commentary on Genesis 1–11!  Dive deep into this foundational portion of Scripture with apologetics teaching as well as theological and devotional insights. How was there light before the sun? What is “protoevangelium”? Are Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 different or contradictory accounts of creation? Ken Ham answers these questions (collected over four decades of speaking on Genesis)—and many more—in his unique commentary on Genesis 1–11. Combining apologetics teaching, doctrine, theology, and devotional insights, this commentary is a tool for the whole family to grow in their knowledge of God and his Word. Creation to Babel: A Commentary for Families will equip families to stand on God’s Word, to understand why creation to Babel is such a foundational portion of Scripture, and to see what God reveals about himself in the early chapters of Genesis.

(219) Lighthouse Trails to Send Out 17th Mailing to Christian Pastors and Leaders – This time on: The Chosen Series by Lighthouse Trails, 3/7/22
In 2016, Lighthouse Trails began been sending out topical booklets three times a year to a growing list of pastors and Christian leaders. This coming week, we will be sending out our 17th mailing to Christian leaders & pastors. Our current list has over 900 names. If you would like your pastor or a church leader to begin receiving these mailings, please send the name and a valid mailing address to us at The names and addresses on this list will remain confidential. In this March 2022 mailing, we will be mailing out one booklet: The Chosen Series: 10 Critical Concerns

(220) William Branham's False, Aberrant and Heretical Teachings (Booklet) by Mike Oppenheimer, 7/4/22
This small booklet (24 pages) condenses many topics from the near 1,000 page book I have written on Branham’s life. With over 100 documented references you will learn how his religious career began, who his angel was, how he operated and what his revelations were. This new book on Branham will help you understand the greatest influence on the modern Pentecostal church of our day, know also as the third wave, Latter rain. This overview of his teachings and practices and why those who endorse him should be avoided at all costs. PDF: $3.25

(221) God’s Peace Through It All (Booklet) by Warren B. Smith, 7/25/22
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. (Isaiah 26:3) God’s peace. Peace on Earth. The peace that passeth all understanding. We all yearn for that peace—both now and for all eternity. The Bible makes it clear that God’s peace is available to us through a saving relationship with the Prince of Peace—Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9). For He is our peace (Ephesians 2:14)—the one mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5). Yet Scripture warns there is a deceptive false Christ and a deceptive false peace coming that will seduce the whole world (Revelation 18:23). By studying God’s Word and rightly dividing Scripture (2 Timothy 2:15), we learn how to discern and experience the true peace of God through it all.

(222) Three Generations of Suffering by Georgi Vins (Book) at Lighthouse Trails, 8/1/22
Lighthouse Trails Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Three Generations of Suffering: A Chronicle of One Family’s Persecution in an Atheistic Society, written by Georgi Vins. The book was originally published in 1975 by David C. Cook Publishing but eventually went out of print. Lighthouse Trails is publishing this new edition under contract with the Georgi Vins’ family. This is the third book Lighthouse Trails has published by former Soviet prisoner, Georgi Vins, who spent a total of eight years in Communist prison camps for his faith and for his pastoral work. The book was written during Georgi’s years as a pastor and leader of the underground church in the U.S.S.R. and as a prisoner. The unpublished manuscript was smuggled out of the country and sent to Keston College, which at the time was working to alert the world to the persecutions taking place under Communism.

(223) Dear Pastors and Christian Leaders—Are You Defending the Gospel or Forgetting the Gospel? (Booklet) by David Dombrowski, 8/30/22
The Gospel is the most precious thing on God’s heart, and it is worthy of our defense and protection. Wouldn’t you like to be remembered as a man (or woman) after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13: 14)? If so, then defend the Gospel. You may recall that in the Old Testament the Israelites took great pains in transporting the Ark of the Covenant. According to the instructions given by God to Moses (Exodus 25:13-15), the Ark was to be carried by staves (poles) on the shoulders of the Levites (1 Chronicles 15:15). However, in 1 Chronicles 13:7-10, contrary to Moses’ specific instructions, they put the Ark on a cart to be pulled by oxen. But the unexpected happened. When “Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark, for the oxen stumbled . . . the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzza, and he smote him” (1 Chronicles 13:9-10). The Levites, who were the “pastors” of that day, were careless about following Moses’ instructions; and it ended up costing a life. The Ark of the Covenant was a type and foreshadowing of the Gospel. It was sprinkled with blood to symbolize Christ’s death on the Cross. Today, similar to back then, so many pastors and Christian leaders have become careless about the Gospel. If you are one who has grown careless with the Gospel, isn’t it time to make some changes and return to following the instructions of the Lord?

