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Great Discernment Tools!

When The Ends AND The Means Are Unjustifiable
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Way back in 1976 C. Peter Wagner had already expressed a foundation of sand upon which his entire "apostolic" kingdom is built.  To back up his notions, he and his friends such as John Wimber, Paul Cain and many others began to get the cart before the horse.  They tried to create revival where there was none with unbiblical and even heretical ideas.  They imported occult ideas from false religions into the churches, such as "slain in the spirit" and called the results "revival".  The means they used were the counterfeit  revivals of the Word Of Faith Movement, the Vineyard movement, the Toronto "Blessing", the Brownsville "Outpouring" and on down the line to latest Todd Bentley "Lakeland Revival".  The proof that the means have all been unjustifiable is in the unjustifiable ends.  Lakeland has now come to an apparent abrupt end due to false healing and dead raising claims, many false teachings, a false "transferable" anointing, and sexual misconduct.  You can read about these things in our Todd Bentley section. Yet the leadership of the New Apostolic Reformation has not even been slowed by yet another bad end brought about by the self-destruction of the means.  In the latest ElijahList the false prophets are prophesying even greater revivals to come.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

The Handkerchief Phenomenon
Addendum to “A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days

by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There is a new phenomenon especially among some island churches where handkerchiefs are being handed around a congregation claiming that they have an anointing that can cause people to be healed and other miraculous things happen to them. The problem with this idea is especially evident in two things: (1) that this can and is being considered by many to be Christian magic and (2) that it is being taught as being something that should be a normal part of the Christian experience.  It is taught that if you have faith you will believe in touching the handkerchief that you will be healed, freed from demons, or get a special anointing.  But faith is not proven by signs and wonders.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

Baha’i & YWAM's "Indigenous People's Movement" (IPM)
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

This chart should be of grave interest to those in YWAM and those supporting YWAM and its agenda with the IPM or "First Nations" movement led by people like Daniel Kikawa (Perpetuated In Righteousness), Don Richardson (Eternity in Their Hearts:Startling Evidence of Belief in the One True God in Hundreds of Cultures Throughout the World), John Dawson (Taking Our Cities for God: How to Break Spiritual Strongholds), Richard Twiss (One Church, Many Tribes : Following Jesus the Way God Made You), Terry LeBlanc (Creating Christian Indians: Native Clergy in the Presbyterian Church) and many others.  You will notice a very close comparison in this chart between false religion and so-called "Christian" leaders.  Please read what YWAM, The Emerging Chuch, the WCGP and others are teaching that are almost exactly what the Baha'i teach.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

Three Fallacies Of Third Wave Spiritual Warfare Teachings 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

When so-called Christians employ Biblical pagan methods to rid themselves of demons, they end up giving the enemy an opportunity to deceive them and a foothold in their lives.  When Israel disobeyed the Lord's command to come down to Jerusalem and worship Him in the temple under the Law, and instead chose to set up altars in the high places, the result was that they ended up worshiping demons.  They thought they were worshiping God, but ended up worshiping Baal and Ashtoreth.  You cannot live a life glorifying to the Lord unless you obey Him.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

The Duties of Christian Leadership 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Christians, and especially Christian leadership, are called to be salt and light in a dark world.

Matt. 5:13-16  "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

When the Lord tells us to be salt and light, He states both the positive and the negative.  That is the way with all Scripture.  We can’t just take the positive and be done with the subject.  We have to consider all the ramifications of being salt and light.  Salt is used to season food and make it taste good.  It was and still is used as a preservative.  In the same way Christians are to be salt in the world.  Without the witness of Christ, without standing for the truth, life is ultimately tasteless and rotten.  Anyone here who was a sinner for any length of time without the Savior knows what I am talking about.  But the flip side is that salt can lose its saltiness.  Christians can lose their saltiness by diluting the Gospel message to the point where it is useless.  Let me give you an example of a washed out Gospel often preached in churches today. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

Smack Dab in the Middle of the Apostasy 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Christianity Today ran the following article:

'Antichrist' No More: Evangelicals Praise Pope
Most are unreserved in their praise on political, social,
and even theological matters, but critique of papacy remains.
Compiled by Ted Olsen, 04/05/2005 04:30 p.m.

Among the names mentioned, who praise the Pope in this article, were "Evangelical" leaders such as: Evangelical Episcopalian Fred Barnes; Wheaton College's Mark Noll; Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod President Gerald B. Kieschnick; National Association of Evangelicals President Ted Haggard; Focus on the Family President James Dobson; Charles Colson who organized the evangelical side of the Evangelicals and Catholics Together; Paige Patterson, President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Presbyterian Church in America Pastor-brothers David and Tim Bayly; Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler; Dallas Theological Seminary President Mark Bailey; Credenda Agenda Editor Douglas Wilson; and Evangelical Alliance, the United Kingdom's version of the stateside National Association of Evangelicals.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

 A Biblical Illustration Of Our Faith Commitment To Jesus Christ For Salvation 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Marriage as a metaphor for our relationship to Jesus Christ.

Marriage is used as a metaphor for our relationship to God many times in the Bible.  Let's look at the picture God wants His people to see about their relationship to Him, and His relationship to them.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

The New Powerless Gospel
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

TI have been challenged lately to think again about what the Gospel message is all about.  This has come as a result of hearing what I considerto be, at the very least, "gospel lite" and at the most no gospel at all being presented by a number of neo-evangelicals, Third Wavers and outrightheretics.  The interesting thing is that many seem to be preaching the same message.  What is most intriguing is that false teachers like Benny Hinn, ecumenicals, and even some preachers I would considerto be orthodox in their theology are preaching a "gospel" that is very similar.The question is: Is this new gospel message really the Gospel at all?

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.


by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

This creature that existed, and may yet exist, is used as a description of the might and power of the enemy.


Isaiah 27:1 In that day the LORD will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, With His fierce and great and mighty sword, Even Leviathan the twisted serpent; And He will kill the dragon who lives in the sea. (NASB)


Speaking of the “day of the Lord”, when the Lord comes back again to rule and judge the earth, Isaiah says that the Lord will punish Leviathan the dragon.  Satan is likened to leviathan, a serpent, and he is said to live in the sea.


Revelation 13:1 And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore. Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names. (NASB)


Again the dragon comes out of the sea, which is symbolic of the nations of the world, but perhaps is also tied to a literal meaning.  He has multiple heads which are symbolic of the heads of the nations of the end times, but he is also said to have multiple heads before the symbolism of the nations of the revived Babylon come into being, as recorded in Ps. 74:14 and Job.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

Pre Millennial and Post Millennial Doctrines Do Not Mix 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Many Christians today (having allowed themselves to be diapraxed by false teachers on TV, in books, in seminars and on tape) have begun to accept a mixture of Pre Mil and Post Mil doctrines.  Many claim they still hold to a Pre Trib Rapture (or another Pre Mil scenario) and at the same time would claim that Christians are in a great end times revival, that "Transformation" is taking place all over the world, and that our mandate is to retake dominion over the whole world including its businesses, social agendas and political arenas (a Post Mil scenario).  But what many "Christians" today do not realize is: the mixture they have accepted is oxymoronic.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here to more information.
New Age & Eastern Mysticism in the Churches
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There are two kingdoms being taught in many churches today. Teaching about one of the kingdoms is on the decline while the other is being promoted all over the place.  I am warning Christians that they need to check out who is using the word "kingdom", the books they have been reading and recommend on building "the kingdom", the people they have been hanging out with at conferences, and what they mean by "the kingdom".

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here to more information.
"He Was A Murderer From The Beginning" 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

John 8:44  You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning,

not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Revelation 21:8  But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters

 and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

Revelation 22:15  Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers,

the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Exposing the "I Am God" Blasphemers 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There are so many people who claim to be Christians today, claiming that they are God.  Not just a “little god” but God Almighty.  I hate to tell them but there is only one God/man who could ever claim that and His name is Jesus Christ.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here to more information.

Why False Teachers Have So Many Followers 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

1 John 4:4-6  You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit {Or spirit} of truth and the spirit of falsehood.
The reason why false teachers, who deny one or more of the core doctrines of the Faith, gain so many followers is that they are saying what the world wants to hear.  They organize their churches so that they cater to unbelievers, and once non Christians come in they are fed a diet devoid of the essential nutrition of the Gospel and sound doctrine.  False teachers conduct surveys to see what non-believers are looking for in a "church" and then provide those things.  False teachers claim they are bringing people into the Kingdom when in fact they are bringing them out of the world and back into the world, the only difference now being that they are spending their money in support of some apostate leader and/or group.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here to more information.

False Apostles
  of the New Apostolic Reformation
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The NAR proponents claim to be foundational Apostles to the modern church.  This claim is exactly what Paul warned the Church about regarding false apostles.  The term "false apostles" is used only once in the Bible in 2 Cor. 11:13.  False apostles are identified as those who claim they are equal with the the foundational Apostles.  The NAR proponents go even further! They claim to be GREATER than the original Apostles.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here to more information.

  Jude Study
6 DVD Series
(DVD 1) Jude Lesson 1 - Verses 1-4
 (DVD 2) Jude Lesson 2 - Verses 5-10
(DVD 3) Jude Lesson 3 - Verse 11
(DVD 4) Jude Lesson 4 - Verses 12-15
(DVD 5) Jude Lesson 5 - Verses 16-19
(DVD 6) Jude Lesson 6 - Verses 20-25

 by Sandy Simpson

This DVD set is a message based on this article.

Jude 1:1-2 Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. Jude was the brother of Jesus Christ. But it is significant that he calls himself the brother of James. Jude wants everyone to know that, though he is a half-brother of Jesus Christ through his mother Mary, he considers himself to be a servant of Jesus. I’m sure there were those who tried to idolize him for being the brother of Jesus Christ. If he had the character of some of the current large crop of false teachers, he would have written “Jude, the brother of Jesus Christ.” I’m sure if some of these modern heretics could trace their roots back to Christ, they would use that information to get support for themselves and power over people. But Jude does just the opposite. He calls himself the servant of Jesus Christ. He is addressing this letter to those who have been called, and who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ. So he is addressing this letter to Christians. God has called every true believer.

You can get more information here.

A Word of Encouragement from Paul
Run the Race, Win the Prize

by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.  Jesus Christ is coming again.  We are citizens of heaven, not this earth, and Jesus will come to take us to our homeland.  So true believers eagerly await His coming, unlike those who oppose the cross of Christ who think they must take dominion over the earth or laugh at the idea of the Rapture.  There are many of them today.  We know that when Jesus comes, by His power, He will bring everything under His control.  We are not called to do that as the Church.  Jesus will do that when He comes, and when He comes we will be changed and receive our everlasting bodies that will never wear out.

1 Cor. 15:51-57 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory." "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.


Entertainment-style Christianity
vs. Interactive-style Christianity
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Today, in a majority of churches, we see the result of the seeker-friendly,"purpose-driven", church  growth, Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation methods and teachings and their product I am calling"Entertainment-style Christianity" (ESC).  But ESC churches are not only missing out on the cutting edge of true Christianity, but areheading down the road to apostasy.

True biblical Christianity is "interactive".  Those in ESC are taughtto be spectators at mega-church entertainment events.  They are not taught the Bible but rather to be enamored with the oratoricalskills of the preacher, and to not dare question anything that is shoved down the throats of the "laity" by the ruling "anointed"elite.  They are treated to a circus atmosphere including wild CCM music with people flailing around and acting like they are on drugs, topreachers who tell endless stories about themselves and joke about everything while actually making profundity mundane, to hula dancing,to banners and marching in the church and around it, to the blowing of shofars, to slain in the spirit and wild manifestations.  Theirsears are tickled by guest speakers who make up sermons out of their own imaginations instead of the written Word.  They are entertainedwith gold dust, gold fillings, "angel" feathers, "angel" footprints, drunk in the spirit antics, and during these displays they can go outand get a latte and a snack at the church snack bar.  They come into these mega churches and leave without being personally challengedother than with tired worldly psychology, and without anyone being able to find out what they are doing in their private lives.  A smallpercentage attend "cell groups" where they are diapraxed into consensus instead of challenged to be Bereans and think and act forthemselves.  They live like the world during the week, then come to church where the world is not only welcomed but accommodated.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.

Saturate 2020 adherants are those who are drunk and think they can save the planet
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Commentators seem to think that this section of Habakkuk was addressing the Ceasars and their drunken desire for power.  Seems these two things often go together.


Those who love drunk in the spirit are no exception.  They are trying to get others to share in their debauchery and the false hope of an end-times worldwide revival, currently through the Saturate 2020 events.  Though these were two of the heretical distinctives of the New Order of the Latter Rain, these ideas are nothing new.  The righteous continue to live by faith, while the proud boast in their drunken state.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.

A Warning about Saturate 2020
by Sandy Simpson & Marco Quintana

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Saturate 2020 is another in a long line of Latter Rain revivals which do not meet the criteria of a Biblical revival at all (Acts 3:19).  The Toronto “Blessing” and Brownsville “Revival” both came into towns all over the world with the promise that people were getting saved and nothing weird was going on at their meetings.  This was always a lie as the true Gospel was not preached but instead people were invited forward to have hands laid on them in order to transfer an impartation.  Meanwhile false doctrines were laid down in order to get people involved in churches like Bethel Church in Redding, CA.  We are warned in Scripture about this.
Galatians 2:4 But it was because of the false brethren secretly brought in, who had sneaked in to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, in order to bring us into bondage.

2 Peter 2:1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves.
The fact that some formerly Biblical churches have joined this circus is a testament to their lack of teaching discernment.  Some of these denominations were warned repeatedly about the Latter Rain, Word of Faith and the New Apostolic Reformation yet they apparently wanted to remain “willfully ignorant”.  The people advertised as being involved with this latest “revival” are almost all associated with Bethel in some way and promoters of what they teach.  This is not a true Biblical revival but rather a revival of the occult and New Age among Christians.  This meeting is actually hurting the cause of Christ and will not have any real beneficial effect on the culture of California, which has turned decidedly evil for decades.  These Dominionists
will not be saving the planet, but are rather setting people up for the coming antichrist.  Nor will they rid the world of coronavirus, but rather likely add to it.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.
Should Biblical Churches Be Christocentric?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Should biblical Christian churches be Christ-centered (Christocentric)?  Should the doctrines of the Father (Patriology) and the Holy Spirit (Pnematology) also be equally emphasized?  Can a church be Patriocentric or Pnemacentric and be biblical?

The answer to these questions are quite simple from a biblical perspective.  There have been charges leveled at some movements such as the Pietist Movement in Germany and other movements that they place too much emphasis on Christ to the exclusion of the Father and the Holy Spirit.  This may be true to a certain degree.  The doctrines of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit must be taught with equal emphasis so that Christians will know what they believe.

But should a church be Patriocentric or Pnemacentric?  No.  For instance, there are far too many churches today, having been influenced by hyper-Pentecostalism and the Latter Rain, that are Pnemacentric.  They spend most of their time focusing on the Holy Spirit to the exclusion of preaching the Gospel while, in fact, they don't even have a biblical doctrine of the Holy Spirit.  I believe that because classic Evangelicals, to a certain degree, dropped the ball in defining the Person and role of the Holy Spirit it gave an opening to Third Wavers to step in with their erroneous ideas of Pnematology.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.

The Letter to Laodicea
Is a Warning to the TRUE Church Today
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

Rev. 3:14-22  And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Much has been made of this passage, using it to point out what is happening today in the apostate churches around the world.  It is true that they believe they are rich in spiritual things when they are very poor.  It can be applied in one sense to the 
Word of Faith movement.  It is true that the "River" movement of Latter Rain teachings do think they are hot when actually they are cold.

But this letter to the end times church of Laodicea is actually talking to biblical Christians who are born again.  The apostate movements of the Latter Rain, Third Wave, Toronto "Blessing", Vineyard, Brownsville "Outpouring", Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation, World Gathering on Indigenous People, Manifest Sons of God, Seeker Friendly, Church Growth, Emerging Church and many others have already had their lampstands removed (Rev. 2:5) because of their apostasy and have already been spit out of the Lord's mouth (Rev. 3:16).  We can know this because of what the Bible says about those who teach false doctrines (1 Tim. 6:3-5, 2 Tim. 4:3) and make false prophecies (1 John 4:1). These false churches, false movements and false brethren (Gal. 2:4) are already under the judgment of the warnings of the seven letters, as all but two of the original first century churches are today (only the two who Jesus did not warn still survive today).  Therefore the letters to the churches apply to those churches who have not had their lampstands removed and been spit out of the mouth of God because of heresy and false prophesy.  So the warning to the true biblical churches today remains.  Why is this warning significant to us?

It is significant because, by in large, it is the true Church today that has allowed the movements mentioned above to infiltrate and take over the agenda for what is called "Christianity" today.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.

The Overseer
A Study Of Titus 1:6-11

by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

In Titus 1:6-11 Paul tells Titus to appoint "overseers" in the churches.  The word "overseer" is episkopos in Greek and means bishop, curator, superintendent, guardian, watchman. Overseers are to be shepherds to the sheep, watchmen, guardians.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.

Jesus Cares
Jesus Cares for You
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based o
n this article.

Read Passage: John 6:1-15

The story of the feeding of the 5000 is found in all the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. When something is repeated in the Bible it means that it is important and is something we must try to understand. There is often a deeper meaning in sentences or stories that are repeated.

In this same story repeated in Mark 6:34 it says:

"When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things."

One of the main things that Jesus is... is compassionate. He cares for His people. He was compassionate then and He is still compassionate today. Jesus came and saw the needs of the people. So He did two things. He met their physical need of hunger for bread, and He also met their spiritual hunger for the bread of life. As Jesus told us in John ... He is the bread of life. The Bible, the Word of God, being the word of the Father and the Son, is also the bread of life.  Jesus is the living example of the Word as it also says in John "The Word was made flesh and lived among us".

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.
Boykin DVD

General Jerry Boykin and his ties to The Knights of Malta and Rick Joyner

compiled by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on tis article.

This paper exposes what General Boykin has been doing in Calvary Chapels and his associations.

He is Grand Chancellor of the Vatican's Jesuitical "Knights of Malta", an ecumenical society under the leadership of Rome where Catholics, Protestants and a plethora of others unite in what cannot be a unity of the Faith.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.

Two Lessons from Jonah
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

We just finished as study in the book of Jonah in our Bible study groups.  As we studied through that true story I became aware of an application for Church leaders today.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can get more information here.

What Does The Bible Teach About "Synergy"?

by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Synergy is also a concept being adapted and taught today as a major tenet of the Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement.  Dutch Sheets was one of the first to introduce this concept to that movement back in the National School of the Prophets - Mobilizing the Prophetic Office Conference at Ted Haggard's New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO on May 12, 2002. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Uprade your Old Hymns
Upgrade Your Old Hymns For The New Paradigm!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

HUMOR: Time for a rewrite of the old hymns.  In this day and age of Third Wave revival movements and Word-Faith dominion, the old hymns just aren't cutting it anymore.  Not only are they old fashioned musically, but the lyrics are, for the most part, particularly depressing. They talk of sin, death, repentance, the cross, the blood of Jesus and a whole host of other disgusting subjects.  There are also too many lyrics in them, frankly, which takes away from the "worship" atmosphere. Repetitiveness is what we need, not dead doctrinal concepts. The old hymns are just too biblical. Give us a beat to move our feet, not concepts to move our hearts and minds!

Here is a list of some hymns that could be "upgraded" to meet the criteria of the Third Wave, Word-Faith, Latter Rain, Manifest Sons Of God, New Apostolic Reformation.  This list is by no means complete.  If you don't recognize the hymns mentioned perhaps it would be worth your time to go back and read them, then compare what they say to the new doctrines.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here for further information. 

Almost Saved
Almost Saved
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

“To be almost saved is to be totally lost.” – Adrian Rogers

There are many so-called “Christians” today who are clearly “almost saved” by their testimonies and/or actions.But to be “almost saved” is to be completely lost.A person who is drowning and almost saved drowns.A woman who is almost pregnant is not pregnant.King Agrippa said, “You are almost persuading me to be a Christian (Acts 26:28)” but being almost persuaded is not enough to be saved.

The word “almost” means “very nearly”, “not quite.” In light of this we may conclude that to come close to the target, or “almost” hit it, means to completely miss the mark. (Shalem Evangelical Church Bush Hall Yard Gap, St. Michael)

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"Silence the noise of your songs"
by Sandy Simpson, 5/26/19

Amos 5:21-27 “I hate, I reject your festivals, nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies.  “Even though you offer up to Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them; and I will not even look at the peace offerings of your fatlings. “Take away from Me the noise of your songs; I will not even listen to the sound of your harps. “But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Did you present Me with sacrifices and grain offerings in the wilderness for forty years, O house of Israel? You also carried along Sikkuth your king and Kiyyun, your images, the star of your gods which you made for yourselves. Therefore, I will make you go into exile beyond Damascus,” says the Lord, whose name is the God of hosts. When I first reread this passage in Amos, a few things struck me.  First of all the Lord is bringing judgment on Israel for carrying on religious ceremony without true dedication to the Lord.  They sing songs and present their offerings while harboring idols.  I was reminded of how the Lord must view the heretical apostate mega church celebrations of today.  There is a lot of pomp and circumstance, yet little or no obedience to the Word of God.  The Lord does not look favorably upon worship of that type, no matter the hype, no matter the noise, no matter the show.  He actually “hates” it.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Good Church
How To Find A Good Church
by Sandy Simpson, 2003


Here’s how to find a good church.  What you need to find is a church that not only has orthodox doctrinal statements but teaches, both explicitly and implicitly, in line with the core doctrines of the Faith.  These are Bible-believing Christ-centered churches that are balanced in their theology.  Be sure to test all churches before you become involved.  It is acceptable to get involved with a house church or Bible study as long as there is someone who has the gift of teaching there to lead the study of God’s Word. 

Hebrews 10:25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

The Christian life is not one to be lived alone.  Trust me; I have sympathy for those who have been spiritually injured by false churches, false prophets, false teachers and false apostles.  It is often a long road back from the diaprax of heresy.  But to undo the brainwashing you will need help, especially from those who are already ahead of you on your journey back.  The first century church was known for the following:

Acts 2:42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

This is a good gauge to tell if you are involved in an effective assembly of believers, no matter how small.  Remember that the first century churches were in homes.  In my experience smaller churches are much better at doing the above and more.  Avoid mega churches.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Walking the Waves

This book was written by my mother and is about my family's experience as missionaries in Micronesia.  Juanita went to be with the Lord in August of 2018.  This book has been a blessing to many people around the world and I want to share it with you. - Sandy Simpson 

This is the story of a young woman who goes to the ends of the Earth with her pastor husband and two small children. While describing the hardships of living in a remote village on a remote Pacific Island in the 60's, it also gives us a vision of the joy the family experienced as well. The heart of the book is the story of how the author survives the death of her husband and goes on to serve God and the Micronesian people in her own right.This book reveals a woman of great faith and courage. In addition, the book is well written and a pleasure to read.Having met the author, I will add that there are thousands of people throughout Micronesia who love her and who have benefited by her faithfulness and commitment over the years. Read the book and get to know this wonderful woman. Review by Richard D. Shewman on Amazon.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US.

Go here for further information. 

A Biblical Guide To Freedom from "Another Spirit" 
The Possible Consequence of the Unbiblical Practice of "Slain In the Spirit" 
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

The cases are legion.  Let's look at John (a pseudonym) as one case in thousands that I read through the years in the emails sent to my site.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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A Short History of Dominionism
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

In order to understand where the modern fusion called “Dominioism” comes from, I want to first give you definitions of Kingdom Now, Dominionism and Reconstructionism.

Dominionism is sparsely defined as follows: 

“Dominion Theology (also known as Dominionism) is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians based on their personal understandings of biblical law. Extents of rule and ways of achieving governing authority are varied. For example, Dominion Theology can include theonomy, but does not necessarily involve advocating Mosaic law as the basis of government. The label is applied primarily toward groups of Protestants in the United States.” [1]

It is more closely defined this way: 

Dominionism, or Christian Dominionism is a term coined by social scientists and popularized by journalists to refer to a subset of American Christianity that is conservative, politically active, and believes that Christians should, and eventually will, take control of the government. The term is sometimes used as a “catch-all” by bloggers to describe any politically active Christian, but not every conservative, politically minded Christian is a Dominionist. Christian Dominionists believe that God desires Christians to rise to power through civil systems so that His Word might then govern the nation. The belief that “America is a Christian nation” is sometimes called “soft dominionism”; the idea that God wants only Christians to hold government office and run the country according to biblical law is called “hard dominionism.” [2]

“Hard Dominioism” as it is called in the above definition, is what C. Peter Wagner (deceased) of the New Apostolic Reformation (a term he coined) have been advocating, following the teachings of the New Order of the Latter Rain and Reformed Theology “Reconstructionism”.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Maturity Training
Maturity Training
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Heb. 5:14 But solid food is for the MATURE, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.

At the core of maturity in Christ is the issue of training to be able to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong. But in today’s churches this issue has not only been downplayed, but actually swept aside.

I run a website and get hundreds of emails every week. Since the website deals with apologetics against false teachers and false prophets, about half the email I receive is blasting me for even bringing up the issue. These emails are from “Christians” who claim I am not “anointed”, don’t understand the work of the Holy Spirit, etc. I am forced to remind them of Hebrews 5 and Ephesians 4 and the biblical definition of maturity in Christ. Maturity is not defined as following dynamic speakers, running after people who claim the ability to perform signs and wonders, those with wealth, charismatic teachers with large numbers of followers, those with name recognition, and prophets who make wild prophecies. It is defined simply as training ourselves to know the difference between good and evil.

Where do Christians get solid food? From voices in their heads, intuition, imaginations, flights of fancy, signs, wonders? No. Solid food is consumed by feeding on the meat of the written Word of God.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Bill Johnson Quotes
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

In this article, I will detail some false ideas, especially from Johnson’s books.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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The Use of Invective
The Use of Invective
in Apologetics
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

This article is about the use of invective while attempting to do apologetics or teaching discernment.  Invective is defined as a noun: insulting, abusive, or highly critical language ie. "he let out a stream of invective".  I admit to using invective at times in the past.  My goal is to stop that practice and focus on the facts, not attack an individual’s ability to comprehend. 

In the case of Christians, the first thing to consider when doing apologetics is our mandate to reconcile people to Christ, no matter who they are.

2 Cor. 5:18-21 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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10 Questions
Ten Questions
For those who Claim the "Supreme Beings" of the Nations are the True God
by Sandy Simpson

This booklet is taken from this article

I have some questions for those of the World Christian Gathering of Indigenous People (WCGIP) adherents such as Don Richardson, Daniel Kikawa, Richard Twiss (deceased), Terry LeBlanc, Danny Lehman, Aloha KeAkua, YWAM as well as many in the Emergent Church (EC) ... the questions arise from their claim that the "supreme beings" of the nations are all the True God, YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  You can read more on this subject in our book "Idolatry In Their Hearts" or in the WCGIP section of my site. 

My main question for them is this: When did ANY of the Patriarchs and Prophets in the Old Testament and the Apostles or Jesus Christ in the New Testament EVER claim that the "supreme beings" of the nations were Elohim/YHWH, the one True God?  Let's look at some examples in the form of questions and you can check out the source links as well.

10 Questions  is available is now available in booklet format.  You can order here or at Lighthouse Trails here.  $1.95 per copy, bulk orders get a discount.

Go here for further information. 

Real Revival DVD
Real Revival
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Acts 3:19 Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;

There has been so much hype of "revival" in our modern day that it is easy to forget the true biblical criteria and definition of revival. Revival cannot be brought about by signs and wonders or "laying" on of hands to transfer apostolic or prophetic "anointings". In fact there is no such thing in the Bible.The Biblical criterion for revival has, as a precondition, repentance. The word "refreshing" is also defined as "revive".

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Peter Popoff
Peter Popoff
Back to his old tricks!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I received a letter from Peter Popoff. This infamous televangelist, in the past, was found to be guilty of wearing an earpiece so that his accomplices in his sound booth could feed him personal information on people in his audience while he was claiming to get personal messages directly from God.  This letter proves that, not only is he back as a regular on TV, he is also back to his old tricks.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Occulte DVD
Occult Practices in the Churches
How the occult has been fully integrated into many Christian lives and fellowships
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The Bible is quite clear about occult practices.Neither Israel nor the Church is to have anything to do with the way the world tries to gain secret knowledge.The Gnostics were and are known for promoting new revelation that is either loosely tied to Scripture taken out ofcontext or not at all.The Israelites seeking information from the dead or in omens were judged harshly by the Lord who had warned them numerous times to stay away from that stuff.

Yet due to the influences of heretical teachers in the New Apostolic Reformation, Word of Faith, Emergent Church, and the New Age many have been successful in getting lots of churches and denominations into occult practices that have been thinly disguised as “Christian�?.Many of those who follow these people, I’m sure, have no idea how far they have strayed into the occult.

First I want to give the dictionary definitions and then Biblical warnings against these practices.Then I will give examples in the churches taken mainly from the ElijahList e-newsletter.

List of Practices Detestable To God

Deuteronomy 18:9-12 “When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord; and because of these detestable things the Lord your God will drive them out before you.

Isaiah 8:19When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter,�? should not a peopleconsult their God?Should theyconsultthe dead on behalf of the living?

Using the above list from Deuteronomy and Isaiah, let’s take a look at each individual practice.

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New Important Book!
Dominion Book
How Unbiblical Action Can Change The Churches
by Dr. Orrel Steinkamp & Sandy Simpson

By Sandy Simpson

The title and cover art of this work are a play off of the book by C. Peter Wagner entitled “"Dominion! How Kingdom Action Can Change The World".  In contrast to this specious claim we have titled this book “Dominionism! How Unbiblical Action Can Change The Churches�?.  We think that is far more in keeping with what we will present in this series of articles and essays on the subject of Kingdom Now/Dominionism.

Indeed, many churches have already been changed by accepting the false teachings that constitute Dominionism.  This started decades ago under Reformed Reconstrucionism and Latter Rain theology, but even before that in the Roman Catholic Church (RCC).  The attempt of Constantine to protect Christians from being persecuted, since he claimed he had become one of them, turned out to begin a journey in syncretism and Dominion.  It wasn’t long before corrupt church officials began to try to seize power all over Europe and beyond as the “Holy Roman Empire�?.  The Reformation itself was a reaction to the lengths to which the RCC had gone to take control over the Scriptures, the nations, the kingdoms, and the people for financial gain.  They sold indulgences, promising those who came up with enough money a much shorter time in Purgatory.  Those same ploys are being used today on what has been loosely called “Christian television�? by the sale of trinkets and promises of healing, financial gain and even salvation.

These ideas all coalesce in Dominionism.  If it were true that the Church needs to take over the planet, then we would be seeing the unstoppable plans of God’s physical Kingdom unfolding.  But we do not.  All we see are failed prophecies, empty edicts and declarations coming from false apostles and false prophets.  They love to fool Christians with talk of the “kingdom�? when it is clear they are talking about a different “kingdom�?; a Kingdom Now not a Kingdom come.  Jesus taught us to pray: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven�?.  The implication is that we are to be about building His spiritual Kingdom while praying for and expecting His physical Kingdom to come.  The only way we can do that is to continue in the Great Commission till He comes, not attempt to rule where God has not given the Church the authority to rule.  Jesus will do that when He returns. If we go off on the tangent the Dominionists want us to go, we will not only miss out on the blessings of His Kingdom to come, but may well be deserving of judgment.

This book is online and available as a download at this time for $15.  The printed books are now here!  They are $20. each plus s/h

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Seeds DVD
Seeds, Soil & Fruit
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Bad seeds from a bad tree yield bad fruit.

Matt. 13:38-39  The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
Matthew 7:17  Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

Original sin is the bad seed in everyone.  We all start with a bad seed.

Jer. 17:9  The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Rom. 3:23  for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Rom. 5:12  Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned

We need to have the bad seed destroyed and replaced with good seed.

Gal. 5:24  Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.
Rom. 6:6  For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin
1 Pet. 1:23  For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.

The good seed is the Word, the Gospel.

Luke 8:11  "This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God.
1 John 3:9  No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God.

Bad seeds are from the enemy and are full of false doctrine and a false gospel.

Matt. 13:38-39  The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Will the Real Blasphemers Please Stand Up?
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

This subject is one so serious that I do it with great fear and trepidation. Nonetheless, because I get so many e-mails accusing me and other Bereans of blasphemy, among other serious charges, I felt it was necessary to clear up some issues on this topic. Because of my stand for the truth of God's Word juxtaposed against all the false teaching that is going on today, I think it is important to do a quick study on what blasphemy is actually all about from a biblical standpoint.  There are many references to blasphemy in the Bible and from them we can find out how and why that term was used.

You will see that the word "blasphemy" in the Scriptures is the very definition of what the false teachers and false prophets are doing today!

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Glitter Christians
"Glitter Christians"
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Glitter Christians. 

This is a name I came up with for people attending and teaching at Oral Roberts University in the 70s.  Even back then I had come to realize that their way of representing Christianity was not in line with the Scriptures.  At that time I didn’t know that Oral Roberts was carrying on the Word of Faith traditions of New Thought practitioners such as Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Essex Kenyan, Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuler, and many other false teachers of the time.  Though I didn’t know anything about Word of Faith or New Thought then I knew that the way they were representing Christianity was just not right somehow.  Their desire to portray Christians as rich, beautiful, healthy, perfect, and virtually sinless (holiness) went directly against the example of Jesus, the Apostles and the early church. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US.

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The articles below are now also available on MP3 CD or MP3 DVD!
Perfect travel listening material!

"Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind" (Rom. 12:2)
Studies in worldview.
By Sandy Simpson

(1) "They Will Believe The Lie"
(2) Satan, The First Postmodernist
(3) A Tale Of Two Kingdoms
(4) One Of Satan's Final Masquerades
(5) Nightmarchers And UFOs On The Big Island
(6) The Missionaries Brought A Foreign God
(7) Monotheism In Ancient Cultures
(8) The History Of The Knowledge And Worship Of God
(9) Replacement Theology On Steroids
(10) Catholic Syncretism
(11) The Gospel Entrusted To The Saints
(12) The Responsibilities Of A Good Shepherd
(13) "... and all liars"
(14) Four Books That The Enemy Has Used To Corrupt Christianity
(15) Glitter Christians
(16) Is It Possible To Believe In Jesus ... And NOT Be Saved?
(17) Testing The Spirits

Studies in Worldview MP3 CD
click below to order for $25. plus s/h

Studies in Worldview MP3 DVD
click below to order for $25. plus s/h

Screwtape Legacy
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

The book by C.S. Lewis called "Screwtape Letters" was a clever idea in exposing a number of tactics of the enemy.  Those principles are still at work today in many churches.  Following is a list of some of the things the enemy wants to see in churches and Christians in order to bring them down.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Bradford Pear Christianity
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

I was driving along and noticing that spring has sprung here in North Carolina. One of the first trees to bloom is the Bradford Pear. I began to notice how that tree has proliferated almost everywhere and then my wife looked up the information on this tree on the web. As she began to read the facts about this tree and its proliferation I began to see an allegorical parallel to what is going on in much of Christendom. But before I get into what the Bradford Pear can show us about the churches, I need to present the facts about the tree.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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The Lord's Prayer, Our Prayer
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

Matt. 6:9-13  This, then, is how you should pray: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

This model prayer that Jesus taught the disciples to pray contains many important precepts.  It should probably be called "The Disciple's Prayer".  It starts with a very important concept in the first verse.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US.

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The Fallacious Arguments of Neo-Universalists
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

The new Universalists are not as vocal about their Universalism ideas but are far more deadly to the Church as they are not rejected like classic Universalists were decades ago.  The new Universalists would include Emerging Church leaders like Brian McLaren, Leonard Sweet, Spencer Burke, Alan Jones and others like Wycliffe, Society of  Biblical Literature, World Christian Gathering of Indigenous Peoples, Richard Twiss, Daniel Kikawa, Terry LeBlanc, Rick Warren, Henry Nowen, YWAM, Tony Campolo, Robert Schuller, George Otis Jr., and even Billy Graham.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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The future of apologetics and discernment ministries
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

I admit that I am very skeptical about the future of discernment and apologetics ministries. I don't see the next generation coming up to replace those who have stood for the truth for so long. Fortunately many apologists have gone to be with the Lord but who will replace them? I don't see replacements coming up who will take the place of those who have been fighting the fight the years. I run a web site where I collect articles and materials from all over the world and present them in a sort of Reader's Digest format so that people can come to one place to get the latest information on heresies in the churches as well as research past ones. What I've seen in the last couple of years is that the production of regular materials is declining to the point where it's becoming difficult to find one article for my site to post every day. Of course I write my own articles but don't have enough time to write an article on a daily basis. I am very concerned because of the tsunami of false ideas from the enemy in the churches. At the same time, unfortunately, I see a lot of younger people who don't even recognize anymore that something is wrong. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

You can also view this DVD online here.
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Church History & The Core Doctrines
by Sandy Simpson
This 4-DVD set is a combination of a condensed study on Church History and the Discernment Toolkit series which deals with the core doctrines of the Church and how to use them to discern error.  The Church History DVD takes a different approach to Church History in that it does not celebrate the Catholic Church but rather exposes it as false Christianity.  It covers World religions, false Christianity and finally a study of the true remnant Church through history following the story of the many martyrs who stood up for true Biblical faith. 

Go here for further information.

Weight of Glory

The "Weight of Glory"
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; (KJV)

This is both an incredible source of hope for Christians who are downtrodden, and a source of escalating heresy in many churches.It is critical that we understand what Paul was talking about when he wrote the phrase “weight of glory�?.Jacob Prasch has repeated this phrase in his teachings over the years … “A text, out of context, in isolation from co-text is always a pre-text."A huge problem today is that individuals and movements tend to yank verses out of their context and build a cult of heresy around them.This is called eisegesis or plugging your own ideas into the Scriptures instead of exegesis, gaining understanding and interpretation of the Bible by studying it in context and in the scope of the whole written Word.

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Did God Put "Eternity In Their Hearts"
or "The World In Their Hearts"?
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.

In the introduction to Mike Oppenheimer's and my book "Idolatry In Thier Hearts" I exposed the fact that Don Richardson pulled the phrase "Eternity In Thier Hearts" to use as his book title from it's context in Ecc. 3:11.  He did this to support his thesis, which actually contradicts the second part of that verse, where it states that man cannot fathom what God has done. Richardson, rather, sets forth what has become the foundation for the false teachings of the WCGIP, YWAM, a number of Bible translation societies and the Emerging Church ... the propostion that men from Gentile cultures have always been seeking God and that Gentile cultures were already worshipping the true God before missionaries came with the Gospel.

But as I further investigated this verse I found that Richardson even ignored the true meaning of the FIRST half of the verse in favor of a few translations that use the phrase "eternity in their hearts".

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Christians who “turn away�? 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

  Jeremiah 3:10-11 And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith the LORD. And the LORD said unto me, “The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah.�? (KJV) Israel had turned away from the Lord and had gone after the gods of Canaan, namely Baal   and Asherah.  Because Israel had prostituted herself with false gods in worshipping the polytheistic gods that started at Babel, God had declared He was divorcing Israel and would send them into exile until they again returned to the true God. But Judah prided itself in doing what God had commended as they had Jerusalem and the Temple.  They disdained Israel for setting up altars to Baal and Asherah poles on high hills.  Yet God was not fooled by Judah’s pretence.  In the KJV it says they were not worshipping God with their whole heart but “feignedly�?. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Prophets for profit
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

2 Cor. 2:17 Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.

There are many false teachers on TV these days who peddle the word of God for profit.  They make promises of healing that do not come true by claiming if they are given a financial gift the person will receive healing and riches.  When what they promised does not happen the person is blamed that they did not have enough faith. This often destroys the faith of people who fall into the traps of these snake oil salesmen.  I have no problem with people charging for their materials if they cost to be produced, even though it is hoped that when a person cannot afford to pay for books and DVDs they will receive them free of charge.  But the charges levied on people for conferences and speaking engagements is often excessive.  A minister of God can ask for support and deserves it if they are being diligent in their study and proclamation of the Word.  But experiences and feelings often come with a price today and that is not right. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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"Mistake" or "Sin"?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Today we often hear the word "mistake" coming from pulpits, and especially in defense of false teaching and false prophesy.  "Cut him some slack!  He just made some mistakes".  "We all make mistakes, so don't judge lest you be judged."  We even hear the word "mistakes" being substituted for the word "sin" in many presentations of what I have termed "Gospel Lite" today. So is it proper to substitute the word "mistake" for the word "sin"?  We'll look at the problem of one word "mistakenly" being used for the other. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

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Holy Ghost IGNORED!
by Sandy Simpson

This 3-DVD set is a message based on this movie review.

"Holy Ghost Reborn" is the second film in the "Holy Ghost" series released by Bethel Church in Redding, CA.  Tim Wirth and I reviewed the first "Holy Ghost" film and that review is freely available on YouTube here:

Holy Ghost Movie Expos"
Reviewed by Tim Wirth & Sandy Simpson
A Simply Agape Project Production

I am sorry to say this but Bethel is clearly a cult of Christianity holding to most of the teachings of the Latter Rain and Word of Faith.  They have demonstrated repeatedly a manipulative atmosphere targeting young people in particular while preaching rank heresy.  This new film is a continuation of those false teachings and practices.  I pray for the young people in that church that they will come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and thus come to know the true Holy Spirit. 

This 3-DVD set is only $30. plus s/h. for US. 

Holy Ghost IGNORED! Part 4 - Addendum with Tim Wirth & Sandy Simpson
This "Holy Ghost IGNORED! Part 4 - Addendum is part of a 3-DVD series by Sandy Simpson reviewing the film "Holy Ghost Reborn". This addendum features a number of false teachings of Bethel Church in Redding, CA that I was not able to include in the 3-Part series. Get the whole thing! It is very important to see what has become the "new" Christianity. 

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Servant Authority
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The world system has always been a "top down" structure, starting at the apex of the pyramid and going down to the bottom. In kingdoms we have the king at the top, then the princes, common people, slaves. In a democracy we have the President at the top, the VP, the Sec. of State on down to the citizens. In business we have the CEO at the top, upper management, lower management, office workers and the janitors.  Unfortunately, sometime in the third century, the church started to have a top down structure. This is also when the church began to be in error. The church of Rome began to have a "top down" structure that started with the pope, then cardinals, then bishops, then priests, then the people. Well, what about that?  Eph 4:11  It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers,  This all sounds like a "top down" structure. But the problem is that people have not seen an important fact about these gifts of the Spirit -- man looks at function and title, God looks at aim and goal! Read on.  Eph. 4:12  to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. These are not gifts given for title or to give people job descriptions. They are given because there are people out there who need our help! The church needed the Apostles. They were the ones who were the foundation of the church. They were the ones who saw Jesus in the flesh and were taught by Him personally. They wrote the New Testament Scriptures. Though the gifts of apostle and prophet are different today than in biblical times, the gift of evangelism, pastoring, teaching and others are still the same. A person who is an evangelist does not just have a title so he can rule over people. The reason that he has the gift to be an evangelist is so that he can tell others the good news. Why do we have pastors? Are they supposed to rule the church and get everyone to support them and bow to their demands? No. They are to serve the church by helping people to come to a fuller knowledge of Jesus Christ, to equip the saints to become more like Jesus every day.

The true structure of Christianity is symbolized as an inverted pyramid! 

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�Overtake you like a thief�
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

1 Thessalonians 5:4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; How serious will it be for a person to be overtaken in �that day� like a thief overtakes a household when he slips in and steals?  Will it just be a surprise for those who claim to be Christians who will get a slap on the wrist by the Lord but still proceed to heaven?  Will they simply lose rewards but still gain the ultimate reward?  What is this darkness that the brethren are not in?  1 Thessalonians 5:3-5 While they are saying, �Peace and safety!� then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night or of darkness; 

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Generic and Specific
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

In my article �Blasphemizing the Bible� I give a number of examples of how a lot of modern Bible translation societies are putting the names of �supreme beings� in the Bible in the place of God or YHWH. In this article I'm going to examine two of the excuses they make for making those substitutions in the Bible in many hundreds of different languages today. 

(1) They claim that God has many different names and therefore they think they are justified in putting the names of various gods of various cultures in Bibles, as long as they are considered �supreme beings�.

(2) The second excuse they give is that the names of the �gods� they are placing in the Bible are generic terms for God, like the words �God�, �Theos�, �Dios� and �Elohim�. By generic I mean a word that can be used for any deity whether of the one true God or other false gods who claim to be God. 

I will go through both of these excuses and show that they are both unbiblical, therefore the Bibles they have translated with names of other gods in them, or names they claim are generic, prove that they have �blasphemized� those Bibles.

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The Ugly Side of Diaprax
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There has been a concerted effort by the false teachers from many movements inside the church such as Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)/Latter Rain, World Gathering on Indigenous People and Emerging Church among others to diaprax people into thinking that the church has been ineffective until they came along with their new and improved ideas on how to take over the world.  This is always a feature of the Hegelian Dialectical process put into action by praxis, thus diaprax.  In order to form a new paradigm or worldview the leadership of these movements must vilify orthodox Biblical Christianity.

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by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There are so many "Christian" leaders out there that teach delusional teachings.  These teaching are dangerous and can lead a person to shipwreck their faith.

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Heal Thyself!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

A good subtitle for this article might be "Practice What You Preach!"  There is no doubt that God can and does heal people today.  But the false doctrines of the Word-Faith Movement about "declaring" healing, "name-it-and-claim-it", etc. have been proven to be lies by the very people who sell this deceit.  If you don't know about where these famous "faith healers" go when they need healing, you may be surprised. Why couldn't they heal themselves when they purported to be able to heal others by virtue of their superior faith?  What happened to the extraordinary faith they claimed to have, enough faith to heal and be healed?  Since they are the ones who taught that all you have to do is claim the healing that is in the Atonement (Is. 53:5) why did they not do so?  Don't their deaths prove that what they were preaching was a lie and pragmatic witchcraft rather than biblical relality?

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God�s Attitude toward the �Supreme Beings� of the Nations
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

It is quite clear from Scripture that YHWH does NOT consider the �supreme beings� of the nations to be Himself, the One True God.  This is in opposition to the teachings of Don Richardson, Daniel Kikawa, Richard Twiss and many others promoting the World Christian Gathering of Indigenous People movement, Emergent Church and Liberal theologies.  I have proven this time and time again in my articles on the subject but I am going to consolidate the information from the Bible in this article by studying the false gods named in the Bible.  I am sure I will not be able to cover every instance of supreme beings mentioned in the Bible but I (1) want to deal with some of the major ones (2) show you where they are found in the Word, and (3) prove that they were the �supreme beings� of those nations named by the patriarchs, prophets and Apostles and that they were not monotheistic gods but polytheistic in the tradition of Babel where the false religion of polytheism first took root through the worship of Nimrod and Semiramis.

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You need to "nip it in the bud"!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I am writing this article to address a subject that I have often observed.  It is the fact that if you do not get the leaven out of your church the leaven will become the leadership.The Bible teaches quite clearly that if you let the leaven in you will leaven the whole lump.

 Galatians 5:9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.

 We see this often in the case of many �Christian� movements that have allowed a small error to exist in their churches and have not dealt with those issues.  It then ends up metastasizing into worse and worse problems as time goes by. 

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The New Panentheistic "God" Of Christendom
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Now, I bet you read the title of this article and thought I had misspelled the word "pantheism".  Just so that those of you who write to me advising me of words I have misspelled in articles (and I do often) I want to tell you that I am using the term "panentheism" as coined by Karl C. F. Krause.  You can read more about this word and concept in an excellent book called "A Time Of Departing" by Ray Yungen.

There is a new "God" being promoted in the Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and Word of Faith movements whose teachers are regularly seen on TBN, Daystar, SkyAngel, CBN and other "Christian" TV networks.  Some of those teachers even have, what would be considered, a fairly typical statement of faith or doctrinal statement they endorse.  But by what they teach they end up promoting a false unbiblical view of God, especially through their actions and experiences.  The whole phenomenon of "slain in the spirit" and all the antics that go with it are brainwashing an entire generation of Christians to put their faith in another Jesus, another Spirit, another Gospel.  This new "Jesus" and "Holy Spirit" is clearly pantheistic or panentheistic in nature.  Though some of these teachers would claim to be believing in the God who is One God in Three Persons, by what they teach they deny the very revealed character of God from Scripture.

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What Should I Say?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this booklet.

How do you answer an invitation to attend a meeting where you know nothing about the speaker or what will be done there? What happens if they want to announce the meeting at your church and invite everyone? What do you say to a person who tells you that you don�t have the Holy Spirit even though you are a Christian? What should you do if you think something is wrong, or your conscience is bothering you about something that was said or done?  The answer?

 Go to the Scriptures! 

The Bible has all the answers to your questions. This little booklet is an attempt to deal with a few of the typical statements you will hear from people who have become involved in the Third Wave revival movement. By �Third Wave� I am referring to teachers, �prophets� and any meeting associated with the Toronto �Blessing�, Brownsville Assemblies of God, Rodney Howard-Browne, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Rod Parsley, Marilyn Hickey, Joyce Meyers, Bethel Church, Lakeland and many others who appear on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and the 700 Club on TV. 

Hopefully the statements and answers in this booklet will set you off on an investigation of your own in the Word. If you need help, and you have access to the Internet, you can visit my web site called �Deception In The Church� that deals with these issues and has the articles mentioned in this booklet.

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Luring People To Destruction
By The Unscrupulous Use Of The "Gospel" Message
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

    Phil. 1:14-18   Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.  It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill.  The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,

If you see what I see in this passage, this argument cannot be used for people like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland and the hundreds, even thousands of Third Wave ministers today who are not merely envious and self ambitious, but are also teaching outright false doctrine. Paul was not talking about heretics in this statement, but "brothers in the Lord" who preach the Gospel with wrong motives. Third Wave teachers not only have wrong motives, they also have the wrong message.  This argument cannot be used for people like Hinn, even if they manage to preach enough of the "Gospel" for people to come to a saving knowledge of the Lord, because they are also teaching and practicing heresy.

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One of Satan�s Final Masquerades
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

   2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

 Satan often disguises himself with the purpose of deceiving people.  One way in which I believe he is putting on a masquerade is by appearing as �Mary� to millions of people worldwide. 

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Attack Of The Enemy 
On The Churches
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

So much heresy is entering the churches these days.  As you would suspect, sometimes it is due to a pastor attending a conference or reading a book and becoming diapraxed with unbiblical ideas.  He then starts to weave those ideas into his messages and begins to invite speakers to the church who expound on those ideas.  Then when confronted by someone in the church who has reservations about the new stuff being taught, they are told to not talk about it and just go along with the program.  If that person does not they are ostracized, slander behind their back, and often told to leave (which is what they should do in any case). 

But my observation is that it is not only the pastor who causes unbiblical changes to influence a church.  Often the pastor is blissfully unaware of influences coming into his church.  They often come in through (1) the worship team (2) women�s groups (3) bookstore (4) children�s programs (5) interdenominational prayer efforts and (6) relief and mission organizations.  If unchecked this type of infiltration is much more subtle and can become deeply rooted.

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Marks Of False Religion
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

In context Paul is especially addressing, though perhaps not to the exclusion of other false religion, what had become the false religion of the Pharisees and Jewish leadership.  There were many Jewish so-called �Christians� making the rounds among the fledgling early churches who were trying to get the Gentiles to come under the Law from which Christ had purchased their freedom.  John Gill states this case well in his commentary.

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Universalism in the World 
has Permeated the Church
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The current fad of interfaith solidarity and unity is simply a thin guise of inclusivism, Universalism and pluralism. 

Universalism is defined by as: The doctrine that emphasizes the universal fatherhood of God and the final salvation of all souls. (Source) Universalism is a religion and theology that generally holds all persons and creatures are related to God or the divine and will be reconciled to God. (Source)

Pluralism is defined as: The doctrine that reality is composed of many ultimate substances.  � The belief that no single explanatory system or view of reality can account for all the phenomena of life. (American Heritage Dictionary, (Source)

Inclusivism is: "Inclusivism posits that even though the work of Christ is the only means of salvation, it does not follow that explicit knowledge of Christ is necessary in order for one to be saved. In contrast to pluralism, inclusivism agrees with exclusivism in affirming the particularity of salvation in Jesus Christ. But unlike exclusivism, inclusivism holds that an implicit faith response to general revelation can be salvific. God expects from man a response proportional to the light given. Saving faith is not characterized so much by its cognitive content as it is by its reverent quality." (Ken Keathley, None Dare Call It Treason:  Is an Inclusivist a Paul Revere or a Benedict Arnold? (Ken Keathley, Assistant Professor of Theology and Philosophy New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, (Source)

We deal with these old heresies brought forward to modernity, these ideas that all men have have a relationship with God that will cause them to be able to avoid judgement in our book on the teachings of the World Gathering on Indigenous People movement called �Idolatry In Their Hearts�.  The idea that all men who worship a �god� are worshipping the true God, YHWH, has bubbled up to the very top of our societies and religions, and even Christendoom, and should sound a warning alarm to true Biblical Christianity.  Instead, as usual in our day, most Christians are asleep at the wheel while Universalists claim that you can pray to a �god� like Allah and be praying to the true Trinue God, YHWH. I also dealt with the fact that Allah is not YHWH, both in our book and in the article �Is Allah The Same As YHWH?�. 

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What We Need Is A Reverse Paradigm Shift!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I'm going to warn you now.  I am going to let you in on some information tonight that is going to radically change your world view.  You are likely going to experience the beginnings of a reverse paradigm shift and after tonight there will be no way to go back the way you came.  You will be faced with choices that you may never have known you had.  You will be faced with a new way of looking at things that is going to cause you to rethink everything that is being taught in the Emerging Latter Rain churches.  It is going to be radical because the basis for this message doesn't come from Jesus Christ visiting my room last night bodily, but from His holy written Word.  So buckle down your seat belts, you're likely in for a bumpy ride!

    Matt. 7:15-23 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep�s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. "Not everyone who says to me, �Lord, Lord,� will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, �Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?� Then I will tell them plainly, �I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!�

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False Teachers Revisited
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I often receive requests to present updated false teachings and false prophecies by the myriad of heretics out there.  We do try to keep up with all the latest.  But I have to remind people that those we have exposed as false on our site have not repented of what they have already done in the past, which is why they are still on our site.  So what they are doing now has no relevance as to whether or not they are now to be considered a true Biblical teacher.  If and when they repent, that is renounce their false teachings and false prophecies, make restitution to those they have deceived, and begin to teach sound Biblical doctrine we will give you that information.  As of now NONE of the people we have exposed have repented of their Latter Rain, Word of Faith teachings, heretical practices or their false prophecies.  But in the interest of helping you to respond to a person who inquires by saying: "Those articles are old and you need newer materials" well, here is some newer stuff you can add to the pile.  For you and me this really makes no difference, but for those who are living in deception perhaps it might demolish one of their arguments against the truth. 

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Testing The Spirits 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Sometimes I really wonder why someone who claims to be a Bible believing pastor, for instance, refuses to listen to the truth.  It frankly boggles my mind.  I don't know if it is as a result of the postmodern paradigm or just that they have no love of the truth left.  I don't know how that can happen in a truly regenerate person.  You would think that the Holy Spirit would confirm the truth to them, first in their conscience, and finally through the written Word.  But these days it is a miracle if it gets that far.  I don't know if their conscience has been so seared that they don't hear the Spirit or if they just don't want to know the truth because then they would be responsible for it.  I know that I cannot know their motives or the reasons why they reject truth and refuse to talk about false teaching, but I do know one thing: we are called as true believers to test the spirits.  We must do this even if the result is not to our liking or befuddles us as to the reasons.

    1 John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

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Questions for Those Who Claim the "Supreme Beings"
Of the Nations Are the True God
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I have some questions for those of the World Christian Gathering of Indigenous People (WCGIP) adherents such as Don Richardson, Daniel Kikawa, Richard Twiss (deceased), Terry LeBlanc, Danny Lehman, Aloha Ke Akua, YWAM as well as many in the Emergent Church (EC) ... the questions arise from their claim that the "supreme beings" of the nations are all the True God, YHWH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  You can read more on this subject in our book "Idolatry In Their Hearts" or in the WCGIP section of my site. My main question for them is this: When did ANY of the Patriarchs and Prophets in the Old Testament and the Apostles or Jesus Christ in the New Testament EVER claim that the "supreme beings" of the nations were Elohim/YHWH, the one True God?  Let's look at some examples in the form of questions and you can check out the source links as well.

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How To Discern, Test & Judge Rightly
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

In running a web site with thousands of articles, 1-2 million hits per month from all over the world, and hundreds of e-mails per week, I have come to realize, with time, that there is a terrible problem in Christendom today. The problem stems from an existential subjective view of the world that has filtered into the church from secular society, but also from the teachings of heretical wolves who have taught an entire generation of churchgoers completely unbiblical methods of discernment or to get rid of any discernment altogether.

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We need a firm foundation to weather the storm of false ideas
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Matthew 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. (KJV)
Matthew 7:24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent word!
© 1787 Joseph Funk & Robert Keene

A house built on the rock will stand.  The Rock is God and in particular, Jesus Christ.  Therefore His written Word is the teachings of the His Holy Spirit and a Rock we can depend on.  Anyone who wants to prove anything theologically, historically, scientifically or anything else needs to start with correct information.  If you start with a faulty foundation, as you build your arguments, they begin to fall apart because they are not supported in God"s truth.  If you want to build on a firm foundation, you need to start the process by a careful study of God"s Word in context of the verse and according to the whole counsel of God"s Word.  The Bible is the best commentary on the Bible.

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Karma (by any other name)
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

According to Wikipedia: 

"Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the principle of causality where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual.  Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering.  Karma is closely associated with the idea of rebirth in some schools of Asian religions.  In these schools, karma in the present affects one's future in the current life, as well as the nature and quality of future lives - or, one's samsara. With origins in ancient India, it is a key concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Ching Hai and others."(emphasis mine)

Mirram-Webster defines it this way:

the force created by a person's actions that is believed in Hinduism and Buddhism to determine what that person's next life will be like: the force created by a person's actions that some people believe causes good or bad things to happen to that person

Given the definitions of "karma" above, this same idea, usually without the reincarnation aspect in Christian circles, has been taught for decades in New Thought movements such as the Positive Thinking/Positive Confession teachings of Norman Vincent Peale & Robert Schuller, the Word of Faith ideas of Essex Kenyan, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn, the mixture of Eastern Mysticism and Christianity by Korean false teachers such as the "force of faith" Paul Yongii Cho, and newer renditions and fusions by people like Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, T.D. Jakes (recently agreeing with Oprah Winfrey who teaches karma on her WHO network), and others such as Ernest Angley, John Bevere, Markus Bishop, Juanita Bynum, Morris Cerullo, Kim Clement, Paul Crouch, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Marilyn Hickey, Brian Houston, Rodney Howard-Browne, Larry Huch, Bishop Eddie L. Long, Clarence McClendon, Joyce Meyer, Myles Munroe, Steve Munsey, Mike Murdock, Rod Parsley, Peter Popoff, Fred Price, Oral Roberts, R.W. Shambach, Robert Schuller, Karl Strader, Robert Tilton, Paula White, Ed Young and many others.

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His Name, The Only Name
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Zechariah 14:9 NIV The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.

 The reason I wrote this article based on Zech 14:9 is that I was reminded of how many so-called Christians, who are influential in the churches, are promoting the worship of God in the names of other gods.

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Replacement Theology On Steroids
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

So, as you can see, the root of this teaching is that Israel no longer holds the distinction of being the tree from which the Root of David (Jesus-Rev. 5:5, 22:16) came.  They are no longer the "natural branches" (Israel-Rom. 11:21) on to which Gentile Christianity (the wild shoots-Rom. 11:17 or wild branches-Rom. 11:24) are grafted in (Rom. 11:17-24).  According to Replacement Theology, Christianity has now become its own branch apart from Israel (the natural branch) that produced the Root and all the promises of the Bible to Israel have been taken away from them and given to the Gentile Church.  This is why you hear so many false teachers taking verses out of context from the Old Testament and willy-nilly applying them to the Gentile Church.  This methodology has been going on for decades in liberal churches and has been popularized by many false teachers on TV. But the fact is that Replacement Theology is utter false doctrine.  It denies promises made to Israel, some of which have already been fulfilled and some which are yet to come to fruition. But when you add the fact that the Inclusivist WCGIP proponents are now saying that God planted hundreds of different trees, cultures all over the world, that are not connected to the natural branch, tree and Root, you have what can only be termed Replacement Theology on steroids!

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Those Who Do Not Lead Christians to Maturity
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The Scriptural definition of maturity is to learn to discern truth from error so that the Christian will no longer be double minded, blown about by every wind of teaching and by the schemes of crafty people.  But the problem today is that so few Christian teachers are feeding their flock's solid food.  They are serving up milk and, because of that, people are starving. Yet they often don't even know they have been on a starvation diet.  Amos 8:11 "The days are coming," declares the Sovereign Lord, "when I will send a famine through the land -  not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord."

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"... and all liars"
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Lying is a problem for all people (Ps. 116:11).  We are all sinners (Rom. 3:23).  Those of us who are Christians are "sinners saved by grace" (Eph. 2:8) indwelt by the Holy Spirit in our "new self" (Col. 3:10). But we still live in our "old self" which we must "put off" (Eph. 4:20-25) by taking up our cross daily and following Christ (Luke 9:23).  The difference between unbelievers and those who are truly born again is that believers no longer "practice sin" (1 John 3:9, see my Bible study on 1 John!)  They have the indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:11) who convicts them when they lie (John 16:8). True believers then repent (1 John 1:9) and go on to "practice righteousness" (1 John 2:29) with the Lord's help.  The unregenerate, the false brothers, or those who have fallen away (Gal. 5:4, Mark 4:17), practice lying.  They practice a lifestyle of lying because their consciences are seared (1 Tim. 4:2) and the Holy Spirit, when convicting them, cannot break through the hardness of their unrepentant hearts (Eph. 4:17-19, Heb. 3:13). 

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Four Books That the Enemy Has Used To Corrupt Christianity
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

The four books that have changed the church by giving an introduction to the false teachings of the New Apostolic/Latter Rain (NAR), the Emerging Church/Contemplative/Catholic Mysticism (EC), pragmatic Church Growth (CG) methodologies of C. Peter Wagner, Robert Schuller and Peter Drucker, and the teachings of the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People (WCGIP) are as follows:

Surprised by the Power of the Spirit by Jack Deer, Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren & Etnerity In Their Hearts by Don Richardson.

 These four books were widely read by Christians from virtually every denominational background before their ramifications and the movements they would spawn were known.  They lay error alongside truth so were considered not to be a threat to churches.  Therefore these books then became part of the consciousness of many Christians and churches, thereby laying the basis for the introduction of the modern day false teachings of the NAR, EC, CG and WCGIP that have become part of the landscape of Christendom today. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here for product information.

Night Marchers and UFOs on the Big Island 
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

With the resurgence of the old religion of Hawaii and the continual invocation of Pelé and other "deities" for years in the secular culture and even in churches with regards to worshipping 'Io, is it any wonder that those beings are beginning to manifest again?  In a story called "Night Marchers" on the Kawaihae site and in a YouTube video on the same subject, eyewitnesses claim all kinds of sightings that they think are the warriors, ancestors and demi-gods of Hawaii coming back.  Interestingly the first book the Hawaiian Heritage site recommends in its "Suggested Reading" list is "Perpetuated in Righteousness" by Daniel Kikawa that we reviewed in our book "Idolatry In Their Hearts" by Sandy Simpson and Mike Oppenheimer. Since Kikawa claims that 'Io is the True God and one that the Hawaiians worshipped in secret, we have to wonder if Kikawa also thinks 'Io is showing up in these night marches? Since YWAM, Aloha Ke Akua and Hilo New Hope participated in worshipping 'Io at the "edge of Hale-ma'uma'u Crater" it sounds like they have all been inviting the old "gods" to return to Hawaii. 

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here for product information.

"They Will Believe 
The Lie"
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I am doing a Bible study right now on what I would call "renewing our minds".  It is based on this verse:

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.

The only way to renew our minds is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, confess our sins, and be saved, then to study the written Word and allow the indwelling Holy Spirit to teach us.  Our minds are corrupted by virtue of the sin nature and what we have learned in life because our filters are off. I gave an illustration of straining coconut to make coconut milk.  If you use a 1 inch screen everything will pass through.  Even if you use a quarter inch screen you will get mostly coconut meat in your milk.  You have to use a fine screen in order to separate the milk from the leftover.  Our filters are off and the first thing God begins to do is correct our worldview, because if your worldview is off you will not understand God's reality.  We need to learn to see things from His perspective.  This is why I started this study by going back to an original problem.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

This has always been an interesting passage to me for a few different reasons.  What is "the lie" that is talked about here in verse 9 and 11?  What are the ways that "wickedness deceives those who are perishing" and how long has this been going on or does this only begin to happen at the coming of the lawless one?  In what way does "the lie" cause those who do not believe the truth to "delight in wickedness"?

Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Go here for product information.

The First Nations Movement
Deceiving The Nations!
4-DVD Series

Critical Missiological Issue!

The "Indigenous People's" (IPM) or "First Nations" movement is an unbiblical movement teaching heresies and doctrines of demons. It is being spread worldwide by YWAM, Don Richardson, John Dawson, Richard Twiss, Terry LeBlanc, Daniel Kikawa and many other adherents.  The IPM or World Christian Gathering On Indigenous People is full of the false teachings of the Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Word-Faith, Dominionism, Latter Rain and many other false theological systems.  But it does have it's own distinctives that are driven by the works of Daniel Kikawa, Richard Twiss, and Don Richardson in particular.  They are teaching Christians to "redeem" their cultures by worshipping their former gods, pretending they are YHWH.

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. per DVD or $35. for the 4-DVD set, plus s/h. for US. 
The First Nations Movement 4-DVD Set

The First Nations Movement DVD 1
(1) Perpetuating Nations' Myths - Mike Oppenheimer
(2) 11 Reasons To Reject This Movement, Part 1 - Sandy Simpson
The First Nations Movement DVD 2
(1) The Fingerprints Of God? - Mike Oppenheimer
(2) 11 Reasons To Reject This Movement, Part 2 - Sandy Simpson
The First Nations Movement DVD 3
(1) The New Indigenous "Christian" Religion - Sandy Simpson
(2) Did God Put Eternity In Their Hearts? - Sandy Simpson
(3) The Missionaries Brought A Foreign God - Sandy Simpson
(4) Catholic Syncretism - Sandy Simpson
The First Nations Movement DVD 4
(1) "Monotheism" In Ancient Cultures - Sandy Simpson
(2) The History Of The Knowledge Of God - Sandy Simpson

"Christians" Who Try To Poke Holes In Sola Scriptura
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article: "Christians" Who Try To Poke Holes In Sola Scriptura

There are a number of the leadership of the Emerging Church (EC) who do not believe that the Bible is the highest authority for the Christian faith.  Most do not believe that the Bible is inerrant in the original manuscripts and many do not acknowledge that the Bible is our highest revelation.  Yet this is a core doctrine over which true believers and false brethren must separate. Those who try to poke holes in Sola Scriptura make excuses like (1) we need to reinterpret the Bible through the lens of postmodern culture and religion (2) the Bible never uses the words "Sola Scriptura" therefore it is not a Biblical concept (3) there is new revelation for the church through the Holy Spirit apart from what is written and the precepts of the Bible and (4) the Bible just doesn't address our postmodern situation therefore we cannot rely on it for the truth and answers for our problems today.  I will prove that all the above arguments, and more, from EC leaders and others is exactly what they are teaching.  I will give you quotes from their teachings, videos and books. The postmodern church and its "movements" are abandoning Sola Scriptura in their rush to be like the Roman Catholic Church, which takes its authority from a mix of Scripture and tradition.

"As a result the Church, to whom the transmission and interpretation of Revelation is entrusted, "does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the holy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honored with EQUAL sentiments of devotion and reverence." (Roman Catholic Catechism, Given October 11, 1992, the thirtieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, in the fourteenth year of my Pontificate. Page 31).

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. per DVD plus s/h. for US. 

Updated DVD!
The Question Of Dominion
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article: The Question Of Dominion.

I am writing this article as an apologetic against the Third Wave, Latter Rain, Word of Faith and Reformed Theology teachings that the Church is to rise up and take over the systems of government, businesses and every other aspect of life. "See, the problem is, is that Satan has had too much of his way in our society because he has a government!  And the only way to overthrow a government is with a government.  It won't happen otherwise.  So therefore the government of the church has to get into place in the extended church just like we do have it very well in place, we haven't reached our goal yet ..."  (Transcript of C. Peter Wagner, Arise Prophetic Conference, Gateway Church, San Jose, CA, 10-10-2004) Wagner has substituted the "government of the church" for the coming government of Jesus Christ in the Millennial Kingdom.  Wagner is "Kingdom Now" while the Bible teaches "Kingdom Come". What I wanted to do with this article is put the issue of dominion to rest by studying the definition the Bible gives to dominion and ruling authority.  When we look at the subject we can easily ascertain what is going on today and what God requires of the Church. 

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. per DVD plus s/h. for US.

Shepherd Or Hireling?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on the article: "Shepherd Or Hireling?"

The Bible lays out the definitions of both an overseer (under shepherd) and a hireling.  John 10:11-13  I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. (KJV)  1 Tim. 3:1-3   Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. (NIV)  Titus 1:7-13  Since an overseer is entrusted with God's work, he must be blameless, not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. For there are many rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision group. They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach - and that for the sake of dishonest gain. Even one of their own prophets has said, "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons." This testimony is true. Therefore, rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith. (NIV) A hireling does not really care about being a watchman, but is more concerned with protecting his reputation, position and income.  A true watchman will guard the flock against wolves from within (Acts 20:30) and without (Acts 20:29) no matter the cost to his reputation, position or income. Following is a little quiz you can take to see if you are a true Biblical under shepherd as a leader in your church, are becoming a hireling, or are one now. 

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. plus s/h. for US.

Testing Music In The Church
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on these articles: Testing Music In The Church, Testing Music In The Church-Part 2, and Worship Song Ratings.

Too many churches today are allowing music to be used in their services that is not glorifying to the Lord and can actually be a hindrance to the teaching of sound doctrine. Pastors and leaders should be using their leadership role to test what is being played and sung in their churches. Though some are quick to test preaching and teaching from their pulpits, many ignore the music being used in the same services. This is a tragic mistake. Music is a powerful medium. It is something that effects deeply the body, mind and emotions. It is a proven fact that music often stays with a person far longer than what is taught or preached. Songs roam around in our heads, especially if the melody appeals to us. What is often overlooked is the serious impression music makes on people, and the teaching they are getting over and over again as they allow the song to repeat in their minds and on their lips. Music teaches things much more subtly yet sometimes far more effectively. That's why the lyrical content of music in the church, as well as its effect on the spiritual lives of those who perform and listen, should be vigorously examined by the leaders of the church.  This is a 2-DVD set.

Go here for ordering information. Only $20. per 2-DVD set plus s/h. for US. 

Examine Yourselves & Hold On!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on the articles "Examine Yourself To See If You Are In The Faith" and "Hold On!"

2 Cor. 13:5  Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.
Do you not realise that Christ Jesus is in you - unless, of course, you fail the test?

People who call themselves followers of Christ or "Christians" and claim they are born again must believe certain things.  If they do not then they fail the test of faith.  They can claim they are born again all they want and "once saved, always saved" but if they fail the test of faith there is no eternal security.  Only God knows who will be saved, from beginning to end, because of His foreknowledge and omniscience (Rom. 8:29, 1 Pet. 1:2).  God did not make an arbitrary judgment about who would be saved and who would not.  His Spirit is given to those He foreknew, when convicted of sin by His Holy Spirit, would choose to believe and commit themselves to Jesus Christ.  We are not God and we do not have His omniscience.  Therefore, according to Paul, we must be sure our belief system is in the right place once our eyes have been opened to the Truth.  I am not saying we do not have assurance of salvation, but our assurance comes not only because of His Atonement and promises of salvation but from our continuing in the Faith, which is always the Biblical criteria. Those who would be Bible teachers must teach according to the whole counsel of God's Word.  Let me be clear. There is only one way to salvation.  That is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.  I will deal with a few of those issues following, but it is important to recognize that being saved is not just a matter of believing that Jesus lived, or that He was a man, or simply giving mental ascent to His existence in whatever form.

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

"Blasphemizing" The Bible
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I am going to go over an article I wrote back in 2006 in preparation for the book I wrote with Mike Oppenheimer called 'Idolatry in Their Hearts'.  This book is an apologetic against the false teachings of the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People movement, the Emerging Church and the New Apostolic Reformation which got their ideas from the book "Eternity in Their Hearts" by Don Richardson.  At the time that book came out no one really saw the dangerous ideas Richardson was promoting.  All they would have had to do was look at the two subtitles of that book to understand the implications.  The first subtitle in the 1981 edition read: The Untold Story of Christianity among Folk Religions of Ancient People.  Those who read this book found some interesting cross-cultural ideas but apparently missed the false premise of the book starting with the subtitle. How could Christianity be "among folk religions" where the Gospel had not been preached (Rom. 10:14-15)? At that time Christians who read the book were apparently satisfied that, though there was some questionable material present, it made for an interesting discussion on how to do cross-cultural ministry. The subtitle it has today, which was first published in 1984, is as follows: Startling Evidence of Belief in the One True God in Hundreds of Cultures Throughout the World.  This should have been a red flag for many Christians but then, who reads subtitles?  But how could the "One True God" be known to Gentiles who did "not know God".

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Resources For Pastors
"Good English Bible Translations"
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

I was talking with a pastor after a Wednesday night service and he mentioned that I said I had done an article comparing English Bible translations.  He called me up later and asked me to come back and present the contents of that article I sent out in about 2002 to my mailing list for the Pacific Waves Newsletter which, unfortunately, I can no longer afford to publish and mail.  However an archive of past issues of that newsletter can be found here. In that article I detailed a number of good and bad resources for pastors including Bible translations, concordances, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, etc.  I present an edited version of part of that article on this DVD, particularly dealing with English Translations of the Bible.  Translation is a very detailed endeavor and should only be undertaken by those with a proper education in that subject and a sound doctrinal background.  I read a few books on that subject and it helped me understand the complexities involved.  Hebrew is a rich language so it is hard to distill one Hebrew word down to one English word.  Greek is a very technical language and it is also not easy to translate.  This is why it is imperative to use the good English translations out there for comparison along with a good concordance and Bible dictionary. 

Go here for ordering information. Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

Kingdom Now or Kingdom Come?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

There are two kingdoms being taught in many churches today. Teaching about one of the kingdoms is on the decline while the other is being promoted all over the place.  I am warning Christians that they need to check out who is using the word "kingdom", the books they have been reading and recommend on building "the kingdom", the people they have been hanging out with at conferences, and what they mean by "the kingdom".

Go here for more information or click on the "Add To Cart" below.  Only $10. plus s/h. for US. 

by Sandy Simpson

Bible studies in Galatians, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Jude with a focus on applying timeless discernment priciples to our modern times.

Go here for more information or click on the "Add To Cart" below.  The price is $18. per book plus s/h.

Companion CD!
by Sandy Simpson
Contains the PDF text to the book BIBLE STUDIES IN DISCERNMENT plus extra studies by Sandy & Juanita Simpson covering many issues of apologetics and discernment.

Go here for more information or click on the "Add To Cart" below.  The price is $10. per cd plus s/h.

A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days!
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD series is a teaching based on this article.

In this DVD series I want to detail a number of beliefs people have these days that have no basis in Scripture.  I am going to roam all over the map, so to speak, and try to give fairly short answers on a number of topics and also give you useful links to articles that will help you deal with any particular issue.  It is truly amazing how many false ideas people cling to without giving a thought to what the Bible has to say on the subject.

Only $20. plus s/h. for US.  Go here for ordering details. 

Signs Of Apostasy In The Churches In The End Times
by Sandy Simpson

This 2-DVD series is a teaching based on this article.

There are many signs of the great Apostasy, or falling away (2 Thes. 2:3) indicating we are living in the end times (Mt. 24: 3-14)  I am going to go through some indications of the Apostasy in the churches as a follow up to the signs of the times in the world.

Only $20. plus s/h. for US.  Go here for ordering details. 

The Responsibilities of a
Good Shepherd
by Sandy Simpson
This CD is a message based on this article.

Gohere for ordering details! 

What's Up With Christian Bookstores?
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Go here for ordering details! 

The ElijahList
The biggest promoter of false prophecies in cyberspace!
by Sandy Simpson

This 2-DVD set is a message based on this article.

Go here for ordering details! 

The ElijahList
The biggest promoter of false prophecies in cyberspace!
by Sandy Simpson

This 2-DVD set is a message based on this article.

Go here for ordering details! 

The Extreme Prophetic
by Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article.

Go here for ordering details! 

Emerging Church CD & Free DVD
All the links to resources and articles we have on the Emerging Church on one CD.
by Sandy Simpson

(The Emerging Church only is downloadable!)
When you purchase the "Resource Tools - Emerging Church" CD for $10. plus s/h you will also receive a brand new free DVD called "The Emerging Church" that features Gary Gilley, Ray Yungen, Joanna Michaelson, Mike Oppenheimer and Sandy Simpson.

Go here for ordering details!

From Church To Emerging Church DVD Series
by Sandy Simpson
The issue of the Emerging Church and it's introduction into many churches and mission organizations has reached a critical point.  Many do not undersand what is being leavened into churches by the EC leadership.  Many would be shocked to know their belief systems involve Universalism, New Age, defense of postmodernism, Interfaithism, and many other false doctrines.  In order to reach out to this generation the EC leadership is proposing a whole new "map" to deal with what they perceive is a lack of understanding on the part of the churches on how to communicate.  EC proponants believe the "scripture" for today is evolving and must change in order to reach postmoderns.

Go here for ordering details on this 2-part DVD series!

Idolatry In Their Hearts
Landmark Book!
by Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer
Does having eternity in your heart mean that you know God and are His child? Could Gentile cultures understand the Gospel from the stars? Did God create man's cultures? Has God always been in the process of redeeming cultures from the time of Babel by placing in them a true revelation of Himself? Is there the worship of YHWH in all cultures and religions through the names of supreme beings?  Have all cultures always had a way to make things right between them and God? These questions and many more are answered in this book that addresses the false teachings of The New Apostolic Reformation regarding missiological methods as being carried out by many agencies including the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People, YWAM, and many Bible societies.

Go here for ordering details. 

The New Apostolic Reformation - What is it and where is it going?
Every Pastor Needs This!
by Bill Randles, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Jacob Prasch, Mike Oppenheimer, Orrel Steinkamp, Gary Gilley, Dave Hunt, Sandy Simpson and others.
This is a 6-DVD expose of  the NAR and it's leadership of C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Peirce, Dutch Sheets, Bill Hamon, Jack Deere and others.

Go here for ordering details!

Lessons In Forgiveness
Great Study!
by Sandy Simpson

Through the years I have been presented with many opportunities to forgive. Sometimes the situation was so severe that it took me some time to forgive and start the process of healing for myself, and eventually for others. I learned that a Christian needs to forgive other people even if they have not repented of their sins. That can be really hard if we let it be hard. But if we give our burdens over to the Lord, He will carry them and that frees us up to treat other people with love, compassion, and be in the right frame of mind and heart to set them up for reconciliation with Jesus Christ. That does not mean we tolerate their sin. We simply forgive them for what they have done to us, whether perceived or real, and move on to looking for ways to redeem them. We can then present to them the "truth in love" even when we have to rebuke them.

Go here for ordering information.

Finish The Race!
Go On To Maturity!
by Sandy Simpson

was written to help believers to realize the absolute necessity of growing to maturity in Christ. Many churches are urging Christians to push aside discernment in favor of experience. It is our hope that this book will inspire many believers to fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith (2 Tim. 4:7).

Go here for ordering details.

The New Apostolic Reformation - What is it and where is it going?
Companion Book!
by Sandy Simpson

is now available in book form. This is the DVD script plus commentary by Sandy Simpson. The commentary of the DVD series is not in the book, but there are many more quotes available than in the video series.  Good reference material.  Also available on CD-ROM.

Go here for ordering details.

Letters To The Church
by Sandy Simpson

is a fitting manual for the Revelation Christian. All the precepts are in the seven letters in Revelation 1:9 - 3:22 to help us keep the faith, stay in sound doctrine, and reach out to those who are perishing. I hope and pray that this book will help the reader to be an "overcomer".

Go here for more details and how to order!

Demolish Arguments!
by Sandy Simpson

Want to be able to see your way through to clear biblical discernment? Want a set of tools that will allow you to disciple your loved ones so they will stand firm in the Faith? Want to sort out many of the false arguments and teachings that have invaded the churches? Then DISCERNMENT TOOLKIT book is for you!

Go here for more details and how to order!

DVD Study Series!
by Sandy Simpson
is taken from the book but includes a lot of footage of false teachers and false prophets. It covers the core doctrines, how we can use them to test, and examples on the DVD that can be paused for discussion.  Also includes a teacher guide and links to resources on the web.  This 3-DVD series is available now!

Go here for ordering details!

Important Video Information
On Benny Hinn!

by Sandy Simpson, Mike Oppenheimer & Jacob Prasch
features tons of video showing the teachings and prophecies of Benny Hinn.  This is a proven tool to keep people away from heresy.

Go here for more details and how to order!

Discernment Conference
Featuring Bill Randles, Gary Gilley
& Ray Yungen
3-DVD Set

Go here for information!

Featuring Dave Hunt, Duane Magnani, Mike Oppenheimer, Jacob Prasch, Jewel Grewe & Bill Randles
6-DVD Set & 2-VHS Sets

Go here for information!

Highly Recommended!
by Mike Oppenheimer
What is Christianity? What significance does the cross have? Are there teachings that can wreck our faith? We live in an age unlike any other in the history of man. To follow the Lord among the unique challenges we must understand Scripture and live by it. Available for $20- includes shipping.  Apologetics Coordination Team HIGHLY recommends this book.  It deals with many crucial issues for the Church today.

Go here to order the book by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, P.O. Box 860683, Wahiawa, HI 96786.

Other important articles that do not fit in any existing category.

(1) The Old Cross And The New by A. W. Tozer, Man: The Dwelling Place Of God, 1966 
"This article first appeared in The Alliance Witness in 1946.  It has been printed in virtually every English-speaking country in the world and has been put into tract form by various publishers, including Christian Publications, Inc.  It still appears now and then in the religious press."

(2) The "Left Behind" Series - Book Review by Pastor Kevin Beier, Bible Believer's Baptist Church of Custer, South Dakota, Updated 2/3/2000 
"These books boil down to good old-fashioned COMPROMISE! " DITC does not recommend this book series.  This review brings up some of our objections, so rather than do a seperate article, we give you this one instead.  Here is another review by a Fundamentalist Baptist. 

(4) Postribulationism Vs. The Latter Rain Doctrine by Ed Tarkowski, 2000 
"Rather than BEING the Manifest Sons earth-rulers, the Posttribber will be persecuted BY the Manifest Sons. As I said, the MSOGs believe in sinless perfection so that the glory of God will shine through them BEFORE Christ returns. But the Posttribulationist believes the believer is glorified by Christ WHEN He returns at the end of the Tribulation period, i.e., Daniel's 70th week. No Christian can be perfected from his sin nature until Christ raises him from the dead or changes him to be like Him when He returns after the Tribulation period because we will live in a sinful body until then. "New" revelations cannot, as the MSOGs believe, overcome this body of death before the return of Christ: (1 John 1:10 KJV) If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."

