The New Powerless Gospel
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

TI have been challenged lately to think again about what the Gospel message is all about.  This has come as a result of hearing what I considerto be, at the very least, "gospel lite" and at the most no gospel at all being presented by a number of neo-evangelicals, Third Wavers and outrightheretics.  The interesting thing is that many seem to be preaching the same message.  What is most intriguing is that false teachers like Benny Hinn, ecumenicals, and even some preachers I would considerto be orthodox in their theology are preaching a "gospel" that is very similar.The question is: Is this new gospel message really the Gospel at all?

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

CD - U.S.

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This DVD is now also available as a downloadable MP4 file for playback on your computer or personal device.  If you want to get this video immediately and save s/h charges then this may be a good option for you. 

NOTE: This online downloadable MP4 is not as high quality as the DVD due to online storage restrictions.  It is a high quality MP4 but not as high quality as the DVD version.  Click on the button below to order this video at PayLoadz via PayPal.  Each video from any DVD available for download is $10.  Audio MP3s are $3. each.

Powerless MP4 Video
  Powerless MP3 Audio