by James Sundquist


Rock Salt Publishing

I am writing this article as a letter in response to a SOS email I received from a sister whose church has been contaminated with Richard Foster and John Ortberg teachings, who will presenting it to her board of deacons and directors of her church.  Even before I wrote two books exposing Rick Warren, I wrote an article exposing Willowcreek Church where John Ortberg was once a teaching pastor.  (see: are so many problems with Ortberg, it is hard to know where to begin.  But the fact that he was a major pastor at Willowcreek (Hybels) should alone disqualify him.  He promoted equality of women as pastors there.


He is presently a pastor at Menlo Park, CA Presbyterian Church where he had as a speaker Jim Wallis who is one of Obama's spiritual advisors and an enemy of Israel, promotes Palestinian State, putting a curse on himself.


Here is what I wrote on Ortberg in my second book on Warren entitled: Rick Warren's Global Peace Plan vs. Scripture: 


Support for a Palestinian State within the present borders of Israel and at the expense of Israel is also
a common view within the Church Growth Movement, as evidenced by a July 23, 2002 

Letter to President Bush containing the following statement signed by John Ortberg:


"We commend your stated support for a Palestinian state with 1967 borders, and encourage you to move boldly forward so that the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for their own state may be realized."



My friends at Lighthouse Trails wrote this on him:


I wrote extensively on exposing Richard Foster.  Foster, a Quaker, ironically, almost single-handedly is responsible for importing Roman Catholicism into conservative Christian church by bringing in Roman Catholic spiritual disciplines (i.e., mysticism).  Here is my expose on him:


Foster and Ortberg are major promoters of each other (left and right ventricle) of Spiritual Formation.  Here is Ortberg having Foster as his guest on his TV show:

(note how Foster touts mystic Jean-Pierre de Caussade)


I demolish this in my letter to Richard Foster defender...scroll down to Caussade. This is so critical, I am going attach it in a separate email to you...but it is also in the second Richard Foster expose link I wrote under Richard Foster above)


Ortberg is promoting Bipolar Disorder at a health conference at his church:


I refute Bipolar in this article:


Ortberg promotes Dallas Willard and spiritual disciplines:

Proof video:


Here is Lighthouse Trails demolition of Dallas Willard


Ortberg promotes Henry Cloud on his show. Here is a good expose on Cloud/Townsend's book "Boundaries" entitled: Boundaries - A Real Marriage Wrecker


John Ortberg promotes Ken Blanchard...proof


I expose Ken Blanchard (whom Rick Warren also promotes) in my second book on Warren, as does Lighthouse Trails Research


Do your own search on John Ortberg's website for other bizarre teachings and false teachers he promotes:


John Ortberg is promoting the next Rethink Conference at arch apostate Robert Schuller's postponed to 2010.  Proof:


If there remain any doubts about this conference, check out the speakers in the last conference in 2008, which reads like a who's who in apostasy and emerging church.  And read Roger Oakland's commentary on Schuller's Rethink Conference:


Bottom line, Ortberg should be on your Most-Wanted List of Apostates.  There appears to be no end to the unholy alliances he has formed. Certainly, your church should run from this man, let alone become an accomplice by promoting him and thus sharing in his iniquity.


I hope this will be sufficient documentation for your church to publicly renounce John Ortberg and do like Joseph flee!



James Sundquist


Rock Salt Publishing