(5) Authority And Responsibility by Dave Hunt, The Berean Call, April 2000 
"In seeking to understand any passage in Scripture, one rule must govern: whatever the Bible declares, the Bible itself (not some outside authority) must interpret. It is from the Bible that we learn the gospel, about the church Christ
established, about discipleship and the responsibilities, authority and power He has given to His own. Therefore, it is to the Bible that we must look to understand these things and the Bible is understandable."

(6) Once Dogs Under The Table, We Should Not Boast by Ed Tarkowski, May 2000 
"Some today say God is done with Israel. Others say all that Israel was promised is now in the possession of the Gentile Church. Others have applied the promises to Israel in the Old Testament to the Church, even raising up a "new" Abraham, a redefined Abrahamic Covenant, a "new" Isaac, etc. so it looks like Israel and talks like Israel, yet really usurps the place of Israel. Others make all the Gentiles of the world Jewish and do away with Israel. But Scriptures warns the Gentiles that they were made part of the olive tree and that we should not boast against Israel, yet the boasts continue through all kinds of "new" doctrines. Realizing our state before God in Jesus' time and our position in Christ now, how much more should we heed the warnings of Paul in Romans: 'Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.' (Romans 11:18-22 KJV)"

(7) A Very Close Look At "God Chasers" By Tommy Tenney by Rev. Bob Liichow, Truth Matters Newsletter, 2000 
"There is a book which is sweeping through many charismatic congregations and it is also making inroads into some mainline denominations and evangelical churches too, and that book is The God Chasers by Tommy Tenney. I purchased Mr. Tenney�s book and read it in a couple of hours and I am very concerned about the content of this popular book. I am going to take great pains to make you aware of why I am troubled about this book and I fear for those who blindly swallow the concepts Mr. Tenney sets forth in his writing."

(8) Getting To Know God by Juanita Simpson, 2000 
This excellent little tract was written by my mother and we still use it today in witnessing.  It explains the Gospel message from the beginning in short form.  You can download or print this online tract and use it for yourself.  It is sure to be a blessing to many people. 

(9) Christian: Who Is Your Covering?  A Christian Look At The Shepherding Movement by Steve Coleman, 1981 
"It should be apparent why the Shepherding Movement is in such error: it has applied to men what rightfully belongs to God. Instead of saying the Lord is the covering, it claims that shepherds are the covering. While the Bible says people can trust God for strength and guidance, the Shepherding Movement says that a man is necessary too. In short, the Shepherding Movement casts doubt on God's ability."

(10) Just Two Kinds Of Religion by Timothy Oliver, The Watchman Expositor, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1998 
"There is an ever-increasing cry in the religious world today, not just for tolerance, but for unity of all people and all religions. It is often stated � almost never with any attempt to prove the assertion � that all religions are alike in their fundamental doctrines. One must suspect that the lack of any serious attempt to prove the assertion is on account of the paucity of evidence. Indeed, it seems almost impossible to find even one standard to which all will willingly adhere."

(11) Trinkets Or Truth? by Lynn Vincent, © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 WORLD Magazine, July 1, 2000 
"How bumper stickers, stuffed animals, and retail kitsch are squeezing the books out of Christian bookstores."

(12) Book Review Of The "God Chasers" By Tommy Tenney by Bill Randles, Believers In Grace Ministries, 2000 
"... Is the GODCHASERS really about the kind of hunger for God that perhaps Tozer wrote of, or Spurgeon, Wesley, Nee and the other giants of the Faith of days gone by? You be the judge. But lest there be any doubt that some other kind of hunger is at work here, consider that the last page of this Destiny Image book is an advertising page featuring the full line of GODCHASERS products, The GODCHASER hat is available for a mere $17.99 and the God chaser shirt is available in four sizes for a mere $16.99, and for those who truly want to attest to this new hunger, the GODCHASERS license plate is available for a mere $6.99!!!!! "

(13) Self Does Not Die Without Our Full Consent by A.W. Tozer, Renewed Day By Day, 1950, pg. July 11 
"A good rule is this: Nothing that comes from God will minister to my pride or self-congratulation.  If I am tempted to be complacent and to feel superior because of an advanced spiritual experience, I should go at once to my knees and repent of the whole thing.  I have fallen a victim to the enemy!"

(14) Lord, Make Us Like Philadelphia by Pastor Randy Elliott, from a tape transcript dated October 18, 1992 
"The Spirit today is speaking to those who will listen, but He doesn't speak to just individuals. Revelation 3:13 says, "He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Are you listening, Christian? Is your church listening? The Spirit is continually striving with us, prodding us toward truth and righteousness and away from attachment to this dying world."

(15) Time To Leave The Playpen by Andrew Gould, 10/00 "When I hear the phrase �that was so unloving�, sometimes I want to scream!"

(16) Testing Music In The Church by Sandy Simpson, 10/00 
"Music is a very powerful medium, perhaps even more powerful in terms of what and how much a person remembers than sermons. So it must be treated with the same kind of discernment. We need to be very much aware of the songs that are being used in the church."

(17) The Unknown Saints by A.W. Tozer, Man: The Dwelling Place Of God, pg. 95-99, (c)1966 Christian Publications 
"The wise Christian will be content to wait for that day.  In the meantime, he will serve his generation in the will of God.  If he should be overlooked in the religious popularity contests he will give it but small attention.  He knows whom he is trying to please and he is willing to let the world think what it will of him.  He will not be around much longer anyway, and where he is going men will be known not by their Hooper rating but by the holiness of their character."

(18) Walking With God by Sandy Simpson, Sermon Notes, 11/00 
"What would it be like if you have a friend but no contact, no walking with him?  (1) lose touch (2) lose track - lose understanding (3) no longer moving in the same direction (4) ultimately friendship grows cold - lose friendship."

(19) Rebuttal To The Defense Of The Term "Christian Hedonism" by Sandy Simpson, DITC, 1998 
This is a paper about the term "Christian hedonism" which author John Piper is trying to coin in books such as "Desiring God" and "Future Grace".  Though there is no doubt good material in the books, there is a danger here.  This danger flows into the gnostic revivals out of RHEMA, Toronto and Brownsville.  I believe these books and their message will be, and in fact are being, taken the wrong way.  The term "Christian hedonism" is an oxymoron using the standard dictionary definitions of both "Christianity" and "hedonism".  To be fair, we have posted an analysis of my rebuttal by Graham.  Then, go here for my second (and final) rebuttal.  Also, check out this e-mail for confirmation of what I have been trying get John Piper to understand. Also please read A Biblical Study of the Theological Foundation of "Christian Hedonism" by Craig W. Booth, 6/02 

(20) The Prayer of Jabez - A Review by Biblical Discernment Ministries, 4/01 
NOTE: This is a good article.  Please be aware, however, that we do not agree with some articles on the BDM web site that lump Chrsitians like Chuck Smith and Dave Hunt in with heretics like Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland. The author of BDM needs to learn to discern between heretics and true brothers in Christ. If you need help distiguishing the essentials of the Faith, refer to our artricle called "The Five Basic Doctrines". "The real tragedy of Bruce Wilkinson's book will be the carnage created as desperate souls follow his advice and pray Jabez's prayer for a month, and yet see no change or see things getting worse around them. The book has no discussion of what to do when the prayer seems to fail (e.g., a child dies, a marriage fails, a job is lost, or healing does not come, etc.). Many of them will turn to themselves seeking the reason. Yet Wilkinson has guaranteed that the prayer will work. The clear implication is that a failed prayer equals failed faith. Wilkinson teaches a shallow "results-oriented" faith that is supposed to guarantee success, as opposed to a deep, abiding, loving relationship with our Father that will sustain us through heartaches, failure, and success."

(21) Do You Jabez? - An Examination Of Dr. Bruce Wilkinson's The Prayer Of Jabez by John Miller, Chapel 42, March 25, 2001
"Many who fail to see the promised results will turn from God thinking that Christianity is a sham.  They will question God's existence or His faithfulness because, in my opinion, the book teaches a shallow 'results-oriented' faith that is supposed to guarantee success as a opposed to a deep, abiding, loving relationship with our Father that will sustain us through heartaches, failure and success.  So that there will be people there to pick up the pieces, please pray that God will use you when the time comes. Please don't spend the money to buy the book unless you're just curious about the depths of its error."

(22) The Prayer Of Jabez - A Review by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 4/01 
"A biblical look at the newest sensation on prayer that is sweeping America and other countries."

(23) The Prayer Of Jabez & The Prayer Of James by Sandy Simpson, 5/01 
"Do you want your rewards now or later?  Would you rather ask for abundance or wisdom?  Did Solomon ask for abundance or wisdom?  Would you rather lay up treasures in heaven or on earth?"

(24) More Magical "Jabez" Type Prayers - A Prayer For Every Occasion And For Everything You Want
by Sandy Simpson, 5/7/01 
Tongue in cheek commentary on the Prayer Of Jabez. 

(25) What Prayer Will And Will Not Do by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 5/00 
An exposition on biblical and unbiblical prayers. 

(26) Is That Really You, God? Hearing the Voice of God - A Review by Loren Cunningham with his sister, Janice Rogers, Chosen Books, 1984 -  Evaluation, quotes and comments by Rev. Greg Robertson, Jakarta, Indonesia. 
"Although Robertson had decided that his YWAM experience was something from the past which must be left at the foot of the cross, he soon found that the same false doctrines and spiritual misgivings which had so
negatively affected his life through his YWAM Daze, had progressed to new levels, moved further away from
Scripture and had become a poisonous leaven for other groups and movements."

(27) The Call By Rick Joyner - A Review by Kevin Reeves, 5/01 
"In my opinion, there are great problems with both of Joyner's books concerning this �vision�. He would have us accept that Jesus took him to the 3rd heaven, that he spoke face-to- face with Christ, that spirits of great Christian reformers and even people from his own time who had died spoke with him and revealed their hidden earthly lives, and that he was being guided by and having wisdom imparted to him from angels, and all this taking place in what he calls the highest level of revelation, and then he tells us in �The Call� that we have to sort through all this and decide which portions he is relating are true and which are not! When you say, "The Lord said," (as Joyner did repeatedly in both books), you are giving the weight of heaven to your testimony. But if in the next breath you deny the certainty of the revelations, you effectively dismantle your own testimony."

(28) Say a Little Prayer for Me - "The Prayer of Jabez": New Age Self-Help With Christian Trappings by Damon Linker, The Wall Street Journal, Editorial Page, Houses Of Worship Section, Friday, May 25, 2001 12:01 a.m. EDT 
"That Mr. Wilkinson and his legion of admirers apparently find nothing particularly inappropriate about treating God as a means to their worldly satisfaction teaches us something important about American Christianity today--and thus something essential about America itself." If you have trouble getting through to the link above, try this one

(29) The 'Prayer of Jabez': The New Christian Mantra by  Bill Koenig, Koenig's International News, Update / Commentary, WorldWatchDaily, June 14, 2001 
"Unfortunately, this book is one indicator of the condition of the church today; it reflects the desire for many to share in His glory, just like Adam and Eve did 6,000 years ago. Can it be said that today, we don't want to submit to God; we want to be God?  How many copies would a book on dying-to-self, repentance, brokenness, submission, obedience, and receiving, sell in today�s market? It would be very fortunate to hit 100,000."

(30) Sons Of Zadok by Jacob Prasch, Moriel Minsitries, 6/01 
"If your minister is a Zadokite -- if he is somebody who will kick the alien out, who will give the people what God says they need, who ministers to the Lord rather than to men, in whom there is no mixture in what he teaches, believes and does, who will rather rest in the Lord than strive in the flesh, who will teach people to discern, and who will take a stand in a dispute -- if that is your pastor, you stand by him. You pray for him, you support him financially, and you help him in any way you can. He may not be a perfect man, but he is a good man, and he is God�s man. You stand by him, you pray for him, you support him, you be loyal to him so long as he is loyal to the Word of God. He needs your prayers, he deserves your support, and he is entitled to your help. "

(31) All My Friends Pray The Prayer Of Jabez, And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt by The Harpazo Network, 8/01 
"We are afraid that after carefully & prayerfully watching this stir that has developed.  Our conclusion is that: Jabez - by no fault of his own - has indeed brought pain & sorrow after all.  PRAYER is about RELATIONSHIP! This is what God desires from us - NOT RITUAL!  If you have already been "Jabezing" maybe your motives have been pure and sincere ... BUT you can put aside this daily ritual and still 'seize opportunities' to witness for the Lord - and despite ourselves - God takes care of His own.  We would like to urge you to instead appreciate Jabez for what he was: an honorable man in the line of Judah.  But there is another one who came out of this same genealogy who needs to be our ONLY focus and that is JESUS and He wants you to Pray from your heart - Not someone else�s! "

(32) Charismatics Use Jabez Prayer For Money, Salvation, And Healings by THE CALVARY CONTENDER, VOL. XVIII NO. 16 August 15, 2001 
"It had to happen. Wilkinson's The Prayer of Jabez book is tailor made for name-it-and-claim-it, health-and-wealth charismatic charlatans."

(33) Tommy Tenney And The God Chasers by Mike R. Taylor, 3/4/01 
"A person brought up in the Oneness tradition, which is blatant and utterly unapologetic about such psychological manipulation, yet still calling both his forbears and himself �Spirit-filled�, clearly accepts all such manifestations as true products of the Holy Spirit.  But unless such a person repents of all counterfeits which he has experienced or accepted, he will remain undiscerning in such matters.  His discernment will always be compromised until he stands in clear judgment against past false experiences." Read Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, & Part 4.

(34) Upgrade Your Old Hymns For The New Paradigm! by Sandy Simpson, 9/01 
"Time for a rewrite of the old hymns.  In this day and age of Third Wave revival movements and Word-Faith dominion, the old hymns just aren't cutting it anymore.  Not only are they old fashioned musically, but the lyrics are, for the most part, particularly depressing. They talk of sin, death, repentanace, the cross, the blood of Jesus and a whole host of other disgusting subjects.  There are also too many lyrics in them, frankly, which takes away from the "worship" atmosphere. Repetitiveness is what we need, not dead doctrinal concepts. The old hymns are just too biblical. Give us a beat to move our feet, not concepts to move our hearts and minds!"

(35) The Prayer Of Jabez - Fadish Idolatry by Joseph Chambers, Paw Creek Ministries, 9/01 
"Religious fads are the most dangerous fads of all.  Any religious leader that will lower himself to create and perpetuate a religious idea that has the potential to promote a �faddish idolatry� is in serious trouble. 
Misplaced fads of a Christian nature cannot be called anything but idolatry.  Superstitious or soulish people
have no capacity to discern between a religious fad and the true faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Fads capture these types of people and carry them along on a false journey of imaginary faith.  It is impossible to prevent these dark souls from grabbing the next dream just as soon as some guru can create it."

(36) Is Allah The Same As YHWH? by Sandy Simpson, 9/16/01 
"Is the god of Islam, Allah, the same as the God of Israel and Christianity, YHWH?  Does Allah have a son?  Does YHWH have a Son?  What other teachings from the Koran show that Islam is a different religion than biblical Christianity?  Here is a side by side chart that might prove helpful in your research on this subject."

(37) The Towers Have Fallen - But We Missed The Message by David Wilkerson, World Challenge, Inc., 9/16/01 
"Six weeks prior to the disaster, the Holy Spirit forewarned our pastoral staff that a calamity was coming."

(38) More Quotes From The Koran by The Kingdom Alert #130, p.1, Weekly Update, 9/01 
"(These quotes) are taken from the Koran (translated by N.J. Danwood). By reading these quotes you will have a basic understanding of the Muslim religion, the wars and tension in the Middle East, and the terrorism on September 11..."

(39) GOD, PRAYER AND AMERICAN EVANGELICALISM - A review article on The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life, by Bruce H. Wilkinson by Mark Talbot, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, 2001 
"It is distasteful to criticize a fellow Christian's book this thoroughly. Yet there is good reason to fear that Wilkinson's book is encouraging many to think about God and the Christian life in ways that are insufficiently biblical. May God himself keep his people from falling prey to this book's inadequate theology."

(40) The Qur'an's Jesus by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 10/01 
"What does the Qur'an teach about Jesus, the Son, begotten and the father?"

(41) Which Is The Real Islam? by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 10/01 
"Does the Qur'an teach peace or violence, and to whom?"

(42) Joy To The World by Dave Hunt, The Berean Call, 12/01 
"Let us pray that in the wake of the September 11 attacks the world will recognize the obvious dishonesty of Islamic countries suddenly claiming they are against terrorism,
whereas, the day before, they supported and praised it. Let us pray that millions of Muslims will have their minds and hearts opened to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us pray, too, that Islamic countries will at last allow their citizens�so long held in the bondage of fear�freedom of conscience and of faith, and that many will receive Christ. And let us do our part to bring this to pass."

(43) The Church Is Losing Her Salt by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 3/02 
"Looking at the newest report of the church and what is happening to Christianity."

(44) The Christian Message: Prophetic, Not Diplomatic by A.W. Tozer, Renewed Day By Day, March 7 
"WE WHO WITNESS AND PROCLAIM the gospel must not think of ourselves as public relations agents sent to establish good will between Christ and the world."

(45) The Fruit Of The Spirit by Sandy Simpson, 3/02 
"A Bible study on the fruit of the Spirit.  I hope this will be a blessing and a challenge to all who read it!" 

(46) A Biblical Study of the Theological Foundation of "Christian Hedonism" by Craig W. Booth, 6/02 
This paper is a biblical examination of the modern philosophy entitled �Christian Hedonism�.No ill intent is willed upon any practitioner or author of this philosophy.It is acknowledged that many well-meaning and upright Christians have embraced this philosophy.It is also acknowledged that Dr. John Piper is well respected as an author on the Christian publishing circuit. These acknowledgements do not imply endorsement of these teachings.Equally important, these acknowledgements should never imply license for any to treat the Word of God with anything but the utmost honesty and integrity, faithfully quoting verses in context and fully so as not to change their meaning. 

(47) Tattoos & Body Mutilation by Joseph Chambers, Paw Creek Ministries, 7/02 
Tattooing, body marking, body piercing, and now body mutilation, where will it end?  Just like any trend or downward spiral, it goes deeper and deeper, lower and lower.  When any society or culture leaves the absolutes of Biblical truths, there is no bottom.  The �body� is the Lord�s.  The human life and body is a sacred trust.  There are holy things in our world and no Christian culture can survive when we forget to hold those things in reverence.

(48) The Baptist Bride by Sam Linton, Post Trib Network, 8/25/02 
The Baptist Bride doctrine of Landmark (Independant) Baptist Churches is an elitist false doctrine. The belief in a Baptist Bride evidently arose during the Landmark movement due to efforts of J. R. Graves. The book "The Baptist Bride" by O.B. Mink is primarily what this article is based on.  Check out this story "The Baptist Bride" and also this one called "But Let Us Not Be Baptist Briders". 

(49) Evangelical Nuisances by Ole Anthony and Skippy R., Door Magazine, The Last Word, Issue #186, March/April 2003 
This article shows what the world thinks of the new evangelicalism.  This ought to be a wake up call, but you can be sure few will listen. Please note that we do not agree with the tactic of the missionary who affirmed that "there is no God but Allah (which is what they actually say), and his prophet is Mohammed" to which the missionary replied "and Jesus is His Son".  Allah is not YHWH in any way shape or form, and Mohammed is a false prophet, and we do not use deceptive methods and hide the truth to win converts.  But we do applaud those who live out the gospel as well as preach it in every corner of the world, as opposed to those on TBN and 700 Club who are ruining the witness of what is loosely called Christianity. 

(50) Experiencing God by Gary Gilley, 10/97 
The general teaching of Experiencing God is wrapped around what Blackaby calls the "Seven Realities of Experiencing God." The discerning reading will quickly recognize that the last four of the "Seven Realities" either contradict or at best cannot be supported or proven by Scripture. Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

(51) Humor! The Pre-Politically Correct World - How Did We Survive It? by Anonymous 
If you lived as a child in the 40's, 50's or 60's, looking back, it's hard to believe that you have lived as long as you have. 

(52) The High Casualty Rate Among Christians by A. W. Tozer, Renewed Day By Day, Vol. 1, July 17 
Nowhere in the teachings of Christ do we find anything visionary or overoptimistic. He told His hearers the whole truth and let them make up their minds. He might grieve over the retreating form of an inquirer who could not face up to the truth, but He never ran after him to try to win him with rosy promises.

(53) The Prayer Of Jabez - A Critical Analysis Of The Fundamentals by Charles Marshall, Yochanan Ministries, 2003 
We, who are of the family of faith, should never be ashamed of the knowledge of the power of the gospel unto salvation, or be seduced by a teacher, book or leader into taking our eyes off Jesus, and focusing on self.

(54) Do Not Hope to Win the Lost by Being Agreeable
by A.W. Tozer, Renewed Day By Day, September 3 
The man who is going in a wrong direction will never be set right by the affable religionist who falls into step beside him and goes the same way. Someone must place himself across the path and insist that the straying man turn around and go in the right direction.

(55) A public address by Roane County High School Principal, Jody McLoud, before a football game last year. RCHS is in Kingston, Tennessee. 

(56) Contentment In The Time Of Adversity by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 10/03 
How are you holding up under pressure? 

(57) Internet Christian Bookstores: Haven for Non-Christian Materials - New Age and Pro-Homosexual Authors only one-click away (Part 1) by Bud Press, 2/8/04 
"I have been concerned about the types of materials being sold by Christian bookstores since they began stocking their shelves with Third Wave books in the 1990's. Christian bookstores had declining books sales for many years and were kept afloat financially by the sale of 'holy hardware' and CCM music. The leadership of the Third Wave began pumping out books by the bushel and brow beating their adherants to buy the books and pass them around. This rejuvinated book sales and many Christian book stores don't seem to care as much about content as they do about the bottom line. I know this because I have confronted bookstores personally about what authors they are promoting, giving them the facts that show the false teachings and false prophecies of the authors, but to very little success.  It is no wonder that these same bookstores have now branched out into the sale of books favorable to homosexuality, other religions and the occult" (Sandy Simpson, Deception in the Church Ministries). 

(58) The Passion by Mel Gibson by Cross + Word, 2/04 
Traditional doctrine and evangelism (having "failed" to produce the Global Harvest that these men predict) must be consigned to the scrap heap and replaced by exciting new methods - such as visual and aural stimulation - to achieve the desired result.  But the danger in abandoning the classic biblical truths, and seeking after a worldwide spiritual awakening, is that sooner or later God Himself will reach the limit of His patience and give men exactly what they have been looking for. It will become a snare both to the leaders and to those who follow in their footsteps.  Let's not crucify the Lord Jesus over and over again (as the Catholics do in their Mass, in an attempt to perpetuate his Sacrifice) but see Jesus the LORD in GLORY which is how he appears to us today - Risen, Glorified and Triumphant! No human being can possibly portray the reality of this:  I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, saying, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last," ... Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters; He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, "Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. (Rev 1:10-18)

(59) Non-Christian Materials Promoted on Pro-Family
Website by Bud Press, 3/29/04 
In an amazing turn of events, the nation's largest pro-family group, the American Family Association, continues to advertise and promote a wide variety of non-Christian materials within its two online Christian bookstores.

(60) Cross Over To The Otherside by Orrel Steincamp, The Plumbline, Volume 9, No. 2, March/April 

During the modem era, (since the 18th century) Truth was assumed to exist; it was just waiting to be discovered by rational and thinking persons.  People could debate and disagree about the Truth but there could be only one Truth.  But now "truth" is whatever the individual or community believes it is. 

(61) Whom Shall You Serve? by Jason Brown, 4/04 

Beware the snare set by money; it could cost a Christian their salvation.

(62) Master List Of Cult, New Age, Pro-Homosexual And Other Non-Christian Books Being Sold In Christian Bookstores compiled by Bud Press, 4/04 

(This) is a Master List of Heretical, Cultic, New Age Movement and Pro-Gay/Homosexual authors/books found advertised and promoted within numerous, major online Christian bookstores. While special care has been taken to provide current and accurate information, the reader is encouraged to check and verify the names prior to their removal. 

(63) PHILIP YANCEY - �Turning The Grace Of God Into Lasciviousness� Jude 4 by Cecil Andrews, Take Heed Ministries, 7/04
When you go into any modern �Christian� bookstore it will be virtually impossible not to be confronted at some point by books written by Philip Yancey. He is without doubt one of the best selling �Christian� authors of this age and some of his best known works include �What�s So amazing About Grace�, �Where Is God When It Hurts� and �Soul Survivor�. In March 2002 he was the Banquet Speaker at the Christian Booksellers Convention held in Doncaster. As a freelance �Christian� writer he serves as �Editor at Large� for the pseudo-evangelical publication �Christianity Today�. His writings have [rightly] attracted criticism and controversy from �conservative� Christians despite a claim by Yancey in an article published on 21 September 2002 by Alf McCreary [Religious affairs correspondent of the Belfast Telegraph] that �My calling is not to be successful but to be faithful to God�.  One of the areas where his �faithfulness to God� has been challenged has been in how he views homosexuality and lesbianism and its compatibility with the professed Christianity of those who pursue such life-styles. In relation to his book �What�s So Amazing About Grace� I have on file some comments made about it by two Christians. 

(64) Jesus Cares For All Your Needs by Sandy Simpson, 1998
One of the main things that Jesus is... is compassionate. He cares for His people. He was compassionate then and He is still compassionate today. Jesus came and saw the needs of the people. So He did two things. He met their physical need of hunger for bread, and He also met their spiritual hunger for the bread of life.

(65) Epistemologically Unaware by by Greg Apel, 2005
Should we trust our senses and believe the information our optic nerves send to our brains? Should  we believe our brains as trustworthy to process the information sent through the optic nerve? Do we interpret the information according to our conditioning, or are we capable of surveying the physical world and arriving at correct conclusions? Even if we scour the physical world for knowledge, information, and evidence to point us toward a "spiritual reality", we are setting ourselves up for failure: for perception of the world through epistemology alone has a false base.

(66) The Responsibilities Of A Good Shepherd by Sandy Simpson, 5/20/05 
Those who are called to be servant under shepherds in the body of Christ must take that responsibility seriously.  There are far too many who claim to be called to servant leadership, but demonstrate clearly that they are not qualified to be shepherds according to God's criteria.  We need to be feeding the lambs and the sheep, bringing them to good pasture lands and water, grooming and clipping them, delivering new lambs, leading them and teaching them to stay together, going off after the wandering lost ones, and protecting the sheep in the field and in the fold.

(67) What Is Truth? by Kevin Reeves, 7/22/05 

It is a source of constant amazement to me what some people will believe.

(68) ALERT! - Rev. Moon gives free scholarships to his new high school in Hawaii by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/10/05 

Have you been approached for a free scholarship in high school education, if you accept it you may find that you are going to join Rev. Sun Myung Moon's enterprise, High School of the Pacific (HSP). Rev. Sun Myung Moon has built a private high school in Kona on a 32 - acre site makai of Mamalahoa Highway, adjacent to the Kona Ocean View Properties subdivision in Pu'ukala. Tully, president of the foundation, has been a member of the Unification Church since 1970. The proposed school would house up to 200 students from 12 independent Pacific island nations (even Micronesia Island of Chuuk) and Hawaii in a "shared - living experience. They would accept kids of all faiths, cultures, ethnic backgrounds.

(69) Warning�Beware Of �High School Of The Pacific� In Hawaii! by Sandy Simpson, 10/16/05 

High School of the Pacific (HSP) located in Kealukekua, HI is yet another in the many enterprises of the Unification Church whose �Messiah� is Sun Myung Moon. 

(70) Why the Mormon Church is NOT the TRUE church Jesus Christ started by Mike Oppenherimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 12/28/05 
The whole Old Testament testifies that there is only one God who made everything that exists. The whole New Testament testifies that Jesus Christ is that God who came in human flesh. No matter how one tries to reform or adjust Mormon doctrine it does not make it Christian doctrine. Softening the Mormon position on these 3 points does not make it authentic and can only bring into question anyone�s honesty in their motives. If the concept of many gods is not abandoned, if the belief that Jesus is a spirit creature is not abandoned then the gospel that centers on Jesus Christ cannot be the true gospel. And if it is not the true authentic one, then it cannot save no matter how sincere a person is.

(71) Concerns About The Film "End Of The Spear" by Jason Janz, Shaper Iron, 2/05 
"The first area is the content of the film � the average believer should be embarrassed at the dumbing down of the Gospel or anything Christian for that matter. My second area of concern is the cast of the film � Every Tribe Entertainment chose Chad Allen, a gay activist, to play Nate Saint ... I have divided my article into five points: 1. The facts about Every Tribe Entertainment�s choice of Chad Allen 2. How the gay community views the choice of a gay man playing a Christian missionary 3. The response of Every Tribe Entertainment when confronted about this choice 4. Why Christians should be concerned 5. What Christians should do".  Transcript of Chad Allen on Larry King Live defending gay marriage. 

(72) Ken Blanchard's Inclusivism by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 1/20/06 
The merging of religious ideas in the marketplace.

(73) Articles On The Islamic Cartoon Mania by Various Authors 
The current worldwide riots and uproar over the cartoons published depicting Islam as a violent religion prove that the cartoons were accurate. You don't see Christians and Jews rioting and killing their own people because of many, many cartoons published by Muslim newspapers over the years blasting Christianity and Judaism!  What Muslims need to hear, understand and believe is that Jesus Christ is Almighty God and Allah is not YHWH.  This bloodthirsty, demonic business of trying to take over the world in the name of Allah cannot end for individual Muslims unless they are born again! Their bankrupt religion will end in utter chaos as predicted by the Bible, the ONLY Word of God.  Read these articles: 

(1) Some Insight on The 'Cartoon Riots' by Slice of Laodicea
(2) The Irony of Islam by Slice of Laodicea
(3) Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy by Wikipedia
(4) The Muslim Uproar Over the Muhammad Cartoons by Answering Islam
(75) The Calvary Chapel Distinctives - The Tale of Two Calvary Chapels by Scott MacIntyre, Wood & Steel, 05/15/06 
There seems to be a 'tale of two Calvary Chapels' emerging. I am convinced that Calvary Chapels are at a crossroads in their existence and effectiveness as a movement. Unlike Chuck Smith, Jr., I believe that the simple teaching of God's Word is what God has blessed in the past, and it will be what God blesses in the future. 

(76) Misquoting God�s Word - Open Season on the Bible by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason ministries, 5/3/06 
We are seeing an all out attack on what is true Christian teaching.

(77) Today's Christianity: Let Us Entertain You! by Michael C. Gaudiosi, The Berean Radio Network, THE NOBLE BEREAN: Volume Eleven - July 2006 
THERE�S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS! I had initially struggled to come up with a topic for this month�s newsletter, there really is a lot to talk about when it comes to the problems in mainstream Christianity today, I was not sure where I could begin! Then about two weekends ago it happened! On that Saturday I received an advertisement postcard in the mail for a church located not far from my hometown. On the front of this card was a picture of somebody�s feet with their socks being blown off, and the caption read �Church that will blow your socks off!� Of course, that captured my attention!

(78) Billy Graham's New Thinking on Salvation by Ingrid Schlueter, Slice Of Laodicea, 8/7/06 
This week Newsweek online is featuring a long article on Billy Graham and his "new thinking". So why was it that Billy Graham couldn't give a biblical response when asked whether he believes that heaven will be closed to those of other religions? He says he doesn't "want to speculate about all that..."

(79) Being True to my Church by Jackie Alnor, Apostasy Alert, 9/4/06 
I�m having church issues this week. As many of you know, I have attended Calvary Chapels since I was born-again back in 1981. My first Calvary was Costa Mesa and my first pastor was Chuck Smith. I still think of it as my home church since I�ve moved around this country a lot. Pastor Chuck and I would agree on all the essentials of the faith and even on many non-essentials. But, because he pastors a mega-church, I�ve never actually met him face to face. He doesn�t know me, though he knows of me, however I can finish his sentences, I�m that familiar with his teaching.  Since the late 1990s, I have had various run-ins with his son, Chuck Smith Jr., pastor of Capo Beach Calvary. Things came to a crescendo last year when Jr. took a sabbatical to a Catholic monastery and put some real new-agers in his pulpit. I reported these events to the Body of Christ and even leafleted CBC to warn the people about a particular guest speaker who has a ministry called "The Vortex." Out of my love for my fellow Calvary Chapel saints, I felt compelled in my spirit to put my neck on the chopping block to try and sound the warning to them.

(80) Beware Of �Christian� Bookstores! by Paul Proctor,, 9/06 
Want a shock? Go to your favorite Christian website, more specifically, to the page where they sell books. Type the names of known heretics and false teachers into the site's search engine; names of authors from the church growth movement, emerging church movement, Word Faith movement and even the New Age and see what pops up on the screen for sale. Brace yourself though, because you're probably going to be surprised. Believe it or not, some Christian bookstores are even selling the published works of homosexuals, pagans and occultists! But that's not all. 

(81) Non-Christian Authors, Books Continue to Haunt the Christian Bookstore Industry by Bud Press, Christian Research Service, 10/13/06 
Christian Research Service (CRS) has spent years researching and providing free information to the Christian bookstore industry concerning the non-Christian content in major online Christian bookstores worldwide.

(82) In Islam's Own Words by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 10/06 
A must read to be informed. Want to know what the current leaders of Islam say and plan for America, Israel and the world?  This will be added to weekly. 

(83) Healing of Memories or Cleansing of the Conscience? by Bob DeWaay, Critical Issues Commentary, Issue 96, 11/06 
In this article I will address the false premises of this movement, describe what the Bible teaches about sanctification and memories, describe the harm that false inner healing teachings inflict, and propose a Biblical alternative.

(84) Beware Of Christian Bookstore Hypocrisy by Paul Proctor,, January 26, 2007 
Now, there's this little pious piece from the Southern Baptist Convention's own Baptist Press, criticizing Wal-Mart for selling pro-homosexual books over the internet - informing their readers that entering words like "gay" into Wal-Mart's online bookstore search engine would reveal problematic authors and titles ... if you go to the website, click on the Master List, scroll down to the section subtitled, Homosexual/Lesbian/ Transgendered/Pro-gay, and enter each of the names listed there into the Southern Baptist Convention's search engine, (select keyword: "author,") you will find numerous examples of the double-standard that continues unabated in the online Christian bookstore industry. 

(85) An Open Rebuttal to Tim Wildmon's Response to His Critics - Is the American Family Association Purposely Promoting Heresy? by Bud Press, Director, Christian Research Service, 1/25/07 
Unfortunately, the revolving door of non-Christian authors and books continue to haunt AFA's bookstore. Thus, AFA's failure to monitor their own bookstores over the years is not due to their lack of knowledge. AFA has been informed over and over and over again, to the point of saturation. Consequently, if a grading system existed for online Christian bookstores, then CRS would grade AFA's Family Resource Center an "F".

(87) Can the SBC avoid the Samson Effect? by Watcher's Lamp, 1/31/07 
Having fought the flood of modernism of the early 20th century, has the SBC allowed itself to fall into the hands of the alluring, charming and successful? Is the Southern Baptist Convention on the edge of the Samson Effect?

(88) Should Christian Bookstores Offer Anything From Bibles to Porn? - Paul Proctor, Biblically Speaking, NewsWithViews, 2/07 
You would think that a Christian bookstore is a place where only biblically sound materials are sold. If you take the scriptures literally, like for instance: "Abstain from all appearance of evil." - 1st Thessalonians 5:22 - and in your heart, believe them to be the inspired and inerrant Word of God, then anything that contradicts it cannot legitimately be considered "Christian." But, that doesn't seem to matter anymore, does it? 

(90) Final Dissolution of CRI/Hanegraaff vs Alnor by Bill Alnor, June 20, 2007 
The final tally is in from my legal team.  In court documents just filed in Orange County, California my legal team has petitioned the court for a payment of $254,302.58 from CRI and Hank Hanegraaff personally to cover my expenses in their ill-advised defamation law suit they lost against me. It also turns out that my initial article about a criminal probe against Hanegraaff and CRI was entirely accurate at the time it was written. If the court approves this amount -- and they have already ordered Hanegraaff and CRI to pay my legal bills, Hank Hanegraaff and CRI will have to *immediately* pay this amount. This is a hefty sum indeed, especially when considering that the decision to file a law suit against me was apparently made: 1.) without the full CRI board's approval  2.) in direct defiance of Scripture, being that I am a professing Christian involved in evangelical causes for  more than three decades (1 Cor. 6).

(91) The Universe According To Oprah by Mike Oppenheimer, 7/07 - Read The Universe According To Oprah Part 1 The Secret�- Making the Universe Obey YOU Part 2 & The Real secret behind the Secret Part 3. 

(92) Neo-Evangelicalism Re-Packaged In A "Broadly Reformed" Parcel by Dr. Martin Erdmann, Herescope, 7/3/07 
The Gospel Coalition is the current attempt of "broadly reformed' pastors and theologians to enter into a more formal relationship by establishing an institutional base called "The Gospel Coalition" to propagate their neo-Evangelical "Confessional Statement." Tim Keller and D. A. Carson personally invited a core group of like-minded pastors to form a steering committee which formulated a doctrinal and policy document entitled "The Gospel for all of Life.� It is significant that Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, has also participated in the initiative from the very start.

(93) 'Is Harry Potter the Son of God?' - Comments on Abigail BeauSeigneur's Editorial by Bud Press, Director, Christian Research Service, August 2, 2007 
Abigail BeauSeigneur is convinced that J.K. Rowling is a closet Christian, and that Rowling's fictional character, Harry Potter, is an archetype of none other than Jesus Christ. But can one be a Christian and promote occultism at the same time? Is Harry Potter an archetype of Jesus Christ? Is God's word, the Bible, sufficient for the believer, and to be used as the ultimate and final authority in faith and all matters of the Christian life?

(94) Excuses: Compromise in Disguise - There is nothing humorous about playing nicer than God by Bud Press, Director, Christian Research Service, August 16, 2007 
Compromise, deception, dishonesty, and hypocrisy are at an all-time high. And because Christians aren't immune to sin, it is imperative that they test and examine themselves daily to see if they are in the faith, and to see where their priorities are. If their first priority isn't Jesus Christ, then their priorities are misplaced, and repentance is in order.

(95) How To Find A Good Church by Todd Friel, Christian Worldview Network, 01/30/2007 
Looking for a good church? Join the club.  Church-shopping can be a long and painful process. To shorten your search, call the pastor of the church before you visit and ask the following questions. This might save you a lot of Sundays.

(96) Truth: The Remedy to So-Called Knowledge by Jackie Alnor, Apostasy Alert, 12/9/07 
The modern world poses modern problems when it comes to understanding spiritual truth. Everyone these days are claiming special knowledge with scientific sounding verbiage that impresses the simple minded and the scholar alike. As I have shared many times, I honestly believe that professing Christians are being conditioned to believe in a faith that sounds good but is in opposition to the truth and it�s all done in the name of truth. But is all truth God�s truth? God�s Word IS Truth and that is the ONLY Truth we should set our hope upon. 

(97) �The Number One Damnable Heresy of 2007� by Michael C. Gaudiosi, The Noble Berean, Volume Twenty Seven, December 2007 
SO MANY CHOICES but there can only be one who will be declared the �winner�. I had to carefully think this over, there were so many heresies spread over 2007, it was a very difficult task to choose only one for this article. But only one stood out in front. This one has it's roots in New Age theology, however it has gained more and more followers in recent years. I am speaking of the �inclusive� Gospel. This year, the �award� goes to a man who, is well known in mainstream Christianity, and at one time, had been a fire and brimstone preacher. but now with his �Inclusive Gospel/New Age� doctrine, he is doing incredible damage to the Church. This years recipient of �The Number One Damnable Heresy of 2007� goes to Carlton Pearson, pastor of New Dimensions Worship Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

(98) Selling Faith - Values and Ethics by Gary Gilley, Think On These Things, February 2008 - Volume 14, Issue 2 
While it is admirable that Christians may wish to advertise for their faith on their favorite coffee-cup or golf balls, it is important that Christians realize that they are called out from society, they are not simply a subset of a society, but as strangers and foreigners living among a people unlike themselves. 

(99) Who does Oprah think she is? GOD?! by Herescope, 3/5/08 
This question is not meant to be disrespectful. It is meant to illustrate a point. Most amazingly, Oprah Winfrey might be the first person to answer this question with a "yes." And, if you follow Oprah closely and participate in her new endeavors you may eventually answer this question in the affirmative also.

(100) The Secret unfolds further - The process of deceit -The Moses Code by Mike Oppenheimer, 3/7/08 
The New age movement has been anticipating a transformative shift that will affect consciousness on a global level, up until now it has been coming in small introductory steps.

(101) Cheatn' Hearts by Herescope, 3/10/08 
On Oprah�s first show last week with Eckhart Tolle, author of A New Earth, the first caller set the stage for a discussion of the New Spirituality of the New Age.

(102) Rethinking the New Age and Thought Reform by Russ Wise & Warren Smith, 12/5/2007 
Oprah Winfrey is back with her New Age guru Marianne Williamson promoting A Course in Miracles1 on her XM Radio program Oprah and Friends beginning January 1, 2008. Another event taking place in Southern California soon afterward is Robert Schuller�s Rethink Conference to be held January 17-19, 2008. 

(103) What is Oprah Teaching About EASTER? by Herescope, 3/18/08 
During this Easter week, it is important to understand what Oprah Winfrey, Marianne Williamson and Eckhart Tolle are teaching about Jesus Christ and Easter.

(104) Updated! The Great Heretical Idea: Oprah and Eckhart Do the New Age Shift by Warren Smith - Discernment Research Group, Herescope - Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 & Part 4.

(105) Updated! Islamic Teachings That Prove Their Religion Is False compiled by Sandy Simpson, 4/1/08 
This article presents documented proof that Mohammed was a false teacher and a false prophet ... thus the Qur'an and other Islamic holy writings by Mohammed and his followers are based are false.  More evidence that the "god" Allah they worship is a false god.  Their false religion is based on a false prophet, false scriptures and a false god.

(106) Here A "Christ," There A "Christ," Everywhere A "Christ-Christ"!  - What would Jesus think (WWJT) about "the shift" to christ-consciousness?by Pastor Larry DeBruyn, 4/4/08
Throughout this inter-advent age--the time between Jesus' Incarnation and Second Coming, or Parousia--Jesus and John warned that false prophets would arise preaching the doctrine of replacement christs (Matthew 24:5, 23-24; 1 John 2:18).

(107) Oprah And The Gospel Of Me by Paul Proctor, News With Views, 4/9/2008 
In a nutshell, the New Age and its New Spirituality promises to help you find God in everyone and everything, including yourself, with or without Jesus Christ.

(108) The False Imagining of the False Christ - Colossians and the coming of the cosmic-christ by Pastor Larry DeBruyn, Herescope, 4/18/08 
Concerning our relationship to all of the christ-imagining being advocated by the gurus and promoters of New Ageism and the New Spirituality, the apostle Paul warns: "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ" (Colossians 2:8, NASB).

(109) The Oppression of Black Liberation Theology by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 5/9/08 
This theology was used by Marxist regimes to take over churches in Africa and Central America. They use �Christian� terminology they promote violence to overthrow governments and populations. It especially became popular in Nicaragua in the 1980�s with the pro-sandanista dictatorship. It used Marxist strategies to be an impetus for the people to rebel where violent revolution was used. In some churches Jesus was represented as Sandinista soldier identifying with the oppressed. In this theological framework Jesus becomes a liberator of the oppressed masses which are black. This is in contrast to the word faith prosperity message preached by numerous black pastors today. Black Liberation theology describes Jesus as a poor black man who lived in oppression under �rich white people� which makes this particular view racially based, accentuating the tensions of being Black. The notion of �Blackness� is not merely a reference to skin color, but rather is a symbol of oppression that can be applied to all persons of color who have a history of oppression (except Whites, of course).� [�Wright's Black Liberation Theology� By Anthony B. Bradley assistant professor of theology at covenant theological, March 25, 2008]

(110) Apostasy Gaining Speed by Randall J. Sortino, Evergreen Freedom Foundation, 6/24/08 
Only 11 out of 100 Evangelical church members believe that Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

(111) Meet the Millstones - How Child Molestation is Becoming Rampant in Apostate Evangelicalism by Dusty Peterson, 7/11/08 
�Troublemaker!�  Over the years, many readers will have been called this sort of thing by fellow believers they were simply trying to protect.  For a very long time now, Christians who have been warning churches against compromising on the Bible have been branded as troublemakers.  The opposite is the case, but this truth has now been made as plain as a pikestaff.  It is those who have ignored these warnings and have allowed the world�s ways into their fellowships who have been causing the real trouble � and their own children are paying the price, because a large number of these unscriptural trends are facilitating paedophile attacks.

(112) Evangelicals and New Agers by Herescope, 8/11/08 
In this new article, Cumbey links New Age leaders with evangelical leaders in ways which have heretofore have been undisclosed. Based on the groundbreaking research on the evangelical secret society called "The Family" (or "The Fellowship") made public by Jeff Sharlet in his recently released book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, Cumbey connects the dots to the Institute of Noetic Sciences. And she adds important pieces to the perplexing puzzle of interconnections between key evangelical leaders and ranking New Agers.

(113) Greg Johnson and Robert Millet Research Page compiled by Bud Press, Christian Research Service, 8/08 
Greg Johnson is a professing Christian and the founder and president of Standing Together in Lehi, Utah. Robert L. Millet is a dedicated, lifelong Mormon, a Professor of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University, and author of the book, A Different Jesus? The Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, which was endorsed by Greg Johnson.

(114) Keep the Faith and Your Faculties by Jackie Alnor, 9/21/08 
When I was saved back in 1981, a co-worker warned me that Christianity could make one crazy. He said that when his wife converted, she soon became detached from reality and had to be committed to a mental asylum. He soon divorced her. "I would hate to see that happen to you," he warned. "Stay away from that stuff." 

(115) Excuses: Compromise in Disguise by Bud Press, Christian Research Service, August 16, 2007 
A Christian walked into a crowded Christian bookstore. As he browsed the many shelves of books and materials, to his amazement he noticed a copy of The Book of Mormon resting on a shelf at the very back of the bookstore.

(116) Occultism in the Heartland by Carl Teichrib, Forcing Change, September 2008 
The response from Christian churches was strangely absent. One of the largest, and most potent occult rituals had been set up in the Midwest Bible Belt, and the silent majority held firm to their modus operandi � silence.

(117) Handel's "Messiah" by P.C. Johnson, 1/09 
MOST of us will have heard excerpts or whole performances of Handel�s Messiah at some time in our lives. Using text from the Authorized Version of the Bible, Handel set to work in 1741 to compose this magnificent oratorio obviously subject to intense divine inspiration. He completed the whole work in twenty-two days and remarked �I did think I did see all Heaven before me, and the Great God Himself�. So often, when listening to this exquisite music and singing, the actual words may not always be taken in and, the story as a whole, not fully comprehended. Accordingly, all the Biblical quotations Handel used have been written down hereafter in the order Handel chose, using only authentic Authorized Version text without any comment. Handel found it necessary to slightly alter some quotations, no doubt he had good reasons. The work is divided into three parts which cover fifty three separate Recitals or Choruses, two of which, No 1. The Overture and No 13. The Pastoral Symphony are purely orchestral with no singers. Biblical references have also been given to enable the reader to look up the context of each quotation.

(118) The New Athiesm by Gary Gilley, Think On These Things, February 2009 - Volume 15, Issue 2 
One of the mystifying things about the New Atheism is that its cheerleaders are eager to make converts.  We have to wonder why?  It is one thing to believe that we, and the whole universe, are products of billions of little accidents governed by the apparently omniscient but impersonal power of natural selection, but why be so enthusiastic to destroy theism and spread your own ideas devoid of God?  Could it be fear?

(119) The UK Assemblies Of God - A Different Movement With The Same Name by Philip L. Powell, Christian Witness Ministries, 1/23/08 
That a spiritual plague has broken out in the Church there can be little doubt. It is everywhere. The True Church is being decimated while the false Church multiplies through Church Growth, sensational appeal to the so called supernatural and by other means. The most recent demonic expression of The Plague is manifest through Todd Bentley and his so called Florida Healing Revival, the latest disclosures about which reveal it as a conception from hell to take the �ministry� into expressions of violence.

(120) True Love - Part 1 by Dave Hunt, The Berean Call, 3/1/09 
�Science falsely so called� (1 Tm 6:20) has lately decided to debunk human love under the guise of supporting it. �Science� claims to have identified a part of the brain where �lasting love� resides.

(121) Jehovah's Witness at Christian Research Service, 3/09 
A page of articles on JWs and the Watchtower. 

(122) Latest David Wilkerson Prophetic Prediction - Is It New? by Jacob Prasch, Moriel Ministries, 3/11/09 
Moriel Ministries and Jacob Prasch have received multiple inquiries regarding the issuance of a prophetic prediction by David Wilkerson dated March 7th, 2010. The complication is that although having some additions, it is not new but reiterates one made in 1992 when he said it would be �soon� 17 years ago, and is confusing in that it urges a 30 days emergency food supply be kept on hand, but stating he has no idea of when. 

(123) Testing Music In The Church - Part 2 by Sandy Simpson, 3/18/09 
For my previous article on testing music in the churches, go here.  Since the first article I wrote on testing music in the churches there have been developments in Christian music that are even more alarming. 

(124) Put Your Hand In My Side - Meditation on the Scars of Jesus by Pastor Bill Randles, Believers In Grace, 4/21/09 
When after his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his badly frightened, and dejected disciples, He showed them His scars. He ate fish with them, spoke to them and rolled up His sleeves and opened His robe to show them His actual scars in hands and side. One of the things this story illustrates is that Jesus truly �has come and remains in the flesh�. One of the heresies of the early church was the Docetic teaching. Docetism, from the Greek word Dokeo? def. �to seem�, is the teaching that Jesus only seemed to be Incarnate, He really wasn�t �in the flesh�...

(125) Hawaii says Aloha to Islam day by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 6/1/09 
The Hawaii Legislature makes decision to honor Islam. 

(126) The mindset of a cult leader by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 7/25/09 
How to identify a true shepherd from a false shepherd.

(127) A letter to the church from a member of a cult by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Ministries, 7/25/09 
What would they say to us?

(128) Recognizing Spiritual Abuse, Deception Prevention, and more ... by Chris Lawson, Spiritual Research Network, 7/29/09 
A page witha series of articles on these subjects. 

(129) Christian Bookstores - Why compromise costs in the long run by Jim Fletcher, WorldNetDaily, July 26, 2009 
With attendance down significantly at the Christian Booksellers' Association trade show last week, I want to examine some reasons for the decline in Christian retail � without focusing on the much bemoaned economy. Discussing the real reasons for that decline, however, can't be done in polite company. 

(130) The Influential Nature of (Eastern) Orthodoxy Endangers Christians by Richard Bennett and Stuart Quint, 8/14/09 
The Orthodox Church makes a startlingly bold claim to preserve the �pure apostolic faith.� However, the light of God�s Holy Scripture exposes the core teachings of Eastern Orthodoxy as false. Eastern Orthodoxy merely preserves the tradition which men have developed within Orthodoxy, and not those things which God has explicitly revealed in His Word. Eastern Or-thodoxy in its sacramental system, its doctrine of salvation, and its understanding of Scripture falls short of God�s inerrant Word. 

(131) Would the Devil Do This? by Herescope, 8/27/09 
If I were the devil, I'd be real upset at churches. I'd spend a lot of time and effort trying to destroy them. My major efforts haven't yet worked, so I'd go to work on pesky things that can be cultivated to destroy a church from within itself.

(132) Do You Fear God? by Herescope, 9/9/09 
For several decades our society has brazenly displayed the slogan on T shirts to auto windows, "NO FEAR." David, in Psalm 36:1, makes it clear that this generation of sinners is not unique in their folly. "The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes." Perhaps this generation is even more brazen, for they have not only "said in their hearts," they have blazoned it in bold advertisement! 

(133) Meditating Upon AA by John Lanagan, Herescope, 9/17/09 
AA's 11th Step states: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. "Don't make a big deal about AA's 'prayer and meditation,'" writes pro-AA author Dick B. ... "It is nothing more than praying and studying or 'pondering' what you are reading." This is simply not so. As discussed in 'Alcoholics Anonymous and Contemplative Spirituality,' advocates of contemplative spirituality are using AA and other 12 Step groups as a launching pad for their meditative practices. Nor is AA's contemplative potential a new thing. As a treatment website notes, "AA and 12 Step Fellowship have known for years that spirituality or some form of contemplative meditation is an important part of treatment."

(134) Oprah Winfrey Promotes Pantheist Eckhart Tolle - How Biblically Illiterate America is Being Deceived by Bob DeWaay, 11/09 
What sort of god needs to read a book or go to a seminar to discover his own identity? According to Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle, millions of such deities find it necessary to act on that need to awaken to their own godhood. These are human beings who lack a sense of consciousness of their divinity, and Oprah and Tolle have set out to remedy that situation.

(135) Break Forth Update: Will Christian Leaders Cause More Confusion Than Good? by Lighthouse Trails, 11/16/09 
If your head is spinning, trying to keep up with the latest happenings of the leaders of the evangelical Christian church, it�s no wonder. For many, it�s becoming increasingly difficult to see clearly through the muddy waters of organized Christianity. More and more leaders, who have been considered orthodox and traditional, are ending up on speaking platforms with those from the emerging/contemplative/New Spirituality arena.

(136) Christ and Allah by Larry DeBruyn, Guarding the Flock Ministries, 11/30/09 
In contrast to orthodox Christians, no Muslim would ever confess "Jesus is Lord" (1 Corinthians 12:3) and worship Him (John 20:28). Therefore Muslims, as well as Jews, do not worship the same God as Christians. We worship the Lord Jesus Christ (Phillippians 2:9-11).

(137) A Permissible Deception by Mike Oppenheimer, 1/27/10 
It is 2010, what is the church like today and what to be aware of in the future. What the church has allowed has brought us to the state we are in.

(138) Are you a new ager? by Mike Oppenheimer, 1/27/10 
Questions to personally ask oneself about their spiritual state. 

(139) Replacement Theology by David Hocking, Hope For Today, 2/21/07 
Replacement Theology is the belief that the Church of today has replaced Israel in God�s prophetic program. It teaches that God judged the Nation of Israel for their sin and disobedience in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple (Herod�s restoration project) in 70 AD, and that Israel has forfeited the right to God�s �everlasting covenant�!

(140) Approximately 100 Million American Church Members Have Very Little to No Understanding of Bible Prophecy by Bill Koenig, World Watch Daily, 3/27/10 
Today there are approximately 100 million American church members who have very little to no understanding of Bible prophecy. These church members are from replacement theology churches that don't teach Bible prophecy and who look at prophetic scriptures as allegorical and not literal. Consequently, they do not understand the importance of Israel to the God of Israel or God's redemptive plan for Israel and the nations. 

(141) The Victory of the Cross by Berit Kjos, 4/7/10 
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Fanny Crosby, who wrote that joyful hymn, was truly blessed with an unwavering confidence in God's loving grace! Born into a humble family in 1820, she became totally blind through a medical error six weeks later. But her overwhelming lifelong response was gratefulness, not bitterness or complaints.

(142) The School of Joyful Endurance Part 1: "O Love that will not let me go"by The Shepherd's Way, 4/18/10 
Over a century ago in Scotland, a blind preacher in "deep mental anguish" penned a hymn that would long outlive his own challenging life here on earth. 

(143) Who's Taking Our Liberty? by Paul Proctor, April 21, 2010 
For those who are just now waking up to the reality around us, our precious liberty is under siege here in America. But, will that loss of liberty be the end of he road? If Almighty God, the giver of liberty, permits it to be taken it away, for whatever reason, how then can we or anyone else take it back? �But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.� � Acts 5:39  Since we know persecution is coming and may not be avoidable, what should Christians do to prepare? Is there a divine purpose behind oppression � that what men intend for evil, God might intend for good � and isn�t the cross on which Jesus was crucified for our sin a perfect example of this?

(144) Balaam by Bill Randles, 4/28/10 
Perhaps the most misunderstood story in the Bible is that of Balaam, the pagan prophet. When it is told, it is usually related as a morality story, merely a caution against greed in ministry.  The love of money indeed is part of the story - as well as the danger of false prophets and corrupt ministers. But lately I have come to realize that there is an eschatological dimension to this story that too often is unappreciated. It is amazing how current and relevant the story of Balaam really is to today�s geo-political situation. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5.

(145) The Situation Is Grave - Are You? by Paul Proctor, NewsWithViews, May 8, 2010 
My hope is that when crisis comes to America and to the world, which I believe is very near, Christians will once again embrace the duty and disposition we were called to and forego the foolishness and frivolity that has kept us from our spiritual rescue mission � recognizing with grave concern the urgency of the hour.

(146) Cultural Collapse in America � Christian Leaders Partly to Blame for Abandoning the Gospel by Lighthouse Trails, 6/16/10 
The following are excerpts from last week�s interview between VCY America Ingrid Schlueter and Herescope author and researcher Sarah Leslie (used with permission). Please refer to our article �CrossTalk on WorldNetDaily Article � Challenge to Dominionist Leaders � The Gospel Should Come First! where you can also listen to the full interview.� 

(147) Dr. John Piper and Unanswered Questions by Ken Silva, 6/17/10 
Apprising Ministries now brings you a follow up to Questions Concerning Dr. John Piper where I told you that when Dr. Piper made the ill-advised decision to invite Leadership Network�s propped-up Purpose Driven Pope Rick Warren to DG 2010 as a keynote speaker it set off a rippling effect where people, and not merely discernment ministries, have started to look a little closer at his theology, educational background, and associations; e.g. his charismatic bent, Fuller Theological Seminary, and the late Ralph Winter.

(148) Already Gone by Ken Ham, 9/6/10 
In this powerful book and DVD popular author Ken Ham and consumer behavior research/analyst C. Britt Beemer combine to reveal trends that must be dealt with now . . . before we lose another generation! The trends are frightening, but Already Gone shows how to win back our families, our churches, and our world!

(149) Knowing and Loving God by The Berean Call, 10/1/10 
The new theology denies us this path of victory. Its joy is selfish. To obey the first and great commandment is necessarily to deny self as Christ commanded (Mt 16:24). Nor can one deny self and at the same time love, esteem, and value self. Seeing God's love as a response to my significance and worth salvages just enough value for self to deny God's truth. Let us forget ourselves, our needs and hurts, and seek to know and love God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) because of who He is and His love and grace to us. His love will then flow through us to others, whom we will then esteem better than ourselves (Phil 2:3). Such is the path to true joy (Heb 12:2). 

(150) Is Your Denomination A Sinking Titanic? by �Nathan�, 10/1/10 
Now, think for a moment. Could a Christian denomination go the way of the Titanic? Could the process of sinking be avoided? Is it possible that the captain could foresee the inevitable but do nothing to prevent it? Over the years of history, many denominations and movements that were once sailing �smoothly� went down just like the Titanic. Apparently, given time, this is what happens, and it just cannot be avoided. Why is this so? The answer is simple. Christians are humans and human behavior can be predicted. 

(151) Are You A Contender Or A Pretender? by Paul Proctor, October 1, 2010 
But, here in the increasingly �tolerant� western world, churches are, for the most part, being destroyed from within, leaving a different kind of casualty for Christians to grieve over. It is truly a sad thing to see and an all too common sight � one this writer has not only commented on numerous times, but also witnessed firsthand.

(152) Occult Invasion into the Churches
Date: October 01, 2010 
Host: Vic Eliason, Crosstalk America 
Guest: Dave Benoit 
Listen: RealAudio | Windows Media|MP3 | Order Tape or CD
Dave Benoit has served over 30 years as an evangelist. He will be the featured speaker at a VCY America rally October 2 at 7pm at the Waukesha, Wisconsin Exposition Center. The title of his presentation is, "Disarming the Powers of Darkness Part 2: The Spirit Gate". Dave�s main message on this Crosstalk broadcast was that the church is in a state of slumber; sleeping while the �ship� is sinking as was the case with Jonah. In the meantime our nation is going through a wholesale embracing of false doctrine. From werewolves to Islam to the lies perpetrated in the media, there is a spirit behind all false doctrine. Dave covers these problems and more as he exposes the spirit of the occult invading the church and society. 

Updated! (152) Dancing With the Stars - �The Vibrant Dance of Faith and Science,� A Cosmic Two-Step by Pastor Larry DeBruyn and Sarah Leslie, 11/10/10 - Read Part 1 & Part 2
Billed as �How Science Supports Christianity and Christianity Supports Science,� on October 26-28, in Austin, Texas, Christianity Today co-sponsored a symposium called �The Vibrant Dance of Faith and Science: Empowering the Church to Transform the Culture.�[2] This gathering of evangelical luminaries underscores the concerns addressed in the previous 6-part series on Herescope, �FROM COSMOS, TO CHAOS, TO CONSCIOUSNESS.� 

(153) The Second Great Evangelical Meltdown by Richard Nathan, M.A., Inheritance of the Saints, October 10, 2010 
This article is the first in a series about ongoing sea changes in Evangelicalism today. The series will utilize Scripture and church history in an attempt to clarify those issues that are tending to weaken, break down, and misdirect Evangelicalism. Even though the effects are obvious, the forces behind these changes are not.  Read Part 1 & Part 2

(154) Christ & Christmas by Dave Hunt, The Berean Call, December 1989 
This twenty-year old message from Dave has not lost any of its relevance for the church today. There is still much confusion about the mission of Jesus and the kingdom of God. Many diverse movements that profess to be Christian and biblical are coming together in an attempt to help establish Christ's physical kingdom on earth prior to His return.  Since the time that Dave first penned this article, the "kingdom here and now" proponents seem to be increasing in their influence exponentially, as we have been pointing out in our series "The Temporal Delusion." Part III is scheduled for January 2011. Although Dave has, for the most part, retired from ministry, we are thankful to be able to mine the treasury of what he has written over the years and present his material to our readers on an ongoing basis. The Lord has graciously given him tremendous insights as a watchman regarding trends and issues that continue to adversely affect the church today and in the days to come.

(155) PHILIP YANCEY � �turning the grace of God into lasciviousness� Jude 4 by Cecil Andrews, 12/15/10 
LTRP Note: Cecil Andrews of Take Heed wrote this article six years ago � perhaps it is more relevant today than when it was first written.

(156) The Incarnation: The lowly path of our heavenly King by Crossroad, 12/18/10 
Following Him, we have nothing of lasting significance to lose, and we have everything to gain! Walking with Jesus in His lowly path -- never ceasing to demonstrate His love, yet never compromising His truths to win approval -- we enjoy a peace and joy that far surpasses all earthly thrills. Our lives will be full of challenges, but He has promised to provide all the resources we need. �My grace is sufficient for you," he assures us, "for My strength is made perfect in weakness.� Hopefully, you and I will echo Paul's heartfelt response: "Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ�s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

(157) Warning: Energy �Healing� and Reiki May Be Offered to You at Your Hospital by Lighthouse Trails Editors, 12/20/10 
Rand says that the general public is �turning with ever-increasing interest to complementary health care, including Reiki,� and according to one study, one in every three Americans has used this type of �care.� Another survey showed that  �1.2 million adults and 161,000 children in the U.S. received one or more energy healing sessions such as Reiki.�

(159) Earthquakes & Destruction: The Wake-Up Call
by Paw Creek Ministries, 1/17/11 
Eight thousand turtle doves fall out of the sky in Italy. Two million fish die on the beaches of the Chesapeake Bay. One hundred thousand fish die in the Arkansas River. Forty thousand velvet swimming crabs dead on England�s beaches. Hundred of tons of fish dead and dying on the shores of Brazil. Flocks of birds falling out of the sky in Wilson County, Tennessee.

(160) Good Church Choices by Sandy Simpson, 2003 
This page is some recommendations on how to find a good church.  What you need to find is a church that not only has orthodox doctrinal statements but teaches, both explicitly and implicitly, in line with the core doctrines of the Faith.  These are Bible-believing Christ-centered churches that are balanced in their theology.  Be sure to test all churches before you become involved.  Here are some tips for finding a good church.

(161) Deception in Disguise by Heidi Swander, February 24, 2011 
"Mormon leaders call their empire the 'Kingdom of God.'  However, their 'God' is an extraterrestrial from [the planet] Kolob, definitely not the God of the Bible; and the 'Zion' to which their spirit-brother-of-Lucifer Jesus Christ will return to reign, is Independence, My kingdom comeMissouri." So writes author and former Mormon Ed Decker in his book My Kingdom Come.

(162) Surprising List of Speakers at �Rediscovering God in America� Conference Draws Strong Concerns by Roger Oakland, Understand the Times International, 3/26/11 
Are you familiar with these names: David Barton, Newt Gingrich, George Barna, Mike Huckabee? Do you know what Barna Group is? Do you know who David Barton is? What about Newt Gingrich? Do you know what role these names are playing? WHAT IS GOING ON? Looking at the list of speakers for the Rediscovering God in America reminds me of a book I once read called Who�s Who and What�s What?. Check out Barna and Barton and see for yourself their backgrounds and the things they are doing, then check out the Jesuit plan to establish the kingdom. 

(163) Teen Challenge Founder, David Wilkerson, Killed in TX Car Crash by LightHouse Trails, 4/28/11
Georgetown Times: David Wilkerson � founder of Teen Challenge which has its South Carolina headquarters in Georgetown County � has passed away. Wilkerson founded Times Square Church in New York City and was the focus of the book and movie The Cross and the Switchblade. Wilkerson founded Teen Challenge in 1960. The goal of Teen Challenge is to help troubled youth and adults, particularly those with life-controlling problems due to drugs or alcohol. Over five decades, the Christ-centered Teen Challenge program has consistently shown one of the world�s highest success rates, according to the organization�s website.

(164) David Barton Exposed by Roger Oakland, Understanding The Times, 5/12/11
Some new evidence has become available recently in what appears to be a "changing of information" coming from David Barton

(165) The Queering of America's Churches by Devvy Kidd, News With Views, 6/14/11 
Shame on the churches in this country who condone that which God has called an abomination. God's laws and what he commands us to do in our lives isn't a fad. God's laws and what he commands us to do has not changed over the millenniums, only people have by cultural influences. It's easier to embrace sin than to live as our Creator has commanded. For decades, the created have mocked God by willfully accepting a bastardized version of His word all in the name of political correctness and tolerance......

(166) 'God the Father' banished by mainline denomination - United Church of Christ prefers 'to leave that more open for different expressions of the Trinity' by Bob Unruh, WND, 7/8/11 
The United Church of Christ, the denomination whose Chicago pastor Jeremiah Wright blasted the United States and white people for years from the pulpit while Barack Obama sat in his pews, has decided to banish God "the Father" from its organizational documents.

(167) Offensive Music in the Church, Host: Vic Eliason, VCY America, 7/20/11 
Many people appreciate the preaching of their pastor but are put-off by the music.  Are you tired of standing for long periods while the worship leader has you singing the same chorus over and over and over again?  Do you arrive late just so you don�t have to endure the pounding beat of what some churches call, �worship�?  If the music of your church isn�t in harmony with the preaching, Vic understands.  That�s why he opened the phone lines to allow listeners to call and share their experiences to see how Christians around the nation are reacting to this phenomenon.

(168) From Oprah to Oz--And Beyond by T. A. McMahon, 8/1/11 
If you were asked to name America's most influential spiritual advisor for the past 25 years, what would your response be? Billy Graham? Robert Schuller? Perhaps Rick Warren or Joel Osteen? It may surprise you to learn that none of these men have been as successful numbers-wise as Oprah Winfrey! Her programs drew a daily audience as high as 12.4 million and averaged 7.4 million in 2007, diminishing only slightly when she touted Obama during the 2008 election year. Her closing program had its highest-ever rating, with 16.4 million viewers.

(169) Glenn Beck's "pure personal truth" by Marsha West, Worldview Weekend, 9/15/11 
Here Glenn Beck goes again, claiming he's a Christian, this time at Restoring Courage 2011 - Jerusalem.  Glenn gets upset when anyone questions his Christianity.  That's weird because he's a Mormon who affirms the official teaching of Mormonism aka the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS).  The LDS outright deny many of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.  Moreover, LDS doctrine contradicts what Scripture teaches.   So of course there are Christians who feel Beck's not a true follower of Jesus Christ -- not the Jesus of the Bible anyway.  When his "I'm a Christian" claim is held up to scrutiny Glenn gets his knickers in a knot.  At the rally he choked up with emotion and said in an accusatory tone that only Christians question his salvation. (ACT Note: Glenn Beck was on TBN last night, so now people assume he is in line with the Bible.  He is not!) Read Part 1 & Part 2

(170) A �New� Dark Age � In Politics and in the Church by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/15/11 
Christians should be more aware than other people because we have the Word; we are told what will take place in the last days (1 Tim. 3:1), and we are instructed on how to resist it. The majority of people have been dumbed-down and made lazy by our culture. In this void, the government comes to the rescue. The church has the same problem at work; people rely on big church to come to the rescue when they should be doing the work. This is because of our lack of Bible knowledge and lack of being equipped to evangelize and fulfill Jesus� commission.

(171) Another Hijacker of Evangelicalism by Jan Markell, October 18, 2011 
Jim Wallis wants to re-define evangelicalism. I find that scary and will explain why. Over the decades, it has become more and more difficult to give evangelicalism a definition as it has been morphing. But Wallis insists that he is much more conservative than his friends who make up the "religious Left" when, in reality, he is their fearless leader. He is respected by the White House and even by many evangelicals who lean Left on social issues. Do a Google search on Wallis and you'll come up with 4,500,000 hits. He's been a busy guy!

(172) God's Plan for the Clueless: A personal testimony by T.A. McMahon, The Berean Call, 11/1/11 
When I speak to young Christian adults, whether they are in the workplace or in college, a message that I hope encourages them concerns God's willingness to guide their lives if that is their desire. I use His involvement in my own life throughout my 67 years as an example. The following is an abridged version of God's gracious guidance, much of it well before I came to know Him personally.

(173) Calvary Chapel Alert For Pastors and Church Leaders - Documenting the Progession of Compromise and Ecumenical Relations compiled by Spiritual Research Network, 11/4/11 
The ministry of SRN has chosen to have this page remain on this website due to the increasing Ecumenical relations that a number of very well known Calvary Chapel pastors are involved in, i.e.  Rick Warren working together with Greg Laurie (and Chuck Smith) at the Harvest Crusade; and now Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William "Jerry" Boykin speaking at numerous Calvary Chapel venues / churches.

(174) 2011 YEAR IN REVIEW Top 10 Out-of-House Articles by Like-Minded Ministries, 12/30/11 
Ten excellent articles on various topics. 

(175) Repent, While There is Still Time by Rick Frueh, 1/19/12 
I can no longer believe that many so called �evangelical� churches are even Christian. Churches by the tens of thousands, led by their pastors, have strayed so far from the New Testament directive that they are no longer Christian.

(176) Wisdom Cries out From a Sinking Ship by Pastor Bill Randles, 1/25/12 
God's wisdom is always crying out to every generation, whether it be through the Scriptures, the church, or Israel, there is always a Divine witness to truth trying to get people's attention as life pushes them on to their final destination. I believe that one of the ways God's wisdom cries out to this generation is in certain current events.

(177) Would the Son of God contradict the Father? by Marsha West, February 10, 2012 
Is it true that Jesus never mentioned anything about homosexuality? That He never brought it up, even once? Most of us have heard the line that in the Gospels there's no record of Jesus condemning homosexuality. There are individuals, especially from the militant homosexual rights movement, who utter this fabrication with all the raw hostility of liberals who think abortion is their God given right.

(178) Oprah Continues Forward With Her New Age Gurus by Warren Smith, Lighthouse Trails, 2/18/12 
LTRP Note: This month, New Ager Gary Zukav announced that Oprah would be joining him in a Super Soul Sunday (on 2/12/12) as part of his Awakening to Spiritual Partnership Course. Oprah has been a fan of Gary Zukav�s for many years. In fact, it was she who propelled Zukav into prominence after his first appearance on the Oprah show in 1998,  after which his book on spirit guides, The Seat of the Soul, soared to the top of the New York Times Best Seller list. As Ray Yungen points out,  �The book�s basic message is, �Dwell in the company of your nonphysical Teachers and guides [spirit guides]� (p. 39). Some have wondered what direction Oprah would go now that her daytime television show has ended. It is clear that she will be including the New Age/New Spirituality in her future (as she has in her past) and in the future of her millions of followers. Below we are reposting Warren Smith�s article on Oprah and New Ager Eckhart Tolle, another New Age guru who is embraced by Oprah Winfrey.

(179) Got meat? by Marsha West, 2/20/12 
Christians must come to understand that God made them and He owns them. The parameters He has set for His people to live by are for their ultimate good. God makes no bones about sorcery. It's a health hazard!

(180) Crying for Our Country and the Church by Ted Kyle, 3/23/12 
The question remains: How much do we, as God�s children, care? Does the already deplorable and rapidly worsening spiritual condition of our country grieve us? The answer may tell us much about our own spiritual condition!

(181) The Root of the Righteous by A.W. Tozer, The Root Of The Righteous, Chapter 1, 6/3/12 
One marked difference between the faith of our fathers as conceived by the fathers and the same faith as understood and lived by their children is that the fathers were concerned with the root of the matter, while their present-day descendants seem concerned only with the fruit. ... �The root of the righteous yieldeth fruit,� said the wise man in the Proverbs. ...

(182) Coming Soon: The Tribulation Temple by Heidi Swander, 6/6/12 
"Anyone interested in end-time events has his eyes on the temple project." This statement stood out to me as I read a chapter in the updated-and-expanded edition of Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins' classic book, Are We Living in the End Times?  I remember reading the first edition of this book years ago and thinking what a riveting and easy-to-read commentary it was on prophecy and current events. And now it's been updated to address all that has transpired since 9/11!

(183) Survey Reveals Increase in Number of 'Worldly Christians' at Understanding The Times, 6/9/12 
An online quiz started a year ago that examines how consistently Christians are living out the teachings of Jesus Christ has found an increase in the number of believers who are "Christians in name only."

(184) Hazards Of The Occult And New Spirituality at Spiritual Research Ministries, 8/6/12 
Readers should be aware that the New Age Movement, Wicca/Witchcraft, Magick, etc., is steeped in occult influences. Many of the articles within the New Age and Occult categories contain information about or descriptions of occult practices and a Biblical perspective on it. Our purpose in giving this information is not to endorse occult practises but to alert you to the physical and spiritual dangers that one faces when practising what God clearly forbids. Our desire is to help you recognize and avoid these practices so that you do not incur the hazards that many have succumbed to.. Please be aware that for those of you who are especially sensitive readers, particularly those who have had previous occult contact, you may find this material disturbing.

(185) Babylonianism at the Gates - Christians and the Encircling World of the Occult by Pastor Larry DeBruyn, 8/24/12 
So, to which group do we belong? Motyer notes that in Isaiah there exists �a distinction between the secularized, politicized professing people of God and those, within that people, who turn to him in repentance and faith, who look to his word and obey it.� Are we part of a minority who serve as �signs and wonders,� or are we numbered amongst those who do not fear the Lord?

(186) How to Recognise a Good Church by Mike Lloyd, Truth Watch NZ, 8/27/12 
Within the Christian community there is a wide divergence of opinion, division, and even fierce competition among the different groups. Subsequently, many believers are confused about which church is the right one to belong to and which church being closest to the truth is therefore worthy of their support. Many today who are looking for a church home have the wrong priorities. Some are drawn to a church by the size and appearance of its buildings. Others are attracted by an outstanding musical programme or by the personality, appearance and oratory skills of the pastor. Some look for a church with an order of service that appeals to their particular liking. Others are simply denominationally loyal or have friends that attend a particular church. It is vitally important for believers to know exactly what to look for in a church. It is dangerous to simply rely on feelings and to make a hasty subjective decision based on personal preferences of style and physical appearance, as so many do today. A clear and objective decision, based on Scripture, is the only successful way to assess the church fellowship a person intends making a whole-hearted commitment to.

(187) The Zohar & Kabbalistic Mysticism by Berit Kjos, 8/27/12 
Below are notes and quotes, not an article. The information they contain provides valuable insights into Jonathan Cahn's mysterious theology. They may also help to explain some of the puzzles in his popular book, The Harbinger, with its guru-like �prophet�, so-called mysteries, and bewildering misapplication of Scripture. On the video in the box below, Cahn quotes from the Zohar [the mystical rabbinical writings behind the Kabbala] and presents his view of Golgatha [Gulgalta]. Notice in that partial transcript that the "god" who is credited with salvation, redemption, spiritual light and life is merely a place or object -- a skull or Gulgalta -- not Jesus Christ our Lord! Apparently, the rabbis behind the Zohar have borrowed from the actual Bible but twisted God's Word into their own esoteric message.

(188) The Loneliness of the Christian by A. W. Tozer From Man - The Dwelling Place of God, Chapter 39: "The Saint Must Walk Alone", 9/9/12 
The loneliness of the Christian results from his walk with God in an ungodly world, a walk that must often take him away from the fellowship of good Christians as well as from that of the unregenerate world. His God-given instincts cry out for companionship with others of his kind, others who can understand his longings, his aspirations, his absorption in the love of Christ; and because within his circle of friends there are so few who share his inner experiences he is forced to walk alone. 

(189) Cult Alert: The Christian Family Fellowship by The Berean Call, 10/1/12 
The Christian Family Fellowship is another non-Christian cult spreading in the already cult-saturated landscape of America. Unfortunately, the group is growing with fellowships in other states. I do not know how large the membership is but it appears to be in the thousands. This group appears to be an offshoot of The Way International, a decidedly non-Christian cult since it denies the deity of Jesus. The Christian Family Fellowship Ministry describes itself as a "studying, teaching, and fellowship ministry." It says, "Our purpose is to study and search the scriptures to understand their accuracy regarding Jesus Christ, who is 'the way, the truth, and the life.'" This sounds good on the surface. But, when you dig into the site, you discover some serious problems. The Christian Family Fellowship denies the doctrine of the Trinity.  On their website is an article written by a Rev. Jeff Rath (August 1998) titled, "The Historical background of the Trinity." In it Rev. Rath states, "The trinity originated with Babylon." He then goes on to attack the doctrine as an unbiblical teaching. He also states that "This polytheistic (believing in more than one god) trinitarianism was intertwined with Greek religion and philosophy." This is a misrepresentation of the Trinity doctrine which is decidedly not polytheistic. It is monotheistic.

(190) Sacred Cows and Stars  - The Cult of Evangelical Leadership by Herescope, 10/4/12 
Sacred Leaders are a temperamental puffed up lot, you know. They require faint-hearted Sheeple to think more highly of them, preferring them. They believe that the humble should not be exalted, especially if it threatens their own popularity. And any sheep with discernment should be treated as �offscouring.� They invoke one spirit, but believe only the Elite have many gifts. �Let all men glory in Leaders� is their slogan, contrary to I Cor. 3:21. Puffed-up Priests, all of them. And the sad fact is, despite all of this, the sheep continue their faddish worship of these Sacred Cows and Stars.

(191) Self-Elevated Little Popes by A.W. Pink, 10/8/12 
Biographer Iain Murray has said of evangelist and scholar A.W. Pink that �the widespread circulation of his writings after his death made him one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century.� The teachings of Pink led to an increase in expository preaching and appeals for holy living for those who have been saved by Christ. In an article entitled, �Private Judgment,� Pink warns against those ministers of the gospel who would seek to usurp the authority of Christ, imposing upon their congregations their own dictates rather than, or in addition to, the commands of Scripture. 

(192) Examining Freemasonry: The Question of Religion by Carl Teichrib, Crossroad, 10/11/12 
In the midst of today's spreading war against genuine Christianity, we must stand firm in faith, ready to share God's true Word with all who will hear!

(193) Billy Graham Offers Help To Mormon Mitt Romney Then Removes Section From Website Calling Mormonism A Cult! by SoulRefuge, 10/13/12 
The Washington Post reported that Evangelist Billy Graham offered his help to Mormon Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Here is an excerpt from that article from the �On Faith� section: Billy Graham offered to �do all I can to help� GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in a Thursday (Oct. 11) meeting at the evangelist�s North Carolina home. Romney campaign spokesman Rick Gorka told reporters after the visit that Graham told Romney: �I�ll do all I can to help you. And you can quote me on that.� By Adelle M. Banks| Religion News Service, Published: October. Another article from a website entitled  �The New Civil Rights Movement� revealed that the Billy Graham website �scrubbed� a statement which labeled Mormonism as a cult, shortly after the meeting between Billy Graham and Mitt Romney. Evangelist Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham, was also present at that same meeting. Franklin Graham is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Updated! (194) The Cult of Evangelical Leadership by Herescope, 10/17/12 
Sacred Leaders are a temperamental puffed up lot, you know. They require faint-hearted Sheeple to think more highly of them, preferring them. They believe that the humble should not be exalted, especially if it threatens their own popularity. And any sheep with discernment should be treated as �offscouring.� They invoke one spirit, but believe only the Elite have many gifts. �Let all men glory in Leaders� is their slogan, contrary to I Cor. 3:21. Puffed-up Priests, all of them. And the sad fact is, despite all of this, the sheep continue their faddish worship of these Sacred Cows and Stars. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 & Part 4.

(195) Preparing For Perilous Times and Finding God�s Peace in the Midst of Them by David Dombrowski, 10/17/12 
Over the last ten years since Lighthouse Trails began, we have been contacted by many who love the Lord and were struggling with great challenges: Some were ostracized by their churches, which had gone Purpose Driven, contemplative, or emerging; some had division in their families; some had financial concerns; and others were worried about health issues � whether their own or that of loved ones. Beyond all of this, many have expressed a sense of uncertainty or foreboding of what the future will bring: The Bible indicates that in the last days perilous times shall come.

(196) Deceptions of the Occult by Carl Teichrib, Crossroads, 10/23/12 
Yes, the physical world is a marvelous wonder, filled with many transfixing and puzzling surprises. It still baffles man by its beauty and complexity. So too the non-physical universe, including mental and spiritual components, is a place of fascination. However, when dabbling and dealing with the supernatural � and the mind sciences that sometimes attempt to explain or exploit it�a mental, emotional, and spiritual minefield is encountered. And just as wandering into a physical minefield will destroy the body, so too will a spiritual minefield destroy the soul.

(197) The �gods� of Babylon by Pastor Larry DeBruyn, Guarding His Flock Ministries, 10/25/12 
Enter old-age Babylonism. Yahweh addresses them: �Now, then, hear this, you sensual one, / Who dwells securely, / Who says in your heart, �I am, and there is no one besides me� � (Emphasis mine, Isaiah 47:8). And again, �Your wisdom and your knowledge, they have deluded you; / For you have said in your heart, �I am, and there is no one besides me� � (Isaiah 47:10b). Who is this sensual and deluded one who dares to assume the divine name (i.e., �I am�) of Yahweh? Why, it�s the Babylonians! About Isaiah�s address to the Babylonians, one commentator observed, �There is even an assumption of divine supremacy in these words, when compared with the frequent use of the pronoun I, in the solemn declarations of Jehovah . . .� [3] Another notes that Babylon was, �frivolously deifying herself.� [4] Like devotees to Eastern-pantheist-mystical religion, and the Schucman-like spirituality being infused into the American consciousness by Marianne Williamson and Oprah Winfrey, the Babylonians thought they were gods. [5]

(198) The Gods Of Babylon by Larry DeBruyn, 10/29/12 
Though contemporary Mormons now disavow his statement, Lorenzo Snow (1814-1901), the fifth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, once said, �As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become.� Pretending to be within the pale of Christendom, some Word of Faith teachers boldly tell their followers, �You are gods.�

(199) Franklin Graham "shocked" his site called Mormonism a cult by Stand Up For The Truth, 11/16/12 
I think I am just as shocked as Franklin Graham. So to be clear, it is OK for him to call Jehovah�s Witnesses, the Unification Church, Unitarians, Spiritists, and Scientologists cult members, but Mormons? Nope. Either they are just a different flavor of orthodox Christianity, or they are somehow more deserving to be �won over to Christ� than the other cult members. Or does it depend on whom runs for the office of President of the United States?

