
Volume Three, Issue Ten

Volume 3, Issue 10

Dear All,

A lot is going on these days.  Check out our "What's New!" page frequently for updates on important articles and news stories.


Albert James Dager, author of another substantial booklet exposing the doctrines of the Third Wave called "Kingdom Theology" is, at this moment, working on a new series called "The World Christian Movement - Evangelism Vs. Evangelization" in his magazine Media Spotlight, Volume 22 - Number 1 (Summer 1999).  He has completed Part 1 and Part 2 so far.

You can order this magazine from:

Media Spotlight
P.O. Box 290
Redmond, WA 98073-0290

This is an important article exposing the agenda behind, what is shaping up to be, the apostate world church.  Though some of the goals of these organizations are lofty, other goals are hidden and unbiblical.  Right now I think it is imperative that churches, church leaders and mission organizations be alerted to "Evangelization" efforts such as the Lighthouse Movement, the World Prayer Center, and others that are listed in this article.

In Christ,
Sandy Simpson, missionary


"The World Christian Movement - EvangelismVs. Evangelization"
by Albert James Dager
Media Spotlight
Volume 22 - Number 1 (Summer 1999)
Read Part 1 and Part 2.