(224) Christian Journaling Or Psychic Channeling? (Booklet) by Brenna E. Scott, forward by Chris Lawson, 10/11/22
Dear Fellow Christians, I am excited to announce the publication of new research into the Jesus Calling series: Christian Journaling or Psych Channeling? This book distills years of text analysis into a summary format that can be digested in an afternoon, yet is comprehensive enough to serve as an invaluable reference for further study. Allow me to highlight two aspects I think you will find particularly useful. First, the easy-to-browse reference section (Chapter 5) allows you to directly compare passages from Jesus Calling devotionals with corresponding passages from occult texts. Second, the chapters are carefully organized to highlight occult themes that can be difficult to discern from individual devotionals, but emerge clearly when looking at the Jesus Calling series as a whole. If you find this research helpful, please let others know that it may be read for free here on our website. Thank you, and God bless! —Chris Lawson

(225) Epidemic of Apostasy—How Christian Colleges Must Incorporate “Spiritual Formation” to Become Accredited-2022 2nd Edition (Booklet) by Lighthouse Trails, 10/21/22
Lighthouse Trails originally wrote this booklet in 2013. While a number of the groups and schools discussed here changed the links on their websites and even changed the way they describe their programs since this booklet was released, our current research shows that the agendas critiqued in this booklet remain intact and the schools listed in this booklet still promote Spiritual Formation. (Note: In this updated edition in cases where links were changed or removed, we replaced missing links in our endnotes section with archived links of the same material.)

(226) My Conversion and My Journey Out of “the Holiness Movement” (Booklet) by Harry Ironside, 10/30/22
Since the inception of this ministry, we have witnessed that the first group of denominations that succumbed to New Age-laden contemplative spirituality has been those groups of the “holiness” movement (e.g., Nazarene, Wesleyan, Quaker, Salvation Army). We believe the reason for this is that the disillusionment, despair, and turmoil that develops in participants of this legalist and unbiblical belief system (as Ironside describes) makes those followers vulnerable to search for relief and seemingly find it in mystical practices (which produce a euphoria that is mistaken for God). These enticing euphoric experiences give a sensual feeling of righteousness and holiness and thus assumed to be from God. For the last nearly five years, Lighthouse Trails has addressed the detrimental and unbiblical nature of Calvinism. However, the other end of the spectrum is just as dangerous and wrong; and this is what Ironside discusses in this booklet. With such things considered, it is the hope and steadfast desire of Lighthouse Trails that believers everywhere will leave pet doctrines with extreme views and return to the simplicity of biblical faith with a focus on Jesus Christ and the work He accomplished at the Cross.

(227) A Christian Perspective on the Social Justice Movement (Book) by Roger Oakland, Mike Oppenheimer, Carl Teichrib, Bill Randles, David Dombrowski, Mary Danielsen, Cedric Fisher, Berit Kjos, Manning Johnson, Linda Harvey, and the Editors at Lighthouse Trails, 12/2/22
The world has gone through a paradigm shift, and we now find ourselves living in a “social justice world.” Many would believe that is a good thing and finally the world can rid itself of racism, poverty, and injustice. Even many Christians have come to embrace this “new” way of thinking and dealing with society’s problems. But as Christian believers, do we really understand what lies behind the social justice movement? And do we truly comprehend what the “fruit” of this cultural “revolution” will be to both our society and the church? This book navigates the turbulent social justice issue—from a Christian perspective.

(228) Global Revival or Global Deception: 10 Critical Warnings From the Titanic to the Church (Book) by Warren B. Smith, 12/3/22
Who doesn’t want true revival—one filled with godly sorrow, heartfelt repentance, and powerfully met with God’s forgiveness, mercy, and amazing grace? But the word true is key. The revival must not be unduly influenced by our spiritual Adversary for his own deceptive purposes. True revival has to be truly God-given and truly inspired by our One True God and His One True Holy Spirit. Prior to its sinking, the RMS Titanic was thought to be “invincible” and “unsinkable” and was viewed with widespread confidence and positive regard. People felt they would be safe on that big and mighty ship. What could possibly go wrong? Today, revival is seen in much the same way. It brings up similar notions of invincibility, “unsinkability,” and positive regard. People feel safe when they are part of a big and mighty revival. What could possibly go wrong? And it is in this light that the Titanic can serve as a graphic example for the church today. The following are ten critical Titanic warnings as the church longs for revival yet moves into some very dangerous waters.