(200) Thanksgiving Articles Links at Crossroad, 11/19/12 
May our wonderful Lord fill our hearts with thanks to Him this special day!

(201) Eastern Lightning / Lightning from the East at Apologetics Index, 12/18/12 
Read the four articles under this topic: 
1.Eastern Lightning / Lightning from the East
2.Eastern Lightning: Jesus Is Back, and She's Chinese
3.An Examination of the Eastern Lightning Cult
4.Eastern Lightning - research resources

(202) Testing the Genuineness of our Faith by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) 
Untested faith may be true faith, but it is sure to be small faith, and it is likely to remain little as long as it is without trials. Faith never prospers so well as when all things are against her: Tempests are her trainers, and bolts of lightning are her illuminators. 

(203) The "new breed" of Christian fashion by Marsha West, Renew America, 1/3/13 
A couple of weeks ago, while I was surfing the net for articles to include in the Email Brigade News Report, I came across a piece entitled "Provocative Clothing Company Creates Tees to Help Christian Girls be 'Playful' for Jesus." For obvious reasons the headline grabbed my attention.  Featured in the article is a picture of an attractive young woman in a sexy pose seated on a bed wearing a tank top with the words "God knows my secrets."

(204) Texas: Curriculum Teaching Allah Is the "Almighty God" by The Berean Call, 1/5/13 
Texas: Curriculum Under Fire For Teaching �Allah Is The Almighty God�, Calls Boston Tea Party �A Terrorist Organization� [Excerpts] �In the 70 percent of Texas public schools where a private curriculum has been installed, students are learning the �fact� that �Allah is the Almighty God,� charge critics of a new online curriculum that already is facing condemnation for its secrecy and restrictions on oversight.

(205) Generational Sins & Blaming the Past by Martin & Deidre Bobgan, PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries, 1/12/13 
Psychological counseling theories and therapies encourage individuals to look outside themselves to explain why they do what they do and why they feel the way they do. This blame game all started in the Garden of Eden and has continued throughout the centuries. The blame game gained status during the last century through Sigmund Freud and his followers, who placed the main source of adult problems back into one�s early childhood. The parents, especially the mothers, were the culprits, and of course the parents were simply passing along their own problems, which likewise had their source in their parents, going back generation after generation all the way back to Adam and Eve. Through Freud the blame game was dressed in medical garb and has now risen to great prominence in the present therapeutic culture of our psychological society.

(206) When Is Yoga, Yoga? by Roger Oakland, 1/25/13 
According to the American Civil Liberties Union, students in public schools cannot be indoctrinated with any specific religious belief. Education must be religiously neutral. However, it can be documented that when children are being introduced to yoga and witchcraft in public schools, parents are told not be alarmed.

(207) Threatened Lawsuit by The Harbinger Publisher & Author by David James, 1/31/13 
We have received letters threatening legal action related to the publication of my book The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction? These letters were from a lawyer with a firm which �serves as litigation counsel for Charisma Media, publisher of The Harbinger by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and published by Charisma Media.�

(208) The Emerging Galactic Religion: Science Fiction and the Rise of Technocratic Posthumanism by Dr. Martin Erdmann, 2/28/13 
Medicine is no longer restricted to healing. Biotechnology�s popular uses constitute a long list, among them weight loss, hair growth, birth control, teeth straightening, and sex selection of children.[1] Transhumanism takes human enhancement further, in morphing the vision of perfect man into a human-machine complex properly called �posthuman�. This is an effort to break every human limitation and redefine personhood. 

(209) Noted Apologist Calls Out Evangelical Leaders Who 'Undermine the Word of God' by Russ Jones, Christian Press, 3/9/13 
A noted biblical apologist and expert on creationism is calling out several of his colleagues. An audience of some 300 people at the recent National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention in Nashville were shocked to learn of the number of evangelical leaders who don�t believe in a literal 6 days of creation narrative.

(210) Starbuck�s CEO telling Christians to take a hike (Video) at Focal Point, 3/25/13 
At the annual shareholder's meeting on Wednesday, Starbucks CEO, Howard Shultz, told Christians, and all who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman for life, "we don't want your business".

(212) Seduction of the Hebrew Root Movement Part 1 of 2 by Jacob Prasch, 3/28/13 
There are various areas in which Satan is attempting these seductions of the trend back towards the Hebrew Root.

(213) In Loving Memory: Dave Hunt 1926-2013 by The Berean Call, 4/5/13 
Dave has left us a legacy of inestimable value. We are blessed to be able to see and hear and read what he has taught about the evidence for God in a breathtaking number of materials. From explaining about the history of Christianity, to exposing the deception that has crept into the church, to teaching about the prophecies that are being fulfilled even today, this humble, brilliant man will go on teaching us for a very long time. We look forward to the day when we will see him again.

(214) In Memory of Dave Hunt by Mike Oppenheimer, 4/8/13 
The time goes by so quickly and what we do for the Lord will last into eternity, nothing else. To me the real heroes of the faith are those who risk their reputation, ignoring what others may think of them to rescue those caught in spiritual bondage that can cause death. To help one escape from the clutches of the enemy of our soul takes confrontation and being readily equipped to answer the objections. For this we will be eternally grateful. We are just one of the many lives Dave had touched by his faithfulness to the truth. We will remember Dave as being an exemplary example in this.

(215) Be Watchful! by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) 
Note: We, too, may be "hard-pressed" in the years ahead. The world is changing fast, and Christianity is increasingly mocked, banned, and despised.  History reminds us that persecution comes and goes; and now, after a long season of peace and freedom, we may again face hatred and cruelty.  But those who belong to Jesus have a place of peace and refuge.  He is our hiding place, our strength and our joy.  How blessed we are to belong to Him at such a time as now!

(216) Circling The Wagons: Pan Evangelicals Still Wield the Broken Sword of Political/Cultural Evangelism by Dr. Orrel Steinkamp, 4/16/13 
In biblical cultures as well as many cultures today fishing is done with a net. If the net is mended and has no holes it will bring in a catch. May our church repair the broken nets, deliver the Gospel message, and return to biblical fishing for men.

(217)  Calvary Chapel Pastors Respond to Our Lonnie Frisbee Commentary by Roger Oakland, 4/18/13 
We are grieved by the number of people who still will not think for themselves. For those who want to know the truth, please watch and listen to witnesses who were there during the days of Lonnie Frisbee and to Lonnie himself when he talks about who he was and what he believed.  Read the original commentary on Frisbee called "Another spirit or the Holy Spirit?". 

(218) UPDATED! Islamic Teachings That Prove Their Religion Is False compiled by Sandy Simpson, 4/1/08 
This article presents documented proof that Mohammed was a false teacher and a false prophet ... thus the Qur'an and other Islamic holy writings by Mohammed and his followers are based are false.  More evidence that the "god" Allah they worship is a false god.  Their false religion is based on a false prophet, false scriptures and a false god.  This update includes pictures in the article.  Stay tuned for this article to be released on DVD.

(219) The 10 Things You Need to Know About Islam by Ron Rhodes, 2013
One out of every five persons on the earth is a Muslim. In the past 16 years, the number of Muslim mosques in the United States has mushroomed from 30 to over 3,000. An Islamic leader recently inaugurated a session of the United States Senate, praying in the name of Allah. Chances are that if you don't currently have Muslim friends, you soon will. To understand and communicate with them, you need to know... Are all Muslims the same? Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? Was Muhammad really a prophet of God? Do the Quran and the Christian Bible agree? What are the major doctrines of Islam? What are the five major obligations of Muslims? How is the basis of salvation in Muslim theology? Has the Bible been corrupted, as Muslims claim? Was Jesus a mere prophet, as Muslims claim? What do Muslims say about Judgment, heaven, and hell? What are the best strategies for dialoguing with Muslims? This concise, easy-to-understand guide answers these questions and others, and also provides a powerful Christian apologetic response. This book is engineered to guide Christians through the most important information with clear explanations and solid biblical reasoning. This is a must�have resource for individuals and churches trying to discern today�s news stories.

(220) Worldview and Islam at The Berean Call, 5/2/13
Today, there are cross-cultural church planters who are making catastrophic mistakes in accommodating Islamic theology and practices in their fledgling congregations. They are intentionally incorporating Islamic practices that they do not understand. Instead of allowing the converts to move away from Islam, they are encouraging them to stay within the socio-religious community and continue to participate in the practices, which are formational for Islamic theology and worldview. While it is hoped that these converts will continue to grow in Christian nurture and practice, it is difficult to conceive how this will happen as long as they are being directed back into Islam rather than out of it.

(221) Calvary Chapel Breached by Jim Fletcher, Prophecy Matters, 5/8/13
This week, Sami Awad, a Palestinian Christian from Bethlehem (and director of the Holy Land Trust), announced on Facebook that he will be speaking at several churches on the West Coast this month. The May 10th date caught my eye and leaves me dismayed: May 10 San Diego, CA. North Coast Calvary Church. 7-9 p.m.

(222) North Coast Calvary Chapel Breached Indeed! - What Will The North Coast Calvary Chapel Leaders Do? by Chris Lawson, 5/11/13
The current issue at North Coast Calvary Chapel (NCCC) in Carlsbad, California is rather bleak to say the least. The fact that yet another article had to be written exposing Calvary Chapel compromise goes to show that there is no slowing down of ecumenical compromise within the Calvary Chapel movement. There is plenty of documentation available on the Internet exposing years of Calvary Chapel compromise. Christian apologetics ministries have sought to address these things for a long time now, but shouldn't it be Calvary Chapel pastors keeping each other accountable? Of course it should be!

(223) Peter Enns Continues to Promote Heresy by Ken Ham, 5/16/13
Many of you may be familiar with Peter Enns, who is a former fellow with BioLogos, an organization dedicated to promoting a form of theistic evolution (or �evolutionary creation� as they call it). We both spoke at the same homeschool convention a few years ago. During my talk, I showed a few video clips of him, demonstrating in his own words that he doesn�t believe in a literal Adam or Eve or in a literal Fall. After we were told by conference organizers that I could critique Enns�s beliefs during the conference, we had informed them that we were considering it, and we were cleared to do so. Well, I was dropped from the next homeschool convention and Peter Enns was retained.

(224) Calvary Chapel Founder Chuck Smith Denounces North Coast Calvary Chapel Invitation of Palestinian Activist by Lighthouse Trails, 5/17/13
In a dramatic showdown last week within the Calvary Chapel movement, the leadership of the California-based association of churches rebuked an event held at North Coast Calvary Chapel that featured a presentation by Palestinian activists. Called �Hope for the Holy Land,� the seminar program aims to present the Palestinian narrative to church audiences. Observers are saying that what made the North Coast event such a flashpoint was the fact that since its inception, Calvary Chapel has been staunchly pro Israel.

(225) Shhh... It's a Secret God Told Me to Tell You! by Pastor Danny Isom, 5/19/13
The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law. \(Deut. 29:29) As the Preacher has already told us, �There is nothing new under the sun.� (Ecc. 1:9) So why should we be surprised that yet another person has been the exclusive recipient of yet another �secret� from God and, for the first time in the history of the world, is making it known to us? For some reason, instead of writing it down in one of the original languages of the Bible and making it freely available to all like the original Prophets of old, this time around God chose to have it printed in English and sold for $16.99 ($9.00 on the Kindle). For a fee, the �prophet� will come and speak about it. False teaching disguised as �revelation� like Jonathan Cahn�s The Harbinger have been around since  handwriting was invented and such will, no doubt, persist until the Lord returns. Please do not buy it or even bother reading a friend�s copy; why should you take away time from your personal meditation in Scripture, the only true source of revelation?

(226) Muslim Cleric Invited to Pray over Fallen SEALs Damns Them to Hell During Service at The Berean Call, 5/20/13
TBC: The Muslim cleric's remarks during the memorial service were in Arabic. The families of the dead men obtained a translation of the cleric's remarks.] This is what the imam was quoting: "Not equal are the companions of the Fire and the companions of Paradise. The companions of Paradise - they are the attainers [of success]. If We had sent down this Qur'an upon a mountain, you would have seen it humbled and coming apart from fear of Allah. And these examples We present to the people that perhaps they will give thought." -- Qur'an 59:20-21

(227) 20 Completely Ridiculous College Courses Being Offered At U.S. Universities by Michael Snyder, June 5th, 2013
Would you like to know what America's young people are actually learning while they are away at college?  It isn't pretty.  Yes, there are some very highly technical fields where students are being taught some very important skills, but for the most part U.S. college students are learning very little that they will actually use out in the real world when they graduate.  Some of the college courses listed below are funny, others are truly bizarre, others are just plain outrageous, but all of them are a waste of money. 

(228) The Rise of Endtime Occultism by Herescope, 6/13/13
Many evangelicals now believe that God sent Noah�s Flood to stop the Nephilim corruption of human DNA. From the plain truth of Scripture it is very evident that the �wickedness of man� was very great on the face of the earth before the Flood ... ReadPart 1, Part 2, Part 3 & Part 4.

(229) England's "Christianity-centered" Pagan Church by The Berean Call, 6/26/13
The mother church of the worldwide Anglican Communion is seeking to create new forms of Anglicanism with which people of alternative beliefs should feel comfortable, according to The Telegraph.

(230) What does Islam and the Quran say about Jesus? by Matt Slick, CARM, 7/6/13
Following is a chart that lists the verses in the Quran that teach about Jesus.

(231) Exposing Christian Palestinianism - DVD by Caryl Productions, 7/11/13
A biblical perspective on the relationship between Israel, the church, and the Arab world. Some 2500 years ago, the Hebrew prophet Zechariah foretold, "Jerusalem will be a burdensome stone for all people: and, all the people of the earth shall be gathered together against it" (Zechariah:12:2-3). End time biblical prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes as the promised ingathering of a dispersed and diverse cross-section of Jews, including secular, atheist, agnostic, and Jewish believers in Jesus Christ, are returning, from all over the world, to their biblically covenanted homeland of Israel. Controversy about the existence of the nation of Israel is intensifying not only amongst the Arab world but within Christianity also. A political-religious campaign is gaining worldwide acceptance as church leaders, denominations, charities, missions, and humanitarian groups are uniting with Muslims and other world religions against Israel. Caryl Matrisciana narrates this informative three-part documentary featuring Dave Hunt and Paul Wilkinson. Each powerful program is approximately 35 minutes in length and features fast-moving, graphic footage that exposes the rising tide of apostasy gripping today's church regarding modern Israel.

(232) Christianity vs. Psychology (MP3) Host: Vic Eliason Guest: Dr. Ed Bulkley July 19, 2013
Ed Bulkley is the founding pastor of Life Fellowship in Westminster, Colorado.  He is also the President of the International Association of Biblical Counselors.  He is the author of 3 books including, �Why Christian�s Can�t Trust Psychology�, �Only God Can Heal a Wounded Heart�, and �How Big is Your God?�  He speaks extensively on Biblical counseling.  For several years he hosted, �Return to the Word� a program addressing Biblical counseling issues. Dr. Bulkley began by explaining that our world has moved away from Christ and is relying on the philosophies of this world as Paul describes in Colossians 2:8. Since people are moving away from the simple truth that God�s word is more than enough to deal with any life issue when we obey him, many adults are on anti-depressants or anti-psychotics.  Children as well are on drugs for maladies like Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.  In fact, Vic noted that 90% of school shootings are linked to medications yet as Dr. Bulkley noted earlier in the discussion, drugs often anesthetize the conscience and the mind itself. Sanity comes from obeying the Lord.  Unfortunately the world has things turned around and is communicating today that religious practice can be a sign of deeper mental health issues.  Find out why that�s false and discover why God�s word is mankind�s only true solution to issues of the heart when you review this edition of Crosstalk.

(233) Why millions of Muslims are seeing apparitions of the Mother Mary at Understamd The Times, 7/24/13
Comment from Understand The Times: One of the great signs that we are in the Last Days will be when Muslims embrace false appearances of a woman believed to be the mother of Jesus that will bring about peace and unity. As mentioned in the article below this happened at Zeitun, Egypt in 1968. One of the common denominators between Roman Catholics and Muslims is their reverence for "Mary." Current problems in Egypt may well bring about another round of apparitions, or as described in biblical terms, "lying signs and wonders" that will occur in a time of great deception. 

(234) Former Archbishop Desmond Tutu Says He Would Choose Hell Over 'Homophobic' Heaven at Understand The Times, 7/31/13
Speaking recently at the United Nation's launch of its "Free & Equal" campaign to promote fair treatment of LGBT persons, former archbishop and South African anti-apartheid activist Desmond Tutu declared that the issue was so close to his heart that he "would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven" and instead choose "the other place."  The 1984 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former head of the South African Anglican Church and South African Council of Churches made the remarks last Friday, July 26, during the press event in his home country, where same-sex marriage is legal but where views remain antagonistic toward homosexuals.

(235) When Popular Music Becomes Obscene & Immoral excerpts from How to Protect your Child from New Age and Spiritual Deception by Crossroad, 8/5/13
May God enable us to train our children and grandchildren to take a stand and reject the world's corruptions and follow His way!

(236) Updated!An Evaluation of Muslim Dreams & Visions of Isa (Jesus) by Dennis McBride, Think On These Things, June/July 2013, Volume 19, Issue 3 - Read Part 1 & Part 2
Much confusion surrounds the numerous stories coming from Islamic people concerning their dreams and visions leading to conversions. �Think on These Things� published an article by Richard Fisher in 2008 entitled �Don�t You Believe It.� The next two issues will be composed of an article written by Pastor Dennis McBride. I believe Pastor McBride has done an excellent and thorough job of analyzing these experiences in the light of Scripture. 

(237) Muslims Angry over Virtual "Third Temple" at The Berean Call, 9/6/13
A website with a simulation of a Third Temple has been met with an angry backlash from the Arab and Muslim world.

(238) America's Bible Hypocrisy: Study Shows Disconnect Between Beliefs and Behavior at Understand The Times, 9/10/13
The American Bible Society's annual "State of the Bible" study shows most Americans believe society needs the Bible, but few are finding time to read it.  A majority of people in the United States believe the Bible contains the best advice for a meaningful life, but they also don't want to take it, and are too busy to read the scriptures.

(239) Four Books That the Enemy Has Used To Corrupt Christianity by Sandy Simpson, 9/9/13
Four men changed the world into their postmodern, communist, evolutionist, materialist, Narcissistic concept of reality.  There are also four books that have corrupted Christianity worldwide. 

(240) The New Age and the World of Occultism - Exposing the Philosophy, the Lies, and the Dangers by Chris Lawson, Spiritual Research Network, 9/24/13
The New Age Movement (NAM) is based on a belief system that is essentially a Western hybridization of pantheistic and pan-en-theistic Eastern occult philosophy and practices. The New Age movement encompasses countless thousands of autonomous (and sometimes contradictory) beliefs, organizations, and events. �New Age� beliefs also incorporate practices from 19th century Western occultism including teachings from �channeled spirits� or �universal energy� [in actuality they are fallen angels which the Bible refers to a lying spirits, or, demons]. The term �New Age� is also used by many to describe organizations, teachers and teachings, which exhibit at least one or more of the following beliefs:  �(1) All is one, all reality is part of the whole; (2) Everything is God and God is everything; (3) Man is God or a part of God; (4) Man never dies, but continues to live through reincarnation; (5) Man can create his own reality and/or values through transformed consciousness or altered states of consciousness.�

(241) Chuck Smith, 86, Dies After Cancer Battle by G. Jeffrey MacDonald, Christianity Today, 10/3/13
Chuck Smith, the evangelical pastor whose outreach to hippies in the 1960s helped transform worship styles in American Christianity and fueled the rise of the Calvary Chapel movement, died Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013, after a battle with lung cancer. He was 86.

(242) Statement By Pastor Bill Randles Regarding The Charge That Jacob Prasch Is A Gnostic by Bill Randles, 10/4/13
I want to go on record as saying that I do not regard Jacob Prasch, our brother and gifted teacher as a gnostic. Neither do I see Midrash as anything but a biblical hermaneutical tool. ... I urge all involved to prayerfully work out any differences in the spirit of Christ with forbearance, humility and love. - Pas Bill Randles

(243) How the Mighty Have Fallen by James Jacob Prasch, 10/17/13
John MacArthur now teaches: �Those accepting the mark of the beast and worship the anti Christ can still be saved. Supported by Jimmy DeYoung, this is the exact teaching of John MacArthur on the clip below.

(244) Jesus-denial, Bible denial and other dangerous 'denialisms' of global anti-Semitism by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Fox News, 10/27/13
Holocaust denial is widely known and widely understood to be a form of anti-Semitism and a tool to delegitimize Israel. Anti-Semites do not want Jews to be recognized as victims because sympathy for Jews impedes spreading hatred of them. Anti-Semites also see the Holocaust as legitimizing the notion that Jews, like other peoples, need their own country with the political and military means to defend themselves. All right thinking people condemn Holocaust denial, which is not just a fringe belief but is extremely widespread especially in the Middle East, no less than they would condemn a movement that denied that American slavery existed � should anything so nutty ever come to be. Yet Holocaust denial is but one of the many kinds of widespread anti-Semitic denialisms that exist and powerfully grip peoples especially in the Middle East, but also in Europe, and even in the United States. 

(245) If I Were The Devil by Paul Harvey, 1964
If I were the Prince of Darkness I would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree. So I should set about however necessary, to take over the United States.

(246) Calvary Chapel Concerns & Greg Laurie Endorses Steve Berger's 'Have Heart' (Listening to the dead?) Michael-Anthony Rene Chavez & Sergio Martinez of SAID Radio Interview Chris Lawson, reposted 11/3/13 
Listen to this podcast

(247) "Are We Fundamentalists?" by Dr. Peter Masters, 11/17/13 
THERE ARE NOW TWO KINDS OF EVANGELICAL.... The old is the authentic, biblical position.  The new is far off the track, not in its basic view of salvation, but in its readiness to compromise with doctrinal error and worldly ways. The new is selling the faith for earthly respect and recognition... and churches are being ruined.

(248) The Secret of Biblical Self-Improvement by T.A. McMahon, The Berean Call, 12/2/13 
The popularity of self-improvement, or self-help, books throughout the history of publishing is rather amazing. The reasons given for the wide acceptance of such books, historically, and especially in our day, are many, but they all boil down to man�s desire to improve his condition or situation, whether financially, socially, educationally, physically, psychologically, spiritually, or �all of the above.� Although the goals are improvement and the bettering of one�s circumstance, the primary method and motivation is by self and for self : how can I improve me? Read Part 1 and Part 2

(249) Lighthouse Trails 2013 Year in Review�PART 5 � Top 7 Articles in 2013 By Out-of-House Like-Minded Writers by Lighthouse Trails, 12/28/13 
The following are the Top 7 Articles By Out-of-House Like-Minded Writers that Lighthouse Trails posted in 2013. These were also used in our Lighthouse Trails Research Journal in 2013.
1) Four Men and Four Books That the Enemy Has Used To Corrupt Christianity  (Sandy Simpson � Deception in the Church)
2) Circling the Wagons (Orrel Steinkamp)
3) What would Jesus think (WWJT) about �the shift� to christ-consciousness?  (Larry DeBruyn � Guarding His Flock Ministries)
4) The Final Accommodation � The Mark . . . Revelation 14  (Bill Randles � Believers in Grace)
5) No Peace � No Messiah  (Tony Pearce � Light For the Last Days Ministry)
6) A Doctor�s Plea for His Hometown � �Why are the pulpits silent?� (Tom Baker, M.D.)
7) �Propaganda Wins� on Israel  (Jim Fletcher)

(250) Calvary Chapel Bookstore on Jesus Calling: Hush!! It�s Controversial � We Keep it in the Back Room by Lighthouse Trails, 1/11/14 
Yesterday, we verified that the Calvary Chapel store is still selling the book from the back room. A woman who is an acquaintance of Warren Smith and had heard from Warren about the �back room� copies has given us permission to relay this to our readers. She entered the store, searched for Jesus Calling in the devotional section, and when not finding it, she approached a store clerk and asked if the store was carrying Jesus Calling. The clerk told her it was being kept in a back room. The clerk then disappeared and returned a few moments later with a copy. The woman purchased the book and left (she�ll be using it for research purposes).

(251) Silken Traps at The Berean Call, 1/20/14 
�Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise� (Deuteronomy:12:30)

(252) �I Am Sorry You Were Offended� and Other Insincere Apologies by C. W. Booth, 1/25/14
When Adam took a bite from the fruit, following Eve into sin, he "apologized" to God by shifting the blame. He said something like, "Lord, this woman that You created and that You put here in this garden with me, she gave me the fruit, so I am sorry if You were offended" (see: Genesis 3:12). Sorrow and grief-driven sincere apologies always actively acknowledge that the sinner is the one making the apology. By active, I mean the sinner says, "I did this specific sin, and now I am sorry; please forgive me." Those words, "I did this" make all the difference. They say, "I actively committed this sin. I am culpable. With my own head, heart, and hands I have done this thing." By contrast, an insincere apology, a blame shifting approach, is the passive wording. It is generally characterized by the subtle implication that you are in the wrong for being the victim. "I am sorry if you were offended." Here the key words are "if" and "you were offended." Nothing is admitted by the sinner. In fact, his only sorrow is that he got caught because you took offense, and if you had not taken offense, there would be nothing for which to apologize. So it is all your fault, you easily offended person, you.

(253) A Word to Calvary Chapels (Video) by Jaocb Prasch, 1/28/14 

(254) What is Now on the Horizon in a Church World Without David Wilkerson, Dave Hunt, and Chuck Smith by Jacob Prasch, 1/28/14 
Collapse of the mega churches and beyond - In 2008, several months before the sub prime crisis, I publicly shared a teaching called �Everything That Can Be Shaken� which was promptly filmed and recorded in the USA ,and UK and placed in the public domain. I, of course, make no claim to being a prophet and I regard those who do make such claims concerning themselves to be are either false ones or just plain religious crackpots. I was not the only person to issue such a predictive warning and was probably not the first. I was just one voice among various others that I am now aware of (but was not at the time) who believed the Lord was warning us that a financial crash was coming that would impact the church, including major supposedly Evangelical churches.

(255) Ravi Zacharias Asks Faiths to Oppose 'Lost Morality' Together by The Berean Call, 1/29/14 
TBC: Mormonism has never changed its unbiblical �gospel.� Consequently, there is no �true brotherhood and sisterhood� between Mormonism and true Bible believers. �Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?� (2 Corinthians:6:14-15 �Shared love for the Lord Jesus Christ�? That would only be viable if the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the biblical Jesus were one and the same. No, the former is the spiritual brother of Lucifer, i.e., Satan, according to Mormon doctrine. Zacharias, rather than looking to Mormons for �moral� help, needs to obey the Scriptures: II John:1:9-10 "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed".

(256) From First to Last by Larry DeBruyn, 2/3/14 
In the aftermath of reflecting upon this incident, I thought to myself, �How I felt after the checker�s apology to me must somewhat mirror how God feels about us when we apologize to Him for not giving Him first place in the line of our lives. Now I know, my experience that evening was not exactly analogous to the Lord�s feelings about us. For example, He doesn�t offend or get impatient with us. He�s longsuffering. But how often do we serve ourselves and others before before Him in the business of life? Then there comes that clarifying moment when suddenly we realize the error that we�ve ignored serving Him first. So we tell Him we�re sorry. Does His heart melt toward us as mine did toward the checkout person that evening? I believe so, for that is God�s character. All He�s looking for from us is an acknowledgement on our part that we have offended Him, and when the repentance comes, that�s it! It�s over. His heart delights in our response of admitting we erred by ignoring Him, but now desire to serve Him first and others second (Matthew 22:37-40). Toward such repentant hearts, Micah tells us that the Lord does not retain �his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy� (Micah 7:18b, KJV).

(257) Creating Straw Men from Cognitive Dissonance by Crosswise, 2/4/14 
This article will address two separate yet sometimes related phenomena witnessed in various online exchanges (and elsewhere), namely the straw man fallacy and cognitive dissonance.  I�ll explain them one at a time, and then I shall illustrate how the two are at times combined.

(258) Esoteric Evolution � An Overview by Sarah H. Leslie, 2/27/14 
This is an abstract of a thesis. This abstract provides an overview of evolution as a cosmological and metaphysical paradigm that seamlessly unites science with spirituality in a manner that corrupts the truth. Evolution is more than an alternative to the creation story. Evolution is not just a scientific concept; it is a spiritual worldview. This paper is not by any means complete, nor exhaustive. This is simply a broad overview of the topic of spiritual evolution, particularly its mysticism and esoteric applications to postmodern life in both the culture at large and also the church.

(259) Trends of our day - Body Piercing and Tattoos by Mike Oppenheimer, 2/27/14 
This is a difficult subject to write on, and I have pondered this for a number of years. But I have found it to be necessary to write on it now because of what is taking place. I have noticed people having more and more tattoos. It has become very �in,� to have body Piercing and Tattoos.  The popularity of Tattoo and body piercing has increased tremendously. A 2006 survey taken by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology an estimated 36% of Americans aged 18-29 now have tattoos.  A Harris Interactive poll conducted in January 2008 concluded that 14% of all adults in the United States have a tattoo, with the highest incidence (25%) found among gays, lesbians and bisexuals. This article I would like to address both of these subjects, starting with body piercing. 

(260) Why is the Millennial Generation Not Receptive to the Christian Faith? by Gary F. Zeolla, 3/2/14 
The Christian Church has a lot of work to do to become relevant to the Millennial Generation. But it can be done. Deviating from the Bible's teachings to accommodate the modern world's viewpoints is one path, but I think it would be a misguided one. A watered down Christianity is no Christianity at all. Christians need to remain faithful to the Bible and all of its teachings. But we need to be prepared to reach out to those with contrary views with knowledge and compassion, not in a judgmental or self-righteous way. As Peter put it, "But sanctify [the] Lord God in your* hearts, and always [be] prepared with a defense to every[one] asking you* an account concerning the hope [or, confident expectation] in you*, with gentleness [or, considerateness] and respect" (1Peter 3:15)

(261) A culture of counterfeit Christians by Marsha West, 3/3/14 
Have you ever run over a dead skunk in the road? I have, during a heat wave. The smell got into my tires and permeated our garage for days! I'll go out on a limb and say that no one takes pleasure in the highly offensive smell of skunk spray, dead or alive. My point in telling you this is that to God the stench of sin is much worse than skunk. For an example of just how much the Lord hates sin, grab a cup of coffee and read First and Second Kings.

(262) My Church Journey- 30 Years of Lies at Truth Watch NZ, 3/21/14 
As our name suggests Truth Watch recognises a cardinal truth: Christians must at all times adhere to and follow what is biblically and therefore theologically true. This chronicle of one Christian�s experience in the contemporary Church underlines our assertion that the western Church has slipped away from the truth in all sorts of areas. The experience outlined here describes what happens when a person stands up for biblical inerrancy and truth in today�s Church. At first they are tolerated with some measure of grace. Over time that grace turns into disdain and then outright hostility and ostracism. The love for truth and one�s brother in Christ soon gives way to intolerance and graceless-ness. Anyone blessed with the gift of discernment, prophecy and a love for responsible biblical exegesis in todays �consumer church� is not welcome � see our article on �therapeutic Christians�.

(263) A Frank Exposure Of Freemasonry at Spiritual Research Network, March 2014 Newsletter 
A philanthropic organization? A "syncretistic" Interfaith spirituality? A brotherhood based on esoteric ceremonies, Secretism and occult oaths? Indeed, Freemasonry is all these things and much more, and their influence is most likely in your very own community!

(264) Church Of Wells by Matt Slick, CARM, 4/6/14 
The Church of Wells has been under a great deal of scrutiny nationally, even though it is a very small church in a very small town located in Wells, Texas, a city of fewer than 800 people.1  The Church is very tight nit, and exclusivistic. This makes sense since they teach that they are the only true church. Usually, when this kind of belief is held other beliefs are adopted such as 1) us against them, 2) a sense of being persecuted for their faith, 3) isolation, etc.  These kinds of things are apparently in the group. But these do not automatically make them a cult. Instead, we must be careful not to make harsh and quick judgments based on one or two points. Instead, it is the overall behavior of how the church (and its doctrinal teachings) that define a cult.

(265) The Church in Crisis! � Liberty University Hires Open Homosexual Advocate to Choreograph �Mary Poppins� Production by Heather Clark, 4/10/14 
LYNCHBURG, Va. � Liberty University, which is considered the world�s largest Christian university and whose motto is �training champions for Christ,� has hired an open homosexual advocate to choreograph its upcoming Broadway-style presentation of Mary Poppins.

(266) Deception: Christian Publisher Sells Soul for Mammon by The Berean Call, 4/18/14 
WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group is planning to release, through its liberal sister imprint Convergent Books, a manuscript paradoxically titled God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships.

(267) Liberty University fines students for not listening to cultist Glenn Beck by Pajama Pages, 4/30/14 
Liberty University invited Mormon Glenn Beck to preach to its students at its compulsory convocation last week, handing out $10 fines to residential students who didn�t have a suitable excuse for not attending. The Beck sermon continues a worrying trend that signals Liberty�s rapid retreat from Christian orthodoxy to an unapologetic embrace of false religions and heretics, starting with self-proclaimed messiah Rev. Moon in the 1990s, to Benny Hinn and the Mormon church today. Though it still markets itself as a Christian university, its definition as to what passes as Christian is not one shared by most of the churches that send their young people there for an education.

(268) Bill Gothard Resigns from Institute in Basic Life Principles Under Allegations of Sexual Abuse (And How to Spot the Signs of a Sexual Predator)by Lighthouse Trails, 5/13/14 
On March 7th, Bill Gothard, the founder and president of the Institute in Basic Life Principles resigned from his position in the organization after allegations from over thirty women were made public that Gothard sexually harassed, and in one case out right sexually abused, these women while they were teens or young women. 

(269) Pat Robertson: After the asteroid hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs�by My Word Like Fire, 5/15/14 
Pat Robertson believes that �after the asteroid hit and wiped out the dinosaurs� � �there was a particular human being that God touched and that was the human that started the race that we are now part of�� Here is the full quote: ��there was a point of time after the earth was created after these things were done, after the universe was formed, after the asteroid hit the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs, after all that, there was a point in time where there was a particular human being that God touched and that was the human that started the race that we are now part of and I think prior to that who knows what was here.� (start at 2:12 in video) �You�d have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to think that this earth that we live in only has 6000 years of existence. It just doesn�t.� (at 41 second mark in video) Ken Ham responded to Pat Robertson here: READ

(270) The End of Evangelical Support for Israel? The Jewish State�s International Standing at Lighthouse Trails, 5/29/14 
We have posted the article below to show that a paradigm shift is taking place within evangelical Christianity that will result in further apostasy among proclaiming Christians. When you couple the move toward anti-Israelism within the evangelical church with the flood of homosexual acceptance,  the overwhelming embracing of mysticism (i.e.,  contemplative) and welcoming of Catholicism, and a growing hostility toward biblical Christians, it becomes plain to see that the stage is being set to form a one-world harlot �church� of which the Bible speaks.

(271) World Vision Crys �Reform� � But What About Israel and the Emerging Church � The Story Behind the Story at Lighthouse Trails, 6/28/14 
So while World Vision is crying �reform� right now, and most likely this will be the story that the media, both secular and Christian, will pick up and run with, the real story behind the scene is that World Vision is part of the �new� spirituality/New Age �Christianity� that will help usher in the greatest deception this world has ever seen. And countless Christians� tax-deductible dollars will help finance it.

(272) Christ at the Checkpoint: The Dangers of Deception at The Berean Call, 6/30/14 
As for Fulfillment Theology it teaches that all the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant are fulfilled in the person and ministry of Jesus. For those subscribing to this nonsense, this includes the promise to Israel of the land of Canaan. The subsequent result of this teaching is that once again Israel�s present day restoration enjoys no biblical significance and that those, like Christian Zionists, who do happen to see biblical significance in Israel�s rebirth as a nation are deluded, in error and constitute an obstacle to peace.

(273) Kay Arthur With Erroneous Contemplative Interpretation Of Psalm 46:10 by Ken Silva, 7/8/14 
It�s important for you to understand that Kay Arthur is firmly within the ostensibly conservative evangelical camp. However, phrases like learning �The Art of Being Still� sound like something we�d hear from gurus of CSM we first encountered in the postmodern liberal cult of the Emergent Church, now openly operating within evangelicalism through its foolish embrace of the Emerging Church. From all of this by Kay Arthur�s PMI, we can see she�s appealing to � Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10), which is a classic verse misappropriated by instructors of CSM.

(274) California Church Disaffiliates With the Calvary Chapel Movement Over Heretical Connections by Lighthouse Trails, 7/9/14 
LTRP Note: As many of you know, Roger Oakland, of Understand the Times, International, and Chris Lawson, of Spiritual Research Network, are former Calvary Chapel pastors/teachers, who both left the movement when their warnings about the infiltration of serious false teachings fell on deaf ears for several years and when they felt they could no longer, in good conscience, remain associated with the movement. Last week, Lighthouse Trails was informed of another Calvary Chapel pastor, Steve Shively of Refuge Church in Atascadero, California, who has made the decision (along with his church elders) to disaffiliate from the Calvary Chapel movement. The following letter was sent to the Calvary Chapel Association on June 29th, 2014. We are posting it with permission.

(275) Roman Catholic Bishop Prays at Franklin Graham's Event by Galatians 4, 8/21/14 
Franklin Graham is following in his Catholic church loving father's footsteps. The bishop's name is David Zubik.

(276) Christian Musician Gungor Says Jesus Could Have Been Wrong About Creation Story or Lied About It; Calls Genesis 1 a 'Poem' by Christian Post, 9/3/14 
Award-winning Christian musician Michael Gungor of the musical collective Gungor, who recently rattled the Christian world when he argued that the Bible should not be read literally, took his arguments a little further last month when he said Jesus could have been wrong about the creation story, or might have lied about it to fit in with popular culture.

(277) How old is human DNA? at The Berean Call, 9/5/14 
Human mitochondrial DNA mutates at a known rate. Based on this known rate, the human genome is very young � much younger than evolutionary theory says it should be. It is only thousands of years old.

(278) The latest threat to Evangelical support for Israel at the Berean Call, 9/6/14 
Targeting young Evangelicals at top Christian universities has also been an extremely effective tool in the hands of those seeking to erode Evangelical support for Israel.  Read Part 1 & Part 2

(279) Gaza - The End Of Israel? by Al Dagar, Media Spotlight, Vol. 34-1, 9/10/14 
THE FIRESTORM THAT is Gaza continues to blaze out of control. In spite of the best efforts of politicians outside the  conflict  zone  known  as  Palestine,  peace  is  not  a viable option for either side despite the cease fires. The mass media fan the flames with biased reporting that champions the cause of either Israel or the Palestinian people (far more often the Palestinians), while the average world citizen remains ignorant of the true spiritual cause of the warfare that will never abate until either Israel is driven into the Mediterranean Sea as promised by her Islamic enemies, or the Lord returns to deliver the nation as He has promised in His Word.

(280) Blood Moons For The Second Time Proven To Be A Baseless Hoax - The Boy Cries Wolf Yet Again by James Jacob Prasch. 10/12/14 
I happened to be in Israel for Sukkoth, the second of the supposedly festal Blood Moons concocted  by Mark Blitz, whom given his abysmal track record - many now can only consider to be a religious con artist out to sell books about the 'Blood Moon'  hoax that he invented.

(281) Be Watchful! by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) 
�We die daily,� said the apostle. This was the life of the early Christians; they went everywhere with their lives in their hands. [Most of us are not yet] called to pass through the same fearful persecutions. But if we were, the Lord would give us grace to bear the test. The tests of Christian life, at the present moment, though outwardly not so terrible, are yet more likely to overcome us than even those of the fiery age. 

(282) "Addressing the 'Positive Gospel' of the Metaphysical Movement" (an article from the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1988, page 7) by Dean C. Halverson. 
Before we can accept Jesus Christ as our Savior we must first acknowledge our need to be saved. When we do so, we are saying that we have become aware of our enslaving sinful nature, of the alienation that our sin has caused in our relationship with God, of God's impending wrath on that sin, and of our total inability to save ourselves. Try telling someone in the Metaphysical movement (Religious Science, Unity, "A Course in Miracles," etc.) about the wages of sin, though, and they will look at you as though you are an anachronism -- a throwback to a less-enlightened age. The ideas of an enslaving sinful nature, of being alienated from God, and of God's wrath are, to them, extremely offensive. 

(283) My brother's succession plan for Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa (Video)by Paul Smith, 10/20/14 
As Pastor Chuck Smith's brother I wanted to share with you some of the events that occurred and I personally witnessed. Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement. 

(284) Rowan Williams: How Buddhism Helps Me Pray [Excerpts] at The Berean Call, 10/27/14 
The former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Williams has disclosed that he spends up to 40 minutes a day squatting and repeating an Eastern Orthodox prayer while performing breathing exercises as part of a routine influenced by Buddhism.

(286) Mark Driscoll Kicked Out Of His Own Organization by Sandy Simpson, 8/18/14 
Driscoll was kicked out of the Acts 29 Network church planting group, his own organization, for his �ungodly behavior�.  �Seattle megachurch pastor Mark Driscoll has been removed from a church-planting network of more than 500 churches he helped found after a pattern of �ungodly and disqualifying behavior.� (Religion News Service, by Sarah Pulliam Balley, Huffington Post, 8/9/14)  His behavior is not the only problem with this guy.  Check out his false teachings and behavior over the years.

(287) Seattle megachurch dissolves after founder Mark Driscoll resigns at Understand The Times, 11/3/14 
Two weeks after lead Mars Hill Church pastor Mark Driscoll resigned amid questions about his leadership, the Seattle megachurch he founded announced Friday it was dissolving its network of branches across four states. The church said on its website that the best future for its branches would be for them to becoming "autonomous self-governed entities." "This means that each of our locations has an opportunity to become a new church, rooted in the best of what Mars Hill has been in the past, and independently led and run by its own local elder teams," Pastor Dave Bruskas wrote on the church's website. The existing Mars Hill Church organization will be dissolved. The megachurch's controversial founder resigned as elder and lead pastor on Oct. 14, following an investigation into formal charges brought against him.

(288) Calvary Chapel Alert For Pastors and Church Leaders - Documenting the Progression of Compromise and Ecumenical Relations by Chris Lawson, 11/5/14 
The previous introductory statement that was posted here was rewritten for publication as an article. There are numerous sources online now that are reporting on the imbalanced Calvary Chapel leadership issues as well as the growing ecumenical compromises. Many Calvary Chapel pastors as well as the Calvary Chapel Association Leadership Council (formerly CCOF Ministry, Inc.) are aware of many of the growing problems, but little is being done to publicly expose and correct them.

(289) Christians Losing Everything to Islam? at the Berean Call, 11/27/14 
�Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ � ( Philippians 3:8). When Paul wrote the above in his letter to the Christians of Philippi, he and the early church were being persecuted (Paul was eventually executed in Rome).  While today�s Western Christians still quote his words in the context of their daily struggles, an increasing number of Christians around the world, especially the Muslim world, are still literally losing absolutely everything for their faith.  (ACT Note: Be preparded, for the story of this Christian will become all too common when Islam takes over the world.) 

(299) Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's Chapel Store Compromised Again - Wanderlust Productions' HOLY GHOST film documentary pulled two days after it makes it onto the Chapel Store 'New Arrivals' shelf by Chris Lawson, November 5, 2014 
Praise the Lord!  Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's Chapel Store did the right thing - they pulled the Wanderlust Productions HOLY GHOST film documentary from the bookstore shelf, and they are no longer selling it. How do I know? I just got off the telephone (Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 11:51AM) with a Chapel Store employee. The Chapel Store employee kindly informed me that the movie was recently removed, two days after it was put on the shelf. Apparently the church overseers dealt with this one quickly, which is good! I appreciate the fact that the Chapel Store employee talked to me about this, and I am happy to see that a couple people have proactively dealt with this issue at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. Although the movie was pulled from the bookstore shelf, one wonders how and why it got there in the first place. Perhaps it was just a simple oversight. Or, perhaps it was just another blatant compromise. This not the first occurrence of this sort of thing happening at the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Chapel Store. Related articles can be found on the Internet, other documentation can be found at the bottom of this article, and I wrote about this sort of compromise in numerous Calvary Chapel's back in May of 2014. See my article here, Calvary Chapel Bookstores - Beyond Accountability?

(300) Self: Mankind's Number One Problem by T.A. McMahon, 3/4/15 
Views about �self� today are confusing at least. The world has a number of them. All teach the importance of one�s having a positive regard for one�s self. The Bible, on the other hand, has nothing good to say about self. Nevertheless, the church, particularly in the last one hundred years, has increasingly reflected what the world preaches rather than what the Scriptures teach. As Dave Hunt reminds us, �Although we cannot define self any more than we can define soul or being or beauty, we can clearly see where self was first manifested, how it happened, and the eternal result. We can also see that self not only defines one person as distinct from all others, but it also defines man as distinct from God. What the Bible seems to mean by self is man cut off from God, acting and possessing independently� (Hunt, Beyond Seduction [Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers] 153).

(301) Spiritual Warfare Part 6 - The Misguided Aims of the Counterfeit "Church"by Berit Kjos - January, 2012 
Almost two millennia ago, Jesus called His Church to follow Him, treasure His Word and spread His gospel. Countless thousands did. By faith, they faced torture and persecution, hatred and death. Yet they rejoiced, for they knew they were sharing the life and suffering of Jesus!  His eternal Kingdom was far more precious to them than any earthly treasure.

(302) Ex-Mars Hill pastor Mark Driscoll returns to evangelical orbit by Joel Connelly, 3/14/15 
Controversial ex-Mars Hill Church senior pastor Mark Driscoll will resurface at Hillsong 2015, two summer conferences in Sydney, Australia and London sponsored by an Australian-based, multi-city mega church. Joined by his wife, Grace, Driscoll will not be in the pulpit but in the interview chair before an audience expected to number in the thousands. Brian Houston, Hillsong Church senior pastor, delivered a statement Thursday night to Warren Throckmorton, a Pennsylvania college professor who followed Mars Hill�s 2014 meltdown for the Patheos website.  Said Houston: �Well in advance of his resignation as senior pastor at Seattle-based Mars Hill Church, we invited Mark Driscoll to be one of our speakers this summer. �Rather than having Mark preach or teach, I am excited about interviewing Mark and Grace from our main platform during our Hillsong Conference 2015.

(303) Beyond Seduction - Does a Positive Self-Image Make You a Better Person? by Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon, 3/21/15 
Our topic for discussion in this segment of our program is, and has been for the last few weeks, what the Bible has to say about self in contrast to teachings about self promoted in the world, and, to a large degree, in professing Christianity. Self is the solution to all humanity�s problems according to the so-called wisdom of psychology. It is the key to fulfilling human potential - that without a good self-image or loving one�s self adequately, humans will never improve their status or situation in life. On the other hand, the Bible says that self is mankind�s problem, and gives a prophetic warning about it in 2 Timothy:3:1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.,2: �This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves�.� That says it pretty clearly, doesn�t it, Dave? I think anybody could look around and see that�s where we are today. Dave: On the other hand, Tom, a person could say, �Well, haven�t human beings always been narcissistic lovers of self?� So, yes, that is true, but today it�s gone beyond that. It�s no longer looked upon as wrong, but it�s a virtue. 

(304) Letter to the Editor: David Jeremiah Brings Roma Downey and Mark Burnett to Shadow Mountain Community Church at Lighthouse Trails, 3/24/15 
A Lighthouse Trails reader who is on David Jeremiah�s mailing list received the following e-mail notice from David Jeremiah. The appearance took place earlier this month. Please read our new Booklet Tract/article by Gregory Reid, �Confused by an Angel: The Dilemma of Roma Downey�s New Age Beliefs.�

(305) Number of Americans Who Say They Have No Religion Hits Record High, Survey Findsat Understand The Times, 3/26/15 
New data analysis on the 2014 General Social Survey conducted by NORC and the University of Chicago has found that although Americans are abandoning specific religions at record high numbers, the rate of those who said they believe in God has remained steady. The Associated Press identified it as one of the major findings of the survey, which asked a number of wide-ranging questions of the American public. The data found that back in 1972, only 5 percent of respondents said that they have no religion, but by 2014, 21 percent said the same, which is a record high. 

(306) 1 in 4 Americans Don't Believe in God; Lack of Trust in Local Churches Cited as a Reason Why Adults Are Leaving the Faith at Understand The Times, 3/28/15 
Barna Group has released its 2015 study on the state of atheism in America, and has revealed that one in four unchurched adults in the country now identify as atheists or agnostics. The study also found that rejection of the Bible and lack of trust in the church are two main reasons why people are turning away from faith. The study was focused on those who have not attended church within the past six months, and found that the majority of such people identify as non-practicing Christians. One in four, or 25 percent, however, were classed as skeptics, which Barna defines as people who "either do not believe God exists (atheists) or are not sure God exists, but are open to the possibility (agnostics)." Of that number, nearly one-third said that they have never attended a Christian church service in their lives. Barna found that the three main reasons people decide not to believe in God stem from rejection of the Bible; lack of trust in the local church; and the "cultural reinforcement of a secular worldview."

(308) Most Americans now say Jesus actually a sinner at Understand The Times, 4/8/15 
Despite more than nine out of 10 Americans agreeing Jesus was a historical figure, what they believe about Him diverges widely, according to a newly released survey from the Barna Research Group, a nonprofit organization that has been analyzing cultural trends related to religious belief since 1984.

(309) Report: Christianity Most Persecuted Faith Worldwide at Crossroad, 4/10/15 
Christians continue to be the most persecuted faith, though the gap has dropped over time. In 2007 Christians were penalized or harassed in various ways in 107 countries. That peaked at 111 in 2010, dropped and then rose again to 110 in 2012, and dropped to 102 in 2013. Muslims were mistreated in the second most number of countries. They were at 96 in 2007, peaked at 109 in 2012, and dropped to 99 in 2013. Jews suffered in 51 nations in 2007 and have steadily increased, with a large jump from 71 in 2012 to 77 in 2013. Persecution of others stood at 38 in 2013; Buddhists were at 12 and Hindus at 9. The second group facing persecution in more countries in 2013 than 2012 was folk religions, rising from 26 to 34. What makes Jewish persecution numbers so striking and frightening is that Jews make up just .2 percent of the world�s population.

(310) "Positive Psychology" and the Army at The Berean Call, 4/23/15 
Army morale low despite 6-year, $287M optimism program [Excerpts] More than half of some 770,000 soldiers are pessimistic about their future in the military and nearly as many are unhappy in their jobs, despite a six-year, $287 million campaign to make troops more optimistic and resilient, findings obtained by USA TODAY show.  [TBC: Dave Hunt noted in the November 1992 newsletter, " Psychology seeks to 'understand' how and why we think and act as we do. Such an approach would help repair an engine but not a person. We are not programmed robots.....Self had its awful birth when Adam and Eve willfully acted independently of God. That self, said Christ, must be denied (Mat:16:24-26) It is not that man must cease to exist as an individual with emotions, intellect and will. No, he willingly allows God to fulfill through him the purpose for his existence. Jesus, the perfect Man, said, 'I can of mine own self do nothing...I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me' ( Jn:5:30I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.). Only through denying self can we enter into this relationship with the Father which Christ enjoyed and begin to experience the life He has for us. May this be our passion and joy. "] 

(311) Philip Powell of Christian Wintness Ministries has gone to be with the Lord by CWM, 4/26/15 
It is with blessed Hope I write this morning, to let you know that your friend and fellow pastor, Philip Lewis Powell has escaped his tent and has met with His Saviour over on the other Shore. At 3:42am Brisbane Australia, this Lord's Day, Sunday the 26th of April 2015, the call was given and Philip answered.

(312) Unrepentant Mark Driscoll back on speaking circuit - forgives those who 'attacked' him by Warren Throckmorton, 5/6/15 
UPDATE: For video of the end of Driscoll�s talk, scroll to the bottom. Here is an account from someone who was in attendance. So far, from the accounts I have seen, it appears that Driscoll focused on how he has forgiven those who he believes wronged him.

(313) Why Impostors Love the Church by Russell Moore, 5/8/15 
Recently I read a book that kept me awake a couple of nights. It was about �Clark Rockefeller,� and the scare quotes are important. The man was neither �Clark� nor �Rockefeller.� He was a German immigrant who crafted an identity as an heir of one of America�s wealthiest dynasties. He married, fathered a child, and was involved in fraud, theft, and maybe even murder. And no one ever knew, until the very end. What made me squirm was that fact that the fake Rockefeller�s inroad to all his deception were churches and relationships, particularly with women. He would make the connections he needed in local congregations, and he would charm the women there. At the same time, he would parasitically imitate the men, watching and mirroring back to them their convictions and opinions, even the inflections of their voices. But, behind all of that, there was nothing real but a predatory appetite.

(314) Biblical versus Cultural Christianity by Berit Kjos, 5/10/15 
This chart is an attempt to answer those who judge Christians by the atrocities committed in the name of "Christianity" through the ages -- including our own times. Those wars, persecutions, and cruelties had little to do with Biblical Christianity. They had everything to do with man's greedy, power-hungry human nature which seeks its own ways rather than God's. The ungodly expressions of our human nature may change from culture to culture, but the result is usually the same: the people imagine a god that fits their new cultural wants and values, and they learn to see this distortion of Christianity as the true church. Biblical Christianity means being joined to Jesus Christ through faith in what He did for us at the cross, then allowing Him to live His life through us, so that others might know Him and see His love. (That love may include sharing His warnings as well as His promises with those in need.) The established Church, like Old Testament Israel, has always tended to drift away from its devotion to God and become just other institutions, subject to the same human impulses and painful consequences as the rest of the world. Please don�t blame human evils on a "straw-man" or a convenient cultural distortion of Christianity. Consider some of the differences between Biblical faith and today's cultural deviations.

(315) The Gospel Of Self by Roger Oakland, 5/11/15 
A brief examination of the books available in the psychology section of any local book store will confirm the fact that "self-empowerment" is being promoted as a key to the future survival of mankind. There are countless books published centering on the "self." Books on "self-awareness," "self-determination," "self-care," "self-acceptance," and of course, "self-esteem". Without a doubt we have become the "self-generation". As well, there are also numerous "human potential" workshops, seminars and weekend retreats offering individuals a personal pathway to unfoldment, peace, power and prosperity: "You can be greater than you think," or "visualize your dreams into reality," or you can "name it and claim it." Also, therapies and techniques are being popularized that will help you discover how to create personal power and positive direction for your life. In general, the gospel of "self" proclaims: "You deserve it. Don't worry about what others think. If it feels good, it�s OK."

(316) WorldNetDaily Identifies Agenda by Evangelical Leaders to Marginalize Discerning Whistleblowers by Jim Fletcher, 5/11/15 
"The Internets� have given everyone a voice today. Obviously, that�s both good and bad. Computer technology has really leveled the playing field, so the classic �writer living in his parents� basement� can have a platform, mostly, like a high-profile New York writer. . . . One gets the feeling, though, that some of the high-profile folks resent the heck out of all this. Case in point would be many of what I�d call evangelical elites in America. These are the famous celebrity pastors, ministry heads and media types who have placed the mantle of leadership on themselves (for the most part). What they detest is anyone questioning them or their methods. . . . It�s well documented that Rick Warren has a burr under his saddleback over those pesky �discernment folks� who regularly point out the easily-documented flaws in his �purpose-driven� agenda. �Pastor Rick�s� association with New Age thinkers is part of the public record (although, let�s be honest, the majority of evangelicals in the pews will never care about any of this, only that they can participate in a PDL �bible study,� eat finger foods and go home feeling good about themselves). When a researcher/writer like Warren B. Smith exposes Rick Warren�s troubling network, the (still Southern Baptist) pastor sometimes lashes out. Who can forget his almost comical split response a few years ago on Twitter, when one day he offered that one should be gracious when dealing with those who disagree with one�s viewpoint. A few days later, he urged his many followers on Twitter to �un-follow negative twits.� It would be funny if it weren�t so grotesque.

(317) Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Pastor, Brian Brodersen, Says Sometimes It�s OK to Attend a Homosexual Wedding at Lighthouse Trails, 5/31/15 
On Friday, a long-time Lighthouse Trails reader contacted our office regarding the following situation. The person who called had attended Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for several years but has not been attending for some time. According to an article titled �Can I Attend My LGBT Friend�s Wedding?� written by Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa�s senior pastor Brian Brodersen, it is sometimes OK to attend a LTGB (Lesbian, Transgender, Gay, Bisexual) wedding. He says it�s not OK to attend the wedding if the two people getting �married� proclaim to be believers in Christ, but if they don�t claim to be believers then it may be OK.

(318) Christian Booksellers� Implosion by Jim Fletcher, 6/6/15 
What was once a fine idea � the first five minutes someone had it 60 years ago � has become one of those classic scenes you want to look away from, but can�t. I�m speaking of the slow destruction of the American Christian book industry. From scandalous books offered in Christian bookstores, to the recent bankruptcy of Family Christian Stores, the whole affair reeks of mismanagement and greed.

(319) From the Synagogue To the Saviour by Doctor Max L. Rossvally (1828-1892) 
Having been frequently asked whether all the details of this story are strictly true, I take this opportunity of stating that every incident occurred exactly as related.� MLR

(320) Government Crusade Against Churches Begins With Removal Of Non-Profit Status by Ben Shapiro, 7/7/15 
In the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision mandating that states reward same-sex marriages throughout the nation, churches across the country prepare for the inevitable assault on their tax-exempt statuses.

(321) Making God�s People Trust in a Lie� by Pastor Bill Randles, 7/24/15 
It is happening all over again. In the church, as in the last days of Judah, immediately preceding the devastation of the Babylonian captivity and the destruction of the temple, Christians are  being  inoculated  to conviction and preparedness by the soothing Words of false prophets like Hananiah. 

(322) The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 11: The End of Truth by F. A. Hayek (First published in 1944) 
"The most effective way of making everybody serve the single system of ends toward which the social plan is directed is to make everybody believe in those ends. To make a totalitarian system function efficiently, it is not enough that everybody should be forced to work for the same ends. It is essential that the people should come to regard them as their own ends."[p.171]

(323) The Persecution Of Christians Is Intensifying As Anti-Christian Hatred Sweeps The Entire World at Understand The Times, 8/5/15 
There is very little that the entire world seems to agree upon, but there is one very frightening trend that is now taking hold literally all over the globe. A passionate hatred of Christianity is sweeping across the planet, and very few global leaders have been willing to step forward and speak out against this rising persecution of Christians. In many parts of the Middle East, Africa and Asia, believers are being relentlessly attacked by extremists, churches are being destroyed, and laws are being passed to try to prevent the spread of the Christian faith. In some areas, the violence has become so extreme that Christians knowingly risk their own lives just to go to church services each week. Would you risk your life to go to church? In North America and Europe, the persecution is often more subtle. Even though violent attacks are still fairly rare, Christian beliefs are being undermined by new laws, comedians and television shows regularly mock the Christian faith, and many employers will immediately mentally disqualify a potential candidate for a job if they discover that an individual is a Bible-believing Christian. Sadly, this is just the beginning. In the years ahead, those that choose to be followers of Jesus Christ will face even greater persecution than we have seen already.

(324) Humans Pretending To Be God by Roger Oakland, 8/14/15 
Scientists worldwide are creating bizarre human-animal hybrids that could wreak havoc on society. In the past ten years alone, unforgettable advances in the field of genetic modifications have left researchers and on-lookers stunned. To give a concrete example, scientists have made mice with an artificial human chromosome �in every cell of their bodies�. Such an act is being praised as a �breakthrough� which may lead to different cures for a wide scope of disease. . . University of Wisconsin researchers have had much success by transferring cells from human embryos into the brains of mice. These very cells began to grow, and in time made the mice more intelligent. While this may sound bizarre to some, the fact mankind is tinkering with life comes as no surprise to those who have read the Bible. The Bible states that God is the creator of all life. In the beginning, all life was created perfect (Genesis 1:26). The Bible also clarifies that God has an adversary�Satan�who hates God and His creation. Satan�s goal from the beginning has been to destroy or contaminate the original creation.

(325) Former Southern Baptist Church to Allow Gay and Transgender Ordination, Same-Sex Marriage by The Gospel Herald, 8/16/15 
A historic, former Southern Baptist Church has adopted a new non-discrimination policy which will allow it to perform same-sex weddings and employ openly gay and transgender individuals without telling them their lifestyles violate Biblical mandates.

(326) Archaeologists Uncover Ancient City of Gath, Home to Goliath the Giant at The Berean Call, 8/17/15 
Archaeologists in a Palestinian city in Israel have uncovered the ruins of a city that was once home to Goliath the giant. The archaeologists have unearthed a huge gate and a fortified wall in the modern-day city of Tell es-Safi. They believe the gate and wall to be part of "the lower city of Gath,� a Philistine metropolis of the ancient world, according to Christian Today.

(327) The "I AM" Movement by Mike Oppenheimer, 8/24/15 
The �I AM� society was founded by Guy W. Ballard (1878-1939) and his wife, Edna W. Ballard (1886-1971). After his serving in the army during World War I, he superintended his uncle's lead mine in Tucson, Arizona. His wife Edna was an accomplished concert harpist, and like her husband also had an interest in metaphysics and the occult. After three years of marriage in 1916 their son Donald was born. Guy Ballard was an ardent reader of theosophical/occult literature, had heard the reports of strange occult events that had occurred at Mt. Shasta. Guy Ballard was a mining engineer in 1929. Upon completion of a job in the West had decided to visit Mt. Shasta, California. Occultists believed the mountain is the home of a lost race of mystic adepts from Atlantis who live inside. Ballard was a student of occult metaphysics and was captivated with the stories about Shasta. He decided to visit the mountain to investigate the rumor that a group of Divine Men called the Brotherhood of Mt. Shasta were to be found there. This became the turning point in the Ballard�s lives.  Read The "I AM" Movement - Part 1 The Occult ascended masters teaching to Guy Ballard & The �I AM� Movement - Part 2 history and teaching. 

(328) Can I Attend My LGBT Friend�s Wedding? with commentary by Jacob Prasch, 8/27/15 
Please read for yourself. Brian Broderson�s position on Same Sex Weddings. Need anyone say more? How convoluted, pseudo-scriptural, and compromised can someone�s twisted reasoning become; much less that of a supposed leader? Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa is spiritually, doctrinally, and morally dead. Somebody get a shovel and bury the corpse . Invite Rick Warren to deliver the graveside eulogy. Just bury it next to Chuck�s corpse. It died with him. Jacob Prasch.

(329) Do�s and Don�ts of Witnessing to Cults by Chris Lawson, 8/28/15 
Practical tips on sharing with the cultist at your door. Various topics covered or mentioned: �Sanctify the Lord God in your heart. �Humility, compassion, love and truth versus arrogance, pride and strife. �Which �Jesus� are you proclaiming - the biblical Jesus or a counterfeit Jesus/false Christ? �Understanding Christian apologetics and defending the Christian faith. �What is a cult and how do we define cultism? �Confronting bad theology versus attacking people and their character. �Defending the truth, speaking truth, and giving biblical answers. �Communicating who Jesus Christ really is. �Studying to �show yourself approved.� �What exactly is �another Jesus�? �Weapons of righteousness, Christian character, and individual giftedness in the Lord. �The Christian warfare - understanding the enemy and our victory in Christ. �The cultists "experience" and emotions versus true biblical signs and wonders. �Cultists have been trained and/or inoculated against the historic Christian faith. �Biblical terminology in contradistinction to destructive cultic redefinitions. �Sample definition (�atonement�) and sample heresy (�baptismal regeneration�). �Important things to remember when speaking with people. �Practical �do�s� and �don�ts� when sharing with cultists. Scriptures: 1 Peter 3:15; John 14:6-7; John 3:16; 2 2 Timothy 2:15; Corinthians 11:3-4; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Galatians 5:22; Revelation 20:2; Jude 3,17,20-23; Isaiah 59:1; Mark 4:1-20; Isaiah 55:10-11; Colossians 4:5; 1 Corinthians 9:3; Philippians 1:7; 2 Timothy 4:16; Zechariah 4:6. 

(330) Not with a bang, but a whimper�The Islamic Refugee Trojan Horse by Bill Randles, 9/11/15 
This is the way the world ends, This is the way the world ends, This is the way the world ends, Not with a bang but a whimper. TS Eliot, The Hollow Men To any thinking person, the spectacle of hundreds of thousands of �refugees� from Africa, and the horrors of the Syrian civil war, spilling out onto the shores of Italy, and forcing themselves over the barriers erected in Hungary is both heartbreaking and ominous. Who wouldn�t be moved at the plight of frightened women and children packed into rust ships, desperate to get away from the wanton slaughter occurring in their Syrian homeland? The apocalyptic warfare taking place in Syria spares neither the elderly, the weak, women nor children. Mind numbing atrocities are being committed on both �sides�of the conflict. (Ishmael cannot find peace, He even fights His brothers). Photos of precious children washed up on the shores, having drowned en-route to European shores tear at the western heart, which had once been softened by centuries of Christian teaching. But a closer examination reveals troubling details. Eyewitnesses report that the vast majority of those seeking asylum are single males of military age.  These �poor souls� are already rioting, and demanding their own food, upon arrival at their generous host countries . Whoever heard of a houseguest demanding his own food be served him at the expense of the host?

(331) Liberty University Welcomes Socialist Bernie Sanders to Address Student Body: �We Have Same Goals� by Heather Clark, Christian News Network, 9/16/15 
Liberty University is listed among the colleges in the Lighthouse Trails contemplative colleges list. It is said to be the largest Christian college in the world. As Lighthouse Trails has contended for many years, when a school starts going down the contemplative path, views on morality, politics, and spiritual matters begin to change, eventually drastically. 

(332) 'Mindfulness' meditation fad popular with celebrities can make you dream up false memories at The Berean Call, 9/21/15 
TBC: From the April 2006 newsletter: Psychotherapy is an exercise in futility unless innate goodness resides within man at his very core. Here�s why: if man has an evil nature, as the Bible teaches, then it�s impossible for him to change himself. In other words, if I�m innately evil, I will always be evil because there is nothing within me to enable me to change . But if I�m good within but am experiencing problems of living, then through various psychological methods or techniques, I should be able to tap into, utilize, or realize that goodness and thus remedy the adversities I experience. All the psychotherapeutic selfisms, from self-love to self-esteem to self-image to self-actualization to self-realization�and ultimately to self-deification�are predicated upon the innate goodness of one�s nature.]

(333) The Hebrew Prophets named in the Qur'an by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/6/15 
Most Muslims have not read the Bible carefully so they do not know what it actually says about God, Mankind, or the prophets. They know what their religion tells them, which is more often contradictory to the Bible.

(334) Obama: Christians Threaten Nation by Bryan Fischer, AFA, 10/18/15 
If you have ever wondered whether President Obama has an abiding hostility to people of Christian faith, wonder no more. He believes we are a threat to national security. If you are a sincerely devoted follower of Jesus Christ, your president believes you are a potential domestic terrorist. 

(335) Calvary Chapel Pastor Greg Laurie Posts Photo Standing with New Age Advocate Roma Downey by Lighthouse Trails, 10/29/15 
A Lighthouse Trails reader sent this photo (see below) to us today. It is a picture of Calvary Chapel pastor Greg Laurie, standing with Roma Downey and Mark Burnett and was posted on Greg Laurie�s Facebook page along with this caption by Downey: "So nice spending time with friends. Mark and I had a lovely lunch today with Greg and Cathe Laurie #harvestoc" Such a photo only heightens concerns as to the direction Greg Laurie (one of Calvary Chapel�s most popular pastors)  is taking the church.

(336) Oprah�s Latest Attempt to Introduce New Age Spirituality to Evangelical Church at Lighthouse Trails, 10/30/15 
In light of your coverage regarding the Parliament of the World�s Religions, which took place Oct.15-19 in Salt Lake City, UT, it has been brought to my attention that Oprah�s �Belief� (her 7-episode television series) was shown some time during the conference, according to a post-conference e-mail from Imam Abdul Majik Mujahid, Board Chair of the Parliament of the World Religions. Oprah�s �Belief� television series (7 episodes) premiered Oct.18 on OWN Network and is Oprah�s latest attempt to introduce New Age Spirituality and interfaith spirituality to the evangelical church.

(337) United Methodist and Episcopalian Church Clergy Lead Prayer Rally to �Bless� Abortion Clinic at The Berean Call, 11/3/15 
In Ohio, United Methodist Church pastor, Reverend Laura Young, says she believes pro-life protesters in front of Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities have �misguided faith.� In fact, she thinks these clinics should be blessed, which is why she went out to an abortion facility called Preterm on October 8th in Cleveland. In 2014, Preterm was involved in the abortion-related death of Lakisha Wilson. Young explained her acceptance of abortion like this: �Christianity, like most faiths, is founded on love. Watching protesters shouting judgment and hate based on what they call religion is horrible. Is that loving God? Is that loving your neighbor as yourself?�

(338) Godlessness is Reaching Epidemic Proportions by Howard Green, 11/23/15 
Imagine the world with no rules, accountability, or consequences for evil actions? This image is one where people take a life with no remorse. It is a place where life savings are greedily stolen, women and children are abandoned, and even basic respect that was afforded to a mother and father is absent. This place of our worst imaginings is one fraught with lawless, heartless, and treacherous people who are concerned with no one but themselves. That would be a world where the concept of love is foreign, while brutality, slander, and darkness become the norm. This is not a description of total societal, economic, or geopolitical breakdown sometime in the distant future. It is an accurate analysis of condition of our world at this moment. This is how a majority of people are living life. These are the direct results of one fact: Godlessness is reaching epidemic proportions.

(339) Praising God Through it All by Warren B. Smith, 11/26/15 
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. (Psalm 100:1-5)

(340) A Difficult Response to Paul Wilkinson by Jacob Prasch, 11/27/15 
It has been a painful ordeal for Moriel and for myself (Jacob Prasch) personally to have, without warning, been publicly slandered and defamed on YouTube and elsewhere on the Internet by Paul Wilkinson as "not loving Jesus Christ", as "teaching heresy", and even as having gone into some brand of replacement theology simply because I and others do not agree with his particular view of the timing of the rapture. 

(341) The Fall and Rise of Human Violence: Why crime plunged in the 17th century but is rising again in the 21st by Berit Kjos - Updated December 17, 2012 
As history repeats itself, the civilized world is regressing. Paganism, promiscuity, deception and violent crime are on the rise, while the growing hatred for Biblical Christianity is fanned by a global media and entertainment industry that wants nothing more than the death of Biblical Truth and morality. 

(342) Archaeologists uncover King Hezekiah seal by Biblical Archeology, 12/6/15 
Archaeologists discovered the impression of a seal that bears the name of King Hezekiah and was found during recent excavations by Jerusalem.

(343) Syrian Refugees: Is There A Biblical Response? by Albert James Dager, 12/17/15 
God has blinded the eyes and dulled the minds of the leaders in the West.  Even those who wish to resist the possibility of violent jihadists coming into the U.S. by imbedding themselves among the refugees are blind. While proclaiming that most Muslims are peaceful, they are ignoring the fact that virtually all Muslims believe their destiny is to conquer the world. Violent jihad is merely one means; peaceful jihad through immigration and procreation is as much, or more, a threat to our culture than violent jihad.
This invasion of the West is part of God�s judgment upon the nations that have had the advantage of the Gospel for the past millennium and beyond, yet have rejected God�s righteousness. But God�s will shall be done, regardless of who wins the next election. It may be just a matter of how soon He completes His judgment.

(344) Undertaker, Come Quickly: Neo Evan Christianis Has Died by Orell Steinkamp, 12/17/15 
The Neo (New) Evangelical Christian experiment has failed. It reminds me of the Titanic. This unsinkable ship left England amid cheers and high festivity. For many it represented the latest in human achievement. But, alas! It was not to be. On the high seas amid the turbulence of the seas and surrounding icebergs its underwater hull was ripped open and seawater was pouring in. But on board gala and gaity was in full swing. Only a few noticed a minor listing of the mighty ship. But the band played on even while the water compartments were taking on water from the sea. The Neo-Evangelical Gospel ship was also launched with great promise. This was to be the beginning of prominence for the American and International Evangelical movement. They openly wanted a recognition by the religious academia and to dialogue with culture. In no time Neo-Evangelicalism was birthed, led by Harold Ockenga, Carl Henry, Billy Graham and the Fuller Seminary personnel. In due time Christianity Today became its publishing oracle and Carl Henry its editor. The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) became its constituency and Fuller seminary its training ground.[2]

(345) Walking in His Footsteps: A Special Christmas Message by Author uknown 1881 
�My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand." John 10:27-28

(346)  Preparing for Persecution by Berit Kjos, 1/2/16 
Jesus described the normal Christian life: "If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you..." He told His disciples, "because they know not Him that sent me." John 15:20-21 We need to take His warning to heart, count the cost of discipleship, and pray that our Shepherd prepare us for inevitable battles ahead. Prayerfully consider these steps -- as a family or as an individual believer:

  • Pray for His guidance.
  • Learn from those who suffered persecution because of their faith. (See "victory") 
  • Memorize His Word, the victorious "Sword of the Spirit" in every battle we face. (See Clothed with Truth)
  • Memorize hymns and songs that enable you to keep praising Him and affirming His victory.
  • Silently practice singing to Him in the midst of all kinds of distractions.
  • Practice giving thanks in all circumstances.
  • By His wonderful grace, "love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." Matthew 5:44-45
(347) The Five Pillars of Islam: A Christian�s Perspective by Gary F. Zeolla, 1/3/16 
The Five Pillars of Islam bring out many differences between the god of Islam and the God of the Bible and the means of approach thereto. The Five Pillars also bring out differences between Islamic and Christian attitudes toward religious practices.

(348) The Fall and Rise of Human Violence: Why crime plunged in the 17th century but is rising again in the 21st by Berit Kjos, 1/13/16 
As history repeats itself, the civilized world is regressing. Paganism, promiscuity, deception and violent crime are on the rise, while the growing hatred for Biblical Christianity is fanned by a global media and entertainment industry that wants nothing more than the death of Biblical Truth and morality. 

(349) Secret Societies Exposed: Inside the Hidden World of  Secret Societies at Spiritual Research Network, 1/19/16 
The following quotes and content on this webpage come directly from Evangelical Truth, a ministry committed to exposing the lies and deception of secret societies, regardless of the consequences: "This site provides an unprecedented insight into the mystical domain of secret societies throughout the world. It looks at their hidden secret society degrees, rituals, secrets and esoteric teaching. It examines, in detail, Freemasonry, which is widely accepted as the mother of most of our modern-day secret society organizations. The site looks at the many so-called Protestant secret societies, which have been birthed by Freemasonry, like the Orange Order, the Independent Loyal Orange Institution and the Royal Black Institution and compares, contrasts and examines the similarities between these neo-Masonic structures and their ritualistic degrees. For anyone interested in the various Secret societies of the world this site will be a valuable resource. It essentially exposes the secret societies inside secrets. This site creates a unique facility for those both on the inside and outside of the many secret societies of the world who desire to examine otherwise hard-to-obtain internal material relating to the many esoteric secret societies throughout the world. This informative in-depth resource centre discloses startling evidence about the origins, structures, secrets, degrees and rituals of bodies which have hitherto been concealed from the public gaze. This website will endeavour to examine in an open objective manner the internal workings of these secret societies, and establish their status in relation to the Christian faith and the teaching of the Bible (a book these secret societies so frequently employ)."

(350) Discernment as Free Speech: A Brief Study by Sarah Leslie, 1/28/16 
Peggy Noonan wrote in her weekly Wall Street Journal column this past December 4th her concerns that "The censorship movement is radical. It is starting to make everyone in the country feel harassed and anxious. It is odd to see candidates miss a rising issue that is giving pause to so many Americans. I pray someone will address it. Literally, I just did. This Herescope post is an answer to her prayers. It may be an unexpected answer and a politically incorrect answer, but nevertheless it is a response. It represents an exercise in the right of free speech and freedom of religion. 

(351) Once in Cult, Student Sees Importance of Knowing Theology at The Berean Call, 2/4/16 
Is it important for a Christian to study biblical doctrine or should all Christians merely love Jesus and leave theology to trained theologians? Ask David Bell, who may be Exhibit A in the case for the doctrinal training of all Christians....less than a decade ago he was a pastor in the Church of God International, which branched off from the Worldwide Church of God in 1978.

(352) Israel: Archaeologists Uncover Inscriptions in Jesus� Language at The Berean Call, 2/8/16 
Archaeologists in Israel have uncovered ancient epitaphs in both Greek and Aramaic that date back to the first century. [It was reported] that the inscriptions were found in a cemetery that is located in the ancient Galilean capital city of Zippori. "Zippori was the first capital of Galilee from the time of the Hasmonean dynasty until the establishment of Tiberias in the first century CE. The city continued to be central and important later on," researchers explained in a press release announcing the discovery. Four words which are part of the inscriptions were thus far able to be decoded. One word, in Greek, means �Jose,� a common Jewish name during the period, the three other words are Aramaic for �the Tiberian,� �forever,� and �rabbi.� Motti Aviam of the Kinneret Institute for Galilean Archaeology stated that �the Tiberian� could refer to the hometown of the deceased, Tiberias. The word �forever� denotes that the deceased�s burial place will always belong to him. Scholars are unsure precisely what the word �rabbi� meant at the time of its inscription. This discovery is important because it proves the existence of a Jewish community in the region from ancient times--something which the Palestinian Authority continually denies. �The Jewish life in the city was rich and diverse as indicated by the numerous ritual baths (miqwe'ot) discovered in the excavation; while at the same time the influence of Roman culture was also quite evident as reflected in the design of the town with its paved streets, colonnaded main roads, theater and bathhouses. The wealth of inscriptions from the cemeteries attests to the strong Jewish presence and the city's social elite in the late Roman period," researchers concluded. (Veronica Neffinger, �Israel: Archaeologists Uncover Inscriptions in Jesus� Language,� Christian , January 29, 2016)

(353) Chronology of Persecution: Plots to kill Jews & Christians & Rule an Islamic World by Crossroads, 2/9/16 
Since the beginning of time, ambitious change-agents have plotted together to fuel revolutions and transform their world. Minor or major conspiracies have usually played an important part in fueling radical social change. Dismissing such secret plots as mere "conspiracy theories" has served powerful leaders well -- at least for a while. But those who know God see a larger picture. While human nature doesn't change, our God still reigns! That's why the author of Psalm 2 wondered why power-hungry rulers would even try to plot against God and His sovereign ways: "Why do the nations rage, and the people plot [conspire] a vain thing? ... the rulers take counsel together... saying, 'Let us break Their bonds in pieces...'" Psalm 2:1-3 Like many leaders today, Hitler knew how to use every crisis as an opportunity to grab more power. So did his anti-Semitic Muslim partners during Word War 2: Mohammad Haj min al-Husseini, (the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) and the rising Muslim Brotherhood. Both aimed to eradicate Israel and radicalize the Middle East and North Africa. Their followers have come a long way! Today, their grand target is America. As we are told in a Muslim Brotherhood document titled, 'An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,' "The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and �sabotaging� its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God�s religion is made victorious over all other religions.�'  (Soros-funded "expert" defends Muslim Brotherhood) For those who trust God, this should be a time of prayer and preparation for the challenging times ahead. As the West becomes increasingly hostile toward Christianity, it's fast forgetting the truths and moral standards that laid the foundation for Western freedom and order. Yet, we need not fear, for--"The Lord... will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And those who know Your name will put their trust in You." Psalm 9:9-10

(354) Upper or Supper Room excerpt from Illustrations for Church Service by Walter B. Knight, 3/3/16 
The early Church prayed in the upper room, the twentieth century Church cooks in the supper room.

(355) 70% of Americans are Christians? Seriously? by Marsha West, 8/28/15 
A recent report indicates that 70% of Americans are Christians. If this is true, what it says to this writer is that a whole host of people who profess faith in Jesus Christ neglect to read the instruction manual that reveals everything we need to know about the object of our faith. I'm referring to the Bible. Anyone who takes the time to read it knows what Jesus taught and how those who claim to believe in Him must live their lives. Clearly Christians are not reading the Book. So, isn't it a bit odd that people who say they believe Christ died for their sins aren't the least bit curious about who He is and what He taught while He was here? Jesus spent the better part of three years teaching his disciples all sorts of things such as what His mission was (John 1:14-18) and how they were to conduct themselves. The Lord gave commands, not suggestions. He never said: "It's not a good idea to murder someone...lie...cheat...steal...sleep around...commit adultery...practice homosexual sex...get drunk...use drugs...have a slew of idols, or anything like that." Nor did He say: "It would be nice if you'd consider forgiving those who do you wrong." He never tossed them the "Good job!" compliment when they exercised discernment. Neither was Jesus into high-fiving and "atta boys." Whenever these sorts of things came up in conversation, He said unequivocally, "Do not"..."You must!" Moreover, He was clear that in order to be saved people must repent of their sins and turn away from the sinful life. "If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us" (1 John 1:10).

(356) Muslims Slaughter Over 10,000 Christians and Destroy 13,000 Churches in Nigeria by Raymond Ibrahim, 3/29/16 
"Over 500 Christian villagers were slain in one night." � Emmanuel Ogebe, Nigerian human rights lawyer, March 2, 2016. What Christians in Nigeria are experiencing is a live snapshot of what millions of Christians and other non-Muslims have experienced since the seventh century, when Islam "migrated" to their borders: violence, persecution, enslavement, and the destruction of churches. The Obama Administration refuses to associate Boko Haram � an organization that defines itself in purely Islamic terms � with Islam, just as it refuses to associate the ISIS with Islam. In all cases, the Obama Administration looks the other way, while insisting that the jihad is a product of "inequality," "poverty" and "a lack of opportunity for jobs" � never of Islamic teaching. Boko Haram, the Nigerian Islamic extremist group, has killed more people in the name of jihad than the Islamic State (ISIS), according to the findings of a new report. Since 2000, when twelve Northern Nigerian states began implementing or more fully enforcing Islamic sharia law, "between 9,000 to 11,500 Christians" have been killed. This is "a conservative estimate."

(357) The Beckism of Mormonism by Mike Oppenheimer, 3/31/16 
Recently Glenn Beck in response to Breitbart addressed what he says is another Smear Campaign (Mar.25, 2016). Putting aside the politics and accusations flung from either side I wanted to address the Mormonism that Beck himself brought up and his continual denial of the facts of history of his own religion.

(358) Will A Gateway Be Opened When The Arch From The Temple Of Baal Is Reconstructed In Times Square? at Understand The Times, 3/31/16 
In April, part of the Temple of Baal that stood in Palmyra, Syria will be reconstructed in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London.  The specific portion that is being erected in both cases is the 48-foot-tall arch that stood at the entrance to the temple.  The Institute of Digital Archaeology is the organization behind this effort, and the display of these two arches is intended to be the highlight of UNESCO�s World Heritage Week late next month.  After seeing my initial story, one of my readers observed that an arch is really just a gateway or a portal.  In other words, it can serve as both an entrance and an exit.  So could it be possible that we will be unknowingly setting up a gate or a portal of some sort in Times Square?

