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In This Issue
Featured Discernment Link
The Deeper Teaching About The Self...the delusion
The Inclusive Universal Counterfeit god[s] (DVD)
A Berean Exercise: "Christian" Magazines
Letter to the Editor: Churchless in North Americ
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How To Find A Good Church  
by Sandy Simpson, 2003
Here's how to find a good church.  What you need to find is a church that not only has orthodox doctrinal statements but teaches, both explicitly and implicitly, in line with the core doctrines of the Faith.  These are Bible-believing Christ-centered churches that are balanced in their theology.  Be sure to test all churches before you become involved.  It is acceptable to get involved with a house church or Bible study as long as there is someone who has the gift of teaching there to lead the study of God's Word. 
Hebrews 10:25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
The Christian life is not one to be lived alone.  Trust me; I have sympathy for those who have been spiritually injured by false churches, false prophets, false teachers and false apostles.  It is often a long road back from the diaprax of heresy.  But to undo the brainwashing you will need help, especially from those who are already ahead of you on your journey back.  The first century church was known for the following:
Acts 2:42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
This is a good gauge to tell if you are involved in an effective assembly of believers, no matter how small.  Remember that the first century churches were in homes.  In my experience smaller churches are much better at doing the above and more.  Avoid mega churches.

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DITC e-Newsletter
Volume 75, Issue 8 
Dear Friends, 

1 Corinthians 15:33  Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals."
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The Deeper Teaching About The Self...the delusion
by Bill Randles, 7/11/19
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)

I hope I have made it obvious, to all who have ears to hear, that our society is being set up for a delusion which will be damning. God will send this delusion as a judgment, but only as the culmination of a thousand little steps in the direction, freely chosen by those who will be judged in it. They who will be deluded had to have rejected the Truth revealed in the Incarnation of Jesus, and by the Apostles and Prophets of the Bible.
The Inclusive Universal Counterfeit god[s] (DVD)
by Mike Oppenheimer, 7/12/19 Let Us Reason

A new world religion is being formed, and it has everything to do with the church compromising. I can't think of a better counterfeit to introduce the false Christ to the world, saying he is the son of all the gods of the nations. While at the same time diminishing the importance of Israel's role in delivering us the Son of God through its lineage. The whole bible is focused on God and his Son, on his covenant with Israel and the lineage of whom he would be incarnated through. Recently at a foursquare conference some Hawaiian pastors spoke on the Hawaiian people knowing the true God (Io, who they claim is Triune) before the missionaries came. Some were mentored by Daniel Kikawa (whose mentor is Don Richardson). Both who are pioneers in this inclusive universal god movement. What does it mean when you hear someone say that their supreme god from a nation like Korea, or Japan, or Hawaii sent the Son of God? Biblically, It changes who the Father is and gives the church a counterfeit son and gospel. In the last days Jesus commends the church twice for  keeping His word, and not denying His name Rev 3:8. There is something important about this applied to prophecy. If one uses another gods name for the Father or the Son they are denying both. Why because these other gods whom some call supreme are not the true God of Israel that sent the Son. I made this video to convey in the simplest manner possible what is taking place, so people understand this movement the church is facing.  This has become a road to unity with all gods (Gods of other religions) and we need to know about it. Over 45 minutes (with power point and video)
A Berean Exercise: "Christian" Magazines
by The Berean Call, 7/13/19 The Berean Call
?A staff member handed me a couple of the latest magazine issues we received in order to review them. They were Christianity Today (CT) and Charisma Magazine (CM). We subscribe to them in order to keep up to date regarding teachings that are being disseminated throughout Christendom. In general they are representative of seemingly diverse Christian theological positions. CT was founded by Billy Graham and has been described as "a mainstream evangelical magazine." Its beginnings were conservative, doctrinally, and Graham was considered an icon of fundamentalism. Not too long afterward, however, he began praising modernists (Christian liberals of that day) and involving them in his crusades. His later crusades included Roman Catholic priests and nuns as counselors who were to direct those Catholics who responded to Graham's message back to their Catholic churches! Those seeds have produced the Christianity Today of our day. It is unabashedly liberal and pro-Catholic, which underscores its ongoing disregard of biblical Christianity.