(229) Three Witnessing Tracts by Mike Oppenheimer, 1/2/23
Witnessing to the Witnesses (JWs), The Doctrine of God (LDS) and Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures (Jews).

(230) My Journey Out of Catholicism (Booklet) by David Dombrowski, 1/13/23
Over the years, I have encountered many Christians who wonder, “What’s wrong with being Catholic? After all, they believe in the Cross; they believe Jesus is the Son of God. It can’t be all that bad.” If you are a Christian who has wondered about these things, this special testimonial report is for you.

(231) Evangullible (Book) by Warren B. Smith, 2/25/23
Over the last four decades, the unholy spirit and deceptive false teachings of a New Age/New Gospel have worked their way into an undiscerning and all-too-gullible church. Pastors and church leaders who years ago warned about New Age deception have hardly talked about it since. As a result, this New Gospel of the New Age is presently viewed by most believers as a long-ago past occurrence even as its overlapping terms, false teachings, and deceptive practices continue to creep into the church. Thus, while many church leaders and pastors talk about the cultural challenges of the day and the need for revival, they say almost nothing about our Adversary’s spiritual schemes and devices. And while these same leaders write dramatic books and letters exhorting the church to be “courageous,” to “speak out,” and to “not be silenced,” they have been effectively silenced themselves when it comes to spiritual deception in the church. Instead of exposing spiritual evil, contending for the faith, and fighting the good fight, they often advocate, endorse, or turn a blind eye to the very things they should be confronting.

(232) Check Out the Lighthouse Trails Online Store at Lighthouse Trails, 5/6/23
Lighthouse Trails Publishing began in 2002 in order to publish Ray Yungen’s unpublished manuscript, A Time of Departing. Two years later in 2004, we began Lighthouse Trails Research Project as a way to provide free research material to our readers. That second website grew into a large site with hundreds of web pages and articles and thousands of links. On the blog of that site are articles, news stories, and all of our currently 157 topical booklets, available to print for free. Lighthouse Trails has made every effort to provide free information and materials to everyone. Making money has never been our first priority. With that said, however, many of our online readers don’t know about our first website, the Lighthouse Trails Publishing store, which started out in the fall of 2002 with the release of A Time of Departing. Since then, the editors at Lighthouse Trails have painstakingly built a resource store which now has hundreds of books, booklets, DVDs, tracts, and more—every item (some we’ve published, some by other trusted publishers and ministries) fitting into the framework of biblical integrity. If you have never checked out the Lighthouse Trails online resource store, we encourage you to do so. You can also find there our very own creation, Shepherd’s Bible Verse Tea (a small division of Lighthouse Trails we began in 2010 as a means to help support the ministry of Lighthouse Trails). Each organic tea bag has a KJV Bible verse on the tag.

(233) 2nd Edition Booklet: A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists) – Updated and Expanded Edition! by Chris Lawson, 7/10/23
Lighthouse Trails is very pleased to announce the release of the new updated and expanded 2nd edition of our 2013 booklet A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists) by Chris Lawson. The new edition includes many additional names, still under three categories and all alphabetized for easy look-up. Chris Lawson has done extensive research to compile and update these lists, and we pray his work here continues to serve believers who are seeking to discern between truth and error. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list, and sadly, were that the case, this would be a very large book.

(234) Israel—A Burdensome Stone to the Nations and the Apple of God’s Eye (Booklet) by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/30/23
A new war rages by the estranged brethren of Abraham as the question of the ownership of the land and the people are still the main issue. However, there is no debate as to ownership; this question has been settled for nearly 3,500 years. And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came. And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land. (Genesis 12:5-7) Even of the covenant which he made with Abraham, and of his oath unto Isaac; And hath confirmed the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant, Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance. (1 Chronicles 16:16-18)

(235) A New Narrative for a “New” World: A Compendium of Terms to Discern Today’s Dialect (Booklet) by Chris Lawson, Kevin Reeves, Warren B. Smith, Mary Danileson, Carl Teichrib, Richard and Linda Nathan, 11/5/23
A “New” Narrative for a “New” World is a compilation of eight glossaries from seven different Lighthouse Trails authors. Each chapter presents terms and definitions from a specific ideology. This book has a two-fold purpose: First, each author’s included commentary draws the various chapters together and paints an overall picture—a story, if you will, of what is taking place today in the church and in the world in the spiritual landscape. And second, the book defines and explains provocative language and terms that have deceived many. It will provide a vital resource to be used for years to come (should the Lord tarry).