(359) 10 Practical Things You Might Not Know About Lighthouse Trails Publishing & Research by Lighthouse Trails, 4/2/16 
Here are 10 things you might find useful about the practical aspects of Lighthouse Trails Publishing & Research Project.

(360) When God Calls a Man by Roger Oakland, 4/9/16 
When God places a vision in a man�s heart, events happen God�s way according to God�s will. When man plans things man�s way without God, events may unfold but they are the product of manipulation. I have learned this principal the hard way and it took me many years. Sometimes it takes a few hard knocks to get a person�s attention. When the truth finally sinks it is obvious that God can use anyone, anytime, anywhere.

(361) Victory! The Arch From The Temple Of Baal Planned For New York City Has Been CANCELED at Understand The Times, 4/14/16 
The Temple of Baal is NOT coming to Times Square in New York City next month.  This is great news, and it represents an incredible victory for Christians in the United States.  As you will see below, the New York Times, Snopes and a whole host of other mainstream news sources reported last month that everything was on track for reproductions of the giant 48-foot-tall arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria to be put up simultaneously in Times Square in New York City and Trafalgar Square in London during the month of April.  But now that will not be happening.  The only arch that will be going up will be in Trafalgar Square, and it won�t be the one from the Temple of Baal.  Instead, the Institute for Digital Archaeology has changed plans and will be putting up a reproduction of the Arch of Triumph which the Romans originally built in Palmyra and that has nothing to do with Baal.  So why has there been such a dramatic change in plans?

(362) Do you know why Earth Day is April 22? by Kevin DeAnna, 4/22/16 
School children, businesses, clergy, politicians and even the United States military soon will honor the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union. Of course, they will call it Earth Day. Brian Sussman points out in his explosive new book, �Eco-Tyranny: How the Left�s Green Agenda will Dismantle America,� that the first nationwide Earth Day was held April 22, 1970, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the communist Bolshevik leader. 

(363) THE RISING STORM and A CLARION CALL for HUMILITY, TRUTH and REPENTANCE: Observations for Calvary Chapel Leaders to Consider (Video) by Chris Lawson, 4/23/16 
As a Christian missionary and as a former Calvary Chapel pastor for many years, I have been observing a growing trend of too many people remaining silent on far too many major ecumenical compromises. A host of other issues are also of concern.

(364) �I Never Knew You� - Jesus by Roger Oakland, 4/25/16 
There is a very sobering portion of the Bible that should be read by every person who believes they are a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. Following are the words Jesus proclaimed on Judgment Day to those who stood before Him. They had been deceived in the Name of Jesus.

(365) Atheist Activist Group Objects to Public School Visits to Ken Ham�s Creation Museum by Heather Clark, Christian News Network, 5/3/16 
MADISON, Wisc. � A professing atheist activist organization is expressing its objection to three public schools that either have already or plan to visit Ken Ham�s Creation Museum in Kentucky.
The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) recently sent letters to officials with Brookville High School in Dayton, Ohio, Jackson Independent School District in Kentucky, and the Big Beaver Falls School District in Pennsylvania to urge the cancellation of the trips to Petersburg. �It is unconstitutional for a public school to take students on a field trip to a religious venue such as the Creation Museum, a Christian museum which promotes the religious doctrine of creationism and lists is mission as �to point today�s culture back to the authority of Scripture and proclaim the gospel message,'� the letters read.

(366) Violence, War, Deception & Chaos by Crossroad, 5/10/16 
Like nature with its storms and seasons, the world around us keeps changing. In the midst of the spreading corruption, are we prepared to stand firm in Christ no matter what happens?

(367) Oswald Chambers: Personal Piety Combined With Flawed Theology by Bob DeWaay, 5/17/16 
We need to get back to the type of devotion described in Acts 2:42 and leave the mystical approach behind, once for all. We need to believe the promises of God all the while remembering His mighty acts in history described in the Bible. The gospel is expressed by objective truth grounded in history such as described in 1Corinthians 15:1-11. The Bible means what it says. The Holy Spirit inspired the writers of the Bible. The readers need to believe what they said and thus the Holy Spirit speaks.

(368) Study on Church History compiled by Sandy Simpson, 5/18/16 
I want to preface this study of church history by telling you how I am going to do it.  I am going to cover three areas.  First are the dates and brief descriptions of the genesis of world religions not related to Christianity.  Second are the dates and brief descriptions of the beginnings of movements that call themselves �Christian� but are really false Christianity because they teach against one or more of the core doctrines of the Church.  Lastly I will deal with the dates and descriptions of the True Church through history to show that God has always had a faithful remnant. 

(369) When challenges come, what�s Your �Christianity� all about? by Mike Oppenheimer, 6/17/16 
As believers in Jesus we are called to be ministers, to reconcile people to the Lord bY the Gospel. This can take time, patience, long suffering. It can be easy to forget what has initially happened to us when we first believed. The world can swallow us up in its ways to make us ineffective. On the other hand, we can be so zealous that pride can find a place and taint what we do and also make us ineffective. Not only are we to disciple others but we are to try and keep each other accountable.

(370) The School of Joyful Endurance by Berit Kjos, 6/19/16 
Our struggles differ, but God's school of endurance fits all our needs. And each time we pass its tests, our faith grows ever stronger and His light of Truth shines brighter on His pathway for our lives. 

(371) Moralistic, Mythical and Mysticism Religions at VCY America, Host: Jim Schneider Guest: Bodie Hodge of Answers in Genesis, 6/23/16 
Bodie Hodge is a speaker, author and researcher at Answers in Genesis and is a member of the editorial review board. He's been involved with many books and DVD's and is a regular speaker in the Creation Museum Speaker Series. This Crosstalk looks at Bodie's book, 'World Religions and Cults: Moralistic, Mythical and Mysticism Religions' Volume 2. As Bodie made clear, there's only 2 religions in the world�God's and not God's. All other religions take man's ideas to supersede God and his word. So did Bodie appear on Crosstalk to spew hate against other religions? After all, 'hate' is the word that seems to get thrown around these days if you even question any other religion. Bodie responded by saying he wanted to defend God and the authority of his word. In fact, he believes that when someone says not to attack other religions, that's an attack on Christianity. Why? It's because God tells us to demolish false arguments always keeping in mind that people are not the enemy. In the first volume, Bodie hit the counterfeits of Christianity; those belief systems that look, act or are very similar to Christianity. This would include groups like the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. This new volume looks at Eastern mysticism religions like Hinduism and Taoism, where the adherents see everything as being an illusion; all is spiritual and there's nothing material. Discussion also included the New Age Movement, paganism, vitality cults, meditation and Yoga and Sikhism. An interesting element to the program included mention of the resurgence of Mythology. This included Germanic/Norse Mythology, Greek Mythology and Latin American Mythology (sometimes blended with Roman Catholicism). Bodie noted that for each one of these philosophies, their ultimate 'god' or creator is impersonal. God communicated to mankind because we're made in his image and he is a personal God. That's why we can read a revelation from God and understand it. Since the god of Eastern religions is impersonal, communication is impossible. This means that any of their supposed ultimate gods cannot reveal anything about that religion to mankind. So anything that any Eastern religion claims to know about their religion is purely arbitrary and is simply from the mind of man.

(372) A Final Wake Up Call at Understand The Times, 6/25/16 
We were musing in a conversation the other day about some of the issues associated with the difficulties of doctrinal divergence. Our discussion focused on a certain fellowship of churches.  Like countless others, we were greatly disturbed by the seemingly steady shift to the slippery slope of doctrinal relativism that seems to be plaguing many within this movement at the moment. 

(373) Homosexuality, The Most Pressing Issue of Our Times by Gary Gilley, Think On These Things, Volume 21, Issue 6, Nov/Dec 2015 
The LGBT agenda has made rapid progress in Western civilization in the last few decades. In just a few short years, homosexuality has gone from a disgraceful, sinful lifestyle which most made every effort to hide, to a psychological disorder that needed to be cured to a normal alternative lifestyle, flaunted in public and defiantly daring any to oppose it. When Bruce Jenner became Caitlyn and shortly thereafter won the Entertainment and Sports Programing (ESPN)�s Arthur Ashe Courage Award, it was noted by some that very little courage was needed at all. Seemingly, the majority within the sports world and the American public in general, rallied in support around Jenner. Those needing courage are the ones who, even in the most gracious of ways, oppose the LGBT lifestyle and/or disagree with same-sex marriage. The world has changed so rapidly that many of us are getting whiplash. The church has been put in a unique and difficult position by standing for the truth which has been thoroughly rejected by the majority. But in darkness light shines best. May the church not cave to the demands of the many but honor the Lord who has set them free from the bondage of darkness

(374) "GOD CALLS THIS "ICHABOD" California Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Word for Today Against Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa & Brian Broderson by James Jacob Prasch, 7/3/16 
On the basis of 1 Corinthians 6:4-8  where it states "it is better to be defrauded" than to take brother to court and hang the church's soiled linen out in public, it is good this phony law suit by Brian Broderson & Co. was thrown out. It is doubly sad, however, that Calvary Chapel could not have held Brian Broderson and CCCM to account within its own ranks. Paul Smith and Chuck's family are plainly the victims. It is a very sad day when a corrupt civil court system has more moral and ethical integrity than what is supposed to be The Body of Christ. Had the senior Calvary pastors stood up and taken responsibility as God's Word commands (1 Cor. 6:5)  and not in so cowardly a fashion deferred to ecclesiastical politics with its play for money and power, it would not have come to public scandal like this.

(375) What if we are proven wrong on this issue? by Sandy Simpson, 7/5/16 
What issue am I talking about?  Most Bible scholars today teach that God does not create homosexuals, that there cannot be a correlation between genetics and homosexuality and that it is clearly only a choice of lifestyle. I have believed for many years that they are only partly correct.  Although it is true that God did not create certain people to be homosexuals and lesbians and that lifestyle is a choice, I also believe it will be found after more testing that there IS a genetic predisposition to homosexuality.  What if homosexuality is proven at a later time to have a foundation in the genetic makeup of a person? Does that make God responsible to creating homosexuality? 

(376) Answers in Genesis Noah�s Ark Replica Opens This Week in Kentucky by Stoyan Zaimov, Christian Post, 7/7/16 
The Ark Encounter, the life-sized Noah�s Ark theme-park attraction, held its official ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday in Grant County, Kentucky, ahead of its grand opening on Thursday, July 7th, gathering a crowd of 7,000 to witness the historic event. Ken Ham, president and CEO of Answers in Genesis and The Creation Museum, told The Christian Post: �In a world that is becoming increasingly secularized and biased, it�s time for Christians to do something of this size and this magnitude.� He told CP that the Ark stands as a reminder. �To remind the coming generations of the truth of God�s word. It�s our way of presenting the truth of God�s Word to the world,� Ham said. 

(377) Guideposts: Teaching Little Children to Blaspheme at Lighthouse Trails, 7/15/16 
Recently, I was in a hospital waiting room and reluctantly picked up an issue of Guidepost Magazine. I very seldom read Guidepost because the long-time publisher, Norman Vincent Peale, promotes heresy and diabolical religions. He has also denied the virgin birth and the necessity of being born again. As I perused the magazine, I landed on an article by Anna Gentile, a hospital chaplain. The article was about Guideposts and Gentile�s work with sick children. In the first paragraph she wrote: �Put your hand on your chest,� I tell the young patients in the hospital where I work. �Can you feel your heartbeat?� They nod. �Now, with each beat, you can say, �I am, I am, I am.�� That prayer, addressed to the great �I Am,� is at the beginning of the journal in each Guideposts for Kids Comfort Kit I give out, and I can�t begin to tell you how much comfort it gives.� � Happy Birthday, Sparkle, Anna Gentile, Guideposts, July 2016.

(378) See the end is getting closer� by Jacob Prasch, 7/21/16 
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an anti-terrorism law, but for the country�s many churches, the signature sparked a demand for prayer and fasting. The bill toughens punishment for acts deemed to be terrorism and for the organization of �mass unrest,� according to the Los Angeles Times. It would also introduce prison sentences of up to a year for those who fail to report such crimes.

(379) 'Queer Kids Stuff' Videos Indoctrinate Preschoolers at The Berean Call, 7/27/16 
A new video series is aimed at indoctrinating preschoolers with the LGBT message - a strategy that one pro-family activist says is far from new. The series, titled "Queer Kids Stuff" teaches preschoolers what the terms "gay," "bisexual" and "transgender" mean in an attempt to normalize the LGBT lifestyle with youth at an early age - a tactic that has repeatedly been used over the years to influence impressionable children. Advocates of homosexual behavior admit that they are trying to get to the youngsters before they hear anything negative about homosexuality. MassResistance founder and director Brian Camenker expresses concern that homosexual activists are successfully manipulating youth at an extremely influential age. "It's painful to watch what they do because these are such young kids,� Camenker shared, according to Fox News. �And they are using such very sophisticated propaganda techniques on these innocent kids - who are very vulnerable - to get them to believe all this stuff." He says conservatives and Christians tend to underestimate just how treacherous the promoters of these tactics are. "Evil, I think, is not too strong a word because anybody that would do this with kids - particularly without parents� knowledge or permission - but just anybody that would do that to them there's just something wrong � something very, very wrong," Camenker contends. Even though no preschool programs have indicated yet that they will utilize this �queer� series, Camenker says that it will very difficult to determine when they actually do. (Kellogg, �'Queer Kids Stuff' videos indoctrinate preschoolers,� OneNewNow Online, 7/6/16)

(380) Fed Up With False Teaching: Calvary Chapel Church Says �So Long� to the CC Association at Lighthouse Trails, 7/28/16 
A Calvary Chapel pastor who warned of false teachings and apostate movements seeping into the Calvary Chapel organization has been removed from his regional leadership position, and is now removing his local congregation out of the Calvary Chapel Association altogether.Pastor Dwight Douville of Calvary Chapel Appleton Wisconsin was informed last month that he was being removed from his position as a regional leader, a position he�s held for many years. Why? He says because personal friendships have been put above doctrinal truth, muddying the waters of what Calvary Chapels are all about. And because he advocated for maintaining and staying the course while calling out wolves and yeast seeping into Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and the organization as a whole since the death of founder Chuck Smith.

(381) Thousands Fasting after Russian President Putin Signs Law Banning Evangelism at The Berean Call, 8/3/16 
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law [the week of July 3] a measure punishing any kind of religious evangelization outside of churches, which some observers have called one of the most restrictive move in "post-Soviet history."

(382) Would You Be Willing to Lose All for the Sake of Christ? at Lighthouse Trails, 8/4/16 
LTRP Note: Earlier this month Putin, the leader of Russia, brought into existence a law which prohibits the free preaching and sharing of the Gospel. Those in violation of this new law will be issued severe fines. In the 1960s and 1970s, Georgi Vins, a young Baptist pastor in the Soviet Union, was in a similar situation. By the time it was over, he spent eight years (starting at the age of 32) in Soviet prisons. Below is an account of his father�s own persecution and the years leading up to Georgi�s persecution and imprisonment for his faith. Christians today in the Western world should realize that persecution and martyrdom have been the norm for countless believers in the past centuries of Christianity and even in much of today�s non-Western world. The question we have hanging over our heads lately is, will Western Christians have what it takes to stand for their faith and even die for their faith? With all the comforts and freedom Western believers have enjoyed, will this ease of being a Christian believer help or hinder our ability to live (or die) for our faith. Suppose a government threatens to take away your home, your job, and your comforts if you do not stop standing for the truth of the Gospel and share it with others, would you be willing to lose all for the sake of Christ? Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ. (Philippians 3:8)

(383) Twelve Steps In The Wrong Direction - A Biblical View of Codependency and Alcoholics Anonymous by Gary E. Gilley and M. Kurt Goedelman, 8/7/16 
A number of years ago I wrote a TOTT article dealing with twelve-step programs as well as codependency.  Recently that article was revised by myself and Kurt Goedelman, the director of Personal Freedom Outreach, and published in the PFO�s Quarterly Journal (January-March 2016). Those who consume a steady diet of syndicated television talk shows or digest the writings of Christian psychologists such as Frank Minirth, [1] Paul Meier, and Henry Cloud will be surprised to learn that there is neither scientific nor biblical evidence to support the theories of codependency. Codependency is a hot topic within current psychology. Before the late 20th century the word � and even the concept � was virtually unknown. Now, nearly everyone in one fashion or another seems to be codependent.

(384) Contending or contentious? by Jim Jenkins, 8/8/16 
Here is what I gleaned from this brief study. To contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints is arduous, and frankly agonizing at times. What I/we need to guard against, however, is the tendency to adopt an attitude of combativeness with others in order to arrive at the truth. I don't want to be a brawler. I don't want to be 'that guy.' I don't intend to ever back down, but I can pray, even agonize in prayer... that I contend for something rather than against someone.

(385) Gender Unicorn Teaches Transgender Issues at The Berean Call, 8/10/16 
A North Carolina school district's pro-LGBT character the "gender unicorn" is being used for a training session in which faculty are told parental involvement may not be required for students struggling with gender identity issues. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools had recently approved measures to allow transgender students access to the public facilities of their choice, in defiance of state law, before backing off for now. Included in their plans for the new measures was a recently released training presentation for faculty that featured the "gender unicorn" character.

(386) World Vision's Gaza Manager Funneled Millions to Hamas: Israel at Understand The Times, 8/12/16 
Israel has accused a manager working for U.S.-headquartered Christian charity World Vision of funneling millions of dollars to Islamist militant group Hamas. Mohammad El Halabi was arrested by Israel on June 15 while crossing the border into Gaza, World Vision said in a statement. He was charged by Israeli authorities on Thursday. He had run the organization's Gaza operations since 2010. According to Israel's Shin Bet security service, El Halabi diverted around $7.2 million of World Vision money to Hamas each year. That is the equivalent of 60 percent of the charity's total annual funding for Gaza. 

(387) Letter to the Editor: �Booted Out Harshly� From My Church at Lighthouse Trails, 8/13/16 
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I really appreciate all of you at LHTs. Thank you and God bless each one of you.  I went through a very difficult period  when attending  Calvary Chapel __________.  I was very uncomfortable with what they were permitting and promoting. I was very distressed. I had concerns about The Message bible, Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz�s Circle Prayer, Greg Laurie and a few other things. I was told to spit out the bones. I asked them to show me that approach in Scripture�they ignored me. I raised concerns again and was booted out harshly. It was mean. It hurt. LHT helped me to understand the concerns were reasonable. I am still sad for the way things ended�but God comforts me�I am  okay. I think  this is what happens sometimes, and what happened to me is mild in comparison to other situations.This has encouraged me to read and study God�s Word.  I really appreciate all that you do- will keep you all in prayer. June (not real name)

(388) An Olympic Challenge by Dr. Jim Jenkins, 8/14/16 
Those entering the stadium in Rio were aptly called contenders. For some who read this� it is time to get up and get back into the race. For others, it is time to find your help in the Name of the Lord. For us all, it is time to �contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.� �But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.... For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end.� (Hebrews 3:6;14) �I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.� (2 Tim. 4:7)

(389) What Did the First Living Cell Eat? at The Berean Call, 8/18/16 
"For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him" (Colossians:1:16For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:). Not long ago, I was talking with another creationist about the impossibility of the first living cell coming into being through natural causes from non-living chemicals. I asked him, "Even if such a thing were possible, what would the first living cell eat?" Without missing a beat, my friend said: "Cellery?" The two of us shared a good laugh together, but I can assure you that the origin of life is no laughing matter to evolutionists. Many evolutionists, in fact, prefer to sidestep the issue completely, asserting that evolution deals only with the origin of different species after that first living cell has somehow come into being. But have you ever stopped to think about how that first living cell could have survived for even a millisecond? Unless its environment was perfectly suited to sustain that cell's life, it would have died in an instant. Unless the cell had necessary nutrients, it would likewise quickly perish. And unless it had the means to reproduce itself, that first living cell would be the last. Or, perhaps, hundreds of millions of years later, the second living cell would ooze out of a primordial soup of non-living chemicals � and once again die a millisecond later! No, as the great scientist Louis Pasteur demonstrated in 1859, life comes only from life. Pasteur confirmed what the Bible tells us � that life on Earth came from the living God.

(390) Eusebius, the author of traditions and legends of Christianity by Mike Oppenheimer, 8/26/16 
In 312 The Roman Emperor Constantine accepted his own version of the Christian faith While he was preparing for another military campaign.  The story claims he had a vision of the cross against the sun, accompanied by the words, "In this sign, conquer."

(391) The Meltdown of Christianity by Roger Oakland, 8/31/16 
Since the turn of the millennium, the world has witnessed a virtual meltdown of biblical Christianity. While many are saying Christianity is experiencing a great revival and even a �new reformation,� this commentary will document the demise of Christianity by showing we are experiencing the greatest apostasy in modern-day history.

(392) Barna: Only 3 percent of teens read Bible daily at Understand the Times, 9/9/16

Comment from UTT: This survey reflects the reality of the day. The younger generation is no longer biblically literate. The same is true of the adult population and even those who attend church in most places. Their is a famine in the land. Those who are still following the Lord are calling out for men and women to be raised up to form a remnant. A recent nationwide study revealed on Friday 10 major findings about the influence of the Bible on American teens and their interaction with God�s Word � including the fact that just 3 percent of teens read the Bible every day.According to the 2016 Teen State of the Bible research, a majority of teenagers in the United still have a reverence for the Bible, but their views about what it actually means to them has evidently been influenced by many of today�s secular influences that they have been subjected to via the public schools, the media and the entertainment industry.

(393) Calvary Chapel Another Wave of the Spirit or a Wave of Deception? by Roger Oakland, 9/11/16 

There is a lot of talk these days in Christian circles about the great outpouring of the �Holy Spirit� that is just around the corner. This �outpouring� will supposedly bring �another Jesus Movement�. [1] While this would be a wonderful thing if the �spirit� was the Holy Spirit, there is reason to believe we are living at a time when �another spirit� [2] may be the spirit that is in the forefront.Not long ago, I came across a page on the Internet posting an interview done at the 2016 Calvary Chapel annual pastor�s conference held in Costa Mesa, California. The person doing the interview was Josh Turansky. The two being interviewed were Raul Ries of CC Diamond Bar and his son Ryan Ries of the Whoesoevers, a heavy rock band that promotes satanic symbolism as a means of attracting the youth to biblical Christianity.
(394) Georgia ACLU Leader Quits Over Young Daughters� Encounter With Men in Women�s Restroom at Lighthouse Trails, 9/16/16 
ATLANTA � The head of the Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has resigned from her position over her disagreement on transgender restroom use following an experience where her own young daughters became frightened in encountering three large men in the women�s restroom. Maya Dillard Smith says that she realized that her values were different from those of the ACLU, which has backed the Obama administration�s controversial transgender restroom mandate for schools and has expressed opposition against North Carolina�s restroom law. �It became very evident to me that the ACLU and myself were simply principally and philosophically unaligned on a number of issues,� she told Fox�s Megyn Kelly this week. �And I found myself and at the crux of the transgender rights and transgender restroom controversy.�

(395) Sanhedrin Demand for End to Muslim Rule on Temple Mount Draws UNESCO Response at Understand the Times, 9/22/16 
Comment from UTT: This article could be classified on the lunatic fringe. To hint that Israel has no right to declare the Temple Mount as a Jewish Holy site is like saying that Mecca is a Jewish Holy site. Does the United Nations have any common sense or are they given over to a delusional spirit? Don't ask the Pope in Rome that question. He says that the god of Islam is his god.

(396) Islamic Movement in U.S. Preparing for Battle at VCY America, Host: Jim Schneider, Guest: John Guandolo, 9/23/16 
While life certainly appears to be going on normally in most sectors of American society, preparations are being made for war against us; a war that a particular enemy wants to fight on our own soil. Sadly, our government has known about the preparations for this war since the early '90's. Our government speaks as though there's nothing to worry about and describe those who've given us a taste of what may come via their terrorist acts as nothing more than mentally deranged individuals.

(397) ReThink Apologetics Conferences teach Christian youth to think clearly at Spirit of Error, 9/24/16 
If you live near Southern California and you have a junior high, high school or college-aged student, I urge you to take them to Stand to Reason�s �ReThink Apologetics Student Conference,� tonight and tomorrow in Costa Mesa, California. Upcoming ReThink conferences will be held in Dallas, Texas, and Birmingham, Alabama. These conferences�featuring some of today�s top Christian apologists�prepare students to defend their faith against intellectual attacks from skeptics and to learn to share their faith in an intelligent and gracious manner. In short, they will help develop them into clear-thinking, winsome Christians. And there�s a bonus: when your children learn to think clearly about their faith, they�ll be inoculated against the unclear thinking that clouds the minds of so many who�ve bought into the harmful teachings and practices of the New Apostolic Reformation. If you don�t live near one of the conferences, then consider checking out the other resources offered by Stand to Reason. This organization is doing excellent work helping Christians�young and old�learn to think more clearly about issues of Christianity and the surrounding culture. Greg Koukl�s weekly podcast is something I wish every Christian listened to.

(398) Remembering The Persecuted Christians (Audio) at VCY America, Host: Jim Schneider, Guest: Paul Popov, 10/1/16 
Paul Popov is the CEO of Door of Hope International. They are a voice and a helping hand to persecuted Christians worldwide. When he was five years old (in 1948), his father, Haralan Popov, a prominent Protestant minister, was brutally taken from his family by the KGB and arrested on false charges of being a 'spy for America'. Paul, with his family, were branded as 'enemies of the state'.

(399) The American Media, the Change in Control of the Internet, and the Threat to Freedom & Truth by Bill Randles, 10/5/16 
If they shut down the Internet, a light goes out. I will then be relieved of the responsibility to write as copiously as I have (1000 articles, several books). I will know the darkness is descending and that soon the Lord will return . . . we must work while it is light . . . Maranatha!

(400) Author Ray Yungen has gone to be with the Lord by Moriel, 10/17/16 
It is with a combination of rejoicing and deep sadness that Moriel & Jacob Prasch learned that Christian author and apologist Ray Yungen has gone home to be with Jesus. In heaven there is indeed rejoicing. For we who remain to carry on the battle that Ray fought with such Christ centred integrity and dedication however, it is a day of deep sadness. Although the separation is but temporary, until we are reunited with Ray again in the day Jesus returns , we shall certainly miss him dearly. Yet, as with Dave Hunt, though Ray is absent from the body but present with The Lord, we meanwhile, shall continue to be inspired by his fervency, fortitude, and dedication to Christ. 

(401) Praying for the Persecuted Church (Audio) at Crosstalk, Host: Jim Schneider, Guest: David Curry, 10/20/16 
Outside of their day-to-day comings and goings, people are far too often oblivious to what's taking place in the world. Sadly, many Christians are like this as well with some attending church, coming home and not paying any attention to the things of God or even their own faith until the following Sunday. While America carries on that routine, there are many people who are being killed each month due to their faith in Christ. Christian churches and properties are destroyed. Others are arrested with some put in prison and even beaten or raped due to their faith. Joining Crosstalk to discuss this issue was David Curry. David is the president and CEO of Open Doors, a nonprofit organization focused on serving persecuted Christians in over 60 countries. Not only does David think that most Americans don't know about persecution happening to Christians worldwide, he also believes most Christians in America don't even know. He feels that people don't want to know because if they don't know, their senses won't be assaulted. Adding to this is the fact that the media pays little attention to it. From a media perspective it can seem episodic, with an incident here and there, so people think if they're not hearing about it on CNN, then it's not happening. Unfortunately it is occurring and in pernicious ways throughout the world. Government may be at the heart of the problem while at other times it may be due to extremist groups. Whatever the cause, David believes there are about five or six major factors driving persecution. Open Doors ranks about 60 nations as the most difficult places on earth to be a Christian. One is North Korea where people worship the current leader as well as those of the past. They imprison people for owning Bibles, they've killed people for talking about Jesus and there are no open and free churches in the entire nation. The good news, according to David, is that there are 400,000 followers of Jesus in North Korea. The church of Jesus Christ is there and still surviving although we also know there's at least 70,000 that are in labor camps because of their faith. In China, David noted that there are elements of the government that understand the importance of the Christian church due to its moral component. Also, in the northwest part of the country they're facing the problem of controlling radical Islamic elements. David went on to comment about the vigilante-style 'justice' of Islamic extremism showing up in Germany and Pakistan, the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on November 6th, the numbness of modern Christians to the persecuted church, comments from Crosstalk listeners and more.

(402) A Celebration of a Servant�s Promotion by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/23/16 
In life, we come across certain people who are extraordinary in character. Ray Yungen was just such a person. It was Ray who first made us aware of the Catholic contemplative mysticism and certain New Age practices becoming popular and entering the church. He did more than point them out, he explained what they were and why a Christian should not participate in this kind of spirituality. As he explained about centering prayer, also: contemplative prayer was a means for all to find the God within by attaining oneness with self. This is the basis for Eastern religions from which mystical traditions originate. Ray did not parse the truth, but he was considerate in the way he presented it to those caught in deceptions. A ministry is validated by a person�s example of being a servant, willing to help others, and not just by what they know. His knowledge did not surpass his caring, and his passion was genuine in helping others who were deceived by contemplative and New Age practices. Ray was always pleasant to speak with and be with.

(403) Muslim Dreams and Visions by Gary Gilley, 10/28/16 
Again, I understand the assertion that Isa isn�t sharing the gospel but is merely preparing dreamers for the gospel that is to come in greater fullness via a human evangelist. But I still question the inconsistencies between Jesus� preparation of unbelievers while on earth and Isa�s preparation via dreams. Also, in some of the accounts I�ve read, Isa does, in fact, call on the dreamers to believe in him. So the claim that he merely prepares them to receive the gospel isn�t always consistent with the testimony record. Additionally, I have to wonder why Jesus wouldn�t share the gospel with Muslims if He were appearing to them. He�s the most capable and powerful evangelist the world has ever known. Yes, Rom. 10:13-15 says salvation comes by hearing the gospel preached by a human, and that is part of the divine decree I mentioned above. But those who affirm that Jesus is appearing to Muslims also affirm by implication that God isn�t confined to His own decree in these instances, so why would the human evangelist be necessary at all except in a follow-up capacity?

(404) Millennials Agree With Marx More Than the Bible, Study Finds at Understand the Times, 11/5/16 
Comment from UTT: Postmodernism did not happen by chance. Behind thie Marxist agenda there is a wide spectrum of educators with an agenda to brainwash the world into believing that there is no God and there are no values. As Marxism provided the basis for the communist ideology throughout the world, postmodernism is the current version that has had a huge impact on the world and the church. The education of the younger generation is the key to advancing the program. This world view is now fully entrenched in the church and the majority of young people have no concept what biblical values are let alone the crux of the Christian faith which is acknowledging Jesus Christ as Creator and Savior.

(405) The Calvary Chapel Movement and the Sinking of the Titanic by Roger Oakland, 11/8/16 
I expect there will be some open discussion now by various spokespersons of the Old Calvary and a lot of dirt thrown around. I expect to see the whole movement shattered into various directions. I am reminded of how God allowed confusion to come at the Tower of Babel when he saw the wrong in what man was trying to do. As for Calvary Chapel, some will form alliances believing they are reconstructing the Titanic. But that will not stop the sinking, and perhaps that is exactly what God intended should happen. Just as Chuck Smith himself said in the video, pastors need to follow Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and His Word and forget about political alliances and following men and their movements. Time will tell, won�t it?

(406) Around the Oval Table by Corrie Ten Boom, 11/13/16 
Can a piece of furniture be important? The oval table in our dining room was the gathering place for hopes and dreams, the listening place for prayers and petitions, and the loving place for joy and laughter. But Sunday, it was something more�it was the special place for family and friends.

(407) Ironside: “Substitution�?—He Took Our Place by Harry Ironside, 11/21/16 
Although the word substitution is not in the Bible, it stands for a great truth that runs through the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. That is, the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ, in infinite grace, took the place of poor, lost, guilty sinners, and made it possible for a holy God to reach out in mercy and save all who would come to Him in the name of His beloved Son.

(408) Commentary: What Do Hitler, Alice Bailey, and Replacement Theology Adherents Have in Common? by Philip Gray, 11/22/16 
What Do Hitler, Alice Bailey, and Replacement Theology Adherents Have in Common? Basically, the answer to that question is that in all three cases, they reject the Jews as God’s chosen people. Those who embrace Replacement Theology probably don’t realize that the thinking behind Replacement Theology is some of the thinking behind occultist Alice Bailey as well as Hitler when it comes to the Jews. Now we are not saying that people who adhere to Replacement Theology would want to kill the Jews as Hitler did; but Replacement Theology adherents need to understand that behind this view of the Jews lies a far more sinister aspect. Satan hates the Jews (partly because he knows God will use them in the culmination of things in the last days to end Satan’s days). That view of the Jews can start “innocently�? by saying the Jews and Israel are no longer significant with regard to Bible prophecy. But it is not a far step from that thinking to anti-Semitism.

(409) Almost Saved by Sandy Simpson, 11/29/16 
There are many so-called “Christians�? today who are clearly “almost saved�? by their testimonies and/or actions.  But to be “almost saved�? is to be completely lost.  A person who is drowning and almost saved drowns.  A woman who is almost pregnant is not pregnant.  King Agrippa said, “You are almost persuading me to be a Christian (Acts 26:28)�? but being almost persuaded is not enough to be saved.

(410) The Calvary Chapel Association Announces Complete Separation from Brian and Cheryl Brodersen, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, and the Calvary Chapel Global Network at Lighthouse Trails, 11/30/16 
Understand the Times, International posted the following letter yesterday (November 28th) that was sent out worldwide to  Calvary Chapel Pastors by the Calvary Chapel Association. November 28, 2016 Calvary Chapel Pastors, Pastor Chuck Smith chose a group of men to lead the Calvary Chapel movement after his passing. The Calvary Chapel Association Council was a plan he reiterated on numerous occasions. A Council provides checks and balances, and a collective wisdom to help steer us in the right direction. The CCA Council consists of men from across the country who are committed to the core values that have made us Calvary Chapel. Like many of you, we have given our lives to build Calvary Chapel churches. What makes the 1700 churches “Calvary Chapel�? are the values Pastor Chuck instilled in us – our doctrine and philosophy of ministry. The principles we were taught and the transformative power of God’s Spirit have proven to be more than sufficient. The CCA Council’s primary goal is to maintain what has been our Calvary Chapel identity for fifty years, while seeking the Holy Spirit for fresh power and wisdom to advance God’s Kingdom. We believe Calvary Chapel has a unique and important role in the Body of Christ. Pastor Chuck left us a glorious legacy. Yet the new Calvary Chapel Global Network, established by Brian Brodersen, now threatens that legacy. This network goes by the name “Calvary Chapel,�? but has no framework for affiliation or required commitment to the Calvary Chapel core values. Such a network will ultimately de-emphasize our Calvary Chapel distinctives. The CCGN establishes a different version of Calvary Chapel, and will cause confusion. Brian claims the authority to represent, and even more critically, to define, what Calvary Chapel is and is not. In a recent letter to the movement, Brian quoted Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together unless they are agreed?�? Brian’s resignation from the Council, acknowledges he disagrees with the way the CCA Council would lead and define Calvary Chapel. This has created a crossroads that none of us on the Council wanted.

(411) The future of discernment and apologetics ministries by Sandy Simpson, 12/3/16 
I admit that I am very skeptical about the future of discernment and apologetics ministries. I don't see the next generation coming up to replace those who have stood for the truth for so long. Fortunately many apologists have gone to be with the Lord but who will replace them? I don't see replacements coming up who will take the place of those who have been fighting the fight the years. 

(412) Caryl Matrisciana Has Gone to Be With the Lord at Lighthouse Trails, 12/4/16 
Dear friends: Around midnight on December 2nd, Caryl Matrisciana passed away peacefully at her home. She had been battling cancer for over a year. Caryl was a devoted mother and grandmother as well as a film maker, author, speaker, and a valiant defender of the Christian faith. She has left a legacy that many will draw from for many years to come. Please pray especially for her family during this time. There will be a memorial service at a later date that we will announce when we have that information. For those not familiar with Caryl and her work, you can visit her site at

(413) Children at Risk: “Ruling Soon on Obama’s Forced Transgender Treatment For Youth�? by Michael F. Haverluck, 12/23/16 
A Texas judge is expected to decide the fate of President Barack Obama’s new rule that would take effect on New Year’s Day and force doctors to provide transgender medical treatment for children who desire it.The ruling will determine whether the Obama administration will be able to give the LGBT community yet another victory before the outgoing president leaves office to let the current President-elect Donald Trump take over next month. “[The transgender] treatment would be required under Obama’s federal rule – even if the physician is convinced it would harm the child,�? WND reports.

(414) Christmas Articles at Crossroads, 12/25/16 

(415) The New York Times and the State of Religion in America (Video) by Jacob Prasch, 12/26/16 

(416) A Nation Divided - The United States of America by James Dager, Media Spotlight Vol. 39, No. 4 (Winter 2016) 
Darkness is enveloping the United States of America. It is a festering cancer that has been growing for decades, but metastasized exponentially over the past eight years. The darkness is that which unfolds from the dark souls of a great number of American citizens who have been deluded by Satan to believe that the blessings bestowed upon them by our gracious God are to be despised. In place of those blessings, they desire anti-Christ, perverse, and satanic “blessings�? that allow them to vent all their hatred and animosity toward everything decent in human society.

(417) 2016 Year in Review at Lighthouse Trails, 12/31/16 
Every year around this time, Lighthouse Trails presents its Year in Review. Over the next few days, we will be posting our top stories from different categories from 2016. This is an opportunity to read stories you may have missed and also to get a wide-lens glance at important things happening in the church and the world from a discernment and biblical point of view. As always, our primary focus at Lighthouse Trails is the Gospel. We hope this Year in Review will point readers to that very message. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, & Part 4

(418) Celebrity Culture and Social Media by Dr. David Gooding, 1/14/17 
We can easily become caught up in the maelstrom of the media circus. Deluged each day by the media with scandal, gossip, immorality, and the details of their private lives, we cannot help but be influenced…and defiled. Centuries ago, James asked one of the most searching questions found in the Scriptures: “What is your life?�? (Jas 4:14). It was asked in the context of the mass pursuit of material treasures, and movement without a sense of the sovereign hand of God in one’s life. How much more applicable it is when it comes to the pursuit of entertainment. James teaches us that life outside the will of God is only a vapour which vanishes away. It has little staying power, little substance and little influence. In contrast to all the vicarious living which marks the society around us, Paul could speak of his life: “For to me to live, Christ!�? (Phil 1:21). Elsewhere he could say, “Nevertheless I live; yet not I but Christ liveth in me. And the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God Who loved me and gave Himself for me�? (Gal 2:20). Paul lived Christ before the world. It brought him none of the fame men crave; it was seemingly marked by sorrow, burden and hardship, rather than happiness. But it was a life which brought pleasure to God, blessing to the world, profit to the assemblies and future honour at the Bema. It was, as well, a life which was supremely satisfying and fulfilling to him. Listen to his words on the eve of his departure: “I have finished my course�? (2 Tim 4:7). Another, John the Baptist, on seeing Christ honoured, could say, “This my joy, therefore, is fulfilled�? (John 3:29). Paul, John and a long line of saints have found their joy and fulfillment in living for the Lord Jesus Christ. We follow Him, feed upon Him, and remain faithful to Him and to His Word. Life is too short not to invest it in an eternity which is exceedingly long!

(419) Preliminary to Armageddon . . . Paris Jan 15 by Bill Randles, 1/15/17 
An event is occurring today which portends to be one of the last preliminaries to the shattering events outlined in the book of Revelation, and the end of the world as we know it. The event is the opening of a new Embassy, the Palestinian Embassy in Vatican City. This will be the opening of the first Palestinian Embassy in the European Union. The main characters in this scenario are Pope Francis and Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian State and the Vatican. Mahmoud Abbas is the recognized president of the Palestinian State. The State has been designated by the U.N. and is to be located in the place in which the God of the Bible gave land to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—notably Judea and the Gaza strip.

(420) Israel Watches Unimpressed as Nations Gather to Decide Fate of Holy Land by Ryan Jones, Israel Today, 1/16/17 
The nations of the world gathering in Paris on Sunday to determine the fate of the Holy Land. Israel was not among them, and watched wholly unimpressed as the international diplomats engaged in “pointless�? dialogue. Trying to sound a note of balance, French President Francois Hollande said that both Palestinian terrorism and Jewish settlements are holding up peace in the Middle East. Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was dismissive. “The conference that is convening today in Paris is a pointless conference,�? he said at the start of Sunday’s cabinet meeting. “It was coordinated by the French and the Palestinians and aims to force conditions on Israel that conflict with our national interests.�?

(421) Does the world have a problem with Islam or does Islam have a problem with the world? by Mike Oppenheimer, 1/27/17 
The Messiah - Our messiah returns to save Israel and the saints. The Muslim messiah (Isa) Jesus, comes to destroy Israel, the churches and convert the Christians to Islam.  Why do they hate Jesus? Because he tells them the truth of their condition which is only found in the Bible. The words of Muhammad cannot be compared to the words of love Jesus told his followers: “Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you�? (Matthew 5:44). As you want people to treat you, so treat them�? (Matthew 7:12). “You shall love your neighbor as yourself�? (Matthew 22:39). “This is my commandment that you love one another�? (John 15:12, 17). You cannot find anything of equal value in Islam or any philosophy or religion on earth.  In fact, as Muhammad was dying, he asked Allah, to curse the Jews and Christians (Bukhari, Vol. 1, #427). Contrast this with Jesus asking the Father to forgive while he was dying- FOR them. This is God’s heavenly love that is supernatural, eternal and melts the heart of anyone who takes the time to see who Jesus really is.

(422) Pastor Resigns From David Platt’s Southern Baptist Mission Board Over Legal Brief Supporting New Jersey Mosque by Heather Clark, Christian News Network, 1/31/17 
A pastor who had served as a trustee of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) International Mission Board, led by “Radical�? author and former Alabama pastor David Platt [see the LT articles on Platt below], has resigned out of his concerns over the board’s participation in an amicus brief supporting the construction of a New Jersey mosque. Dean Haun, the pastor of First Baptist Church of Morristown, Tennessee, told the Baptist and Reflector this week that he wasn’t aware that the Board had joined in the brief until he started receiving email and phone calls from other pastors who were troubled about the matter. The Mission Board, the SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty were among 20 groups that had joined the legal filing, including the American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the Sikh Coalition, the Interfaith Coalition on Mosques and many others. The matter centered around the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge, which had sought to build a mosque in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, but was denied following community opposition. It sued in March of last year, and the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty assembled a coalition of faith groups supportive of the Society’s rights for an amicus brief to be filed with the court.

(423) Five Reasons to Say No to a Church Covenant in Fraudulent Authority: Pastors Who Seek To Rule Over Others, Chapter 10, by Wade Burleson, 2/8/17 
Jesus, in his sermon on the mount, had this to say about oaths: But I tell you, don’t take an oath at all: either by heaven, because it is God’s throne; or by the earth, because it is His footstool; or by Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great King. Neither should you swear by your head, because you cannot make a single hair white or black. But let your word ‘yes’ be ‘yes,’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no.’ Anything more than this is from the evil one. – Source: Matthew 5:34-37, Holman Christian Standard Bible Nowadays many churches require that prospective members sign a ‘membership contract’ or ‘church membership covenant.

(424) British Anti-Semitism rises to record levels at Understand The Times, 2/10/17 
Comment from UTT: It should be no surprise that anti-Semitic incidents are rising in England. Statistically this can be related to the number of Muslims that have immigrated to England. The number of anti-Semitic incidents in Britain rose by more than a third to record levels in 2016, according to data released Wednesday by the Community Security Trust (CST), which monitors anti-Semitic incidents and provides security to Jewish communities. The group recorded 1,309 incidents of anti-Jewish hate last year, compared with 960 in 2015, a rise of 36%, according to a report in the Guardian. The previous record number of incidents was in 2014, when 1,182 were recorded.

(425) The Punishment for reading a Bible in Saudi Arabia by Admin, The Muslim Issue, 2/11/17 
This is the new form of punishment in one of the Saudi nations. According to reports sent to us from Arabia, this is a new punishment used on at least one person found to possess a bible. Since then, four more people have come forth and confirmed that they have seen people with similar punishments. Saudi Arabia refuses to recognize the religion of immigrants, and allows any non-Muslim within a certain distance of Mecca to be killed.

(426) U.S. Preschool Teacher Urges: ‘Kill Some Jews’ by Chelsea Schilling, WorldNetDaily, 2/23/17 
A Jew-hating Muslim preschool teacher in South Arlington, Texas, was fired Wednesday after she urged her social media followers to “kill some Jews�? and tweeted: “How many Jews died in the Holocaust? Not enough…HAHAHAHA.�? Nancy Salem taught preschoolers at the Children’s Courtyard in South Arlington. She is also an activist with Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Texas, Arlington, according to campus watchdog group Canary Mission. Salem also supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS, an anti-Israel movement that advocates severing global economic relations with the Jewish state.

(427) Who’s to Blame for Bookstore Closures? by Jim Fletcher, 2/26/17 
News came this week that Family Christian Stores is finally shuttering all 240 locations. The 85-year-old chain filed for bankruptcy protection in 2015, and now the end has come for the Christian retail giant that employed 3,000 and stretched across 36 states. As one writer put it, Amazon warlord Jeff Bezos deserves much of the credit for turning most independent bookstores into karate schools or bakeries. But there is another, more specific reason Family Christian Stores is gone. They did it to themselves. The explosion came from within, as decades of pandering to the lowest-common denominator within evangelicalism resulted in poorly educated Christians who have read more about Jesus in “Jesus Calling�? than from the Bible.

(428) This is Not a Review of “The Shack�? by Cedric Fisher, 3/7/17 
I’m not going to write a review or detailed critique of William P. Young’s book or movie both titled The Shack. The reason is because there are already a number of good reviews available. You can access plenty of information on Lighthouse Trails Research. What I will do is present a warning. First, I want to point out that there are some heresies and deceptions that one should not need a review to recognize and reject. The televangelist selling God’s favor, which increases with the size of the donation, is one. Another one is a preacher smoking pot or getting drunk on video while claiming that it is the way to get closer to God. One more is the preacher that declares that God has entrusted only him with new revelation essential to understanding the Bible. Likewise, does anyone really need to inform a true Christian about what is wrong with The Shack? Now for the warning. God’s word declares that the end times will be very dangerous for Christians. There will be many spiritually wicked individuals masquerading as servants of God. They will present heresies and other lies for the purpose of deceiving God’s people. However, some professing Christians declare that it is impossible for Christians to be deceived and apostatize. If that is true, then who is Satan deceiving and who is apostatizing? The lost are already deceived and cannot apostatize from faith that they do not have. Obviously, the deception has to be very clever. If it were disguised as an orange, it would appear exactly as a genuine orange. Therefore, we can expect lies disguised exactly as truth. However, if people accept enough false oranges loaded with a mind-numbing drug, it stands to reason that false oranges will no longer be needed. Then whatever is being disguised by the falseness will be offered without pretense.

(429) Ask Seek Knock - Luke 11 (Video) by Bill Randles, 2/19/17 

(430) They Love Error More Than Truth by Cedric Fisher, 3/20/17 
Professing Christians are fawning over every heretic, heresy, heretical book, and blasphemous movie. They will race off to conferences with a speaker lineup that reads like a “Who’s Who�? in false “ministers of righteousness.�? The truth floats on by them, but they eagerly reach out, grab, and gush over every falsehood.  But they will not rejoice over or promote truth. Further, they refuse to invest any time and energy defending anyone who presents truth when they are under attack. So God sends His messengers to warn them just as He sent prophets to apostate Israel. But will they listen? They will not listen. We are in the last of the last days before this earth is shaken by the consequences of its rebellion. God knows their hearts are hard, their ears are dull, and their eyes refuse to see, but He sends His messengers anyway. Why? He sends them because God is just, He is merciful, and God is love.  He is not willing that the wicked should perish.  He sends His messengers because He wants people to heed, return to Him, surrender, reject wickedness and accept righteousness, and be spared the consequences of their sinfulness. But they reject God’s messengers. They call them mean-spirited, hateful, ignorant, self-righteous, and even diabolical, for the sole reason that His messengers pierce their fickle and carnal hearts with anointed truth. When they speak harsh rebukes to God’s messengers, they are speaking against Him. Condemning God’s messengers is as condemning the message and the One who sent it. It is as rejecting His righteous authority.

(431) Screwtape Legacy by Sandy Simpson, 3/22/17 
The book by C.S. Lewis called “Screwtape Letters�? was a clever idea in exposing a number of tactics of the enemy.  Those principles are still at work today in many churches.  Following is a list of some of the things the enemy wants to see in churches and Christians in order to bring them down.

(432) IRS Fast Tracked Tax Exemption For Satanic Group At Elementary School at Christian Daily Media, 3/24/17 
Documents obtained by Judicial Watch show the IRS fast-tracked tax-exempt status for an After School Satan Club in Tacoma, Washington, while the federal agency was discovered to be either denying conservative and Christian groups the same status or making them wait for years. According to the watchdog group that uncovered the IRS scandal during the Obama administration, the After School Satan Club at Point Defiance Elementary in Tacoma for its tax-exempt status designation on October 21, 2014 and received it only 10 days later on October 31, 2014. Breitbart News reported in October of 2016 the announcement by the Satanic Temple of Seattle for its proposal of the After School Satan Club in the Point Defiance Elementary school. "After School Satan Clubs will focus on free inquiry, rationalism, science, and character building", the temple's website says, and continues: All After School Satan Clubs are based upon a uniform syllabus that emphasizes a scientific, rationalist, non-superstitious world view. While they claim the twisted Evangelical teachings of The Good News Clubs "robs children of the innocence and enjoyment of childhood, replacing them with a negative self image, preoccupation with sin, fear of Hell, and aversion to critical thinking." After School Satan Clubs incorporate games, projects, and thinking exercises that help children understand how we know what we know about our world and our universe. Judicial Watch reports Reason Alliance, based in Somerville, Massachusetts, operates as the Satanic Temple of Seattle with Lilith X. Starr as the director. The group's documents show the parent permission form used for children to join the club asks for the name of the child's church and pastor. Records also indicate that Starr told Carla Santorno, superintendent of the Tacoma school district, that After School Satan Clubs are led by caring Satanists. In October of 2015, the Obama Department of Justice anounced that Lois Lerner and other IRS officials involved in the targeting of conservative groups tax-exempt applications would not have criminal charges filed against them. Our investigation uncovered substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia, leading to the belief by many tax-exempt applicants that the IRS targeted them based on their political viewpoints." Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Peter J. Kadzik wrote in a letter to House Judiciary officials. "Poor management is not a crime" Kadzik continued, "We found no evidence that any IRS official acted on political, discriminatory, corrupt, or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution."

(433) The Foe We Prefer to Ignore by Berit Kjos, January 2010 
Notice the VISIBLE foes in this North Korean drama. They were the blinded puppets of Communism -- indoctrinated in atheism and trained to hate God and His people. Meanwhile, the INVISIBLE foes were the "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6:12). Dedicated to the destruction of Biblical faith, they are now generally ignored in our post-modern culture. But their deadly schemes were all too familiar to the persecuted Christians in Marxist and other anti-Christian nations. As Pastor Richard Wurmbrand wrote in Tortured For Christ (1967), “...there are no nominal, halfhearted, lukewarm Christians in Russia or China. The price Christians pay is far too great.... Communist persecution has backfired and produced serious, dedicated Christians such as are rarely seen in free lands.�?

(434) ‘Bible Answer Man’ Hank Hanegraaff Leaves Evangelicalism, Joins Eastern Orthodox Church at Lighthouse Trails, 4/15/17 
LTRP Note: The following news article is posted for informational and research purposes and not as an endorsement of either the content or the source. It is no surprise to Lighthouse Trails that Walter Martin’s successor Hank Hanegraaff (host of the Bible Answer Man) has converted to the Orthodox Church (which is a bridge between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism). Several years ago, we saw something like this coming because of Hanegraaff’s embracing of Rick Warren, Richard Foster, and other ecumenical contemplative figures.

(435) Israel: Replacing What God Has Not (Booklet) by Mike Oppenheimer, 4/20/17 
LTRP Note: As we approach this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day (April 24th) and in view of a recent article we posted where we referred to God’s view of Israel, we are reposting Mike Oppenheimer’s article/booklet titled Israel: Replacing What God Has Not, which we originally released four years ago. And if you have never watched Caryl Productions documentary film Christian Palestinianism, we highly recommend it. In view of secular media’s bias against Israel and much of the Protestant and evangelical church turning against Israel as well, this is an issue that Christians need to understand. We hope the DVD as well as Mike Oppenheimer’s report will help with that. Both are from a scriptural perspective.

(436) Did Paul teach Universalism? (Video) by Jmes Jacob Prasch, 4/24/27 

(437) How to Find a Bible-Believing Church by Lighthouse Trails, 5/6/17 
We have often been asked, “How do I find a good Bible-believing church?�? There are many believers who are struggling to find one in their own communities. To start with, we usually recommend they make phone calls to potential churches and ask a few concise questions such as: “Do you have a Spiritual Formation program at your church?�? or “Has your church implemented aspects of the Purpose Driven Movement anytime in the past 10 years?.�? Since thousands of churches would answer yes to both or at least one of these questions, they are worthwhile to ask, and it would certainly narrow down the scope of one’s search. Here are a few other questions that could be asked:

(438) Cry for Discernment! -- God's Forgotten Promise by C. W. Booth, 5/24/17 
In recent years the church universal has witnessed false messiahs lead groups of people into the jungle and into urban communes to commit mass suicide, the banning of prayer in public school, mass public marriages of strangers to each other by self-appointed earthbound-gods, the word "hedonism" change from an evil philosophy of worldly living to supposedly being the key to salvation, the rise of the "unity over doctrine" movement, the advancement of the "partially mistaken New Testament prophets" theory in fundamentalist circles, and laughter replacing Bible teaching in many churches. In all this, where has the discernment of the righteous ones gone?

(439) Eastern Orthodox Church Articles compiled by Sandy Simpson, 5/25/17 
In view of Hank Hanegraff's declaration that he has now joined the Eastern Orthodox, here are some important articles to read showing it to be closly aligned with some of the heresies of the Catholic Church.  Read Orthodox Church, Statues of Saints-God Ordained of Idolatry?, Greek Eastern Orthodox Church Exposed!, "God's Word vs. Vain Tradition" (Orthodox & Roman Catholic Church Exposed), and What is the Greek Orthodox Church?

(440) Buried in Unmarked Graves by Roger Oakland, 5/31/17 
Vast are the burial grounds resulting from man-centered Christianity. When men follow men rather than the Good Shepherd, they seek after wealth, kingdoms, power, and illicit sexual relationships—anything to feed the flesh, which we know is never satisfied. When this happens, it is no longer Christianity but rather another “Christianity,�? a dead and harmful religion (which is man’s invention) promoting another Jesus. Religion robs the innocent from true freedom in Jesus. The temples, the cathedrals, the shrines, and the modern day megachurches often testify to the accomplishments of man more than they speak of the wonders of God, who sent His Son to redeem us from our sins.

(441) Fighting Fear in a Fearful Day (Booklet) by Maria Kneas, 6/6/17 
The Bible tells us to “cast�? our cares (fears, anxieties, worries, and concerns) on God because He cares for us (loves us and takes good care of us). That means giving our cares to God, and leaving them with Him—not taking them back again: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7) This is easier said than done. We have to learn how to do it. Like many things in life, it takes practice. We can ask God to enable us to do it, to give us the grace for it, and to help us appropriate and work with the grace He gives us.

(442) Baptist Prof To LGBT Group: Our Kids Are Not Your Kids by Robert Oscar Lopez, The Daily Caller, 6/7/17 
In a recent press release, a group called Faith in America has announced they will intrude into multiple public spaces of Phoenix during the yearly convention of the Southern Baptist Convention. Their goal is to demand that Baptists remove homosexuality from their list of sins and give Faith in America’s advocates bargaining power for a long-term conversation with the SBC. The conversation would hinge on what Baptists can do to make LGBT youth—which Faith in America calls “yOur youth�?—happier and more affirmed within Baptist churches.  Given the frightening extent of LGBT efforts to force sexually suggestive curriculum to students as young as four, and given the efforts by grassroots Baptists to counter many unscrupulous tactics by people behind these efforts, the SBC should not give any appearance of agreement with Faith in America’s claims.

(443) Welcome to Rome! by Judson Casjens, 6/11/17 
Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs poll, conducted May 3-7, 2017, found that a “leftward movement in perceptions of what is morally acceptable has been ongoing,�? with a shift in 13 of 19 issues over time (since 2001). In another section of the same poll, Gallup found that just 24 percent believe the Bible is the literal word of God—the lowest in Gallup’s 40 years of asking Americans about their biblical beliefs. On several key social issues Americans responded in the most recent survey that it is morally acceptable to use birth control (91%), get divorced (73%), engage in opposite-sex sexual acts outside marriage (69%), engage in same-sex sexual acts (63%), have a baby outside of marriage (62%), commit physician-assisted suicide (57%), view pornography (36%) and practice polygamy (17%). Southern Evangelical Seminary President and Evangelical leader Dr. Richard Land said the Gallup findings on social issues and faith in the Bible’s validity are certainly linked: “There’s been a marked movement left in everything except adultery,�? Land said of the surveys. “Cheating on one’s husband or wife still remains taboo. But as more and more people view the Bible as a book of fables, we can see an increasing level of paganism of the United States. The apostle Paul would recognize contemporary America because it looks a lot like ancient Rome and Corinth—except with modern conveniences.�?

(444) Discernment Ministries Not Needed? Would the Apostle Paul Agree? by Lighthouse Trails, 6/15/17 
This week, someone sent us an online article, written by a pastor who said that the church does not need discernment ministries  anymore. While the pastor’s comments that such ministries are making great money by doing this kind of work were erroneous, it was the pastor’s rationale and conclusions about discernment ministries as a whole that were most troubling. His rationale was that discernment ministries should not be criticizing and challenging leaders and teachers within the church (but rather outside the church; e.g cults, Mormonism); his conclusion was the church does not need discernment ministries and people should stop listening to them. He lumped all discernment ministries together, suggesting that they are all jealous of each other and spend a lot of time fighting amongst themselves. He suggested that many of these discernment people will end up dying early anyway because of the high level of stress involved. Needless to say, we found such an article very sad because we knew there would be people who would read it and would be persuaded by the pastor’s words.

(445) Southern Baptists go 'gender-inclusive' on Bible at Understand the Times, 6/23/17 
The Southern Baptists have now adopted a “gender-inclusive�? translation of the Bible. And Gallups warns the denomination seems to be trying too hard to appeal to a secular, anti-Christian culture rather than simply standing for truth.

(446) Heaven Would Not Be Heaven If You Went There by Gary F. Zeolla, 7/1/17 
“I’m a good person. I am sure I will go to heaven.�? Are you really a good person? Let’s see what the Bible has to say about that.

(447) Prophecy Update From Bulgaria-6/30/2017 (Video) by James Jacob Prasch-Live Via Skype, 7/3/17 
Deaths reach 1,627 marking one of the bloodiest Islamic holy months in recent memory.

(448) Some Red Flags When Evaluating a Ministry by David Kowalski, 7/4/17 
Anytime we are just getting acquainted with a ministry, we look for ways to evaluate it. Sometimes problematic elements are obvious from the beginning but at others the problems are not so evident at first. Cults and heretics often do not promote their unique, false teachings or aberrant practices to strangers and newcomers. The Unification Church and Scientology are two groups that are particularly noted for this. Still, we can look for red flags that may indicate a need for closer inspection. A red flag differs from a false teaching or bad practice in that the red flag is a sign that something might be wrong. Upon seeing a red flag, we should never form any kind of conclusion without further information. The group or person may just be imprudent or in some sense unusual without being unorthodox or wrong in what they do. It is nevertheless useful to know the signs of possible problems with a minister or ministry. I have given below twelve such signs.

(449) A Rebellious Generation: Youth Out of Control by Jim Schneider, VCY America, 7/20/17 
Jim began this broadcast by quoting from 2 Timothy 3:1-5. This description is indicative of the very society we're living in today, and the participants are often young people. He presented numerous news stories from this year alone that prove the point. 

(450) Rick Warren, Mark Batterson & Priscilla Shirer: Keynote Speakers at AOG General Council by Barbara Wilhelm, 7/26/17 
Currently there are several names on the bestseller list among Christian leadership who have gained incredible popularity. But not everything is as it appears. The Bible calls us to prove all things (I Thess 5:21) and upon further investigation it can be seen that three of these names have become involved in some deeply erroneous teaching. The Assemblies of God host an event every two years called General Council where they bring all pastors and leaders from across the globe together for a time of encouragement and instruction. Unfortunately, Rick Warren, Mark Batterson, and Priscilla Shirer, the three leaders referred to above, have been chosen as the keynote speakers this year when General Council meets in Anaheim at the beginning of August. Each AG church has the authority to act independently on their own behalf but the fact that those in authority in the AG have chosen these three individuals is reason for great concern. 

(451) Dr. George Wood Responds to Lighthouse Trails Article on AoG Resolution 3 and Israel by the Editors at Lighthouse Trails, 8/2/17 
On July 28th, Lighthouse Trails posted a commentary by Lighthouse Trails author Cedric Fisher titled “Assembly of God (AOG) General Council to Vote on Resolution Against Israel.�? This commentary set off a fire storm on the Internet, and on Saturday July 29th, Lighthouse Trails editors received an e-mail from Dr. George Wood (General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God). Dr. Wood is familiar with Lighthouse Trails because of a controversy in 2013 where Dr. Wood gave his blessing and permission for contemplative emergent Ruth Haley Barton to speak at the 2013 AoG General Council Conference resulting in some Lighthouse Trails articles addressing the seriousness of such promotion. Shortly after Lighthouse Trails editors received the e-mail from Dr. Wood on the 29th regarding our recent posting of Cedric Fisher’s commentary, we learned that the e-mail was being distributed on the Internet. Because Dr. Wood has made his e-mail public, we are responding in the public arena; and because his e-mail stated that the commentary we posted is “false, meretricious, and slanderous,�? we are compelled to issue this response. Below is Dr. Wood’s e-mail to Lighthouse Trails editors in its entirety (in black bold) along with response comments by us in indented non-bold green paragraphs. (After you have read this section, please see a response written by Cedric Fisher regarding Dr. Wood’s e-mail.)

(452) Letter to the Editor: On AoG Resolution 3 Issue, Dr. George Wood Should Research Those With Whom He Aligns Himself at Lighthouse Trails, 8/5/17 
I just wanted to offer my support in your efforts to reveal the truth about Resolution 3, the AOG involvement, George Wood’s stance, etc.  I would encourage you to stay the course. I did read some of the position papers (and, yes, I’m aware they are not all called official “position papers,�? but, let’s be real, people) and am appalled that so-called evangelical, Christian “ahem, leaders�? would ask forgiveness from a false god!!  I believe that’s in the beginning of the document.  That statement alone should be a DEAL BREAKER for ANY Christian, thereby making the rest of the document complete heresy!  Seriously, how can any true Christian make it past that statement with any sense of TRUTH in the rest of the document?

(453) George Wood Steps Down From Assemblies of God General Superintendent Position—and Resolution 3 Is Withdrawn at Lighthouse Trails, 8/10/17 
According to numerous sources, Dr. George Wood has stepped down from his role as General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God denomination. One source, Charisma Magazine, stated the following in a news article Wed (August 9th) afternoon: Douglas E. Clay was voted general superintendent of the General Council of the Assemblies of God USA in a stunning vote after former General Superintendent George O. Wood removed his name from the ballot. . . . Multiple rounds of voting took place earlier that day. Wood participated in at least one of those rounds of voting before removing his name from the ballot. After Clay’s strong performance, one source suggested Wood “felt this was indicative of a different direction.�? (source) Also according to various sources, including firsthand accounts by General Council delegates at the convention, the controversial Resolution 3, which was supposed to be voted on at this year’s Assemblies of God General Council in Anaheim, California, was withdrawn by R3’s foremost author, Ross Byars, after numerous Assemblies of God delegates publicly expressed strong concern about the Resolution. One Facebook source stated: “Resolution 3 was removed at/by the General Council of AOG that had become a firestorm for believers.�?

(454) Are you a Prepper? Some things to think on as the days get darker by Mike Oppenheimer, 8/11/17 
What are you preparing for? A change in our presidency does not have any weight on Bible prophecy about the Tribulation. All will be fulfilled in God’s timing and in His way. According to some Bible prophecy teachers all we have to look forward to is the Tribulation. So one must prepare now, become a "Christian Prepper."  Yes, the world is still headed toward the Tribulation. Bad and terrible things will take place. Do you think you are appointed for the worst time in the world’s history? No amount of positive thinking or good vibes will avoid this. The day of the Lord comes as thief in the night. 1 Thess. 5:5-6 "We are not of the night nor of darkness.  Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober."

(455) Evolutionary Beliefs Versus the Unconquerable God by Roger Oakland and Caryl Matrisciana, 8/14/17 
Through evolutionary beliefs, we can see that our culture is slamming the door on God the Creator while at the same time opening the door to the fallen spiritual realm (the demonic realm). As a result, people are increasingly embracing Satan’s false promise that they are the masters of their own world.

(456) Letter to the Editor: Churches Strongly Influenced by “Religious Correctness�? at Lighthouse Trails, 8/15/17 
Our Christian churches are being strongly influenced by what I call Religious Correctness. It is similar to Political Correctness.  If you question anything, you are told to sit down and shut up. Do not rock the boat. I am a former Roman Catholic who now knows and loves Jesus Christ.  In Sunday school class at my church, when I questioned Mother Teresa (soon to become a Catholic saint to whom Catholics can pray), and I also brought up some of the anti-biblical practices of the RCC, I was told that I could either keep quiet or leave.

(457) Racism, Atheistic Evolution, and Divine Creation by Gary F. Zeolla, 8/26/17 
Many today do not believe “we are all made by the same Almighty God�? and “all of us are created equal. We are equal in the eyes of our Creator.�? As such, they do not believe “Racism is evil.�? They in fact justify their racism due to that non-belief in a Creator God. The relationship of racism and a person’s beliefs about human origins will be addressed in this article.

(458) Televangelist Scam Alert! by ApostasyAlert, 8/31/17 
Major televangelists are using the Hurricane Harvey disaster to raise money for themselves. That’s right, the money you think is going to disaster relief may be going into the televangelists pocket. Here’s how it works. Televangelist solicits donations for disaster relief claiming that his organization is helping victims with funds and needed supplies. While that may be partially true, many of them are set up to use only a portion of your donation for disaster relief. The rest stays with the televangelist’s ministry.

(459) Broken Cisterns by James Jacob Prasch, Live at Open Door Church, NY, 9/3/17 

(460) The Sheepdog Guarding the Sheep at Lighthouse Trails, 9/12/17 
I found that the function of the sheepdog is analogous to the call of Christians to exercise discernment.  Those of you who might work on farms are quite familiar with the functions of the sheepdog in guarding the sheep, I presume.  When these animals see danger, they bark to alert the shepherds and the sheep about the wolves coming their way.

(461) Diligence in Holiness by James Jacob Prasch, 1999 
Joshua 7:23-26: And they took them from inside the tent and brought them to Joshua and to all the sons of Israel, and they poured them out before the LORD.  Then Joshua and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, the silver, the mantle, the bar of gold, his sons, his daughters, his oxen, his donkeys, his sheep, his tent and all that belonged to him; and they brought them up to the valley of Achor.  [Now, in the Bible, Achor means a place of calamity, something like that, trouble, calamitous-type trouble.]   And Joshua said, "Why have you troubled us? The LORD will trouble you this day." And all Israel stoned them with stones; and they burned them with fire after they had stoned them with stones.  And they raised over him a great heap of stones that stands to this day, and the LORD turned from the fierceness of His anger. Therefore the name of that place has been called the valley of Achor to this day.  This stuff was concealed it says, buried in his tent.  How spiritual I am is not the guy you see up here talking to you, it is the guy who goes home and how is it that he treats his wife and his children? What is buried in my tent?  What is wrong with me?  What is buried in my tent that should not be there?  What is buried in your tent that should not be there?  Now, some things could be wrong for one person and not another.  If you have a glass of wine with dinner, I don’t care about that but for somebody else that can be a sin.  But there are some things that are wrong for all of us, things under the ban, things under the ban that can put us in the fire.  It says that in Ephesians, warning Christians, it says no fornicator shall enter the Kingdom, no liar, no thief.  Some people tend to confuse holiness with legalism.  David Wilkerson is not perfect but he has the idea that Christians should not have TVs.  I tell you what, we would be better off with no TVs than Christian Channel Europe or TBN.  I am not saying having a TV is wrong but what is on there now?  And the Christian stuff is worse and more of a reproach than the world.  I can take Channel 4 with all of its smut; it is less dishonoring to the name of Christ than Christian Channel Europe because they are not doing it in the name of Jesus.  What is in the tent? 

(462) Witnessing to someone in a cult by Mike Oppenheimer, 9/19/17 
Cults have both a theological and sociological drawing on people. More join because of the sociological aspect and learn to accept the theological. Before you address their doctrine, find why they have joined. Was it friends, to make friends, to be with people with a cause? In the conversation ask them if their joining strained their relationship with their family and other friends not in their religious group. Once you have discussed this you than can more easily address the differences in doctrine they are being taught. Always stay on the core issues and do not speak on more than three points. Usually one or two are better. Take the most important difference to be discussed first. If they cannot see them than there is no reason to move on to other topics. Even if you disagree and the person does not see what you are saying assure them that they can contact you at any time and you will be there for them. What you most likely will encounter are those who think that their working for God completes or merits salvation. They may talk about grace but will have not experience faith through grace that results in their salvation.

(463) Oprah Magazine: God Is “in�? Abortions? by Larry DeBruyn and Sarah Leslie, 9/26/17 
Humane theology was the foundation of Dr. George Tiller’s practice. It dictates that alleviating suffering is a Christian’s sacred responsibility. If God is in everything, and in everyone, then God is as much in the woman making a decision to terminate a pregnancy as in her Bible.—Dr. Willie Parker, MD, Life’s Work: A Moral Argument for Choice[1] Because of his “oneness�? worldview that God is “in�? everyone and everything is “in�? God, Dr. Willie Parker believes that God sanctions aborting-killing of babies. The Oprah Magazine quotes him as having written in his book, Alleviating needless suffering is a Christian’s sacred responsibility. If God is in everything, and everyone, then God is as much in the woman making a decision to terminate a pregnancy as in her Bible.[2] Having quoted Parker, it needs to be stated that while the “act�? of abortion is outside of God’s love neither the aborted baby nor mother are outside of God’s love. In the traumatic aftermath of having aborted a baby, many women have found forgiveness in and through the Cross of Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23; 1 Timothy 1:12; 1 John 1:7-9). Further, we harbor no personal malice toward Dr. Parker nor do we wish for any harm to come to him because he is an abortion provider. God is his judge, and along with the rest of us, Jesus will judge all of us (John 5:25-29). 

(464) Anti-Christianity Ascending by T.A. McMahon, 10/1/17 
The Bible is very clear in its pronouncements regarding the Antichrist and what he will accomplish, which includes deceiving the entire world into submitting to him, taking control of world economics, manifesting unprecedented military might, exhibiting supernatural powers, and setting up a religious system that involves the world’s worship of him. In my privileged years of working with Dave Hunt, he addressed, as few others, the increasing apostasy that was seducing Christianity. I then began to realize that the things he was pointing out (such as the information contained in his classic DVD Beyond Seduction) were moving in a direction that would culminate in a condition unparalleled in human history. As I reaffirmed in the June 2017 TBC newsletter, the assorted false religious beliefs, dogmas, and practices, although appearing to differ greatly from one another, have always been rooted together and headed toward the same end. My attitude regarding the significance of the Antichrist and his religion changed with the realization of something that should have been obvious to me: all that entails the Antichrist’s deception of the world and the seduction of Christianity does not wait until after the rapture of the church for their effects to be realized. Those deceits go clear back to Satan’s deception of Eve in Genesis chapter 3, and have continued, and will continue more aggressively, until they climax during the reign of the “son of perdition.�? Read Part 1 & Part 2

(465) Halloween! A Warning to Parents (Booklet) by Johanna Michaelsen, 10/12/17 
It is tragic that many people in the church have forgotten that “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind�? (2 Timothy 1:7), and that includes on Halloween! Too many of our children have been made vulnerable to a spirit of fear and to the occult where we allow faith in God to be extinguished by participating in the darkness of this world. After the repeal of the Witchcraft Act in England in 1951, the Witches and Satanists experienced a revival which is currently in full swing. You might not know too much about Witches or Satanists, but I guarantee you that most kids do in today’s computerized, Internet, social-media world. For ye were sometimes [formerly] darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light . . . And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove [expose] them. (Ephesians 5:8,11)

(466) Harvey Weinstein IS the Face of Hollywood: A Cesspool Of Sin by Geri Ungurean, 10/18/17 
Months ago, I wrote a piece on pedophilia in Hollywood.  For those who did not read the article – here it is...

(467) “True Revival in the Midst of Persecution�? by a Pastor Who Went to Prison For His Faith by Georgi P. Vins (Pastor in USSR who spent 8 years in Soviet prison camps for his faith | Author of The Gospel in Bonds), 10/22/17 
At the beginning of the 1960s, the Lord sent a spiritual revival among the Evangelical Baptists1 of the Soviet Union. The revival preceded a great assault from the atheistic authorities. Soviet newspapers and magazines spewed an endless flow of articles against believers and the Christian faith, against the Bible and God. Radio, television, and movies were used for anti-religious propaganda. Believers were fired from their jobs, and Christian young people were kept out of educational institutions.

(468) “Why Millennials Are Ditching Religion for Witchcraft and Astrology�? by Kari Paul, Marketwatch, 10/26/17 
LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes and not as an endorsement of the source or the content. It is also a reminder that young people today desperately need to hear the true biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(469) Why Have Americans Stopped Reading the Bible? at Understand the Times, 10/29/17 
Comment from UTT: There are two truths that we can count on revealed in the Bible: the Bible is true and Satan, God's adversary, hates the Bible. These two truths help us to understand the statistics that are revealed in the following article and why fewer people read and believe the Bible to be true.

(470) John Newton (1725-1807) by James Brown, at WebTruth, 10/30/17 
James Brown, of Scotland, author or “Torchbearers of the Truth�?, provides a short but useful biography of John Newton, the author of the hymn Amazing Grace. On John Newton’s gravestone it reads: “John Newton, Clerk, once an infidel and libertine, a servant of slaves in Africa, was, by the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, preserved, restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had long laboured to destroy.�? This is his story:

(471) Has God Given Us Over? at VCY America, Host: Jim Schneider Guest: Peter LaBarbera, 11/16/17 
Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and also a writer for Early in this broadcast, Jim read an extensive list of LGBT candidates who won seats in last Tuesday's election. When reviewing Romans chapter 1:18-32, is it possible that this is a sign that God is giving the United States over to depravity?

(472) “The Number of Teens who Are Depressed is Soaring — and All Signs Point to Smartphones�? by Jean Twenge, Business Insider, 11/24/17 
LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational purposes. Around 2012, something started going wrong in the lives of teens. In just the five years between 2010 and 2015, the number of U.S. teens who felt useless and joyless – classic symptoms of depression – surged 33 percent in large national surveys. Teen suicide attempts increased 23 percent. Even more troubling, the number of 13- to 18-year-olds who committed suicide jumped 31 percent. In a new paper published in Clinical Psychological Science, my colleagues and I found that the increases in depression, suicide attempts and suicide appeared among teens from every background – more privileged and less privileged, across all races and ethnicities and in every region of the country. All told, our analysis found that the generation of teens I call “iGen�? – those born after 1995 – is much more likely to experience mental health issues than their millennial predecessors. What happened so that so many more teens, in such a short period of time, would feel depressed, attempt suicide and commit suicide?

(473) Letter to the Editor: More Concerns Re: Calvary Chapel Pastors and Discernment Ministries at Lighthouse Trails, 12/12/17 
LTRP Note: We are posting this, not to single out Calvary Chapel as this is a problem in most denominations today, but rather to once again illustrate why discerning Christians (like many of you who read LT) are having such a hard time in their efforts to warn the church about spiritual deception and apostasy.

(474) Evangelical Support for Israel Declining, Especially Among Millennials: Survey at Understand the Times, 12/15/17 
Comment from UTT: It should be no surprise that support for Israel by the younger millennial generation is on the decrease. This goes along with the statistics showing that fewer younger evangelicals actually believe the Bible is the word of God. Propaganda from the world and church that has embraced replacement theology has played an important role in this phenomenon. 

(475) Pew Research Survey Finds: “Religious Aspects of Christmas Are Declining in Public Life�? at Lighthouse Trails, 12/19/17 
LTRP Note: The following out of house news story is posted for informational and research purposes and not as an endorsement of the content or the source. Pew Forum on Religion As long-simmering debates continue over how American society should commemorate the Christmas holiday, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that most U.S. adults believe the religious aspects of Christmas are emphasized less now than in the past – even as relatively few Americans are bothered by this trend. In addition, a declining majority says religious displays such as nativity scenes should be allowed on government property. And compared with five years ago, a growing share of Americans say it does not matter to them how they are greeted in stores and businesses during the holiday season – whether with “merry Christmas�? or a less-religious greeting like “happy holidays.�?

(476) Universities Strive For "Christmas–Free" Campuses: The Holiday Season Should Be Considered An Opportunity To Demonstrate Cultural Sensitivity at Christian Media Daily, 12/21/17 
As another Christmas quickly approaches, colleges across the country are issuing their annual guidelines on how to make the season as inclusive as possible. At the University of California, Irvine, for instance, individual departments are encouraged to "focus on celebrating a special occasion, instead of a specific holiday," suggesting that they have a "year–end celebration" or celebrate "seasonal themes such as fall, winter, or spring.": The California university also requests that academic departments "ensure that office celebrations are not indirectly celebrating religious holidays," suggesting that they display "diverse symbols representing a variety of faith traditions along with secular ones." The State University of New York, Brockport has issued similar guidance on "culturally sensitive holiday decorations," even advising employees to "consider a grab bag instead of a Secret Santa gift exchange." Keep decorations general and nonspecific to any religion. Create a winter theme with lights and color rather than religious icons, or include decorations from all the cultural traditions represented in your department, the guidelines add, saying the holiday season should be considered an opportunity to demonstrate cultural sensitivity and inclusivity. Harvard University’s student newspaper ran an editorial attacking President Trump for returning a nativity scene to the White House grounds, calling the move "disrespectful." Bringing back the nativity scene is a slap in the face to the remaining religions thriving within America, the editorial declared. Placing the nativity scene on the grounds of the most important house in the United States is sending the message that their president forgets those who do not practice Christianity.

(477) The Death of Reason by James Jacob Prasch, 12/25/17 

(478) At Lighthouse Trails, Looking Back at 2017 and Pressing On in 2018 by Lighthouse Trails, 1/3/18 
As we soon begin our 17th year of ministry, Lighthouse Trails will press on in 2018 as the Lord provides the strength, guidance, resources, and help that is needed. We know we cannot (nor do we desire to) continue without His hand in our lives and in the work we do. We do not lean on our own frailties and weaknesses but rather on His strength and His faithfulness. Our hearts go out to the countless Bible-believing Christians who are on the front lines trying to warn their churches, families, and believing friends of the spiritual deception that has woven its way so deeply into the church today and who are trying to share the message of salvation to a lost world where hearts are growing harder and more deceived all the time. If you are one of these believers doing what you can to reach others, be encouraged—the Lord is with you and will not forsake you no matter how dark this world gets. Great is His faithfulness.

(479) Museum of the Bible Commentary by Sandy Simpson, 1/4/18 
Let me start out by stating that I am all in favor of a museum that shows the historicity of the Bible.  If it weren’t for some of the people involved this would be a valuable resource.  But I don't support giving credibility to Rick Warren and his friends in support of the Museum of the Bible.  Warren has become the de facto spokesman for this effort.  It is great they are featuring texts and archeological information about the Bible.  But I believe Warren is doing this to set himself up as an authority on the Bible when he is actually guilty, on many counts, of not only disobeying it but of twisting it out of all recognition.  False teachers and those who hang with them are constantly on the lookout for projects that will legitimize them and make them look like they are biblical leaders in Christendom people should follow.  But true biblical leaders are those who do not teach heresy and do not stand up for false prophesies.  Though the Museum of the Bible could do a world of good for those lacking an understanding of the Bible and its place in history, it is also propping up some questionable “Christians�? who are behind it and those compromisers who stand with them.

(480) What Would D. L. Moody Say Today to Moody Bible Institute About Mingling Truth and Error? by D.L. Moody, 1/11/18 
You can never reform anything by unequally yoking yourself to ungodly men. True reformers separate themselves from the world. But, some say to me, if you talk that way you will drive all the members of secret societies out of your meetings and out of your churches. But what if I did? Better men will take their places. Give them the truth anyway, and if they would rather leave their churches than their lodges, the sooner they get out of their churches the better.

(481) Canadian Government Says Lighthouse Trails Transgender Booklet “Hate Propaganda�? – Will Not Allow It In Their Country by Lighthouse Trails, 2/12/18 
On January 29th 2018, Lighthouse Trails released a new booklet titled Transgenderism and Our Children, written by LT authors Maria Kneas and Lois Putnam. The booklet describes the transgender issue and how it is affecting children. While the booklet does say that transgenderism is not God’s will for any human being, there is no language in the book to incite hate against transgenders.

(482) Why Whistleblowers are Often Ignored (Even in Christian Organizations) Editorial by David Kowalski, 3/12/18 
Still, whistleblowers must follow their conscience and report misconduct when they become aware of it. If one has been personally offended in a Christian organization the proper first step is to confront the offender before notifying superiors (if he or she truly repents “you have won your brother�? [Mt 18:25]), although crocodile tears and seemingly sincere apologies by the offender may only be only efforts to elicit sympathy and deflect the accusation if evidence shows the offense is part of a long series of such acts in other circumstances or toward others. He or she may have been through this skilled act of “contrition�? before without a change in behavior (this happens). Regardless of the outcome at that time (most likely the evildoer will eventually be exposed as he or she becomes emboldened to continue in their misconduct and to transgress in other ways), the whistleblower has done the right thing. He or she will be vindicated in eternity and his or her conduct will have the approval of the highest authority — God.

(483) A Testimony About Anti-Testimonies: Deconverstion stories, Ex-timonies, Anti-testimonies by David Kowalski, 3/15/18 
“I used to be a deluded, ignorant, and hateful Christian like you until I learned to be better than you!�? This is the essence of personal testimonies (variously called “deconversion stories,�? “ex-timonies,�? or “anti-testimonies�?) given by people who claim to have de-converted in some way from orthodox, Evangelical Christianity. Recently there has been a flurry of articles pro and con about these. 1 I have personally encountered a good number of these accounts and believe that in the process I learned some valuable lessons about how best to interact with people giving “testimonies�? of this kind.

(484) My High Tower: Seeing the World from His perspective by Berit Kjos, 3/28/18 
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.'" Psalm 91:1-2  In His nearness, my mind is renewed and my heart overflows with His joy. Filled with His Spirit, I’m ready to let His compassionate love reach out to others who need a refuge and hope. How can I bring them to my Tower? How can my walk on earth help others see the Tower through me? I trust Him to show me!

