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The Titanic and Today's Church-A Tale of Two Shipwrecks (Book)
Naming Names of False-Teachers, Prophets, Apostles, and Christs (Video)
The NAR antidote to coronavirus
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Saturate 2020 adherants are those who are drunk and think they can save the planet
by Sandy Simpson 
This DVD is a message based on this article.
Commentators seem to think that this section of Habakkuk was addressing the Ceasars and their drunken desire for power.  Seems these two things often go together.
Those who love drunk in the spirit are no exception.  They are trying to get others to share in their debauchery and the false hope of an end-times worldwide revival, currently through the Saturate 2020 events.  Though these were two of the heretical distinctives of the New Order of the Latter Rain, these ideas are nothing new.  The righteous continue to live by faith, while the proud boast in their drunken state.
Go here for ordering information.
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DITC e-Newsletter
Volume 82, Issue 8 
Dear Friends, 

1 Pet. 2:1-3 But false prophets also appeared among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their indecent behavior, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

We really need your financial help todayFollow the donation link if you wish to help support this ministry. You can order products by clicking on them below! As always, you can see the DITC e-Newsletter archive here and sign up to receive this newsletter or unsubscribe there as well.
Check out the new URL for Act TV.  Disregard the former URL.
We are moving our YouTube channel to Remnant Television Network (RTN TV). Click on the video below for more information and come visit the RTN site here: 
at Lighthouse Trails, 11/18/20

My son is a freshman at Gordon College. We enrolled him because we believed the school is a solid Christian college. But now, we have serious issues with what is going on campus this semester. We and many other parents of Gordon students are extremely concerned with the direction things are going. So if you are considering sending your student to Gordon College next year, please contact me at my e-mail address. The biggest symptom of what we see is a falling away from the biblical principles that the school stands for, is the division being caused on campus by the Black Lives Matter movement. Student BLM activists have been exhibiting less than Christ-like behavior, such as racially divisive signs on campus. And one of the most serious concerns is that students who oppose BLM, or oppose social justice/Critical Race Theory are being vilified, intimidated, harassed, and even coerced into participating in activities which they do not agree with! These are all symptoms of a bigger problem, in which social-justice ideology is supplanting a biblical worldview on a college campus which we were certain would provide a solid basis for my son's learning and spiritual growth. That is all in doubt now! I have attended or listened to chapel messages where Scripture was twisted (by college professors!) into a social-justice theme. My son has not learned much about God's Word in many of these chapel services. Racial issues seem to be overly-discussed in many classes, and activities and events are almost all themed on racial issues-but again, always slanted towards those who support BLM and social-justice causes. If you disagree, you are disapproved of, or you are forced to stay silent.

Click here to read this article!
Beth Moore Preaches About As Well As A Dog Can Walk On Its Hind Legs
by Protestia, 11/19/20

That is to say, not very well. You want to hear some bad preaching? We have some bad preaching for you. In a newly unearthed clip, Beth Moore - both the doting perfect princess of Lifeway/SBC proper and the red-headed stepchild of the faithful remnant within, preached a sermon in March 2020 at Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago. She was introduced by Senior Pastor Charlie Dates in glowing terms as "Auntie Beth," who commended her to his congregation "I hope you will receive with me with all the honor in the world, the esteemed privilege we have to hear from one of God's leading women in the world, Beth Moore." If the name Charlie Dates sounds familiar, you likely know him from an article we wrote where we relayed that, being an SBC Executive Committee Panel Member, he said the SBC "Don't Need Black Faces with White Theology/Voices/Ideas Leading the Convention." But in the clip below, Moore makes this fascinatingly bizarre and eisegetical connection between Noah getting drunk at some point after becoming a farmer and...Christians getting drunk off their own fruity giftedness? And something about getting lit and being alone? Who are the sons covering Noah's nakedness? Is that metaphorical too? What in world is going on here? The historical-grammatical method is far, far away from this one.

by Ted Kyle, 11/24/20
There is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:9). Everything that man can do to man has been done before-and will be done again. This is especially true of false teachers and prophets leading the credulous astray. It was done anciently; it was done in the middle years; it is being done today; and it will be done in the end of days. More about the connection with today and the last days, after a bit of historical catching-up. This trail of betrayal and delusion began with the first gathering of mankind together into a nation. That nation was ruled by Nimrod (Gen. 10:8; 1 Chron. 1:10; Micah 5:6), until his death; and in that same general time frame, God splintered the proto-nation into family (tribal) groups with the confusion of tongues at Babel. But then, as Alexander Hislop (1807-1865) pieced pre-history together1, Semiramis, Nimrod's widow, was the guiding (human) spirit behind a new religion artfully crafted to pull the tribes of man back into a new spiritual unity-and ultimately a political unity as well. Guiding the guide, of course, was Satan, ever intent on thwarting God's plans for man and substituting his own.
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Scan our "What's New!" page for a spinning "Special" logo to get that product for 50% off.  Items will change weekly.  The special only pertains to one physical item weekly, not downloads.

Walking the Waves
by Juanita Simpson

Bible Studies in Discernment
Idolatry In Their Hearts 
Lessons In Forgiveness 
Finish The Race 
New Apostolic Reformation Book 
Letters To The Church 
Discernent Toolkit 


 Some of the following DVDs and CDs are available free on

Saturate 2020 adherents are those who are drunk and think they can save the planet 

A Warning about Saturate 2020
by Sandy Simpson & Marco Quintana

The Letter to Laodicea
Is a Warning to the TRUE Church Today

The Overseer

Jesus Cares for All your Needs!

Two Lessons from Jonah


Almost Saved

The Forgotten Facts about Michael Brown of Brownsville 



Bradford Pear Christianity

The Lord's Prayer - Our Prayer

Toolkit DVD Series





  IPM DVD Series  
Sola Scriptura  
  Testing Music In The Church DVD Set
  Resources For Pastors  
  Blasphemizing The Bible    
A Tale Of Two Kingdoms  
Signs Of Apostasy In The Churches In The End Times 1Signs Of Apostasy In The Churches In The Ends Times 2 
ED DVD Series 
A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days! - Part 1  
The Responsibilities Of A Good Shepherd 
Christian Bookstores 
ElijahList Part 1 
The Extreme Prophetic 
NAR DVD Series 
EC Tools 
Emerging Church DVD 
Toolkit DVD Series 
Spirit of Truth or Spirit of Error? 
Living Water 2003 
Discernment Conference 2001 
Bible Studies in Discernment 
May the Lord bless you as you continue to be a Berean!
In His hands,

Sandy Simpson
Apologetics Coordination Team
Apologetics Coordination Team, P.O. Box 1759, Pearl City, HI 96782
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