(236) Walking in God’s Strength Through It All (Booklet) by Warren B. Smith, 12/23/23
Throughout the Bible, we are told to rely on God’s strength and not our own. And throughout life—especially in times of trouble—the Bible makes it clear that God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1). God tells the apostle Paul that His grace is sufficient in all circumstances because He will provide His strength in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). And with obvious irony, Paul makes the point that even if God had any weakness—which He doesn’t—that weakness would be stronger than the strongest strength of men (1 Corinthians 1:25). The bottom line is that to get through this life in a manner that is pleasing and glorifying to God, we need to solely rely on God’s powerful and perfect strength. It’s in that strength that we will be able to stand, even in the darkest days. "We rest on thee, our Shield and our Defender! We go not forth alone against the foe; strong in thy strength, safe in thy keeping tender, we rest on thee, and in thy name we go. —Edith G. Cherry (1872-189

(237) Occultic Practices & Beliefs Crossing Into Charismatic Revivalism (Booklet) by Chris Lawson, 1/8/24
In many places today, the church has become rife with spiritual things that bear no resemblance to biblical Christianity. Spiritually blind leaders, excessive false teaching and false prophecy, and experience-driven practices rooted in mysticism and the occult have become common. Due to biblical illiteracy and the extreme lack of discernment among most popular voices today, churchgoers listen to—and often put up with—the teachings, prophecies, and claims, no matter how outlandish and unscriptural they may be. As a result of Scripture twisting, spiritual manipulation, and the inclusion of satanic manifestations and counterfeits of God’s Spirit, mass confusion ensues in many churches and movements.

(238) 25 Difficulties That Hinder Full Assurance (Booklet) by Ironside, 1/25/24
It is my purpose to consider some of the difficulties and perplexities which keep souls from entering into peace and enjoying the full assurance of salvation. The following questions and objections are some that have come to me again and again from earnest seekers after light, and are therefore, I have good reason to believe, fairly representative of the troublesome thoughts that hinder many from seeing the simplicity of God’s way of life as set forth in His holy Word. Perhaps if my reader has not a settled rest of heart and conscience, he may find his own peculiar trouble dealt with here.

(239) The Reformation: A Brief But Important Look (Some Things You Might Not Know) (Booklet) by Roger Oakland, 1/30/24
A study of church history reveals that the plan by the serpent to infiltrate Christianity has been relentless through the ages. This plan continues today and is accelerating as the apostasy foretold in the Bible unfolds. In my book, The Good Shepherd Calls, I document how the counterfeit bride (what the Bible calls the harlot) is assembling an amalgamation of apostate “Christianity” with the world’s religions for establishing a peace plan. This peace plan will in turn set up a one-world religion in the name of Christ to further the cause of peace. What is happening right now in the political, economic, and religious sectors is a gradual unfolding of this plan that will build up speed and momentum as we approach the coming of the Antichrist.

(240) Occultic Practices and Beliefs Crossing Into Charismatic Revivalism (Booklet) by Chris Lawson, 2/21/24
We consider all of the subjects listed below to be Potentially Harmful and/or Dangerous Spiritual Practices. They all have the potential to be spiritually harmful and a large number of them are extremely dangerous. Spiritual Research Network issues a warning about the following topics because they comprise either one, two, three, or all four of the following: Mystical and supernaturalistic health-related methods, Founded on occult (hidden/secret) principles, Dangerous forms of occult and mystical practices, Based on the writings and beliefs associated with either paganism, spiritism, occultism or mysticism. 
See the promo video here.

(241) Neglecting to Test the Spirits—A Tragedy of Enormous Proportions (Booklet) by David Dombrowski and the Editors at Lighthouse Trails, 2/27/24
From the onset of Lighthouse Trails in 2002, we have endeavored to be connected with the body of believers scattered throughout the world who are very concerned, as we are, with the state of the church today. Many of our readers have told us they feel very alone and even ostracized in witnessing today’s apostasy. We know firsthand how it feels to be labeled troublemakers for having legitimate concerns about what is happening in many churches. We too have felt disillusioned as we have watched a gradual departure take place from the Word of God. Pulpits throughout the land, many of which formerly proclaimed the biblical Gospel of God’s saving grace through the sacrifice on the Cross, now espouse an assortment of ecumenism, progressivism, New Age, mysticism, wokeism, and a social-justice gospel. It is no wonder that God, in referring to the lukewarm church, warns that He is ready to “spew thee” out of His mouth (Revelation 3:16). How much better it would have been if churches and their pastors had stuck with John 3:16!