Click here to read this article!
Letter to the Editor: Churchless in North America
at Lighthouse Trails, 7/14/19 LT Publishing  
We are writing this letter to encourage others in their journey to find a Bible-believing church that values sound biblical doctrine and the authority of Scripture.  We became aware of a significant shift in our C&MA [Christian & Missionary Alliance] church after they picked-up a new hip pastor from a California mega church.  Some of the first things we noticed included the new lingo and dress-down look, the extensive use of The Message, the feel good TED Talks salted with a few out-of-context Scriptures, the kicking out of the old worship team and the bringing in of the very loud rock-band-style worship along with smoke and lights, the removal of mailboxes in order to bring in the Emerging pastor's book table, removal of crosses and Bibles (one day, we led a couple to Christ and could not find one Bible in the church to give them), the embracement of native-related issues with an actual smudging ceremony performed in the sanctuary, the supporting of community organizations that embrace abortion and homosexuality, the social-gospel message, SHE conferencing, and the promotion of Yoga, etc.  The list is endless and goes on and on, typical for a lot of mega churches (emerging/seeker sensitive/purpose driven).  

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As you know, if you are a frequent user of the DITC website, we offer thousands of FREE articles archived or linked from our site.  You can also search for articles on our site and other excellent discernment sites, browse by topic and find the latest articles for the past two months.  We also offer many apologetics DVDs, CDs, books and other materials for purchase using PayPal or by check/money order by mail.

We now have a number of our DVD videos available for instant download via PayLoadz. To see which ones we have available you will find the following symbol next that item on the main pages of the ACT site as well as on the item order page. The DVD videos available with this feature are in MP4 format, playable on your computer or personal device as long as you have a program on it that can play back MP4s. Due to storage restrictions the instant download version of the DVD videos we have available in MP4 format are of slightly less resolution as the DVD version.  However with this option you save shipping and handling and delivery time.  The videos are $10. each and PayLoadz will send you to PayPal for payment. Just go to the page of the item you wish to download and if you see the logo above it will have a "Add To Cart" button where you can download the video immediately.  So now you have a choice.  I also now have downloadable MP3s available for the same MP4 videos at $3. each.

Scan our "What's New!" page for a spinning "Special" logo to get that product for 50% off.  Items will change weekly.  The special only pertains to one physical item weekly, not downloads.

Walking the Waves
by Juanita Simpson

Bible Studies in Discernment
Idolatry In Their Hearts 
Lessons In Forgiveness 
Finish The Race 
New Apostolic Reformation Book 
Letters To The Church 
Discernent Toolkit 

 Some of the following DVDs and CDs are available free on

A Short History of Dominionism

Maturity Training


Bradford Pear Christianity

The Lord's Prayer - Our Prayer

Toolkit DVD Series





  IPM DVD Series  
Sola Scriptura  
  Testing Music In The Church DVD Set
  Resources For Pastors  
  Blasphemizing The Bible    
A Tale Of Two Kingdoms  
Signs Of Apostasy In The Churches In The End Times 1Signs Of Apostasy In The Churches In The Ends Times 2 
ED DVD Series 
A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days! - Part 1  
The Responsibilities Of A Good Shepherd 
Christian Bookstores 
ElijahList Part 1 
The Extreme Prophetic 
NAR DVD Series 
EC Tools 
Emerging Church DVD 
Toolkit DVD Series 
Spirit of Truth or Spirit of Error? 
Living Water 2003 
Discernment Conference 2001 
Bible Studies in Discernment 
May the Lord bless you as you continue to be a Berean!
In His hands,

Sandy Simpson
Apologetics Coordination Team
Apologetics Coordination Team, P.O. Box 1759, Pearl City, HI 96782
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