(485) Before Becoming a Believer by Penkhae Noble, 3/31/18 
I received a book called, "I Dared to Call Him Father" from that foreigner.  When I read the book it really touched my heart.  When I read the book it reminded me of all of God's dealings with me in the past and how I resisted God.  It made me understand my sin, and why I needed Jesus.  I realized that I live in a country where we have freedom to choose any religion.  But, the person in the book I read about had to be willing to die for the truth that Jesus is the only one who could save her.  This story made me feel very sad that I had refused God.  So, when I finished reading the book, the first thing I thought about was that I wanted to get a Bible so I could get to know God better.  I remembered the time that I threw the Bible away and I cried.  I wanted to get a Bible on that day.  Where could I get one?  I tried to find a Christian bookstore, but couldn't find one.  Finally, it was getting late, and I decided to go to church to ask the pastor  for one.  When I got to the church, I heard a worship song, and I remembered that this was the Wednesday prayer meeting!  I remembered how I challenged God.  I surrendered to God and confessed that I believe in Him!  That day I asked the pastor to lead me in prayer to become a Christian.  She was surprised and happy at the same time.  I joined the prayer meeting and was given a Bible.  I went home very happy.

(486) Percent of American Churchgoers Unfamiliar With the Term 'Great Commission': Barna at Understand the Times, 4/3/18 
A little over half of American churchgoers are not familiar with the term "Great Commission," according to a study conducted by the Barna Group and the Seed Company. The "Great Commission" is a term used to describe Jesus' call to evangelism in Matthew 28:18-20: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." In a report released Tuesday, Barna found that 51 percent of church attendees in the United States were unfamiliar with the term "Great Commission." From there, 25 percent of respondents said they heard of it but did not recall its "exact meaning," 17 percent knew for sure, and 6 percent said they were not sure. "The data indicates that churches are using the phrase less, which may reveal a lack of prioritizing or focusing on the work of the Great Commission, but may also indicate that the phrase, rather than the scriptures or the labor, has simply fallen out of favor with some," noted Barna.

(488) In Memory of Al Dager at Media Spotlight, 5/3/18 
It is with a predictable combination of sorrow and joy that we learned that our friend & brother Al Dager has gone to be with The Lord. He with his beloved wife lived in the American state of Washington in the Pacific North West. Al has battled heart disease for some time. 

(489) The Saddest Thing About Going to Hell by Tom Graham, 5/14/18 
In a recent survey, it was determined that 35% of Baptists; 54% of Presbyterians, 58% of Methodists, and 60% of Episcopalians DO NOT Believe in a literal place called HELL! 71% of the 8 leading seminaries in the United States Do Not Believe in either Heaven or Hell. 

(490) 5 Signs You’re Part of an Unhealthy Church by Marielle Thomas, 5/22/18 
There is no such thing as a “perfect�? church. Honestly, there will never be a perfect church because the people who occupy the church are imperfect. The only thing perfect in church is the message and purity of the Gospel. Though there is no perfect church, there are healthy and unhealthy churches. I have been in church literally my entire life, so I have seen the great, the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. After witnessing and having endless discussions about the church culture, I have compiled a list of 5 signs that signal you are a part of an unhealthy church.

(491) The ONE Who Makes Sense in a Crazy Mixed Up World by Trevor Baker, 5/24/18 
Stories of school shootings, bus crashes and multiple innocent deaths on a Toronto sidewalk have our minds left bewildered. In moments like these, we search for answers to it all. Some, I believe, go even deeper than that in search of answers to life itself. It can almost be certain that at least a few of the family members and friends of the victims have reached out to God in their darkest hour. It is possible that some may even have had their lives changed forever as they looked to the Heavens. That one they call the Savior, Jesus Christ, was there to meet them with outstretched arms as they cried themselves to sleep. The stories of these people who have had a 180 degree turn around are not posted in the papers or talked about on the evening news. This world has never been very comfortable with those who fall in love with God, preferring to write them off as “kooks.�?

(492) They Call It “Bibliolatry�? (Bible Worship) – But Could it Be a Contemplative Smoke Screen? by Lighthouse Trails, 5/30/18 
In an article titled “How Evangelicals Became Over-Committed to the Bible and What Can Be Done About It,�? Biola University professor J.P. Moreland says that evangelical Christians are too committed to the Bible.

(493) What is the Queen James Bible? by, 6/9/18 
Answer: The Queen James Bible (QJV), also called the “Gay Bible,�? is an edit of the biblical text done in the name of preventing “homophobic interpretations.�? To accomplish this goal, the publishers printed a Bible in which all negative references to homosexuality have been removed. The Queen James Bible was published in 2012 and is based on the 1769 edition of the King James Bible.

(494) Pew: 25% of Survey’s Christians Don’t Buy Biblical God by Diana Chandler, Baptist Press, 6/12/18 
A fourth of self-identified Christians don’t believe fully in the biblical description of God, Pew Research Center said in its latest study. Rather, 25 percent of American Christians believe in what Pew described as “God or another higher power�? who is not necessarily all-loving, omniscient and omnipotent as Scripture reveals. “In total, three-quarters of U.S. Christians believe that God possesses all three of these attributes — that the deity is loving, omniscient and omnipotent,�? Pew found in the study of about 4,750 Americans released April 25. 

(495) Southern Baptists Call Off the Culture War: America’s largest Protestant group moves to cut ties with the Republican Party and reengage with mainstream culture by Jonathan Merritt, The Atlantic, 6/25/18
“The generational shift happening in the SBC has thrust the group into the middle of an identity crisis,�? says Barry Hankins, the chair of the department of history at Baylor University and co-author of Baptists in America: A History. “The younger generation thinks differently than the old-guard Christian right about culture and politics, and they are demanding change.�? To enact this change, young Baptists nominated 45-year-old pastor J.D. Greear from North Carolina to be president of the denomination. In a campaign video, Greear called for “a new culture and a new posture in the Southern Baptist Convention.�?

(496) Could an earthquake destroy the mosque on the Temple Mount? (Video) by James Jacob Prasch, 7/10/18

(497) Israel, Christianity and the decline of the Western Church (Video) by James Jacob Prasch, 7/27/18

(498) ‘When is an Idol not an Idol?’ by Jackie Alnor, 7/30/18
The various polytheistic world religions – many older than Christianity – seem to have one trait in common:  they create statues of their deities to delight in their presence. We see statues of Buddha in just about every Chinese restaurant we patronize. If you google ‘Krishna statues’ you get over 600,000 hits that display offers to purchase Vishnu and Shakti gods of marble and cement. Only the monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – have injunctions by their founders denouncing the making of idols. When you read the New Testament — the Gospels, Acts, Epistles and the Book of Revelation – the only place where idols are found is among the pagans or as in the last book, foreseeing the image of the beast that is made to talk.

(499) The Hebrew Roots Movement And Legalism (Video) by James Jacob Prasch, 8/5/18

(500) Christ In Us, The Hope Of Glory (Video) by Bill Randles, 7/29/18

(501) Joyce the Discerner: An Exemplary Discerner of the Times by Sarah H. Leslie, 8/20/18
The more my life goes on, the more I recognize the miracle of Joyce’s discipleship in my life. When I get to heaven I will be excited to thank her and point to the continuing fruits the Lord produced in my life from her faithful ministry to me all of those years ago. May other women follow her example – stick to the Word alone, stand and having done all to stand, and speak the truth in love.

(502) Imagine There’s No [Christian] Religion by Dr. Peter Jones, 8/21/18
Jeremiah said of ancient Israel: “Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush�? (Jeremiah 8:12). Since the Sixties, pagan religion has permeated our thinking in once-Christian Western society. Those who remember the days when our moral principles were generally based on God’s commandments are shocked by the takeover of morality, exhibited even in rulings from our highest courts. Increasingly, we hear of “non-binary�? actions and judgments that relativize truth and morals. There is no either/or; no external measure of right and wrong—only a blend that fits our personal choices.

(503) "Christian Cults" by James Jacob Prasch, 8/23/18
In the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, Jesus warned about false teachers, false prophets, false Christs. Now when I was a young Christian it had been my basic assumption this meant Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, things like this. I have no doubt that the proliferation of cults that we have seen in the last century, particularly the last 20 years is, in itself, of prophetic significance; I do not question that. But those are not the false teachers and the false prophets He was mainly warning of. He was warning of those who would come in the Last Days, if possible, to deceive the elect. (Mt. 24:24)

(504) Our Country Is Embracing Satanism at an Alarming Rate; Here's Proof at Understand the Times, 9/12/18
As attendance declines at Christian churches all over America, many Satanic groups are experiencing tremendous growth. For some, embracing Satanism is the ultimate form of rebellion, for others it is about making an anti-Trump political statement, and yet others claim that they are attracted by the very real power that they discover in Satanism.

(505) Remaining Cautious and Circumspect in a Dangerous World by Maria Kneas, 9/18/18
For me, having that ongoing connection with the Lord is far more important than any form of entertainment. I enjoy good entertainment, but I can live without it. However, I cannot live without being in communion with the Lord. I constantly need His guidance, His comfort, and His encouragement.

(506) Most Millennials Believe the Bible Is 'Just a Book' at Understand the Times, 9/27/18
It appears today's younger generation is more disengaged than ever from the Christian faith. A recent Barna Group study reveals that only 14 percent of Millennials believe the Bible is the literal Word of God. The 2017 study also found that one in three Millennials view the Bible as "just another book." And according to researchers, both Millennials and Generation Z are more hostile to the holy book than previous generations.

(507) “Mindfulness Meditation in Public Schools: Side-Stepping Supreme Court Religion Rulings�? by Cathy Gunther Brown, Ph.D., 10/5/18
Since the 1960s, the United States Supreme Court has found it unconstitutional for public schools to teach religious practices such as prayer. But today, mindfulness meditation—a Buddhist religious practice similar to prayer—is promoted by schools nationwide. Why aren’t the courts intervening? Because promoters assert, as the Associated Press did recently, that “Western culture has secularized�? this “centuries-old�? religious practice. But what does it mean to “secularize�? mindfulness? It boils down to a simple change of vocabulary. Promoters drop the terms “Buddhism�? and “meditation�? and add the terms “neuroscience�? and “scientific research.�? Meanwhile, the same practice is taught in both public schools and Buddhist basics classes.

(508) Did Jesus Perform Miracles? Half of British Adults Say No; Only 1 in 10 Back Literal Bible Accounts at Understand the Times, 10/12/18
Close to half of British adults said in a poll that Jesus Christ did not perform any real miracles during His time on Earth. What is more, only one in ten said that that they believe the word for word accounts in the Bible, as revealed in the ComRes survey commissioned by BBC Local Radio, which was released on Sunday. (The standard error for the full weighted sample was about 1 percentage point.)  The poll of 2,002 British adults, which took place between August 16 – 26, found that 46 percent of respondents do not believe that Jesus performed miracles in any form. Another 37 percent said that they believe Jesus "made miraculous things happen," but added that the stories in the Bible include some which "should not be taken literally." Only 11 percent said that they believe the miracles happened word for word as described by the Bible.

(509) China Trying to 'Rewrite the Bible,' Force Churches to Sing Communist Anthems at Understand the Times, 10/15/18
The Chinese government is supervising a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible with socialism in which there will be a "rewrite" of the Bible, a prominent religious freedom activist has told Congress. The Rev. Bob Fu, a former Chinese house church leader who immigrated to the United States in 1997 and founded the persecution watchdog organization China Aid, provided great detail during a House hearing Thursday about a plan enacted by leading state-sanctioned denominations in China to "Sincize" Christianity. As China's crackdown on religion has seen many house churches demolished and thousands of crosses removed from churches nationwide, Fu warned upfront that what is happening right now in China represents the highest degree of persecution for independent faith groups the country has seen in decades. "Religious freedom in China has really reached to the worst level that has not been seen since the beginning of the Cultural Revolution by Chairman Mao [Zedong] in the 1960s," he told members of the House Foreign Affairs' Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations.

(510) The State of Theology (Survey) by Ligonier Ministries, 10/17/18
What do Americans think about God, Jesus Christ, sin, and eternity? Ligonier Ministries’ State of Theology survey helps uncover the answers. Every two years, we take the theological temperature of the United States to help Christians better understand today’s culture and equip the church with better insights for discipleship. Read some of our key findings from 2018 below and explore the data for yourself.

(511) Letter to the Editor on Proclaim 19: Lighthouse Trails Not Being Accurate About Speakers . . . Facts Prove Otherwise by Lighthouse Trails, 10/25/18
To Lighthouse Trails: "I looked up speakers for the Proclaim 19 and did not find Charles Stanley on their list – nor did I find John MacArthur as a speaker. He is only listed as holding the worship service. From the Proclaim 19 web site: “Join us in worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. John MacArthur will be presenting the message and we will be blessed to have an opportunity to join Joni Eareckson Tada in singing hymns.�? There are MANY MANY speakers – including the Vice President of United States – Mike Pence. I really enjoy reading your informative articles and blogs. I believe we need to be discerning in these last days. However, one thing that I believe is very important is to provide your readers with more complete and accurate information in your blogs. Thank you. R _____" LTRP Comment: Actually, our report was and remains accurate. Both John MacArthur and Charles Stanley are on the list of speakers as we earlier stated. As for semantics, Proclaim 19 calls MacArthur and Stanley “speakers�?; thus, we have called them speakers. Below are two links and a photo for those who would like the documentation. As we reported earlier, Roma Downey and her husband Mark Burnett have been removed from the Speakers list, but we cannot confirm with NRB if they have just been removed from the Speakers list on their website or if they have been actually removed from the speaking schedule altogether. Please understand the point in all this. It’s really very simple: Christian leaders are showing no discernment or wisdom in such matters as these (and haven’t for a long time). They will share platforms with anyone if it helps “get their own message out�? (as if God cannot accomplish His purposes unless these leaders compromise). Rather than exposing the works of the Adversary, they are giving them a pat on the back. For nearly 17 years, Lighthouse Trails has shown example after example of this happening, and now today, the modern-day church is so convoluted and saturated with serious false teachings, no one knows up from down and right from left. While damage control efforts are already underway regarding Roma Downey speaking at Proclaim 19 (and perhaps she truly won’t be speaking at the event anymore – we don’t know because there’s been no announcement), you can almost be sure that there won’t be any Christian leaders who are attending Proclaim 19 who will be speaking up about Roma Downey’s promotion of dangerous New Age spirituality or about Rick Warren’s long-time emergent views on contemplative prayer, Bible prophecy, and ecumenism with the Roman Catholic Church.

(512) “They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years�? by Lighthouse Trails, 10/27/18
In May of 2013, Lighthouse Trails released a report titled, “They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years.�? In view of the upcoming elections and some of the things going on around the country in the “background,�? it seems diligent to repost the report at this time. While some of the documentation in the report is a few years old, there are similar efforts going on today as are described in the report. For instance, the “Vote Common Good�? (a website created on June 2018, just in time for the elections) bus tours taking place right now around the country are intending on “flipping Congress.�? The line up of those speaking on the tour are largely extreme liberal  emergent figures such as Brian McLaren, Shane Claiborne, Frank Schaeffer, John Pavlovitz (recently featured in a LT article), Mark Scandrette, Doug Pagitt, Samir Selmanović, Diana Butler Bass, and Nadia Bolz-Weber. 

(513) The end of GOD? Claims humans will ‘worship AI Messiah’ at Drudge Report, 11/5/18
ACT Note: This is an interesting conjecture given what the Bible says about the antichrist. Revelation 13:14-15 "Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed." HUMANS will worship at the altar of an Artificially Intelligent God, it has been claimed. It is already predicted that AI will soon be present in all areas of the workplace, with industry experts saying it will eventually do millions of jobs currently done by people. It is thought that every field – from publishing to factory work – will eventually be dominated by intelligent robots as men and women become increasingly obsolete. But now experts believe more than jobs are at risk in the Artificial Intelligence revolution. Novelist Dan Brown previously warned people may no longer worship God or pray to Jesus – instead putting all their faith in an AI messiah. Speaking about the advent of this technology, the Da Vinci Code writer said: “Humanity no longer needs God but may with the help of artificial intelligence develop a new form of collective consciousness that fulfils the role of religion. “Are we naive today to believe that the gods of the present will survive and be here in a hundred years?�? According to Daily Galaxy, MIT physicist and cosmologist Max Tegmark also said that once this new superintelligence is vastly greater than that of a human, the fate of mankind will depend on it. 

(514) 61 Percent of Christians Believe In These 4 New Age Ideas at Understand the Times, 11/14/18
It's common knowledge that the New Age movement has a strong foothold on our culture right now. Bookstores are lined with best-selling titles teaching people how to use crystals, how to meditate and cultivate "higher consciousness" and how to make contact with spirit guides, as people like Jim Carrey and Oprah Winfrey continue to push things like Christ-consciousness and meditation on the masses. Popular teachers like Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle continue to sell millions of copies of books teaching the idea that God is an impersonal force in the universe and that we are to cultivate relationship with this force by shifting our consciousness and practicing things like "mindfulness," "presence" or yoga. This year, Netflix recently came out with a series called The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, complete with spell-casting, incantations and demonic manifestations right around the same time the makeup company Sephora announced that they would be releasing a starter with kit for little girls, complete with crystals, sage and tarot cards. A study found that witches now outnumber Presbyterian Christians in the US by 100,000, with 1.5 million self-identified witches as paganism continues to grow "astronomically." Twenty-seven percent of Americans identify as "spiritual but not religious", including 35 percent of Protestant Christians. This is one of the fast growing spiritual-religious demographics in the West right now. In fact, the population of those who identify as witches or pagans is continuing to increase as those who identify as Protestant Christian continues to decrease.

(515) Servival Kit (Series) - 1 Peter 4:7-19 by Stephen Davey, 11/17/18
In this series, Pastor Davey takes us through the apostle Peter’s advice on how we should prepare for the end of the world—not like doomsday “preppers�? who hoard survival gear and freeze-dried food, but as believers looking toward the glorious return of Jesus and our eternal existence beyond life on this earth. Christians do need to stock up. But ours is a “servival�? kit, and Peter gives us a checklist of 10 ways to serve and love others while we await the fulfillment of God’s promises.

(516) Being Thankful Through It All by Warren B. Smith, 11/22/18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Thankfulness is our attempt as believers to express the inexpressible—the amazing gratitude we feel for the amazing grace bestowed upon us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He not only saved us from our sins (1 John 2:2), He promised to never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). We are also assured that He who began “a good work�? in us will be faithful to “perform it until the day of Jesus Christ�? (Philippians 1:6). A day for Thanksgiving was set aside as a holiday so that we, as a nation, could collectively give thanks to God for all of His blessings—to express our gratitude for His love and protection and provision. In years past, hymns like Come Ye Thankful People Come were commonly sung in churches and classrooms as Thanksgiving day approached—young and old alike openly giving thanks to God for His abundant supply and bounty ...

(517) Moriel Newsletter, Fourth Quarter, 2018

(519) Consider the Contrast - A Christmas Devotional by Leon E. Good, 12/17/18
Recently, as I was mulling the celebration of Christ’s first coming, I decided I would share with you an encouragement and an exhortation regarding the one who is both a Savior who suffered pain and death, and who will be coming as a conquering King. As I thought of Christ’s birth, its prophetical significance, and His prophetically promised second return to earth, I marveled at the contrast of those two happenings, which are both of ultimate significance to our eternal destination and existence.

(520) It's a Boy by Stephen Davey, 12/20/18
Even before the miracles, parables, sea-side teachings, salvific death, and glorious resurrection, the gospel still illuminates these opening scenes of Jesus’ earthly life.  Foreshadowed in every detail of Act One – from the angelic invitation to lowly shepherds to the base, humble surroundings of a manger – is the precious and revolutionary message that there is no caste system at God’s table. Only the poor in spirit are invited. Read Part 1 & Part 2.

(521) Remembering when the grace of God came by Mike Oppenheimer, 12/21/18
His grace has made it possible for all to be saved (forgiven and have a new life with God)  but to have it applied it must be received, and to have it received one must place their faith in the work Jesus did for them. This is the reason he was born, and this is why we remember his birth. When you receive his grace and respond in faith it means you are then born, born twice and will die only once. Once naturally and by faith  supernaturally. God has done all He can to provide for us salvation, now it is up you to respond.

(522) Lighthouse Trails 2018 Year-in-Review – Part 3 – Top 10 Articles by Like-Minded Ministries at Lighthouse Trails, 12/29/18
The following are the Top 10 stories written in 2018 by like-minded ministries (most of whom are also authors Lighthouse Trails represents). In order of date posted (oldest to newest).

(523) The Worst Christian of 2018 by Seth Dunn, 1/2/19
Who is the worst Christian of 2018? On the surface, this seems like a foolish or even pharisaical question. The fact of the matter is that there are none worthy to stand righteous before God except his perfect son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Every believer struggles with sin every day and will continue to do so until the Lord returns and raises us anew in glory. None of us are really better than another. Yet, we can still fairly ask and answer, “Who is the worst Christian of 2018?�? if we consider the question in terms of an individual’s influence on the visible church at large. Who out there, among the professing, has had the most deleterious effect on the health of the body of Christ in the year 2018? Using a number of criteria and identifying candidates from a pool of nominees (obvious charlatans and the theologically heterodox were not included for consideration). I have come up with one professing Christian who can fairly be considered “The Worst Christian of 2018.�?

(524) Would Spurgeon Attend the G3 Conference by Pulpit & Pen, 1/18/19
The brothers at G3 may quote Spurgeon this week, but if Spurgeon were alive, he wouldn’t be in the room to hear it.

(525) An Act of Integrity: Noted Conference Speaker Cancels Engagement at Herescope, 1/21/19
Patrick Wood, a well-known speaker, writer, researcher and author, has just issued a public statement withdrawing his name from the 2019 Red River Prophecy Conference that is scheduled to be held in Moorhead, Minnesota on March 15-17th. We wish to publicly commend Patrick Wood for his courageous act of integrity and honor him for taking a biblical stand. Our sincere, fervent prayer is that other men of the Gospel will boldly follow suit. 

(526) All Flocks Need a Sheep Dog by Jackie Alnor, 1/22/19
Discernment Ministries are the Better Business Bureaus of the Body of Christ. They operate in the Church as watchmen who sound the alarm when the wolves sneak in unnoticed. God raised them up due to the plethora of false shepherds that dot the landscape around the world and eat the sheep. The flock is God’s — not the property of a wise guy here and there that has power — often unchecked — over the congregation.

(527) 61 Percent of Christians Believe In These 4 New Age Ideas at Understand the Times, 1/26/19
It's common knowledge that the New Age movement has a strong foothold on our culture right now. Bookstores are lined with best-selling titles teaching people how to use crystals, how to meditate and cultivate "higher consciousness" and how to make contact with spirit guides, as people like Jim Carrey and Oprah Winfrey continue to push things like Christ-consciousness and meditation on the masses. Popular teachers like Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle continue to sell millions of copies of books teaching the idea that God is an impersonal force in the universe and that we are to cultivate relationship with this force by shifting our consciousness and practicing things like "mindfulness," "presence" or yoga. This year, Netflix recently came out with a series called The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, complete with spell-casting, incantations and demonic manifestations right around the same time the makeup company Sephora announced that they would be releasing a starter with kit for little girls, complete with crystals, sage and tarot cards. A study found that witches now outnumber Presbyterian Christians in the US by 100,000, with 1.5 million self-identified witches as paganism continues to grow "astronomically." Twenty-seven percent of Americans identify as "spiritual but not religious", including 35 percent of Protestant Christians. This is one of the fast growing spiritual-religious demographics in the West right now. In fact, the population of those who identify as witches or pagans is continuing to increase as those who identify as Protestant Christian continues to decrease.

(528) The Revival of Molech - And the Return of Bloody Barbarism by Sarah Leslie, Herescope, 1/31/19
"And they build the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin." (Jeremiah 32:35) In the Fall of 1986 I attended a prominent right to life conference in which leaders were gathering to plan strategy before the U.S. presidential campaign of 1988. The right to life issue had suddenly become the number one issue motivating voters. Late the second night I was walking down the hotel hallway talking with a friend.  Suddenly we came upon a couple entangled in a passionate embrace in the doorway to the woman's room. It was apparent they had been drinking heavily as they had abandoned any sense of restraint. We quickly walked on but when we got back to our room we broke down in tears. The couple in the embrace were not married - to each other - and they were high-profile leaders. They didn't see that their sin of adultery was part of the problem! The next day after I returned home I got a phone call about midnight. It was from another leader in the movement, someone who had been overseeing my state work. She demanded that I immediately deny that I had seen what I had seen. That would mean telling a lie. I told her I could not deny what I had seen with my own eyes, but that I had no intention of broadcasting gossip about what I had witnessed. She then told me that she would do everything in her power to destroy me. And she began to work on it. A few months later I resigned from my position because it became clear that in her attempt to destroy me she was ruining an entire organization.[1]

(529) ‘Heavenly Minded; Earthly Good’ by Jackie Alnor, 2/2/19
Remember that old saying, “They’re so heavenly-minded, they’re no earthly good”? Yes, that can be a problem for some. But for most the opposite is true – the majority of professing Christians are too earthly-minded, they’re no heavenly good. The truth is in the middle. And that can be a difficult balance to walk. We are to be in the world, but not of the world, Scripture tells us. We should seek those things above, not below. And yet, the Great Commission is to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel – usually to a hostile audience.

(530) by Got Questions Ministries, 2/3/19
561,624 Bible Questions Answered! Do you have a question about God, Jesus, the Bible, or theology? Do you need help understanding a Bible verse or passage? Are there any spiritual issues in your life for which you need advice or counsel?
Excellent site for Biblical answers!

(531) Navigators Welcomes 2019 With Their Contemplative Trend By Promoting Jesuit Prayer Practice by Lighthouse Trails, 2/7/19
Navigators is a Christian organization, founded in 1933 by a young man named Dawson Trotman, that eventually became a household name in the evangelical church.* The Navigators motto is, “To Know Christ and to Make Him Known.” However, Navigators and its publishing arm NavPress have been on a contemplative trend for over 15 years, and in the January 2019 issue of the Navigator’s newsletter, “Worldwide,” it is evident that the stakes have become much higher. Navigators History of Promoting Contemplative Prayer In 2005, Lighthouse Trails posted a news brief titled, “NavPress – Whatever Happened to Navigators?” that stated, “Today, NavPress has become a leading publisher for contemplative spirituality books.” Some of the authors NavPress publishes include Brennan Manning, Jan Johnson, Dallas Willard, Henri Nouwen, and Bruce Demerest. NavPress is also publishing Eugene Peterson’s The Message (which is a key product for NavPress).

(532) Social Justice: Modern Roots and Promoters by Gary Gilley, 2/10/19
As we attempt to evaluate the social justice movement,[1] especially in light of the debates within evangelicalism surrounding the publication of The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel, it would be helpful to trace its roots.  The emphasis on social justice that is now all but omnipresent within Christianity did not appear out of thin air; there are predecessors and forerunners who have paved the way for comingling of the biblical gospel with a social agenda producing a hybrid gospel and mission for the church.  In two earlier TOTT papers, “The Social Gospel” Parts 1&2,[2] the development of the 19th century Social Gospel movement which led to theological liberalism was detailed. In those articles, it was documented that German rationalism, higher criticism, Enlightenment and Romanticist thought were interlaced and embraced by first European and later American Protestantism.

(533) ‘Brewery church’ is the latest in craft of luring folks to church by Religion News Service, 2/13/19
ORLANDO, Fla. (RNS) — Martin Luther, the famed 16th-century rebel monk and Protestant Reformer, is known to have had a penchant for a palatable pint of beer. He even once exclaimed, “Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!” Perhaps it should come as no surprise then that the first known congregation founded expressly as a “brewery church” is a Lutheran outpost, part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and its Florida-Bahamas Synod. Castle Church Brewing Community describes itself as “Orlando’s newest premier destination brewery” but also makes clear that while beer is its passion, “as a spiritual community, we exist for people first.” ACT Note: If they truly exist for "people first" what about those with a drinking addiction?  And BTW, Luther was not right that drinking beer will result in a sinless life and going to heaven. This gives "seeker friendly" a whole new look.

(534) An abandoning of religion,  faith, for a new way of Spirituality? by Mike Oppenheimer, 2/16/19
A recent article by Michael Snyder End Of The American Dream - November 28, 2018. These are some excerpts of it. America is littered with thousands upon thousands of church buildings that aren’t being used anymore. Many of our nation’s churches can no longer afford to maintain their structures—6,000 to 10,000 churches die each year in America—and that number will likely grow. Though more than 70 percent of our citizens still claim to be Christian, congregational participation is less central to many Americans’ faith than it once was. Most denominations are declining as a share of the overall population, and donations to congregations have been falling for decades. Meanwhile, religiously unaffiliated Americans, nicknamed the “nones,” are growing as a share of the U.S. population. In fact, the “nones” have risen from just 6 percent of the population in 1991 to 25 percent today. That makes them the single largest “religious group” in the United States. Today, less than 20 percent of all Americans attend church on a regular basis.

(535) Social Justice by Gary Gilley, 2/17/19
Of the hot-button issues circulating right now, in both society and the church, nothing has drawn more interest and debate than social justice. In society at large much unrest and controversy is evident particularly in regards to three areas.  First, there are the interrelation concerns, expressed most clearly in the #MeToo movement, which is an effort directed at the alleviation of sexual harassment and assault, primarily targeting women. Next are the debates involving human sexuality, especially LGBTQ items.  Finally, matters of race and ethnicity have surged afresh in recent years.  As these concerns filter down to the church, to a certain extent the response of God’s people is clear. The Scriptures powerfully condemn all forms of immorality, sexual misconduct, and abuse.  Sadly, the church has not been totally spared the accusations of sexual misconduct, with a number of high profile leaders recently being exposed for the misuse of their positions of power and abuse of women.  Concerning the LGBTQ agenda, the Word speaks with equal clarity.[1]  However, this has presented a considerable dilemma for the attractional church which is trying to create a church setting in which the unbeliever is comfortable and happy to join. Those following this model of “doing” church are struggling with how to attract unbelievers while condemning LGBTQ morality which has become increasingly acceptable within our culture. Finally, contrary to some Christians in the past, there are few today who would question the evil of racism. All human beings are created in the image of God and stand on equal footing before Him, and should before us as well.  But in our present time and environment, the matters surrounding race and ethnicity are not all that simple. Misunderstandings, accusations, division, and anger abound, and the church has not been spared.  It is primarily disputes regarding race that have gained the most attention of late and will be the subject of this paper.

(536) How Should the Christian Contender of the Faith Speak and Behave? by Lighthouse Trails, 2/18/19
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12) Lighthouse Trails has always made great efforts to speak the truth in love. We attempt to never be vitriolic or judge one’s motives, not even the “worst” of them. We leave that part up to God. We also attempt to make sure any article we link to by a fellow researcher is of the same caliber. While we do occasionally link to an article that might not fall perfectly into that criteria, our regular authors and writers are of the same mindset as us. So how does a believer rightfully and in a godly manner (following the example of Jesus, Paul, and the disciples) deal with those who are bringing false teachings into the church. In thinking about following the example of Jesus, the disciples, and Paul, below are some Scripture verses that might help us outline some thoughts, for while we can show verses that talk about showing love and respect to others, we can also show many verses that talk about how to deal properly with those bringing heretical doctrines into the church.

(537) Brazil's #metoo moment: Spiritual guru accused of sex abuse by Diarlei Rodrigues, Mario Lobao and Peter Prengaman , Associated Press, February 18, 2019
ABADIANIA, Brazil (AP) — For over 40 years, spiritual healer Joao Teixeira de Faria drew people from all over the world to this small city in central Brazil, offering treatment for everything from depression to cancer. His work was both praised — Oprah Winfrey called de Faria "inspiring" while visiting in 2012 — and heavily scrutinized. Now, de Faria, who goes by the name "Joao de Deus," or "John of God," is in trouble with the law. Since December, more than 250 women including his daughter have come forward to allege abuse that ranged from being felt up during treatments to rape. The mounting accusations are turning the 77-year-old spiritual guru into Brazil's first major figure to go down in the #metoo era, which has been slow to take off in Latin America's largest nation despite myriad problems with gender equality. Meanwhile, the people in Abadiania, about a two-hour drive west from the nation's capital of Brasilia, are in disbelief. They also fear for their futures without de Faria.

(538) Letter to the Editor: My Future as a Methodist Uncertain as LGBT Vote Soon Takes Place at Lighthouse Trails, 2/23/19
It’s getting much more difficult to find Christian books which speak truth, about God, His Word, the church, without a New Age, spiritual formation, emerging church agenda. I quit going to United Methodist Women monthly meetings; one woman uses Jesus Calling as the devotional reading. Sunday School has become a political discussion session. Advent will be a non-Bible movie/study guide with Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. (All this in a Methodist church, led by a pastor who goes to leadership meetings held at a Benedictine monastery! In late February, the Methodists are having a special conference, called by the bishops, to vote on LGBT issues. [LTRJ note: The United Methodists will be voting at their general conference on Feb. 23-26.] A denominational split is already being discussed. I know I will obey God and His Word. So far, I’m still a Methodist, but for how long? I pray for His wisdom and guidance. Thank you for your books, booklets, and Journal.

(539) What do the fake media news and false prophets have in common? by Mike Oppenheimer, 2/24/19
Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun. He didn’t mean that that they drove cars and flew planes in ancient times but was speaking of the heart of man, the ways we stray, has, and will continue to be the same. Solomon wanted to be a fair and just king over his people. Was he perfect, far from it but his inclination was to do good, it was his nature, as it was in his dad (King David) to do God’s will for the people. Given the option to ask anything of the Lord He asked “Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?" (1 Kings 3:9) Wisdom – it can come in many different facets, first is common sense, the other is spiritual sense. We are told in the Bible over and over, century after century of false prophets (and teachers) will be among the people. They in the past have misled them with their own visions and dreams and interpretations of the times. They got it wrong but the people listened to them over those who told the uncomfortable truth. We are also told this will increase to its zenith as we approach the end of the age.

(540) Jesus was a 'sorcerer,' Bible a 'book of magic,' say Christian witches ahead of first annual convention by Leonardo Blair, Christian Post Reporter, 2/26/19
The first annual Christian witches convention is set to be hosted in Salem, Massachusetts, this April and will feature internationally recognized Prophet Calvin Witcher who agrees with the convention’s host that Jesus was a sorcerer and the Bible is really a “book of magic.” The Rev. Valerie Love, the force behind the event who describes herself as a practicing Christian witch and an ordained minister of spiritual consciousness, recently launched the Covenant of Christian Witches Mystery School to help Christians tap into magic, which critics are condemning as "dangerous." She insists there is nothing wrong with the idea of Christians practicing magic despite biblical warnings against it.

(541) Can a Christian be “spoiled”? by Sandy Simpson, 3/20/19
Col. 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (KJV)

(542) “Christian university [Azuza Pacific U] changes stance on gay relationships a third time” at Lighthouse Trails, 3/22/19
LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes. "Same-sex relationships are now, again, permitted on campus A Christian university has once again lifted a ban on same-sex relationships on its campus, several months after re-instating the ban after it had initially been lifted in the late summer of last year. Azusa Pacific University “specifically removed language that barred LGBTQ relationships as part of a standing ban on pre-marital sex” from its student handbook, The San Gabriel Valley Tribune reports. The school had previously removed the ban at the beginning of last semester. But the Board of Trustees declared that it had “never approved this removal,” and the ban was subsequently re-instated. Campus officials at the time couldn’t explain how the ban had been lifted without the approval of the Board of Trustees."

(543) Indoctrinating The Masses (Video) by Jacob Prasch, 4/13/19
What are the signs and symptoms of indoctrination in today's society? In this video Jacob Prasch addresses how school, media, and culture are used to perpetuate a narrative and how those things will ultimately be used to set the stage for the advent of the antichrist and false prophet as spoken of in the book of Revelation.

(544) Israel's Election Aftermath by Ruben Rothler, 4/15/19
With the results of the Israeli elections confirmed, Netenyahu is on course to be Israel's longest serving Prime Minister. Without doubt, Netenyahu's political acumen and savy borders on that of genius. He has mastered the dark arts of discourse. He was able to successfully project himself as the man who can continue to provide security, identity and prosperity.

(545) “Southern Baptist Leadership’s Mixed Message on Homosexuality” by Tommy Jamison, 4/16/19
On January 27, 2019 Dr. J.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) preached a sermon to his congregation titled “How the fall affected us all.”1 The message has been viewed multiple times by many, and deep concern has been voiced over his non-biblical treatment of Romans 1:21-32. The emphasis was on the treatment of homosexuals by the church. There are seven points in his message that many of us find either misleading or totally in error ...

(546) The Discerning Walk - A Testimony of God's Goodness by Herescope, 4/26/19
"Quicken me after Thy lovingkindness; so shall I keep the testimony of Thy mouth." (Psalm 119:88) Recently the publishers of this blog (Lynn & Sarah Leslie) had an opportunity to share some of our personal testimony at the Community Church of Devore in Devore, California. Our friend Pastor Marco Quintana asked us to do a question and answer session with him for their Palm Sunday morning church service. Readers of the Herescope blog might enjoy listening to a few of our stories about the early history of the Discernment Research Group.

(547) Letter to the Editor: Southern Baptist Convention Leaders Taking SBC Far From Its Biblical Moorings at Lighthouse Trails, 5/5/19
As a Southern Baptist, I am concerned that powerful leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention are taking the denomination far from its biblical moorings. Bureaucracy within the organization is to blame, as are a few mega-church pastors who take turns filling decision-making posts whether elected or appointed. What can Southern Baptists do to stop the march toward progressivism and apostasy? Most Southern Baptists who believe the denomination is standing strong on moral issues would be shocked to hear leadership double-talk concerning the normalization of LGBT behavior and involvement in Revoice. Also shocking are stances on contemplative spirituality, immigration, social justice/social gospel, and wealth re-distribution. Alliances with Muslims, Mormons and the Pope have led to compromises in the presentation of the Gospel. The Gospel has also been distorted through LifeWay Bookstore’s sale of books and literature written by false teachers.

Updated! (548) Anti-Semitism and the Rise of Techno-Media Imperialism by Herescope, 5/17/19
Recently The New York Times prominently provided an international media platform for an extremely offensive anti-Semitic cartoon. If this wasn’t bad enough, the newspaper followed it up with yet another offensive cartoon.[4] These cartoons were strikingly similar to the type of anti-Semitic propaganda used by Hitler in Germany during the 1930s that paved the way to the Holocaust, the extermination of 6,000,000 Jews. Read Part 1 & Part 2.

(549) When men become god's throughout the universe by Mike Oppenheimer, 5/20/19
Mormonism teaches that God (of this world) was once a man  who became a god. (DoC 130:22) Was once born as a baby on another planet (Church News, Sept,19 1936 p.2 J. F. Smith) died and was resurrected (Gospel Principles p.9), progressed to become a God. Brigham Young stated “how many Gods there are, I do not know. But there never was a time when there were no Gods and worlds…(JoD vol.7 p.333) Joseph Smith said we will become gods like all other gods This Mormon god has a father, a grandfather and a great grandfather (Doctrines of Salvation vol.2 p.47) ad infinitum. In the Bible the Lord states: "I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me" (Isaiah 43:10). God in the Bible is presented as from everlasting to everlasting.

(550) Shutting Down or Staying Alert by Cedric Fisher, 5/21/19
Whatever the cause, shutting down is the worst thing a Christian can do at this point of time. Instead of shutting down, believers need to be selective about what they are putting into their minds and spirits. Being informed is essential to being prepared. Shutting down will not prepare one to endure the harshness of the tough days ahead. It’s one thing if believers are focusing on their relationship with the Lord and want to spend less time on the Internet and watching TV. However, the temptation for many (and I have seen it already) will be to shut down by engaging in entertainment media and outlets of benign and mundane information. Rather than adjusting with balance, they are going into denial, choosing to believe we have lots of time before our society, as we know it, collapses. That’s the “Ostrich Complex,” and professing Christians with the Ostrich Complex will pay a severe price for what they are enjoying now.

(551) How to find a good church by Sandy Simpson, 2003, Updated 2019
Here’s how to find a good church.  What you need to find is a church that not only has orthodox doctrinal statements but teaches, both explicitly and implicitly, in line with the core doctrines of the Faith.  These are Bible-believing Christ-centered churches that are balanced in their theology.  Be sure to test all churches before you become involved.

(552) Your personal Spiritual warfare by Mike Oppenheimer, 5/26/19
When we hear the term spiritual warfare it is interpreted in different ways depending on what you have been taught or experienced. In the Bible we read of our world as a battlefield, the Devils kingdom opposes God’s and the chess pieces being moved are you and I, mankind. He is after our soul, which is man’s greatest self possession. We are contending in spiritual warfare every day in various ways. Influences are all around us to have us act contrary to our new nature. We begin to enter a war in our mind that wants to solicit the heart, the flesh wars against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, that is our personal spiritual warfare. We either react in our old nature, or in the new. This warfare can show up in relationships, where the enemy wants to divide. When we get wrong thoughts about a person we know or respect, it can either be our flesh or the devils fiery dart. If it persists after you decide it is wrong, then you know it’s not originating from you.

(553) Authorities To Arrest Canadian Father If He Refers To Trans Child As Her Real Sex at Lighthouse Trails, 5/31/19
LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational purposes and as a follow up on an article from the same source that we posted in March of this year titled “Canadian Court Rules Parents Can’t Stop 14-Year-Old From Taking Trans Hormones.” What the Canadian and U.S. governments and educational systems are doing to children via the transgender movement is horrible child abuse. Please remember to pray for this young Canadian girl (“Maxine”) and her parents.

(554) The Power of Admission and Forgiveness…by BIll Randles, 6/7/19
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord.Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.  My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning.  Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities. (Psalm 130) And when he was in affliction, he besought the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers,And prayed unto him: and he was intreated of him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God. ( 2 Chronicles 33:12-13) Mannaseh was a monster. He was a tyrant who became King of Judah after his Father Hezekiah reigned. He persecuted and killed true prophets,( he may have sawed Isaiah in half, in a log), filled Jerusalem and the temple with idols, and led Judah into such a complete apostasy that she never recovered until after the Babylonian captivity. But he was hauled away into captivity, literally led about by a nose ring. In his misery and humiliation, He turned to God, and asked God to forgive him of his sins. God heard him, and had pity on him , answering him and restoring him back to Jerusalem.

(555) Temple Mount (Series) at Biblical Archeology, 6/18/19
Considered sacred ground even before Biblical times and bitterly contested in our own day, the Temple Mount is one of the most fascinating and important places on earth. We’ve selected several articles that highlight the Temple Mount’s role in the three great Western religions and focus on a key archaeological issue: Just where was the ancient Jewish Temple located? The articles below were hand-selected by the Biblical Archaeology Review editors especially for members of the BAS Library.

(556) What Will You Do When America—As You Have Known It—Is Gone? by Paul Proctor, 7/6/19
Country singer, Lee Greenwood wrote and recorded a very powerful and inspiring song many years ago that has all but become the new unofficial national anthem of the United States of America. The lyrics to God Bless The USA begin this way: If tomorrow all the things were gone I’d worked for all my life, And I had to start again with just my children and my wife, I’d thank my lucky stars to be living here today, ‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away… Now, I’m not sure why Mr. Greenwood would thank his “lucky stars” for the privilege of living in the USA, right before calling on Almighty God to bless it – but the words do make one pause and think about the unthinkable, hopefully to reassess what is treasured most in this country. Our flag indeed still stands for freedom, but I’m not so sure that the freedom for which it stands can’t be taken away.

(557) Ethnos Dominionism by Herescope, 7/7/19
Taking a step back and looking at the larger picture introduced in Part 2, ethnos against ethnos (“nation” against “nation”) is an us versus them concept. It pits sect against sect, party against party, race against race, and group against group. (See Part 2.) In ethnos vs. ethnos one group seeks to attain dominance over another in a battle for power. In this prophecy about the last days delivered by Jesus Christ, likewise each “kingdom” (Gk. basileia, βασιλεία) wages war against other kingdoms. Basileia vs. basileia. In other words, each ethnos and each basileia seek to attain their own dominion.  Read Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3.

(558) A Berean Exercise: "Christian" Magazines by The Berean Call, 7/13/19
A staff member handed me a couple of the latest magazine issues we received in order to review them. They were Christianity Today (CT) and Charisma Magazine (CM). We subscribe to them in order to keep up to date regarding teachings that are being disseminated throughout Christendom. In general they are representative of seemingly diverse Christian theological positions. CT was founded by Billy Graham and has been described as “a mainstream evangelical magazine.” Its beginnings were conservative, doctrinally, and Graham was considered an icon of fundamentalism. Not too long afterward, however, he began praising modernists (Christian liberals of that day) and involving them in his crusades. His later crusades included Roman Catholic priests and nuns as counselors who were to direct those Catholics who responded to Graham’s message back to their Catholic churches! Those seeds have produced the Christianity Today of our day. It is unabashedly liberal and pro-Catholic, which underscores its ongoing disregard of biblical Christianity.

(559) Indoctrinating The Masses (Video) by James Jacob Prasch, 7/18/19
What are the signs and symptoms of indoctrination in today's society? In this video Jacob Prasch addresses how school, media, and culture are used to perpetuate a narrative and how those things will ultimately be used to set the stage for the advent of the antichrist and false prophet as spoken of in the book of Revelation.

(560) An Overlooked Reason For “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” Author Josh Harris’ Departure From the Christian Faith at Lighthouse Trails, 7/31/19
“I have undergone a massive shift in regard to my faith in Jesus. The popular phrase for this is ‘deconstruction,’ the biblical phrase is ‘falling away.’ By all the measurements that I have for defining a Christian, I am not a Christian. . . . to the LGBTQ+ community, I want to say that I am sorry for the views that I taught in my books and as a pastor regarding sexuality. I regret standing against marriage equality, for not affirming you and your place in the church.”—Josh Harris (Instagram) This month, the Christian world was rocked when Josh Harris, the author of the highly popular book on sexual purity, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, announced he was separating from his wife, recanting his Christian faith, and apologizing to the LGBT community for his former conservative views on sexuality.

(561) Ameritopia (Book) by Mark Levin, 8/4/19
The Tyranny of Utopia (Partial Chapter 1) “Where utopianism is advanced through gradualism rather than revolution, albeit steady and persistent as in democratic societies, it can deceive and disarm an unsuspecting population, which is largely content and passive. It is sold as reforming and improving the existing society's imperfections and weaknesses without imperiling its basic nature. Under these conditions, it is mostly ignored, dismissed, or tolerated by much of the citizenry and celebrated by some. Transformation is deemed innocuous, well-intentioned, and perhaps constructive but not a dangerous trespass on fundamental liberties.” ― Mark R. Levin, Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America

(562) A Matter of Life and Death by Roger Oakland, 8/8/19
Evolution` not only robs God of His glory in creating life, it also destroys God’s purpose of death and God’s plan to overcome it through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23) and “whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Contrary to the abrupt formation of each species as stated in the Bible’s creation story, evolution teaches that through the cycle of death came higher forms of life. Through endless cycles of death in one-celled organisms came simple life. From the death of simple life came the formation of more complex life. Finally, through the death of apes came man. Evolution proposes that death combined with the survival of the fittest of a species is the mechanism which produces new and greater forms of life.

(563) Can You Be Deceived? Why People Are Duped and How Not to Be by G. Richard Fisher, PFO Quarterly Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, July-September 2000

(564) Skillet’s John Cooper on Apostasy Among Young Christian Leaders on George Brahm's blog, 8/13/19
John Cooper, lead singer for the rock band Skillet, responded to the litany of recent apostasies among young Christian leaders. In a Facebook post titled ‘What in God’s Name is Happening in Christianity?’ put up on Tuesday, August 13, Cooper directly addressed the reasons given by Hillsong songwriter Marty Sampson for renouncing his Christian faith, before highlighting the need for Christians to stay grounded in a truth-driven faith over an emotion-driven one. Here is the text of the post in its entirety (not corrected for spelling or punctuation)

(565) “Illinois Governor Mandates LGBT History Curriculum for Public School” at Lighthouse Trails, 8/15/19
The governor of Illinois recently signed a bill that will mandate public schools in the state teach LGBT history, beginning next year. The new legislation will require schools to incorporate “a study of the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people” as part of the American history curriculum. Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker (D) signed House Bill 246 into law on Friday, which will require schools to incorporate LGBT history in American history courses. The law mandates that all publicly funded schools in Illinois include “the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State” in official textbooks.

(566) Candy Machine God, or, Going to Church without Going to Church: Millennials and the Future of the Christian Faith by Chad Lakies, 8/25/19
Abstract:  In  this  article,  I  try  to  give  background  to  some  of  the sociological data that describes the relationship between Millennials and the church. Since the modern American religious context has for some time been described as therapeutic,  I  explore  this  to  help  explain  recent  work  which  characterizes Millennials as embodying and desiring this form of religion. The result is that the problem lies  not so  much  with Millennials but the church itself. From there,  I try briefly to suggest how the church became merely therapeutic and what the church might do to recover faithfulness.

(567) The Fading Light Of Pop-Christianity at FNW, 9/14/2019
Many Christians were shocked in August when longtime Hillsong songwriter, Marty Sampson announced that he was "losing his faith". In a Twitter post (that has since been removed), Marty claims that he is "not in anymore" and wants "genuine truth. Not the "I Just Believe It" kind of truth". His list of reasons that Christianity is "not for me", according to Sampson, read like a laundry list of teenage rebellions to Christianity during youth group:
- Christians are judgmental
- Science disproves Christianity
- Preachers fail morally
- The Bible has contradictions
Many Christians will read this news and wonder how God's power fits in to a Christian leader walking away from the Faith. Christians may wonder how someone so influential to modern Christianity can reject the faith he led others through.

(568) Egypt, Babylon, or the Palm of God by James Jacob Prash, 9./18/19
We have spoken a number of times concerning things that teach about the Last Days. There are a number of time periods in Israel's history, outlined in the Bible, that prefigure what will happen in the Last Days. In watching news reports about the riots on the Temple Mount recently, I was reminded of one of the things that convinces me that we are in the Last Days. Specifically, there is much arguing over the propriety of custody of the Temple Mount.

(569) Seminary Students Confess Their Sins . . . to Plants by Ken Ham, 9/27/19
No, I didn’t make this up. Union Theological Seminary in New York City actually held a chapel service where students confessed and prayed to a bunch of potted plants. It’s often claimed that we are in the throes of a climate emergency, but this “confession” time actually shows these students are in the throes of a spiritual emergency! Maybe they need to change the school’s name to “Union Pagan Seminary.”

(570) From the Oracle ... at Right Wing Watch, 9/28/19
(ACT Note: We don't endorse this site but FYI) Jim Bakker reports that, according to Jonathan Cahn, "we don't have much more than a decade left" before the return of Christ.

(571) The Cross and the Marijuana Leaf (Booklet) by Linda Nathan, 9/30/19
LTRP Note: Two years ago, Lighthouse Trails released a booklet titled The Cross and the Marijuana Leaf, written by Linda Nathan. Because of the fast-growing legalization of marijuana (both medically and recreationally) across North America, we are reposting this booklet. You may print a copy from this blog to share with someone or order the booklet for $1.95 from our store. Either way, we hope you will share this information with any young people you know who think smoking marijuana is safe and OK. Even many young people from Christian backgrounds who have been influenced by the emerging church’s laxed views on alcohol are considering smoking pot thinking that since it is legal, it must be OK to use. At the bottom of this article is a link to Linda Nathan’s Facebook page called Christians and Pot that is definitely worth checking out.

(572) The Send Deception by T.A. McMahon, The Berean Call, 11/9/19
For the last couple of months I have been writing and speaking about a “Christian” gathering of nearly 50,000 young adults at a stadium on February 23, 2019, in Orlando, Florida. This is a summation of my observations made after viewing hours of video of the assembly as well as my knowledge of the producers and speakers of the 12-hour, one-day event.

(573) Can the Father, the Son and the comforter be 3 manifestations and not persons? by Mike Oppenheimer, 11/29/19
Where is the word manifestations biblically used? A Manifestation is called a theophany, Christophany in the Old Testament. God physically manifested himself to be seen by man as fire, light, a cloud and deep darkness and as the angel of the Lord that looked like a man. Oneness in the early church claimed God’s one person are manifestations that are sequential in order appearing in different ages. They did this because they recognized the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as personal. The main promoter, Praxeas, taught that the Father and the Son were one identical Person and that the Father became man. By the 3rd century Sabellius, who resided in Rome, tried to iron out any kinks. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all one and the same. The one God manifests Himself in three different ways and none of these do not have a simultaneous existence. When you separate the Father, the Spirit and the Son to different dispensations you can’t have two or three as simultaneous manifestations if two do not exist at the time as the bible shows us. The majority oneness view today is that the three manifestations of the one God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, all are named the Lord Jesus Christ. Modern Oneness considers the Son to be human and what makes him God in the flesh is the Father dwelling in him, which is the Spirit. In the Bible, especially Isaiah, God speaks of himself in the plural which is not applicable when you are one manifestation at a time. Isa 6:8 And who will go for Us?" Isa 48:16 “From the time that it was, I was there. And now the Lord GOD and His Spirit Have sent Me." Describing three involved. What we see throughout Scripture are three at the same time speaking, conversing.

(574) Southern Baptist Convention Adopts “Critical Race Theory”—A Dangerous Marxist “Solution” That Will Not Work by Lighthouse Trails, 12/7/19
On November 25th, Lighthouse Trails received a link to a YouTube documentary titled “The Stain of Albert Mohler”(1) that documents how the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) passed a resolution (Resolution 9) this past summer (2019) which adopts “Critical Race Theory” (a theory that claims to be a solution to ending racism but according to critics is actually a theory enveloped in Marxism).

(575) Ouija Angel Boards by Lynn Lusby Pratt, 12/13/19
“While most children in the seventies knew enough truth to place divination in the forbidden realm of the occult, today’s children—who often feel more comfortable with occult games than biblical truth—see nothing wrong with pagan practices.”—Berit Kjos “Well, would you try to Christianize a Ouija board?” When I’ve asked that question, heads start shaking no, as anticipated. I use that question because most Christians know enough about the Ouija board not to even consider using it in relation to the Lord Almighty. Whereas, an object or practice that is new (or at least unfamiliar) to us can seem harmless—and Christianize-able (or able to be used in a “neutral” way)—even when its Eastern or occult origin is somewhat revealed. So helping people picture such a ridiculous thing as a Christian version of the Ouija board has helped them see that they should use a little more discernment (and do some research) about various other things that appear on the scene.

(576) NETFLIX RELEASES “GAY JESUS” CHRISTMAS SPECIAL by Christian Media Daily, 12/14/19
Christians who subscribe to Netflix are on notice the Spirit of Antichrist is at work through the agency of the streaming giant “And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions?” (I Kings 18:21) The Brazilian comedy group Porta dos Fundos (which literally translates to “back door”) appears to have a real hang-up about our Lord and Christianity in general. Last December the group released The Last Hangover on Netflix, a movie that blends Christ’s Last Supper with his disciples and The Hangover into a night of drunken debauchery where Jesus disappears. This year, in this new Christmas special, Jesus turns 30 and brings his gay boyfriend home to meet Mary and Joseph. The real story here is how Christians are reacting… Some are signing petitions, others are praying for the souls of all involved, most of us are rolling our eyes and moving on with our lives — because that’s what Christians do. We don’t lop off people’s heads, which is why it is always open season on us, which is to our credit. In this way, lazy, cowardly garbage like The First Temptation of Christ is useful — it exposes who the bigots are, and if this so-called comedy troupe wants to produce a “Gay Mohammed” special for Ramadan and Netflix wants to stream it, I will take it all back.

(577) The SBC Has Fallen: Southern Baptist Convention Appoints Gay-Affirming Pro-LGBTQ+ Pastor David Uth As President Of 2020 Pastor’s Conference by Now The End Begins, 12/19/19
Here at Now The End Begins, we bring you regular updates on Christian churches and denominations as they begin to compromise and join the ranks of the end times Laodicean church. Today we sadly add the Southern Baptist Convention to this list of corrupt compromisers as they now seek to bring the LGBTQ+ into the church. It is not outreach to the LGBTQ+ that’s the problem, because the gospel should go to them. The problem is they’re not giving them the gospel, they are confirming them in their sin.

(578) Fearing God in a Fearless New Age by Warren B. Smith, 1/5/20
Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways. (Psalm 128:1) We are living in fearful times, yet the Bible repeatedly tells us to “Fear not.” Scripture assures us that “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). It teaches us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8) and that “perfect love casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18). But at the same time the Bible continually tells us to “Fear God.” How is this seemingly apparent contradiction regarding fear to be reconciled by those who wish to follow God and do His will? In this rapidly changing world, it is important to understand how the biblical concept of “fear” is being redefined by both the world and the church. In particular, a variety of voices on both sides would now have us believe that “the opposite of love is not hate but fear.”

(579) Christianity Today: “We are theologically conservative . . . committed to the glory of God.”—CT History Shows Differently by Lighthouse Trails, 1/8/20
On December 19th, 2019, Christianity Today, the magazine that considers itself the “flagship” magazine for Christianity released an article written by the just-retired editor-in-chief, Mark Galli, titled, “Trump Should Be Removed from Office.” According to CT, the article set off a firestorm. And by our estimates, millions have now seen the article as scores of media outlets across the country reported on the story.1 However, that article will not be the focus of this Lighthouse Trails report. Rather, we will be discussing something said in a rebuttal article aimed at the critics that came out on December 22nd titled, “The Flag in the Whirlwind: An Update from CT’s President,” written by CT president Timothy Dalrymple.

(580) Anti-Semitism and the Rise of Techno-Media Imperialism (Series) by Herescope, 1/9/20
One of the lessons we learn from studying Jewish history is that anti-Semitism corrupts the people and the societies possessed by it. ~Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews[1] When the Nazis occupied Holland and forced the Jews to wear the yellow Star of David so they could be quickly singled out for punishment or imprisonment, it is not surprising that Father [Casper ten Boom] reported in the line to get his Star of David. It was the only way, at the moment, for an old man to protest the oppression of his brothers. His international citizenship was never more obvious than this. ~Corrie ten Boom, Father ten Boom: God’s Man[2] Part 1: Anti-Semitism and the Rise of Techno-Media Imperialism, Part 2: Ethnos vs. Ethnos & Big Media Narratives, Part 3: Ethnos Dominionism, Part 4: Civic Church Anti-Semitism

(581)  ‘Six Degrees of Unification’ by Jackie Alnor, 1/10/20
Kevin Bacon’s infamous idea of ‘Six Degrees of Separation’ posits that all people can be linked together by following lines of their first-degree associations to those individuals’ associations, etc.  Some have followed this idea to charge others with guilt-by-association, which is a fallacious argument. In fact, I myself was a victim of it when my late husband took a public position that I disagreed with privately. But because of his stance, I was ostracized by ministries I agreed with. And in turn, when I wrote articles showing my allegiance to those being scrutinized by the mainstream church, my husband caught the flack with accusations in the Evangelical community that he didn’t have his wife under control. Be that as it may, when several people are truly associated willingly and intentionally with a group or clique, one can honestly draw certain conclusions. The substantial six degrees can be seen by:
Endorsement of others’ works or books;
Co-sponsoring of the same events;
Character references on behalf of others;
Mutual talking points and vocabulary;
Similar crusades;
Same philosophical goals.

(582) Some things to consider on the unborn by Mike Oppenheimer, 1/28/20
How we know this is the last of the end times. One of the most apparent ways is the cruelty and violence we see taking place. The age of violence found in Genesis before the flood is now repeating, just as Jesus said it would be in the last days before His coming. It is not just from Islam in the religious sphere but within humanity and its culture involving children. The abortion advocates believe it is a right of freedom, and it is their choice alone. The cliché it’s my body is the theme of their movement. If it’s your body why are you eating for more than one? If it’s “your body” then you can take drugs and drink with a child developing.  But the child will be affected also, a body that is developing will be affected different than your own. Why stop one from doing this destructive behavior even when they are not pregnant, after all it is there body? This tiny life called a fetus is composed of hundreds of thousands of cells, that develops a protective hormone to prevent the mother’s body from rejecting it as foreign tissue, because it is foreign tissue!  It is not its Mother, it is another! After a baby is born we do everything we can to make them comfortable and save them from harm.

(583) Technological Advances Toward a Global Tracking System by Mike Oppenheimer, 1/29/20
Time is moving toward a day when the Bibles warning will be fulfilled. We are watching the development of the cashless society and the tracking of every citizen by the use of biometrics, RFID's, chips, scanners etc. RFID tags are beginning to accompany items sold, incorporated in a global system. Passports are being prepared with biometrics- the RFID chip will store all the information on it. People are willing to take chips that will track them and have all their medical history in them. Bio tattoos are being invented for all kinds of reasons. The technology is basically here, all we need is a man and system to implement it. If this is true it is the closest technology has come to what the Bible said would be used.

(584) “Wellness” Barbie to Teach Children Mindfulness Meditation at Lighthouse Trails, 2/5/20
LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails editors have never been fans of “Barbie” dolls, but, no doubt, you will find the dolls in many Christian and non-Christian homes. But regardless of how one feels about Barbie dolls, the makers of Barbie have taken the doll into the New Age with mindfulness meditation as you can read below …

(585) “‘Albert Mohler and the Gay Revolution’—New Documentary Exposes Sell-Out” at Lighthouse Trails, 2/13/20
SEATTLE, Feb. 4, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ — Dr. ES Williams, a member of Charles Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, in collaboration with respected researcher, Reverend Thomas Littleton, has produced a new video titled Albert Mohler and the Gay Revolution. Drawing heavily from Mohler’s own words, a strong case is made that the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has strayed from historical, biblical teachings on one of the most important cultural issues of the day.

(586) Bible Study Tours of Israel at Moriel Ministries, 2/14/20
Chris and Lindy Hill have arranged and led Bible tours of Israel for over forty years. The upcoming Spring Tour is their 103rd trip!  The Lord led Chris to this extensive ministry because he longed to introduce believers to the Land and the people.  His burden has always been to open up the Bible in the places where the great events and teachings originally happened.

(587) The Gospel of Self-Esteem: Are we really better than we think? by David M. Tyler, 2/20/20
Over the past several decades, the concept of self-esteem has had a powerful influence on the Church. Christians, who have generally thought of self-esteem as sinful, continue to be prompted by Christian authors in their books to develop a “healthy’’ self-esteem. These authors have warned that a negative self-esteem is the basis of most psycho-logical problems and that it even leads to sinful behavior. If the advocates of self-esteem are right, we must change our emphasis from man’s unworthiness and focus on man’s worthiness and his right to esteem himself. The Church will need to recognize the tremendous significance that this teaching will have in the lives of its members. But if the advocates of self-esteem are wrong, then clearly the Church’s fascination with self-esteem is heretical. Jesus called His followers to imitate Him in denying themselves (Matthew 16:24). While not endorsing all of his positions, we agree with T.B. Maston when he stated: ‘The cross, with all that it symbolizes, permeates and gives meaning and unity to all the ethical teachings of Jesus.’’ Jesus consistently tied together self-denial and the cross. The call of God into the Christian life is a call to self-denial. The cross — self-denial —is the path of every Christian. The antithesis of the cross is self-love. Therefore, self-love is classified as a‘ ‘different gospel’’(Galatians 1:6), opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(588) HGTV Features First-Ever “Throuple” Seeking Dreamhouse by Ken Ham, 2/25/20
What’s a “throuple”? Well, I predict it’s a word you’re going to be increasingly seeing in the news media and other places. Why? Because it represents the direction that our culture is going as it spirals further into sexual immorality and anti-biblical lifestyles. You see, a “throuple” is a “three-person couple.” When we understand and embrace God’s Word, we will know the difference between the truth and the lies, and we won’t be deceived. Featured on HGTV’s House Hunters (once considered a family-friendly television program) this “throuple”—a married couple and a second woman who is in a relationship (sealed with a “commitment ceremony” in Aruba) with both the husband and “bisexual” wife—were seeking a house in Colorado Springs. It needed to fit three master bathroom sinks, mesh with all three personalities, and have room for the couple’s two children. Reportedly, during the episode, they shared how they met at a bar and became involved in this relationship. And it appears that their story, and house hunt, is featured just like any other relationship on the show—as totally normal, natural, and wonderful.

(589) The American Legion Gives Big Push for Veterans to Practice Transcendental Meditation by Lighthouse Trails, 2/27/20
It is most unfortunate that Stoffer’s article gives no warning of the potential dangers in practicing meditation. His one-sided, biased view will no doubt convince many American Legion readers (veterans) to give it a try. And if they take Stoffer’s word for it, they’ll probably never research the matter and discover the real dynamics behind meditation. Stoffer’s article claims that meditation “doesn’t change you,” but admits it

(590) How the Tactics that Sank the Boy Scouts Are Now Aimed at the Church by Roberth Knight, Washington Times, 2/29/20
Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.  Ephesians 6:13Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) The Boy Scouts of America was once an organization that sought to instill values into boys that were largely based on the Bible—belief in God, patriotism, helping others, self-discipline, and heterosexual morality. Today, the Boy Scouts, tellingly renamed “Scouts BSA” after allowing girls into their ranks, has declared bankruptcy. Would that financial bankruptcy were their only problem. Instead “Scouts BSA” has been morally bankrupted as well, when the homosexual movement from within and without forced their perversity on the organization.

(591) Messianic Jews in Israel Head Toward Breakup Over NAR? by Holly Pivec, 3/5/20
How destructive is the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)? For one example, take a look at the news coming out of Israel. The historically close-knit Messianic congregations in the country are, reportedly, on the brink of a breakup — because of controversy surrounding NAR teachings being promoted there by an influential apostolic network, based in Israel, called Tikkun. The online magazine, Israel Today, recently reported on the impending breakup in an article titled “Messianic Jews Head Toward Breakup: Will the Local Body of Messiah in Israel Survive the Current Serious Debates?” See the article here.

(592) Letter to the Editor: “Critical Race Theory”—A Political Tactic That Results in Cultural/Marxist Segregation at Lighthouse Trails, 3/6/20
LTRP Note: The following letter is written in response to yesterday’s post regarding the SBC and Critical Race Theory. Dear Editors: “Critical Theory” and “Critical Race Theory” (CT/CRT) stratagem originated with the Frankfurt School where some Marxists came up with the more subtle scheme of “Cultural Marxism”—it is a political tactic which is all about gaining power over society (as is Marxism). In other words, CT/CRT is used to deceive people and increase the number of Marxist-minded individuals in order to undermine existing power so that Marxism can take over. This overthrow will first be achieved “culturally,” and then complete economic, political, and societal control will follow. This is all done under the guise of things like: releasing the Oppressed; “setting the captives free;” social justice; helping the downtrodden; overthrowing “white supremacy” [which is committed by all with white skin according to CRT advocates]”; “smashing the patriarchy;” and a prevailing “us verses them” mentality. Religion and politics are often melded into one. As a result, Alt-Left politics overtakes an individual’s religion, and that person’s religion becomes Leftist politics. (Note: It is common for a few verses to be used and perverted in order to sway Christ-followers into Marxist ideology (e.g. “seeking the peace of the city”; e.g. Jer 29:7; Lk 4:18; 2 Pet 3:16; 2 Tim 2:15-18).)

(593) Letter to the Editor: Concerned About “Neighborly Faith”—a “Third Way” to Befriend Muslims at Lighthouse Trails, 3/9/20
LTRJ Note: As we were preparing to post this letter to the editor that came to us recently, we came across Christian radio host Janet Mefferd’s Twitter comments about Southern Baptist Convention president J.D. Greear’s involvement with a “Neighborly Faith” event on March 5th titled “Hope in the Current Age: A Conversation on Christianity and Islam.” Mefferd stated, “Before Greear’s interfaith dialogue, 64% of Christian attendees felt “positive” about Islam. After, 76% of Christians “said their attitude toward Islam was more positive than before!” Way to go, SBC. Is this what it means to be “missional?” Mefferd asks the question, “Southern Baptist pastors and laymen: Is it OK w/you that all these SBC leaders are pushing Christian-Muslim ‘interfaith dialogue?’ Is this why you are part of the SBC?”

(594) Fighting Fear in a Fearful Day by Maria Kneas, 3/18/20
The Bible tells us to “cast” our cares (fears, anxieties, worries, and concerns) on God because He cares for us (loves us and takes good care of us). That means giving our cares to God, and leaving them with Him—not taking them back again: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7) This is easier said than done. We have to learn how to do it. Like many things in life, it takes practice. We can ask God to enable us to do it, to give us the grace for it, and to help us appropriate and work with the grace He gives us. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. (Colossians 3:15, emphasis added) There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18, emphasis added) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16, emphasis added) That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world. (Philippians 2:15, emphasis added)

(595) When Will They Ever Learn? by Judson Casjens, 3/20/20
So went one of the stanzas of the 1970s song by Peter, Paul & Mary about social justice and war.  We might ask the same question about the books believers are reading today which purport to be Christian while inside the teaching betrays that very notion.  Rather than being instructive about living the life Christ would have the believer live, instead, we are given various empty promises connected to superstition, mantras reflective of paganism, and other distortions; when will we ever learn?  There has been a continual flow of literature and teaching which has been deceptive and even blatantly false. One fitting example would be “The Jesus Prayer” which put forth the recitation of the formulaic “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” repeated until one’s mind is emptied by which presumably one’s heart would be cleansed.  In the Jesus Prayer can be seen the Eastern counterpart of the rosary, which has developed to hold a similar place in the Christian West.  In “Eastern church theology,” it is a “spiritual method” “of prayer” called “hesychasm”1, given to “emphasize the concrete possibility that man is given to unite himself with the Triune God in the intimacy of his heart, in that deep union of grace which Eastern theology likes to describe with the particularly powerful term of ‘theosis,’ or ‘divinization.'”2  Divinization is just as it sounds; to make divine describes the process underlined above.

(596) Hedged In! by Sarah Leslie, 3/21/30
"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain." (Isaiah 26:20-21) Each of us can pray that God will enable us to gain virtuous qualities, greater strengths, and renewed courage that we did not think we possessed. We can learn endurance, choose peace, enjoy quiet, get some rest, and trust in God's faithfulness.

(597) A Time of Sorrows by Mike Oppenheimer, 3/23/20
Matthew 24:4-14 And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. ” This is the first of his warnings. We have already seen many come claiming to be Christ, a Christ, or Have his anointing in authority. The point he is making is that they are deceiving people on a massive scale. v.6 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” World wars began early in the 20th century and we have had wars taking place all over the globe in various sizes. Since World War 2, there have been over 200 conflicts. V.7 “ For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.” Conflict of nations will become the norm. What Jesus is expressing are worldwide increases. Famines will be on a scale not seen before. Earthquakes will be seen in various places it was not before and will increase in frequency and strength. One thing to note in the Matthew account is that the word pestilence (diseases, virus’) is not found in this manuscript, according to the interlinear Bible it was added. It was probably added because it was recorded by Luke who was a doctor and would certainly make sure this was included if this was spoken as he recorded the same account.

(598) "And I Shall Be As God" - The Big Lie: Men and Their Claims of Deity by G. Richard Fisher, 3/27/20
A. W. Tozer observed, ‘‘What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.’’1 The late cult apologist, Walter Martin, refashioning the Four Spiritual Laws made popular by Campus Crusade for Christ, had his Two Spiritual Laws: 1) There is only one God, and 2) You’re not Him. To most, it is a logical proposition. No human is timeless and eternal with the ability to create from nothing. No human controls the universe. All humans are mortal and passing. The Bible is very clear that all of us are simply the ‘‘offspring of God’’ (Acts 17:28-29), meaning we are just creatures created by Him and that each one of us is part of the human family. We are mortal and only God Himself is eternal and immortal. However, some people have made the claim that they are indeed God on earth.

(599) Coronavirus and Preparing for the Future by David Dombrowski, 4/28/20
For many, the coronavirus has been a roller-coaster ride trying to decipher the seriousness and magnitude of this pandemic. Coming from two extremes, some have tried to minimize what is happening by suggesting this is a hoax while others seem to think this is the end of the world. Jesus spoke of a time when “the end is not by and by” (Luke 21:9) that will be marked by wars and commotions along with “great earthquakes . . . in divers places, and famines and pestilences . . .” (v. 11). Jesus said when you witness these things, “be not terrified” (v. 9). While the coronavirus definitely seems like one of the pestilences Jesus said would come, I also believe it is another wake-up call that God is using to get us ready to face the future. But how do we go about preparing for the future?

(600) Reading the Bible Amidst World Crisis! (Video) by Chris Lawson, 5/2/20
In an ever-changing landscape of world events, crisis, and chaos, where do you stand when it comes to preparing for hard times? We can do our best to make preparations for things like cybersecurity attacks, food shortages, outdoor and urban survival, natural disaster survival, home defense and business security strategies, safe investments, and more. However, when we are confronted with the big crisis, where are our hearts and thoughts, and do we have the peace we need during world crisis events? Are we really reading our Bibles and trusting the Lord each step of the way? This video is meant to encourage you to simply sit down and read your Bible, and rely on the Lord—amidst your preparations and/or the implementation of emergency plans.

(601) My High Tower - Seeing the World from His perspective by Berit Kjos, 5/7/20
“The Lord is... my High Tower and my Refuge.”  2 Samuel 22:2-3 My strong Tower rises high above the ground, offering an entirely new view of earth and its people. Its lofty shelter offers me peace and safety in the midst of all kinds of struggles. Whether I stand at the top or hide within His impenetrable walls, the troubles and turmoil of the world cannot reach me. Jesus is that unshakable Tower. My Lord has raised me up and seated me with Him in the heavenly places. (Eph. 2:6) There He shares with me the perspective and the safety of His heights. In the wonderful peace of His presence, I can rest while He shows me His majestic view of the world and the people He loves. From His high vantage point everything looks new and different. The Goliaths — the overwhelming giants below, which looked so terrible at ground level - seem tiny from up here. Why did I fear them so?

(602) “Awaiting Our Rescue” by Jackie Alnor, 5/18/20
“Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” I think this applies to our day and age as we await the Bridegroom’s rescue. I was asked the other day if I believe in the pre-trib rapture. I responded that it is my greatest hope, but I’ve never been dogmatic about it. Perhaps that’s because I was weaned as a new believer on Chuck Smith and Walter Martin whose Bible studies I frequented in my first decade as a believer. Chuck was dogmatically pre and Walter just as post. The preemies jokingly referred to their post friends as “Post-Toasties” and the posties called them “Escapists.” I learned their biblical arguments and all the ones in-between. All base their understanding on several passages, not just one. But we loved one another as brothers and sisters in Christ and did NOT divide over the topic.

(603) “‘I No Longer Believe in God,’ Says Lead Singer of Christian Band Hawk Nelson” at Lighthouse Trails, 5/28/20
The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes. The lead singer of the Christian contemporary group Hawk Nelson said in an Instagram post last week he doesn’t believe in God and “can no longer stand on stage” and sing the band’s songs because of his new stance. “After growing up in a Christian home, being a pastor’s kid, playing and singing in a Christian band, and having the word ‘Christian’ in front of most of the things in my life – I am now finding that I no longer believe in God,” Jon Steingard wrote in a lengthy Instagram post.

(604) Pixar Short Animated Film ‘Out’ on Disney+ Features Studio’s First Homosexual Main Character at Lighthouse Trails, 5/29/20
LTRP Note: The following news article is posted for informational and research purposes. Calling the story “heartwarming,” Disney+ announced on Thursday the release of a new Pixar short film, which centers on the story of a man named Greg who is nervous about revealing to his parents that he is in a relationship with another man. While some have praised the production, others lament that such material aims to normalize sin in impressionable minds. “Just look them in the eyes and say, ‘Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Manuel,’” Greg (voiced by Kyle McDaniel, who was among the Pixar crew in “Inside Out”, “Brave” and “Monsters University”) says, coaching himself about what to say as he is about to move in with a man who, unbeknownst to his parents, is his homosexual partner.

(605) “‘It’s Destructive Unity’: George Floyd’s Brother Condemns the Violence, Says His Brother ‘Was About Peace’” at Lighthouse Trails, 6/3/20
TRJ Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. Posted from Christian News Network: The younger brother of George Floyd is pleading with protesters not to “tear up your town” as violent demonstrations have taken place in numerous cities across the country. In an interview with ABC News’ Alex Perez on Sunday night, Terrence Floyd said that he understands why people are angry, but he worries his brother’s memory will be overshadowed by the destructive protests.

(606) In Such a Time as This, Let Us Pray . . . at Lighthouse Trails, 6/6/20
As we witness the distressing events happening all around us, let those who name the name of Jesus Christ and put their trust in Him pray that God’s Word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ would go forth, that hearts would be softened, and that many would turn their lives over to the Lord in humility, faith, and truth. The Bible says that God is “longsuffering” and does not want any to “perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). Repentance means changing direction – turning around and turning toward God. May many do that in this country and around the world.

(607) Leftism: The Difference Between Spiritual and Political at Lighthouse Trails, 6/10/20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20) Some find it very offensive when I decry “the Left” and when I espouse a “conservative” outlook. More than a few of my brothers and sisters in Christ have challenged me that I am being “political” and not “spiritual.” I appreciate the concern and the willingness of those concerned to call me out on what they think is a drift away from the prophecy analysis and biblical exposition which I usually offer. “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” I don’t consider myself “political”; I think of myself as “spiritual.” As far as I can tell, I write and think from a God-centered and biblical perspective.

(608) Out-of-House Commentary – “You Can Be A Christian, You Can Be A Marxist, But You Can’t Be Both” by Joshua Lawson, The Federalist, 6/14/20
LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. Please also read the Lighthouse Trails article on “Critical Race Theory.” It’s unclear how many Christians are going along with the current neo-Marxist collective guilt movement out of fear, a misunderstanding of what they’ve signed onto, or an authentic conversion to the cause. What is clear, however, is that you can’t be a Christian and a Marxist at the same time—not without irresolvable contradictions.

(609) Interview with Richard Nathan – From Communist to Christian at Lighthouse Trails, 6/21/20
Richard Nathan grew up in San Francisco in a family of Marxist-socialist revolutionaries similar to those on the Left today. His father, whom he says most resembled Bernie Sanders, taught his three sons to hate Christianity and America and that love was just a “bourgeois convenience.” Richard survived the Sixties’ counterculture revolution deeply involved in psychedelic drugs and New Age deception. Finally, in his mid-thirties, he returned to college.  At that point, Jesus Christ showed him he was a lost sinner and rescued him. Richard met his true Father and began life all over again, this time learning the difference between a bad father and a good one. Today he is an evangelist and Bible teacher with a B.S. in Biology and an M.A. in Christian History. For the past 28 years, he has worked in crisis psychiatric units reaching out to the lost. A testimony for our times and just in time for Father’s Day, this moving interview will reveal how our Heavenly Father can make up for the worst of earthly fathers.

(610) Why The Nation Is Dissolving (A Biblical Analysis, Pt. 1) at The Word like Fire, 6/24/20
A few years ago I went to pray and cried out to the LORD an exasperated Prayer, “WHY?” What I was referring to was the moral, spiritual and cultural disintegration of our Nation. It was one of those cries, to which I didn’t even expect an answer, I was just pouring my heart out before the LORD, in prayer and sorrow. But I did receive an answer, a very clear thought came to me which I am sure was of the Holy Spirit of God. It came in the form of three passages of Scripture… Psalm 2, Deuteronomy 28, and Romans 1 came to me as the answer to the question of “Why” the disintegration we are experiencing, in America and around the world.

(611) Sorcery: Ushering In A "Blissful" Christless Eternity - An Update by T.A. McMahon, 6/29/20
In 2015 I wrote about an article from the New Yorker magazine titled “The Trip Treatment,” subheading: “Research into psychedelics, shut down for decades, is now yielding exciting results.”  What drew my attention to the New Yorker article was not so much my interest in the drug scene of 2015 but rather how it relates to what the Bible has to say about the increasing use of drugs in the End Times. It’s a significant part of the prophetic picture prior to the return of Jesus. What follows is a recap of my TBC article of 2015 with an update of what’s happening in 2020.

(612) Toying with Death—Learning to Love Evil and Crave Violence by Berit Kjos, 7/3/20
“Are we training our children to kill?” asked Lieutenant Colonel David Grossman, an expert in the field of killology. For many years, he has “traveled the world training medical, law enforcement, and U.S. military personnel about the realities of warfare.” He contends that point-and-shoot video games actually train young players to accurately shoot and kill human targets in spite of their natural, God-given resistance. His statistics validate his frightening conclusions ...

(613) “That in Me Ye Might Have Peace” by H.A. Ironside
How long it takes many of us to learn that peace is found in Christ alone. We seek for it everywhere else, but seek in vain, until at last, disappointed, disheartened, and distressed in soul, we come to the Lord Jesus, and lo, at His feet, our quest is ended! Peace is far better than happiness. Happiness is primarily that which comes from a good “hap.” “Hap” is an old English word for chance. Tennyson wrote of one “who grasps the skirts of happy chance.” This expresses it exactly. If the “haps” are good, the worldling is happy; if evil “haps” befall him, he is unhappy. But peace is something deeper. It is the opposite of struggling, of warfare, and of soul unrest. It is freedom from strife, or from mental agitation. It is spiritual content such as the Lord promised to the heavy laden, when He said: “Come unto me. . . . and I will give you rest.”

(614) RNS Report: Emergent Pastor John Ortberg Puts Church’s Children at Risk of Sexual Abuse at Lighthouse Traisl, 7/9/20
LTRP Note: The following out-of-house news story is posted for informational and research purposes. Lighthouse Trails has been concerned about John Ortberg’s contemplative/emergent propensities for many years. In this case, our concerns extend to the protection of children in the church. Lighthouse Trails has been a voice and an advocate for children since our inception in 2002. We have posted numerous articles to this effect and have published books and booklets pertaining to child sexual abuse and the cover-up that often takes place. Parents, if you have children who attend Sunday School, youth group, and other youth activities, please be vigilant in making sure your children are safe, and make sure your church is doing everything possible to protect the children in its care. Please see the links we have provided below this article for further information.

(615) Spiritual Perestroika in America by Carl Telchrib, 7/13/20
LTRP Note: The following is an extract from Carl Teichrib’s book, Game of Gods.* If you haven’t read this compelling and vital book (published by Whitemud House Publishing) which presents the history and the inner workings of the global and spiritual one-world movement, we highly recommend you do so, especially in light of all that is happening today with so many young people who have been indoctrinated to believe that a Marxist/socialist/communist society coupled with the New Age and mysticism would be so much better.

(616) New York Times Blames Churches, Not Riots, For Rise In Positive Covid-19 Tests at Lighthouse Trails, 7/14/20
The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes. Because Lighthouse Trails is a research ministry, we do post out-of-house news articles from various secular and Christian sources along with our own in-house articles if we believe our readers can benefit from the information. National tension and tempers are incredibly high over the rising numbers of COVID cases in America. We’re all on the edge after months of lockdowns, shutdowns, quarantines, economic instability, school closures, and the surreal nature of social distancing. . . .Wednesday, the United States topped 3 million cases of coronavirus. Also on Wednesday came an article from The New York Times titled “Churches Were Eager to Reopen. Now They Are a Major Source of Coronavirus Cases.” . . . the article paints a different picture in the actual numbers: “More than 650 coronavirus cases have been linked to nearly 40 churches and religious events across the United States since the beginning of the pandemic.” I’m no epidemiologist, but I don’t need to be, because simple math shows that 650 out of 3,000,000 cases across our nation means 0.0216 percent of them trace back to churches. Less than one-tenth of 1 percent should not — and cannot — be called a major source of this infection.

