How acceptable is the Occult in American society?

by Sandy Simpson, 12/21


In the latest AARP Magazine of December 2021/January 2022 they ran a “Special Report” called “Your Dream Retirement” by Rhonda Kaysen.  The page is called “Live by your own rules” with a byline that reads “These creative and often innovative housing approaches show that anything goes in the pursuit of your best life”.  A number of 55+ villages are featured.  I was frankly appalled to read about one in our area called Adawehi Wellness Village located in Columbus, North Carolina.  The advertisement for that “village” in the AARP Magazine reads as follows:


“Residents of this community, set on 125 acres of woodlands, take classes in yoga, personal growth, tai chi, drumming and other disciplines.  Holistic practitioners of acupressure, massage, chiropractic care, astrology readings, reflexology and colon hydrotherapy.  The property also has an organic grocer, a gym, gardens and greenhouses.” 


Here are few programs that go into further detail on their website.



with Anna Luciene


More than anything else, we all want to truly connect with other human beings through healthy relationships. Our souls long to come together, yet so much of the time we feel as if they don’t “get” us and we don’t “get” them. Astrology is a unifying force that shines the light of understanding on all of our relationships.


Relationship Readings reveal each individual’s sacred self. As you begin to truly see the unique gifts that everyone brings, the relationship shifts. You will find a greater acceptance of yourself and others. Doors open and communication begins to happen. Unhealthy relationships begin to transform into healthy relationships. Individual readings are, in essence, an exploration of our relationship with ourselves. The more we understand who we are, the more easily we can love ourselves and the more we want to bring that self to the people in our lives.


As I have written elsewhere, we are not “sacred” little gods and we do not need to learn to “love ourselves” as we already do that to the exclusion of everything and everybody else.  The only solution to these issues is to be born again when you then find out you need to learn to love Jesus Christ and your neighbor as yourself.



with Louise Hillenbrand, LMBT (NC License #1608)


Louise incorporates a variety of massage techniques in her practice that she has developed in her years of providing natural healing massages including: Hot Stone Massage, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Polarity, and Shiatsu.


“Polarity” as defined by the dictionary means: noun, the property of having poles or being polar, "it exhibits polarity when presented to a magnetic needle", the relative orientation of poles; the direction of a magnetic or electric field. plural noun: polarities "the magnetic field peaks in strength immediately after switching polarity" the state of having two opposite or contradictory tendencies, opinions, or aspects. "the polarity between male and female"


The only way to apply this term to humans would be the last part of the definition, the polarity between male and female, though I doubt what is stressed is a polarity but rather some way to introduce other definitions of humanity other than birth biology. 



with Russell Woods


Are you feeling a need for some kind of change in your life? Have your past attempts at personal transformation seemed temporary? Adawehi Awareness Classes may be your answer.


The classes increase your awareness of the qualities that make up who you are. They point out what parts of your life no longer fit, plus they offer tools to make the necessary changes.


When the flow of good in life gets blocked by habitual patterns of expression, that no longer match who you have become, it is time to make personal growth a priority. Patterns of expression are not your identity. Patterns of expression are simply vehicles for expressing qualities (such as Kindness, Honesty, Trust, Courage, etc.) that make up your unique spirit. Therefore, as you mature, adjustments must be made or happiness will become more and more elusive.


“Flow of good”? Of course this is the essence of eastern mysticism that people are basically good and just need to find that goodness in them.  The problem is that this is entirely false.  Humanity is plagued by a sin nature which causes them to do bad things if they give in to their nature, which they have no choice about without a new spirit indwelled by the Holy Spirit.  This is the vast difference between what the occult teaches and what the Bible teaches.


This place frankly sounds more like a millennial’s retreat rather than a 55+ residence, although those my age, of the hippie generation, would probably enjoy this stuff if they are still living in the past.  I guess if you like organic food you are also expected to enjoy occult arts, astrology, yoga and tai chi.  It is interesting how the former “Bible belt” is now hosting this kind of 55+ village.  I would expect this of California but I find this troubling in the Southeast.


Sadly this tinkering around with the occult has become far too widespread in the US.