(242) Who Am I? (Booklet) by Martyn Iles, 3/24/24
In my book, Who Am I?, I collect eight key truths from Scripture, like puzzle pieces, to assemble into a complete picture of human identity.

(243) The Chosen and the Bible: Serious Considerations That Can’t Be Ignored (Booklet) by SRN, 6/12/24
he Chosen is the hugely popular TV series that purports to present “plausible” backstories about what creator, director, and co-writer Dallas Jenkins calls the “authentic Jesus.”1 The Chosen was born in 2017 when three Mormon businessmen approached Jenkins with the idea for the series and a crowdfunding deal.2 Jenkins said that the project was reaffirmed and endorsed by God in 2018 when he was visiting Israel. He felt God was telling him that The Chosen would become known “around the world” as “the definitive portrayal” of God’s people.

(244) The Good Shepherd Calls: An Urgent Message To The Last-Days Church (Book) by Roger Oakland, 7/6/24
This book is for shepherds and the sheep who follow him. The title for the book, The Good Shepherd Calls: An Urgent Warning To the Last-Days Church, flooded into my mind like a lightning bolt flashing in the darkness. In all honesty, I had no desire or motivation to write another book. As a result of a serious illness, that nearly ended my life in 2009 when I was in my early sixties, I reasoned that the time had come to let others take my place in the battle. That all suddenly changed after reading an article and watching a video that showed Jesuit Pope Francis proclaiming that all religions, including "Christianity", worship the same God. Something in me slapped. How could I not send out a warning?

(245) More Pathetic ‘Fact Checking’ Of Megan Basham’s Shepherds For Sale by David Morrill, 8/8/24
“Basham’s book has blown the whistle – not for progressives in mainline churches waving trans flags – but for traditional evangelicals discovering they’ve been the frogs in progressive evangelicalism’s slow boil. These churchgoers thought their leaders were stomping on the cultural brakes as the country careened towards the socialist cliff, but now see that not only are many leaders not braking, they are actually stepping on the gas.” In the political arena, tools for exploitation include divisive identity politics, class envy, hyperbolic scare tactics, and good old-fashioned character assassination. Leftist evangelicals are willing to use the same tactics, but they usually get the ball rolling with scripture twisting and Jesus-shaming emotional subjectivism. These uniquely effective tools for manipulating undiscerning believers often do the trick and avoid the need to resort to the more obvious political tools.

(246) Is the CHURCH the NEW ISRAEL? (Booklet) by Tony Pearce, 8/26/24
Now that we see the events of the end times, which center on Jerusalem and the Jewish people, unfolding before us, God is looking for a faithful remnant amongst believing Christians to pray for Israel and to point Jewish people to the only One who can save them, the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ).

(247) The New Age Path: Finding Soul Enlightenment or Entering Spiritual Blindness? (Booklet) by Ray Yungen, 9/5/24
It is very clear that the metaphysical explosion that our society is currently immersed in is a continuation of what Leviticus 19:31 warned against: Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards [metaphysicians], to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God. (emphasis mine) On this basis alone, Christians have a duty to challenge the validity of the New Age message that we are God.

New Sandy Simpson Messages
in Books, CDs & DVDs

Reverse Paradigm Shift

by Sandy Simpson

We live in a topsy-turvy world of opposing ideas.  It is easy to get lost and overwhelmed.  We as Christians often don’t realize how much we have been diapraxed by the world, the flesh and the devil.  Our paradigm has been altered to such a degree that, without the solid foundation of Scripture, we are often set adrift without the anchor God has provided us.  Our paradigm is our worldview, our understanding of reality.  Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the written eternal Word, we really have no hope of understanding reality, our cultures, or our lives.  I have written this book to clue the reader into some of the issues that surround the modern born-again believer and how to reverse the shift that has exponentially changed our perspective in some cases.  Fortunately, in the foreknowledge of our Lord, He provided us with a roadmap to navigate our fallen world.  We don’t need a new map, as Emergent Church advocates claim.  We need the tried and true map of the ages.  There is “nothing new under the sun”.  There have always been false prophets and false teachers who are there by the will of the enemy to mislead and ultimately destroy the faith of many.  We are clearly living in the Apostasy foretold in the Bible that has been growing preceding the appearance of the Antichrist.  We need to carefully test ourselves to be sure we are in the Faith, and then hold on to the hope we have in Christ. 

Only $18. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

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"� if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:20