(617) A Seismic Shift in Culture —The New Left and Marxist-Critical Theory by Dick Pence, 7/15/20
We are living in a moment of time that is a cultural seismic shift.  I will discuss Critical Theory as the working engine of Marxism, but first a little background. One article asserts that “You Can Be A Christian, You Can Be A Marxist, But You Can’t Be Both,” Please keep this truth in mind as you read the following information.  These two worldviews are absolutely mutually exclusive. I am going to appeal to you to watch a video titled Critical Theory and Racism in America with Dr. Glenn Sunshine.  It’s not short; it’s a training tool.  This is a rare opportunity to train your kids if you wish for them to survive as Christian conservatives.  They are being bombarded with cultural Marxism from every direction.

(618) Manning Johnson—A Voice From the Past Eerily Describes Today’s Social Unrest at Lighthouse Trails, 7/19/20
Manning Johnson (1908-1959) was at one time in his life a member of the USA Communist Party (from 1930-1939) but left it when he realized the truth of how Communism and socialism actually were hurting the black people rather than helping them. In view of the current efforts by groups like #Black Lives Matter (with their self-proclaimed Marxism/socialism affinities), we wanted our readers to become acquainted with Manning, who was a Christian believer. Johnson’s 1958 book, Color, Communism, and Common Sense, can be read freely online at There is also available the last address he ever publicly gave before his untimely death at 51 years old. Below is an excerpt from his book. Is this not eerily familiar to what is happening today? Stirring up race and class conflict is the basis of all discussion of the Communist Party’s work in the South. The evil genius, Stalin, and the other megalomaniacal leaders in Moscow ordered the use of all racial, economic and social differences, no matter how small or insignificant, to start local fires of discontent, conflict and revolt. “Who could tell which of these issues could start a general conflagration” that would sweep across the former Confederate States from Maryland to Texas?

(619) Ken Ham Steps Into “The Corner” To Explain “One Race, One Blood.” (Ausio) by Ken Ham, 7/23/20
Last week I was interviewed on American Family Radio’s The Hamilton Corner program on very timely topics: how the Bible can be used to fight racism and prejudice, and how God’s Word also explains the origin of the various people groups. I encourage you to listen to this encouraging program that aired on almost 200 radio stations across America. The host of this program, Abraham Hamilton, heard me give a talk on the topic of racism over 10 years ago in Texas, and it had a profound impact on him. He invited me to join him on his program to give biblical and scientific answers to the issues plaguing our culture. He asked some excellent questions. I encourage you to listen to the 30-minute interview (I begin speaking at 15:00).

(620) Lighthouse Trails to Send Out 13th Mailing to Christian Leaders & Pastors by Lighthouse Trails, 7/28/20
Since 2016, Lighthouse Trails has been sending out topical booklets three times a year to a growing list of pastors and Christian leaders. If you would like your pastor or a church leader to begin receiving these mailings, please send the name and a valid mailing address to us at The names and addresses on this list will remain confidential. In this July mailing (the first of 2020), we will be mailing the following two booklets: The Enneagram—An Enlightening Tool or an Enticing Deception? Critical Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist “Solution” That Will Not Work

(621) “As They Turn To Burning Bibles, Portland Rioters Show Their True Colors” by Jordan Davidson, The Federalist, 8/2/20
While rioters previously attacked federal buildings, businesses, and even officers, this weekend, they found a new target: Bibles. A video posted to Twitter on Saturday shows rioters holding Black Lives Matter signs tossing Bibles into a fire. Bystanders stood and watched as the flames licked away at the pages of the books. “Left-wing activists bring a stack of Bibles to burn in front of the federal courthouse in Portland,” wrote the Twitter user, Ian Cheong, who posted the video.

(622) Evangelical Pastor, John Ortberg, Resigns for Allowing Son Attracted to Minors to Work With Kids at Lighthouse Trails. 8/3/20
Pastor John Ortberg of Menlo Church in Menlo Park, California, has resigned as the congregation’s leader just over two weeks after a “supplemental independent investigation” was launched into the circumstances under which he allowed his son to work with children despite confessing he was attracted to minors, elders announced Wednesday. “In recent days and after a process of mutual discernment with John and in consultation with the Presbytery, it is with a heavy heart that the board unanimously concluded that John should resign as Senior Pastor of our church. He agreed and tendered his resignation last week,” the church’s elder board said in a statement posted on the church’s website.

(623) Hedged In! by Herescope, 8/4/20
It is our hope and prayer that during these difficult times that God "would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man" (Eph. 3:16). May you be encouraged by these words from a sister in Christ.

(624) “Parents, Teacher, Churches Sue Chicago School District to Stop Hindu Meditation From Being Taught to Students” at Lighthouse Trails, 8/7/20
A coalition of parents, a teacher and a group of churches have filed suit against Chicago Public Schools in an effort to stop the district from allowing Hindu transcendental meditation, and its initiation Puja, from being taught to students. “Although all named defendants have made statements to the contrary, the ‘Quiet Time’ program is based in Hindu beliefs and the practice of ‘transcendental meditation’ is fundamentally religious in nature,” the legal challenge states. “Plaintiffs’ rights under the First Amendment were violated when defendants created environments within public schools where Hindu beliefs and the practice of ‘transcendental meditation’ were being endorsed and students were coerced to engage in religious practices against their wills.

(625) Biologist “Canceled” for Saying Male and Female Exist by Ken Ham, 8/11/20
Until very recently the statement that male and female are “real biological categories” wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow. Most of society, academia, and even the political arena accepted without question that there are two sexes/genders—male and female. But now, what was formerly a benign statement about an obvious reality will end your career. At least, that’s what happened to one evolutionary biologist. Colin Wright—an outspoken critic of creation and intelligent design—claims he has been “canceled” for speaking up on the biological reality of male and female. In speaking out against the transgender ideology permeating and transforming our culture, he claims he can no longer find work in academia because he’s been labeled a transphobe or as someone holding ideas simply too dangerous to risk guilt by association. (Creationists have had this same problem for decades—simply holding to what the Bible teaches, and what is confirmed by science, about the age and origin of the earth and life is enough to end careers; ironically, creationists are falsely called anti-science by people who now claim there are more than two genders of humans, which is anti-science.)

(626) Render Them NOT Unto Caesar by Herescope, 8/14/29
It goes without saying that living the Christian life today is increasingly challenging. More and more we are seeing government orders that impinge upon our ability to live free in Christ. In order for fellow believers to seriously think about how they are to respond to today’s challenges, we submit the post below for your consideration. It presents a dilemma we faced as parents nearly thirty years ago and how we determined we must respond as believers in Jesus Christ. At the time, our oldest child was reaching school-age. We had become concerned about the state of public education in the U.S., particularly the incorporation of material that was clearly at odds with the Bible. The article and link to our testimony as homeschoolers describes the situation and our response. We pray that as you read, you will carefully and prayerfully consider both your commitment to Jesus Christ and how He would have you live in these last days. What we posit is not a response to the violation of rights under the U.S. Constitution. While we know that we are most fortunate to live in this country, we must never lose sight of our obligation to live the Christian life no matter our circumstances. While the Bible makes it clear that the role of government is to reward good and punish evil, it is also quite clear that government today is increasingly doing the opposite. The ability to rely on our constitutional rights may be fast disappearing. Standing on the Word of God is, and always has been, our only true option. As you contemplate your life in these times, make sure to put on the Full Armor of God and stand upon the Rock. In the final analysis, we cannot rely on man’s means and methods. We cannot rely on organizational or governmental answers to these challenges. It is not the church (corporate) that will stand before the Lord in the judgment. Ultimately, each of us as individuals must (and will) answer for our personal actions. With that in mind, we invite you to carefully and soberly read the following post. We trust it will be of help as you look to the days ahead.

(627) A Glorious Destiny? by Roger Oakland, 8/17/20
There is no question about it, the world is in serious chaos, with poverty, sickness, and disease afflicting millions and millions of people. Suffering seems to be at an all-time high level. Understandably, the world is looking for answers. Many religious leaders (including New Agers) believe we need a new reformation. Neale Donald Walsch, a prominent leader in the New Age, is one of those with new reformation on his mind.

(628) California Megachurch Wins in Court, Resumes Indoor Services Despite Lockdown Order by The Epoch Times, 8/18/20
A state judge in California put Gov. Gavin Newsom’s emergency order from July prohibiting indoor church services during the coronavirus pandemic on hold after a Los Angeles-area megachurch filed a lawsuit. The decision comes as thousands of Christians in the state continue to attend in-person religious services in open defiance of Newsom. Other churches and religious coalitions have filed their own lawsuits against the governor for his lockdown orders. The legal complaint was filed Aug. 12 with the Los Angeles County office of the Superior Court of the State of California by the Chicago-based Thomas More Society, a public-interest law firm specializing in religious freedom issues. According to an NBC News summary, Newsom ordered almost all establishments, including churches, to shut down March 19. On June 18, Los Angeles was permitted to conduct “reduced-capacity indoor operations at houses of worship,” but reported cases of the CCP virus, which causes the disease COVID-19, began to increase. In July, most indoor activities were once again banned. Places of religious worship in the state are now restricted to a maximum of 25 percent of building capacity or 100 attendees indoors, whichever is lower, and singing and chanting are forbidden. The plaintiffs are Grace Community Church of the Valley and its pastor, John MacArthur. The main defendants are Newsom, Attorney General Xavier Becerra, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, all Democrats.

(629) A Hurting World—1 in 4 Young Adults Contemplated Suicide in June by Ken Ham, 8/22/20
Our world is hurting. Coronavirus fears, record unemployment, anxiety about the future, and more seem to be driving a spike in “adverse mental health conditions, substance use, and suicidal ideation,” according to a new study of American adults from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Reportedly, 25.5% of Americans, ages 18-24, “seriously considered suicide” in June and 74.9% “reported having at least one mental or behavioral health condition during June.”

(630) China’s war against all religions and their own Falun Gong by Mike Oppenheimer, 8/24/20
China has a communist government (CCP) that has been unfriendly to any religion whether it has a God, gods or no god. A full communist regime has never been tried, but for now China is the closest country to this type of pure communism. The reason the government tries so hard to crush religious organizations that operate independently from party control is because their dogmas compete with the state orthodoxy. It is especially a concern to them when they promote freedoms, thinking of God as in control and not the state. Chinese communist authorities are now changing the words of the Bible, and want Christians to deny their faith. China has intensified their persecution, with Communist officials telling Christians they are not permitted to believe in God. Of the five approved religions in China, Protestant Christianity is one alongside Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Catholicism in China. All Religious organizations must register with one of five state-sanctioned patriotic religious associations supervised by the State Administration for Religious Affairs.

(631) Politics of life, or death? by Mike Oppenheimer, 8/28/20
These topics and current trends are usually reserved for our newsletter, but with the adverse climate taking place in our country it is especially important at this time to understand what we are facing. In our world politics has more influence on our society than religion. That’s a fact most believers overlook or do not want to accept. Government[s] rule through politics. We should understand how politics affects the way we live life. However, our faith overrules any amoral judgment found in politics. Most governmental systems are found to be are antithetical to both God and freedom. Our country was founded upon worshipping God and freedom, with both Judeo Christian principles, Politics does divide, and so does Jesus. One divides people with lies, the other (Jesus) divides people to choose - the truth. Read Part 1 & Part 2.

(632) Welcome the Aliens by Mike Oppenheimer, 9/5/20
Aliens continue to be a large topic in our culture, and I don’t mean those that crossover the border into our country, but UFO’s/aliens. The US government has formally and continually denied that it has any knowledge of contact with extraterrestrial life. Few accept this explanation. As so many claim to have seen them physically or had contact with what they cannot explain. Only recently have the government reveal that the craft they show on radar are “otherworldly craft,” not origination from earth.  3 videos of what is called alien craft is public knowledge carried by Our defense security is involved appointing a US task force to investigate further the UfO’s that are flying allover the world. Because of our tech and video technology we catch much more than we ever did that happens in the sky. How do we as Christians answer that there is life outside our planet?

(633) Distressing “State of Theology” Results Released at Ken Ham blog, 9/11/20
Theology matters. What you believe about God, his Word, and the person and work of Jesus Christ matters. Poor, weak, and inaccurate theology leads, at best, to faith that produces no, little, or bad fruit, is stagnant, will not stand the tough times that will inevitably come in a sin-cursed and broken world; or, at worst, such wrong beliefs won’t save you because you don’t truly understand or believe the gospel of Jesus Christ!

(634) Why We Need Remnant Truth Network (Rtn) Tv, And Why We Need It Urgently by Jacob Prasch, 9/14/20
RTN is designed to operate as a multifaceted independent platform for webcasting, complete with its own server, technical crew, TV channels, RTN Christian Radio, its own Facebook page and blog site as well as podcasting and its own App. Though still in joint development by Genesis Christian Radio, Radio Azimuth TV, Moriel, Devore Truth, Fellowship Bible Chapel, Apologetics Coordinating Team (ACT) and others, it has been no small venture. The question is : WHY? Most of Social Media has gravitated in the direction of mainstream media, censoring anything they ideologically do not like. In an effort to control public thought and circumvent the American First Amendment, stifle free speech etc. , Social Media is increasingly biased and devoid of integrity. This has certainly become true in the political sphere with pro left wing ideology governing allowed content , but on issues concerning Pro-Life activism, Disagreement with homosexuality & lesbianism, fair criticism of Islam etc., Christian interests are progressively being stifled with anti-Christian censorship.

(635) Pastor Disagrees with LGBT Community, People Threaten To Burn Down His Church at Answers in Genesis, 9/15/20
In our culture today, disagreeing with someone (especially against the sexual, homosexual, and gender revolutionaries) is considered dangerous “hate speech.” Many people believe those who dare utter such disagreement should lose their right to free speech. This intolerance is becoming increasingly common across the West—just ask one pastor who said that a “pride” parade was celebrating sin . . . and then found himself and his family personally threatened, his church the target of arson threats, and fabricated pornographic images, featuring the pastor, began circulating on the internet.

(636) Biblical Discernment in Christian Literature by Gary Gilley, 9/17/20
Biblical discernment today, if not at an all-time low, is surely bumping along at the bottom of the pond, and nowhere is that more evident than in Christian literature.  Most people, if a book or blog post is written by a credentialed Christian author, and published by at least a semi-respected Christian publishing house, let down their guard and accept unquestionably whatever is disseminated. This is true not only of the average believer but also of many in leadership. For example, Subversive Sabbath, the Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World by A. J. Swoboda, won Christianity Today’s 2019 Book of the Year award in the spiritual formation category, and thus would presumably represent spirituality as understood by mainstream evangelicalism today. Written by a pastor/seminary professor, the book’s strength lies in its reminder that the believer needs rest as grounded in the Sabbath principle and modeled by the Lord Himself in the creation account. If the Lord rested after His work of creation, the author insists, so should we. On pragmatic grounds, Swoboda promotes Sabbath-keeping since, he claims, it will result in better health, more productivity, and freedom from a Messiah complex, in which we see ourselves as essential for the world to function.  Yet, despite the many accolades and awards that it has received, Subversive Sabbath has virtually nothing to do with Sabbath teaching as found in Scripture. Rather it is an argument for rest in a hectic world (not a bad idea).  The book, however, distorts the teachings of Scripture on the Sabbath, leads the reader in wrong directions, badly mishandles Scripture, and draws from a wide assortment of nonbiblical sources.  That there is a Sabbath, or rest principle ingrained in God’s universe, is a defendable position.  That Sabbath is to be practiced as outlined in this volume is not. The central theme and message are well-represented by the first quotation given by none other than that eminent theologian Winnie-the-Pooh, “Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, or just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”  Notwithstanding the source, this is a winsome invitation and explains the draw of the book.

(637) Calvary Chapel Pastors Perspective Refutes Praying to the Dead...Yet Calvary Chapel affiliate Pastor Steve Berger encourages praying (talking) to the dead (Have Heart book and Have Heart website FAQ page) by Chris Lawson, 9/20/20
One wonders why Brian Brodersen, Don Stewart, Josh Turansky, and the Calvary Chapel Association Leadership Council allow Steve Berger (Calvary Chapel affiliate pastor and church leader) to continue selling his books in a Calvary Chapel context—as a Calvary Chapel affiliate church.  This is very it not? Pastor Steve Berger's "Grace Chapel Leipers Fork, Franklin, TN" church is listed as a Calvary Chapel affiliate church on the church finder. For many years now Steve Berger's church contact information has come up in the Calvary Chapel church locator search results, when one searches for Grace Chapel, Steve Berger, Leipers Fork, or Grace Chapel Franklin, etc.

(638) Earning A Psychology Degree In Witch Doctoring by The Berean Call, 9/25/20
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanliness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forevermore.” Does that remind you of a chapter in America, the Sorcerer’s New Apprentice, chapter 6, “The Resurgence of Nature Religion”?  I think, Tom, for myself, the thing that strikes me about Andrews’ time period from then till now is how this nature of religion, the worship of the creation, has manifested so profoundly and so powerfully. Whether it’s through the sense of mysticism now connecting to the “god within,” which is just nothing more than a natural manifestation according to that type of thinking; or to literally the creation itself, whether it’s Earth Day, or it’s the climate change narrative—it’s not just simply religion, it plays out in the realm of politics, culture, ethics, morality. It’s all affected.

(639) 24% of Evangelicals Agree “Gender Identity Is a Matter of Choice” by Ken Ham, 9/27/20
According to a recent survey, 24% of so-called evangelical Christians in the U.S. agree “gender identity is a matter of choice.” Of this same group, 20% disagree that “sex outside of traditional marriage is a sin” and 18% agree with this statement, “the Bible’s condemnation of homosexual behavior doesn’t apply today” (and 10% aren’t sure!).

(640) Satanic Temple Claims Killing Babies in Abortions is a Protected Religious Ceremony by Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews, 10/3/20
The Satanic Temple admitted proudly Wednesday that, in their belief system, killing an unborn baby in an abortion is a religious ritual similar to communion or baptism for Christians.

(641) Is your church changing? by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/15/20
Change can be good, or, it can be bad. It’s becomes bad when your church has done things biblically and now is open to doing things other ways, using models of expansion from other church programs or bringing in certain men whose modus operandi is to produce a revival that are of the Latter Rain, then it has become not good. The fact is there are so many changes introduced to churches in our day it’s hard to know where to begin to list them. There are so many non-biblical practices that have become ingrained in churches. The most important need of the hour is to know the Word in its truth, and this comes by discernment. But this is also the most attacked and belittled activity from those who want to bring the wrong changes. Let me begin with the most pervasive teachings that has been among us for years.

(642) Where are we are today? by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/16/20
l/l/98 a statement was made by former U.S. congressman, Peter Hoagland. I quote the statement from the book manuscript. "Fundamental, Bible-believing people do not have the right to indoctrinate their children in their religious beliefs because we, the state, are preparing them for the year 2000, when America will be part of one-world order global society and their children will not fit in." What do you think of that? Though this has not been produced on their scheduled time, is it possible that we will wake up one day to find we have suddenly been thrust into a system contrary to our biblical beliefs and wonder how we got there? If you think this statement is bad what I have heard from others is similar and far worse. So many are working for a global world government that they are willing to sacrifice our lives our system of Government based on freedom to achieve it. Many think they will be excluded immune to this new social totalitarianism, they will not! Ps 36:4 An oracle within my heart concerning the transgression of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes. For he flatters himself in his own eyes, (elitists) When he finds out his iniquity and when he hates. The words of his mouth are wickedness and deceit; He has ceased to be wise and to do good. He devises wickedness on his bed; He sets himself in a way that is not good; He does not abhor evil.” Evil will always triumph over good if God’s standards are abandoned. It is the way the Lord has set things up.

(643) Earning A Psychological Degree In Witchdoctoring interview by T.A. McMahon and Carl Techrib, 10/22/20
Carl: The connections that you’re drawing are important for people to realize. We’re living in an age when spirituality is “in,” along with the desire for finding the “higher self,” to go within, looking inwardly now, for the answers. To hear that voice, that inner voice within one’s self, and we’re at a time right now, Tom, where we see the blending of humanism, spirituality, coming together, and making the claim that there is no higher authority than yourself. The danger becomes this: when you’re searching for truth internally, what else is manifesting? What else, from a biblical point of view, is coming forward.  Well, we certainly have been talking about the doctrines of demons, and if you take a look at channeled writing, take a look at the work of shamanism, if you take a look at, even, let’s say the channeled writing of so-called alien visitor, it always points away from the true God and points to self, or to nature—that is where we “find the answers.” And that is very problematic from a biblical worldview. Not only that, I see this as a manifestation—a higher manifestation—of, you could call it that supernatural connecting point between the world of the demonic, including the worldviews being presented, and a culture now absolutely enamored with occult, New Age, esoteric concepts. I see the West opening the door—opening the door through psychology, opening the door through entertainment, opening the door in so many ways while we are searching for “spirituality” to open the door to something that truly is spiritual but certainly isn’t beneficial.

(644) Was Christ Jesus A Myth Derived from Mithra, the Persian Sun God? by C.W.Booth, 10/29/20
In spite of the fact that the Mithra myth imitated the Hebrew God (YHWH) and borrowed many concepts found in the Hebrew-Christian Bible in no way sanctifies the myth; it was always a counterfeit of earlier originals. Jesus, on the other hand, being the human and living continuation of the story of Abraham, Israel, and David, does have corporeal and historical authenticity. This sets Jesus apart from Mithra and highlights the all important and necessary differences between a well documented human-divine life which changed the world, and a myth that was constantly adapted to and changed by the world. The story of Jesus' life changes lives, makes men holy, and promises redemption from sin, even to this day. Mithra is today exposed as an all but forgotten myth which changes no life for the better. That is the eternal difference between Jesus and Mithra, between a genuine original and a counterfeit, and between reality and fiction.

(645) The Perverts And Those Who Protect Them posted by Marsha West, 10/31/20
This is a time for all Christians to uncover the complete truth about the pedophile rings operating here and abroad, sometimes with the protection of Catholic church officials and sometimes with the connivance of other members of the elite. It’s what Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in 1947 called “Signs of Our Times.” He referred to the emergence of “a counter-church” with “all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content.”  (Cliff Kincaid – Renew America) Before Joe Biden committed a major gaffe by urging the eventual abolition of the oil and gas industry, he endorsed the idea of 8-year-old transgenders. This went beyond gaffe status to outright insanity…. What’s more, it was part of his appeal to the transgender “community.” In this case, he called for “zero discrimination” against kids who want to parade around like members of the opposite sex. He didn’t rule out these confused kids getting sex-change operations. Ignoring this form of child abuse, Savannah Guthrie of NBC News asked Trump during a televised town hall about the belief by some of his supporters in “a satanic pedophile ring” operating behind the scenes.

(646) Drinking from the Cup the Father has Given Us by Mike Ratliff, 11/7/20
No, I do not want the Socialists to destroy our country and enslave us the way George Orwell described in his book 1984. However, that is exactly what many of them are planning on doing. If they do, does that mean God has forsaken us? Of course not! No, let us rejoice that there is a day coming when you and I will be with Him in glory. In that day we will see this life from His perspective instead of the temporal. We will then see that all the things in our lives that we did not enjoy or suffered through were actually the fires of purification in our lives that God used to produce the character in us that brings Him glory.

(647) Being in the state of not hearing or seeing by Mike Oppenheimer, 11/8/20
The loss to hear accurately results in the loss of common sense exercised in everyday living. Ever get your eyes checked? How about your hearing? Prov. 20:12 “ the hearing ear and the seeing eye, The LORD has made them both.” HOW you see or hear matters. No one hears or sees perfectly all the time, but that should be our goal. When you hear something, do you reinterpret it to you own predilection? Or do you try to understand it from the words that were said from the person? This is extremely important, because it will tell you whether you are living in reality or making up your own reality, which leads to living in an alternate make believe world.

(648) Sure by Mike Ratliff, 11/9/20
16 For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. 17 For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, “This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased”— 18 and we ourselves heard this utterance made from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. 2 Peter 1:16-18 (NASB) ... The Word of God is sure, it is absolute, objective truth. Our enemies tell us that there is no such thing. Romans 8 tells us that we who are in Christ have nothing to fear from them so we are to stand firm and not fear. Right now it looks like our whole world is going after their nonsense. We have our mandate, we have the truth. Let us obey our Lord.

(649) The High Cost of Spiritual Discernment by Bob Kirkland, 11/11/20
God offers no cheap discipleship program. In Luke chapter fourteen, the Lord gave three reasons why we cannot be His disciple. He warned His followers to “count the cost”: Christ said if family or even our own lives are more important than truth, we cannot be His disciple (Luke 14:26). If we refuse to bear the cross He gives us to bear, we cannot be His disciple (Luke 14:27). If we are not willing to forsake all that we have, we cannot be His disciple (Luke 14:33). Discernment only comes from God, and He will not give discernment to anyone who is not willing to pay the price to be His disciple. Therefore, the first thing one who wants discernment must do is decide if he or she is willing to pay the price. Beware—it is very expensive.

(650) To All Parents of Students Considering Attending Gordon College at Lighthouse Trails, 11/18/20
My son is a freshman at Gordon College. We enrolled him because we believed the school is a solid Christian college. But now, we have serious issues with what is going on campus this semester. We and many other parents of Gordon students are extremely concerned with the direction things are going. So if you are considering sending your student to Gordon College next year, please contact me at my e-mail address. The biggest symptom of what we see is a falling away from the biblical principles that the school stands for, is the division being caused on campus by the Black Lives Matter movement. Student BLM activists have been exhibiting less than Christ-like behavior, such as racially divisive signs on campus. And one of the most serious concerns is that students who oppose BLM, or oppose social justice/Critical Race Theory are being vilified, intimidated, harassed, and even coerced into participating in activities which they do not agree with! These are all symptoms of a bigger problem, in which social-justice ideology is supplanting a biblical worldview on a college campus which we were certain would provide a solid basis for my son’s learning and spiritual growth. That is all in doubt now! I have attended or listened to chapel messages where Scripture was twisted (by college professors!) into a social-justice theme. My son has not learned much about God’s Word in many of these chapel services. Racial issues seem to be overly-discussed in many classes, and activities and events are almost all themed on racial issues—but again, always slanted towards those who support BLM and social-justice causes. If you disagree, you are disapproved of, or you are forced to stay silent.

(651) Remembering the Forgotten Pilgrims by Bill Randles, 11/26/20
By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.  (Hebrews 11:8-12)

(652) Thanksgiving Message 2020 (Video) by James Jacob Prasch, 11/26/20

(653) Critical Theory, Intersectionality Spreading Like ‘Gangrene’ At Sebts by Marsha West, 11/28/20
“So, why is the president of a Southern Baptist seminary promoting such views that weaken the idea that we can understand and have objective knowledge? Why are your tithes and offerings going to support training the next generation of pastors to read the Bible through an immigration lens?” (Capstone Report)  Southern Baptist seminaries are infected by Critical Theory and Intersectionality, according to Southern Baptist pastor Dr. Tom Buck. Buck, pastor of First Baptist Church Lindale, Texas, detailed the problems of these godless ideologies infiltrating SBC seminaries with a focus on the problems at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS).

(654) “US Supreme Court Rules NY Gov. Cuomo’s ‘Severe Restrictions’ on Church Attendance Unconstitutional” by Heather Clark, Christian News Network, 12/1/20
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that New York’s “very severe” limitations on church attendance in the state’s COVID red and orange zones violate the First Amendment right to free exercise of religion and are not the least restrictive means of preventing infections. “Not only is there no evidence that the applicants have contributed to the spread of COVID–19, but there are many other less restrictive rules that could be adopted to minimize the risk to those attending religious services,” the court stated in a 5-4 opinion Wednesday evening, with new justice Amy Coney Barrett being among the majority. Chief Justice John Roberts sided with his liberal colleagues. In October, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed Executive Order 202.68, which presented updated regulations for various public facilities, including fitness centers, hair salons, restaurants, taverns and houses of worship.

(655) The Real Problem by Mike Ratliff, 12/2/20
I have been posting here on my blog for the past several months about the evils of Critical Race Theory & Intersectionality and how many “Christian” leaders have corrupted their ministries by going full bore transforming their focus from Orthodox doctrines to include these non-Biblical, man-focused subjective non-truths. We have to wonder what would cause these people to do such a thing. Tom Ascol of Founders Ministries, one of the leaders against this evil Tweeted the following today: PSA: Critical Race Theory & Intersectionality are not the problem. They are deadly symptoms of deeper problems. Evangelicals give only lip service to God’s Word. We have a crisis of man-fearing, unbelief, & cowardice. That’s how CRT/I gained a foothold.

(656) Investigation Into Ravi Zacharias’ Alleged Misconduct Excludes Sexting Scandal at Christian Research Network, 12/4/20
“Following my three-part series on the sexting scandal, and reports by Christianity Today and WORLD, the C&MA announced that it has commissioned a new investigation into Zacharias’ alleged misconduct.” (Julie Roys – Roys Report)  The independent investigation commissioned by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) into allegations of misconduct by its late founder, Ravi Zacharias, does not include the sexting scandal involving Lori Anne Thompson.

(657) “The House Votes to Decriminalize Marijuana at the Federal Level” at Lighthouse Trails, 12/5/20
LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes and not meant as an endorsement of the source or the content. Lighthouse Trails’ authors Richard and Linda Nathan have written extensively regarding the use of recreational marijuana. You can read their report, The Cross and the Marijuana Leaf here. By Matthew Daly Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Democratic-controlled House on Friday approved a bill to decriminalize and tax marijuana at the federal level, reversing what supporters call a failed policy of criminalizing pot use and taking steps to address racial disparities in enforcement of federal drug laws.

(658) Top Twenty Secret Sins of 2020 America by Linda Harvey, 12/16/20
Had enough of 2020? Time to move on? There’s one “great reset” we may all welcome, and that’s the need to get this miserable year behind us. But first, let’s shine a bright light into the tunnels, alleyways, and shadows of 2020. Sin breeds secrets. “My people perish for lack of knowledge,” Hosea 4:6 tells us, and why? We all choose what authorities we consult, yet some sources are deceitful. Those in positions of power have an increased responsibility not to “suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18). In 2020, an avalanche of secret sins in America managed our destinies through private deals and backroom corruption. Let’s open the curtain and examine the most egregious sins of the past year.

(659) Interim Report Finds Ravi Zacharias ‘Engaged In Sexual Misconduct Over Many Years’ at Christian Research Network, 12/24/20
“RZIM leader Carson Weitnauer published a scathing letter, accusing RZIM’s “secretive board and senior leaders” of misleading the staff and public.”  (Julie Roys – The Roys Report)  The firm hired by RZIM to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct by Ravi Zacharias has released an interim report, finding “credible evidence” that Zacharias “engaged in  sexual misconduct over many years.”

(660) A Battle Against Lies by Cliff Kincaid, Renew America, 12/25/20
“As we see possible parallels between the fates of Nixon and Trump, Postgate author John O’Conner and others are being featured in the film “Plot Against the President” about how the intelligence community targeted Trump in much the same way they brought down Nixon.” The Christian existentialist philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote about the corruption in the Danish State Church, declaring that everyone knew privately that the system was rotten and corrupt but they would not say so publicly. “Just as one says that death has marked a man, so we recognize the symptoms which demand to be attacked. It is a battle against lies,” he said.

(661) 7 Ways Governments Used The Coronavirus Pandemic To Crush Human Rights at Christian Research Network, 12/27/20
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito warned in November that the pandemic imposed “previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty, from freedom of speech down to the right to a speedy trial, since almost every activity involving human contact has been restricted.” (John Hayward – Breitbart)  Human rights activists were generally downbeat about the global state of affairs in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, often pointing to 2020 as one of the worst years in memory for declining civil liberties. Here are seven ways governments have used the Chinese coronavirus pandemic to diminish human rights and civil liberties.

(662) The Gospel Of Racism Is Harming The True Gospel Message posted by Marsha West, 12/29/20
“I think Black Lives Matter is a demonic joke straight out of the pit of hell. Black lives only matter if white people are involved. If 60 black youths are killed during a July 4th weekend, the world’s media don’t care. If some celebrity was found to pose in black-face 30 years ago, the press would circle them like sharks.”

(663) Can the “cancel culture” be cancelled? by Sandy Simpson 1/4/21 Cancel culture” is defined thusly, "Cancel culture (or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles - either online on social media, in the real world, or both. (Wikipedia) Sorry, but there actually is no way to cancel the cancel culture. Well, there is one very important exception. The reason I say that is because the cancel culture is based on a worldview that is postmodern, existentialist, subjectivist, politically correct (PC), and socialist. We've seen this crop up recently in politics where we find out that people who have bought into this kind of mindset are not interested in actual dialogue because they are unable to argue their points. So rather than discuss objections, they want to silence or get rid of their opposition in any way possible. This is all because they delusionally believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong and they shouldn't have to have a dialogue about anything. If you try to talk to them you find out rather quickly that they apparently have lost the ability to employ common sense or logical processes and have given themselves over to emotionalism. They consider themselves to be free thinkers but in actuality, they are the most conformist generation we have seen in recent history.

(664) When Things Look Bleak ... by Nicholas Batzig, 1/7/21
“When we are tempted to trust in some particular person or political party to provide deliverance and security, we have a vain hope. The God who made heaven, and earth, the sea and all that is in them, is the One who provides deliverance and security for His people. This God has secured a city that has foundations–a lasting city–for His people.” Like many other Christians, I am deeply concerned about the direction in which our country has been moving and the speed at which it continues to move. The murder of the unborn, the celebration of every form of sexual immorality, the increase in public acts of violence, perpetual discrimination, sex trafficking, and a rise in religious intolerance certainly top the list…. If the outrage and anger we witnessed in 2020 is any indicator of things to come, the future looks bleak. Along with the decay of the moral fabric of our society is the inevitability of opposition to Christ and His church. This rightly leaves believers unsettled in heart and mind. However, so many scramble to get behind a political leader in order to alleviate fears. Conspiracy theories abound to justify in the minds and hearts of the fearful why they should be fighting for a political solution. However, when fears or concerns rise up in our minds and hearts, what does God call us to do? Thankfully, He has given us all that we need in His word. The Psalms alone provide us with enough encouragement to trust in the God who made the heavens and the earth, when everything around us seems bleak. Consider, for instance, Psalm 124.

(665) 1.8 Million COVID Deaths and 42 Million Abortions from Way of Life Ministries, 1/19/21
In 2020, there were a reported 1.8 million deaths associated with Covid-19. This was the big, never-ending news, but in the meantime there were 11 million deaths from communicable diseases other than tuberculosis, 8.2 million deaths from cancer, 5.1 million deaths from smoking, 2.5 million from alcohol, 1.8 million deaths from tuberculosis, 1.4 million deaths from road accidents, and 1.1 million from suicide. But the largest loss of life by far were the 46 million deaths by abortion (“More than 42.6 million abortions,” Christian Headlines, Jan. 5, 2021). And we are convinced that 42 million is much lower than the terrible reality, since many high abortion countries do not keep accurate statistics. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

(666) Racism and Critical Race Theory Part 1 The Current Conversation by Gary Gilley, 1/26/21
Among the most pressing issues of our times are those surrounding systemic racism. I write this even in light of an extremely important Presidential election and being engulfed in the Covid-19 pandemic because, as important as these other two issues are, racism has become so divisive and explosive that it has the potential of shaping our world for years to come. Volumes have been written and spoken on this subject from every persuasion, and my comments will likely add little.  However, as issues concerning racism are not only cultural but also spiritual, it is important that we examine how racial debates and disagreements are affecting Christians and the church.

(667) Russell Moore-Led ERLC A Threat To SBC Funding, Unity Report Finds by Leonardo Blair, The Christian Post, 2/4/21
“The report, which was released Monday, noted that while giving to the SBC’s Cooperative Program has been trending downward for years, Moore’s leadership and perceived liberal politics has led to hundreds of churches withholding funds to the program, threatening to withhold funding or even cutting ties with the denomination.” Nearly two years after a motion to defund the Southern Baptist Convention’s Russell Moore-led Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission was rejected by messengers, a new report from a task force commissioned to study the denomination’s public policy arm has found it to be a major threat to the funding of the $15 billion Protestant Christian organization’s Cooperative Program.

(668) The Prosperous Lifestyle of America’s Anti-Prosperity Gospel Preacher by Julie Roys, 2/8/21
For decades, John MacArthur has railed on prosperity preachers, likening them to  “greed mongerers” who led First Century cults.  Recently, he’s also taken aim at scandal-plagued evangelical leaders, like the late apologist Ravi Zacharias and former Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz, saying these celebrities were in ministry only for the money. That’s why “liars and frauds and false teachers” are in business, MacArthur said in a recent sermon. “False teachers always do it for the same reason—filthy lucre, money.”  Yet according to financial statements and tax forms obtained by The Roys Report, John MacArthur and his family preside over a religious media and educational empire that has over $130 million in assets and generates more than $70 million a year in tax-free revenue.

(669) Max Lucado Compares Holy Spirit To Woman, Calls Him ‘Mother-Heart Of God’ at Christian Research Network, 2/11/21
Before we get to Reformation Charlotte’s piece on popular pastor Max Lucado, we need to give you fair warning to flee from this man. Lucado’s lack of spiritual discernment is stunning. As you will see, he has given credence to egregious false teachers, which is bad enough, but now he tells his audience that the Holy Spirit is “the mother-heart of God” which not only sounds strikingly like the teachings found in New Age spirituality, it is decidedly unbiblical. Now to Jeff Maples’ piece over at RC: Max Lucado, author and pastor who, in recent years, has taken a sharp turn to the left in embracing not only the woke social justice movement but taking a soft stance on homosexuality, has now taken an even sharper turn away from biblical orthodoxy by comparing the Holy Spirit to a mother…

(670) “Open Letter From the International Board of Directors of RZIM on the Investigation of Ravi Zacharias” at Lighthouse Trails, 2/13/21
From the RZIM Board: It is with shattered hearts that we issue this statement about the allegations against RZIM’s Founder, Ravi Zacharias. Following allegations made in late August of 2020 that Ravi had engaged in sexual misconduct and abuse in connection with two day spas, we commissioned Miller & Martin PLLC, a law firm with experience in corporate and sex crimes investigations, to conduct an independent investigation [see the 2/9/21 full report – caution to readers: contains disturbing and graphic information]. We gave Miller & Martin a broad scope to pursue any avenues that they judged to be relevant to the accusations, and we emphasized that our only purpose for the investigation was to ascertain the full truth. Having received the results of the investigation, we are publicly releasing the investigation report in the exact form that we received it. We have been waiting to make an extended statement in the hope that the full findings of the investigation would allow us to speak more accurately and meaningfully. We also wanted to ensure Miller & Martin’s independence in their investigation, assessments, and reporting of the findings. . . .  Tragically, witnesses described encounters including sexting, unwanted touching, spiritual abuse, and rape.

(671) Study: Moral Relativism the “Majority Opinion” of Gen Z by Ken Ham, 2/18/21
Gen Z—today’s teenagers and young adults—are the most atheistic generation yet in America, according to George Barna. Given that, it’s not surprising that a new study found that “moral relativism” (“morally right and wrong changes over time, based on society”) is the belief of a whopping 74% of young adults in the US. A majority (65%) also believe “many religions can lead to eternal life.” Our very relativistic culture—which is just getting more and more relativistic each year—reminds me of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” This is a consequence of a famine in the land, a famine of the “hearing of the words of the Lord” like Amos proclaimed (Amos 8:11). Sadly, so many churches have watered down the teaching of the Word, taking on an experiential emphasis. Proverbs 29:18 states, “Where there is no prophetic vision [i.e., no teaching of the Word of God] the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.”

(672) What The Biden Administration’s ‘Equality Act’ Would Do by Ryan T. Anderson, The Heidelblog, 2/26/21
“An individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity.” Witness the so-called Equality Act, which candidate Biden vowed to make a priority and which is set to be voted on by the House this week. What’s the Equality Act? And who could be against equality? Don’t let the name fool you. The act “updates” the law Congress passed primarily to combat ­racism, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and adds sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes akin to race. So if you have any reservations about gender ideology — as even many progressives do; just ask J.K. Rowling — you’d now be the legal equivalent of Bull Connor.

(673) House Passes ‘LGBTQ’ Equality Act Despite Serious Concerns Over Its Constitutionality Relating To Religious Liberty at Christian Research Network, 3/2/21
(Christian News)  The Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed the controversial Equality Act in a 224-206 vote on Thursday despite growing concerns over how the legislation would affect religious liberty, women’s sports, as well as other concerns. The bill now heads to the Senate for consideration. The Equality Act’s passage included the support of three Republicans, including Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and John Katko and Tom Reed of New York, who joined the Democratic majority in voting to pass the bill. “The LGBT community has waited long enough,” said Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., who is a homosexual and the lead sponsor of the bill. “The time has come to extend the blessings of liberty and equality to all of Americans regardless of who they are and who they love,” Cicilline asserted.

(674) “Amazon Quietly Bans Books Containing Undefined ‘Hate Speech’” by Petr Svab, 3/8/21
Amazon has adopted a rule against books that contain anything the company labels as “hate speech.” It appears there was no announcement of the new rule. It was only noticed by media after the online retailer recently banned a book that criticizes transgender ideology. It isn’t clear what Amazon means by “hate speech” or even if it used that label to drop that particular book. In general parlance, Americans hold widely diverging views on what constitutes hate speech, a 2017 Cato poll found. Some tech platforms describe it as speech that disparages people based on characteristics such as race, gender, and sexual proclivities. But insider evidence indicates the companies aren’t clear on where to draw the lines, perpetually redraw them, and at least in some instances ignore violations when politically convenient.

(675) Jd Greear Defends Staff Member Who Had Gay Hookups Online And Looked At Gay Pornography by Jeff Maples, 3/9/21
“While Greear doesn’t go as far as to affirm homosexuality, Greear has insisted that the Scriptures only “whisper” about homosexuality while addresses other sins–such as greed or boasting–in a much greater way. He’s also called on Christians to stand up for LGBTQ rights.” In a podcast, JD Greear defended a former staff member who said that while he was on his personal pastoral staff and “very active” in his church for many years, he secretly looked at gay porn and hooked up on gay dating sites…. Despite the fact that this went on for years, Greear defends him saying that he needs to “feel his pain” and “learn to grapple with his questions from his point of view.” Interestingly, this is the same staff member that Greear defiled the pulpit with when he and this guy danced together to a Whitney Houston song and Greear “shook his rump.”

(676) A time of testing of your faith: What do you do when it all happens? by Mike Oppenheimer, 3/14/21
What happens when people’s love grows cold, when people are unable to hear and accept the Word during the time when plagues, earthquakes and all the signs that Jesus spoke of take place? Our slumbering in the church has turned into a coma for some. Others are waking up from a coma and rubbing their eyes and cannot believe what they are seeing as the condition of the world and the church! This is not the way it used to be many are saying, but the world has changed dramatically. The cabal of politicians and false teachers are now too numerous to count. We have watched political corruptions occur and it has its affect on the Church. A general separation is actively taking place throughout the world and in the Church. The world offers an amoral lifestyle and the church is being pressured to conform as well.

(677) California Curriculum Leads Kids In Chant To Aztec God Of Human Sacrifice at Christian Research Network, 3/15/21
The curriculum singles out Christianity for particular demonization. Cuauhtin claimed that white Christians committed “theocide” by killing indigenous gods while replacing tribal cults with Christianity. White settlers established a regime of “colonially, dehumanization, and genocide,” characterized by the “explicit erasure and replacement of holistic Indegeneity and humanity.” Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new ethnic studies curriculum that seeks to root out “white supremacy,” “colonization,” and the various evils of American culture. The curriculum aims to reverse Christianity’s alleged “theocide” against Native American gods by leading students in a chant to various indigenous deities, including the Aztec god of human sacrifice….

(678) “Amazon Quietly Bans Books Containing Undefined ‘Hate Speech’” at Lighthouse Trails, 3/16/21
Amazon has adopted a rule against books that contain anything the company labels as “hate speech.” It appears there was no announcement of the new rule. It was only noticed by media after the online retailer recently banned a book that criticizes transgender ideology. It isn’t clear what Amazon means by “hate speech” or even if it used that label to drop that particular book. In general parlance, Americans hold widely diverging views on what constitutes hate speech, a 2017 Cato poll found. Some tech platforms describe it as speech that disparages people based on characteristics such as race, gender, and sexual proclivities. But insider evidence indicates the companies aren’t clear on where to draw the lines, perpetually redraw them, and at least in some instances ignore violations when politically convenient.

(679) Who Or What Is The Force That Drives The Left To Cancel Conservatives? by Marsha West, 3/17/21
It has become clear to discerning Christians that the Spiritual Forces of Darkness engineered America’s shift to the far left.  And anyone who chooses not to toe the line, anyone who won’t buy into the “woke” narrative or dares voice their disagreement with the totalitarian Left finds themselves “cancelled” (smeared, maligned, demeaned). This is especially true for followers of Jesus Christ. Americans are no longer surprised to hear that conservatives who are invited to speak at a college campus are shouted down and pelted with food and water bottles. Fearing for their lives, many of them are forced to flee when the opposition literally gets in their face, shouts obscenities and threatens bodily harm. Liberals are never interested in having a dialogue with those who disagree with them principally because this dialogue would only serve to highlight the ridiculous nature of their positions. Rather, they prefer to intimidate by using tactics that could at best be described as destructive and unhinged. Sadly, thanks to our public education system, our younger generation is so lacking in critical thinking skills that if they get into a debate they know they cannot win, especially when it involves politics and religion, they resort to bullying and even violence as the world witnessed during the BLM “peaceful protests”. Portland Oregon, where riots—oops—peaceful protests went on nightly for several months will never be the same after the BLM/antifa targeted areas of that once beautiful thriving city for destruction.

(680) Updated! Racism and Critical Race Theory Part 1 The Current Conversation by Gary Gilley, 1/26/21
Among the most pressing issues of our times are those surrounding systemic racism. I write this even in light of an extremely important Presidential election and being engulfed in the Covid-19 pandemic because, as important as these other two issues are, racism has become so divisive and explosive that it has the potential of shaping our world for years to come. Volumes have been written and spoken on this subject from every persuasion, and my comments will likely add little.  However, as issues concerning racism are not only cultural but also spiritual, it is important that we examine how racial debates and disagreements are affecting Christians and the church.
Read Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3.

(681) Dealing With Discouragement by Mike Ratliff, 3/25/21
23 Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him. Genesis 40:23 (1599 Geneva Bible) My natural tendency is to heartily participate in self-pity, outrage, and un-forgiveness thereby opening doors in my heart that Satan enters causing me to become discouraged. When this happens to me, I find that my circumstances drive me to become very negative and impatient. I suppose that this is one of my besetting sins which clings closely to me ready to cut in on me causing me to drop out of the race God has set before me to run with endurance (Hebrews 12:1-2)

(682) “Christian Baker, Jack Phillips, Sued Again for Refusing to Bake Transgender Cake” by Milton Quintanilla, 3/27/21
Jack Phillips, a Christian baker who has previously been targeted by LGBTQ activists for refusing to bake cakes for them, is facing another lawsuit for his refusal to bake a cake celebrating a gender transition. Phillips, who is the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado, holds previous legal victories, including one from the U.S. Supreme Court in 2018. At the time, the Christian baker went on trial after he refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. (LTRP Note: Christian Headlines did not explain this correctly. Phillips did not refuse service to the same-sex couple in general, but he refused to bake a cake with writing on it that exalted the LGBTQ lifestyle – there’s a big difference.) At the present time, he is being sued by Autumn Scardina, a transgender attorney who wanted a cake that was blue on the outside and pink on the inside in celebration of her transition. She had attempted to order the cake in 2017, on the same day when the Supreme Court said it would hear Phillip’s same-sex wedding case.

(683) A Word From the Past for Today: “Open Letter To Evangelical and Protestant Pastors – Now is the Day to Turn Back to God’s Word” at Lighthouse Trails, 3/30/21
LTRP Note: Ten years ago, author and evangelist Roger Oakland wrote an open letter to evangelical pastors beseeching them to turn away from false teachings, complacency, and ecumenicalism and stand true to God’s Word in these last days. Although Roger is no longer in active ministry, his words and warnings are as relevant today as they were a decade ago – perhaps even more so.

(684) Jesus & The Cancel Culture by Herescope, 4/1/21
The whole point of what is now called “Cancel Culture” is to shut down (“cancel”) those who speak out TRUTH, FACT, or put forth actual hard SCIENCE or documentable DATA. We know the source of this suppression – the “father of LIES” (John 8:44) who works ceaselessly to STOP the SPEAKING of the GOSPEL. He will attempt to STIFLE any method or media we use to communicate the BIBLE.  As Christians we are called to TEACH the GOSPEL despite any opposition or affliction. In so doing we follow in the honorable footsteps of the Old Testament prophets, the New Testament apostles, and Jesus Christ Himself.  What follows is a unique perspective on the battle for and against the TRUTH as seen in an overview of the life of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. In order to convey the sense of these passages we will creatively employ words, terms and phrases used in current “Cancel Culture” vernacular. It is our hope that this unique perspective will encourage us to “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10).

(685) Get Ready For The Next Phase Of The Cancel Culture: It Will Be The Most Diabolical Yet by Leo Hohmann, 4/2/21
“They are one in the same. The goal is to destroy America’s foundation and those who adhere to it. America’s foundation, the writings and speeches of the founding fathers, the Bill of Rights and of course our Judeo-Christian foundation upon which the Constitution is based.  That is their enemy.” By now, everyone is aware of the agenda embraced by America’s public schools — teaching children to be ashamed of their country, which they are told was founded by white supremacists. According to this narrative, embedded in many high school curricula including the popular 1619 Project, all of America’s historic successes, its rise to super-power status, its robust middle class, are illegitimate, because those who built this country did so on the backs of Native Americans and African slaves. There is nothing redeemable about America or its Constitution, because these are the products of systemic racism. This racism was baked into every institution, be it state and local governments, law enforcement, school systems, the business world, religious institutions, you name it. All of these institutions are eaten up with “white privilege” and must be turned upside down and “reimagined” according to leftist “woke” principles.

(686) Woke Comes For Christian K-12 & Homeschools at CRN, 4/15/21
(Capstone Report)  With the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) promoting diversity and multiculturalism to its member Christian schools, the Woke virus is set to spread from seminaries and colleges into Christian K-12 schools. And, it won’t even spare homeschoolers. As we reported earlier, the ACSI partnered with UnifiED to provide diversity, inclusion, racial reconciliation and multiculturalism training to Christian schools. What is important to note is the widespread reach of ACSI. Not only does ACIS serve the accreditation function for day schools and hybrid schools, but it produces homeschool curricula.

(687) Christian University Faculty Revolt After Board Votes To Affirm Biblical View Of Sexuality by Faithwire, 4/29/21
Matt Bellinger, an assistant professor of communication at the college, described the board’s decision to affirm biblical sexuality as “so out of touch with the convictions and values of the SPU community,” arguing it “calls into question the legitimacy of the board’s leadership.” (Tré Goins-Phillips – Faithwire) The faculty members at Seattle Pacific University — a Christian college in Washington state — have cast a vote of “no confidence” in the leadership of the school’s board of trustees, which, last week, voted to affirm a biblical interpretation of sexuality.

(688) ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’ Author Trashes Book With ‘Bull-Dyke’ Pastrix at CRN, 4/30/21
Graphic language warning (Protestia)  Joshua Harris, author of I kissed dating Goodbye and well-known apostate recently sat down for an interview with Nadia Bolz Weber, a tattooed, self-described “Bull-Dyke” and host of The Confessional Podcast. Nadia, the former pastrix of House for All Sinners and Saints (which the church body refers to as an acronym – HFASS – and they pronounce it “half-ass” – an ELCA congregation). She left the church a few years ago and was replaced by a gay man married to a drag queen….

(689) Pastor Arrested In London at Moriel Ministries, 5/3/21
Pastor Arrested After Sermon on Marriage, Police Cite Complaints of 'Homophobic Comments' A 71-year-old pastor of a north London church was arrested on April 23 under the United Kingdom's Public Order Act for allegedly making "homophobic comments" during a public sermon, video shows.

(690) SBC President Continues To Promote Same-Sex Attraction ‘Christianity’ by Protestia, 5/6/21
(David Morrill – Protestia)  In a multi-series Q&A podcast, Southern Baptist Convention President JD Greear has gone to Rebecca McLaughlin – purveyor of Same-Sex Attraction (SSA) “Christianity” – for the answers to questions on all things relating to sex, race, and faithful Christian witnessing – continuing his promotion of the myth of gay Christianity and that homosexuality is merely something the Bible whispers about. Many of McLaughlin’s answers and claims are verbatim repetitions of her appearance at the Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference. What is SSA “Christianity?” It is a movement within the larger evangelical movement that narrowly defines the sin of homosexuality to include only acting upon one’s sinful desires, and defines the sinful desires themselves as simply a part of a person’s identity and something God is content with not changing in the heart of the believer. Rather than instructing believers to “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry”(Colossians 3:5), SSA teaches that a regenerate believer can maintain their evil desires – even turning them into a cross to bear for the sake of the Gospel. For further reading, read Cody Libolt’s article Understand the New TGC Orthodoxy on Gay Christians.

(691) “Modern Science” Says There Are Six Sexes? by Ken Ham, 5/8/21
A few weeks ago CNN published a news piece that contained the statement, “It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.” Such a statement is obviously anti-science—the “consensus criteria” for establishing “sex at birth” has been known since Eve gave birth to Cain, and Adam said, “It’s a boy!” Well, CNN isn’t alone at being anti-science. A Democratic state legislator in Texas, who attended Harvard, recently stated, “I want us to all be aware of recognize [sic] is that modern science obviously recognizes that there are many more than two biological sexes. In fact, there are six . . . ” Does modern science really recognize “six really common biological sexes” in humans? No. There are two: male and female. The “gender identities” so popular today are not biological sexes—they are determined by the feelings of the person claiming the gender identity. But feelings do not determine truth. Instead of relying on our feelings, we must turn to the Word of God for absolute truth and, by the power of God’s spirit and the gospel, line our feelings up with God’s Word and truth. And besides, because we are sinners (Romans 3:23) and our hearts are “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9), we can’t trust our feelings!

(692) Truly Magical! Disney’s Critical Race Theory Training Turns To Pixie Dust Overnight by Stacy Lennox, PJ Media, 5/16/21
“The training assigns behavior, feelings, and attributes to employees solely based on their race. They were doing it in all directions, not just to white employees. It is a lawsuit waiting to happen.”  (Stacy Lennox – PJ Media)  Last week, journalist Christopher Rufo broke the news that Disney was deploying employee training based on the principles of critical race theory. According to the documents he obtained, the company had some of the most explicit and divisive content based on the principles of critical race theory leaked yet. It posits that black employees are fragile and not able to tolerate questions about their point of view. It also uses concepts found in Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility to encourage self-examination of feelings white employees have probably never had ...

(693) ELCA Elects Openly Transgender Bishop by Ken Ham, 5/18/21
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America—a very liberal denomination—has just elected a bishop to serve in that church who is a woman who identifies as a man and uses the pronouns “they/them.” She is the first transgender person to be elected to the position of bishop in the US in any major denomination. It’s sad to continue to see the church ignoring God’s Word and encouraging others to do the same in the name of “tolerance” and “love.” But encouraging others to rebel against God’s created design for them as either male or female (Genesis 1:27) isn’t loving—it leads them into sin and slavery to that sin (John 8:34). I believe we can apply, in principle, the same words God spoke through the prophets to the Israelites to this situation: I take no delight in your solemn assemblies . . . offerings, I will not accept them . . . Take from me the noise of your songs; to the melody of your harps I will not listen. (Amos 5:21-23) But they will not find him; he has withdrawn from them. (Hosea 5:6) My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. (Hosea 4:6) For a spirit of whoredom has led them astray, and they have left their God to play the whore. (Hosea 4:12) Instead of starting with man’s ever-changing and depraved opinions and compromising with the pagan religion of our day, we need to start with God’s Word in all areas. I would urge this bishop to repent of her compromise, believe God’s Word, and encourage others to do the same.

(694) Russell Moore Leaves The Erlc, Jumps Ship To Even More Progressive ‘Christianity Today’ at CRN, 5/20/21
“Christianity Today is the progressive rag known for giving a platform to every weird and liberally insidious bent. They came out swinging against the storming of Capitol Hill by laying the responsibility for the mayhem at the feet of the “white American church” and any leaders who voted for and supported President Trump.” (Protestia)  Russell Moore, the head of the Ethics and Religious and Liberty Commission (ERLC) who recently took a personal hit when he was torched by the SBC’s Executive Committee for the way he runs his organization, summarized by the phrase, “The direction of the ERLC is a significant source of division and creates a very real challenge to reversing CP [Cooperative Program] decline,” has left the ERLC and joined forces with the paragon of liberal virtue, Christianity Today.

(695) Mefferd: Russell Moore now where he belongs – with evangelical libs by OneNewsNow, 5/21/21
After eight years at the helm, Russell Moore is out as the head of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission – and those within and without the SBC are breathing a sigh of relief. Moore (pictured) announced on Tuesday he was resigning his post as president of the ERLC (effective on June 1) to take a job as "public theologian" at Christianity Today. In a press release recognizing the work of his ERLC staff, he touts accomplishments on behalf of human dignity, religious freedom, and racial reconciliation and justice. However, during his tenure with the ERLC, Moore became more and more estranged from those in the Southern Baptist Convention who were concerned with a leftward drift of the denomination. Texas-based radio talk-show host Janet Mefferd was among his early critics.

(696) Letter to the Editor: “Christian” Professor Finds “Warm Welcome” at Wheaton College to Teach and Promote Critical Race Theory at Lighthouse Trails, 5/22/21
LTRP Note: Because Wheaton College has been promoting and embracing both contemplative spirituality and emergent ideologies for many years (as Lighthouse Trails has documented), it makes perfect sense that they would now embrace the social justice, Marxist-influenced movement. They all go hand in hand (but most Christian leaders, colleges, and pastors have failed to recognize this). Wheaton College. Dear Lighthouse Trails: First, I wanted to thank you for your booklet, Critical Race Theory, as it is a great tool to reveal/expose the lies being promoted to unwitting evangelicals (young and old) in these days. Also, the booklet glossary S is for Social Justice is a great introduction to terms being used to propagate lies. Thank you also for your new release Color, Communism, and Common Sense as Manning Johnson’s story is a powerful example of how God can open up a precious man’s eyes, to the truth of the Bible and the Gospel, exposing the lies of the world/Satan.Second, I wanted to let you know that a current Wheaton College professor is promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT). His name is Nathan Cartagena, assistant professor of philosophy at Wheaton College. In an April 28, 2021 interview with Jim Wallis’ Sojourners Magazine, he spoke with Sojourner’s Magazine assistant news editor Mitchell Atencio, about his views andongoing relationship with Critical Race Theory (CRT).

(697) The Church in the 21st Century by Sarah Leslie, 5/27/21
Conference recordings are now posted on a variety of platforms for the recent conference The Church in the 21st Century. We appreciated the opportunity to share our personal testimony in the Lord, answer questions, and present some of our research. (See the end of this post for links to the research we cited.) When Pastor Marco Quintana invited us to speak, he mentioned the conference theme was inspired by Dr. Francis Schaeffer's 1970 book The Church at the End of the 20th Century. Providentially, it was a book that we had recently pulled off the shelf and dusted off. In fact, this book inspired our recent apologetics article series on the freedom of speech found in the Gospel, and we quoted it in our previous post. We have included a few excerpts from his book in today's post because it is so relevant to the subject matter discussed at the conference.

(698) Letter to the Editor: Dismayed With a Calvary Chapel Church Pushing Calvinism Through New City Catechism at Lighthouse Trails, 5/28/21
LTRJ Note: We are posting this letter to the editor, not as a criticism of all Calvary Chapel churches, but to express our deep concern that an increasing number of Calvary Chapels are turning to Calvinism, something their founder would be totally opposed to.

(699) Lesbian At The Gospel Coalition Says Using Preferred Pronouns Is A Question Of Conscience at CRN, 6/3/21
Reformation Charlotte has published information before about a lesbian from Campus Crusade (CRU) who has been teaching a pro-homosexual message to children in CRU. Gilson is heavily platformed by The Gospel Coalition as well as John Piper’s Desiring God ministry. Rachel Gilson, who works for CRU as a Director of Theological Development Northeast, said in an uncovered video that, even in the context of “gay marriage,” God hates divorce and said that it’s okay for gay couples, after they come to Christ, to remain legally married so long as they remain celibate.

(700) Dealing With Critical Race Theory At The SBC Convention by Denny Bark, 6/4/21
I am pre-registered as a messenger from my church to the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville next month. Because of the aftermath of 2019’s infamous “Resolution 9,” one of the most important items of business before the Convention will no doubt be a resolution relating to Critical Race Theory (CRT). I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet. So I could be wildly off in this prediction, but I anticipate that we won’t leave Nashville without a strong resolution against Critical Race Theory.

(701) Media Hype Narrative For Guiding Children To Doubt Their Biological Sex by Penny Starr, Breitbart, 6/8/21
“Paul McHugh, M.D. the University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, warned puberty is a complex biological process that has been “over-simplified” to the detriment of children with gender dysphoria who are being treated with puberty blockers.” Media outlets and left-wing activists are trying to build support for transgenderism by claiming that children can choose their future lifetime sex when they are just four-years-old.

(702) Pride: The Sin at the Root of Pride Month by Ken Ham, 6/11/21
In a recent address commemorating “Pride Month” (the month-long celebration in June of all things LGBTQ), President Joe Biden revealed that nearly 14% (about 210) of his “1,500 federal agency appointees identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer.” This is just one example of the frenzied celebration of all manner of sexual perversions as individuals, corporations, organizations, and, sadly, even some “Christian” groups trip over themselves trying to be the most enthusiastic in their LGBTQ activism. But what are they really celebrating? Obviously, on the surface, they are celebrating sexuality identities and sexual diversity—really, what the Bible calls lust and perversion of God’s original design. But that’s not ultimately what those waving rainbow flags in a Pride parade are really celebrating. Their celebration is reveling in the sin at the root of sexual perversions and a myriad of other sins—pride!

(703) Ed Tarkowsk: Writings Now Posted Online in New Location by Herescope, 6/13/21
Before there was a Herescope blog there was Herescope a column in our 1990s magazine The Christian Conscience. One of the first writers for this column was Ed Tarkowski, who wrote a 6-part expose of Rodney Howard-Browne and the so-called “laughing revival.” He would go on to become one of the early discernment researchers and later posted a collection of his articles on the Internet. This research is still current, as religion and politics continue to coalesce HERE. For research history on Browne, see HERE. After Ed’s passing in 2012, his wife Mary maintained his writings posted online. When Mary passed away Ed’s daughter contacted me and said the website would be going down. She graciously gave Sandy Simpson (Deception in the Church) and me (Herescope) permission to post Ed’s writings online. Sandy immediately posted Ed’s original material on his site and it can now be accessed at:

(704) SBC Downgrade at SRN, 6/17/21
15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? 17 So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Matthew 7:15-23 (NASB)  Read verses 19-23 on the site. The last SBC President, J.D. Greear, was so obviously a shill for the left, i.e. liberals, that whatever he said or did was really no surprise and most of us considered him something of a doofus…. However, the current 2021 SBC Convention has just elected a new President, Ed Litton who is from Alabama. Here is a link to some info about him. I have been all over Facebook and the Internet today looking at discussions about him. What I have seen is not encouraging. Some of my friends looked at his church’s website and found that their doctrinal statement about the Trinity was more Modalistic than what is accepted as Orthodox by the SBC. Also, in my own study of of his background I found that he is all about unity through building bridges, that is, compromise. The Word of God clearly teaches us that Christian Unity is based where?

(705) New SBC President Not Just A Liberal, Might Be A Rank Heretic at CRN, 6/19/21
If you weren’t aware, this week, a new Southern Baptist President was elected amid growing schism between the enormous amount of progressives and the few remaining conservatives in the denomination. Once again, the liberal won–and he isn’t just a woke, social justice flaming progressive, he might even be a rank heretic. Ed Litton, the new Southern Baptist President, is the pastor of Redemption Church in Saraland, AL….

(706) The Spiritual Damage Caused By The Rebellion Of Women Preachers In The Church at CRN, 6/26/21
“Is damage being done by the promotion of female preachers? Yes. Historically, women preachers have tended to stress the sensate and the mystical over and above rational, sound doctrine. In other words, the trend among them has been to emphasize spiritual experience over dogmatic and exegetical theology. And, with this trend has come the suggestion — either tacitly or directly — that spiritual experience itself is self-authenticating, and ought not to be challenged or disbelieved.” Man’s natural wisdom is perpetually pitted against the wisdom of Almighty God. And, this opposition to God’s wisdom is most commonly disguised as pragmatism. In fact, numerous heresies frequently began as ‘pragmatic’ decisions….

(707) Disney Holds “Pride Celebration Spectacular” (Complete with Drag Queen) for Kids by Ken Ham, 6/29/21
When you think Kermit the Frog, you probably don’t picture him teaching your children about sexual immorality alongside a drag queen, but welcome to 2021! Disney+ (Disney’s streaming platform) recently tweeted, “We’re throwing a #DisneyPlusPride party! Join us Sunday, June 27 for the first ever #DisneyPlus ‘This Is Me’ #Pride Celebration Spectacular.” The whole event was streamed to Facebook and YouTube and hosted by “Nina West,” a drag queen who recently appeared on Nickelodeon’s Blues Clues to sing a song about the colors of the LGBT flag. To those who’ve been watching Disney’s descent into celebrating all things LGBT—and actively and purposefully marketing them to children—this comes as no surprise.

(708) Tolkien Society Goes Woke, ‘Finds’ Transgenderism, ‘Antiracism,’ And Queer-Ness In The Lord Of The Rings by PJ Media, 7/5/21
“Perhaps the Tolkien Society is acting on the assumption that no one will be able to speak on behalf of J.R.R. Tolkien to express what would certainly have been his utter disgust at having his works twisted to support the LGBT agenda.” This weekend, the Tolkien Society is hosting a virtual Summer Seminar, a short academic conference on a theme pertaining to scholarship about J.R.R. Tolkien, the British scholar and author of The Lord of the Rings.

(709) Churches Burned To The Ground In Canada In ‘Anti-Church Hate Crime Wave’ at CRN, 7/9/21
In a tweet on July 3, British Columbia Civil Liberties Association executive director Harsha Walia tweeted, “burn it all down,” referencing the churches. At least 20 churches in Canada have been burned or vandalized, and Rebel News founder Ezra Levant questioned Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response to the mounting crime spree Wednesday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

(710) Despite Opposition, Anti-White CRT Indoctrination Continues Spreading Like A Virus at CRN, 7/12/21
Which brings us to our next CRT Hall of Shame example, Manhattan’s posh Spence School, which caters to New York City society girls. It broke a few weeks ago that Spence had shown a graduation-day video to eighth-grade students that, as parent and Hispanic tech exec Gabriela Baron put it in a scathing letter, “openly derides, humiliates and ridicules white women.” From the schoolroom to the board room to video on Zoom, Anti-whiteness 101/Divide-and-Conquer Theory (a.k.a. Critical Race Theory) has swept across America like an invading horde. In fact, despite spirited opposition from parents and others coast to coast, it continues spreading due to pseudo-elite embrace.

(711) Educators Face Termination For Proposing Male-Only, Female-Only Bathrooms In Schools by Greg Piper, 7/15/21
Oregon educators are fighting for their jobs after starting a campaign to keep biological males and females in their own school restrooms and locker rooms and make it optional for school employees to use their students’ preferred gender pronouns. Assistant principal Rachel Damiano and science teacher Katie Medart of North Middle School face a pre-termination hearing before the school board Thursday…

(712) ‘The Jesus Music’ Trailer Launches, But A Third Of The Featured Artists Are Pro-Gay at CRN, 7/21/21
A trailer for The Jesus Music has just dropped; a Lionsgate documentary that delves into the roots and origins of Contemporary Christian Music. Released by the Erwin Brothers, who directed movies such as “I Can Only Imagine’, ‘I Still Believe’, and ‘Woodland’, “This documentary reveals Jesus Music’s untold story – from its humble beginnings at the Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California through its transformation into the multi-billion-dollar industry of Christian Contemporary Music today.”

(713) Damaged Goods by Mke Ratliff, 7/23/21
There is a push in the United States to make it illegal to preach the truth from God’s Word where it pertains to the sin of homosexuality. Of course the emphasis of those laws or initiatives is to protect the rights of certain people based on their sexual preference, which is also called gay rights. They say that to preach what the Bible says about homosexuality is to foment hate; therefore, the laws are placed under the umbrella of hate crimes.

(714) Racism and Critical Race Theory by Gary Gilley, 7/27/21
Among the most pressing issues of our times are those surrounding systemic racism. I write this even in light of an extremely important Presidential election and being engulfed in the Covid-19 pandemic because, as important as these other two issues are, racism has become so divisive and explosive that it has the potential of shaping our world for years to come. Volumes have been written and spoken on this subject from every persuasion, and my comments will likely add little.  However, as issues concerning racism are not only cultural but also spiritual, it is important that we examine how racial debates and disagreements are affecting Christians and the church.  In trying to get a handle on the recent social unrest and the factors behind it, we will approach the subject in four steps: Examine the current conversation, including an understanding of terms being used; Present an overview of the Christian history leading up to the present unrest, including progressive views stemming from the 1960s and 1970s; Investigate the claims of Critical Race Theory, racism, and social justice in light of Scripture, including how unbiblical answers color our understanding of the gospel, the church, and the Scriptures; and Discuss appropriate biblical responses and actions going forward. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5.

(715) Nearly 40 Former Mars Hill Elders Issue New Statement: Mark Driscoll Is ‘Unfit’ And ‘Unrepentant’ by Protestia, 7/28/21
Nearly 40 elders who once worked at Mars Hill Church and served alongside Mark Driscoll during the most tumultuous years of his career have released a public statement outlining their dismay that their former leader has continued his abusive tactics at his new church; calling on him to step down and to enter into a process of conciliation with those he abused. Comprising of “the majority of the pastors who served at the church between 2011 and 2014, when formal charges were raised against Driscoll” and released to Christianity Today, the letter comes in light of several reports – covered extensively by us here and here – which detail that Mark Driscoll has devolved even further since Mars Hill imploded on account of his abusive behavior.

(716) Major Evangelical Figure Comes Out As Gay by Marsha West, 8/13/21
“Followers of Jesus Christ have to completely disregard the teaching in the pages of Holy Writ to cling to their belief that God condones sex outside of marriage. Anyone who is involved in sex outside marriage is committing a sin against God. Period. This I know because the Bible tells me so.”  Jonathan Merritt is “one of America’s most prolific religion writers” and a reporter for various news agencies including Religion News Service. He is also the son of former Southern Baptist Convention president James Merritt. In 2019 the pastor’s son chose to denounce evangelicalism and “seek God elsewhere.” On his 39th birthday Jonathan Merritt jumped out of the closet with both feet after years of repeated denials that he is a homosexual. Before I get to the details, you’ll need some background.

(717) Fake Propheets by Sarah Leslie, 8/18/21
Christians tend to think of FALSE prophets in terms of purveyors of heretical religious doctrine within the Church only. We also recognize false prophets in cults, the occult and the New Age Movement. But for the past half century we have also witnessed the rise of false prophets coming from seemingly secular paradigms in society such as Progressivism, Humanism, and Postmodernism. But these worldviews come with their own belief systems, codes of ethics, and behavioral norms. In other words, these ungodly systems promote a DIFFERENT spirituality based on FALSE theses which are not biblical Truth. In our lifetimes we have watched as advocates of these worldviews use their platforms of influence to proselytize their dogma.  Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats, Part 2: The Fishbowl and Part 3: Fake Normal.

(718) The Turning by Mike Oppenheimer, Let Us Reason Newsletter, August 22, 2021, 8/23/21

Lying has always been with us but has now reached epidemic proportions having no limits. I’m shocked when I occasionally hear the truth from those who more often lie. The fact is, that liars are accepted more quickly than those who tell the truth, because they lie so well. There are Liars in the pulpits of the church, liars in politics, liars in medicine, everywhere you turn you can’t get a straight and honest answer, it becomes more than frustrating as we find ourselves yelling out loud at the TV or radio ‘you’re lying.’  The question is how can all this be turned around?

(719) ‘Christian Evangelicals Are America’s Taliban’: Actors, Journalists Equate American Christians To The Taliban by Megan Basham, 9/1/21
(Morgan) Freeman has taken even sharper aim at other members of his own faith…He claimed, “Evangelical Christianity is the greatest threat to human existence today. It must be laid waste.” MSNBC host Joy Reid stirred up controversy earlier this week when she compared Christian conservatives to the Taliban. But Reid is hardly the only public figure on the left making that analogy. Actor Tim Russ, best known for playing Lieutenant Commander Tuvok on the sci-fi series “Star Trek: Voyager” and Principal Franklin on Nickelodeon’s “iCarly,” tweeted Monday that, “The Taliban are as fanatical about their beliefs and culture as the millions of people right here in the U.S. who believe in religion, conspiracy theories, and alternate reality.”

(720) The Media’s Absolute Contempt For Christians by Jonathan Van Maren, 9/3/21
“The use of gay special interest stories for purposes other than those of actual news: perhaps making up for lost time, or perhaps just rubbing things in the faces of those not yet up to speed with the changed mores of the age. Either way something strange and vaguely retributive is in the air.” At the 2018 Oscars, while Hollywood was in the throes of revelations about Harvey Weinstein’s serial predations, Jimmy Kimmel took the stage to mock those who still hold to a Christian view of sexuality.

(721) NDAfree – Opposing the Practice of Churches and Ministries Silencing Victims by Trinity Foundation, 9/6/21
During an episode of Leah Remini’s TV series about Scientology, a chilling strategy from L. Ron Hubbard is displayed onscreen. “Dominance of others is a control system. We are not looking for pleasant control–we are looking for effective control.” Sometimes, there is little difference between Scientology and churches that claim to be Christian. Pastors and televangelists have employed the same techniques, using legal threats to control victims. At the heart of this scandal is the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).

(722) Karl Marx’s view of God, Religion, the World and You by Mike Oppenheimer, 9/14/21
What had happened to twist this man from Christianity to such a strong hatred of God and the world? Georg Hegel was a German occultist who birthed the mind-changing dialectic process. His diabolical philosophy was most likely the engine to Karl Marx's anti religion/Christian vehemence. Engel, an atheist, attended the University of Berlin at the same time as Marx. Engle became a Hegelian by 1839, and joined the ‘Young Hegelian’ by 1841. Marx met him and the two became friends in 1844. Marx Meeting new friends and being influenced wrong. As the Bible teaches bad company corrupts good morals.  Read Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3.

(723) Science Is Dying; Superstition Disguised As Morality Is Returning by Victor Davis Hanson, ‘Science,’ They Said, 9/19/21
“How can the government hector citizens that they have a moral duty and a legal obligation to be vaccinated, when it does not ask vaccinations of unvetted refugees flying in from Afghanistan?” The scientific method used to govern much of popular American thinking. In empirical fashion scientists advised us to examine evidence and data, and then by induction come to rational hypotheses. The enemies of “science” were politics, superstition, bias, and deduction.

(724) Cartoon Network And HBO Max Are Launching A Bunch Of New Shows To Wokeify Your Kids by Joel Abbott, 9/22/21
“The line-up also includes Jessica’s Big Little World, a spin-off of Cartoon Network’s Craig of the Creek, which featured gender non-binary and other LGBTQ characters.” In case anyone out there is still letting their kids watch Cartoon Network (or started letting their kids watch HBO), there’s more woke programming coming down the pipeline to, well, program your kid in the ways of rainbows and “tolerance.”

(725) Anti-Semites Get Their Wish: Democrats Yank Money For Israel Defense by A.J. Kaufman, 9/24/21
“To comprehend just how much contemporary progressives detest Israel, let’s remember that the Iron Dome is a defensive weapon. It has not only saved thousands of Jewish lives from missiles attacks emanating from Islamic terror groups but countless Palestinian lives.” The left finally found a spending measure they dislike.

(726) The Turning by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/2/21
Lying has always been with us but has now reached epidemic proportions having no limits. I’m shocked when I occasionally hear the truth from those who more often lie. The fact is, liars are accepted more quickly than those who tell the truth because they lie so well. There are liars in the pulpits of the church, liars in politics, liars in medicine; everywhere you turn you can’t get a straight and honest answer. It becomes more than frustrating as we find ourselves yelling out loud at the TV or radio “you’re lying.” The question is how can all this be turned around?

(727) SBC’s Legal Counsel Resigns After Executive Committee Pressured Into Waiving Attorney-Client Privilege at CRN, 10/12/21
“We are seeing the effects of Russell Moore’s Chicago-style political tactics against the Southern Baptist Convention as the denomination now begins to be deconstructed and handed over to the leftists for full control. Amid waiving attorney-client privilege, the legal firm that has represented the Southern Baptist Convention for 56 years has now abruptly resigned, citing the inability to effectively serve the denomination without attorney-client privilege.” If you’ve been following the sham “sex abuse” investigation of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) you’re probably aware by now that the Executive Committee–who has been accused by leftists including former ERLC head, Russell Moore of covering up sex abuse–caved to the demands of the leftists and waived attorney-client privilege.

(728) The “Choice” Charade: The Threat to Homeschooling by Sarah H. Leslie, 2000-2003

This multi-part report was authored by Sarah H. Leslie circa 2000-2003 as part of effort to warn the nation’s homeschoolers of a newly forming false “choice” initiative in education reform. The original concerns are still in effect to this day.

(729) The hardening of the soft new world order by Mike Oppenheimer, 10/20/21
As stated in the last newsletter this would be a deeper dive into what is ACTUALLY taking  place. The main reason is for us to prepare for what is coming if this is not resisted and halted, the need to pray and speak up has become a necessity. This newsletter contains a tremendous amount of information and facts, links to those with expertise; they are not blatherskites. I also encourage you to do your own research.

Updated! (730) Fake Propheets by Sarah Leslie, 8/18/21
Christians tend to think of FALSE prophets in terms of purveyors of heretical religious doctrine within the Church only. We also recognize false prophets in cults, the occult and the New Age Movement. But for the past half century we have also witnessed the rise of false prophets coming from seemingly secular paradigms in society such as Progressivism, Humanism, and Postmodernism. But these worldviews come with their own belief systems, codes of ethics, and behavioral norms. In other words, these ungodly systems promote a DIFFERENT spirituality based on FALSE theses which are not biblical Truth. In our lifetimes we have watched as advocates of these worldviews use their platforms of influence to proselytize their dogma.  Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats, Part 2: The Fishbowl, Part 3: Fake Normal, Part 4: Fake Choice, Part 5: Fake Enforcers & Part 6: Fake Fear

(731) The Gospel Coalition Wants Effeminate Men by Evangelical Dark Web, 10/29/21
It’s no secret that The Gospel Coalition is one of the worst publications that claims to be Christian media. They are weak on just about every hot issue going on in the church whether it be Critical Race Theory, Revoice, or Branch Covidianism. Around the globe, The Gospel Coalition acts as state propaganda to the church. A recent article titled “Men, Are You Submissive?” is aimed at making men docile in the face of growing government tyranny and ecclesiastical abuse. It is written by Michael Kruger, a Reformed Theological Seminary professor.

(732) Lesbians, Racists, Charismatics, And Matt Chandler Headline 2022 IF Gathering Conference at CRN, 11/2/21
“Why should Christians be concerned about this? After all, it’s just an aberrant movement that really has nothing to do with God. These people are outside of the Church, right? The only problem with that theory is that these are the people bringing this godless ideology and influence into the Church and they are seducing people away from God and the gospel….” The IF Gathering conference has been a blemish on the Evangelical Church since it started in 2014 hosting people from nearly every aberrant theological sect of Christendom while avoiding any actual gospel content.

(733) Pro-Gay Feminist Episcopal Priestess Preaches At Prominent PCA Church In New York at CRN, 11/6/21
The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is the supposed “conservative” Presbyterian denomination as opposed to the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), the flaming, godless, radical leftist hell-hole of a professing Christian denomination. Like the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)–the Baptist counterpart to mainstream Evangelicalism–the PCA has been on a left-wing trajectory for a number of years.

(734) Meta: The Final Disconnect From Reality? at CRN, 11/8/21
The metaverse will not necessarily tell you what to think, but it will entirely change the way you think. It will rearrange your logic circuits in a way that you cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not. Your metaverse will become as real to you as the nose on your face. Mark Zuckerberg hasn’t lost his mind, but he wants you to lose yours… to the metaverse. He is investing billions of dollars to make sure that his rebranded company, Meta, will be the industry leader in the same way that IBM dominated the computer industry for many decades.

(735) Is It Slander Or Is It Discernment? at CRN, 11/10/21
8 But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. 9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. 10 Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. 11 But the greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted. Matthew 23:8-12 (NASB) This discernment ministry stuff is not for everyone. I often wonder if I am cut out for it at all. I do not like conflict. On the other hand, God gifted me with the makeup that loves the truth and seeks justice because it is His truth and I am compelled, quite often, to speak out when false prophets besmirch His truth and the Gospel is treated as optional by certain “evangelicals.”

(736) The Gospel Coalition Contributor Says If You Don’t Believe In Social Justice, You’re A Heretic at CRN, 11/12/21
Justin Giboney, a co-founder of the social Marxist organization known as the AND Campaign and a prominent The Gospel Coalition (TGC) contributor, says that a rejection of redemptive social justice is a rejection of orthodoxy. To phrase this in simpler terms, Giboney is essentially saying that unless you’re on board with the Marxist oppressor/oppressed ideology and its tenets of class warfare, you’re a heretic. Yep, he said that–out loud. (See his tweet on the site)

(737) Southern Baptist Pastor And ERLC Leaders Suggests Paul’s Words Are Not Authoritative at CRN, 11/14/21
Paul writes in 1 Timothy 2:12: I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. In the neverending battle for orthodoxy in the Southern Baptist Convention, every single day, we face the influx of liberalism–both theological and practical. As the fight over wokeness, #metoo, and religious freedom ramp up, those who should be leading the charge to biblical fidelity seem to be the ones fighting against the historic biblical orthodoxy that the true Church has held for two thousand years.

(738) How ‘Witchtok’ Lets Kids Dabble In The Occult From Their Phones by Taylor Anderson, The Federalist, 11/20/21
[The] neopagan practice involves shamanistic states of trance induced by dancing, chanting, percussion, meditation, and the manipulation of other ritual tools such as power bundles, crystals, wands, feathers, and knives.” Virtually all of these neopagan practices can be found on #WitchTok. Although lip-syncing, synchronized dancing, and comedic skits tend to catch the most attention on TikTok, another form of art is gaining popularity: witchcraft.

(739) Fear Is Deadlier Than Viruses by Dennis Prager, Townhall, 11/25/21
“Please understand that when you hear only one opinion, and that opinion is designed to make you afraid, there is a good chance that your fears are irrational.” The most famous words of Franklin Roosevelt, America’s longest-serving president, were, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” One wonders if any world leader would or could say that today. We live in the Age of Fear.

(740) Astroworld Tragedy and a Generation Under a Demonic Spell by Gregory Reid, 11/27/21
Occultism and Satanism are on the rise among youth. TikTok is showing new trends where youth are showing others how to call on their “other personalities” to help them develop multiple personalities. Naturally, they will be calling on demons without knowing it. It’s just the next step up from when schools were teaching kids to find their “imaginary friend” and talk to them. We are already seeing some real dangerous manifestations of these things when the “multiple personality” or “other” begins taking over. I’ve also seen videos of the next insane iteration of the gender blending pronouns like “ze” and “zer,” as two spiritually marred and confused kids told others they refer to themselves by their “demons.” Only a few years ago, this would have been considered psychotic thinking. But we continue to see the results of our nation disconnecting from God. We’re not caught by surprise because Paul laid it out very clearly in Romans 1. We must not give in to the lies but, as believers, actively resist the evil. I’m grateful there is a growing movement among parents (who are finally waking up to what we’ve been warning about for decades) who are realizing that many schools and school boards and a lot of curriculum are seeking to indoctrinate and socially alter our children—and they are determined to put a stop to it. It’s not about politics. It is about resisting evil and protecting our kids, and not just ours but others. I soberly remember what was spoken at a national educators conference in 1988 by a keynote speaker: “Our job as educators is to sweep out the last vestiges of Judeo-Christian thought from our schools.” God bless every teacher who is simply there to teach, especially those of the household of faith. They need our prayers. The recent tragic deaths of several lives at the Astroworld “concert” was heartbreaking and alarming. We already know how many music stars are caught up in the occult, and some, like JZ, Beyonce, and Little Naz claim allegiance to the “illuminati” or Satanism in some form. I had never heard of the rap artist Travis Scott. And yet he and the other bands drew nearly 50,000 people, mostly youth and even children brought by their parents. That’s a shocking amount of youth. And to hear what? Just a casual look at Scott’s lyrics reveals the typical filthy, violent antichrist content so many in the rap world (and other rock genres) are putting out. When you hear how over-the-top perverted and extremely x-rated the lyrics are, you realize that we’ve got a whole generation that is being drawn into that world by seduction, mesmerization, and a giving in to the demonic appeal of the music.

(741) Sexual Indoctrination Of Children In Public Schools by Bonnie Chernin, Renew America, 11/28/21
“Planned Parenthood and other abortion organizations hope to destroy the traditional American family unit so they can push their abortion agenda on children. What better way to do that than to propagandize children during school hours when parents are not watching what’s going on”. The news that Vermont is the first state mandating free condom distribution to kids in middle schools and high schools comes as a major disappointment to parents. The condoms will be provided free by Planned Parenthood of Northern New England.

(742) Illinois’ Esther Joy King After ‘Wild Wild West’ Afghanistan Rescue Effort: I Know People Who Are Still In Kabul by Ashley Oliver, Breitbart, 12/6/21
During the withdrawal, King said she “was part of the Wild Wild West civilian effort” and that she “got 51 young girls from [her] parents’ high school out of Kabul.” She added that she had a “front row seat to the horrors” that took place in Afghanistan, like “young 15-year-old girls being beat up by the Taliban because our State Department outsourced visa checks to Taliban hooligans right in front of the airport.” An Illinois Republican with ties to Afghanistan said that she aided in the August U.S. evacuation efforts after Taliban forces took over the country and that she knows people who are still stuck there.

(743) Manning Johnson – 1958: The Communist Plot to Exploit Blacks at Lighthouse Trails, 12/7/21 - LTRP Note: The following is an extract from Manning Johnson’s 1958 book, Color, Communism, and Common Sense, which Lighthouse Trails reprinted a special edition in 2021. As LT author Roger Oakland has often said, history repeats itself, and we can see that from today’s events. Lighthouse Trails stands against any form of racism because we know that God loves all people and tells us to love all people, and the color of one’s skin should make no difference in how we are to treat others and regard them. That said, Manning Johnson uncovered the exploitation of black people by those who pretended to care about them. That was over 60 years ago, but we see the same thing happening today.

(744) "No New Thing Under the Sun" - New Herescope Archive Hosts Old Articles by Sarah Leslie, 12/9/21
There is a treasure trove of articles, some published before Herescope was a blog, that will soon become accessible on the Internet. This is thanks to Sandy Simpson over at Deception in the Church who has kindly offered to post a collection of our earlier articles that have stood the test of time.

(745) Where are we herded to? (…if we do not change direction) by Mike Oppenheimer, 12/12/21 - Now that numerous goals of certain leaders have become publicly known, people can see how we are being reshaped and where our country (and the world) is herded to. We are being treated as sheeple by the state. There is far less restraint on evil these days, as the government allows lawlessness to thrive, just like the Bible said it would be in the end. The socialist progressives (neo communists) circumvent the Constitution so there is no law in the land, they choose what to obey or enforce.

(746) Christians Decreasing As More U.S. Adults Not Affiliated With Any Religion, Study Shows by Marisa Dellatto, Forbes, 12/15/21
The amount of people in the U.S. who identify as Christian has decreased in the last 10 years, as the amount of people who are unaffiliated with any religion has increased by nearly the same amount, according to data released Tuesday by Pew Research Center. Shontae Scott of Atlanta clutches her hands on her bible Tuesday while watching live coverage of the funeral of Coretta Scott King at the Samson's Health and Fitness Center next to the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church February 7, 2006 in Lithonia, Georgia. Shontae Scott of Atlanta clutches her hands on her bible Tuesday while watching live coverage of the ... [+] According to the study, 75% of Americans identified as Christian in 2011—in 2021, that number shrunk to 63%, a 12% decrease. Ten years ago, roughly 18% of Americans were not affiliated with any religion, identifying as agnostic, atheist or “nothing in particular”—that number grew to 29% in 2021, an 11% increase. Protestants experienced the largest decrease: While 51% of U.S. adults identified with the Christian denomination in 2011, only 40% did in 2021, an 11% drop. The amount of U.S. adults who identified as Orthodox Christians (1%) or members of the Church Of the Latter-Day Saints (2%) stayed the same throughout the decade, and people who identified as Catholic shrunk just 3%, from 24% in 2011 to 21% in 2021. The study also found that 41% of U.S. adults said religion was “very important” in their lives, compared to 33% who said it was not important and 25% who said it was somewhat important.

(747) They’ve Successfully Taken Christ Out Of Christmas And Replaced Him With Gay Pride at CRN, 12/16/21
Christmas is a Christian holiday, no matter how you look at it. Spare me the arguments that it has Pagan origins and actually borrows from other festivals and was only later Christianized as a holiday. Let’s just be real; without Christ, there never would have been a Christmas. There never would have been an advent. There never would have been a reason to celebrate the birth of the savior of the world–the greatest gift to mankind from God the world has ever seen. Christmas is about Christ.

(748) The Trend Toward Normalizing Pedophilia Must Be Halted by Jennifer Bauwens, FRC, 12/17/21
“What we’ve learned is that unbridled curiosity has mostly remained unchecked in the ivory tower, and some scientists are exploring lines of inquiry about children that should remain unthinkable.” Americans are awakening to the call to protect children from being sexualized. Following the national news coverage of local school board meetings in Virginia, many U.S. citizens are shocked to learn that today’s elementary school lessons include material that would make most adults blush.

(749) Fake Enforcers (Part 5 of Fake Prophets) by Sarah Leslie, 12/20/21
As I write this, our country is reeling from a pandemic, violence, fraud, and propaganda. Divisions run deep. Cities are engulfed in flames. Vitriolic accusations are hurled from citizen to fellow citizen, neighbor to neighbor. Anger, hatred, rage, and violence seem to reign in many people's hearts. In a time of siege--like the one we find ourselves in now--we would do well to allow the Holy Spirit to get between us and everything we are watching. We need to listen as He gently encourages us.

(750) The Gospel Coalition Publishes Christmas Advent Song Featuring Transgender Artwork at CRN, 12/30/21
“…take a look at what is behind them while they sing. The artwork is by Zach Oren, who describes himself as a “cis queer male,” who has done several pro-LGBTQ paintings depicting men in dresses…and other various forms of sexual perversion.” The Gospel Coalition, which is well-known for abandoning the actual gospel in favor of the social gospel, a heresy known as Rauschenbuschism, recently published their Best Movies of 2021. The list, which is their recommendation for entertainment to families and children, featured a number of R-rated movies for sexually explicit content, children smoking pot, and some pro-abortion talk.

(751) How acceptable is the Occult in American society? by Sandy Simpson, 12/31/21 - In the latest AARP Magazine of December 2021/January 2022 they ran a “Special Report” called “Your Dream Retirement” by Rhonda Kaysen.  The page is called “Live by your own rules” with a byline that reads “These creative and often innovative housing approaches show that anything goes in the pursuit of your best life”.  A number of 55+ villages are featured.  I was frankly appalled to read about one in our area called Adawehi Wellness Village located in Columbus, North Carolina. 

(752) TikTok Videos About Transgenderism Dominate Platform With 26 Billion Views by Tré Goins-Phillips – Faithwire, 1/1/22
…TikTok is “hugely influential and it’s full of videos that portray medical transition as cool and edgy.” There is no shortage of pro-LGBTQ content on the video sharing app TikTok. An analysis by the Daily Mail found TikTok videos including the hashtag #Trans have garnered more than 26 billion views, the outlet reported, many of the clips featuring footage captured by young people playfully documenting their transitions from one sexual identity to the other, often undergoing hormone treatments to block or halt puberty, or recovering from body-modifying surgeries to appear more like the opposite sex.

(753) The Gospel Coalition’s ‘Best Movies Of 2021’ Include Abortion And Sex Propaganda, Children Smoking Pot, And R-Rated Blasphemy at CRN, 1/3/22
“Apparently, we have to turn to the foul-mouthed graphic sex-filled pagan entertainment industry to get our theology.” It should go without saying that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has absolutely nothing to do with the gospel or any other biblical teaching or exhortation. The Gospel Coalition is nothing more than an outlet for the carnal consumption of worldly influence into the Church by compromised Evangelicals who are bound together by their propensity toward embracing the culture. It is, in fact, The Gospel-less Coalition.

(754) Family Of Ravi Zacharias Uses Old Image Of Disgraced Apologist To Promote New Humanitarian Org by Stephanie Martin – ChurchLeaders, 1/5/22
Some people question the appropriateness of the post, especially because Zacharias allegedly demanded sexual favors of spa workers. “He put the women he abused into slavery to his sinful actions. Feeling the hypocrisy.” In February 2020, three months before apologist Ravi Zacharias  died from cancer at age 74, a post on his Facebook account urged Christians to help end slavery and rescue the 40 million people trapped in it worldwide.

(755) More Allegations Surface Against Televangelist Perry Stone by Warren Cole Smith – Ministry Watch, 1/6/22
Allegations of sexual misconduct began surfacing against televangelist Perry Stone last year. His Cleveland, Tennessee-based ministry, Voice of Evangelism, announced in July that he had taken a leave of absence after admitting that he had acted inappropriately with female employees. “I confess at times I’ve been inappropriate in all this weariness of just non-stop ministry,” Stone said in the message. “I let my guard down and I’ve asked, of course, God to forgive me for that."

(756) The current climate of hating life in the womb by Mike Oppenheimer, 1/9/22
If Jesus were born today would Mary be shamed into having an abortion? If her friends were like those today she would have a lot of social pressure to comply with the current consensus of the culture, the spirit of the age. We live in a time when certain people are wanting to see population control implemented by whatever means available. They see this as a necessity to curb the overuse of land and to have sufficient food. They use this argument for their unholy actions. More often called by its scientific title of an embryo or fetus they avoid the identification term of child, baby or human. They change the wording to purposely hide the actual activity of life to soften the impact. Ending a life by calling it Health Care is probably the most obvious and insidious way to obfuscate the meaning.

(757) Lifeway Still Peddling False Teachers Including ‘Gay Christianity’ Revoice Resources at CRN, 1/14/22
Check out some of the books LifeWay is peddling to Christian consumers, books that are chock-full of heresy and steeped in the world of the occult. The books are written by false teachers, a.k.a. wolves in sheep’s clothing. Six years ago, a small but growing discernment blog broke the story that Alex Malarkey–also known as The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven—had recanted his story and said that he made it all up. The blog, Pulpit & Pen, was at the time run by Southern Baptists who were heavily involved in Southern Baptist life.

(758) David Platt Is Setting His Church Up For A Huge Fall, Get Out…Now! at CRN, 1/15/22
“As soon as it became culturally acceptable and normal to embrace same-sex attraction, these compromised Evangelicals began to embrace it. You can rest assured that as soon as the culture embraces pedophilia, these churches engrossed in this movement will too.” It pains me to have to even write this as David Platt was one of the first Bible teachers that helped me understand good, biblical doctrine. I was a fan of the early Secret Church services before Platt left Brook Hills Church in Alabama to become the leader of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) International Missions Board (IMB).

(759) Tim Keller Promotes ‘Biblical Critical Theory’ by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 1/16/22
Tim Keller is renown for having a rather cryptic social media presence. In an instance of not speaking in riddles, Tim Keller came out and promoted Chris Watkin’s lecture on “developing a biblical critical theory.” The most obvious critique is that putting the word “biblical” in front of something that is not biblical is oxymoronic. However, Chris Watkins redefines Critical Theory in a long rambling lecture as Third Wayism. Third Wayism is an attack on objectivity, most specifically the objective line between good and evil.

(760) Facebook Marks Christian Theology As ‘False Information’ In Post Published By Prominent Theologian at CRN, 1/18/22
This is basic biblical Christian theology. What does Facebook know about Christian theology and what right do they have to mark Christian theology as “false information.” This weekend, prominent Evangelical author, Dr. Everett Piper, published a column in the Washington Times, a right-leaning secular publication not to be confused with the far-left Washington Post, explaining how Critical Race Theory is incompatible with Christianity.

(761) ‘The Chosen’ Biblical Consultant Met Christ Via New Age/Eastern (Type) Meditation? by John Lanagan – The Word Like Fire, 1/20/22
Many of the people involved with The Chosen are now very influential–Christians listen to them. Which is proving more and more unfortunate as some things these folks are involved with or advocate are far from biblical. As Don Veinot (of Bethel, Redding) notes, “If Richard Rohr, the Eastern practices of Contemplative Prayer and the Enneagram are spiritual tools that those associated with The Chosen admire and advocate, fans are very likely to trust these “tools” as safe and helpful in their personal spiritual pursuits." That would be a tragedy.

(762) Who will you serve, God or the World? by Marsha West – Christian Research Network, 1/23/22
Recently I was going through my archives and stumbled on an article I penned in 2005, “Who Will You Serve, God Or The World”. Fifteen years ago I was pretty worked up over the moral depravity liberals were introducing into America’s public schools right under parents’ noses. Back then higher education had a bastion of professors spewing lies and Marxist propaganda into the malleable minds of college students, some of whom bought into what they were taught, hook line and sinker. Bad as it was, few parents seemed to notice. Those who did notice didn’t much care, even though Marxists are the enemy of God, religious liberty, and freedom. In 2005 I tried to warn parents that professors and teachers had their sights set on kids in grades K-12. Not in my wildest imagination did I anticipate the corruption of a whole generation of youth through entertainment, school books riddled with revisionist history, smartphones and access to social media.

(763) The ‘Social Trinity’ Vs. Nicene Christianity by Gene Vieth – Patheos, 1/26/22
“It isn’t surprising that liberal theologians would take a traditional Christian doctrine, turn it inside out, and make it support some contemporary preoccupation.  That’s what liberal theologians do.  That’s what liberal theology is.” What God do you worship?  For Christians, the object of their faith is the one God in Three Persons, the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

(764) JD Greear Laments Christians Leaving His Woke Church by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 1/27/22
At Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, JD Greear gave a chapel sermon bashing his church to an audience of future pastors. The sermon raises the question as to how much Summit Church is hemorrhaging members as a result of JD Greear’s regular wokeness and Branch Covidianism. It’s worth mentioning that JD Greear has a church location enforcing a vaccine passport system.

(765) The Gospel Coalition Author Employs Gay Rights Activist As Personal Pastoral Assistant At Church at CRN, 1/28/22
If you’ve followed CRN at all over the last year, you are most likely well-aware that we believe The Gospel Coalition (TGC) to be a subversive progressive propaganda machine designed to turn the Evangelical Church sharply to the left. TGC employs a broad range of activists — from feminism to homosexuality to social justice — and most of them are tied either to the Southern Baptist Convention or to the Presbyterian Church (PCA).

(766) Church Hosts ‘Drag Me To Church’ Event To Attract LGBTQ Pagans by Protestia, 1/29/22
During a Sunday service only Satan could love, a Minnesota church hosted a ‘Drag Me to Church’ event, a celebration on the sabbath that turned into a drag show at the end, in order to attract lost LGBTQ persons to the progressive, affirming congregation. The Congregational Church of Austin, which is part of the United Chruch of Christ Satan denomination, is little more than an ode to their father the devil. Every part of it, from the music to the pastrix to the sermonette, is completely upside down and backward.

(767) There’s Good News And Some Really Bad News On America’s Religious Freedom Front by Mark Tapscott – PJ Media, 2/6/22
“The federal government has started its own database on Americans of faith. We cannot allow this to happen. We cannot allow a federal database categorizing people by their religion or medical status. What possible good can be accomplished by these government lists? I cannot think of one.” There is good news from the federal courts on the First Amendment’s guarantee of the right of every American to express and practice their religious faith (or lack thereof), but things look much worse in the executive branch.

(768) The “Deconstruction” Myth and Matter by Dr. Shelton Smith, 2/7/22
In recent months there has been a rash of well-known professing Christians who have announced that they were “deconstructing” their Christian faith.* The term was new, but what it described is not new at all. Several of these individuals have been entertainers. One was a contemporary Christian music personality. One was the “lead” pastor of one of these new-breed, newly branded “contemporary” churches. They are people who at some previous point in their lives had decided they would be Christians. What they believed and what they had been taught about salvation and other scriptural subjects is not at all clear. What is clear is that they said they were Christians, and for a time they identified themselves that way.

(769) TGC Author Tells Parents God Uses Transgenderism And Homosexuality To Make Kids More Like Christ at CRN, 2/9/22
“I’m wanting the young people who come to this event to know that Jesus is the one person that they can fully trust with their sexualities, identities and gender because he is both their Creator God and a human being who knows what it is like to grapple with a sexuality, identity and gender….” — Ed Shaw One can only wonder how much longer Jesus will wait before unleashing full wrath and judgment on those who continue to blaspheme His name. I wish I could say that I was surprised by such an absurd assertion, but clearly, with the history of The Gospel Coalition and it’s many LGBTQ activists it continues to platform, nothing is surprising anymore.

(770) Abortion the World’s Leading Cause of Death . . . Again by Ken Ham, 2/13/22
What was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2021? Well, the same as it was in 2020. Of course, ultimately it’s because of sin! But what’s the leading cause of death from a number’s perspective in today’s world? It was an utterly unnatural cause of death that only affects the most vulnerable. What was it? Abortion. That’s right, abortion was yet again the leading cause of death both globally and here in the United States last year. According to The Christian Post, 42.6 million unborn children lost their lives to abortion in 2021 alone. Combined with other deaths, 100 million people died last year—nearly half dying because they were murdered in their mother’s wombs. How does this number of deaths compare to the other leading causes of death?

(771) Parents Willingly Hand Children To Sexual Deviants At ‘Church’ For Drag Queen Dance Party at CRN, 2/16/22
A few weeks ago, Reformation Charlotte reported that an institution masquerading as a “church” allowed a drag queen to take the pulpit to indoctrinate children and then hold a “prayer time” with them. As the man dressed in risque flamboyant clothing sat with the children, he taught them all about how the Lord Jesus Christ lived a perfect life and died in their place on the cross so that they could live. Just kidding, no he didn’t...

(771) Updated! Fake Prophets by Sarah Leslie, 2/17/22
Christians tend to think of FALSE prophets in terms of purveyors of heretical religious doctrine within the Church only. We also recognize false prophets in cults, the occult and the New Age Movement. But for the past half century we have also witnessed the rise of false prophets coming from seemingly secular paradigms in society such as Progressivism, Humanism, and Postmodernism. But these worldviews come with their own belief systems, codes of ethics, and behavioral norms. In other words, these ungodly systems promote a DIFFERENT spirituality based on FALSE theses which are not biblical Truth. In our lifetimes we have watched as advocates of these worldviews use their platforms of influence to proselytize their dogma.  Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats, Part 2: The Fishbowl, Part 3: Fake Normal, Part 4: Fake Choice, Part 5: Fake Enforcers, Part 6: Fake Fear & Part 7: Fake Awakening.

(772) Christian Apps Are Monetizing Your Prayers For Millions by Protestia, 2/22/22
“One of the companies that the app sells/shares their data to is Facebook, resulting in people receiving targeted ads on the social media sites depending on what you prayed about. Prayed about a cheating spouse? You might be directed to a book about “Better/stronger Marriage.” Prayed about your weight gain? There is a banner promoting a juicer available on Amazon for only $79.99.” (A) new report from Buzzfeed has delved deep into the world of Christian apps, demonstrating the lengths they’ll go to acquire and then profit off your personal information. One such entity is the app, which has a daily user base of around 10 million people.

(773) New 80-Page Report! Ravi Zacharias And RZIM Spent $1,000,000 Suing Abuse Victim by Protestia, 2/27/22
“They also recount that there were allegations in 2008-2011 about Ravi being seen holding hands of a woman who was not his wife, as well as a suggestion that he acted inappropriately with a massage therapist. The report further reveals that RZIM, for all their claims of transparency and willingness to be open, has not been particularly helpful or forthcoming in providing them with information.” After it was revealed that esteemed apologist Ravi Zacharias was a sexual predator and that his organization RZIM, run by his family and an anonymous board helped cover it up, the board commissioned a report to investigate and detail how they as an organization failed to properly handle the allegations.

(774) Gender-Fluid School Bathroom Rapist Takes Third Victim, Court Proceedings Allege by Frankie Stokes – National File, 2/28/22
“This has invited speculation that cover-ups and retaliation by school district officials in the other two cases have persuaded the victim to remain silent.” New revelations from court proceedings in the Loudoun County, Virginia school bathroom rape case show that the convicted rapist, a biological male who claimed to be gender-fluid and donned a skirt before preying on a female student, is alleged to have a third victim.

(775) Pronoun Passports Are Coming to Public Schools by Linda Harvey, 3/1/22
Insanity over pronouns has hit the Midwest. Children and teachers are being pressured to declare their pronouns, and parents are livid. In the Olentangy school district near Columbus, a middle school language teacher required all the students to stand up and declare his or her pronouns. A high school teacher in that same district told the class to let her know if she should change a student’s pronouns when contacting parents. In the Dublin (OH) City Schools, a class of elementary students was asked to name their individual pronouns. At Hilliard Davidson High School (a Columbus suburb), teachers are called to the principal’s office and forced to apologize to a student if an unwanted pronoun is used. At that same school, an assistant principal now signs his correspondence with “he/him” following his name. How long before children are called to the principal’s office for being unwilling to state their pronouns? Or will all of our children go along with this? They will unless their parents spell it out for them.

(776) Million Dollar Homes Become Status Symbols Of Televangelists And Pastors by Barry Bowen and Pete Evans, Trinity Foundation, 3/2/22
Donors, where is the money going? When a televangelist’s ministry or pastor’s church owns a private jet, you can almost be certain the leader lives in a mansion. That is one of the lessons Trinity Foundation has learned from investigating religious fraud and excess for more than 30 years. In April 2021 the Houston Chronicle’s Jay Root asked Trinity Foundation for assistance on an article series about church parsonages in Texas.

(777) Post-Christian Ideologies At Christian And Secular Colleges by David Talcott – truthXchange, 3/3/22
“Christian schools must recognize that these new progressive ideologies pose an existential threat to their continued existence. As colleges around the country struggle with enrollment and face the risk of closure at an unprecedented rate, Christian schools must send a clear message that their education is fundamentally different from what goes on in secular institutions. Parents, donors, and k-12 educators must have confidence that what happens at Christian U will build on, rather than tear down, the early education of their students.” For some time now, truthXchange has been warning the church about the inroads that post-Christian ideologies are making into Christian colleges. The pagan worldview that reasserted itself in America in the late 20th century has now incorporated new ideas about sexuality, race, and other hot-button topics. A recent series of articles in mainstream outlets shows just how bad things have become in both secular and Christian higher education.

(778) Post-Christian Ideologies At Christian And Secular Colleges by David Talcott – truthXchange, 3/4/22
“Christian schools must recognize that these new progressive ideologies pose an existential threat to their continued existence. As colleges around the country struggle with enrollment and face the risk of closure at an unprecedented rate, Christian schools must send a clear message that their education is fundamentally different from what goes on in secular institutions. Parents, donors, and k-12 educators must have confidence that what happens at Christian U will build on, rather than tear down, the early education of their students.” For some time now, truthXchange has been warning the church about the inroads that post-Christian ideologies are making into Christian colleges. The pagan worldview that reasserted itself in America in the late 20th century has now incorporated new ideas about sexuality, race, and other hot-button topics. A recent series of articles in mainstream outlets shows just how bad things have become in both secular and Christian higher education.

(779) As Russia Wages War, Us Army Trains Officers On Gender Identity by Adam Kredo – Washington Free Beacon, 3/6/22
“All Army personnel, from soldiers to commanders and supervisors, are required to participate in the training by Sept. 30, 2022, according to the spokesman.” While Russia wages a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. Army is putting its soldiers through training on gender pronouns and coaching officers on when to offer soldiers gender transition surgery, according to an official military presentation on the subject obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

(780) Updated! Fake Prophets by Sarah Leslie, 3/12/22
Christians tend to think of FALSE prophets in terms of purveyors of heretical religious doctrine within the Church only. We also recognize false prophets in cults, the occult and the New Age Movement. But for the past half century we have also witnessed the rise of false prophets coming from seemingly secular paradigms in society such as Progressivism, Humanism, and Postmodernism. But these worldviews come with their own belief systems, codes of ethics, and behavioral norms. In other words, these ungodly systems promote a DIFFERENT spirituality based on FALSE theses which are not biblical Truth. In our lifetimes we have watched as advocates of these worldviews use their platforms of influence to proselytize their dogma.  Read Part 1: The White Lab Coats, Part 2: The Fishbowl, Part 3: Fake Normal, Part 4: Fake Choice, Part 5: Fake Enforcers, Part 6: Fake Fear Part 7: Fake Awakening. & Part 8: Fake Revival

(781) Kindercare LGBTQ Curriculum Teaches Infants And Toddlers How To Explore Sexuality, Gender Identity, And Other Sexual Perversions at CRN, 3/14/22
“Teachers are then instructed to turn these children into LGBTQ activists by making rainbow flags and other propaganda pieces designed to show support for sexual perversion.” If you haven’t noticed, the left wants your children. And they are hell-bent on getting them however they can. If it isn’t through drag queen story hour at your local public library, elementary school, or even something that calls itself a “church,” then they’re going to get to your infant through 4-year-olds through your preschool program.

(782) American Millennials—What Do They Believe? by Ken Ham, 3/15/22
What does the Millennial generation in America believe? This is the generation that is currently raising the next generation and is massively influential in which direction the nation will head. Well-known researcher George Barna recently released a “Millennials in America” report that confirmed, once again, that the Millennial generation is extremely secularized and knows very little about God and his Word. According to The Christian Post, the report shared that:

  • 9 out of 10 millennials are syncretists, picking a mixture of beliefs from different religions so as not to appear “intolerant.”
  • Being “born again” doesn’t result from repentance and faith in Christ’s sacrificial, substitutionary death and resurrection but refers to being a good person, doing good deeds to merit one’s salvation.
  • Only 28% believe the Bible is the Word of God.
  • Two out of three millennials believe they are “Christians,” yet their responses indicate they are not true disciples following Jesus as Lord.
  • Three out of four believe all religious faiths are of equal value.
  • 56% reject the existence of absolute truth.
  • A scant 4% of millennials hold to a biblical worldview regarding God, life, and morality.
  • Only one in four millennials believes they can trust Christian pastors.
  • A high percentage identify themselves as “DONTS,” meaning they don’t know or even care if God exists.

(783) The Gospel Coalition Author Implies Jesus Knows What It’s Like To Be A Homosexual at CRN, 4/1/22
“The lengths these people go to to try to justify their homosexuality are simply astonishing at times. This isn’t to say that a homosexual can’t come to Christ and still struggle with their desires. However, teaching that Jesus understands because He too struggled with similar desires is quite blasphemous.” You’ve probably heard of the “gay Christian” ministry called Living Out. Living Out has been in partnership with the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as well as The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the late [disgraced] Ravi Zacharias’ International Ministry (RZIM).

(784) Americans Sour On Disney’s LGBTQ Agenda by Matt Margolis – PJ Media, 4/11/22
Disney’s boasting about indoctrinating kids with LGBTQ propaganda isn’t sitting well with the American public, according to a new Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday. According to the poll, only 28% of American adults believe the emphasis on “inclusion” and “diversity” makes children’s entertainment better. However, a plurality — 45% — thinks it will make children’s entertainment worse, while only 18% say it won’t make a difference.

(785) ‘God Is Queer,’ Duke Divinity Students Proclaim by Hope Rawlson – Juicy Ecumenism, 4/19/22
Praying to “the Great Queer One,” students at United Methodist-affiliated Duke Divinity School proclaimed God’s acceptance and support for LGBTQ relationships in a Pride worship service March 22. Divinity Pride, a student group affirming the “dignity, faithfulness, and strength of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and gender/sexuality non-conforming Christians,” sponsored the worship service.

(786) MSNBC: Jesus Would Be A Groomer - Desantis Is Like Russian Rapists by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 4/23/22
MSNBC has really gone off the rails. MSNBC analyst Matthew Dowd claimed Wednesday that if Jesus Christ were still on the Earth today, he would be called a “groomer,” “woke,” and a “socialist.” “This is something that I have tried to talk about: Being a Christian, having grown up Catholic [link added], having been an altar boy, and all of that.  How the faith has been captured by a small segment of our society who have tried to define it in a way that Jesus never had defined it. And actually the opposite way of Jesus,” Dowd claimed.

(787) Tim Keller Urges Churches To Remain United With Baby Killers, Gay Activists, And Anti-Christian Marxists by The Dissenter, 4/28/22
“This flies in the face of Scripture itself which commands us not only to break unity with them (2 Corinthians 6:14-16) but also to purge them from our ranks (1 Corinthians 5:13).” “Show me your politics, and I will know your religion. Acting like these things are disconnected is gnostic and foolish – unless you’re doing it on purpose. Either way, it is wicked.” —M.L. Nowlin, Twitter.  I couldn’t have put it better myself as this is exactly what I’ve been arguing for years at The Dissenter.

(788) When “Cancel” Needs to Happen! by Ken Ham, 4/29/22
I’ve often spoken disparagingly about the cancel culture we live in. But a recent news article reminded me that sometimes it’s a good thing to “cancel” something. The state of Florida recently rejected 41% of the mathematics textbooks it received because they failed to meet or (more frequently) violated state standards. According to Governor Ron DeSantis, the rejected textbooks “were impermissible with either Florida’s new standards or contained prohibited topics.” And what were the main offending topics? “It seems that some publishers attempted to slap a coat of paint on an old house built on the foundation of Common Core, and indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism, especially, bizarrely, for elementary school students,” DeSantis said in a statement.

(789) Tim Keller Doubles Down On Uniting With People Who Sacrifice Children To Molech by The Dissenter, 5/6/22
“As we reported last week, Tim Keller is relentlessly downplaying the seriousness of abortion while urging churches and their congregations not to divide over the “political” issue of abortion.” I’ve refrained from stating what I really think about people who pervert the gospel to advance their own ideological agendas, particularly those who would brush off the practice of abortion as an optional issue for Christians to concern themselves with the legality. But the fact of the matter is that these people make me want to vomit, and they should make you feel the same way.

(790) Commentary: Whoopi Goldberg, the Holocaust, and Managing Misinformation by Chris Katulka, Israel My Glory, 5/14/22
LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. The blaze has subsided since Whoopi Goldberg insisted the Holocaust “isn’t about race,” but the embers are still burning. Goldberg’s comment started a firestorm during a January filming of her television show The View on ABC. The comedian-turned-daytime-television-host then doubled down on her remark and called the Holocaust an example of white-on-white violence. Although ABC suspended Goldberg for two weeks and she issued an apology, the incident demonstrates how few people today comprehend the true nature of the Holocaust and how the American conversation about racism clouded Goldberg’s understanding. She admitted later on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert that she can’t visualize racism apart from skin color. . . . It is disturbing that a 2020 survey of adults under 40 revealed 1 in 10 never heard the word Holocaust. Almost two-thirds of American young adults were unaware that 6 million Jews were systematically murdered during World War II. And the greatest shocker of all was that more than 1 in 10 believe the Jewish people caused the Holocaust. Click here to continue reading.

(791) Fearing Discovery And Depositions, David Platt Appears Ready To Settle Lawsuit by Capstone Report, 5/16/22
“All these departures from church precedent unfolded over the last 10 months since Platt used his underhanded tactics to seize control of the church by overriding the will of the voters.” McLean Bible Church has set May 18, 2022, to vote on a settlement resolution that grants most if not all the requests made by dissident conservative members of the church in a lawsuit filed against David Platt, MBC elders and the church.

(792) Study Finds 37% Of Pastors Have Biblical Worldview: Spiritual Awakening ‘Needed In Our Pulpits’ by Anugrah Kumar – (Christian Post), 5/19/22
A new study from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University has found that just 37% of Christian pastors in the United States have a biblical worldview, demonstrating that spiritual awakening is “needed just as desperately in our pulpits as in the pews,” according to the pollster. The nationwide study of about 1,000 Christian pastors found that just slightly more than a third (37%) of the U.S. pastors hold a biblical worldview. The majority (62%) possess a hybrid worldview known as Syncretism.

(793) Sickest, ‘Disgusting, Horrific’ Exploitation Of Children by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 5/20/22
This post will make you sick if you’re normal. How anyone could engage in this type of child abuse and still walk free is perplexing. We are turning into a US hellhole. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH),  the international medical association sets the guidelines for transitioning children as if that should be happening at all.

(794) Southern Baptist leaders mistreated abuse survivors for decades, report says by Bob Smietana, Religion News Service, 5/23/22
For decades, a handful of leaders in the nation’s largest Protestant denomination treated sexual abuse survivors as enemies of the church, denied responsibility for the actions of local churches and downplayed the number of sexual abuse cases in those churches, all in the name of protecting the institution, according to a report released Sunday (May 22).

(795) Fanatic Cult Leader Klaus Schwab: ‘The Future Is Being Built By Us’ by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 5/25/22
“Panels included: investing in China, averting a global food crisis (partnered with CNN for this), staying the course for climate change, equitable responses to the pandemic (partnering with Politico and focusing on Moderna’s CEO), equitable economic outlook for the US (partnering with the NYT), shaping the future on investing (partnering with Reuters), defining the US (WSJ on stakeholder capitalism).” On Day 1 of the World Economic Forum, attendees – the global elites – unabashedly flew in on their private gas-guzzling jets to discuss climate change.

(796) Are you “woke” or “awake”? by Sandy Simpson, 5/26/22
Romans 13:11  Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we first believed. Now that we have the “woke” culture bearing down on everyone in the world, without regard to your right of belief and self-expression, I thought it might be appropriate to compare this overbearing current worldview with the worldview of God as expressed in His word. 

(797) Southern Baptist Theological Seminary grad and Revoice Leader Says Being Pro-Life Means Honoring Trans People by The Dissenter, 6/1/22
“Collins is attempting to hijack the pro-life movement to include both anti-gun sentiments as well as pro-transexual sentiments.” Revoice is a conference that promotes “gay Christianity” and has actually advocated for homosexual Christian relationships and for, of course, calls for an end to the “victimization” of homosexuals, to which they coined the term “sexual minorities.” Preston Sprinkle, one of the co-founders of Revoice, refers to sexually confused men who dress, think, and act like women, as “theologically conservative.”

(798) Southern Baptist Sex Abuse Investigation Firm Comes Out In Full Support Of Homosexuality And Sexual Immorality by The Dissenter, 6/9/22
The Southern Baptist Convention has been embroiled in scandal after scandal over the past year since Ed Litton, the current Southern Baptist Convention president took office at the convention last year. Embroiled in his own plagiarism scandal, Litton was elected to implement and oversee an investigation into an alleged mass cover-up scheme of sex abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention.

(799) The SBC Pitches Its Tent Toward Sodom With Guidepost by Capstone Report, 6/11/22
From Guidepost Solutions site: “Uncovering facts. Assessing risk. Protecting facilities. Monitoring progress.” Guidepost Solutions supports radical pro-LGBTQ+ ideology. The Race Marxists are now promoting radical pro-LGBTQ ideology in the Southern Baptist Convention. The Russell Moore fanboys tried to destroy the Southern Baptist Convention with Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Intersectionality.

(800) An Assessment of the New Revised Standard Version: Gaywashing in the Translation by Robert A. J. Gagnon, 6/15/22
The NRSV has been updated (NRSVue) to make a number of changes. The most noteworthy has been to “gaywash” and eliminate clear reference to homosexual practice in the offender list in 1 Corinthians 6:9. Previously the NRSV translated as among the serial and unrepentant behaviors that could get even self-professed believers excluded from the Kingdom of God “male prostitutes” (the Greek word is malakoi) and “sodomites” (the Greek word is arsenokoitai). They have now changed “sodomites” to the nebulous “men who engage in illicit sex,” which does not indicate to English readers the connection to homosexual practice provided by the Greek word, contrary to both morphology and context. A textual note added by the NRSVue committee claims that the term is unclear. It isn’t. The word literally means “men lying with (i.e., having sexual intercourse with) a male.” It is a specifically Jewish and Christian term formed from the Greek (Septuagint) translation of Hebrew Levitical prohibitions of man-male intercourse in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13.

(801) The Southern Baptist Convention Is Useless And Deserves Nothing But Mockery by The Dissenter, 6/16/22
“This is the Southern Baptist Convention today. It is where this denomination is. It is a dumpster fire, apostate, under the judgment of God and is led by the prophets of Baal—and it should be treated as such.” Last night, one of the worst possible candidates to lead the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) defeated the conservative candidate in a landslide victory. In reality, liberalism, wokeism, egalitarianism, feminism, and lack of integrity defeated biblical Christianity in the 2022 Southern Baptist Convention presidential election by over 20 percentage points.

(802) Welcome To Secular Relativist Hell by Stephen Kruiser, 6/17/22
“People who truly believe that they have the right to the world being exactly as they want it have no problem justifying any means to help craft their impossible world, from ruining careers to ending lives. It’s the impetus for everything from Twitter cancel culture mobs to mass shooters.” Well, I’m not a casual observer and have no problem saying that this country’s woes can be traced to the abandonment of God and moral absolutes for the false comfort of secular relativism.

(803) Charlie Kirk, TPUSA Host ‘Pastors Summit’ Headlined By Atheist by Marsha West, 6/19/22
The atheist isn’t the only one that should be avoided. Others include David Barton of Wall Builders and Sean Feucht of Bethel Church. Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith once said about Barton: Dave Barton…is flat out deceitful…he needs to clean up his act…he is discrediting himself and he is discrediting Christianity by engaging in deception.’” David Barton has also appeared on arch heretic Kenneth Copeland’s show. Because of Charlie Kirk’s lack of discernment, CRN cannot recommend the Pastors Summit.

(804) Queering The Southern Baptist Convention by Capstone Report, 6/20/22
“The radical Leftists started with Critical Race Theory (CRT), advanced to the issue of women pastors…and are now open about working with and celebrating pro-LGBTQ partners.” Southern Baptists like most conservative Americans were alarmed when it was revealed that Disney was grooming children into radical LGBTQ sexual ideology. Yet, Southern Baptist elites did nothing about it. They continued to hawk discounted tickets to Disneyland and now the newly elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention celebrated his win at—wait for it—Disneyland following the Southern Baptist Convention in Anaheim.

(805) USA Is Canceling God But The State Is Ready To Step Up by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 6/23/22
“Free speech, the right to self-defense, privacy, and ownership of private property will soon be a thing of the past. We’re becoming earth worshippers instead.” The US is on the way to canceling God and the current replacement is the State. At least, the Left – now embracing far-left ideology – is hoping that is what will happen. The number of Americans who believe in God has dropped to the lowest level in the 78 years Gallup has asked the question, per a Gallup poll out Friday, Axios reports.

(806) Breaking: Supreme Court Overturns Roe V. Wade, Casey With Dobbs Decision by Athena Thorne – PJ Media, 6/24/22
On Friday, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in the much anticipated Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, overturning the pro-abortion precedent set by Rose v. Wade and Casey. “The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives,” wrote Justice Samuel Alito. “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

(807) JD Hall, Pulpit and Pen Founder, ‘Disqualified’ from Ministry by Montana Church by Bob Smietana, 6/27/22
The founder of a controversial Christian website known for its criticism of evangelical leaders for being too liberal has resigned from his church for “serious sin.” Montana pastor Jordan Daniel “J.D.” Hall is no longer listed as pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church in Sidney, Montana and has been removed from the staff of Protestia, a website originally known as Pulpit&Pen. While the church has not yet publicly acknowledged Hall’s departure, as of Sunday the church’s leadership page can no longer be found. Also on Sunday, Protestia issued a statement saying Hall had resigned as pastor of Fellowship Baptist and is “disqualified from pastoral ministry.” “Earlier this week, the team at Protestia received allegations of serious sin committed by our brother JD Hall,” the statement reads. “After correspondence with leadership at Fellowship Baptist Church, we learned that JD was determined by the church to have disqualified himself from pastoral ministry, had resigned from the pastorate, and submitted himself to a process of church discipline. Due to JD’s removal from pastoral ministry, we likewise have removed him from ministry with Protestia.”

(808) The Real Danger To America by Bill O’Reilly, 6/29/22
“There is no question that the Democrats are using guns and abortion to advance party politics. Instead of respecting citizens who believe that killing the unborn is wrong, Nancy Pelosi and her acolytes demean and defame them.” Once again, we’ve become the United States of Hysteria. The two Supreme Court rulings last week will not affect society much (as I will explain), but the outcry from the left-wing cadres is instructive and very important for alert Americans to understand.

(809) Pride In Seattle – Warning, Graphic, Naked Men Flashing Children by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 6/30/22
Sodom and Gomorrah. The perverted LGBTQIA+PRIDE parades have turned into marches and performances of bizarre exhibitionism at family ‘fun’ events. Little children are forced to look on as they are sexualized by the radicals. This is sheer decadence and a distortion of the family and family fun events. What is PRIDE proud of, anyway? Exhibitionism? Sexualizing young children? What?

(810) Russell Moore’s ‘Justice’ Conference Featured Multiple Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gay Speakers by The Dissenter, 7/1/22
Russell Moore, the former “ethicist” for the Southern Baptist Convention who is practically anything but ethical, will be featured in an upcoming conference in Chicago titled “What Hath Justice to do With Righteousness?” The conference was hosted by ERLC contributor and Progressive Baptist Church, Chicago pastor, Charlie Dates and claims that it is “bringing together preachers and practitioners (lawyers, activists, writers) to help raise up a new generation to lead the fight for justice rooted in righteousness.”

(811) Marvel Introducing Gay Spider-Man With A ‘Fearlessly Femme Identity’ by Protestia, 7/2/22
“It’s not surprising, as everything is gay now.” Marvel has revealed upcoming plans for a “Fearlessly Femme” gay Spider- Man, according to writer and editor Steve Fox helped, writing on Twitter before he made his tweets protected. “Surprise: I had the huge gay honour of helping to co-create Web-Weaver, who’ll make his debut in Edge of the Spider-verse this September!” “Something I realized immediately when conceiving Web-Weaver is that he can’t – and shouldn’t – represent ALL gay men,” Fox said. “No single character can. His fearlessly femme identity is central to who he is, but it’s not the STORY… Which you can experience for yourself in September.”

(812) Survey: More Than 750,000 Dead, 30 Million Injured Because Of COVID Vax by Veronika Kyrylenko – The New American, 7/3/22
The United States federal bodies responsible for the nation’s healthcare policies keep turning a blind eye to the devastating number of deaths and injuries associated with experimental gene therapeutics against Covid, aka Covid vaccines. All severe reactions to the shots are proclaimed “rare.” Steve Kirsch, California tech entrepreneur and founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), has estimated that the shots have left as many as five million Americans unable to work, 30 million injured, and more than 750,000 dead, as of June 24, 2022.

(813) Letter to the Editor: Sad Day for Church in the UK—(Wesley’s) Oldest Methodist Church in World Now Offering Same-Sex Marriage at Lighthouse Trails, 7/9/22
Dear Lighthouse Trails: Some further sad news regarding the Christian church in the U.K. This news is from the BBC today (June 30th): “World’s oldest Methodist church to allow gay marriage.” The article states: The world’s oldest Methodist building will now offer same-sex marriage after voting unanimously in favour.  The New Room is a Chapel first set up in 1739 by John Wesley in the city of Bristol. From the 30th of June 2022, the chapel will be able to officiate weddings for LGBTQ+ couples living in Bristol. After a vote to allow same-sex marriages within the movement in 2019, the decision was made at the Methodist Conference last year to give local churches the option to conduct marriage ceremonies in specific buildings. One of the saddest days in the history of the so-called Christian Church in the UK today! God bless. A.C.

(814) Long COVID and periods: The unspoken impact on female well-being by Maria Cohut, Ph.D., MedicalNewsToday, 7/16/22
Many people with long COVID — who keep experiencing COVID-19 symptoms months after the disease should have subsided — have been pointing out that it has also affected their menstrual cycles. Medical News Today wanted to find out more.

(815) Stunning official Canadian data show vaccines now RAISE the risk of death from Covid by Unreported Truths, 7/17/22
Vaccinated people are now more likely to be hospitalized or die from Covid, even after adjusting for fact they're older than the unvaccinated, according to official government estimates from the Canadian province of Manitoba. In May, the most recent month for which figures are available, only 9 percent of Covid deaths and 14 percent of hospital admissions in Manitoba occurred among unvaccinated people, even though they are 17 percent of the population. Manitoba, which has about 1.4 million residents, also provides figures that are adjusted for the fact that vaccinated and boosted people tend to be older. Those show that in May, vaccinated but unboosted people were about 50 percent more likely to be hospitalized or die of Covid than unvaccinated people. People who had received boosters had roughly the same risk of hospitalization or death as the unvaccinated. ... That means vaccinated people are more likely to die of Covid.

(816) DC’s Iconic Lutheran Church Of The Reformation Hosts Drag Queen Story Hour During Sunday Worship at CRN, 7/20/22
Drag Queen Story Hour has been a perversion plaguing public libraries and schools around the nation for several years but what about Drag Queen prayer time for children during Sunday morning worship at church? In a recent spate of pulpit perversion, churches have been inviting drag queens to come in to address the children as parents willingly hand their kids over to these perverts.

(817) Webster’s Dictionary Re-Defines ‘Female’ To Include Men at CRN, 7/21/22
“Sooner or later, something will have to give, and either the entire world caves to the ever-growing side of the irrational woke, or by the grace of God, a miracle would have to turn things around and bring this world back to sanity.” In an era of subjectivism and confusion unlike any time in recorded history, one thing we’ve always been able to rely on is the objectivity of language. Historically, language has bound people groups together as they are able to communicate effectively and understand the thoughts and intentions of others through the words they speak. Sadly, that is no longer the case as the woke crowd has been fighting long and hard to destroy objective truth.

(818) Jen Hatmaker Says Viewing Jesus As A Male Makes It Difficult For Black, Brown, And LGBT People To Feel Safe Around Him at CRN, 7/23/22
Jen Hatmaker, who first publicly renounced Christianity in an interview with Jonathan Merritt — a gay activist and son of former Southern Baptist Convention president, James Merritt — and says she first questioned Evangelical Christianity because gay people couldn’t have sex with each other, says that Beth Moore is her “mentor.”

(819) Southern Baptist Pastor Compares Abortion To Eschatology, Says Southern Baptists Must Accept Different Views at CRN, 7/24/22
“If the child, through no fault of his own, is not conceived by consent of both parents or by incestual consent, that child has no right to protection. That child is less than human.” Abortion is the taking of innocent unborn life. Abortion is cruel, intolerable, and for the true, born-again believer who understands the value of life given by God Himself, is a repulsive act of rebellion against our Creator.

(820) Woke Pastor Says There Are ‘Lesbian Angels’ Who ‘Consensually’ Flirt With Queer Christian Women by Protestia, 7/31/22
“She’s isn’t a nobody, even though it wouldn’t matter if she were. Rather, she continues to rise in the ranks through the ELCA.” The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is a raging dumpster fire of blasphemy and perversion. Given their love of everything Antichristic, it is no exaggeration to say that sitting through an actual church service at one of their pagan temples is a foretaste of the hell that awaits them if they don’t repent. I mean, here are just a few of their greatest hits.

(821) Gay Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) Leader, Revoice Speaker, Who Says Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Views Brags About Dancing At Gay Bars at CRN, 8/2/22
“It is certainly fair to blame Tim Keller for this.  Keller’s views are toxic and spiritually poisonous and have only served to muddy the waters on cultural issues in the Church. Keller’s views have never been grounded in the authority of Scripture—it’s why he can deny the literal Creation account.” In 2019, ... a Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) leader—who identifies as “LGBTQ”— was teaching students that the Scriptures do not teach that homosexuality is sinful. Quoting a lesbian TGC author, Rachel Gilson, Grant Hartley tweeted the following: “There is no command in scripture to be straight; there
is a command to be faithfully single or faithfully married, and you can do either of those without being straight." - @RachelGilson at #Cru19

(822) Portland School District Indoctrinates Students To Become LGBTQ Activists In K-5th Grade by John Rigolizzo – Daily Wire, 8/3/22
Portland’s public school system is indoctrinating its students to become queer activists as early as kindergarten through 5th grade. Documents obtained by writer and activist Christopher Rufo show that from as early as kindergarten, students are taught the tenets of radical queer gender theory. They are taught that ideas about human sexuality are “colonized,” that white colonizers from Europe forced their views on other people and cultures, and that current discourse around sex and gender is still affected by colonization.

(823) Desiring God Author, Marvin Olasky, an author for John Piper’s Desiring God ministry, Favorably Promotes Pro-Abortion Activist Who Defends Legalizing Abortion at CRN, 8/5/22
“Another tweet from earlier this year…Olasky argued that law on its own won’t stop abortion so we should instead support Democrats and social justice.” From a Christian perspective, there should be no argument that abortion is murder, is always wrong, and the innocent should be afforded the God-given right to protection against it by the civil government. But it isn’t just Pagans that are now defending abortion rights as the Supreme Court overturns Roe—professing Christians are coming out of the woodwork in droves. In fact, even though we understand the decision will have little effect nationwide, at least for now, on the number of abortions performed, arguably one of its greatest effects is to expose those “Christian” leaders who have marketed themselves as “pro-life” and “conservative” as frauds.

(824) Tim Keller Says The Gospel Alone Isn’t Enough To Convince People To Turn To Christ, Social Justice Must Accompany by The Dissenter, 8/10/22
“The purpose of the parable of the Good Samaritan was to demonstrate that nobody can be saved by the works of the law and was not a prescription for social justice.” Tim Keller has proven himself to be a master manipulator of the Scriptures—so much so that some of the best and most well-intentioned pastors of our day have bought into some of the falsehoods he teaches. Keller is a perfect example of those Jude spoke of creeping into the church unnoticed and perverting the Scriptures (Jude 1:4).

(825) Convention For ‘Christian Dragqueens’ Gets New Speakers by Protestia, 8/11/22
“The event is being put on by Bonnie Violet, a queer chaplain whose wild bio you can see below, and our favorite drag clown, whose sermon we recently featured.” In what is likely a world’s first, a group of progressive Christians (In reality, a collective of pagans and self-deceived God-haters) who announced they were putting on ‘Spiritual DragCon 2022‘ in the fall have added several speakers to the line-up.

(826) Department of Justice to investigate Southern Baptist sexual abuse by Religion News Service, 8/15/22
(RNS) — Federal officials have begun an investigation into sexual abuse in the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, Southern Baptist Convention officials announced Friday. A spokesman for the SBC Executive Committee’s lawyers said that the committee “has received a subpoena. No individuals have been subpoenaed at this point.” Southern Baptist leaders pledged to cooperate fully with investigators, who will be looking into several SBC entities, according to a statement released by the SBC Friday (Aug. 12).

(827) Robert Jeffress Invites Trinity-Denying Heretic To Lead Sunday Worship by The Dissenter, 8/18/22
“Oneness Pentecostalism is a branch of the Pentecostal movement that denies the Trinity. It is a heretical movement that teaches that God reveals, or manifests, himself in three ways at different times, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but rejects the belief in three separate and distinct concurrent persons of the Godhead.” There have been times when I’ve appreciated some of the stances that Southern Baptist megachurch pastor, Robert Jeffress has taken, particularly when it comes to culture and morality.

(828) Pedophiles Are Proliferating In Our Schools by Larry Sand – Frontpage Mag, 8/25/22
“Eric Burgess, a high school English teacher in Rosemead, CA was found to have repeatedly groomed students for sex, and had sexual relationships with female students over a 20-year period. Infuriatingly, he was allowed to resign without admitting to any wrongdoing and continued to receive his salary for another six months.” In the social hierarchy of prison inmates, mob bosses, bank robbers, and cop killers tend to get respect. But “short eyes,” those convicts who have committed crimes against children, especially sexual abuse, are hated, harassed, and abused. In schools, however, this group of detestable perverts rates a “meh.”

(829) Mennonites Go Gay, Pass Resolution Allowing LGBTQ Weddings And ‘Repents’ For Excluding LGBTQ People at CRN, 8/26/22
“The pastor of Portland (Oregon) Mennonite Church and representing the “Inclusive Mennonite Pastors” said, “This resolution is not punitive. It does not punish pastors, members or congregations who refuse full participation of queer people in their churches." Similar to the Amish, the Mennonite Church was formed out of the Anabaptist movement and, like the Amish, in many ways has become synonymous with a simple lifestyle apart from modern luxuries.

(830) Southern Baptist Leaders Join Leftists Signing Pro-Vax Statement Calling Francis Collins A Faith Healing Minister at CRN, 8/27/22
“It’s already come to light in recent months that these vaccines are useless and have ultimately caused more harm than good. Evidence is mounting that these vaccines are the cause of unforeseen illnesses, heart issues, and other serious medical problems including autoimmune disorders. Yet, the people who signed this statement want us to believe that it is a miracle of science, and that Francis Collins is the number one Apostle.” Biologos, the pro-evolution “science” wing of professing Christendom of which Tim Keller has been a major contributor over the years, has released a pro-vaccine statement with over 8 thousand signatures which include original signers like Southeastern Baptist Seminary professor, Ken Heathley. Other signers include Evangelical leftists like Veggie Tales creator, Phil Vischer and also David French, Philip Yancey, N.T. Wright, and National Association of Evangelicals director, Walter Kim.

(831) How Doug Wilson And Co. Are Wailin’ On The Culture War at CRN, 8/29/22
There is a growing concern over The Federal Vision (FV) again in North American Reformed Churches, here is why and here’s how to stop it: Very few (at least initially) are attracted to its theological positions. Most people aren’t interested in Baptismal Regeneration, Padeocommunion, and a questionable view of Justification. They aren’t being drawn by the Romanizing Tendency of FV. It’s something else. The major draw is what they are saying in the areas of gender roles, politics, culture, and issues within the church. Doug Wilson is addressing these issues at a rapid pace. He responds to issues in real time.

(832) How Matt Chandler’s Elders Violated Scripture at CRN, 9/2/22
The announcement that Matt Chandler would be taking a leave of absence following allegedly inappropriate DMs came with little information opening the door to much speculation as to whether or not The Village Church is covering up a deep sin or whether Matt Chandler even sinned at all. However, what is far more clear is that the elders at Village Church were derelict in their duty, and that is while we still do not know whether they are covering up sin or adding to the law of God. And while this is to be mildly expected from a church helmed by a wolf, the precedent that this is expanding upon is quite detrimental to the church.

(833) David Platt’s Church Holds Class With Book Written By Pro-Abortion Obama Staffer by The Dissenter, 9/4/22
McLean Bible Church will be offering a class based on this book which Platt’s church says will help them “understand civic and cultural engagement as a way to obey Christ’s call to love our neighbor, but to do so with both love and trust-compassion and conviction.” A prominent Obama campaign staffer tied to Russell Moore, the ERLC, and The Gospel Coalition, has proposed a federal law legalizing abortion up to 15 weeks. Who is Michael Wear?

(834) Checkbooks, Bank Cards And Bank Statements Reveal Pastor Priorities: Pastor James Macdonald And The Ethics Of Gift Giving by Barry Bowen – Trinity Foundation, 9/5/22
“It has been said, ‘Show me a person’s checkbook and I can tell you what he cares about.’” – Social Action, 1964 James MacDonald, the controversial former pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC), is attempting to restore his reputation.   In July, MacDonald posted on his website copies of checks as proof that he reimbursed (HBC) for personal expenses incurred during his time as pastor. One reimbursement check, dated December 28, 2018, was for $27,172.39!

(835) Barna Survey: Only 4% Of Executive Pastors Have Biblical Worldview + Why This Is at CRN, 9/7/22
In a new nationwide survey released by George Barna for the Arizona Christian University, it’s revealed the majority of Christian pastors do not have a biblical worldview, with the Executive Pastor having the lowest that is on par with the culture at large. Barna defines “biblical worldview” as believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.

(836) “Mennonites Pass Resolution Repenting of Excluding Homosexuals” by Way Of Life News, 9/8/22
At their annual assembly this summer, the Mennonite Church USA passed two resolutions on the issue of accepting unrepentant homosexuals as members. The “Resolution for Repentance and Transformation,” repenting of harm done to LGBTQ people and calling for broader inclusion, passed by a majority of 55.7% (“MC USA Delegate Assembly widens the circle for LGBTQ people,”, June 1, 2022). An “organization resolution” updated the membership guidelines so that pastors are no longer prohibited from performing “same-sex covenant ceremonies.” That one passed by a majority of 82.8%.

(837) Check Out This Rank Heresy Study Bible That Lifeway Is Releasing at CRN, 9/10/22
“The work by Henry Blackaby known as “Experiencing God” was a gateway to the modern “God told me” language that is so common within our evangelical culture today. We must be honest, that method of discerning the will of God assaults the sufficiency of Scripture and it has a charismatic foundation.” LifeWay, the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, is no stranger to compromise, false teachings, and even rank heresy over the years. After all, they’ve sold materials ranking from “gay Christianity” proponents like Matthew Vines to anti-Trinitarian heretics like T.D. Jakes and have published materials from the likes of experiential hyper-charismatics like Priscilla Shirer.

(838) What We Are Witnessing Is Sodom And Gomorrah On A Worldwide Scale at CRN, 9/15/22
“Sexual immorality was the last and final, and clearly the most egregious form of rebellion against God, that served not only as the catalyst to God’s judgment but as part of the judgment itself. To summarize the judgment presented in Romans 1, rebellion against God begins to manifest in seemingly insignificant ways, namely, the refusal to honor and acknowledge Him.” In Genesis 19, God sent two angels to the city of Sodom where they were greeted by Lot and urged to take shelter at his home rather than in the midst of the city. The two angels, who were sent in the form of men, decided to stay with Lot. Later that evening, the militant LGBTQ community of Sodom surrounded Lot’s home and held a Pride festival, demanding that Lot and his household not only tolerate them but celebrate and participate in their movement.

(839) Disney And NBC Team Up To Promote Pro-Abortion Films by Micaiah Bilger – LifeNews, 9/18/22
“Stacy Smith, founder of the AII, said the overturning of Roe v. Wade  prompted them to create the new grant.” Walt Disney World, a company founded to bring joy and entertainment to children, now openly supports the killing unborn children in abortions. Townhall reports Disney, NBC Universal, Google and other companies have partnered with the University of Southern California Annenberg Inclusion Initiative (AII) to encourage college students to create films promoting abortions.

(840) The Decline Of Christianity In The U.S. by Thomas Gallatin – The Patriot Post, 9/20/22
“How many of these “Christians” were nominally so because of their cultural upbringing? If they grew into early adulthood and left the faith, did they ever really believe in the first place? Are we simply witnessing the ripples of a rock that sank long ago?” A recent Pew Research Center study estimates based on various scenarios that Christians in America will become a minority in the next two to five decades. Since the 1990s, the study notes, the number of Americans leaving Christianity has been accelerating, as the number of those identifying as nonreligious or “nones” has ballooned over the last couple decades.

(841) Ligonier Survey Demonstrates Most Evangelicals Are Heretics That Hold To Damnable False Beliefs by Ligonier, 9/23/22
“We’re not talking about the mainstream apostate Protestant denominations, we’re talking about Evangelicals who are supposed to believe that the Bible is true, inerrant, and authoritative in all matters.” There is a difference between holding loosely to beliefs where Scripture is not clear and holding to demonstrably false beliefs where the Bible is abundantly clear. When one denies the clear biblical teaching of Scripture, it becomes an issue of rebellion against God and His word placing one in serious danger of God’s judgment.

(842) Disgraced And Defiant Pastor Tullian Tchividjian Headlining Men’s Conference by Protestia, 10/15/22
“Without any sign of observable repentance, Tchividjian waited a few years, then jumped back in the pulpit and planted a new church, keeping busy by turning his ministry disqualifications into a cottage industry. Attacking the Christian church as “elitists” and “judgmental,” the fallen minister capitalized on ungodliness to attract unsanctified followers.” Disgraced pastor Tullian Tchividjian will be the keynote speaker at the Man Up conference this weekend, demonstrating what it looks like when undiscerning, naïve, and foolish-minded churches are willing to set aside all Biblical standards in order to host an evangelical celebrity, damaged as he may be.

(843) Breaking: Org Promoting Woke Jesus Gave $700k To ERLC by Capstone Report, 10/16/22
The Woke organization behind the misguided $100 million He Gets Us Campaign gave over $700,000 to SBC entities including a $701,000 grant the entity formerly led by Russell Moore, according to federal tax records filed by the organization The Servant Foundation and doing business as The Signatry. The tax documents for 2020 show a $701,000 grant to the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and another $7,000 grant to the North American Mission Board (NAMB).

(844) Another Satanic Drag Show Troupe Actively Recruiting Kids by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 10/23/22
One of the videos in this piece is disturbing to watch. Nonetheless, this sort of twisted behavior is going on right under our noses, even in conservative communities and churches, as you will see. The drag queen “trend” is rapidly spreading throughout this country. Let me be clear that what is going on is without a doubt satanic. If parents and grandparents don’t put a stop to the sexualizing/grooming of children NOW, this sort of moral depravity will get way worse. Here’s Mary’s story: A bar in Eugene, Oregon, is hosting a drag show featuring an 11-year-old child who regularly dances, performs, and solicits cash tips from adults. The venue also holds “bondage,” “fetish,” and “voyeur” nights, inviting adults to explore “the darkest parts of dreams.”

(845) Non-binary Student Numbers “Soar,” Up Nearly 600% by Ken Ham, 10/25/22
This is truly horrifying. The largest public school system in Maryland recently had their students—from elementary through high school—fill out a form “designed to understand and support a student’s gender identity” (423 forms have been submitted in four years). It asks students for their “‘identified name,’ ‘identified gender’ and their preferred pronouns.” And the results are shocking. In 2019, this form found just 35 students throughout the whole system who identified as “non-binary” (identifying as something outside the male-female “binary”). The same form in 2021 (the results were just made public) found .  .  .  are you ready for this? 239 students identify as non-binary. 239!!! That’s a jaw-dropping 582% increase in just two years! The majority (129) of these “non-binary” students are middle schoolers—children aged 11–14—identifying as neither male nor female. A few (18) were elementary-aged and the rest (92) were in high school. This confusion and rejection of God’s created order of male and female is not biological, it’s the direct result of public schools and the media grooming children for gender confusion from the time they are very young. Introducing the idea of pronouns, the gender spectrum, and transgender ideology to very young children is confusing them and sending the numbers skyrocketing.

(846) Mark Driscoll Claims Mars Hills Elders Tried To Oust Him From Church Using False Allegations Of Adultery by Protestia, 10/27/22
During his recent Sunday sermon, ‘pastor’ Mark Driscoll released a bombshell, claiming that the reason he resigned from the pastorate at Mars Hill after previously saying he wasn’t going anywhere and would submit to a period of church discipline, is that the Holy Spirit revealed to him a secret plot by the church elders to get him to step down by falsely accusing him of adultery, freeing him to leave. Driscoll’s Mars Hill Ministry imploded in 2014 after his elders accused him of being arrogant, crude, bullying, harsh, and overbearing…. Rather than stay and submit to the ignominy of church discipline, Mark took his ball and went home, resigning and starting a new church in Arizona (the 1000-member Trinity Church) that notably does not have elders who can reign him in and keep him in check.

(847) 80% of Teenagers Expect To Cohabitate by Ken Ham, 10/28/22
We certainly do live in a very secularized culture. The once-Christianized veneer (the Judeo-Christian ethic based on biblical morality) has worn off, and secularism and moral relativism have taken its place. And study after study just continues to confirm how secular this nation really has become. For example, according to a new study, nearly 80%—almost 8 in 10—of US teenagers (15–19 years old) “expect to cohabit before marriage.” The vast majority of teenagers today expect that, sometime after high school, they’ll move in with a “romantic partner.” That may sound benign to some, but the Bible says that’s fornication, a sexual sin that flies in the face of God’s “very good” design for marriage and sexuality ...

(848) Neopagans, Satanists, Witches, And New Agers by Emmy Griffin – The Patriot Post, 11/2/22
The rise in the occult as a religion has infused leftist ideology, and it’s growing at the expense of Christianity. As children, we were told that witches weren’t real; they were merely the villains in many a fairytale and easily defeated by the good, kind, and true heroes of the stories. As we grew, we learned there were in fact people out there who claimed to be witches, but they weren’t all that bad. Now, as adults, we see the plethora of occult paraphernalia that has flooded the marketplace of ideas and commerce. Neopaganism and New Age are trying to supplant Christianity in America.

(849) Warning: A Popular Social Media Platform Is ‘Drawing Young People Into The Occult’ by George Upper – The Western Journal, 11/4/22
“The extent of the problem is ginormous, as some of those young people might say. As of this month, the #WitchTok hashtag had engendered over 33 billion views among TikTok’s global user base. That’s over four views for every person on earth — and I’m not even on TikTok, so someone out there is doubling up.” What are your kids or grandkids watching on TikTok? You might want to find out. According to a report yesterday from Newsweek — attempting to capitalize on the Halloween weekend, no doubt — the popular short-form video hosting service TikTok “is drawing young people into the occult.”

(850) New Poll Will Frighten You About The Future Of America by Stacy Lennox – PJ Media, 11/7/22
“There are objective truths about all of these issues. Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid for the Steele dossier and shopped it to law enforcement agencies. The nation and Trump’s presidency were held hostage by low-quality opposition research. Investigating it cost Americans around $40 million. COVID-19 was never dangerous for children, and the vaccines carry real risks, especially for men under 40. It is also most likely that the virus emerged from a lab in Wuhan, China, not a vat of bat soup.” A new poll from, in partnership with McLaughlin & Associates, shows that an increasing number of Americans do not believe absolute truth exists. All the talk about “my truth” and “her truth” has had a measurable effect. Instead of people viewing those phrases as a way to describe an opinion or a perspective, younger Americans believe truth can vary from person to person.

(851) Study: Gen Z Is Less “Open-Minded and More Intolerant” Than Previous Generations by Ken Ham, 11/9/22
Western culture generally prides itself on being open-minded and tolerant of everyone and everything—but do they live up to their own ideals? Not according to a new study out of Great Britain. This study found that Gen Z (today’s 13–24-year-olds) “is less open-minded and more intolerant than older generations.” According to the report, “[a] quarter of Gen Z say they ‘have very little tolerance for people with beliefs that they disagree with.’ They don’t believe in unrestrained free speech, with nearly half agreeing that ‘some people deserve to be canceled.’”

(852) California megachurch leader, grandparents charged with murder, torture in death of 11-year-old daughter by Natalie Neysa Alund, USA TODAY, 11/11/22
A California megachurch leader and her parents have been arrested on charges including murder and torture in the death of the woman's 11-year-old daughter. Leticia McCormack, a leader at Rock Church in San Diego, founded and led by former NFL player Miles McPherson, was booked in jail Monday on a charge of murder, three counts of torture, and three counts of willful cruelty to a child in the death of Arabella McCormack, the San Diego County Sheriff's Office reported. On Thursday, McCormack's leadership profile had been removed from the megachurch's website.

(853) Canadian Doctors Support Euthanasia for Newborns by Ken Ham, 11/11/22
Should “severely disabled” newborns be killed by doctors? A group of physicians in Canada thinks so. A doctor representing the Quebec College of Physicians recommended to a special committee that the parents of babies born with “severe deformations” and “very grave . . . medical syndromes” should have the option of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) for their babies. In Canada, abortion is legal for any reason up until birth and is paid for by public health care (taxpayer dollars), so this recommendation to allow parents to request the death of their newborn is hardly surprising. But why only “severely disabled” children? (And who defines “severely”?) In their wicked worldview, a child can be murdered (and that’s what it is—murder) up until birth for any reason, so why can’t a newborn likewise be killed for any reason? After all, the only difference between a newborn and a full-term baby is that one baby has passed through the birth canal and the other hasn’t! Why should that be the difference between life and death? Of course, in a biblical worldview, we can say both the killing of unborn children and of those who have been born is absolutely evil.

(854) Blasphemy: Holy Spirit Ouija Board Lets You ‘Communicate Directly With Jesus Christ’ by The Dissenter, 11/12/22
I don’t know if this qualifies as the unforgivable blasphemy of the Holy Spirit that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 12:31, but it sure seems close. A company called Holy Spirit Games has released a new Ouija Board-like game called the Holy Spirit Board which claims it will let you communicate directly with Jesus Christ. According to the product description on Amazon, “The Holy Spirit Board is the only spirit board designed to directly contact our lord and savior Jesus Christ!

(855) #sorrynotsorry by Sandy Simpson, 11/13/22

Recently a saying has been showing up in ads on TV and popular songs. This saying is disturbing because it highlights an attitude that seems to be taking over the hearts and minds of the youth today.

(856) Report: Former Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Leaders Are ‘Disqualified’ For Unrepentant Abuse And Deceit by Debbie Licona, 11/15/22
“Our determination is that Michael Ramsden, Sarah (Davis) Phillips, and Abdu Murray have not displayed a godly sorrow nor demonstrated the fruit consistent with repentance for their actions. They have acknowledged that “mistakes were made” but have not specifically owned their actions or expressed remorse to those they hurt. Nor have they repaired the damage they have caused.” On December 22, 2020, Miller & Martin PLLC released an interim report on its “independent investigation into allegations of sexual harassment raised against Ravi Zacharias.”[2] The interim report “found significant, credible evidence that Mr. Zacharias engaged in sexual misconduct over the course of many years.” This abuse was consistent with that which was reported in the past and in the news. More serious abuse was also uncovered.

(857) Watch These Climate Cultists Smash Stone Tablets Atop Mt. Sinai As Part Of Their ‘Climate Repentance’ by Not the Bee, 11/16/22
In a not-so-subtle slight to Judeo-Christian beliefs, environmental activists smashed stone tablets atop Jebel Musa in Egypt, the mountain many believe to be Mount Sinai where Moses received the ten commandments written by the hand of God on stone tablets. Watch the video on the site. Singing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” while they smash the tablets feels way too similar to the “this is the god that brought you out Egypt” moment in Exodus. Yikes!

(858) “God Created Adam and Eve”—a Hate Crime? by Ken Ham, 11/18/22
Genesis 1:27 is very straightforward: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Unlike the gender confusion of our day, God’s design is clear. But is saying such a thing “transphobic” or a “hate crime”? Well, one former athlete in Greece, Vassilis Tsiartas, recently “received a [10-month suspended] jail sentence and a fine” for two 2017 social media posts that cited, among other things, God’s design of “Adam and Eve” in response to proposed legislation. He was then sued by the Transgender Support Association, who believe that his sentencing is “particularly important for the transgender community.” This Greek court has ruled that free speech does not apply to Tsiartas’ beliefs based on the Bible (and this is certainly not the first time this has happened). Instead, those who promote body mutilating surgeries, sterilizing hormones, and radical ideology to children and young adults are free to say whatever they want. But those who believe God’s Word, and the simple truth that we’re created male and female, are vilified and punished. It’s an upside-down world today where truth is error and error is truth! But this should not surprise us in a world that rejects God and his Word. This is a spiritual issue. Sadly, this kind of persecution of Christians is only going to continue. Again, that’s not surprising—Jesus said the world would hate us because it hated him first (John 15:18)! But truth matters, and error has consequences! For the sake of men and women, girls and boys, all made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), we must stand for truth and reject the lies of the world, pointing people to the hope of the gospel, not the irreparable damage of surgery and hormones. Jesus is the answer everyone needs!

(859) Is Netflix Going To Make Chronicles Of Narnia Woke? by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 12/1/22
With the recent fallout from the horrendous Amazon Prime Lord of the Rings series, The Rings of Power, the thematically not far off Chronicles of Narnia adaptations may be the next franchise to be destroyed by Hollywood’s liberal agenda and incompetence. Netflix is not known for longevity of series quality. Many of their shows have some sort of “third date rule” whereby the third episode or season of a show will offload a bunch of homosexual propaganda.

(860) The Gospel Coalition Uses The Book Of Ruth To Defend Same-Sex Civil Unions by The Dissenter, 12/5/22
“In the example of Ruth and Naomi how is that relationship enhanced or harmed by any external civil policy whatsoever? The idea of such a thing is smuggled into the conversation in an attempt to lend credence to its thesis. There’s no way anybody would ever find that there without this cultural corruption as a backdrop for doing so.” In a recent article at The Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter, a co-pastor at David Platt’s McLean Bible Church and a former employee of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission attempts to argue from the Book of Ruth in favor of same-sex civil unions.

(861) Top 10 Ways America Is Being Groomed to Normalize Pedophilia by Linda Harvey, 12/8/22
Respectable pedophilia. Are you ready for this? I’m not and I will be screaming against it until the last breath. But it’s coming unless a massive parent brigade shows up in both schools and in another venue that must be deployed to overcome this depravity: churches. The truth of God, proclaimed by His saints and confirmed in the power, blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ, fueled by the conviction of the Holy Spirit can prevail over the tragedy of child corruption. We can do this. But first we must face how we are all being groomed, as child sexuality is being packaged and sold to America, even as the latest fashion trend (e.g., Balenciaga). We must refuse to be enablers and then take steps to end this diabolical trend. Here are the top 10 ways that child sexualization is being normalized in America.

(862) Retired Navy Seal Made Famous After Coming Out As Trans Announces Detransition: ‘Destroyed My Life’ by Emma Colton, Fox News, 12/12/22
A retired Navy SEAL who became famous nearly 10 years ago after coming out as transgender announced he is detransitioning and called on Americans to “wake up” about how transgender health services are hurting children. “Everything you see on CNN with my face, do not even believe a word of it,” Chris Beck, formerly known as Kristin Beck, told conservative influencer Robby Starbuck in an interview published earlier this month. “Everything that happened to me for the last 10 years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life. I’m not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help.”

(863) Drag Queens Performing In Kindergarten Classes? This Is Getting Really Ugly by The Dissenter, 12/13/22
“It’s time for parents and concerned community members to take a stand and say enough is enough. We must protect our children from these deviant circus clowns and the inappropriate and damaging messages they are spreading. Let’s put a stop to these grotesque performances once and for all.” It’s absolutely disgusting and completely unacceptable that men wearing dresses are being allowed to perform for Kindergartners. Just the thought of grown men prancing around in garish, over-the-top outfits, sporting heavy makeup and fake breasts, while young children watch, is enough to make anyone’s stomach turn.

(864) 3 Horrifying Examples of the War on the Family by Ken Ham, 12/16/22
We’re in a war. It’s a spiritual war, and the attack is on the institutions God ordained: marriage and the family. But it’s even more insidious than that. The assault on marriage and family is because our enemy, Satan, wants to destroy all those who bear the image of God and the best way to accomplish this is to undermine marriage and family. Destroy marriage and the family, and you’ll destroy society. Destroy society, and humans no longer flourish and more people die.

(865) Amy Grant Plans To Host A Gay Wedding by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 12/18/22
 Amy Grant is the queen of contemporary Christian music and known for hits like “Baby Baby,” “Breath of Heaven,” and “Find A Way.” She is also known for being one of many CCM artists who is seriously compromised Spiritually. Her position on the issue of homosexuality and transgenderism has been well documented as not biblical, but recently she dialed this up to eleven. Earlier this week, Amy Grant was receiving honors from the Kennedy Center who declared her the queen of Christian music in an award ceremony.

(866) Mistakes, Misconceptions And Misuse Of The Christmas Story That Misrepresent The Magnitude Of Its Message by Don Boys, 12/19/22
“Parents must not fall into the quicksand of modern celebration by succumbing to the Santa Claus myth which distorts the truth of Christ’s birth by subtly blending truth with the myth of Santa Claus. Parents must never lie to their children about Santa Claus, making him similar to Christ who knows when you’ve been good or bad.” A Man was born and lived in the Middle East many centuries ago who has vastly influenced my life. I cannot look at a sunset, watch hummingbirds hover at my kitchen window, observe the intricacies of a rose, or hear the lisping of a child singing, “Jesus Loves me this I know,” without thinking of that Man and His lasting impact upon the world.

(867) SBC Megachurch Worship Service Features Willy Wonka, Flying Santa, Lyrics About Vodka, And No Jesus Christ by The Dissenter, 12/20/22
As many times as we’ve written about this circus in South Florida that calls itself a church for its lavish displays of secular paganism, nothing should surprise us anymore. But the fact that this entertainment venue continues to associate with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention continues to fellowship with them, it’s worth pointing out that they are continuing to decline into absolute apostasy.

(868) The Light Of Christ In A World Of Darkness by Alistair Begg, 12/26/22
In his 1939 Christmas broadcast to the British nation, King George VI read from a poem by Minnie Louise Haskins: I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” While those words were obviously meaningful to George VI and his subjects amid an escalating war with Germany, they still find an echo in the hearts and minds of men and women today. We live in a time of great uncertainty and anxiety. Whether the context is geopolitics, the national economy, clashing worldviews, or even our own family lives, people today are treading into the darkness, looking for some light that will show them the way.

(869) Oh Joy! Church Rewrites Classic Christmas Carol To Promote Leftist Queer Political Agenda by The Dissenter, 12/29/22
All Saints with Holy Trinity in Loughborough really pulled out all the stops this year with their inclusive and oh-so-woke revision of the classic Christmas carol “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen”. Instead of mentioning Jesus as the savior of sinners, the updated lyrics now reference “queer and questioning” individuals and “women, who by men have been erasing”. Because nothing says “Merry Christmas” quite like completely removing the central themes of the holiday and replacing them with modern political buzzwords.

(870) WEF’s Metaverse To Help Establish Global Governance And Surveillance by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 12/30/22
“These people are de-growthers and de-populationaists. We will all go back to a time without modern conveniences, but we can turn on our devices to live in a far better, recreated virtual world resembling the real world – the Metaverse.” The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos conference 2023 will unveil a new enterprise, “Building the Metaverse Initiative.” They’ll release key studies and details. It looks like a worldwide surveillance project.

(871) American Girl Doll Pushes Gender Transition To 3-12-Year-Olds by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 1/1/23
Parents are outraged, calling it the “new Pornography” and part of an “evil agenda.” Another parent said the gender ideology has become increasingly “predatory.” American Girl doll by Mattel has published a guide that advises girls as young as three to transition their gender. It also promotes puberty blockers. Screenshots shared by the DailyMail and parents on Facebook reveal that there is more to this guide than advertised.

(872) SBTS Dean, Hershael York, Reveals Unbiblical *Nuanced* Mindset Behind Restoring Adulterous Pastors by Paul Brown, 1/5/23
“At this point in the argument, York decides to throw his theological truck into a four-wheel drive and vault headlong into the ditch of eisegesis, giving his own opinion on the matter without any regard for what the scripture definitively and directly says about the issue….” The recent restoration of Pastor Johnny Hunt by a group of four pastors after a brief six-month hiatus from ministry has reignited discussions amongst evangelicals in regard to the issue of pastoral disqualification, including questions about what sins would disqualify a pastor from ministry and the question of whether a pastor who is removed from the pastorate for the sin of adultery should ever be restored to the pulpit.

(873) Mark Driscoll Releases e-Book On Sex That Describes In Graphic Detail Various Sex Acts by The Dissenter, 1/7/23
This is for real. The man has no shame. No sense of decency. Rom 16:17-18 certainly applies to “pastor” Driscoll. Mark Driscoll was once a prominent figure in the religious community, known for his edgy, aggressive sermons and punk-inspired worship services. However, his penchant for inappropriate language and disturbing behavior ultimately led to his downfall. In 2014, Driscoll was embroiled in a scandal involving emotional and spiritual abuse of his followers, plagiarism, and financial misconduct. These heinous actions caused his empire to crumble, and he was forced to face the consequences of his actions.

(874) “Social Media’s Antisemitic Underbelly” by Chris Katulka-Israel My Glory, 1/11/23
witter and Instagram recently locked rapper Kanye West out of his accounts after he posted, “I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going full death [sic] con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE.” West is a social media influencer with more than 49 million followers between the two social media platforms. What he says, sells, and shares reaches a global audience in seconds. His antisemitic post followed an interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson in which the rapper claimed Jared Kushner, former President Donald Trump’s Jewish son-in-law, arranged the peace agreements between Israel and the Arab nations “to make money.” In a separate interview, West claimed Kushner “is an example of how the Jewish people have their hand on every single business that controls the world.” Besides being untrue, his statement is a textbook antisemitic trope that singles out the entire Jewish race for the world’s problems. His words follow a disturbingly familiar pattern: When there is no one left to blame, you can always point the finger at the Jewish people.

(875) PCUSA Supplied Children To Homosexual Pedophile Ring by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web 1/22/23
“…the apostate church has blood on their hands for supplying children to this house of horrors. And this all stems from their promotion of homosexuality, in direct contrast with God’s word.” Last summer a story of a pair of homosexuals molesting the children they adopted made headlines, only to be forgotten. This past week, Townhall’s Mia Cathell has unveiled a series of reports that have opened this story to the wider scrutiny it deserved. Was the tragic horror story of two homosexual molesting children they were allowed to adopt the natural result of Obergefell? The Zulocks are certainly evidence attributable to this conclusion.

(876) Matt Chandler To Join Revoice ‘Gay Christianity’ Founder For Conference by The Dissenter, 1/27/23
“America has completely embraced a revolutionary sexual ethic that far surpasses even the worst descriptions of sexual anarchy in the Bible. Yet, every time I think humanity couldn’t sink any deeper into the muck and mire of its own depravity, I’m reminded that godlessness has no bottom.” Preston Sprinkle, one of the founders of Revoice, the “gay Christian” movement within Evangelical churches, has been instrumental in shifting the church’s doctrinal stance on homosexuality and other aberrant sexualities. It is through Sprinkle’s extensive relationships with mainstream Evangelicals such as James Merritt, Matt Chandler, and even names like Beth Moore, that he has been able to popularize what was once denounced as forbidden fruit by Evangelicals.

(877) “U.S. Is ‘Most Permissive Country’ When It Comes to Transgender Treatments, Study Shows” by Milton Quintanilla - Christian Headlines, 1/30/23
According to a new study, the United States displays further tolerance for transgender treatments than Europe. The group Do No Harm, which published the study, found that “the United States is the most permissive country when it comes to the legal and medical gender transition of children.” During an interview with Fox News, Dr. William Malone, a board-certified endocrinologist, said that doctors who find the procedures risky fear scrutiny from politicians and reputable medical associations. “We are dealing with what may be the biggest medical and ethical scandal of modern times,” he told Fox News Digital. “Transgender medicine is big business, and youth who are transitioning today will be medical patients for life – for the next 60-plus years.

(878) ‘He Gets Us’ Campaign Organizers To Spend $1 Billion Promoting Woke Jesus+ $20mil At Superbowl by Protestia, 2/3/23
“Their campaign was woke, focusing on how Jesus was a marginalized immigrant refugee who was bullied for his empathy.” Last year an anonymous group of wealthy donors launched a 100 million dollar campaign for Jesus- the largest of its kind- with the “He Gets Us” thesis being plastered across TV and social media, aimed to attract cultural Christians and pagans to consider the man Jesus, and the way he relates to humankind.

(879) Satan goes prime time - Giving the devil his due! by Mike Oppenheimer, 2/8/23
The Grammies are awarded by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the United States, their intention is to recognize outstanding achievements in the music industry. Of course with the current trends in culture we would expect transgenderism and gay to be front and center in this current intolerance of the natural order of creation. The 2023 Grammy awards this Pop star singer who describes himself as non-binary, he won a grammy for best pop duo; giving credit to Madonna and receiving the overwhelming applause of the audience. Sam Smith, preformed a BDSM Devil-themed exhibition of his song “Unholy” at the Grammys; in flames, in a red leather suit, and devil horns with a top hat. (the words to song contain some significant and familiar mentions) Most people think this is more of a dramatic comedic rendition and do not give it a second thought because they don’t believe there is an evil being that’s parades around in red with horns and a tail, and neither do we (as Christians). This is just entertainment, they claim none of this is real, but we say he is real, and there is a subtle subterfuge taking place on the public, especially children who are their targeted audience to nullify his existence. Of course this showcasing at the music awards does not actually depict the real satan who is adverse to all that is called good, who is the most conniving, narcissistic being, who inspires pride in mankind, to be self absorbed and closing their minds to the reality of his existence. He makes the issues he is involved with super complex; confusing, and it certainly divide us as people. What is seen are only soft renditions of his actual influence on the mind and heart of people. But when one does not understand the spiritual influences on this world they will make fun of those who actually know of them. Are the majority of people that claim this is not real saying, ‘the satanist are serving/worshiping and living a figment of their imagination? Go tell them they have a make believe religion, that satan and his way of living is not real.  They don’t think so. Go ask former Satanists who came out of this lifestyle and you will find it is far more serious and real than any banal arguments you may use that exhibit your dithering or dismissive conclusions. Today Satan, who is the devil is getting way too much publicity due to the naïve and inane who are impervious to other views that they claim are all invalid. Satanist  say Christ Jesus is not real.

(880) Evangelical Group’s Naive Embrace Of U.N.’s ‘Climate Science’ by Donna Laframboise, 2/13/23
“It’s understandable that the average person has no idea what really goes on. As someone who has watched the climate world for more than a decade, I’m sorry to report that the IPCC does not deserve our trust. The National Association of Evangelicals’ naive embrace of this organization is therefore unwarranted.” Last summer the National Association of Evangelicals, an organization largely in America but with some representation in my country, Canada, published a report that urges Christians to care deeply about climate change. Titled “Loving the Least of These,” it relies on the work of a United Nations entity to make its case.

(881) We’re In Trouble With Teen Girls: Dr. Marc Siegel Analyzes CDC’s ‘Shocking’ Teen Mental Health Report by Maria Lencki – Fox News, 2/15/23
Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Siegel says social media may have a lot to do with America’s mental health crisis among teenage girls. A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed teen girls are battling record levels of violence, sadness and suicide risk. The findings also revealed sexual violence among teen girls has increased 20% between 2017 through 2021, while hopelessness increased from 36% to 57%.

(882) Rihanna making the FCC work, work, work, after Super Bowl viewers file 103 complaints by Nardine Saad, LA Times, 2/25/23
(ACT Note: I was frankly glad to see there were others who found Rihanna's performance at the Superbowl lewd and disgusting) The Federal Communications Commission, which regulates interstate and international communications through cable, radio, television, satellite and wire, received an assortment of grievances about the "Umbrella" singer's "rude, obscene 'performance'" that described her sexualized lyrics and her background dancers' gyrating choreography as offensive or inappropriate ... her white-clad background dancers — who have been compared to sperm, clouds and pillows — used body language that was enough to upset audiences across the country who did more than just tweet their gripes. A fraction of the football game's viewers (113.1 million average but 118.7 million for halftime) likened Rihanna's set to pornography and lamented the decline of decency, according to the list of complaints posted on the FCC's website. "Inappropriate touching and dance moves, very raunchy for a family to watch. Little kids do not need to see this," said one complaint from Rockton, Ill.

(883) Bible Answer Man, Hank Hanegraaff, Platforms Open Homosexual to Help “Save the West” by The Dissenter, 3/2/23
I predicted that it would just be a matter of time before Christianity would be abandoned altogether in favor of an ecumenical alliance for social or economic causes. Whether it be right or left, when you abandon Christianity, you have no problem joining with haters of God to promote political issues. That is exactly what Hank Hanegraaff is now doing as he recently hosted Spencer Klavan, a man who is openly practicing homosexuality and “married” to another man, on his podcast. In the first few minutes of the podcast, Hanegraaff explains how he wasn’t sure if his audience would appreciate him hosting a homosexual, but then ultimately decided he would do so because, well, he “has a life-long devotion to the principles of the West.”

(884) Major Endorsements Retracted After TGC Publishes Blasphemous Article by The Dissenter, 3/4/23
Brace yourselves. If you’ve been following the news cycle the last couple of days, you’re probably aware of the extremely gross, vile, and filthy article published by Joshua Butler at The Gospel Coalition that depicted Jesus ejaculating his “seed” into His bride (the Church) in the same way that a man ejaculates into his wife. Thankfully, after much pushback from conservatives and exposure from publications like The Dissenter, TGC decided to remove the article from the website.

(885) Canada Urged to Expand Assisted Suicide to “Mature Minors” by Ken Ham, 3/7/23
In June 2016—not even seven years ago—Canada legalized what they call “medical assistance in dying,” or MAiD, to “support [Canadians’] autonomy and freedom of choice, and protect those who are vulnerable.” But this is not about protecting the vulnerable at all—it’s about killing the most vulnerable. And that’s exactly what’s happened as Canada has gone from allowing for medically assisted murder of “merely” the elderly and terminally ill to considering the murder of those suffering from mental illness (that was set to go into law this month but has now been postponed) to now the suggestion that “mature minors” should be allowed to choose MAiD. A “Special Joint Committee recommended the Government of Canada give terminally-ill minors the authority to request euthanasia if the minor is believed to have sound judgment.” Whether or not the minor has this vague “sound judgment” is to be determined on a case-by-case basis by MAiD personnel. But what if parents disagree with their child’s desire to have a doctor or nurse murder them? Well, that parent is “interfering” with their child’s wish and the committee recommends the government side with the child and override the parent’s wishes. In other words, a child knows what’s best, not the parent, and the government owns the child anyway so they can do whatever they want—no matter what “interfering parents” desire.

(886) ‘We Were Wrong’ – Evidence Shows ‘Puberty Blockers Are Neither Safe Nor Reversible’ Says Canadian Doctor Who Helped Pioneer Puberty Blocker Drugs by Brian Lupo – Gateway Pundit, 3/20/22
“Blocking the sexual development of children is a highly authoritarian intervention.  Children are asexual, and so they can’t understand the impact of impaired sexual function.  We are roughly 10 years into this large-scale experiment and already we have reports on issues with cognitive development, bone mineral density, and fertility.  All the up-to-date evidence shows that puberty blockers are neither safe nor reversible.“ Dr. Susan Bradley, who helped pioneer “gender affirming care” in Canada, has now spoken against the popular model of “gender affirming care” by placing children on puberty blockers, according to an interview with the Daily Caller.

(887) The Push To Normalize Weird Sexuality In The Church Is Increasing At An Alarming Rate by The Dissenter, 3/23/23
“The goal for Sprinkle is to transform the Church’s attitude toward the LGBTQ movement and cause the Church to see LGBTQ people as people who have been mistreated by churches and society rather than as people who are committing a grave offense against their Creator who are in need of repentance and salvation.” The LGBTQ movement in America has been striving for decades to promote the acceptance of homosexuality and other abnormal sexual behaviors. Sexual immorality, in all of its forms, has been present in every major society throughout history, as per historical and biblical accounts. However, as we see all throughout Scripture, it has also repeatedly been the cause of God’s wrath.

(888) Okay, I’m Done, End Tolerance Of Child Abusing Freaks by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 4/3/23
“Stop this disgusting behavior of psycho freaks towards children.” Watch the videos! The movement to seduce children sexually at a young age is very real and clearly observable. No more excuses. It’s psychotic, and supporting this in the name of tolerance is as extreme as it gets. The Left is corrupting young children. They’re taking the innocence of childhood and destroying it. More than that, they want to mutilate their bodies and put them on powerful medications.

(889) The Sex Cult Of Dionysus Is Taking Over The Nation, And Most Of The Church Is Silent by The Dissenter, 4/4/23
The recent event at the Minnesota State Capitol building, where a drag show was held for Transgender Day of Visibility, has caused outrage and controversy. The cult of Dionysus was a Greek mystery religion centered around the worship of the god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy. This cult involved frenzied dancing, music, and sexual rituals, particularly including homosexual practices among male worshippers.

(890) James MacDonald, former Harvest Bible pastor, charged with felony assault and battery by Religion News Service, 4/14/23
MacDonald, a once popular radio preacher who helped found what was one of Chicago’s largest churches, was fired in 2019 and deemed unfit for ministry. He has continued to guest preach at churches and run an online ministry. Tanya Sierra, assistant director of communications for the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office, told Religion News Service in an email that MacDonald was arraigned on March 29 and pleaded not guilty. He faces a June 14 readiness hearing before a July 6 preliminary hearing. MacDonald has been charged with “assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury” and battery with serious bodily injury, according to a complaint filed in the Superior Court of California for the County of San Diego. If convicted, he could face up to seven years in prison. Defense attorney Michael Pancer, who represents MacDonald, said in a statement that MacDonald “has never, nor would ever, intentionally harm another human being.”

(891) Biologos Publishes Guide On How To Worship Mother Earth On Earth Day: A Biblically Balanced Response by The Dissenter, 4/22/23
Who’s behind BioLogos? Progressives Tim Keller and Francis Collins. “BioLogos urges us to “confess” our role in “environmental degradation.” This movement, like many progressive ones, seeks to instill a sense of collective guilt, which can ultimately leads to collective punishment. For example, when a single mass shooter attacks a school and kills innocent children, the left blames society as a whole and then advocates for widespread gun control, which does nothing to address the root cause of individual sin.” In recent years, extreme environmentalism has taken center stage in the public discourse, with numerous overly-impassioned voices calling for a radical reevaluation of our relationship with the natural world, as though the future of humanity is solely dependent upon “Mother Earth.”

(892) Looking For Answers To The Autism Epidemic In All The Wrong Places by Joan Swirsky – RenewAmerica, 4/24/23
According to the Atlanta-based U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest statistics, in 2020 one in 36 children (approximately four percent of boys and one percent of girls) was estimated to have autism spectrum disorder, estimates that are significantly higher than those in all previous years. White children are about 19 percent more likely than black children and 65 percent more likely than Hispanic children to be diagnosed with autism. Experts offer various reasons for the general increase in this condition.

(893) UN Seeks to Decriminalize Child Sex, Sex Work, and Abortion by Ken Ham, 4/25/23
No, I am not exaggerating or being salacious with the headline for today’s blog. The United Nations organization really does want sex with minors (they give no age limit to what a minor means!), sex work (including “pimping” out women and men), and abortion completely decriminalized. All this, and more, in the name of so-called “human rights.” It’s the depravity of man on display for the world to see.

(894) Rejecting The Modern Social Justice Movement And Recovering The Church’s Biblical Mission by The Dissenter, 5/9/23
In recent years, an alarming trend has emerged within the modern church, as a growing number of congregations are embracing social justice ideologies and even Marxist principles. This infiltration of worldly doctrines has led to a departure from the core tenets of the Christian faith, as churches prioritize societal transformation over the proclamation of the gospel. These churches claim to seek to address systemic inequalities and fight for the rights of the marginalized, yet often adopt political stances that align with Marxist thought.

(895) Religious Riptide: Eastern Spirituality Comes West – A Short History by Carl Teichrib – Midwest Christian Outreach, 5/10/23
“A study of the Bagavad Gita, the Rig Veda, the Upanishads, the writings of Confucius and Lao Tsu, the sayings of Buddha, the life of Muhammad, I Ching, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, pyramid power, astrology, astral projection, Zen Buddhism, the Egyptian and Tibetan books of the dead, primitive tribal religion, shamanism, spiritualism, Greek mythology, Greek philosophy, and a host of lesser dabblings brought me no closer to peace of mind or health of soul.” Secularism didn’t supplant religion in the Western world, as some Twentieth Century humanists had anticipated. Instead, new spiritual expressions and movements entered the landscape, often with roots firmly planted in the metaphysical soil of the East. This article, excerpted from my book, Game of Gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-Enchantment, explores some of these changes.

(896) The Lauren Daigle Songs You Sing In Your Church Were Written By A Homosexual by The Dissenter, 5/14/23
Perhaps your memory stretches back to 2018, when the acclaimed Christian musician, Lauren Daigle, found herself at the center of a maelstrom? Her notoriety was not merely the result of her “angelic voice,” but her intriguing venture onto the openly lesbian Ellen DeGeneres show. To discerning Christians, her appearance was nothing more than an ill-conceived attempt to curry favor with left-wing sympathizers—she simply dismissed the Scriptures to promote herself and her music.

(897) Featured Lifeway Speaker Who Says God Raised Up Homosexuals As The Most Credible Voices On Sexuality Defends Rachel Gilson by The Dissenter, 5/20/23
Yesterday, The Dissenter broke the story that a Southern Baptist Convention-approved women’s conference during the annual meeting would be featuring a speaker who preached a sermon a few years ago stating that homosexuals who are in a “gay marriage” might stay together because “God hates divorce.” This same woman, Rachel Gilson, also said during a podcast that homosexual “Christians” can live out their sexuality faithfully whether they are attracted to men, women, both, or even potted plants.

(898) Now The North Face? Another Brand Pushes The LGBTQ+ Agenda To Children by J.W. Baker, 5/28/23
Outdoor apparel brand The North Face has recently made headlines for its collaboration with a prominent figure from the “drag queen” community as part of their latest collection, “Out in Nature.” With Sodomite Pride Month approaching, the brand now offers clothing adorned with vibrant rainbow colors, including items for children. In a promotional ad shared on The North Face’s Instagram page, a mustachioed man masquerading as what he thinks a woman looks like, named Pattie Gonia, leads the campaign by announcing the Summer of Pride tour.

(899) Harvard Researchers Expose Google Targeting & Manipulating The Minds Of Children by Matt Agorist – The Washington Standard, 5/29/23
“This trillion-dollar tech titan exploits its unparalleled monopoly in the search engine domain to inflate liberal ideologies, stifle conservative voices, and most alarmingly, manipulate the malleable minds of our children.” With the curtain pulled back on the Twitter files this year, the gears of the debate machine have been grinding relentlessly on the topic of censorship and perceived liberal establishment bias within social media behemoths like Twitter and Facebook. And while they’ve undoubtedly earned their place in the critical spotlight, the focus on them has allowed a far more devious predator to lurk largely unchecked in the shadows: Google.

(900) Are you ready for a world cataclysmic event? by Mike Oppenheimer, 5/30/23
I have said expect the unexpected in the days we live in. Everyday news shows this to be true. This has become precarious for believers/conservatives (2 Tim.3:1) who face a moral culture change that reverses the Judaic Christian traditions in our society, as the majority of what is being promoted is amoral. Before Christ’s first coming the demonic activity was increased on earth, this is how we know his 2nd coming is near, this same activity has increased dramatically. There is time to keep quiet and a time to speak, there is a time for peace and there is a time for war (Eccl.3:1-8), we are in the latter time. We are experiencing a spiritual war on the morals we once lived by, what was ingrained in us as our nature, from beginning,  made in the image of God. This is a war of light against darkness. Light has never been the majority but it has never been in the minority in our countries history as it is today. We must speak up and become active to the challenges before there is no time to speak as we relinquish our ability to speak and have our God given freedoms taken apart piece by piece.

(901) The Chosen Doubles Down On Pride Flags On Set at CRN, 6/1/23
Dallas Jenkins once said: “I felt like God was saying that ‘this will be the definitive portrayal of My people and this is what people are going to think of around the world when they think of My people. And I’m not going to let you screw it up.’” And yet Mr. Jenkins managed to screw it up royally. With that quote in mind, read Ray Fava’s follow up piece where he reveals that Jenkins, who allegedly heard directly from God, has dug himself a hole that he may not be able to crawl out of: The Chosen published a behind the scenes video showcasing a pride flag on the set of a show depicting Jesus. Unsurprisingly, controversy ensued. Evangelical Dark Web may have been one of the first to cover it, but the Daily Wire would mainstream the story.

(902) Russell Moore’s Condemnation Of Uganda’s Anti-Gay Law Is A Trainwreck Of Deceit And Stupidity by Protestia, 6/3/23
“To Moore, the “self-evident and unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (obviously cribbing the U.S. Constitution) includes the right to homosexuality. This would have been a surprise to its drafters.” This is a Twitter thread from Paul Biegler, adapted into article form. Read Russell Moore’s full article [on the site] for the context, as Moore makes a horrible case here. First, he strawmans his opponents as arguing that Leviticus mandates civil penalties for homosexuality, when in fact, they argue that Leviticus allows civil penalties for homosexuality.

(903) Why Is Calvary Chapel Platforming A Homosexual Activist To Push Politics? by The Dissenter, 6/4/23
“You can see him on stage at this church, dressed like a woman and talking with a seriously effeminate lisp, as the church congregation laughs and applauds him for blasting Hillary Clinton.” We live in an era where the lines between the Church and the world are increasingly blurred. One might argue that the waters of the sacred have been muddied by the fingers of the secular, tugging insistently on the hem of the holy. One such instance that demands attention is the increasing involvement of Christian congregations, like GodSpeak Calvary Chapel, with organizations such as Turning Point USA.

(904) The U.S. Department Of Education Is Turning Public Schools Into Sodom And Gomorrah by The Dissenter, 6/5/23
If one were to peruse the chronicles of biblical history, one might find unsettling parallels between the accounts of Sodom and Gomorrah and the state of modern America. Cities fraught with vice, idolatry, and abject disregard for God’s law, Sodom and Gomorrah were cautionary warnings of what ensues when a society unreservedly embraces immorality. God’s judgment was swift and unflinching—the cities were reduced to ashes as a divine declaration against sexual sin.

(905) The Absurdity Of Liberal Schools Promoting Porn And Banning Bibles In Their Libraries by Marsha West, 6/7/23
“Take for example these disturbing incidents in elementary, middle, and high schools across the USA, where books on transgenderism and homosexuality, brimming with sexually explicit language and detailed graphic depictions, are openly endorsed.” Bear witness to the appalling descent into farcical absurdity that has overtaken our educational system, the utter degradation of pedagogical values wrapped neatly in a mantle of feigned moral superiority. Our case in point? The Davis School District of Utah, stepping forth with a peacock-like display of censorial righteousness, banning the Bible, the very cornerstone of Western civilization, from the hands of our impressionable youth. Their reasoning? The supposedly disturbing sexual and violent content within its hallowed pages.

(906) Preston Sprinkle Tells Tim Keller That Jesus Didn’t Use Theology, He Just ‘Loved’ Homosexuals Into The Kingdom at CRN, 7/6/23
Everybody knows the theological argument that homosexuals and their allies use to justify their sinful behaviors and to rebuke those who believe that homosexuality is incompatible with Christianity. Essentially, the argument goes like this: Jesus ate with sinners. Yep, that’s it. That’s the argument, and whether they like theology or not, it’s a theological argument—albeit, a terrible one. We would expect, however, a theologian as seasoned as the late Tim Keller to know better though, and when presented with such a terrible argument, we should expect him to at least offer some pushback.

(907) Martin Luther would be rolling over in his grave by Anonymous, 7/9/23 - Judgment is certainly coming if the church doesn't get on its knees and pray and repent. The only question is "when" and what will judgment look like? I wonder if it will take the form of taking the number and giving themselves over to the Man Of Perdition. True, not all churches are like that and these guys are only like the tip of the spear, or the tip of the iceberg, but I don't think that matters. God will not be mocked. Video:

(908) Most Southern Baptist Leaders Worship A False Jesus at CRN, 7/12/23
“Jesus does not compromise with us. He does not barter or negotiate His teachings—they are not commodities to be traded. They are unassailable edicts from the Most High, immutable and timeless.” This morning, I stumbled upon a tweet that sparked a sudden revelation or insight within me. The problem with the Southern Baptist Convention is that so many Southern Baptist leaders and pastors desire a false Jesus—one who is willing to compromise with their desires of the flesh.

(909) Portland ‘Trans’ Surgeon Mutilates Pre-Pubescent Children by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 7/18/23
“He says his procedures, which include robotics, are experiments, and he’s “figuring out what works.” In five to ten years, he’ll know more.” Daily Mail Online reported a horror story about a pink-haired surgeon in Portland who performs transition surgeries on pre-pubescent children. The doctor from Hell admits they face a lifetime of infertility, incontinence, and sexual dissatisfaction. He deleted the video describing what viewers see as his evil and Nazi-style experiments.

(910) Dems Open Borders To Child Rapists Then Back Light Sentences by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 7/21/23
“You have to wonder if these Democrats are voted into office by sex traffickers or if they pay them off. California is now a sanctuary, a haven for these monsters. They have political power whether they vote or not. Allowing people like this to come into the country and remain means they will one day govern us, as they do in Mexico and other hellholes.” Democrats have left our borders open, and it has become a broad invitation to child traffickers. It doesn’t stop there—Democrats also support light prison sentences when the monsters are caught.

(911) Should Christians Support Turning Point USA? by The Dissenter, 7/22/23
“I could post a list of churches that are hosting Charlie Kirk and TPUSA, but it would be pointless as the list is huge. If you want, you could check out this Google search and see for yourself. The bottom line, churches are compromising the gospel in favor of self-serving politics.” I’ve never been a fan of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) or its movement. I really just don’t care much for the personalities involved in it, particularly, Charlie Kirk. But there are a lot of churches—so-called conservative churches—that are embracing, promoting, and platforming them.

(912) Fox News Is All In On Satan, Genderism, SPLC, Abortion by Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel, 7/23/23
“While the Satanic Temple says they don’t worship Satan, they perform unbaptisms, want permission to perform ritual abortions, and erect statues of Baphomet on government property.” Fox News banned matching donations to Billy Graham Ministries and Franklin Graham. However, they allow them to the Satanic Temple, the Trevor Project, Planned Parenthood (and local Planned Parenthood branches), and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). They also allow donations to the Virality Project on censorship.

(913) TGC/Lifeway Lady-Preacher Says Christians Should Affirm Some Marxist Slogans To Truly Be Christian at CRN, 7/25/23
“More video has surfaced of McLaughlin preaching at a National Association of Evangelicals conference telling people that Christians should look at a sign that contains various Marxist slogans, and instead of throwing them all out, go through them line-by-line and affirm the ones that the Bible affirms. So that’s what I am going to do now.” A prominent LGBTQ activist that TGC relentlessly promotes is Rebecca McLaughlin. McLaughlin, herself, openly admits that she is romantically attracted to other women. During this presentation at The Gospel Coalition, she states, “I’ve been romantically attracted to women since childhood, and if I were not a Christian I’d likely be married to a woman, not a man.”

(914) Refuting Queer Theology In The Church: The Queering Of Scripture And God by The Dissenter, 7/28/23
“These proponents of queer theology, in their quest for a gender-fluid understanding of God, are desperately twisting the Scripture, venturing into uncharted territories laden with speculative and unsubstantiated theories. They are attempting to chart a new gospel of perversion, detached from the entirety of God Himself, and then using the name of God to affirm their own rebellion against Him.” In an era where absurdity appears to have become the new norm, an article at New Ways Ministry titled Queer Theory and Theology Can Help Widen Church’s Understandings of God and Creation epitomizes this trend with stunning arrogance. The claims made in this hit piece against orthodox, biblical Christianity are, to put it mildly, bewildering—even disorienting.

(915) “We Are Totally Awash in Pseudoscience”: Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist on Climate Agenda by Nathan Worcester, 7/29/23
Nobel Prize-winning physicist John Clauser is not afraid to go against the flow. . . . The physicist, who also won a third of the Wolf Prize for his quantum mechanics contributions, shared some of his views on climate during a recent talk in South Korea soon after his election to the CO2 Coalition’s board of directors. “I believe that climate change is not a crisis,” Mr. Clauser told the audience at Quantum Korea 2023. He also described the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as “one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation.”

(916) Transvestite Tops iTunes “Christian” Music Charts, Rivaling Elevation Music, Lauren Daigle by The Dissenter, 8/1/23
In 2021, The Dissenter reported that Grace Semler Baldridge—an open lesbian who goes by the stage name, Semler—had beaten out Lauren Daigle for the number one spot on the Christian music charts on iTunes. Baldridge was also nominated by GLAAD for the 2020 Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism for her documentary series, State Of Grace, and push against “gay conversion therapy.” But who would have guessed that a drag queen, a transvestite, a man who mockingly dresses as a caricature of a woman, would actually top the “Christian music” charts in 2023? But that’s exactly what is happening.

(917) Former president of Baptist state convention under investigation for alleged abuse by Religion News Service, 8/2/23
(RNS) — The Rev. Bob Stine, former president of the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention, will be required to answer questions in court in September after police in Madison, Wisconsin, recommended he be charged with sexual assault. The Dane County district attorney’s office said the case involving Stine, pastor of Midvale Baptist Church in Madison, is under review. No charges have been filed. “The DA’s Office has received the referral from Madison Police Dept,” the DA’s office said in an email about Stine. “He is scheduled to appear for an Initial Appearance on 9/7/23 at 8:30 AM.” Police have investigated allegations that Stine inappropriately touched children during a group visit to a state park in 2021, according to television station WISC in Madison. That investigation led the state’s Department of Children and Families to revoke the license for Kid’s Best Child Care, a day care run by Midvale Baptist, in late June.

(918) TGC Says Barbie Movie Matters Because 10 Percent Of Women Leave Church Over Misogyny by The Dissenter, 8/9/23
“People may stop professing to be Christians, and people may stop going to a building they call “church.” But people don’t depart the faith because of interpersonal disputes or perceived societal wrongs. Rather they leave these institutions because they were never genuinely rooted in Christ, to begin with.” The Gospel Coalition has made quite the proposition suggesting that a novel source of enlightenment awaits the Church in the most unlikely of places: Barbie. Their article confidently boasts, “Why ‘Barbie’ Matters for the Church.” Indeed, amidst centuries of church history, doctrinal councils, and rigorous biblical exegesis, it seems we’ve inadvertently overlooked the profound spiritual insights that might be gleaned from Hollywood’s take on our favorite plastic protagonist. A remarkable oversight, truly. How did Augustine or Luther, the Apostle Paul, or even Jesus Himself, miss that?

(919) Deborah Birx Promotes Pro Abortion Aids Relief At Christianity Today by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Horse, 8/14/23
“PEPFAR is nothing but another perpetual government waste program, so why should a generation of Americans Christians be rallied to the cause, especially one that was sold through hyperbolic alarmism?” Covid brought many vile characters within the government bureaucracy into the limelight. So-called public health experts that only occasionally became newsworthy figures became household names. Trump’s Covid task force included several of these dark figures, including Anthony Fauci, Robert Redfield, and Deborah Birx, who was most known for bedazzling her masks after previously dissuading their use.

(920) “NEA Hates Children, America, and Common Sense” by Linda Harvey, 8/15/23
Reports from the recent annual meeting of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teacher’s union, are shocking. The new projects approved by delegates from schools all over the country, added to the collective policies endorsed by this organization over many years, are heartbreaking and portend disaster for our country and our schools.The reality is that, with almost 3 million members and scads of money, whatever the NEA supports is often where America goes.  The Democratic Party jumps to the NEA’s tune. And the union’s actions certainly impact the education our children are receiving—or not receiving. Providentially, many Americans are waking up and rejecting what this corrupt organization is selling. At this year’s meeting, delegates rallied outside the Orlando convention center, waving rainbow signs and placards proclaiming “Freedom to Teach”  and “Freedom to Learn.” They are predictably enraged at parent concerns over outright pornography, inaccurately labeled book “banning.” The NEA majority despises Florida’s parental rights’ bills and anti-woke limits on child indoctrination.

(921) PCUSA Pastor Says Jesus Would Have Been An ‘Abortion Doula’ + ‘Blessed Are Those Who End Their Pregnancies’ by Protestia, 8/19/23
Todd then adapts the Beatitudes into a grotesque pro-choice mantra, which she repeats several times throughout this sermon. “If Jesus were giving his sermon today, he might also have said, ‘Blessed are those who end pregnancies, for they will be known for their loving kindness.” Rebecca Todd Peters is a professor, author, and Presbyterian Church (USA) ‘Pastor.’ She has been active denominationally and ecumenically for over twenty-five years and represents the PCUSA as a member of the Faith and Order Standing Commission of the World Council of Churches. A lover of all things baby-killing, she also serves on the Clergy Advocacy Board of Planned Parenthood and was recently elected Vice President of the Society of Christian Ethics.

(922) “H2O, Not CO2 May Be Driving Summer Heat Wave” Says Studies by James Murphy, The New American, 8/21/23
Lost in all the hysterical proclamations of “historic” summer heat waves and “hottest day ever” proclamations this summer is a theory that H2O, not CO2 and other trace atmospheric gases, may be driving hotter-than-normal temperatures. Both NASA and the European Space Agency seemingly endorse the notion that a gigantic undersea volcano that erupted from December 2021 until mid-January 2022 may have spurred a dramatic increase in water vapor — the Earth’s main greenhouse gas — contributing to higher air temperatures this year. When the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano erupted, it reportedly spewed a stupendous amount of H2O as water vapor into the atmosphere, enough, it is said, to have filled no less than 58,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. “The violent Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption on 15 January 2022 not only injected ash into the stratosphere but also large amounts of water vapor, breaking all records for direct injection of water vapor, by a volcano or otherwise, in the satellite era,” a study published in Geophysical Research Letters reported. Click here to continue reading.

(923) Putin's War - A Doomed Endeavour by Rubin Rothler LL.B, LL.M, 8/24/23
It seems that we are approaching the end game of sorts in Ukraine. Putin appears to have (almost) placed all his cards on the proverbial war table.

(924) Russell Moore Says John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress ‘Leaves Me Cold’ by Protestia, 8/26/23
On a recent episode of his podcast, former ERLC president and current Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today Russell Moore offered up the smarmy, self-satisfied confession that he doesn’t like John Bunyan or his famous book Pilgrim’s Progress, saying it leaves him “cold” for its emphasis on encouraging believers to test themselves to see if they are in the faith. Following several links… “The Pilgrim’s Progress” is a religious allegory by John Bunyan, the renowned 17th Century Reformed Baptist and English preacher, and perhaps the most influential Christian literature after the Bible.

(925) Are Lockdowns Coming Back? These Fauci Comments Are Fueling Suspicions by Leah Barkoukis – Townhall, 8/27/23
“If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lock down temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated.” Anthony Fauci’s recent comments during a Wayne State University event have some concerned that a lockdown 2.0 could be on the horizon, despite the social, emotional, financial, and educational toll it took on children, adults, and society at large.

(926) Are we hearing the sound of freedom? by Mike Oppenheimer, 8/28/23
“It is the weakest and least powerful that are affected first when freedom is taken away.” Can we honestly and openly address the global crime of children being abducted and trafficked? This is what 'The Sound of Freedom' movie has brought attention to, on an ongoing issue taking place right before our eyes, human trafficking and modern-day slavery. The movie is based on the story of activist Tim Ballard, a former DHI involved in capturing pedophiles, who started an organization OUR, Operation Underground Railroad. This should be the most important topic that concerns us all as it has to do with our most precious vulnerable and innocent among us, our children.

(927) This Video Proves Walt Disney Is Rolling Over In His Grave… by Revolver, 8/29/23
If you’ve been paying even the slightest attention, you’ll notice that Disney has undergone a dramatic transformation in a relatively short span. We’ve transitioned from classics like Beauty and the Beast to modern interpretations like Snow Brown and the Seven Diverse People at breakneck speed. What we’re seeing today is a far cry from Walt Disney’s original vision and values. He’d likely be turning in his grave if he knew what was happening. While the debate rages on about why Disney has changed, be it the influence of “Karen” feminists in HR and marketing departments or pressure from global agendas like the WEF’s equity program, what often goes overlooked is the fact that Disney’s shift reflects a larger societal issue: American kids just aren’t being kids anymore.

(928) Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Jesus Was A Universalist by The Dissenter, 8/31/23
“In Matthew 7:21-23, [Jesus] warns that not everyone who calls Him ‘Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of His Father.” In this ongoing series, we continue to strip away the veneer of faux spirituality to expose the rotting core of myths that have led many astray in their understanding of Christ and His teachings. These fabrications are not harmless misunderstandings—they are perverse distortions designed primarily to accommodate secular progressive ideologies.

(929) 1,609 Global Scientists Rightfully Debunk Climate Hysteria by Larry Bell – Newsmax, 9/3/23
Any claim of a consensus that “science is settled” regarding the existence of a dire climate crisis emergency caused by carbon dioxide is a deceptive, destructive, and costly fraud. A “World Climate Declaration” made public by the non-profit scientific Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) in August endorsed by 1,609 informed scientists and professionals — including two Nobel Laureates, John Clauser (USA) and Ivar Giaever (Norway/USA) — clearly says otherwise.

(930) Christianity Today Now Promoting AI Sermons by Bob Unruh, WND News Center, 9/11/23
An editorial at Not the Bee is reporting that Christianity Today has begun promoting pastors “that use AI for sermons” and is asking the obvious question, “Why?” The magazine, which actually was begun by Billy Graham but has changed significantly over the years, wrote how, “I Used ChatGPT for Six Months to Help My Pastoral Ministry. Here’s What Worked.” The commentary is from a “young Taiwanese pastor.” Yu-Li Lin explains, “Since ChatGPT became publicly accessible last year, we’ve heard reports that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace jobs and disrupt other aspects of our lives. Such changes may not currently be apparent to individual local churches in Taiwan. But in recent months, a number of Christian thinkers have been discussing how AI might either aid or possibly replace humans when it comes to pastoral care and preaching.”

(931) Acts 29 Pastor Says Gay Atheist Came To Christ Through A Psychic Tarot Card Reader Consulting A Native American Spirit Guide by The Dissenter, 9/12/23
In a cultural landscape teeming with ideological disarray, even the dialogue surrounding Christian interaction with the LGBTQ movement has been pulled apart by polarizing narratives. A particularly concerning viewpoint comes to light through the Acts 29 Network, which we wrote about last week, as represented by Justin Anderson and Mike Sullivan. Their perspective, under the guise of compassion and inclusivity, distorts biblical truths to a dangerous extent that it could mislead even the elect, if that were possible. This compromising theological view is not just problematic—it could lead souls astray, particularly when dealing with issues of sin and repentance.

(932) Only 2% Of Parents With Preteen Children Have A ‘Biblical Worldview by Protestia, 9/14/23
“A majority of the youngest teens (61%) either believe Jesus Christ sinned while He was on Earth or hold open the possibility He did. Not even half (45%) believe that God created the universe. And an overwhelming majority believe that there are no absolute, objective truths.” Veteran pollster and researcher George Barna is reporting that less than 2% of parents with children under the age of 13 have a “biblical worldview,” according to his new book Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul, with the overwhelming number of parents reporting a “hodge-podge mixture of competing and often conflicting worldviews.”

(933) Southern Poverty Lawsuit Against Child Protectors Could Set Precedent for Normalizing Adult-Child Sex by Philip Zodhiates, 9/17/23
The nature of this article is alarming and disturbing, and I’d be wrong not to warn you. But it is vital you know what is taking place in the ongoing battle to protect children. Our most innocent ones face perhaps the most egregious danger so far, something of which the most informed Americans are not likely aware. So if you have a heart that mourns for helpless children, please read on, no matter how hard it is for you to deal with such a horrible topic—a subject many don’t want to believe is true.

(934) Dallas Jenkins, ‘The Chosen’ Creator, Insists Mormon Friend Is A Christian. ‘He Loves Jesus…I’d Go To War With And For Him Any Day’ by Protestia, 9/22/23
 ‘The Chosen’ director Dallas Jenkins doesn’t understand the gospel or Christianity, and this is no more apparent than his continued efforts to insist Mormons are Christians who love Jesus. ... Case in point, in a recent Facebook post, he praised Derral Eves, one of the executive producers of the hit show The Chosen, who also happens to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

(935) Half Of U.S. Young Adults Say Open Marriages Are ‘Acceptable’ by Breitbart, 9/25/26
“Acceptance of open marriages is most prominent among adults who identify as lesbian, gay, and bisexual, with 75 percent calling open marriages “acceptable,” compared to 29 percent of heterosexual individuals.” Young adults, as well as Democrats, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those living with a partner are most accepting of open marriages — “a marriage where both spouses agree that they can date or have sex with other people” — Pew Research Center found.

(936) David Platt Steps Down As Lead Pastor, Assoc. Pastor Who Says He Wants To ‘Torch All White People’ To Take Over by The Dissenter, 9/26/23
“So who is Mike Kelsey? You may remember from a few years ago when we reported that Kelsey said in a podcast that he wanted to “torch all white people” because they weren’t woke like him.” Men like David Platt—who spend the majority of their time in ivory towers barking commands at the rest of the Church to “stop being racist” while urging them to give up their own “positions of power” to people of color—have a really hard time wrapping their heads around why the common person is fed up with the woke movement and want nothing to do with it. Growing increasingly frustrated as David Platt himself pushes cultural Marxism from his own pulpit, it doesn’t dawn on Platt that these people are simply fed up with the unbiblical nonsense.

(937) Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers? by Tom Hill, 9/28/23
“Sadly, Keller did not follow Jesus’ example. Early in his article, “Creation, Evolution, and Christian Laypeople”, Keller described the opposition between creationists and evolutionists, specifically identifying professing believers and unbelievers who, like the rich, young ruler, doubt God.” “…when the Son (Jesus) cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18.8) Jesus never accepted unbelief! He challenged His own to believe fully; indeed, He often rebuked His disciples for their unbelief:

(938) Canadian School Libraries Remove All Books Published Before 2008 by Ken Ham, 9/29/23
I’ve said over and over that “inclusivity” means anything but including everyone—it means tolerating, promoting, and celebrating one viewpoint and excluding all others. This was demonstrated yet again by a decision made by a school district in Ontario, Canada, which directed school libraries “to remove all books [published] prior to 2008” in the name of “equity” and “inclusion.” Yes, it’s very ironic that in the name of inclusion, vast swaths of literature—including much of the best-known and best-loved literature—was excluded from the school libraries belonging to the Peel District School Board. And the result was very empty shelves!

(939) Seriously, stop using Temu by Kim Komando, 10/3/23
It took just 17 days for China-based shopping app Temu to whizz past Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat and Shein in the Apple App Store top downloads in the U.S. (Amazon is nervous about this, FYI). I warned you about Temu’s security problems back in April. Its sister app, Pinduoduo, was caught using malicious code to bypass cellphone security settings to spy on other apps, read notifications and messages, and even change settings. Now, the U.S. government has accused Temu of data risks.

(940) Philip Zodhiates Powerful Interview With “Stand Up for the Truth” Podcast at Lighthouse Trails, 10/4/23
Mary Danielsen, the host for the Stand Up for the Truth podcast and radio program, interviewed former political prisoner, Philip Zodhiates, who spent two and a half years in a U.S. prison. We hope you will listen to this 55-minute long interview. Here is the link:\

(941) Psychosis, Panic Attacks, Hallucinations: Bizarre Psychiatric Cases Among the COVID Vaccinated by Marina Zhang, The Epoch Times, 10/5/23
Beginning in late 2020 with the COVID vaccine rollout, some doctors have seen an increase in unusual psychiatric illnesses.

(942) Faithless In America by Brian Mark Weber – The Patriot Post, 10/8/23
“Socialists and communists can’t afford competition, so they destroy it. People of faith, on the other hand, worship a higher being, not the government. They look for hope, strength, and inspiration not only beyond political systems but to another world beyond the one here on Earth.” The numbers tell a grim story: Americans are turning away from God. “Evidence is growing that Americans are becoming significantly less religious,” writes New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. “They are drifting away from churches, they are praying less and they are less likely to say religion is very important in their lives. For the first time in Gallup polling, only a minority of adults in the United States belong to a church, synagogue or mosque.”

(943) TGC Compares Pro-LGBTQ Pop Star To The Revealing Of Jesus In His Eternal Glory To His Followers by The Dissenter, 10/14/23
There’s a bewildering trend overtaking certain corners of Evangelicalism, and it’s impossible to ignore the glaring departure from orthodoxy when publications like The Gospel Coalition keep putting secular pop culture on a pedestal. After an inconceivable attempt to extract spiritual value from Hollywood’s latest blockbuster, Barbie, TGC has now turned its sights on secular pop icon, Taylor Swift—a plummet into a canyon of worldly preoccupations. Such contortions to align the church with the modern secular zeitgeist are foolish at best, but undoubtedly destructive. If we weren’t already convinced of TGC’s wayward trajectory, this latest piece it published—and then deleted—should erase all doubt.

(944) Christianity Today Staff Made Extensive Campaign Donations Between 2015 And 2022…All Went To Democrats by Megan Basham – Daily Wire, 10/15/23
“The fact that modern CT staff have financially supported pro-abortion, pro-sexual perversion candidates does not surprise me at all. The magazine long ago lost its biblical moorings and has been under the influence of progressives and leftists for years. It’s tragic. And it’s a reminder to evangelicals that institutions that faithful Christians build are always in danger of drifting left.” The media has long framed Christianity Today, founded by Billy Graham in 1956, as America’s most influential Christian news outlet. The Washington Post, for instance, regularly describes it as evangelicalism’s “flagship” magazine,” as does The New York Times. A review of federal election records, however, indicates that the views of the magazine’s leadership and staff may be far out of step with ordinary evangelicals.

(945) Dr. Names ‘The Greatest Perpetrator Of Misinformation’ During COVID by Mary Dowling, 10/17/23
Johns Hopkins University professor Dr. Marty Makary told the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic during its first hearing on Tuesday, “The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.” He listed examples. COVID was spread through surface transmission. That vaccinated immunity was far greater than natural immunity.

(946) Inside The Chosen’s Prosperity Gospel Sermons by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 10/20/23
“The Chosen views itself as something that can be preached from, and it’s clear that The Chosen is meant to placate a seeker-friendly audience rather than adhere to the biblical accounts.” The Chosen has had a troubling year, despite being the most profitable TV show marketed to Christians. Earlier this year, The Chosen showcased the pride flag in their behind the scenes promotional content. The Chosen has since doubled down on that. Dallas Jenkins would claim that The Chosen is not a ministry. This, actuality, is a lie.

(947) JD Greear Platforms Lesbian, Pro-Abortion Activist District Attorney To Lecture The Church On Morality by The Dissenter, 10/22/23
In a decision that undoubtedly exposes the theological and moral lapses within certain corners of modern evangelicalism, JD Greear, the highly influential pastor of Summit Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, recently hosted Durham County District Attorney Satana Deberry for what was termed a “family discussion” on racial issues and faith. Let’s be clear: Greear’s decision to give a platform to Deberry, an openly lesbian and pro-abortion activist, is nothing short of a blasphemous betrayal of biblical Christianity and dereliction of his pastoral duties.

(948) Scholastic’s Cowering Compromise Is Still A Loss For Conservatives And Christians at CRN, 10/23/23
“Books promoting agendas like homosexuality and transgenderism and pushing narratives of systemic racism aren’t just presenting an alternate viewpoint. Make no mistake, these activists aim to indoctrinate our children into a worldview devoid of sanity and devoid of God.” The renowned children’s book publisher, Scholastic, recently released a statement regarding the selection of books offered at its ubiquitous book fairs, a fixture in American elementary schools for decades. Scholastic’s feeble attempt at compromise misses the mark, and here’s why. The well-known children’s book publisher finds itself trapped. On one side, activists demand that young kids be exposed to ideologically charged books.

(949) Max Lucado And The ‘He Gets Us’ Campaign by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 10/26/23
One of the most overlooked aspects of both the He Gets Us Campaign and The Chosen is the Big Eva industry working behind the scenes to fund and market products that ultimately put out a substandard Jesus. The He Gets Us Campaign seemingly came out of nowhere with the ability to put up the funds for major ad buys including Super Bowl commercials. Evangelical Dark Web exposed much of the nefarious figures behind He Gets Us back in February. However there is still more to this story that is worth revisiting and shining a brighter light on and that is the network behind them.

(950) Halloween: Gender Deceivers’ Favorite Holiday by Linda Harvey, 10/31/23
So now even Playboy can’t help itself. A recent centerfold is a deceiver—a man pretending to be a woman. It’s Halloween costume season in America, where even decadent Playboy can’t keep its mission straight and features fake news, complete with fake body parts. You’ve probably noticed that a cultural revolution is in full swing, engineered largely by promiscuity promoters and “LGBT” advocates. It’s based on deception, depravity, subterfuge, endless dirty tricks and no treats. So is it any wonder that Halloween is their favorite, special holiday? It’s one more reason this event is something for concerned families to avoid.

(951) Transvestite Pastor Commits Suicide Following Exposure by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 11/9/23
“Anytime a homosexual or transvestite commits suicide, the world will immediately blame the church, as is happening here. But his behavior warranted harsh judgment from the community. His behavior should receive disdain and be publicly shamed. He even lied through omission to his congregation regarding the revelations. A congregation was betrayed by a wicked pastor who deceived them, and rather than disavow this man, FBC Phenix City has taken a mournful approach on their Facebook Page, even setting up a memorial cross on their lawn.” Fred “Bubba” Copeland is the mayor of Smiths Station, a 7,000-person town, while also serving as pastor of FBC Phenix City. Through reporting, a conservative Alabama digital outlet, 1819 News released a series of exposes on the mayor and pastor of a small town whereby they revealed that Copeland was digitally moonlighting as a transvestite under the persona “Brittini Blaire.”

(952) Rosaria Butterfield Names Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, And CRU As Teaching Heresy On LGBTQ by The Dissenter, 11/15/23
Last Friday, author and speaker Rosaria Butterfield spoke at the convocation for Liberty University. Rosaria Butterfield is a former tenured professor of English and women’s studies at Syracuse University who became a Christian in 1999. Her conversion story, which includes leaving a lesbian lifestyle, is detailed in her memoir, “The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert.” After coming to Christ, Butterfield quickly began a career in Evangelicalism where she would speak about her conversion story. However, she quickly became caught up in the wrong crowd at outlets like The Gospel Coalition and a lot of her teachings she has even admitted herself, were false teachings.

(953) Calls Mount For SBC’S ERLC President Brent Leatherwood To Be Removed by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 11/16/23
“In an organized fashion, Southern Baptists have launched a petition for his removal.” Yesterday, Evangelical Dark Web reported that Brent Leatherwood gave a press conference in which he had harsher words for Steven Crowder, the person who leaked the Nashville Manifesto, and those who amplified it, than even the trans[gender] school shooter, Audrey Hale. In the performative press conference, Brent Leatherwood employed ERLC staffers for his personal project of attempting to suppress the Nashville Manifesto from the public.

(954) What The Media Aren’t Telling You About A Trans Mayor’s Suicide by Mia Cathell – Townhall, 11/18/23
“Aside from wearing plus-sized women’s clothes and undergarments, the mayor authored violent erotica fantasizing about murdering a female constituent—a real-life resident living in Copeland’s community—and assuming the victim’s identity.” “Transgender rights” activists and the LGBTQ-allied mainstream media are mourning the horrific death of a crossdressing Alabama mayor who committed suicide with a handgun after a conservative news site “involuntarily outed” the transsexual politician. Fred L. “Bubba” Copeland, the Republican mayor of small-town Smiths Station, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound during a welfare check that reportedly turned into a slow-chase police pursuit. Copeland killed himself on November 3, two days after the publication of an exposé by 1819 News, the brainchild of right-wing think tank Alabama Policy Institute, that unmasked the middle-aged mayor’s double life he secretly lived as a closeted “transgender curvy girl” in the midst of “transitioning.”

(955) What is Thanksgiving Day? by Marsha West, 11/23/23
“Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift” (2 Cor. 9:15). Thanksgiving is an American holiday that stretches all the way back to a time long before America became a nation. The Pilgrims landed in 1620. They faced brutal conditions and were woefully unprepared. Roughly half of them died in that first year. Then they had a successful harvest of corn. In November of 1621 they decided to celebrate a feast of thanksgiving. Edward Winslow was among those who ate that first thanksgiving meal in 1621. He noted: “Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might after a special manner rejoice together after we gathered the fruit of our labors. …And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want.”

(956) Ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden Smears Patriotic American Christians: ‘No Different’ From Hamas Terrorists by David Ng, 11/25/23
Former NSA and CIA chief Michael Hayden, who has fashioned a post-government career attacking and censoring conservatives, is spending his Thanksgiving week smearing patriotic American Christians who own firearms, claiming they are “no different” from Hamas terrorists. On Wednesday, Michael Hayden responded to a post on X that juxtaposed two photos: one of a woman holding an American flag, Bible, and handgun; the other of Palestinian terrorist Reem Riyashi, who killed herself along with four Israelis in a 2004 suicide bombing that was claimed by Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

(957) Snares Of The Modern Church – Political Correctness by The Dissenter, 11/30/23
“The adoption of terms like “racial justice” or “gender justice” reflects a similar drift from biblical principles. While the pursuit of true justice is undoubtedly Christian (Micah 6:8), these contemporary terms with adjectives in front of them carry with them connotations and agendas that are far removed from the biblical concept of justice. Biblical justice is grounded in the character and law of God, not in the whims of cultural opinion or political ideology.” It’s been a few weeks since I published an article in this series, Snares of the Modern Church. But I wanted to touch on something today that even the best of us are affected by. It’s easy to get caught up in the language and reconstructionism of the day, especially in the labyrinthine corridors of modern society, where the shifting sands of social opinion have reshaped the landscape.

(958) A Missing (or Ignored) Link: They Like Jesus But Not the Church (or Israel) by Lighthouse Trails, 12/1/23
In light of the October 7th attack against Israel and the subsequent anti-Israel, antisemitic demonstrations around the world (including within “Christian” circles), it’s important for Bible-believing Christians to understand the role that many popular evangelical figures have played over the last couple of decades in bringing about a disastrous paradigm shift within the church, part of which includes a revised and dishonorable view of Israel. This spiritual-outlook shift has resulted in much of the proclaiming church now embracing immoral and harmful beliefs such as homosexuality, the New Age (via occultic practices like Yoga and contemplative prayer), “same-sex marriage,” transgenderism, “wokeism,” and replacement theology (i.e., a view that often leads to antisemitism and some say is actually a form of antisemitism).

(959) ELCA And PCUSA Pen Open Letter Asking USA Govt. To Deny Israel Weaponry+ Accuses Israel Of War Crimes by Protestia, 12/4/23
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) and the Presbyterian Church (USA) have signed their name to an open letter pleading with United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to refrain from giving Israel access to weaponry support for their ground offensive in Gaza, all the while repeating terrorist talking points and regurgitating Hamas propaganda. The move comes just weeks after denominational heads blamed Israel for the terrorist attacks, suggesting they brought it upon themselves.

(960) The Post-Christian Media Is Enormously Ignorant About Christianity by Jonathon Van Maren, 12/8/23
“…the [fact is that] media would like to portray ancient Christian beliefs held by the vast majority of Christians for 2,000 years as dangerous and radical – as “Christian nationalism” rather than simply Christianity.”  One aspect of the post-Christian era in the West is that ordinary Christian views held by ordinary Christian people are almost entirely unknown to a growing portion of our populations. It should not be news that Christians in public positions hold beliefs that virtually all Christians have held for thousands of years and yet, because of the monumental ignorance of the press and several successive generations cut off from their civilizational inheritance by a derelict and deformed public school system, many seem to treat these revelations with shock.

(961) Drag Queen Stands In Pulpit At Washington National Cathedral To ‘Pray’ To ‘Know Our Bodies’ by The Dissenter, 12/15/23
Weird stuff. It just keeps getting weirder. Yesterday, we reported that drag queens were holding a “drag nativity” event depicting both Mary and the infant Jesus in drag. We also reported how a church was decking its halls in kinky drag decor and decorating its tree with drag queen memorabilia. And earlier, we reported that a homosexual couple, one of whom is particularly profane and gross in speaking about his sexual experiences with animals, had purchased two twin baby boys through the surrogacy programs and also how the Supreme Court recently sided with a Washington law that bans Christian intervention in LGBTQ youth counseling. This is all from just this week.

(962) Here’s The Real Reason Why So Many American University Students Hate Israel by Robert Spencer – PJ Media, 12/17/23
“The students who are most passionate about hating Israel know the least about the conflict because they are suffering from a social contagion, not acting upon a reasoned conclusion. Those who actually study the issue, if they do so thoroughly and honestly, will come out supporting Israel. Our nation’s colleges and universities are doing their level best to prevent that outcome. It’s simple, really. Why do so many college and university students hate Israel? Because they know nothing about it, and have bought into the propaganda they’ve been fed.

(963) “New Trans Textbook for Psychiatrists Could Harm Millions of Kids, Critics Say” by Darlene McCormick Sanchez - The Epoch Times, 12/18/23
A new “cutting-edge” textbook on transgenderism written with the help of activists will be used to train psychiatrists and could harm millions of children in the future, some experts have warned. “Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care,” just released on Amazon at $58, is a textbook printed by American Psychiatric Association (APA) Publishing. The textbook signals early on that it’s more subjective than objective, quoting a feminist studies professor saying, “Scientific neutrality is a fallacy.”

(964) CRT, Genocide, And The Importance Of Christian Universities by Jesse Johnson – The Cripplegate, 12/19/23
“CRT poisons all that it touches. Because at its core CRT is ahistorical, it gets history almost exactly wrong. This is clearly seen in how they categorize Jews as oppressors, and thus not subject to the protection of campus mobs calling for their annihilation.” Since the October 7 terrorist attacks in Israel, students at many American Universities have taken to protests celebrating the intifada, and calling for Palestine to overthrow Israel “from the river to the sea.” In some cases Jewish students have been hounded and locked inside buildings. Jewish owned business near several universities have been targeted with harassment and stormed by mobs.

(965) Drag Queen Church Puts On Mock Courtroom Performance Deliberating Anti-Homosexual Passages by The Dissenter, 12/21/23
In an era where the Scriptures are regularly co-opted and twisted by progressives as a battering ram against conservatism, particularly concerning LGBTQ issues, it’s crucial to confront the misleading exegesis propagated by certain progressive movements. A “church,” (a false church, of course), recently put on an absurd courtroom performance depicting the deliberation of certain Greek terms in the New Testament passages from 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy. These clowns attempt to redefine the clear biblical stance on homosexuality, even embracing rank heresy to do so.

(966) The Constant Battle Against Constant Lies by Cliff Kincaid – News With Views, 12/22/23
Wondering why people lie for a living, I remember that, during my studies in college, I came to admire the Christian existentialist philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, who wrote about the corruption in the Danish State Church. He declared that everyone knew privately that the system was rotten and corrupt but they would not say so publicly. “Just as one says that death has marked a man, so we recognize the symptoms which demand to be attacked. It is a battle against lies,” he said. I was a partner with AIM founder Reed Irvine for several decades and documented through the AIM Report and several books the “misdeeds” of our Big Media establishment. He taught me a lot. Unfortunately, media bias has gotten worse, not better, and even infects such one-time “conservative” outlets as the Drudge Report.

(967) Netflix Toddler Show Features Little Boy Dancing In Dress For Homosexual ‘Dads’ by The Dissenter, 12/24/23
The Netflix series “CoComelon Lane,” a popular show aimed at toddlers, has recently raised eyebrows for an episode featuring a young boy dressed in a tutu and tiara dancing for his two homosexual “dads.” In this particular episode, the boy, Nico, is seen trying to decide what to wear for a family photo session. His dads encourage him to “just be you,” leading Nico to choose a tutu and tiara. This scene is part of a song and dance sequence where Nico also tries on a firefighter and chef outfit before settling on the tutu and tiara.

(968) Three Marks Of Progressive-Lite Evangelicals by Drake Isabell – Christ Over All, 12/29/23
“What I am saying is that we should at least have eyes wide open regarding what exactly these progressive-lite evangelicals are doing, to look beyond the smokescreen of “nuance” and “winsomeness” and pay attention to the larger pattern of their teachings. In the name of “niceness,” they are dulling the sharp edge of the call for repentance that our world desperately needs to hear.” We live in contentious times. With virtually every event or story comes a flood of news reports from both major news outlets and a seemingly endless array of bloggers and podcasters, and these reports demonstrate the sharp ideological differences between various segments of our Western population. It can be difficult for Christians to find trustworthy voices that both report the facts and give sound, biblical insight into current events.

(969) Has Hitler Won On The Left? by Carl R. Trueman – First Things, 12/31/23
When is a crime victimless? When its perpetrators enjoy the status of victims, at least according to the nihilistic tastes of the West in our day. That is the lesson of reactions to various events in recent years, from the looting that accompanied many of the “mostly peaceful” BLM protests of 2020 to the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 this year. The response to the violence in Gaza was especially chilling. While there is always room for debating whether a response is proportionate to the act of aggression, the jubilation and exhilaration expressed by American academics, students, and some politicians over the Hamas attacks started before the Israeli counter-attack.

(970) “Climate Scientists Say We Should Embrace Higher CO2 Levels” by Katie Spence- The Epoch Times, 1/2/24
While governments pour billions of dollars into lowering CO2 emissions, several climate experts say CO2 is essential and higher levels are not a problem. The Earth has entered “uncharted territory” and life is “under siege.” The public has failed to heed this message and now “time is up,” warns a recent report from Oxford Academics’ BioScience. The authors of the report say the catalyst behind the dire warnings is escalating concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2). To salvage what remains, the authors say a much faster phase-out of oil, coal, and other fossil fuels is necessary. Failure could cause water and food shortages, plus extreme heat, for a third to half of the world’s population.

(971) Southern Baptist Plagiarism Questions Resurface After Harvard Presidency Resignation by Ben Zeisloft – The Sentinel, 1/6/24
Former Southern Baptist Convention President Ed Litton retains his role as a trustee at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary despite documented instances of plagiarism in his sermons, a reality which resurfaces in the wake of Harvard University President Claudine Gay resigning because of unearthed instances of plagiarism in her academic work. Conservative activists and reporters documented several dozen examples of plagiarism in roughly half of the academic papers published by Gay which, combined with backlash over a recent hearing about campus antisemitism, led to her resignation on Tuesday.

(972) Letter to the Editor: On The Chosen and Its Attempt to Strip Christ of His Deity at Lighthouse Trails, 1/10/24
As many did, I bought the Season 1 DVD of The Chosen and watched it with great anticipation. By the time I reached the end of Season 1, I had an uneasy feeling in my spirit. I couldn’t put my finger on why but I had no desire to watch the 2nd season.  My sister, a strong believer, told me when she thinks of Christ now, she “sees” the actor who portrays Him in The Chosen.  That was a HUGE red flag to me. A short time later, I sent her a very good article—it could have been one from Lighthouse Trails—and I reminded her of her statement. Praise God, my sister’s eyes were opened, and she never watched another episode.  Thank you for your gift of discernment and your courage to go against the grain. I believe The Chosen series is a cleverly packaged, deceitful attempt to strip Christ of His deity in people’s minds and to relegate Him to the position of a nice, charismatic guy with some good teachings and funny friends.  In my mind, that’s heresy at its worst and should be avoided by any true follower of Christ Jesus, our Messiah and God.  As he was in the Garden of Eden, Satan is subtle and effective. God bless you and protect your ministry from Satan and his minions.  Maranatha!

(973) USA Is A Massive Trafficker Of Children For Sex And Labor by Mary Dowling, 1/13/24
We have illegals in our airports, our schools, our parks, and on the streets, and African migrants collect cans to stay alive. There is nothing humane about that….” James O’Keefe interviewed a border agent, and the information is horrifying. There is no better word to describe it. What brought the agent to tears is the trafficking of children. He said the most troubling thing for him, and it’s more than troubling – it’s evil – is the trafficking of women and children. The agent further added that every agent knows what’s going on.

(974) Exposed: Biden’s Monstrous ‘Anti-Terror’ Plan To Censor Christians, Conservatives Before 2024 Election by Victoria Taft – PJ Media, 1/19/24
Phase two of the program uses seminars produced by the University of Rhode Island’s Media Education Lab that “train educators across the country on how to divert students away from conservative ideas and media sources skeptical of the administration’s agenda.” American taxpayers gave an initial $700,000 to fund the project used to destroy your freedom of conscience.”] When they’re not siccing the FBI on Catholic Churches or dragging upset fathers from school board meetings, there’s a new and equally monstrous plan to shut up conservatives terrorists  before the 2024 election. It is sponsored by your friendly Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Careful guys, don’t trip on your jackboots.

(975) Southern Baptists And Evangelicals Join Together To Create A Scripture-Twisting Program Promoting Open Borders by The Dissenter, 1/21/24
“Rather than upholding biblical truth and discerning the times, these leaders and pastors have become willful participants in a larger socialist agenda, championing a cause that undermines the integrity of both Scripture and national sovereignty. This silly Challenge put out by these religious socialist influencers stands as a disturbing epitome of propaganda, skillfully exploiting Christian compassion to propel a leftist, Marxist agenda in the Church.” In a world where discerning truth has become optional for most of her inhabitants, it’s becoming increasingly important for truth lovers to unmask the real agendas behind seemingly benign initiatives. The Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), a group often presented as a faith-based coalition offering biblical insight into immigration policies, is, in fact, a facade for the Soros-funded National Immigration Forum that seeks to promote a Marxist revolution.

(976) Stop the Genocide! by Mike Oppenheimer, 1/22/24
When they talk of Palestine, they mean all of Israel, not just a portion. When they speak of’ the river to the sea,’ they are taking a phrase, a term from the Bible, using it against what God has spoken for Israel, his people of the land. That is how backward everything is in our day. This discord should not be confusing to anyone who can think. Those who support these inhuman murderers may as well cheer for serial killers or the devil himself.

(977) What’s The State Of Global Religious Freedom In 2024? by Chris Queen – PJ Media, 1/24/24
Every day on the calendar has those “special days” — commemorations or observations of one thing or another. Most of them are silly, like International Sweatpants Day (Jan. 21) and National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day (Jan. 22), but some have actual significance. Last week, one of those days probably passed most of us by. Every Jan. 16 has been National Religious Freedom Day since 1993, but that probably didn’t cross the minds of many Americans.

(978) Alistair Begg Doubles Down On LGBTQ Wedding Remarks, Gets The Boot From American Family Radio by The Dissenter, 1/26/24
“We are grateful that AFR has done the right thing, and we agree with them that the goal is always reconciliation, but reconciliation in the truth.” Last week, The Dissenter reported that Alistair Begg, a prominent pastor associated with The Gospel Coalition, urged Christians to not only attend [a transgender] wedding, but to also buy them a gift—a position that starkly contradicts the biblical view of marriage as a sacred union exclusively between a man and a woman. This alarming advice from Begg, a respected figure in evangelical circles including the late R.C. Sproul’s Ligonier ministry, represents a growing trend of Evangelical leaders to abandon sound Christian doctrine in favor of man-pleasing cultural orthodoxy. It is a glaring example of the moral compromise seeping into the church under the guise of progressive tolerance.

(979) Side B Theology Exposed: The Push For More Homosexual Pastors by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 1/27/24
“The Revoice organization is working behind the scenes in more ways than it appears…” Side B Theology is one of the most pressing compromises in Evangelicalism today. It asserts that homosexual desires and identity are not sinful, in a partial affirmation of homosexuality and transgenderism. Logically, this could be carried over to pedophilia. A few weeks ago, Evangelical Dark Web reported on Preston Sprinkle hosting a conference on Preston Sprinkle wanting more churches to have homosexual leaders. Evangelical Dark Web infiltrated the webinar and the findings are quite interesting.

(980) The Meaning Of Non-Binary Sexuality by Peter Jones – truthXchange, 1/28/24
The days ahead will be tough, but Jesus, our Lord, is in control and “he will win the battle,” as Martin Luther wrote in his great hymn so many years ago. As the author of Psalm 121:2-3 stated: “He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber nor sleep. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.” There is much confusion in our day regarding sexuality, both in the church and in the culture. Father James Martin, SJ, one of the attenders at the official Synod on Synodality (the meeting of all Catholic leaders now taking place over several years), affirms publicly that “we cannot deny the reality of same-sex relationships as integral to the meaning of the church as the People of God…Both heterosexual and homosexual people embody the truth of their dignity as imago Dei in their sexuality.”

(981) Alistair Begg Refuses To Repent, Attacks American Evangelicals In Awful Sermon by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 2/1/24
“It’s clear that Alistair Begg is not a serious pastor anymore…” You may think that the reaction to Alistair Begg’s compromise on gay weddings was too harsh, but actually, it has not been harsh enough. Whatever reputational credibility Begg stored up in his decades of ministry, he threw away in a recent sermon where he refused to repent and attacked those who called him out. The sermon is even worse than his initial statements.

(982) Russell Moore’s New Curriculum Exists To Give Pastors ‘Plausible Deniability’ For Avoiding Politics In The Pulpit by Protestia, 2/4/24
“This clip is representative of how many of these gospel-centered parachurch organizations work. They encourage pastors to focus narrowly on the gospel while these organizations disciple people with bad application that smuggles in leftism and egalitarianism.” Months after former ERLC President and current Editor of Christianity Today Russell Moore joined forces with David French, who recently came out in support of gay marriage and child genital mutilation, and Curtis Chang, who launched the website ‘Christians and the Vaccine’ where he routinely shamed Christians for refusing to get vaccinated to launch ‘The After Party” a teaching curriculum to educate Christians on how to have a proper view of politics, we have begun to see the rotten fruit of their ministry endeavor.

(983) Haters Hosting After School Satan Clubs Say They Aren’t About Satan. Don’t You Believe It by Victoria Taft – PJ Media, 2/6/24
The devil’s making headlines again by coming to your kids’ schools in 2024. It’s nothing new, of course. We know the spirt of darkness never went anywhere. The inspired Word of God speaks of Satan. Hollywood gave Satan his own TV show, “Lucifer,” and there have been other TV shows and movies about the personification of evil. They don’t even hide it. But the people who bring you the “After School Satan Clubs” say they’re really not proselytizing about evil, they’re just anti-Christian. Codswallop.

(984) The “Harvard of Christian Schools” Going Woke? by Ken Ham, 2/11/24
A recent Fox News article, “When the ‘Harvard of Christian Schools’ Goes Woke,” details what is happening at Wheaton College. The school’s “woke” actions include banning biblical words such as “service” (due to how such a word “may invoke power dynamics across socio-economic, racial, and cultural lines”) and “mankind.” This article didn’t surprise me in the least!

(985) Letter From a Jewish Born-Again Believer: May We Not Be Apathetic and Indifferent at Lighthouse Trails, 2/12/24
I am a born-again Christian believer who is also Jewish. My mother is Jewish, and I was raised on stories of the Holocaust. Therefore, antisemitism hits me hard, at gut level; and the news of the attack on October 7th when Hamas attacked Israel, killing more than 1,400 people including babies and the elderly, was absolutely devastating. Jews were raped (including raping babies); they were beheaded (including beheading babies); and many were burned alive. And the people who did these things were so proud of what they were doing that they used their phones to make videos of it and post those videos on social media.

(986) Under New Management: ‘He Gets Us’ Attacks Christians In Woke Super Bowl Ad by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 2/13/24
“Is it any surprise that He Gets Us chose to depict pro-lifers as villains and homosexuals as fabulous?” One of the most talked about Super Bowl commercials appears to be the one from the He Gets Us campaign. The company ran two ads last year and decided to upgrade from stock images in black and white to AI images. Yet the messaging went from vapid to one far more subversive and hostile to actual Christians.

(987) Open Homo Sex In The Capitol: No One Is Scandalized by Peter Jones – truthXchange, 2/20/24
“Democrat Staffer Who Filmed Himself Having Sex in the Capitol Won’t Be Charged.” So reads the headline reporting a video posted by the above-mentioned staffer which showed for the first time ever a nearly naked man on all fours inside the Capitol office building. The video wasn’t just nude posing either. The male staffer and his boyfriend filmed themselves engaging in homosexual sex inside a meeting room of the Capitol Building. Sen. Ben Cardin, who employed the staffer, simply dropped the issue. Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the staffer in question, was defiant in the aftermath, claiming he was “being attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda.” He did not mention who was attacking him. In fact, he got off scot-free, and was able to make this stark statement of the normality of his sexual non-binary actions.

(988) Christianizing The Climate Cult by David Morrill – Protestia, 2/22/24
“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire” is no doubt a familiar idiom for discerning Christians. For climate alarmists, the idiom is no doubt, “Where there’s smoke, there’s an opening for Marxism.” The latest smoke pointing to another SBC seminary fire came in the form of a video of a pagan earth worship ritual performed at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Atmospheric scientist, evangelical Christian, and aggressive Twitter blocker Katharine Hayhoe – along with five other panelists – was subject to the bizarre ritual before the discussion commenced.

(989) Trump Pledges To Defend Christianity Against The Left, Which He Says Wants ‘To Tear Down Crosses’ by Breitbart, 2/25/24
Former President Donald Trump promised to use a second term in the White House to defend Christian values and even suggested he’d shield the faith’s central iconography, warning a convention of religious broadcasters on Thursday night that the left wants “to tear down crosses.” “Remember, every communist regime throughout history has tried to stamp out the churches, just like every fascist regime has tried to co-opt them and control them. And, in America, the radical left is trying to do both,” Trump told hundreds of cheering attendees at the National Religious Broadcasters International Christian Media Convention in Nashville.

(990) The Last rebellion, Mankind’s open door into Marxism continues by Mike Oppenheimer, 2/28/24
Mankind has been making steady progressive steps all along but now we have giant leaps in technology. Where is it leading us? Is it a where, or is it to a who? All these conveniences from technology have entangled us and technology has gone wrong. Now we are being introduced to AI and robotics. The world has changed rapidly, and there are those today who want Technology to do the thinking for us. It’s a preprogrammed system within itself, set with the concepts and values of its creators, who for the most part are amoral. Man’s sinfulness knows no boundaries, especially by those who willfully fight against God and his ways, which is the majority of leaders in the tech industry. When Darkness imposes its influence on a nation, first goes common sense, then goes fiscal sense, then goes moral sense, and then the last bulwark to collapse, then goes spiritual sense (Scripture). What’s the state of the Church, if we go by temperature it's far lower than 98.6. The love of many has grown cold. Few care what is taking place and even fewer are involved in saying or doing something about it.

(991) Right Now Media Brings Left-Wing Partisan Political Indoctrination To Church Small Groups by Paul Brown, 2/29/24
Attempts to gain political power and enact laws that reflect Biblical values by Christian conservatives like U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson are rhetorically slapped down with the labels of “Political Idolatry” and “Christian Nationalism.” With less than nine months until the 2024 U.S. Presidential election, political operatives of all stripes are hard at work using all means of persuasion to push the electorate to vote for their candidate. In early 2023, Protestia reported on the launch of The After Party, a left-wing political indoctrination campaign produced under the guise of a church small group curriculum.

(992) Letter to the Editor: I Was in a Dark and Dangerous Spiritual Deception at Lighthouse Trails, 3/3/24
Dear Lighthouse Trails: Thank you for your article on testing the spirits. I have neglected to test the spirits. Here is a short summary of what happened to me, which is actually a huge story coming out of lies into Truth in the past almost five years. In short: I used to be a Clinical Psychologist. I had a humanistic view and understanding of life, quite liberal and “politically correct” with that “good person” kind of idea. I also went into New Age, eastern ideas, esoteric, although I grew up in a traditional Protestant church. I always had a need for more knowledge, about what is going on in the world and also my own life. I was quite a conscientious child and person, and I remember people (some family or friends/others) would remark to me that I am too uptight and need to lighten up a bit).

(993) Atheist Group Asks Irs To Strip Tax-Exempt Status From Megachurch After Political Endorsement From Pulpit by Protestia, 3/6/24
The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) is asking the IRS to remove the tax-exempt status from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills church after Senior pastor Jack Hibbs seemingly made a political endorsement of former MLB player Steve Garvey to the California Senate from the pulpit, a violation of their 501(c)(3) status. In a letter sent to the IRS they explain: On Sunday, February 25, 2024, Pastor Jack Hibbs once again used his Sunday service to endorse a political candidate, telling his congregation to “vote for Steve Garvey” in the upcoming CA primary.

(994) The Toxic Fruit of Reformed Theology, Part 1: Replacement Theology by Kelleigh Nelson, 3/12/24
So many have asked, “Where is the Church?”  As Dr. Sigler well knows, today’s church leaders are bereft of the truth regarding the Lord’s eternal promises to the Jewish people and have long ago left the original doctrinal veracity of the Apostolic age. In upcoming portions of this series, the more famous Church fathers who expounded on Justin’s Replacement theology, will be discussed, including Tertullian, Chrysostom, Augustin, Origen and Constantine, all of this leading to today’s Christian Palestinianism.

(995) Biden Imports Immigrants Through Secretive Flights, Documents Show by Jordan Elliott – The Sentinel, 3/19/24
“Federal officials omitted the list of the airports through which illegal aliens have been entering despite requests for the information from the Center for Immigration Studies.” Biden administration officials imported some 320,000 illegal aliens through American airports directly from foreign countries last year alone, according to documents recently obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies through public records requests.

(996) The West’s Descent Into Madness by Laura Hollis – Townhall, 3/23/24
If it is possible to watch a society — an entire civilization — go insane, we are watching that phenomenon in real-time. Across all forms of media, the headlines bring fresh evidence daily. Western civilization — that aggregation of cultural, political, social, and religious traditions that have formed the basis for European societies and those of their current and former colonies and territories — is committing suicide, using every weapon — philosophical, legal, political — at its disposal.

(997) Is Religion Losing Influence in Public Life? by Pew Research Group, 3/26/24
A recent Pew survey was released which found that 80% of US adults say religion’s role in American life is shrinking, up from 74% in 2022. While there was some good news, most of it was bad news, showing that we live in a “religious sentimental” culture that has no interest in the things of God. The survey was conducted from February 13–25, 2024, among a US representative population sample of 12,693 US adults.

(998) It Needs To Stop by Rob Pue – News With Views, 3/27/24
The indoctrination and grooming of our children by demonic, perverted public school officials, teachers and school board members is staggering.  It’s one thing if you’re an adult and want to act out sexual deviancy in your own life.  But as the LGBTQP+ crowd has told us, they’re now coming for our kids, and they’re not ashamed to admit it.  Parents who object are labeled “domestic terrorists.”  As a kid, I attended a public school in a small, rural town in the 1970s and early ‘80s.  Even though it was a small public school, as I look back today, I can see we were — even then — being indoctrinated with a “globalist” agenda.

(999) SBC Women’s Conference Speaker Appears In Promo Video With Transgenders Promoting LGBTQ Ideology In The Church by The Dissenter, 3/28/24
“This represents the usual attempt to downplay the sinfulness of same-sex marriage by redefining it as a Christian ordinance rather than a Creation ordinance. It suggests that God’s teachings on marriage are only applicable within the realm of Christianity.” Rachel Gilson, a self-described same-sex attracted woman who spoke at the Southern Baptist Convention’s women’s conference in 2023 has now appeared in a promo video released by Preston Sprinkle’s Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender.

(1000) Take the Test: Are You a New Ager? by Mike Oppenheimer, 4/1/24
This may seem like an inconsequential question, even a silly question to ask, but many people may not know how involved they are in the New Age movement that has permeated our society. In other words, do you believe or practice what is taught in the New Age movement without knowing it? Here are some questions to ask yourself.

(1001) Joe Biden Declares Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day Of Visibility’ by Bradley Jaye – Breitbart, 4/2/24
“In June 2023, the White House held an event for “LGBTQI+ families,” during which transgender activist Rose Montoya and other transgender activists flashed their bare chests. The White House has even pushed transgenderism on children.” President Joe Biden’s White House has declared the holiest of Christian holidays “Transgender Day of Visibility,” announcing that “transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our nation.

(1002) Are You Ready For A Major Jihad Attack In The U.S.? Because It’s Coming by Robert Spencer – PJ Media, 4/3/24
What’s coming is as plain as day. Our nation can hardly be said to have a southern border at all anymore. Even if the border were magically to reappear tomorrow, millions of people are already in the country without anyone knowing who or what they are. One hundred sixty-nine people on the FBI’s terror watch list were caught at the border in 2023; nobody knows how many people on that watch list got across the nonexistent border without being caught.

(1003) “The Whiteness of Wokeness” by Wilfred Reilly (Prager University), 4/4/24
LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. Lighthouse Trails’ own response to “wokeness” including Critical Race Theory, can be found in a number of our articles. One is our 2020 report titled “Critical Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist “Solution” That Will Not Work.” How do you explain this? Most people agitating for radical social change on behalf of people of color are not themselves people of color. They are overwhelmingly woke, white leftists. They use the genuine plight of poor minorities as a wedge, a lever by which to change the basic character of American society—a change that most people of color do not want. Both anecdotal evidence and hard data bear this out. A good example is the woke left’s obsession with politically correct speech. Ostensibly, this is all in the service of protecting the tender feelings of long-suffering minorities. Click here to watch the video of this talk or for the full transcript.

(1004) Estimate: Christian Religious Leaders To Embezzle $86 Billion In 2024 by Barry Bowen – Trinity Foundation, 4/5/24
The January issue of the International Bulletin of Mission Research (IBMR) reports that Christian religious leaders are estimated to embezzle $86 billion in 2024. The disturbing statistic, which is easy to overlook, appears in Table 5 of the article “World Christianity 2024: Fragmentation and Unity” under the description “Ecclesiastical Crime.” This estimate was compiled by data scientists Dr. Gina Zurlo, Dr. Todd Johnson, and Peter Crossing at the Center for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC) at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

(1005) UN Report Calls For Legalizing Sex Between Adults And Children by Micaiah Bilger – Life News, 4/20/24
“The report calls for sex between adults and minors to be decriminalized, so long as the minors ‘consent’ … Minors, of course, cannot truly consent to sex with an adult — something these so-called experts should know.” A disturbing new report from the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) adds to growing concerns about global leaders pushing to normalize pedophilia. The report “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty” on the UNAIDS website offers legal guidance on issues related to sex, including involving children under age 18.

(1006) ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins Baits Christians By Again Featuring LGBTQ Flag In New Vid by Protestia, 4/21/24
‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins continues to tweak and antagonize Christians purposefully. When he’s not insisting that he loves the same Jesus that his Mormon friends do, demonstrating again and again his false understanding of Jesus and the gospel, he’s posting videos of his crew members wearing the LGBTQ flag. We’ve written about Jenkins and his abject biblical ignorance in the past with our posts about his belief that Mormons are Christians (see endnotes), but also the controversy that surrounded his gay cameraman Daniel Fritz wearing the Pride flag in behind-the-scenes videos.

(1007) “Landmark Study Reveals ‘Transgender’ Kids Actually Have Other Mental Health Diagnoses Instead” by Sarah Parshall Perry, Commentary from The Epoch Times, 4/22/24
The second week of April was a red-letter week for destroying the gender narrative. And the trans juggernaut just hit another speed bump. Fresh off the heels of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics announcing that it would not allow transgender-identified men to compete in women’s athletic events in any of its association’s 239 small private schools, a landmark study was released on April 10 that defies the hysterical warning that if gender dysphoric adolescents don’t receive “gender-affirming care,” they will kill themselves. The new study, from British pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass, confirms what we’ve always known: Children presenting with sudden onset gender dysphoria are actually suffering from other mental health diagnoses—not true gender dysphoria. Her research debunks the gender ideologues’ frequent talking point: that the imposition of medical “gender-affirming care” on mentally ill children is not only necessary but lifesaving.

(1008) Quad-Vaxxed Young People 318% More Likely To Die Than Unvaxxed by Slay News – Frank Bergman, 4/25/24
Alarming figures revealed in official government data expose the shocking impact on young people from the global Covid mRNA vaccination campaign. Official data published by the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that young people who have received four Covid shots are a staggering 318% more likely to die than their unvaxxed piers. The data shows a huge spike in sudden deaths and major health complications of quad-vaxxed young people aged 18-39 years old.

(1009) Calvary Chapel’s Embrace Of Side B Heresy by Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web, 4/29/24
Evangelical Dark Web is one of the foremost outlets warning about Side B Theology and why it is heretical. Jon Harris has also been doing great work on the subject, and he interviewed a former Calvary Chapel pastor, affiliated with the more orthodox Calvary Chapel Association. This pastor left the association over their embrace of Side B Theology and he tells his story. Side B Theology teaches that homosexual desires and identity are not sinful.

(1010) Massive Share Of Generation Z Identifies As LGBT by Ben Zeisloft – The Sentinel, 4/30/24
I tell this story to highlight the simple fact that the Christian faith cannot be reconciled with the LGBTQ lifestyles without becoming another religion altogether. Eventually, everyone will have to choose to either follow Christ or follow the LGBTQ movement. You can’t have it both ways.”  Considerable shares of young Americans identify with various self-described LGBT identities, a trend which corresponds to their increased skepticism toward Christianity.

(1011) More Than One In Four Voters Would Commit Election Fraud by The Sentinel, 5/2/24
“The survey results come after the campaign for former President Donald Trump raised concerns about and filed lawsuits over election integrity following the 2020 election, during which many states saw the use of mail-in ballots swell as a result of lockdowns….” More than one in four Americans expressed willingness to commit at least one type of illegal voting practice in the 2024 election to assist their favored candidate or stop a candidate they do not favor, according to a new survey from the Heartland Institute.

New Sandy Simpson Messages
in Books, CDs & DVDs

Reverse Paradigm Shift

by Sandy Simpson

We live in a topsy-turvy world of opposing ideas.  It is easy to get lost and overwhelmed.  We as Christians often don’t realize how much we have been diapraxed by the world, the flesh and the devil.  Our paradigm has been altered to such a degree that, without the solid foundation of Scripture, we are often set adrift without the anchor God has provided us.  Our paradigm is our worldview, our understanding of reality.  Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the written eternal Word, we really have no hope of understanding reality, our cultures, or our lives.  I have written this book to clue the reader into some of the issues that surround the modern born-again believer and how to reverse the shift that has exponentially changed our perspective in some cases.  Fortunately, in the foreknowledge of our Lord, He provided us with a roadmap to navigate our fallen world.  We don’t need a new map, as Emergent Church advocates claim.  We need the tried and true map of the ages.  There is “nothing new under the sun”.  There have always been false prophets and false teachers who are there by the will of the enemy to mislead and ultimately destroy the faith of many.  We are clearly living in the Apostasy foretold in the Bible that has been growing preceding the appearance of the Antichrist.  We need to carefully test ourselves to be sure we are in the Faith, and then hold on to the hope we have in Christ. 

Only $18. plus s/h. for US. 

For more information on this DVD, go here.

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"� if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:20